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Cashmere shop

a guest
Apr 16th, 2012
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  1. [15:06:14] <Cashmere> Everything was PERFECT! He had gotten new fabrics shipped in, tons of shiny new needles, and gems by the basket load! He was in full creative mode! Cash was ready to take whoever came through the door, and give them the bag of their dreams! Practically bouncing on the tips of his hooves with joy, he LOVED stocking day! It was the best day to get creative.
  2. [15:08:21] Urban-Flight was shouting some tune at the top of his lungs while bounding through the streets of town. The earth pony was flipping and hoping over every and anything that stood in his way, much to intrigue of the surrounding ponies. (c)
  3. [15:09:36] Urban-Flight caught himself balancing atop a park bench when he noticed a saddle shop. up untill then he'd been carrying his bits pouch in his teeth almost all the town. The pony mulled the idea of saddle bags over before hoping down and trotting toward the shop. "wonder how good dis ponies gear is"
  4. [15:15:03] <Ignition> Elsewhere, unfair was happening. A pegasus was having a race with two earthponies, and she wasn't even tying to let them catch up. Okay, yeah, she'd -kind- of dropped hot rainbow-fluid all over a barn, then -sort- of taken out all the windows of some tree-house and put them all on the roof, and -slightly- broke into a school for no real reason. Seriously, these guys needed to lighten up. Or,
  5. [15:15:03] <Ignition> for that matter, hurry up. She could`ve been flying circles around 'em at this rate! Or, at least, she assumed she could. The reality was that somewhat different. Still, there was the pegasus, ripping her way though the air with a harsh, somewhat mocking laugh, while whistles blew behind her. "Hey! I thought you cops were supposed to be horses! Cut down on the hay, tu-whoop!" A net,
  6. [15:15:03] <Ignition> narrowly dodged, and so the chase resumed. This was great fun, as far as Ignition was concerned! But, whoops, new town ahead. Probably a good idea to loose the fuzz. So, head for some buildings, and start weaving! A red blur passed in front of the shop, with two larger stallions in tow. For now, the chase had simply passed by.*
  7. [15:18:12] <IronHeart> Alas, the perfect day was about to meet a less than desirable visitor. Trotting through the town at his own slow, menacing pace, IronHeart's deep red eyes were scanning the place, taking in both his surroundings and the faces of those who lived here; if he was going to become socially acceptable and not a criminal, he would have to learn to blend in, no? (c)
  8. [15:20:13] <IronHeart> As he stopped in front of a certain shop that had taken his eye, he dawdled for long enough for a pegasus to zoom past him, IronHeart swerving to the side quick enough to not get flattened. However, as he did this, one of the cops clattered into him, knocking both of them flat. "Watch it." IronHeart hissed through his teeth, getting up and shaking the (c)
  9. [15:23:02] <IronHeart> dust off of his pelt before watching the cop look at him, before taking off after his co-worker, unknowing that IronHeart had effectively emptied the money from his saddle-bag in the confusion. "Stupid lawbringers" he uttered to himself as he plodded towards the shop's entrance. (d)
  10. [15:23:18] <Cashmere> Cash heard running and blinked checking his window, putting his hooves on the window , tilting is head curiously... what a mess.. but shrugged going back over to one of his dummies, horn glowing with dark purple magic as rolls of fabric flew over to him and he started inspecting them, hearing hooves towards his shop..yay customers!
  11. [15:24:14] Urban-Flight snorted as his mane, as messed up as it already was now covered his field of vision. The stallion grumbled and slipped himself into the saddle shop. Noticing the pony wandering by a ponycin he tried his hoof at being polite. "Yo what's good pony dude, pretty hoofin day out huh?"
  12. [15:25:13] Insight had been searching for a saddle shop for a while now. His was old and worn out, with a few holes and some damage to the lining. He figured a good repair would do the trick but it was high time he got a new one. He had found Cashmere's Bag Boutique, and trotted toward it merrily.
  13. [15:29:27] <Cashmere> Cash blinked at the sudden flow of ponies, smiling warmly "Greetings! Welcome to my shop, there are refreshments and goodies in the sitting area, what may I do for you two gentlemen today?" A tapemeasure hovering, readying to take measurments in a snap.
  14. [15:35:48] Urban-Flight raised a brow at the eager demenor of the shop keeper but shrugged and waved a hoof. "Uhh...look think you got a set of saddle bags for a very active stallion? i'm talkin a pony who's constantly jumpin and climbin things you know?"
  15. [15:36:10] Insight was a bit startled at the number of ponies visiting this shop. Perhaps it was a really really good shop. He let out a smile and said, "Hello! I'm interested in buying a new saddlebag. I'm interesting in something practical for traveling."
  16. [15:36:32] <Ignition> Run fast, fly faster! Turn, twist, weave, swoop, dive and soar! Over streets! Around buildings! Through alleys! It was a rush, and for all that Ignition could have just pulled up and left her pursuit on the ground, leading them on was way more exciting. Not quite as exciting as taking a fellow pegasus for a run, but it was still a rush! Still, she swore she was picking up more ponies, and
  17. [15:36:32] <Ignition> if she teased the ground-ponies too long or too much, they might get the drop on her eventually. So, time so start looping back and looking for a quick hidey-hole. Something with lots of colour, not too much noteriety, and maybe more than one entrance... Her mind raced, going through possibilities in a hurry. Still fun! "Hey, you snails should be thanking me! *Huff* Betchya haven't had to run this much for months! Ha-ha!" Still fun, and still outrageously cheeky.*
  18. [15:37:57] <Cashmere> "A bag with very high endurance? Very simple my good man" He said sending a measuring tape over to Urban, starting to measure him for one, then turning his gaze to Insight "Oh yes I can do that! A bag with comfy straps and durablity for traveling" a second measuring tape zooming over him "Do you two have any color prefferences?" He tended to make the bags unique to the ponies that wore them.
  19. [15:38:56] <Insight> "Hmmm..." Insight lifted a hoof to his chin as he began to think. "I dunno, maybe something really simple... a soft earth brown probably?"
  20. [15:39:39] <Ignition> (( Hey Cash, quick couple questions - does Cashmere's place have multiple above-ground floors, and does it have a back entrance? ))
  21. [15:39:56] <Cashmere> "Sounds like a good color for a down to earth stallion such as yourself" he nodded agreeing "I can work with that" Getting the ponies measurments and writing them on a piece of paper so he can begin work, bouncing on his hooves "Eeeh this will be so fun!"
  22. [15:40:01] <Cashmere> (yep two stories, back door)
  23. [15:40:08] <Cashmere> (lives on the top)
  24. [15:40:48] Urban-Flight blinked alittle and thought to himself. a bags a bag isnt it? "uhh...whatever you think is best yo."
  25. [15:43:13] <Cashmere> Cash looked slightly bothered by Urban's dismissive attitude for his art, but decided something sporty and loud would fit the white as Rarity's behind pony "Very well, do go relax in the sitting room while I work?"
  26. [15:44:17] Insight nodded at Cashmere and sat in the corner as he waited while the Unicorn worked. He looked at the other Pony in the room and was a bit awkward because he looked a bit to serious. Still he tried not to stare.
  27. [15:45:58] Urban-Flight sighed and unceremoniously sat down. the stallion hated down time like this but it was a needed sacrafice. The stallion couldn't help but catch glances of the unicorn beside him looking his direction. It was starting to make him fidget uncomfortably. "Uh...Hey?"
  28. [15:48:17] <IronHeart> As IronHeart waited in the line to be seen to by Cashmere, he yawned loudly, looking in the direction that the red blur of a pegasus had disappeared from; he began to wonder what she'd done that had made her fall foul of the law, but the thoughts quickly left his mind. He just wanted to get a new bag and continue with his little vigilante mission
  29. [15:49:08] <Ignition> *Places, places, places... Place! Cashmere had the ubiquitous honour of playing host to an on-the-run troublemaker, and the only real warning he'd have of it was the red blitzkrieg making a bee-line for the back door of his botique. K-THOOM! In went the door, in came the red blur! Ignition stopped for only a split-second, kicking the door back shut behind her, and WOOSH! Up the stairs she
  30. [15:49:08] <Ignition> went, without so much an explanation as a muffled laugh. Wind, of course, goes absolutely everywhere, as one might expect from the slipstream of any fast-moving pegasus. Organization, shmorganization, anything that's not reasoably heavy is going to have the distinct joy of flight for a few seconds, and then, chaos will be allowed to reorganize for a more modernite decor. The pegasus herself,
  31. [15:49:08] <Ignition> however, simply tried to find a closet, bed-underneath, or other similar place in which to stow away for a little while.*
  32. [15:49:57] <Cashmere> Cash glanced at Iron Heart as he worked on the other two bags and smiled "and what sort of bag do you need sir?" He asked, easily working on the two bags at once, and seemed to really be enjoying it since well it WAS his special talent... of course he lost focus when a Red blur blew up his stairs after forcing it's way through his back door "wHAT ON earth....?" hE ASKED FROWNING LIGHTLY.
  33. [15:52:15] Urban-Flight let out something between a yelp and growl as bolts of fabric ripped loose from the wall and quickly fell into a mountain where previously the grey earth pony had sat. Aggitated he poked his head out from under the mass with gritted teeth. "Yo what the buck was that?!"
  34. [15:52:41] <Insight> "Oh hey hi..." Insight smiled at Urban. But then suddenly a loud bang was heard that seemed to come from the back of the shop.
  35. [15:53:53] <IronHeart> As he was spoken to by Cashmere, IronHeart took a few paces forwards, managing a small smile as his eyes seemed to pierce the shopkeeper. "I need something hard-wearing. Something that's gonna stand the test of time. Something..." He was interrupted by a thunderous noise from the back of the shop that caused IronHeart to rear up on his guard, his horn (c)
  36. [15:55:17] <IronHeart> Crackling with energy. As Cashmere spoke, he regained his composure, sternly looking to the back of the shop. "You might want to see what's going on back there. Or I'd be happy to. S'your call, bud."
  37. [15:57:49] <Cashmere> " I'll go look into it, and I'll resume work on all of your bags promplty" He said and sighed at the mess "I spent hours getting them just right" He muttered heading up the stairs "You there! Um..Halt right there criminal scum and come out with your HOOVES where I can see them!"
  38. [16:00:32] <Ignition> "'Halt right there, criminal scum?' Do you 'vills seriously talk like that?" The pegasus in question did not, in fact, come out, keeping hidden for now. "Seriously though, chill. Gimme, like, five minutes and I'll be outta your mane. Promise."
  39. [16:01:27] <Cashmere> "It worked in something I watched once" He huffed "You vandalized my store, strew my matterial EVERYWHERE AND you bothered my customers! Get your flank out here right NOW Young lady!"
  40. [16:04:20] <Ignition> "I didn't vandalize your store! Honest! No paint anywhere!" Well, that much was true - no paint. She hadn't paid -any- attention to whether or not she'd cracked, chipped, or dented the door with her entrance. "You won't even know I'm here, just gimme a few." If he listened carefully enough, he might be able to discern that the voice was coming from his own room.
  41. [16:05:42] <Cashmere> His ears flattened as he trotted to his room and opened the door "Will you get OUT of my closet!? I spent HOURS cleaning it!" He exclaimed huffing, plus everypony knew only CASH stayed in his closet
  42. [16:08:54] <Ignition> "I'm not in your closet! I'm under your bed! I..." She stopped for a second, then muttered. "Aw, man, that was dumb. Okay, fiiiiiine." With that, the pegasus started pulling herself out from under the bed. Mane - a windswept mess of red, orange and yellow. Tail, not much different. Coat, ruffled and dusty. Eyes, squeezed shut for the moment. But, given a minute, she'd be out,
  43. [16:08:54] <Ignition> upright and shaking herself off a bit. That is, if Cashmere didn't try to apprehend her first.
  44. [16:10:11] <Cashmere> "Well that worked" He said and huffed "Look at you such a mess" He said hovering over a washcloth to start wiping her face off " And you probably damaged my door to boot! at LEAST you closed it"
  45. [16:14:45] <Ignition> *The washcloth was, of course, pretty much unwelcome, and she attempted to keep it away from her face. "Ackphthththhh, quit it!" A half-hearted attempt was made to kick at the washcloth, one hoof in the air, the pegasus taking a few steps back. "Go bug your customers, wouldjya?"
  46. [16:16:12] <Cashmere> "You are in my house,accept my help or I will call for the guards" He said bluntly, moving it towards her face again smirking ever so softly.
  47. [16:18:17] <IronHeart> IronHeart may not have followed Cashmere up the stairs to verify that the culprit was indeed the pegasus, but her voice gave her away. This, to say the least, intrigued the dark grey colt; he would have to track her, should she be a criminal of a certain caliber. Toying with the chain dangling from his shackle, he patiently waited for the shopkeeper to (c)
  48. [16:19:05] <IronHeart> come back down the stairs to see to his request of a new bag. Although he knew what he'd rather be doing between waiting and going out on a mission.
  49. [16:20:23] <Ignition> "Guards, schmards! They can't fly, whadda I care?" Stubborn, meet other stubborn. For as much as Cashmere wanted to employ a little tactical karma, Ignition felt no real obligation to bear the brunt of her misbehavior. Still, she kept up the kicking and the weaving, trying to avoid being facecloth'd.*
  50. [16:21:18] <Cashmere> He shrugged "There's a rather big burly one downstairs that I could send to deal with you, and no they can't fly /I/ However can paralize" he said continuing to try and wash her face.
  51. [16:29:39] <IronHeart> IronHeart simply couldn't sit still any longer. Standing up to full height, he padded over to the foot of the stairs, speaking loud enough to be heard, but not so loud that he was shouting. "Everything under control up there?" His question asked, a wry smile graced his lips; this had the potential to be a lot of fun...
  52. [16:29:48] <Ignition> "Hey, pal, I know my rights! Those kind of spells are way outta line!" She continued to be stubborn, but simply tried to snatch the facecloth. If she -had- to get the dust off her face, she'd at least rather do so herself. "Quit it!"
  53. [16:30:34] <Cashmere> Cashmere heard the voice and smirked lightly "What's it going to be? Work with me and coopearate and clean up the mess you made? Or the guard down there?" he asked, she was gonna clean up taht dang mess!
  54. [16:34:55] <Ignition> Option one, as far as she was concerned, was 'pretend to help for three minutes, then dart off whenever she felt like it'. Option two was 'call his bluff, then dart off through a window'. The first... he kinda creeped her out, what with the threats of paralysis and the waving things in her face. The second sounded more fun. The pegasus let out a snort, narrowing her eyes a bit. "Fine!
  55. [16:34:55] <Ignition> I'll go meet the guard! It's not like you can charge me with anything!" She did this sort of thing often enough - teasing the law, that was. Sure, she might get caught, but that didn't really matter, she never did anything serious enough to get grounded for more than a few days anyhow.
  56. [16:36:44] <Cashmere> " Yeah there's a problem up here, could you help me deal with it please?" he called down the stairs ,horn focusing, so a eerie purple glow started to cover the bratty filly.
  57. [16:39:28] Urban-Flight flicked his ears back and forth, kicking the fabrics from around himself stretching out before trotting upstairs himself. "Hmm, trouble? sounds fun~"
  58. [16:40:20] <Ignition> *Purple glow? FTFO! There was pretty much no way that would end well at all, which of course got the mare in a bit of a panic. "Hey, hey hey hey hey! You have exactly two seconds to cut that out! Not kidding around, pal!" And, indeed, she wasn't. Cashmere would have a few seconds to react, and if the glow didn't go away, then she'd make an attempt of whirling around and kicking Cashmere
  59. [16:40:20] <Ignition> full in the face.*
  60. [16:41:26] <IronHeart> That was his cue. With Cashmere's blessing, IronHeart began to slowly make his way up the stairs, each step resonating as his horn began to glower violently. By the time he had reached the room that both of them were in, he had laid eyes on the pegasus; he towered over her, which was always helpful when it came to intimidation. However, he had something (c)
  61. [16:42:46] <IronHeart> different in his mind than to turn her in to the law. After all, the law was for sissies. But for now, he would continue to play the part. "You're coming with me, I'm afraid." IronHeart stated. If she tried anything brash, and he hoped she would, she'd find herself in a gravity well rather quickly...
  62. [16:43:50] Insight was wondering what all the fuss was about. He didn't want to get involved so he stayed put hoping that this big commotion would just blow over. He needed to continue on his travels so could not afford another delay.
  63. [16:46:40] <Cashmere> He kept her still, having the purple glow cover her completly "I gave you your chance but you had to be a smart aleck instead"
  64. [16:49:19] <Ignition> *This was -extremely- bad! At this rate, she would've far rathered the cops!* "Whoa whoa whoa, wait a minute, wait a minute. I'm not going anywhere until you actually ch-charge me with anything!" Okay, now she was immobilized, and she was... eighty percent certain that wasn't a real officer. The pegasus was now officially 'nervous'.
  65. [16:50:13] <Cashmere> "I can charge you with breaking and entering, the destruction of Private property, and in general public disturbance" he offered huffing lightly "Besides I already asked if you'd like to help clean up instead and you refused"
  66. [16:52:22] <Ignition> "Okay, one, opening an unlocked door to an open store isn't breaking and entering. Two, I didn't break anything. Three, what public disturbance? I didn't do anything!" She was pretty sure that she was being kidnapped. That definitely felt like the sort of thing that was happening.
  67. [16:53:22] Urban-Flight hissed from behind the other two stallions "Yo talkin to her ain't gonna get you no where, she's the kind of punk who thinks she ain't never at fault."
  68. [16:53:45] <Cashmere> " You entered private property, the back of my store is my personal living space, that is breaking and entering, you knocked several of my supplies off my shelves damaging, so that is vandalizing my property and You scared TWO of my customers!" He said and huffed " Sir can you handle her from here? I'd like her out of my shop so I can resolve my work"
  69. [16:55:02] Insight had become weary as the argument upstairs began to escalate. All the ponies were getting involved, yet he chose to stand his ground and wait it off.
  70. [16:55:56] <IronHeart> IronHeart had heard enough. He knew that this ne'er gooder was in hot water, and would only get worse should this continue. "Come on. Let's get you out of here." With a glow of his horn, he would have Ignition in a stasis field, making it easier for her to be moved. If his magic would permit it, he would carry her down the stairs and out of the door where (c)
  71. [16:57:41] <IronHeart> he looked her dead in the eye...and with a sly wink, he would release her. "fly." he whispered, before shouting theatrically. "HEY! How did you break my gravity field!? GET BACK HERE!" it was perfect. After all, there was honor amongst thieves. He was just doing what another criminal would do for him, right?
  72. [17:00:24] <Ignition> "Entering, yes, breaking, no. Opening an unlocked door is -so- not against the law. Also, if this is supposed to be your customers when they're scared, I am -so- not coming back here for a sale." And then big, burly, and -totally not a cop- started dragging her off. 'nervous' turned to 'abject fear'. Yep, this was pretty much the definition of kidnapping. "Hey, heyheyheyheyhey pu'medown
  73. [17:00:24] <Ignition> pu'medown pu'medown pu'medown! This isn't okay! This is so not okay!" - And, then, she was out the door, and her wings were working. ...oh. ...oh good, this wasn't kidnapping. That was a releif. She froze for a minute - she was bad at thanks, so it was just a quick smile, and she was off like a shot!
  74. [17:01:24] <Cashmere> Cashmere looked unamused by this whole mess, putting a hoof to his forehead "Ugh...." His house was a wreck there were too theives in his house... he just quietly trotted downstairs, horn glowing as he started to put everything back "I'll finish in a moment Gentlemen give me a moment to deal with this..." ugh he needed a stiff drink.
  75. [17:04:33] Urban-Flight snorts and finds himself sitting beside a pile of fabric....again, how something so exciting could end in such a dull manor annoyed him.
  76. [17:05:42] <IronHeart> IronHeart's work done, he trotted back over to Cashmere's shop, noticing the shopkeeper looking extremely distressed. Feeling a slight pang of sympathy for him, he raised his shackled hoof in gesticulation. "Here, let me help clean up here. You don't deserve all that fuss over being broken into." It wasn't a thieving opportunity, but a genuine act of kindness
  77. [17:06:27] <Cashmere> "I appreciate the help" He said glancing at him with a soft smile as he kept putting the fabric up "Now tell me more about that bag you were wanting?" he hadn't quite heard much about it due to the chaos..
  78. [17:09:57] <IronHeart> Putting the pile of fabric next to Urban back where it belonged, IronHeart remembered why he had come into the shop in the first place. "Ah, yes. I was looking for something that'll stand the test of time, preferably with quite a bit of space and resistant to punctures..." yes, he would need a trusty bag for his vigilante equipment
  79. [17:17:07] <Cashmere> He nodded "I can make you one of those" It took a little work but soon it was clean and organized once again, he measured Iron right quickl and started working on his bag as well as the other two, working furiousl ybut still with the care and concern the bags deerved, before finally taking a breath 'Finished!@"
  80. [17:18:23] Urban-Flight had found his mane to be amazingly interesting in the last half hour. using both hooves to slap and toy with the long curled ends before pulling them over his face. "sweeet celestiaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" He groaned under his breath.
  81. [17:24:08] <IronHeart> As his bag was finished, IronHeart once again rose to full height, shaking off a little as if he had dust on his pelt before making his way over to Cashmere, inspecting the bag that he had toiled over. "This is exactly what I wanted. Thank you" he smiled, satisfied. "So how much do I owe you?"
  82. [17:24:46] <Cashmere> "Oh um.. " He thought on it "Four bits please" He nodded, he never really charged too much for his work anyways...
  83. [17:28:06] <IronHeart> That was all? IronHeart gladly reached into his pouch and produced the amount of currency needed and turned it over to Cashmere with a smile. "Thank you for your service, I'm sure I'll be back here again" He would have transferred all his gear from his old bag to the new one, but his possessions were...private matters.
  84. [17:44:02] Urban-Flight let out a monsterous yawn, the earth pony rubbing his eyes before standing up to stretch. "mmmmmfffff.........been a long day yo, i hate to ask if my bags ready"
  85. [17:44:26] <Cashmere> "I already stated it was finished" He said having the bag hovering in the air lightly so that the other could inspect it.
  86. [17:46:41] Urban-Flight rubbed a hoof on his forhead for a moment before looking at the bag. "Mfff sorry yo, dazed out something fierce" When he saw the bag he couldn't help but smile wide. "Awwww that's tight brony! what i owe ya?"
  87. [17:47:19] <Cashmere> "Same as him, four bits" He said, thoug was pleased that the white boy pony seemed to be happy with the rather loud bag.
  88. [17:48:49] Urban-Flight handed the keeper alittle more then what was requested and smiled as he shook his flank to see if the saddle would fall off "hey...when you off work yo? maybe we can get a drink, shits been crazy today huh?"
  89. [17:48:57] <IronHeart> IronHeart flashed a small smile to Cashmere and Urban before heading outside of the shop, his new bag in tow. He went around the side of the shop to start emptying his old, rugged bag. A large coil of tripwire, prism traps, and the fruit of his last mission, a large mist emerald were all present as he transferred it all into his shiny new bag. However, (c)
  90. [17:49:31] <IronHeart> covert as he was being, he couldn't help but feel he was being watched...
  91. [17:52:06] <Cashmere> "Oh I'll be ending work shortly.. and yes it has indeed been crazy today" He said and smiled lightly in return, "I'm very glad you like the bag so much"
  92. [17:53:35] Urban-Flight nodded but stared at the pony. "If you don't wanna go grab a drink den just say it yano?"
  93. [17:54:03] <Cashmere> "Oh a drink sounds lovely" He nodded "I'm not being rude I apologize if I came off that way"
  94. [17:54:28] <IronHeart> ((The scene is at Cashmere's saddle shop. There's been a bit of a ruckus caused by Ignition, but other than that it's been a normal day for Cash and his shop ^^))
  95. [17:54:39] Urban-Flight roared with laughter "you? rude? haha i'm from the streets of manehattan, you'll never EVER be rude ta me brony"
  96. [17:56:17] <Ignition> *Back up on her own grounds, Ignition might have been found. The pegasus was, for the time being, pretty sure she wanted to stay out of Ponyville for at least a few days, and after that particular run-in with unicorns, she wasn't about to hit up Canterlot, either. Nope, she was staying up where she belonged, suited her just fine.*
  97. [17:56:41] <Cashmere> "I can be quite nasty if you get my temper going..." He said glancing at the new pony that came in "Oh hello there..."
  98. [17:57:36] Urban-Flight couldn't help but snort with laughter sitting down silently so he could keep working. "hehe mmk yo"
  99. [18:02:02] <IronHeart> Finishing up transferring his traps into his shiny new bag, IronHeart began to once again slowly head through the shadows of Ponyville towards the outskirts, reflecting on his day so far. However, this reflection just made him wonder and raise questions; what did that red pegasus do to get in so much trouble? Was it that easy to get away with crime? Was (c)
  100. [18:02:44] <Cashmere> "Do you want some refreshments?" He asked smiling lightly having some biscuits already out.
  101. [18:03:31] <IronHeart> this the reason his mother turned to stealing and mugging to make her coin? So many questions were beginning to make the colt's head hurt. As the sun began to sink, he mused to himself, beginning to hum the song his mother taught him as a foal quietly.
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