
O.C.T.O. comic Chapter 1

Oct 25th, 2015
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  1. P1: Flipz (at a distance, in silhouette) peeks out of a hole in the ground, glances around, then shoots the opposite end of a yellow inkrail, turning it Octarian purple (though the colors are muted and silhouetted in the rising sun behind the scene). They then jump into the rail (only the splash is shown, keeping the Octarian octopus form a secret from the audience) and swim away.
  2. Beneath these panels, Omega is shown in silhouette to be watching; as Flipz swims away, Omega grins her trademark Slasher Smile.
  4. P2: We see Flipz (the only identifiable bit of clothing is the Armor Helmet Replica) peeking around the back edge of Booyah Base nearest Inkopolis Tower, looking nervously at the crowd of Inklings gathered around the entrance to the Tower. Jelonzo is standing on the Miiverse box, taking back Splatfest tees before letting the Inklings back into the plaza. Flipz is suddenly startled by the sudden appearance of Dank.
  5. Dank: "Yo, my fellow squid! What's the happs, brah?"
  6. Flipz: "Uh...I don't..."
  7. Dank: "Yo, dawg, you new around here?" *​spots Flipz' helmet, which the latter clutches*​ "Whoa...that shiz be legit fresh, Holmes. You must be like, way chill to have one of those."
  8. Flipz: "This? I-I just sort know...found one does..."
  9. Dank: "Whoa, hold up, chillmeister. Are you fo real? You been out to Octo Valley? Dang, that's hella tight, homesquid. You think you could hook up your homie here with some sweet digs like that, dawg?"
  10. Flipz: "Uh..."
  12. P3: At the base of Inkopolis Tower, Georgia Marlin is wearing a worker's outfit and performing adjustments to the machinery. She hears Flipz and Dank's conversation, but it doesn't catch her interest until the latter mentions "Octo Valley". She looks suddenly at the pair, but a voice from above interrupts her concentration.
  13. Francine Oyster: "Are you almost finished, Georgia, or have cute boys driven my instructions completely from your mind?"
  14. Georgia appears minorly annoyed.
  15. Georgia: "Would serve you right for making me do this instead of handling it yourself. And besides, the teal one's a girl, anyway."
  16. Francine drops down from her perch above, examining Georgia's handiwork.
  17. Francine: "It does not matter. So long as these modifications prevent any more...*​incidents*​...that is the important thing. Still...I am interested in hearing more about these new 'friends' we have..."
  18. (panel shot changes to showcase Francine's Octoling eyes and a ghostly overlay of her true tentacle hair)
  19. Francine: " well as what dealings they've had with my homeland."
  21. P4: Aqua is among the last of the Inklings leaving Inkopolis Tower, and reluctantly hands his Octoling Splatfest Tee to Jelonzo. However, he refuses to let go, resulting in a comical tug-of-war which he eventually loses. Jelonzo dusts himself off, shoots Aqua a dirty look, and carries a towering stack of purple Splatfest tees back to his shop, outside of which which Flipz and Dank stand expectantly. Jelonzo looks the pair up and down.
  22. Jelonzo: "Nope. Is much not to happening." *​goes inside and slams the door​*
  23. Flipz sighs in relief. Dank gives Flipz a questioning look, and in response Flipz (poorly) pretends to sigh in disappointment.
  24. Francine: "Allow me."
  26. P5: Flipz and Dank watch through the window as Francine goes inside to purchase a Sky-blue Squideye for Flipz and a Part-time Pirate for Dank. As she comes back out to the pair, she bumps into Aqua, who is staring at the store as if he can will Jelonzo to give him back the shirt. Aqua looks pleadingly at Francine; the latter is unimpressed.
  27. Francine: "Really? After that showing?"
  28. Aqua stomps off in frustration.
  29. Francine: "...That guy likes Octolings way too much for his own good."
  30. Flipz: "Really...?"
  31. Francine: "So what are your names? I haven't seen you around here, so I'm guessing you must be new?"
  32. Flipz: "Ah, erm. I'm...eheh, Flipz, and this is...uhhh...'Dawg'?"
  33. Dank: "Dank's the name, chill's my game, dawg."
  34. Francine: "...​*charmed*​. They call me Francine. Francine Oyster. What brings the two of you all the way out to Inkopolis?"
  36. P6:
  37. Flipz: "Ah...pardon me, Francine, but could you please excuse me for a moment?"
  38. Flipz heads across the plaza to Spyke's alley, which is temporarily deserted. Francine watches Flipz go.
  39. Francine (thought bubble): "Hmm..."
  40. Flipz enters the alley and puts on the Sky-blue Squideye, hiding a small device beneath the wristband. They double-check its functionality (causing a brief pixellation "glitch" effect on their tentacles), then sigh with relief, finally taking off their troublesome helmet..
  41. A hand tugs on Flipz' sleeve from off-panel. Flipz freaks out.
  42. Flipz: "YAAHHH!!!"
  43. ​*beat*​
  44. Flipz looks down to see Minty, as she proffers a pair of Neon Green Sea Slugs. Flipz hesitantly accepts the gift.
  45. Flipz: "Er...t-thank you...? Miss...?"
  46. Minty points to an "Hi, my name is Minty" sticker on her shirt, then glomps a very confused Flipz before skipping out of the alley.
  48. P7: We follow Minty as she leaves the alleyway and heads up to the walkway outside the Squid Sisters studio, where Aqua sits on the railing brooding.
  49. Aqua: "...They just don't *​understand*​...but they will. They *​have*​ to. They can't keep teasing us, I'll find the answers myself if I have to! Yes...then they'll see...they'll all see...standing here, screaming my name. 'Aqua, the Hero of Inkopolis.' 'Aqua, the Great and Powerful.' 'The Inkredible MIGHTY DR. AQUA-PUS'--no wait, that's too contrived..."
  50. Minty arrives and begins to tug on Aqua's pant leg.
  51. Minty: ​*tug tug tug​*
  52. Aqua: "Huh?"
  53. Minty: *​deep breath*​ "I'd like to join your squad."
  54. Aqua: " what now?"
  55. Minty: "You like Octolings. I saw you in the Splatfest. You should start a squad for people who like Octolings, like me."
  56. Aqua: "Huh. I mean, sure, that's not a bad idea, but...why me? There are lots of Inklings out there who were on Team Octoling."
  57. Minty: ​shrugs​ "You seem nice."
  59. P8: Omega suddenly appears at the end of the walkway in her trademark "lean and grin" pose, twirling her goggles on one finger.
  60. Omega: "Well, well, well...starting an Octoling squad, eh? If that's the case, sign me up!"
  61. Aqua stares at Omega, wide-eyed.
  62. Aqua: "Wait a minute..."
  63. There is a large hero panel of Omega, with narration boxes pointing out her hair tentacles, eyes, and Octoling armor.
  64. Aqua: " must be..."
  66. P9: Aqua gets on one knee before Omega, hands clasped in front of him, with cartoon hearts in his eyes.
  67. Aqua: " Octoling enthusiast ​*just like me​*! (Nice wig, by the way, very authentic.)"
  68. Omega: ... *​sweatdrops​*
  69. Aqua looks out over the plaza.
  70. Aqua: "This is fantastic! As a squad, we could work together to gather information on the so-called Octoling 'menace', dig up the truth and prove to everyone that they're just misunderstood, not monsters, and that all they want is to live among us in peace!"
  71. Omega: "Uh..."
  72. Aqua turns to Minty.
  73. Aqua: "The only problem is, who'd ever approve a squad dedicated to *​studying Octolings*​, especially instead of just fighting them?"
  74. Minty leans around Aqua, staring at the window behind him.
  75. Minty: "Oh, I wouldn't worry about it." *​waves at the Squid Sisters​*
  76. Aqua and Omega stare at Callie and Marie, confused, but the superstars don't appear to have noticed the group outside.
  78. P10: Aqua, Minty, and Omega head out into the plaza, still talking. Flipz happens to be passing by, when they notice Aqua.
  79. Aqua: "Maybe you're right...I mean, Octolings are the freshest thing to hit this city in a long time (literally, if you believe the stories about Agent 3). Perhaps if we get enough interested applicants--"
  80. Flipz stands in front of the group timidly.
  81. Flipz: "E-excuse me...I couldn't help but overhear..."
  82. Flipz gives Aqua a funny look.
  83. Flipz: "You're the one who was dispatched by the jellyfish, yes?"
  84. Aqua is embarassed; Omega snickers while Minty giggles.
  85. Aqua: "...yes."
  86. Flipz: "Then you are the one I am here to see."
  87. Flipz stands up straight and extends a hand to Aqua
  88. Flipz: "You may call me Flipz. I, too, am a researcher into Octarian technology and culture. It would be most prudent if we combined our individual efforts into a collaborative collective."
  89. Aqua: "Uh--sure! That sounds fantastic!"
  90. Omega's Slasher Smile grows bigger, and Minty looks at Omega curiously.
  91. Omega (thought bubble): "Excellent. Exactly as expected..."
  93. P11: As Aqua and Flipz shake hands, a voice is heard from off-panel.
  94. Francine: "Well, then. I guess I'm joining, too."
  95. Aqua: "You...?"
  96. We see Francine, with Georgia and Dank behind her, posing in a hero panel.
  97. Francine: "My grandmother fought in the Turf Wars a hundred years ago. Let's just say I have a...vested interest in the inhabitants of Octo Valley."
  98. Georgia: *sigh* "And where Francine goes...well, I go too."
  99. Dank: "Dudes. That place, is like, THE freshest, fo' rizzle. Sign me up, dawg!"
  100. Aqua: "Then it's settled. Together, the eight of us will form the greatest squad this city has ever seen. A squad known as..."
  102. P12: The seven members of O.C.T.O. stand in front of an opened warehouse door, the acronym "O.C.T.O." painted on the sign above. An obscuring glow emanates from within, though the squad members are clearly visible. Aqua stands at the front of the group, his arms outstretched in a "behold" gesture.
  103. Aqua: "...**O.C.T.O.**!"
  104. -End Chapter 1-
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