
A business proposition

Jun 6th, 2014
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  1. >you are anon
  2. >barely anypony wants to hire you
  3. >you've been barely making ends meet
  4. >though you yourself know that if you sold some of the artwork you have stashed away you will make more bits
  5. >Too Shy too sell it yourself in fear of rejection
  6. >its afternoon you just finished working
  7. >been a shitty day you just got fired for yelling at the boss's kid
  8. >you walk through the park and see whorse
  9. >you look at the sign
  10. "20 for anything eh"
  11. >the brown mare looked at you and wiped away her tears, or cum you couldn't tell
  12. >"yeah, anything"
  13. >you grin
  14. "then i have business proposition"
  15. >you explain your current situation and the solution
  16. >she looked rather surprised and very confused
  17. >"so you want me to take credit for your work"
  18. >you nod
  19. "and if it sells we split it 50/50"
  20. >"but why me"
  21. "I'm desperate, besides I can offer it to someone-"
  22. >"I'LL DO IT"
  23. >the mare screamed so loud that even tirek could hear from tartaurus
  24. >you nod
  25. "come, Let's give you a hot bath, and some pancakes"
  26. >so the two of you went on your way all the while talking on how the distribution will go
  28. >after some pancakes and eggs te two of you went to sleep
  29. "we sleep in separate beds"
  30. >you being the gentleman that you are slept on the floor whilst your guest slept on your bed
  31. >after you made sure she was sound asleep by wacking her with your night night cane you went to work on the comic
  32. >your first comic was a simple one, a dragon ball z rip off with a pony twist
  33. >the sales were pretty big, your comic even got the attention of the a small time publisher
  34. >turns out you were the first to make a manga since the graphic novels around here are usually aimed a little kids
  35. >you felt something you felt something your chest, it felt good and you wanted to feel more
  36. >meanwhile your partner took most of the bits but you acted like you didn't know since it was more than enough to feed and pay for your rent so life is good for now
  37. >for now....
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