
By the power of onions!

Mar 14th, 2013
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  1. >Day onion farm in Equestria
  2. >You are anon, the one and only onion farmer in the entirety of Equestria
  3. >Your fields are full of your crop, you're so very proud of them
  4. >There's only one trouble... the neighbouring farm
  5. >You look over to the neighbouring farm... it's Sweet Apple Hectares
  6. >They've never liked you or your onion farm. In fact, they've actually sent their pigs and cattle over a few times to trample all your crops and then they have the gall to claim it was all an accident
  7. >You've had enough. This morning you caught the youngest of the lot actually going to the toilet in your field!
  8. >You grab your pitchfork and begin to speak to yourself
  9. "Fucking Apples. I'll show them whose crops are wroth more. Just they wait and see.. I'll show them."
  10. >You storm out over to the Apple family barn, banging on their door
  11. >It's only 6:30am, but you know they get up early
  12. >"Ya'll mind coming back later, the shop isn't open yet." one calls out.
  13. >Nope.jpg
  14. >Using the handle of your pitchfork, you begin to smash on the door until it breaks open
  15. >Upon seeing the orange one, you shout at the top of your voice in the most threatening tone you can.
  17. >Upon sight of you and your weapon her eyes immediately shoot wide open and she rushes out of the room, into her hallway
  18. >You take chase, but don't see where she went
  19. "WHERE YOU GO?! Aghh. I was looking for a fight."
  20. >You walk around trying to find her, weapon ready at hand
  21. >You hear a noise from behind you and turn around, expecting to see her.
  22. >You don't see her, but you walk up to the door and begin to chuckle
  23. "HA, stupid pony. You die now!"
  24. >Smashing open the door with a smile on your face, you don't see the orange one, but instead, the red one.
  25. >"Eeeehnope."
  26. >With a thud, you feel your gut burst into a flame like pain and collapse, blacking out on the floor
  27. 1/3
  29. >You feel yourself being dragged across the floor, though your limbs are tied up behind your back
  30. >It couldn't have been long that you were out for, since you're still in the vicinity of Sweet Apple, you can smell it
  31. >Still, you don't like what's going on here
  32. "You're going to hurt me, aren't you?"
  33. >You ask with worry in your voice, knowing full well the answer, given your situation
  34. >"Eeeyup."
  35. >...Well shit.
  36. >"Ah figure ya'll like onions so much, we're going to rape you with them. Now be a good boy and ya'll get to live."
  37. "NO!"
  38. >"Don't make this hard on yourself, anon." She says
  39. "NEVER! LET ME GO!"
  40. >"That's no way to behave. Teach him whose boss, Big Macintosh."
  41. >"Eeeyup."
  42. >You feel a hoof hit you round the back of the head and you feel the urgency to throw up rise from the pain
  43. >You're in a bad way here, you're fucked
  44. >Applejack shows you a bucket full of onions
  45. >"Ah figure ya'll be able to fit each and every one up your ass as punishment... then maybe Big Macintosh after, to be sure. He's not seen Braeburn in quite some time, so ya'll will really enjoy it!"
  46. >Panting in fear and anger, you begin to struggle, but it's no use. Applejack's skills with a rope are just too good
  47. >Realising there's nothing you can do, you give up... or do you?
  48. "Fine, you know what. Big Macintosh can fuck me in the ass right now, let me bite on an onion as he does though."
  49. >Applejack smiles a cruel, twisted smile then nods
  50. >Forcefully she shoves an onion into your mouth, whole. You can barely breathe let alone talk, but you've got all you need
  51. >Just as Big Macintosh positions himself over you, you cry out through your mouthful
  53. >It's not soon enough, Macintosh enters you and your ass begins to bleed from the stretching
  54. >You had hoped the onions would give you the strength you needed, but they hadn't
  55. >You're being raped by Big Macintosh and there's nothing you can do about it...
  56. 2/3
  58. >You're crying from the pain as blood runs down your thigh. Applejack is laughing at you as Big Macintosh grunts in pleasure.
  59. >All you can feel is his huge member tearing you apart on the inside, though in a small way you're enjoying it as sick as that sounds
  60. >For the most part though, you're in agony
  61. >Suddenly the wind changes direction
  62. >"Eugh!" Applejack cries out "Damn wind. This is why I hate you living next to us, anon. You and your damn onions. They smell disgusting."
  63. >Big Macintosh doesn't care, he continues to pound your ass as you whimper through the tears
  64. >Suddenly, a crashing sound comes from above
  65. >"Sorry anon, I came as soon as I could. Official business and all."
  66. >You turn around, there he is. Your god.
  67. >Applejack looks shocked but before she can truly react he picks her up and rips her in half, eating her intestines in one foul swoop.
  68. >You now begin to cry joyous tears as Big Macintosh stops
  69. >"Eeeehnope nope nope!"
  70. >"COM'ERE PONY. ITS NOT OGRE YET!" Shrek cries out
  71. >Shrek jumps atop of Big Macintosh and begins to rape him with his monster penis until Big Macintosh is just a corpse
  72. >At that point he unties you
  73. >"I'm sorry, my disciple. At least they have been stopped..."
  74. >You nod
  75. "They should have really checked themselves..."
  76. >"Before they Shrek'd themselves."
  77. >He places an onion in your hand and flies off
  78. >You take a bite into the onion and begin to feel better, if only a little
  79. "Thank you, based Shrek,"
  80. 3/3
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