
Cory/Saki: Tinfoil Fedora

May 24th, 2012
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  1. -- mischievousIllusion [MI] began messaging gheraoFairytale [GF] --
  2. MI: do 1 hear wedd1n6 bells?
  3. GF: can all my passwords be ugh whatever cuz thats basically how i feel about this stupid password system
  4. MI: well 1f an enemy d1d crack our defenses 1 6uess 7hey would know all subsequen7 passwords 7oo
  5. GF: ok great its decided then
  6. MI: wa17 hold 7he bloody phone
  7. MI: no7h1n6s dec1ded
  8. GF: sure is limey
  9. MI: says 7he one w17h l1me 6reen 7ex7
  10. GF: with all the brit slang you use
  11. GF: i get to call you limey forever
  12. MI: well
  13. MI: we'll call 17 a codename 7hen
  14. MI: because 17's 7oo dan6erous 7o use my real name 1n case someone's l1s7en1n6 1n
  15. GF: no its pretty much an insult
  16. MI: 7ha7's offens1ve 7ha7
  17. GF: omg
  18. GF: hold the presses
  19. GF: an insult is meant to be offensive
  20. GF: holy shit
  21. MI: 1 assure you 1'm s7unned by 7h1s revela71on
  22. GF: of course you are
  23. MI: okay now you've 6o7 7ha7 ou7 your sys7em
  24. MI: how 17 han61n6?
  25. GF: hanging out talking to dudes
  26. GF: nbd
  27. GF: gotta do my kata after this ughhhh
  28. GF: so whats going on w/ you
  29. MI: f1nd1n6 all abou7 wha7 7hey bloody well don'7 wan7 you 7o f1nd ou7
  30. MI: 1'm sure 17'd 7us7 blow your m1nd 1f 1 7old you
  31. GF: but you wont because if i knew theyd come after me right
  32. MI: 1'm 7us7 concerned for your safe7y 1s all
  33. GF: suuuure
  34. GF: it has nothing to do with your facts being fakey fake
  35. MI: 7here's a d1fference be7ween be1n6 unver1f1able and fake
  36. MI: ma1nly because 1n one case all 7he ev1dence was des7royed
  37. GF: yes of course
  38. GF: this is definitely what happened
  39. GF: youre definitely not delusional
  40. MI: nope 1'm def1n17ly no7 fuck1n6 delus1onal
  41. MI: and bes1des 7he psych1a7r1c 1s basc1ally one b16 scam
  42. MI: *psych1a7r1c 1ndus7ry
  43. GF: oh those wacky doctors
  44. GF: going to med school for like six fucking years
  45. GF: they dont know shit!!
  46. MI: only wha7 7heyre 7old
  47. GF: because theyre being fed the bullshit of ~the system~ am i right
  48. MI: exac7ly!
  49. MI: 17s 7he bloody appeal 7o au7hor17y fallacy
  50. GF: do
  51. GF: do you even listen to yourself
  52. MI: 1 dele7e all my lo6s from my compu7er as soon as 7hey're done
  53. MI: so, no?
  54. GF: colour me unsurprised
  55. MI: 1'd ask you 7o do 7he same love, bu7 1 know you won'7 follow 17 7hrou6h
  56. GF: i heard this really cool security trick today
  57. GF: if you stick your hard drive in a freezer it messes with the satellites trying to get at the data
  58. GF: they cant get to it because its too cold
  59. GF: might wanna try it out
  60. MI: come on, 1'm no7 6o1n6 7o fall for 7ha7 darl1n6
  61. GF: damn
  62. MI: everyone knows mak1n6 7hem ho7 so 7hey 61ve off 1nfra red 1s 7he bes7 way 7o block sa7ell17es
  63. GF: wait
  64. GF: what
  65. GF: you realise i was messing with you right
  66. GF: doing shit to your hard drive is a terrible idea
  67. MI: you real1se 1 was hav1n6 a lau6h 7here r16h7?
  68. GF: ok good
  69. GF: i was worried you were even more of a moron than i thought for a second
  70. MI: come on, you d1dn'7 really 7h1nk 1'm 7ha7 much of a plonker do you?
  71. GF: looooooooooooooooooooooool
  72. GF: omg
  73. GF: plonker
  74. GF: that
  75. GF: gimme a sec
  76. GF: i just
  77. GF: have to get over that
  78. GF: youre so fucking british
  79. GF: which is hilarious because youre supposed to be this paranoid guy who doesnt want us to know where you are
  80. MI: parano1d br171sh 6uy
  81. MI: yup 7ha7 pre77y much descr1bes bloody well every7h1n6 7here 1s 7o know abou7 me r16h7 7here
  82. GF: youre definitely one dimensional
  83. GF: which is totally why i keep talking to you
  84. MI: of course, sarcas71c kun6 fu 61rl
  85. GF: damn you just hit on everything i am
  86. GF: what will i do now youve uncovered my secrets
  87. GF: oh yeah ill continue not giving a shit
  88. MI: keep 7hem forever locked up 1n 7he 7ower of london obv1ously
  89. MI: so 7he 6eneral publ1c w1ll never know
  90. GF: dude the general public lives in fear of me
  91. GF: or at least
  92. GF: my street does
  93. GF: someone tried to fuck with me once when i was younger
  94. GF: now no one fucks with me
  95. GF: none of the suckers
  96. GF: none of them!!
  97. MI: sounds l1ke you're a made 61rl over 7here
  98. GF: dude you have no idea how made i am
  99. GF: made of solid fucking gold
  100. MI: you know mach1avell1 sa1d 17's bes7 7o rule 7hrou6h bo7h fear and love, r16h7 love?
  101. GF: actually he said its hard to mix them up
  102. GF: because theyre polar fucking opposites
  103. GF: and that its safer to be feared than loved
  104. MI: hey pre77y 6ood!
  105. GF: im not a moron like some ppl i know
  106. MI: 1'm sure 1 don'7 know anybody l1ke 7ha7
  107. GF: i see dumb people
  108. GF: theyre everywhere
  109. GF: they dont even know theyre dumb
  110. MI: 16norance 1s a curse, people have 7o wake up
  111. GF: like you right
  112. MI: 1 don'7 wan7 7o l1ke a ponce bu7 yes, exac7ly l1ke me
  113. GF: sorry but your poncemetre is currently off the charts
  114. GF: like holy shit i cant even track this shit
  115. MI: 7ha7's because my sh17 1s un7rackable
  116. GF: your toilet is forever safe against the fbi
  117. GF: or the illuminati
  118. GF: w/e
  119. MI: or al1ens
  120. MI: seems 7he perfec7 place for bu66er1n6 anal probes
  121. GF: oh yeah i forgot aliens
  122. MI: 7ha7's exac7ly wha7 7hey wan7!
  123. GF: no i forgot them because they dont exist
  124. MI: 1 am almos7 cer7a1n 7hey do
  125. MI: or a7 leas7 some k1nd of ex7ra d1men71onal en7171es
  126. GF: yeah yeah w/e
  127. GF: if i get kidnapped youll be the first to know
  128. MI: 1'd cer7a1nly l1ke 7o
  129. GF: well ill just get on their weird alien internet
  130. GF: and go sup dude
  131. GF: i just hijacked a ufo
  132. MI: 1f you could 7us7... fly 17 over here and le7 me look 17 1'd be very 6ra7eful darl1n6
  133. GF: well what else am i gonna do with a ufo
  134. GF: may as well give it to you idgaf about aliens
  135. MI: pf7 1'd have 7o 7ell you where 1 bloody well l1ve f1rs7 so we could mee7
  136. GF: its a ufo
  137. GF: theyre probably tracking you
  138. MI: 7ha7 sounds all k1nds of 1nvas1on of pr1vacy bus1ness
  139. GF: theyre aliens they dont give a shit
  140. GF: they give almost as few fucks as i do
  141. MI: obv1ously, 7hey're 7ry1n6 7o 1nvade 7he world, as well as our pr1vacy
  142. GF: yes of course thats what theyre doing
  143. GF: superadvanced race which totally exists and isnt fake
  144. GF: and the best thing it can do is obvs to invade little old us
  145. MI: you're r16h7, 7he world 1nvas1on mus7 be a ruse
  146. GF: yes of course
  147. GF: its all a coverup
  148. MI: 7hese here 7h1n6s work 1n layers love
  149. MI: you have no 1dea how many layers upon layers 7he 6rand consp1racy 6oes
  150. MI: h1n7 17's seven
  151. GF: do you know how hard im rolling my eyes right now
  152. GF: i think my eyes might just sort of casually roll out of my head at this rate
  153. GF: just sort of go take a vacation to australia
  154. MI: 7here are worse places 7o 6o
  155. GF: yeah i wouldnt mind visiting
  156. GF: indonesias nice too
  157. GF: gonna go live there one day
  158. MI: 17aly sounds pre77y 6ood 1 hear
  159. MI: so where exac7ly are you now?
  160. GF: what you wont tell me where you are outside of your constant slang but you wanna know where i am
  161. GF: that aint fair
  162. MI: well
  163. MI: you see
  164. MI: 7ha7 was ac7ually a 7es7!
  165. MI: you passed
  166. MI: well done
  167. GF: as if i give a shit about your weirdo tests
  168. MI: 1've 7us7 6o7 you bes7 1n7eres7s are hear7 here
  169. GF: im touched
  170. MI: you should be darl1n6
  171. GF: loooooool
  172. GF: look quick lesson
  173. GF: im basically this huge badass??
  174. GF: you dont have to worry about me
  175. MI: well 7ha7's wha7 you say
  176. GF: durrrrrrrr of course im gonna tell the truth
  177. MI: hey, 1 wan7 7o bel1eve 7ha7, bu7 you say 1 bele1ve 1n fake made up s7uff all 7he 71me
  178. GF: because its fakey fake bullshit you moron
  179. GF: and if youd take off your tinfoil hat maybe youd see that
  180. MI: me7aphor1cally speak1n6 1 7ake 17 on accoun7 7ha7 1 don'7 ac7ually own a 71nfo1l ha7
  181. GF: you totally do
  182. GF: its just sort of chilling on your head
  183. GF: protecting your thoughts
  184. MI: 1 could 6o 7o 7he k17chen and qu1ckly make one, 1f 17'd help your men7al 1ma6e
  185. GF: and by make one
  186. GF: you mean make another one
  187. MI: sure, alr16h7 7hen
  188. MI: any7h1n6 else 1'm supposed 7o be wear1n6 1n 7h1s men7al 1ma6e of yours 1 should know abou7?
  189. GF: no why the hell would i keep up with your weird paranoia fashions
  190. MI: so 1'm wear1n6 no7h1n6 apar7 from a 71nfo1l ha7?
  191. GF: what
  192. GF: no
  193. GF: thats not what i said
  194. GF: shut up
  195. MI: 17's alr16h7 darl1n6, 1'm only 7eas1n6
  196. GF: youre a dic
  197. GF: k
  198. GF: fuck i cant type because youre such an arsehole
  199. MI: 7hanks for spell1n6 arse correc7ly a7 leas7
  200. GF: shrug when i learnt english thats how i learned it
  201. MI: 6ood for you 7hen
  202. MI: and on 7ha7 bomb shell my 71mes up a6a1n
  203. GF: yeah w/e
  204. GF: my passwords still ugh whatever
  205. MI: and my ques71on 1s
  206. MI: does 7h1s 71nfo1l fedora make my arse look b16
  207. GF: ok great
  208. GF: now weve got that crazy-arse shit sorted out
  209. GF: gtfo before they find you!!
  210. MI: see you around 7hen
  211. GF: ttyl
  212. -- mischievousIllusion [MI] stopped messaging gheraoFairytale [GF] --
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