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a guest
Sep 15th, 2014
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  1. table: 00000000027B2A20 [ _G ]:
  2. CFN: GetLastHitLocation - 0x519260
  3. CFN: SetItem - 0x51BC10
  4. CFN: StartFluidEffector - 0x51C7E0
  5. CFN: StopBinkVideo - 0x4CD010
  6. CFN: DrinkingChallengeSetDecisionTree - 0x1392950
  7. CFN: ChessSetCharacter - 0x1392E90
  8. CFN: RemoveProp - 0x51CBA0
  9. CFN: GetVehicleIsDriveable - 0x51AE10
  10. CFN: CDominoWaterLevelManager_GetInstance - 0x1685CE0
  11. CFN: IndicatorSetLocNameId - 0x5204C0
  12. CFN: IsLoadingScreenDisplayed - 0x4D3100
  13. CFN: SetPowerLTrainForceAvailable - 0x51BB50
  14. CFN: ForceHideTagIndicator - 0x51D260
  15. CFN: SetAdrenalineDilationOverride - 0x51B420
  16. CFN: SetProgressBarStateId - 0x51FD60
  17. CFN: GetPawnInstigator - 0x51A310
  18. CFN: SetNoInteractionTextForProximityTriggerId - 0x51CE40
  19. CFN: tonumber - 0x1811350
  20. CFN: SetGridTutorialModeActive - 0x4E5080
  21. CFN: GetNetworkVariableBool - 0x1693A10
  22. CFN: GetLocalPlayerCash - 0x4D3290
  23. CFN: EnablePostFx - 0x51B0C0
  24. CFN: CollectibleGetTotalAmount - 0x4F6DB0
  25. CFN: ModifyBulletsInClip - 0x521900
  26. CFN: IsInvasionVictim - 0x4E4ED0
  27. CFN: SetProfilerInfoFilter - 0x51B790
  28. CFN: PushTokenString - 0x168DB40
  29. CFN: SetEnableLight - 0x51C750
  30. CFN: PlayDominoDialog - 0x5206C0
  31. CFN: SendAICommand_Goto - 0x520570
  32. CFN: MadnessUpdateSoulBar - 0x4E3890
  33. CFN: ForceNPCHackableWithProfile - 0x5205F0
  34. CFN: MadnessUpdateProgression - 0x4E3900
  35. CFN: SetVehicleAlarmHackable - 0x524B60
  36. CFN: StopCameraControlledNavigation - 0x51FF80
  37. CFN: UsePowerEnabledObject - 0x520430
  38. CFN: PlayDominoDialogControlFacial - 0x5206D0
  39. CFN: ChangeBroadcastChannelOnEntity - 0x521950
  40. CFN: EnableDenunciatorFunc - 0x4D2B80
  41. CFN: DisableHackableIncredient - 0x51B0B0
  42. CFN: IsMoveableEntityBlocked - 0x51CD20
  43. CFN: ResetProgressBarId - 0x51FD70
  44. CFN: RemoveBlackScreen - 0x4CD070
  45. CFN: PushTokenPlayerName - 0x168DB50
  46. CFN: GetPlayerTeam - 0x4E3BC0
  47. CFN: EnableCameraDoF - 0x4E3F10
  48. CFN: MediaSystemStopBroadcast - 0x4F0910
  49. CFN: PokerIsEnabled - 0x1392B40
  50. CFN: ResetCoverAllowedOverride - 0x51D070
  51. CFN: RemovePerkWithDbObj - 0x51BAB0
  52. CFN: SetupSecondSphere - 0x5003D0
  53. CFN: SetPlayerVariableInteger - 0x16970D0
  54. CFN: DisableTakedownOnPawn - 0x51D2E0
  55. CFN: ExecuteRewardList - 0x5198F0
  56. CFN: GetCurrentGameModeName - 0x168B520
  57. CFN: DominoDebugSpawnHelicopter - 0x4F06A0
  58. CFN: UnlockAndBuyCarOnDemand - 0x51CC00
  59. CFN: GetNameFromDbObjectString - 0x168B510
  60. CFN: ForceNPCUnhackable - 0x51C300
  61. CFN: TeleportEntity - 0x51A2F0
  62. CFN: collectgarbage - 0x1811950
  63. CFN: ShowOnlineMissionModule - 0x505C60
  64. CFN: SetSecurityCamFriendly - 0x5219F0
  65. CFN: ResetClimbInteractionAllowedOverride - 0x51D170
  66. CFN: SetGateBlocked - 0x520230
  67. CFN: PutPlayerInVehicle - 0x520090
  68. CFN: ForceEnterCover - 0x5207D0
  69. CFN: StopVehicleBhv - 0x51FDF0
  70. CFN: MissionReachCheckpoint - 0x4FFB40
  71. CFN: SetLocalPlayerPhoneMaterialOverrideByIdx - 0x521A60
  72. CFN: IsPlayerLocal - 0x1688B50
  73. CFN: StopFluidEffector - 0x51C850
  74. CFN: SendFireUIEvent - 0x51A150
  75. CFN: ResetBehaviorAnalysis - 0x4E44E0
  76. CFN: SendAICmdSetCombat - 0x520500
  77. CFN: WaitForQualitiesLoaded - 0x4D31A0
  78. CFN: VehicleSetTarget - 0x51AEB0
  79. CFN: VerifyVehicleSlowEnoughToExit - 0x51AB90
  80. CFN: SetCurrentSpawnPointType2 - 0x500400
  81. CFN: SetSecurityCamInitialTarget - 0x51BA60
  82. CFN: SetPhysicsEnabled - 0x51D4F0
  83. CFN: StartDistBasedProgressBarDb - 0x51A190
  84. CFN: Pickup - 0x5198D0
  85. CFN: StartProgressBarId - 0x51A1A0
  86. CFN: GetVehicleReliabilityFactor - 0x51AA40
  87. CFN: CCivilianActionManager_GetInstance - 0xB084F0
  88. CFN: SetMissionAreaColorAlpha - 0x51A590
  89. CFN: SendAICommand_PickAndShootNPC - 0x5205D0
  90. CFN: gcinfo - 0x1811910
  91. CFN: DeliveryShowHud - 0x51A890
  92. CFN: EnableTakedownOnCivilian - 0x51A600
  93. CFN: StopEntityHighlight - 0x4E4DF0
  94. CFN: GetInvalidPlayerId - 0x1686DE0
  95. CFN: HasNetworkVariable - 0x1691E20
  96. CFN: GetDBVariableFloat - 0x168AA60
  97. CFN: RestorePoolBudget - 0x500000
  98. CFN: MadnessRemoveArchetype - 0x4E3A30
  99. CFN: ProgressBarTriggerEventAtRatio - 0x51FD90
  100. CFN: ResetKeyIntel - 0x4E4470
  101. CFN: ForceDetectorEntityFunc - 0x519A80
  102. CFN: GetPlayerVariableEntityId - 0x1693A90
  103. CFN: SetHackingRetryAllowedAfterFailure - 0x51B5D0
  104. CFN: module - 0x1810D10
  105. CFN: SetMissionAreaRadius - 0x51A5A0
  106. CFN: ShowProfilingPath - 0x5202C0
  107. CFN: DisableFixerCamera - 0x51C5D0
  108. CFN: OpenProfilerHintDisable - 0x4E5330
  109. CFN: SetSecurityCamCanEnter - 0x51B8F0
  110. CFN: SetObjectiveMarkerInvasionState - 0x51A300
  111. CFN: SetMapMarkerPopUpDataWithMissionId - 0x5218F0
  112. CFN: DisableCheckpointsControllers - 0x4E3B00
  113. CFN: StartHelicopterBhv - 0x51FE60
  114. CFN: SetClimbInteractionAllowedOverride - 0x51D160
  115. CFN: EnableDialogs - 0x51CB70
  116. CFN: AssignMainSquadStrategy - 0x4F0870
  117. CFN: SwitchToNewEnvelopeFunc - 0x5000E0
  118. CFN: ForceDenunciatorFunc - 0x5199B0
  119. CFN: LoadStandaloneLayer - 0x51FF90
  120. CFN: RegisterRewardList - 0x5199A0
  121. CFN: DrinkingChallengeAutoRestartOnFail - 0x1392A50
  122. CFN: OpenProfilerHintEnable - 0x4E5320
  123. CFN: TriggerShutdownTvPower - 0x51D360
  124. CFN: SendMissionChannelMessageToLocalPlayersId - 0x5004E0
  125. CFN: ChessAutoRestartOnFail - 0x1392F40
  126. CFN: xpcall - 0x1812160
  127. CFN: FlashFinishedPlaying - 0x4F6A60
  128. CFN: GetAICommand_InvalidID - 0x4E48D0
  129. CFN: HideSearchZone - 0x4E3B90
  130. CFN: SetAchievementStat - 0x4F0B10
  131. CFN: IndicatorSetColor - 0x5204D0
  132. CFN: TriggerInitialSpawn - 0x4D2F20
  133. CFN: SetMasterVariableInteger - 0x1697120
  134. CFN: FelonyResetMaxHeat - 0x519E10
  135. CFN: PlayFlashFileOnPlayer - 0x51A160
  136. CFN: next - 0x1811A70
  137. CFN: FelonyForceSearchStart - 0x519F00
  138. CFN: DrinkingChallengeResetProgression - 0x1392820
  139. CFN: UseCurrentlySelectedPower - 0x520420
  140. CFN: SetIconOffsetForProximityTrigger - 0x51CE20
  141. CFN: LoadMissionLayer - 0x4FF970
  142. CFN: GetMasterVariableInteger - 0x1693AC0
  143. CFN: ResetCurrentSpawnPoint - 0x4F0930
  144. CFN: FieldAICmdGoTo - 0x51FD20
  145. CFN: HackingRequestSendIsHackableEvent - 0x520240
  146. CFN: DrinkingChallengeOverrideOpponentReset - 0x1392A80
  147. CFN: FelonyAddPing - 0x519B10
  148. CFN: SetPowerIngredientOverrideAvailability - 0x51BAD0
  149. CFN: SendDamageToEntity - 0x51C6B0
  150. CFN: AbortSetCoverFunction - 0x51A280
  151. CFN: HideEntity - 0x1697D20
  152. CFN: GetPlayerIdFromPlayerIndex - 0x4F6A00
  153. CFN: GetGlobalString - 0x168DAA0
  154. CFN: ShowMissionMessage - 0x505C40
  155. CFN: SetHubLocked - 0x521960
  156. CFN: SetOperatorManagerAutoMarkMode - 0x4D3690
  157. CFN: select - 0x1812050
  158. CFN: HasMasterVariable - 0x1691E40
  159. CFN: SetMinimapVisibility - 0x51C510
  160. CFN: GetPawnIsPassenger - 0x51A9C0
  161. CFN: CameraShakeAndGamePadRumble - 0x519470
  162. CFN: RemovePlayerTag - 0x4FFBC0
  163. CFN: DrinkingChallengeGetOpponentEntity - 0x1392B00
  164. CFN: ExecuteReward - 0x5198E0
  165. CFN: ShowInvasionSearchForFixerMessage - 0x4F6CB0
  166. CFN: ChangeCiviliansBudget - 0x4FFCB0
  167. CFN: StartTimeLapse - 0x51C6C0
  168. CFN: AddDefendPoint - 0x4F08C0
  169. CFN: SetSpotlightBehavior - 0x51A440
  170. CFN: GetMasterVariablePlayerId - 0x1693AF0
  171. CFN: ResetAllCollectibleData - 0x505C80
  172. CFN: CProximityManager_GetInstance - 0xD35DD0
  173. CFN: SetupThirdSphere - 0x5003E0
  174. CFN: tostring - 0x18121D0
  175. CFN: StartCameraLock - 0x5200C0
  176. CFN: AddPerkWithDbObj - 0x51BAA0
  177. CFN: SetMasterVariableFloat - 0x1697130
  178. CFN: IsLookAtTriggerInsideFOV - 0x51C3E0
  179. CFN: SetProfilerDisabled - 0x51B5F0
  180. CFN: PokerPlayerPlaying - 0x1392D70
  181. CFN: StartCameraControlledNavigation - 0x521910
  182. CFN: DrinkingChallengeCanQuit - 0x1392940
  183. CFN: AddProp - 0x51CB90
  184. CFN: PlayCrowdAnimation - 0x4D3750
  185. CFN: StopAfterRain - 0x4CD140
  186. CFN: InterceptorTakeDownEvent - 0x520040
  187. CFN: StopHelicopterBhv - 0x51FE70
  188. CFN: GetCurrentReputationState - 0x4D2D10
  189. CFN: MediaSystemSetPaused - 0x4E3FE0
  190. CFN: DrinkingChallengeSetRoundsToPlay - 0x13928B0
  191. CFN: GetVehicleValue - 0x51AD30
  192. CFN: StopTimeLapse - 0x51C6D0
  193. CFN: SetPlayerMaxLocomotionSpeedTypeOverride - 0x51CF30
  194. CFN: PlayCustomLayerAnimation - 0x520690
  195. CFN: LockPlayerActionMap - 0x1686D40
  196. CFN: GiveCash - 0x505C10
  197. CFN: RestoreBudgets - 0x4FFFD0
  198. CFN: RemoveItem - 0x51BD10
  199. CFN: load - 0x1811DD0
  200. CFN: SetCurrentSpawnPoint - 0x4F0920
  201. CFN: FelonyGetType - 0x51A010
  202. CFN: IsDetectionAlertStarted - 0x519640
  203. CFN: ResetCurrentSpawnPoint2 - 0x4F09C0
  204. CFN: SetBehaviorAnalysisId - 0x4F6B20
  205. CFN: GetMasterVariableFloat - 0x1693AD0
  206. CFN: GetMasterVariableEntityId - 0x1693AE0
  207. CFN: DrinkingChallengeResetOpponent - 0x13928D0
  208. CFN: UnspawnCLOUser - 0x51CAC0
  209. CFN: SetInteractionScriptState - 0x521930
  210. CFN: SetMasterVariableEntityId - 0x1697140
  211. CFN: OperatorManagerAutoMarkApp - 0x4F0AD0
  212. CFN: SetDensityContextOverride - 0x4F0A80
  213. CFN: GetPlayerIdFromPawnId - 0x4E3800
  214. CFN: FelonyRemovePingToAll - 0x519B80
  215. CFN: FelonyGetChaseLevel - 0x519C00
  216. CFN: SetCanUpdateMovementWithoutPhysics - 0x521B50
  217. CFN: SetupMinSpawnRadius - 0x500340
  218. CFN: IsSearchingForPortal - 0x4E52A0
  219. CFN: CDialogManager_GetInstance - 0x19E6BB0
  220. CFN: DoActionTracker - 0x4F0AF0
  221. CFN: SetAdrenalineInputsBlocked - 0x51B310
  222. CFN: StopAndResetSpawningWaves - 0x51C080
  223. CFN: RemoveAccessId - 0x51CBC0
  224. CFN: RequestPlayTrigger - 0x51CB80
  225. CFN: loadstring - 0x1811C20
  226. CFN: ResetCombatAllowedOverride - 0x51CFF0
  227. CFN: assert - 0x1811EF0
  228. CFN: IsEntityValid - 0x1696960
  229. CFN: IsSquadStopped - 0x4F0860
  230. CFN: ResetPlayerMaxLocomotionSpeedTypeOverride - 0x51CF40
  231. CFN: RequestRacePortal - 0x4E5140
  232. CFN: StopOnFootFleeBehavior - 0x51A4D0
  233. CFN: RemoveLoadingScreen - 0x4D30B0
  234. CFN: StartRadioBroadcast - 0x51D500
  235. CFN: SendAICommand_FollowTarget - 0x520590
  236. CFN: GetPlayerVariableBool - 0x1693A60
  237. CFN: SetHackable - 0x521970
  238. CFN: StartCameraShake - 0x51B1D0
  239. CFN: ExecuteRewardList_V2 - 0x519910
  240. CFN: IsE3StageDemoNoCompanion - 0x4D35D0
  241. CFN: ForceFakeDenunciatorEntityFunc - 0x519AF0
  242. CFN: SetupSafeSphere - 0x500200
  243. CFN: GetProjectileItemId - 0x51BF60
  244. CFN: ChessIsEnabled - 0x1392E00
  245. CFN: StopSquad - 0x4F0830
  246. CFN: GetNetworkVariableInteger - 0x1693A20
  247. CFN: SetKeyIntelId - 0x4F6B00
  248. CFN: StartPhoneCall - 0x51C1A0
  249. CFN: RestoreEnvelope - 0x500180
  250. CFN: AddItem - 0x51BC90
  251. CFN: SetupInnerSphere - 0x5002A0
  252. CFN: SetMissionAreaDrawType - 0x51A5B0
  253. CFN: ShowCredits - 0x4E4850
  254. CFN: UnAssignNPCOverrideConfig - 0x51C280
  255. CFN: HasPlayerTag - 0x4FFBD0
  256. CFN: ipairs - 0x1811B90
  257. CFN: RequestDominoAnimationState - 0x51CB30
  258. CFN: SetEntityOffset - 0x51B290
  259. CFN: EnableMotionBlur - 0x1696A10
  260. CFN: UnregisterVehicleForDamageBarUpdate - 0x4D2EF0
  261. CFN: OnHideEmailPopup - 0x4F6940
  262. CFN: IndicatorSetName - 0x5204B0
  263. CFN: GetPlayerNameDebug - 0x4FFCA0
  264. CFN: ChangeCiviliansVarietyType - 0x4FFE50
  265. CFN: IsCloseFromSeatEntryPoint - 0x51AFE0
  266. CFN: SetIsDominoAboutToStartSearchingForPortal - 0x4E4FF0
  267. CFN: FelonyUnspawnRoadBlock - 0x519E90
  268. CFN: AddReputationIncident - 0x51A110
  269. CFN: RemoveRestrictedZone - 0x4F08B0
  270. CFN: IsInventoryItemInWheel - 0x51BEA0
  271. CFN: GetEntityIdFromPlayerIndex - 0x4F69F0
  272. CFN: ShowFixerContractHud - 0x520870
  273. CFN: StopPostFxOnPlayer - 0x5200B0
  274. CFN: SetPersistentWithMissionLayerOnDeath - 0x51D5A0
  275. CFN: PathID - 0x168DA90
  276. CFN: InventoryWheel_EnableDefaultActionMap - 0x520470
  277. CFN: SendAICommand_SetLKP - 0x51C260
  278. CFN: ApplyCinemaZoneCleanup - 0x519440
  279. CFN: ShowCameraClippedEntity - 0x51B150
  280. CFN: SetEntityAngle - 0x51B2A0
  281. CFN: IsInitialSpawnDone - 0x4D2F50
  282. CFN: SendAICmdBHVstateV2 - 0x521A10
  283. CFN: UnlockAudioFile - 0x51D550
  284. CFN: StartRecording - 0x4F6E90
  285. CFN: UnblockAccessId - 0x51CBE0
  286. CFN: GetPlayerVariablePlayerId - 0x1693AA0
  287. CFN: WaitForQualities - 0x4D3150
  288. CFN: CDynamicEnvironmentManager_GetInstance - 0x1A05650
  289. CFN: StopScriptNarrativeDelay - 0x4E4080
  290. CFN: LoadLastCheckpoint - 0x4E3DE0
  291. CFN: UnspawnRestricted - 0x51AC90
  292. CFN: EquipItem - 0x51BD90
  293. CFN: StartBlackoutV2 - 0x520860
  294. CFN: CollectibleGetItemCount - 0x4F0B20
  295. CFN: SetNetworkVariableInteger - 0x1697080
  296. CFN: loadfile - 0x1811CB0
  297. CFN: ResetMaterialOverrideByIdx - 0x521A50
  298. CFN: CanBeAttractedBySTP - 0x51A430
  299. CFN: SendAICmdBHVstate - 0x5204F0
  300. CFN: GetReticleHitEntity - 0x51D1F0
  301. CFN: GetDBVariableString - 0x168D7A0
  302. CFN: ForceExitCover - 0x5207E0
  303. CFN: VigilanteEventTrigger - 0x51C0F0
  304. CFN: UnAssignPatrolToAgent - 0x51A3A0
  305. CFN: SetKeyIntelIdInvasion - 0x4F6B10
  306. CFN: LeaveMissionWithDbObj - 0x4F0760
  307. CFN: ResetDistBasedProgressBarId - 0x51FD40
  308. CFN: CollectibleGetRemainingAmount - 0x4F6E20
  309. CFN: ForceFakeDetectorEntityFunc - 0x519B00
  310. CFN: SetProfilerInfoId - 0x51B710
  311. CFN: IsPlayerPawnLocal - 0x1688BC0
  312. CFN: GetLocalPlayerId - 0x4E36D0
  313. CFN: SetMovingSignalVisible - 0x51CB60
  314. CFN: SendPhysZoneCleanupEvent - 0x5193D0
  315. CFN: InterceptorHideHudEvent - 0x51A8F0
  316. CFN: DrinkingChallengeEnable - 0x1392750
  317. CFN: PlayBinkVideoFileWithSubtitleV3 - 0x4E3780
  318. CFN: TeleportPlayerOutsideHMA - 0x4E3E60
  319. CFN: ArePlayersInOpponentTeam - 0x4E3C60
  320. CFN: IsDetectionIntuitionStopped - 0x519540
  321. CFN: GetCivilianThreatState - 0x51A620
  322. CFN: IsAvailableToStartMatchmaking - 0x4D3710
  323. CFN: RequestHackingPortal - 0x4E50D0
  324. CFN: UpdateSearchZone - 0x51A5E0
  325. CFN: ShowMissionModuleIdLocalPlayer - 0x500480
  326. CFN: SetShockwaveState - 0x51AD40
  327. CFN: SelectReadyToDrawWeapon - 0x51BE30
  328. CFN: ResetCoverToCoverAllowedOverride - 0x51D0F0
  329. CFN: IsJoiningPortalSession - 0x4E5210
  330. CFN: DecreaseAndResetBehaviorAnalysis - 0x4E4550
  331. CFN: SetVehicleLockState - 0x51ADD0
  332. CFN: ShowMissionModuleIdLocalPlayer_v3 - 0x5004A0
  333. CFN: SendForceState - 0x1696A00
  334. CFN: HideMissionTextMessage - 0x500440
  335. CFN: StartSoundMixingFromLua - 0x2081B50
  336. CFN: GetEnableCityLifeGroupObject - 0x51C9D0
  337. CFN: RemoveSquad - 0x4F0810
  338. CFN: ShowMissionModuleId - 0x505C50
  339. CFN: EnableHackingPortalProfiler - 0x4E43C0
  340. CFN: StopBink - 0x4F6B90
  341. CFN: RetrieveHackableCiviliansAround - 0x51A5F0
  342. CFN: ExecuteConsoleCommand - 0x4FF9B0
  343. CFN: TriggerCLOBhv - 0x51CA50
  344. CFN: ContractEndScreenShowHudEvent - 0x51FFA0
  345. CFN: EnableReinforcements - 0x4E4D60
  346. CFN: ReloadMediaSystemService - 0x4E4360
  347. CFN: EnableFixerCamera - 0x51C5C0
  348. CFN: LoadCustomMediaBroadcastConfig - 0x4E40E0
  349. CFN: BegingHumanProjectileThrowStateMonitoring - 0x5232D0
  350. CFN: ShowDefaultMessage - 0x500410
  351. CFN: StopFlashFileOnPlayer - 0x51A170
  352. CFN: HasMediaSystemChannelLoopedOnce - 0x4E4250
  353. CFN: DisableAIlogicUseHackableGameplay - 0x4CD0D0
  354. CFN: SetPowerEnabled - 0x51BA90
  355. CFN: SetEnableCityLifeGroupObject - 0x51C9C0
  356. CFN: GetPlayerVariableInteger - 0x1693A70
  357. CFN: FelonyRemoveVehicleExclusionZone - 0x51A130
  358. CFN: StopMission - 0x4FFA20
  359. CFN: IsPackageInstalled - 0x4E5480
  360. CFN: ShopEnable - 0x1380530
  361. CFN: ResetPowerIngredientOverrideAvailability - 0x51BAE0
  362. CFN: UnBind - 0x1697C40
  363. CFN: VehicleRestrictedZone - 0x51AEC0
  364. CFN: PortalHackingBarEnableRatioMonitoring - 0x14C6B90
  365. CFN: SwitchLocalPlayerInventoryToNormal - 0x51BF00
  366. CFN: CDominoConsoleCommandManager_GetInstance - 0x16857E0
  367. CFN: IsDetectionAlertStopped - 0x5196C0
  368. CFN: FelonySetMaxHeat - 0x519E00
  369. CFN: AddActionTracker - 0x4F6D30
  370. CFN: RemoveNPCZone - 0x51B300
  371. CFN: IsEntityLoaded - 0x16968E0
  372. CFN: unpack - 0x1811F50
  373. CFN: SaveAudioFiles - 0x4D37B0
  374. CFN: SetCameraMonitorPlayerBlurLockedByScript - 0x4D31B0
  375. CFN: OnSpiderTankGasStationDestroyed - 0x4E4C10
  376. CFN: SetRespawnStrategyNearEntity2 - 0x4F09D0
  377. CFN: EnabledLockOnAssistanceTarget - 0x51B1F0
  378. CFN: GetPlayerVariableFloat - 0x1693A80
  379. CFN: setmetatable - 0x1811570
  380. CFN: DeliveryHideHud - 0x51A8C0
  381. CFN: HideMissionModuleIdLocalPlayer_v3 - 0x5004B0
  382. CFN: SetPlayerVariableBool - 0x16970C0
  383. CFN: SetEnableCityLifeObject - 0x51C930
  384. CFN: SetPhoneCallState - 0x51C250
  385. CFN: PillsManagerSetWaitingForDominoDone - 0x4D3600
  386. CFN: MadnessUpdateScore - 0x4E3910
  387. CFN: RemoveEntity - 0x1688AD0
  388. CFN: GetDBVariableSoundID - 0x168D7B0
  389. CFN: UnloadMediaSystemService - 0x4E4300
  390. CFN: TerminateMissionSequenceWithDbObj - 0x4F07B0
  391. CFN: getmetatable - 0x1811510
  392. CFN: GetPawnHealthPercentage - 0x51D420
  393. CFN: SpawnNPC - 0x5194A0
  394. CFN: AddStanceControlHelper - 0x5004D0
  395. CFN: StopAdrenaline - 0x520150
  396. CFN: SendCustomActionRequest - 0x51A540
  397. CFN: ForceHackOff - 0x520760
  398. CFN: rawset - 0x18118B0
  399. CFN: RegisterReinforcer - 0x51CEB0
  400. CFN: IsShopInStealMode - 0x1376EE0
  401. CFN: ResetToProgressionState - 0x519850
  402. CFN: IsSquadStarted - 0x4F0840
  403. CFN: AbortAICmdStandAndShoot - 0x5197D0
  404. CFN: StartDistBasedProgressBarId - 0x51A180
  405. CFN: SetIgnorePlayerSignal - 0x1686BD0
  406. CFN: SetPlayerVariableFloat - 0x16970E0
  407. CFN: ForceVehicleAlaram - 0x51ADC0
  408. CFN: CMovieSystem_GetInstance - 0x1DFB8A0
  409. CFN: SetVehicleChaseCheats - 0x51A4C0
  410. CFN: StopPhoneCall - 0x51C1D0
  411. CFN: SetBlackoutConsumableEffectBlocked - 0x4E4AF0
  412. CFN: MissionCheckpoint - 0x4FFBA0
  413. CFN: StartPortalHackingBar - 0x14CBA90
  414. CFN: CloseDoor - 0x51BA80
  415. CFN: LineOfSightMonitorEnable - 0x51C460
  416. CFN: rawget - 0x1811860
  417. CFN: GetDBVariableLocalizationID - 0x168AD10
  418. CFN: ParallelScriptLock - 0x4E53A0
  419. CFN: StartBlackout - 0x520850
  420. CFN: CDominoManager_GetInstance - 0x1685930
  421. CFN: SetSecurityCamForceDisableFelony - 0x51B900
  422. CFN: SetIsSecurityCamExitBlockedForPlayer - 0x51BA50
  423. CFN: StartAfterRain - 0x4E4AA0
  424. CFN: SetTimeScale - 0x51C700
  425. CFN: FelonyMuteAllSounds - 0x4D2D50
  426. CFN: IsGateBlocked - 0x51B4B0
  427. CFN: GetCurrentVehicleEntityId - 0x51A9B0
  428. CFN: AddNPCZone - 0x51B2F0
  429. CFN: FelonyStartScan - 0x519BF0
  430. CFN: IsTargetEntityTagged - 0x51A6B0
  431. CFN: GetGameTime - 0x16858F0
  432. CFN: ForceDenunciatorEntityFunc - 0x519A10
  433. CFN: SetCoverAllowedOverride - 0x51D060
  434. CFN: IsEntityInVehicle - 0x51AFF0
  435. CFN: PushTokenInteger - 0x168DB20
  436. CFN: SetEntityPosition - 0x51B280
  437. CFN: ActivatePlayOnBinkChannel - 0x4E41E0
  438. CFN: StartGridScriptTowerUnlockSequence - 0x51C180
  439. CFN: DisablePostFx - 0x51B0D0
  440. CFN: RemoveCinematicSceneEntity - 0x4E3580
  441. CFN: DisplayPackageNotReadyDialog - 0x4E4680
  442. CFN: SetSquadAgentOverrideConfig - 0x4F0890
  443. CFN: RemoveAllStanceControlHelper - 0x4E4860
  444. CFN: AIGetSpawnedVehiclesTotal - 0x4D32E0
  445. CFN: GetDistance3D - 0x51B250
  446. CFN: OnSpiderTankArmoredTruckDestroyed - 0x4E4BD0
  447. CFN: RandomEventListSwitch - 0x4E4720
  448. CFN: GetEntityPosition - 0x51B260
  449. CFN: PillsHudDebrief_GameComplete - 0x4E4CF0
  450. CFN: UseSelectedPower - 0x5203A0
  451. CFN: DisplayAudioFileShortcut - 0x500500
  452. CFN: MediaSystemStartBroadcast - 0x4F0900
  453. CFN: StartSpawningWaves - 0x51C010
  454. CFN: DoConsoleCommand - 0x4FF9B0
  455. CFN: AddScriptNarrativeDelay - 0x4E4030
  456. CFN: AddOrRemoveAdditionalPath - 0x51A7E0
  457. CFN: SetMissionAreaColor - 0x51A580
  458. CFN: SetRespawnStrategyNearEntity - 0x4F0990
  459. CFN: GetGlobalNumber - 0x168DAB0
  460. CFN: DeliveryVehicleEntered - 0x51A860
  461. CFN: PauseBink - 0x4F6BF0
  462. CFN: GetItemCountAtWheelPos - 0x51BE90
  463. CFN: CreateSquad - 0x505C20
  464. CFN: GetTeamFromIndex - 0x4F6A70
  465. CFN: SetNetworkVariableEntityId - 0x16970A0
  466. CFN: Profiler_SendStatus - 0x51B610
  467. CFN: BlockAccessId - 0x51CBD0
  468. CFN: HideFixerContractHud - 0x51D3A0
  469. CFN: dofile - 0x1811E70
  470. CFN: FelonyIsCopFelony - 0x51A090
  471. CFN: FelonyExcludeZone - 0x51A000
  472. CFN: GetVehicleSpeedStatTime - 0x51AC70
  473. CFN: GetCurrentHealth - 0x5190F0
  474. CFN: BeginEnvironmentEvent - 0x4F0A10
  475. CFN: GameOver - 0x4D3060
  476. CFN: DrinkingChallengeCleanUpOpponentOnShutdown - 0x1392B10
  477. CFN: RunConsoleCommand - 0x1D877720
  478. CFN: MessageBoxPlayer - 0x4FF960
  479. CFN: UnregisterReinforcer - 0x51CEC0
  480. CFN: ResetHackProgressBarId - 0x51FD80
  481. CFN: ForceHackIngredient - 0x5206E0
  482. CFN: SendAICmdSetCombatTarget - 0x521A20
  483. CFN: MissionAreaActivation - 0x51A570
  484. CFN: StartGridScript - 0x51C120
  485. CFN: HideMissionMessage - 0x500420
  486. CFN: FelonyStartChaseObj - 0x519BE0
  487. CFN: RequestTrainInPosition - 0x5232C0
  488. CFN: GetSequenceManager - 0x4D2AB0
  489. CFN: SendSignal - 0x519460
  490. CFN: ShutdownVehicleEngine - 0x51B080
  491. CFN: IsBroadcastBufferLoaded - 0x4E4150
  492. CFN: TriggerComponentContactsCheckNow - 0x519490
  493. CFN: AssignPatrolToAgent_v2 - 0x51FDD0
  494. CFN: SetNetworkVariableFloat - 0x1697090
  495. CFN: print - 0x1811240
  496. CFN: IsSecurityCameraHostile - 0x51B9B0
  497. CFN: SetEnablePickup - 0x5198C0
  498. CFN: GetNetworkVariableFloat - 0x1693A30
  499. CFN: GetLocalPlayerEntityId - 0x1688A40
  500. CFN: DrinkingChallengeResetShowCrowd - 0x13929E0
  501. CFN: ArePlayersInSameTeam - 0x4E3C50
  502. CFN: HideMissionModuleId - 0x500470
  503. CFN: GetPlatformIndex - 0x4D35D0
  504. CFN: IndicatorSetHealth - 0x5204E0
  505. CFN: AbortMissionWithDbObj - 0x4F06C0
  506. CFN: SetPlayerVariableEntityId - 0x16970F0
  507. CFN: SetHideoutBedOutPaused - 0x51D5D0
  508. CFN: StopHackProgressBar - 0x51A220
  509. CFN: FakePlayerInputHoldHackButton - 0x51CC10
  510. CFN: IsSpawnerEnabled - 0x4D3010
  511. CFN: LoadMissionLayer2 - 0x4FF990
  512. CFN: ForceArrest - 0x4E3660
  513. CFN: ClearGPS3DTarget - 0x51A6E0
  514. CFN: ActivateInvincibility - 0x5192F0
  515. CFN: UnlockPlayerActionMap - 0x1686D90
  516. CFN: IsDetectionIntuitionFull - 0x5195C0
  517. CFN: ResetProfilerDelayBeforeSendingDominoEvent - 0x51B6A0
  518. CFN: InventoryWheel_DisableDefaultActionMap - 0x520440
  519. CFN: GetNumberOfTeams - 0x4E3BD0
  520. CFN: GetSecurityCameraUser - 0x51BA30
  521. CFN: StartSpeedCheckChallenge - 0x519840
  522. CFN: AddPlayerToTeam - 0x4FFBE0
  523. CFN: ResumeBink - 0x4F6C50
  524. CFN: UseSelectedIngredient - 0x520410
  525. CFN: ShowEntity - 0x1697CB0
  526. CFN: SetProjectedCloudsIntensity - 0x51C470
  527. CFN: PlayerActiveScriptMaskControl - 0x51D380
  528. CFN: GetMadnessMasteryPerkValue - 0x51A340
  529. CFN: SetForceAiming - 0x51CFB0
  530. CFN: PokerGetRound - 0x1392BF0
  531. CFN: MessageBoxLocalPlayer - 0x4FF8D0
  532. CFN: StopCameraLock - 0x4E3F40
  533. CFN: TeleportPlayerInsideHMA - 0x4E3E70
  534. CFN: DrinkingChallengeAutoStart - 0x1392800
  535. CFN: pcall - 0x1812100
  536. CFN: VehicleSpawnerAllowAutomaticRespawn - 0x51ADF0
  537. CFN: CancelAICommand - 0x51C270
  538. CFN: LoadHighResArea - 0x4F06B0
  539. CFN: GetLastDamageReason - 0x5192E0
  540. CFN: ForceHideoutRestUsableInMission - 0x51D5B0
  541. CFN: RequestUseSoftware - 0x51C240
  542. CFN: FelonySetHeat - 0x519D70
  543. CFN: StartPostFxOnPlayer - 0x5200A0
  544. CFN: StopMissionWithDbObj - 0x4F0710
  545. CFN: GetDBVariableInteger - 0x168ABC0
  546. CFN: RestorePoolVariety - 0x500070
  547. CFN: GetMasterVariableBool - 0x1693AB0
  548. CFN: ReserveAndMoveToSeat - 0x5206B0
  549. CFN: SpawnNPCFromAIGenerator - 0x51FD10
  550. CFN: DeactivateCanExitCameraForCinematic - 0x4D34C0
  551. CFN: SetTimeInStationOverride - 0x4E49C0
  552. CFN: DrinkingChallengeSkipBet - 0x1392A60
  553. CFN: IsMoveableEntityPaused - 0x51CDA0
  554. CFN: GetPawnIdFromPlayerId - 0x4E37F0
  555. CFN: GetEntityBoneAngle - 0x51B2C0
  556. CFN: EnableReputation - 0x4D2CB0
  557. CFN: AISystemsController - 0x4D3330
  558. CFN: AddPlayerTag - 0x4FFBB0
  559. CFN: SetSecurityCamHostile - 0x51B880
  560. CFN: EnableFixerCameraOnNormalCamera - 0x51C640
  561. CFN: RegisterCollectableReward - 0x5218C0
  562. CFN: SetE3CustomLocation - 0x520680
  563. CFN: ChessShouldShowPuzzleList - 0x1392F50
  564. CFN: StartFloatingVehicleBhv - 0x51FEE0
  565. CFN: FelonyAddPingToAll - 0x519B20
  566. CFN: ForceSetXP - 0x4E3D20
  567. CFN: PokerGetState - 0x1392C70
  568. CFN: getfenv - 0x18116F0
  569. CFN: GetMoveableEntityMovementDirection - 0x51CC20
  570. CFN: DrinkingChallengeOverrideOpponent - 0x1392A70
  571. CFN: SpawnAIVehicleOnRoad - 0x509F30
  572. CFN: CancelAdrenalineDilationOverride - 0x51B430
  573. CFN: CDominoTimerManager_GetInstance - 0x1685C80
  574. CFN: DrinkingChallengeShowCrowd - 0x13929D0
  575. CFN: CDominoSequenceManager_GetInstance - 0x16859E0
  576. CFN: MessageBoxAllPlayers - 0x4FF850
  577. CFN: EnableUIContext - 0x4E47D0
  578. CFN: SetSafeDriving - 0x4D2DF0
  579. CFN: SetMaterialOverrideByIdx - 0x521A40
  580. CFN: GetEntityAngle - 0x51B270
  581. CFN: SetGridShading - 0x4D3520
  582. CFN: SendCinemaZoneCleanupEvent - 0x519450
  583. CFN: CSequenceManager_GetInstance - 0x4D2AB0
  584. CFN: ForceInteriorOnTrain - 0x4D3470
  585. CFN: HasSecurityCameraDetectedPlayer - 0x51BA40
  586. CFN: RemoveDefendPoint - 0x4F08D0
  587. CFN: AttachAnchor - 0x16969E0
  588. CFN: SetHackableNoText - 0x51B530
  589. CFN: ActivateDominoCameraContext - 0x4E3F20
  590. CFN: SpawnMadnessArchetypes - 0x4E3A20
  591. CFN: CancelHackingPortalRequest - 0x4E51B0
  592. CFN: StartVehicleSpeedStats - 0x51AB20
  593. CFN: TeleportToSpawnPoint - 0x4F6AF0
  594. CFN: StartVehicleBhv - 0x51FDE0
  595. CFN: FelonyTakeOverScriptedAgentControl - 0x4D2C50
  596. CFN: ForceSetSkillPoint - 0x4E3D80
  597. CFN: GetAIState - 0x5194B0
  598. CFN: ResetCameraPosition - 0x51B810
  599. CFN: SetGraphicObjectIntensity - 0x51CB40
  600. CFN: OnDisplayEmailPopupId - 0x4F6930
  601. CFN: UnspawnReleasedProjectiles - 0x51BEB0
  602. CFN: AddAccessId - 0x51CBB0
  603. CFN: PokerActivePlayer - 0x1392CF0
  604. CFN: AssignPatrolToAgent - 0x51FDC0
  605. CFN: HasAccessId - 0x51CBF0
  606. CFN: StopGlobalPowerGlitch - 0x4E4E70
  607. CFN: SpawnAIVehicleAndPassengerOnRoad - 0x51BFE0
  608. CFN: RemoveAssaultPoint - 0x4F08F0
  609. CFN: CMusicManager_GetInstance - 0x1A41460
  610. CFN: EndAllBlackoutsAfterFinished - 0x4E45C0
  611. CFN: ChessEnable - 0x1392DF0
  612. CFN: WaitForStandaloneLayerToLoadUnregister - 0x4D2E40
  613. CFN: PortalHackingBarDisableRatioMonitoring - 0x14C6BE0
  614. CFN: GetNbrWheelWithContact - 0x51AED0
  615. CFN: ProgressionNodeRequirement - 0x4E3C70
  616. CFN: StopMpAssaultSpawn - 0x51C000
  617. CFN: FelonyRemovePing - 0x519B70
  618. CFN: ShowMissionTextMessage - 0x500430
  619. CFN: LeaveMission - 0x4FFA80
  620. CFN: GetSeatEntryPos - 0x51AF50
  621. CFN: SendMissionChannelMessageToAllPlayersId - 0x505C70
  622. CFN: HideMissionModuleIdLocalPlayer - 0x500490
  623. CFN: CDominoSoundManager_GetInstance - 0x1685C20
  624. CFN: SendSimpleEntityEvent - 0x51FD00
  625. CFN: EnableUnlockedLoading - 0x4E4680
  626. CFN: GetBaseHealth - 0x519080
  627. CFN: IsCompanionConnected - 0x4D3640
  628. CFN: DisplaySideInvestigationNotification - 0x51D4E0
  629. CFN: SendShowOrHideAllUIEvent - 0x4E4780
  630. CFN: LanesRestrictionsControl - 0x51AC80
  631. CFN: require - 0x1810930
  632. CFN: PrintToConsole - 0x1D8776B0
  633. CFN: SteamPipeExplode - 0x51B910
  634. CFN: VigilanteEventDeactivate - 0x51C100
  635. CFN: GetNetworkVariablePlayerId - 0x1693A50
  636. CFN: DrinkingChallengeIsEnabled - 0x1392760
  637. CFN: GetInvalidEntityId - 0x16889E0
  638. CFN: ChangeGraphicKitModel - 0x1696A40
  639. CFN: SetTargetTagEntity - 0x51A6A0
  640. CFN: DrinkingChallengeResetDecisionTree - 0x1392960
  641. CFN: ChessShouldSpawnOpponent - 0x1392F20
  642. CFN: VehicleForceFakeFollow - 0x51B0A0
  643. CFN: rawequal - 0x1811810
  644. CFN: SetPowersEnabled - 0x521A00
  645. CFN: OpenDoor - 0x51BA70
  646. CFN: SetIconVisible - 0x520670
  647. CFN: newproxy - 0x1812300
  648. CFN: GetTeamPlayerFromIndex - 0x4FFC80
  649. CFN: GetVehicleValuePercentage - 0x51AD20
  650. CFN: PlayerFelonyState - 0x519F70
  651. CFN: GetAdrenalineState - 0x51B3A0
  652. CFN: TerminateMissionSequence - 0x4FFAE0
  653. CFN: RemoveTarget - 0x51A7D0
  654. CFN: SetMapMarkerPopUpData - 0x5218E0
  655. CFN: HasCollectableReward - 0x5218B0
  656. CFN: ResetProfilerInfoId - 0x51B720
  657. CFN: AssignVehicleSeat - 0x5206A0
  658. CFN: ExecuteReward_V2 - 0x519900
  659. CFN: DisableVehicleForPlayers - 0x51AE00
  660. CFN: ForcePawnsVehicleStopFunction - 0x51A930
  661. CFN: StartEntityHighlight - 0x4E4DE0
  662. CFN: GetItemCount - 0x51BE80
  663. CFN: ResetDistBasedProgressBarDb - 0x51FD50
  664. CFN: SetRespawnStrategyNearDeathSpot - 0x4F09A0
  665. CFN: SetDominoCameraReference - 0x51B1C0
  666. CFN: StartAdrenaline - 0x5200E0
  667. CFN: ForceSetCoverFunction - 0x51FDA0
  668. CFN: GetEntityInPrefab - 0x16969F0
  669. CFN: StartSquad - 0x4F0820
  670. CFN: SetSpawningDelayOverride - 0x4E4930
  671. CFN: StartVehicleMovingTimer - 0x51ADB0
  672. CFN: SetProfilerAutoActivationInCamerasDisabled - 0x51B680
  673. CFN: ForceSetCash - 0x4E3CC0
  674. CFN: StopFloatingVehicleBhv - 0x51FEF0
  675. CFN: RegisterAdrenalineShootingTarget - 0x51B4A0
  676. CFN: setfenv - 0x1811750
  677. CFN: LogConsole - 0x16858A0
  678. CFN: GetItemId - 0x4D3220
  679. CFN: RemovePlayerFromTeam - 0x4FFBF0
  680. CFN: ClearRewards - 0x519920
  681. CFN: Bind - 0x1697C30
  682. CFN: SetRespawnStrategyNearDeathSpot2 - 0x4F09E0
  683. CFN: RemoveInvincibility - 0x519360
  684. CFN: HideAllTrainActivities - 0x4D3390
  685. CFN: StopRecording - 0x4CD1A0
  686. CFN: MadnessDominoGameEnd - 0x4E3810
  687. CFN: SetFaceMaskAllowed - 0x51CFD0
  688. CFN: RemoveActionTracker - 0x4F0AE0
  689. CFN: CScriptCallbackSystem_GetInstance - 0x1685D40
  690. CFN: SetCustomOasisIdForProximityTriggerId - 0x51CE30
  691. CFN: StartMpAssaultSpawn - 0x51BFF0
  692. CFN: RandomEventTrigger - 0x4E4710
  693. CFN: FelonyStartChase - 0x519BD0
  694. CFN: EnableDetectorFunc - 0x4D2B10
  695. CFN: ChessCanQuit - 0x1392F30
  696. CFN: SetNetworkVariablePlayerId - 0x16970B0
  697. CFN: SetProfilerlessTaggingEnabled - 0x51A6C0
  698. CFN: GetDistance2D - 0x51B240
  699. CFN: pairs - 0x1811AD0
  700. CFN: GetVehicleSpeed - 0x51AAB0
  701. CFN: IsShopInReadyToShopMode - 0x1376E70
  702. CFN: AgentDrawWeaponType - 0x51A330
  703. CFN: VigilanteEventFailId - 0x51C110
  704. CFN: PokerEnable - 0x1392B30
  705. CFN: VehicleLightAndSiren - 0x51AE90
  706. CFN: SetProfilerSticky - 0x51B5C0
  707. CFN: CalculateDistanceViaRoad - 0x5200D0
  708. CFN: ResetLocalPlayerPhoneMaterialOverrideByIdx - 0x521AD0
  709. CFN: ChangeParkedCarsRatio - 0x4FFF10
  710. CFN: ForceElectricPowerOn - 0x51D370
  711. CFN: SetCombatAllowedOverride - 0x51CFE0
  712. CFN: StartCustomScan - 0x51A140
  713. CFN: PushPlayerActionMap - 0x1686CA0
  714. CFN: CloseStationInPosition - 0x4E4920
  715. CFN: StartXInteractionAvailableHighlight - 0x51D5E0
  716. CFN: FelonySpawnRoadBlockWithLevel - 0x519E80
  717. CFN: EndHumanProjectileThrowStateMonitoring - 0x51D3B0
  718. CFN: FelonySystemEnable - 0x4D2BF0
  719. CFN: VehicleSpawnerControlFunction - 0x51ADE0
  720. CFN: OverrideAdrenalineDuration - 0x51B320
  721. CFN: ApplyLoadedBufferOnChannels - 0x4E41F0
  722. CFN: ShowFakePortalVictimResultScreen - 0x51D390
  723. CFN: StartHackProgressBarId - 0x51A210
  724. CFN: IsCurrentGen - 0x4D3590
  725. CFN: SetOperatorManagerAutoMarkModeWithNpcName - 0x4D3700
  726. CFN: IsDetectionIntuitionStarted - 0x5194C0
  727. CFN: ReadFunctionPointer - 0x1D8777E0
  728. CFN: FelonyAddVehicleExclusionZone - 0x51A120
  729. CFN: VehicleDrivingMode - 0x51AEA0
  730. CFN: SendKeyPadActionRequest - 0x51A550
  731. CFN: HideCameraClippedEntity - 0x51B0E0
  732. CFN: ForceUserOutOfCamera - 0x521980
  733. CFN: RealignCameraBehind - 0x4E3E90
  734. CFN: PlayBinkVideoFileV2 - 0x4E3760
  735. CFN: SetCurrentSpawnPointType - 0x5003F0
  736. CFN: IsIntrusionBlocking - 0x4E4F60
  737. CFN: SendAICommand_Aim - 0x5205C0
  738. CFN: EnableAIlogicUseHackableGameplay - 0x4CD0A0
  739. CFN: DeliveryVehicleDelivered - 0x51A830
  740. CFN: PokerOverrideCharacters - 0x1392B20
  741. CFN: ResumePortalHackingBar - 0x14C6B30
  742. CFN: FelonyGetScanLevel - 0x519C80
  743. CFN: EnableDisplay - 0x4F0A00
  744. CFN: ContractEndScreenHideHudEvent - 0x51A7F0
  745. CFN: BlockFastTravel - 0x4D3400
  746. CFN: UnspawnAllPedestriansInRadius - 0x4F0800
  747. CFN: ResetProfilerInfoFilter - 0x51B7A0
  748. CFN: ChangeCameraControlledNavigationSettings - 0x51A560
  749. CFN: SetInVehicleCamera - 0x51B1E0
  750. CFN: StartPhoneCallId - 0x51C190
  751. CFN: SetCoverToCoverAllowedOverride - 0x51D0E0
  752. CFN: FreePlayerCamera - 0x1686E20
  753. CFN: StartPhoneCallEmail - 0x51C1C0
  754. CFN: ReloadWeaponPlayer - 0x51C370
  755. CFN: PushTokenFloat - 0x168DB30
  756. CFN: SendEventE3AidenProfilerBoxHudElement - 0x51FD30
  757. CFN: AssignNPCOverrideConfig - 0x5205E0
  758. CFN: SetCameraMonitorPlayerBlurIntensity - 0x4E4560
  759. CFN: SendAICommand_PlayAnim - 0x5205A0
  760. CFN: GetSpiderTankPillLevel - 0x4E4B80
  761. CFN: GetNumberOfPlayers - 0x4F69B0
  762. CFN: ForceHackOn - 0x5206F0
  763. CFN: UnassignVehicleSeat - 0x521B40
  764. CFN: SetupFirstSphere - 0x5003C0
  765. CFN: StartOverrideRandomizedWeather - 0x4E4A20
  766. CFN: SetMasterVariableBool - 0x1697110
  767. CFN: EndAllCustomMediaBroadcasts - 0x4E40F0
  768. CFN: GetStringID - 0x168DA70
  769. CFN: GetDriverID - 0x51A9A0
  770. CFN: DeliveryInitVehicleCount - 0x51FFB0
  771. CFN: EnableSpawner - 0x4D2FB0
  772. CFN: AssignMainSquadLKPGroupName - 0x4F0880
  773. CFN: ResetPowerLTrainForceAvailable - 0x51BB80
  774. CFN: HideUserInCar - 0x51B090
  775. CFN: ChangeSpawningPoolVariety - 0x4FFDB0
  776. CFN: UnloadHighResArea - 0x4E3AB0
  777. CFN: SecurityCameraForceEnter - 0x5202B0
  778. CFN: PlayBinkVideoFileWithSubtitleV2 - 0x4E3770
  779. CFN: CollectibleGetCurrentAmount - 0x4F6D40
  780. CFN: GetDBVariableBool - 0x168AB20
  781. CFN: IsDead - 0x5191E0
  782. CFN: CheckIsPlayerInTeam - 0x4FFC00
  783. CFN: SetNetworkVariableBool - 0x1697070
  784. CFN: PauseWhileLoading - 0x4F6A10
  785. CFN: CancelAdrenalineDurationOverride - 0x51B330
  786. CFN: AgentDrawWeapon - 0x51A320
  787. CFN: FelonyCheckFelonyState - 0x519D00
  788. CFN: StartOnFootFleeBehavior - 0x51FF60
  789. CFN: GetEntityName - 0x16968D0
  790. CFN: SpawnEntityFromArchetype - 0x1696A20
  791. CFN: GetVehicleHealthPercentage - 0x51ACB0
  792. CFN: PlayPrioritySong - 0x4F0B80
  793. CFN: EnableTakedownOnPawn - 0x51D270
  794. CFN: CTerrain_GetInstance - 0x1BEBBD0
  795. CFN: FelonyGetSquadNameFromType - 0x4FF840
  796. CFN: FelonyAddScriptedAgent - 0x519FF0
  797. CFN: SetTaggerComponentStatus - 0x51D650
  798. CFN: ResumeProcessingInputs - 0x4E3E10
  799. CFN: SetGPS3DTarget - 0x51A6D0
  800. CFN: PlayBinkVideoFile - 0x4E3740
  801. CFN: GetMusicID - 0x505CB0
  802. CFN: ReleaseDominoCameraContext - 0x4E3F30
  803. CFN: GetProgressBarElapsedTime - 0x4E3790
  804. CFN: StopSoundMixingFromLua - 0x2081BB0
  805. CFN: DominoDebugUnspawnHelicopter - 0x51A450
  806. CFN: GetEnableLight - 0x51C760
  807. CFN: DisableHackingPortalProfiler - 0x4E4440
  808. CFN: SetForceUseMPAdrenaline - 0x521940
  809. CFN: FixPlayerCamera - 0x1696A30
  810. CFN: IsAlive - 0x519160
  811. CFN: PopPlayerActionMap - 0x1686CF0
  812. CFN: StartBink - 0x4F6B30
  813. CFN: SetMissionAreaShapeType - 0x51A5C0
  814. CFN: GetEnableCityLifeObject - 0x51C940
  815. CFN: SendMissionChannelMessageToPlayerId - 0x5004F0
  816. CFN: IndicatorSetIsVisible - 0x5204A0
  817. CFN: StopPortalHackingBar - 0x14C6B60
  818. CFN: ChangeSpawningPoolBudget - 0x4FFD10
  819. CFN: ShopCheckModeNow - 0x1380540
  820. CFN: IsDetectionAlertFull - 0x519740
  821. CFN: RemoveFluidPointOfInterest - 0x4CD170
  822. CFN: PushDominoContext - 0x4E3E80
  823. CFN: HideProfilingPath - 0x520330
  824. CFN: BreakableEntity_NextState - 0x520600
  825. CFN: GetNetworkVariableEntityId - 0x1693A40
  826. CFN: UsePausedMissionLayerLoading - 0x4FF9B0
  827. CFN: VRSetAsAlarm - 0x51D1E0
  828. CFN: SetHackOccludable - 0x51B5B0
  829. CFN: StartFleeShooting - 0x51FF70
  830. CFN: GetNoCaseStringID - 0x168DA80
  831. CFN: RegisterReward - 0x519990
  832. CFN: SetCurrentSpawnPoint2 - 0x4F09B0
  833. CFN: CDominoDelayManager_GetInstance - 0x1685840
  834. CFN: SendAICommand_ShootAt - 0x5205B0
  835. CFN: IsSquadStopping - 0x4F0850
  836. CFN: GridMonitoringEnable - 0x4E4680
  837. CFN: GetCurrentSeat - 0x51AF60
  838. CFN: ChangeEnticersRatio - 0x4FFEB0
  839. CFN: ShowHealthBar - 0x520880
  840. CFN: PillsUpdateHudCounter - 0x4E4C50
  841. CFN: SetFluidPointOfInterest - 0x51C8C0
  842. CFN: CollectibleDisplayCurrentStatus - 0x51D490
  843. CFN: EndEnvironmentEvent - 0x4F0A20
  844. CFN: PlayerIsDoingAction - 0x51BBB0
  845. CFN: StopOverrideRandomizedWeather - 0x4CD100
  846. CFN: PushTokenOasisId - 0x168DB60
  847. CFN: GetTriggerComponentContacts - 0x519480
  848. CFN: SetDoorLockState - 0x521920
  849. CFN: RandomEventSystemEnable - 0x4E46C0
  850. CFN: StartGridScriptSequence - 0x51C130
  851. CFN: ConnectMicrophoneToCamera - 0x4E3610
  852. CFN: SendMapPointControllerEvent - 0x51FDB0
  853. CFN: MediaSystemStopCurrentBroadcast - 0x4E3F60
  854. CFN: EnvironmentManagerSetWeather - 0x4E4680
  855. CFN: IsEntityBeingProfiled - 0x14CCF70
  856. CFN: PausePortalHackingBar - 0x14C6B00
  857. CFN: AssignAssaultPoint - 0x4F08E0
  858. CFN: UnloadMissionLayer - 0x4FF980
  859. CFN: ChangeVehiclesBudget - 0x4FFF70
  860. CFN: PlayBinkVideoFileWithSubtitle - 0x4E3750
  861. CFN: MadnessDominoGameEvent - 0x4E3880
  862. CFN: RegisterVehicleForDamageBarUpdate - 0x51ACA0
  863. CFN: SetHideoutEnableAlternativeBedOut - 0x51D5C0
  864. CFN: AddRestrictedZone - 0x4F08A0
  865. CFN: ChessResetCharacter - 0x1392EA0
  866. CFN: TestDbObjectEngineFunction - 0x168A4D0
  867. CFN: UnloadMissionLayer2 - 0x4FF9A0
  868. CFN: MessageBoxPlayerID - 0x4FF950
  869. CFN: SetItemInAWheelSlot - 0x51BDE0
  870. CFN: SetPlayerVariablePlayerId - 0x1697100
  871. CFN: AddSquadAgent - 0x51B2D0
  872. CFN: SetIconClampMode - 0x521A30
  873. CFN: MadnessGetGameplayQuality - 0x4D2DB0
  874. CFN: SendAICommand_GotoPos - 0x520580
  875. CFN: UnregisterCollectableReward - 0x5218D0
  876. CFN: HideMissionTextMessageLocalPlayer - 0x500460
  877. CFN: SynchSoundAndBink - 0x4F69A0
  878. CFN: CEnvironmentManager_GetInstance - 0x19E6D60
  879. CFN: SetPlayerActionMap - 0x1686C50
  880. CFN: EnableVehicleRadioSystemDomino - 0x4D2E90
  881. CFN: ShowMissionTextMessageLocalPlayer - 0x500450
  882. CFN: DrinkingChallengeSetProgression - 0x1392810
  883. CFN: SpawnFieldAI - 0x4F0690
  884. CFN: IsShopInInteractMode - 0x1376EE0
  885. CFN: StartPhoneCallChat - 0x51C1B0
  886. CFN: FelonyGetHeat - 0x519D80
  887. CFN: ShowSearchZone - 0x51A5D0
  888. CFN: StopPrioritySong - 0x4E54D0
  889. CFN: GetTeamPlayerCount - 0x4FFC10
  890. CFN: SetHackSecurityLevel - 0x51B5A0
  891. CFN: ShowCollectibleMessage - 0x505C30
  892. CFN: type - 0x1811A20
  893. CFN: AddTarget - 0x51A7C0
  894. CFN: RemoveCash - 0x4FFC90
  895. CFN: OnDrivingMissionStopped - 0x4E5400
  896. CFN: SetDisableSecurityCameraDistanceCheckWithPlayer - 0x51BAC0
  897. CFN: InterceptorShowHudEvent - 0x520030
  898. CFN: IsVehicleEmpty - 0x51B000
  899. CFN: SetProfilerDelayBeforeSendingDominoEvent - 0x51B690
  900. CFN: DisableSpecialBroadcastSubtitles - 0x4E42B0
  901. CFN: StopProgressBar - 0x51A1B0
  902. CFN: RemoveSquadAgent - 0x51B2E0
  903. CFN: CloseAllStations - 0x4F0A30
  904. CFN: MsgBoxPlayerID - 0x4FF830
  905. CFN: StartBlackBackupAfterFinished - 0x4E4620
  906. CFN: DrawTextToScreen - 0x168A4C0
  907. CFN: SetMasterVariablePlayerId - 0x1697150
  908. CFN: HasPlayerVariable - 0x1691E30
  909. CFN: StartGlobalPowerGlitch - 0x4E4E60
  910. CFN: RefillAdrenaline - 0x5201C0
  911. CFN: StopVehicleSpeedStats - 0x51AC00
  912. CFN: MadnessSetSpawnDensity - 0x4E39B0
  913. CFN: RegisterMobTarget - 0x51A820
  914. CFN: SetProfilingEnabled - 0x51B5E0
  915. CFN: SpawnOnRoad - 0x4F09F0
  916. CFN: SetMinimapContext - 0x51C560
  917. CFN: WaitForStandaloneLayerToLoad - 0x4E3AA0
  918. CFN: HideOnlineMissionModule - 0x5004C0
  919. CFN: IsMissionPlayed - 0x4E3B30
  920. CFN: TriggerDisruptCommPower - 0x51D350
  921. CFN: SetProfilerOn - 0x51B600
  922. CFN: GetEntityBonePosition - 0x51B2B0
  923. CFN: StopCameraShake - 0x4E3F50
  924. CFN: DrinkingChallengeSetOpponent - 0x13928C0
  925. CFN: IncrementAchievementStat - 0x4F0B00
  926. CFN: SetHandsInPocketsAllowed - 0x51CFC0
  927. CFN: SetMovingSignalRadius - 0x51CB50
  928. CFN: SwitchLocalPlayerInventoryToEmpty - 0x51BF30
  929. CFN: HideLivingCityInTrains - 0x4D33A0
  930. CFN: SendAICmdStandAndShoot - 0x5197C0
  931. CFN: StartCivilianLookAt - 0x51A610
  932. CFN: PostGameOver - 0x4CD040
  933. CFN: DoCarCrash - 0x51A920
  934. CFN: SetPatrolSpeed - 0x51A420
  935. CFN: error - 0x1811490
  936. CFN: IsMoveableEntityMoving - 0x51CCA0
  938. table: 0000000012B722E0 [ _G.string ]:
  939. CFN: sub - 0x180A730
  940. CFN: find - 0x180BDC0
  941. CFN: gsub - 0x180C1C0
  942. CFN: gfind - 0x180BEF0
  943. CFN: reverse - 0x180A810
  944. CFN: rep - 0x180AA40
  945. CFN: match - 0x180BDD0
  946. CFN: char - 0x180AC00
  947. CFN: dump - 0x180ACF0
  948. CFN: byte - 0x180AAE0
  949. CFN: upper - 0x180A990
  950. CFN: len - 0x180A6D0
  951. CFN: format - 0x180C620
  952. CFN: gmatch - 0x180BEF0
  953. CFN: lower - 0x180A8E0
  955. table: 000000001B841AD0 [ _G.CDominoManager ]:
  956. CFN: TraceConnection - 0x1693D20
  957. CFN: SendCommandEventToEntity - 0x16979B0
  958. CFN: RemoveDominoEntity - 0x1693CA0
  959. CFN: QueueCommandEventToEntity - 0x1697A30
  960. CFN: IsScriptAutorunEnabled - 0x1693D60
  961. CFN: SendCommandEventToEntity2 - 0x16979F0
  962. CFN: QueueCommandEventToEntity2 - 0x1697A70
  963. CFN: SpawnDominoEntity - 0x16971B0
  964. CFN: UnregisterDominoInputListenerSignal - 0x16971F0
  965. CFN: SendRegisteredEventToEntity - 0x1697AB0
  966. CFN: RegisterDominoInputListenerSignal - 0x1697D90
  967. CFN: RemoveCommandEventToEntity - 0x1693CE0
  969. table: 00000000027B2420 [ _G.package ]:
  970. CFN: seeall - 0x1810E80
  971. CFN: loadlib - 0x18102E0
  973. table: 0000000012B723A0 [ _G.package.loaded.debug ]:
  974. CFN: getupvalue - 0x18092B0
  975. CFN: debug - 0x1809810
  976. CFN: getfenv - 0x1808AB0
  977. CFN: getregistry - 0x18089E0
  978. CFN: gethook - 0x1809700
  979. CFN: setmetatable - 0x1808A40
  980. CFN: setfenv - 0x1808AD0
  981. CFN: traceback - 0x1809980
  982. CFN: getinfo - 0x1808C80
  983. CFN: setlocal - 0x1809110
  984. CFN: setupvalue - 0x1809340
  985. CFN: sethook - 0x18095E0
  986. CFN: getmetatable - 0x1808A00
  987. CFN: getlocal - 0x1809010
  989. table: 0000000012B72160 [ ]:
  990. CFN: type - 0x180D660
  991. CFN: write - 0x180E6D0
  992. CFN: close - 0x180DA00
  993. CFN: flush - 0x180E9A0
  994. CFN: open - 0x180DB50
  995. CFN: output - 0x180DF80
  996. CFN: read - 0x180E3D0
  997. CFN: input - 0x180DF60
  998. CFN: lines - 0x180F060
  999. CFN: popen - 0x180DC60
  1000. CFN: tmpfile - 0x180DD70
  1002. table: 0000000012B72280 [ _G.package.loaded.os ]:
  1003. CFN: exit - 0x180D500
  1004. CFN: setlocale - 0x180D480
  1005. CFN: date - 0x180CE60
  1006. CFN: getenv - 0x180CC70
  1007. CFN: difftime - 0x180D420
  1008. CFN: remove - 0x180CB70
  1009. CFN: time - 0x180D170
  1010. CFN: clock - 0x180CCB0
  1011. CFN: execute - 0x180CB30
  1012. CFN: rename - 0x180CBC0
  1013. CFN: tmpname - 0x180CC20
  1015. table: 0000000012B72040 [ _G.package.loaded.table ]:
  1016. CFN: setn - 0x180F3F0
  1017. CFN: insert - 0x180F440
  1018. CFN: getn - 0x180F3B0
  1019. CFN: foreachi - 0x180F160
  1020. CFN: maxn - 0x180F300
  1021. CFN: foreach - 0x180F240
  1022. CFN: concat - 0x180F690
  1023. CFN: remove - 0x180F520
  1024. CFN: sort - 0x180FE70
  1026. table: 0000000012B72340 [ _G.package.loaded.math ]:
  1027. CFN: log - 0x180A140
  1028. CFN: acos - 0x1809E50
  1029. CFN: ldexp - 0x180A2D0
  1030. CFN: atan - 0x1809E90
  1031. CFN: tanh - 0x1809DD0
  1032. CFN: exp - 0x180A1C0
  1033. CFN: atan2 - 0x1809ED0
  1034. CFN: deg - 0x180A200
  1035. CFN: tan - 0x1809D90
  1036. CFN: cosh - 0x1809D50
  1037. CFN: log10 - 0x180A180
  1038. CFN: random - 0x180A450
  1039. CFN: abs - 0x1809C50
  1040. CFN: frexp - 0x180A280
  1041. CFN: ceil - 0x1809F30
  1042. CFN: floor - 0x1809F90
  1043. CFN: modf - 0x180A050
  1044. CFN: max - 0x180A3C0
  1045. CFN: sqrt - 0x180A0B0
  1046. CFN: sinh - 0x1809CD0
  1047. CFN: asin - 0x1809E10
  1048. CFN: min - 0x180A330
  1049. CFN: mod - 0x1809FF0
  1050. CFN: fmod - 0x1809FF0
  1051. CFN: rad - 0x180A240
  1052. CFN: pow - 0x180A0E0
  1053. CFN: randomseed - 0x180A600
  1054. CFN: sin - 0x1809C90
  1055. CFN: cos - 0x1809D10
  1057. table: 00000000027B2CC0 [ _G.package.loaded.coroutine ]:
  1058. CFN: resume - 0x1812610
  1059. CFN: yield - 0x1812800
  1060. CFN: status - 0x18124A0
  1061. CFN: wrap - 0x18127C0
  1062. CFN: create - 0x1812740
  1063. CFN: running - 0x1812830
  1065. table: 00000000027B24E0 [ _G.package.loaders ]:
  1066. CFN: 3.000000 - 0x1810730
  1067. CFN: 2.000000 - 0x1810640
  1068. CFN: 1.000000 - 0x1810890
  1069. CFN: 4.000000 - 0x18107B0
  1071. table: 000000001BF9FF60 [ _G.CSequenceManager ]:
  1072. CFN: DominoSkipSequence - 0xBCE60
  1073. CFN: ClearDominoEntityPool - 0xBCB30
  1074. CFN: DominoStartSequence - 0xBCE10
  1075. CFN: StartMetaSequence - 0xBB7D0
  1076. CFN: DominoModifySequenceEntry - 0xBCA00
  1077. CFN: DominoResumeSequence - 0xBCE80
  1078. CFN: GetSequenceDominoName - 0xBC9F0
  1079. CFN: DominoGetEntityAtAnchor - 0xBCDE0
  1080. CFN: AddDominoEntity - 0xBCC60
  1081. CFN: DominoGetSequenceSyncPointName - 0xBCDD0
  1082. CFN: DominoStartSequenceFromBeginningWithMetaId - 0xBCE40
  1083. CFN: DominoForceStopSequence - 0xBCE00
  1084. CFN: DominoStopSequence - 0xBCE50
  1085. CFN: DominoStartAtSyncPoint - 0xBCDB0
  1086. CFN: DominoStartSequenceFromBeginning - 0xBCE30
  1087. CFN: DominoStartSequenceWithMetaId - 0xBCE20
  1088. CFN: DominoStartAtSyncPointWithMetaId - 0xBCDC0
  1089. CFN: DominoPauseSequence - 0xBCE70
  1090. CFN: DominoLoopSequence - 0xBCDF0
  1091. CFN: StopMetaSequence - 0xBCB20
  1093. table: 000000002283B320 [ _G.CTerrain ]:
  1094. CFN: GetSector - 0x1C0FB70
  1096. table: 000000002283BB60 [ _G.CDominoWaterLevelManager ]:
  1097. CFN: SetWaterLevel - 0x16946B0
  1099. table: 0000000031025600 [ _G.CDynamicEnvironmentManager ]:
  1100. CFN: SetAdaptiveBloomOverride - 0x1A05B60
  1101. CFN: SetWindOverride - 0x1A05AE0
  1102. CFN: SetCloudOverride - 0x1A05AA0
  1103. CFN: RemoveAdaptiveBloomOverride - 0x19FDF70
  1104. CFN: RemoveScriptedStormFactorOverride - 0x19FDF30
  1105. CFN: RemoveMotionBlurOverride - 0x19FDCE0
  1106. CFN: SetScriptedStormFactorOverride - 0x19FDEF0
  1107. CFN: RemoveFogOverride - 0x19FDD20
  1108. CFN: SetLightingOverride - 0x1A05B20
  1109. CFN: SetScriptedTimeOfDay - 0x19FDEB0
  1110. CFN: RemoveWindOverride - 0x19FDDA0
  1111. CFN: RemoveLightingOverride - 0x19FDDE0
  1112. CFN: SetFogOverride - 0x1A05A60
  1113. CFN: GetScriptedTimeOfDay - 0x19FDE20
  1114. CFN: RemoveCloudOverride - 0x19FDD60
  1115. CFN: SetMotionBlurOverride - 0x1A05A20
  1117. table: 000000001BF9FBA0 [ _G.CCivilianActionManager ]:
  1118. CFN: AddLuaStateLevelCheckEntry - 0xB395E0
  1119. CFN: RemovedLuaStateLevelCheckEntry - 0xB39620
  1121. table: 000000001B8423D0 [ _G.CScriptCallbackSystem ]:
  1122. CFN: RegisterMasterVariableCallback - 0x16956C0
  1123. CFN: RegisterOnSpawnCallback - 0x1695600
  1124. CFN: UnregisterMessageListener - 0x1695020
  1125. CFN: RegisterNoEntityCallback - 0x1695AE0
  1126. CFN: RemoveMasterVariableCallback - 0x1694EE0
  1127. CFN: RegisterTagCallback - 0x1695740
  1128. CFN: RemoveTagCallback - 0x1694F60
  1129. CFN: RegisterMessageListener - 0x1695800
  1130. CFN: RegisterMissionNoEntityCallback - 0x1695780
  1131. CFN: RegisterMissionEventCallback - 0x1697230
  1132. CFN: RemoveNetworkVariableCallback - 0x1694F20
  1133. CFN: RegisterPlayerEventCallback - 0x16957C0
  1134. CFN: RemoveCallbacks - 0x1696FA0
  1135. CFN: RemovePlayerEventCallback - 0x1694FE0
  1136. CFN: RegisterPlayerVariableCallback - 0x1695680
  1137. CFN: RegisterNetworkVariableCallback - 0x1695700
  1138. CFN: RemoveCallback - 0x1696F60
  1139. CFN: RegisterOnRemoveCallback - 0x1695640
  1140. CFN: RemovePlayerVariableCallback - 0x1694EA0
  1141. CFN: BroadcastMessage - 0x1695840
  1142. CFN: RegisterEventCallback - 0x1697B00
  1143. CFN: RemoveNoEntityCallback - 0x1694FA0
  1145. table: 000000001B84CB10 [ _G.CDominoSoundManager ]:
  1146. CFN: PlaySound - 0x1696F40
  1147. CFN: SetEnableAmbiance - 0x1694630
  1148. CFN: PlayDialogWithSubtitle - 0x1696F50
  1150. table: 000000001B84C9F0 [ _G.CDominoDelayManager ]:
  1151. CFN: GetDelay - 0x1693C90
  1152. CFN: RemoveDelay - 0x16971A0
  1153. CFN: SetDelay - 0x1693C80
  1154. CFN: CreateDelay - 0x1697AF0
  1155. CFN: SendCommand - 0x1696F30
  1157. table: 000000001BEF1970 [ _G.CDialogManager ]:
  1158. CFN: SetMinimumPlayablePriority - 0x19FDCD0
  1160. table: 000000001B84D770 [ _G.CDominoBoxInstance ]:
  1161. CFN: CreateBox - 0x1693B00
  1162. CFN: GetParentEntity - 0x1697160
  1163. CFN: GetParentMissionId - 0x1693B40
  1165. table: 000000001B84CC30 [ _G.CDominoSequenceManager ]:
  1166. CFN: CreateListener - 0x1695AD0
  1167. CFN: DeleteListener - 0x1695540
  1169. table: 000000001B84D830 [ _G.CDominoConsoleCommandManager ]:
  1170. CFN: RegisterConsoleCommand - 0x1695AC0
  1171. CFN: UnregisterConsoleCommand - 0x1695530
  1173. table: 000000001BA544E0 [ _G.CMovieSystem ]:
  1174. CFN: CommandSequence - 0x1E10E30
  1176. table: 000000001B84D6B0 [ _G.CDominoBoxResource ]:
  1177. CFN: RegisterGlobals - 0x1693BC0
  1178. CFN: LoadResource - 0x1693C40
  1179. CFN: RegisterLibrary - 0x1693C00
  1180. CFN: RegisterBox - 0x1693B80
  1182. table: 000000001BF9FA80 [ _G.CProximityManager ]:
  1183. CFN: RemoveProximityEntry - 0xD49DE0
  1184. CFN: AddLuaProximityEntry - 0xD46520
  1186. table: 000000001BEF1AF0 [ _G.CMusicManager ]:
  1187. CFN: SelectSet - 0x1A540B0
  1188. CFN: SetSystemicEnable - 0x1A540D0
  1189. CFN: StopMusicFromLua - 0x1A540A0
  1190. CFN: SelectState - 0x1A540C0
  1191. CFN: PlayMusicFromLua - 0x1A5C400
  1192. CFN: SetMusicVar - 0x1A55F90
  1194. table: 000000002140F860 [ _G.CEnvironmentManager ]:
  1195. CFN: ResetVisibleGIGroup - 0x19FE150
  1196. CFN: SetVisibleGIGroupBit - 0x19FE110
  1198. table: 000000001B84CD50 [ _G.CDominoTimerManager ]:
  1199. CFN: IsPaused - 0x16946A0
  1200. CFN: CreateTimer - 0x1694640
  1201. CFN: Resume - 0x1694680
  1202. CFN: Start - 0x1694660
  1203. CFN: Pause - 0x1694670
  1204. CFN: GetTime - 0x1694690
  1205. CFN: RemoveTimer - 0x1694650
  1207. table: 000000001BF35350 [ _G.Game ]:
  1208. CFN: RTRegen - 0x4D0E80
  1209. CFN: SetMaxFrameRate - 0x4D0E80
  1210. CFN: DeActivateLog - 0x4D0E80
  1211. CFN: RTGenesis - 0x4D0E80
  1212. CFN: RTDefoliant - 0x4D0E80
  1213. CFN: ActivateLog - 0x4D0E80
  1214. CFN: GetLocalPlayerId - 0x4D0E80
  1215. CFN: RTSetWindForce - 0x4D0E80
  1216. CFN: Exec - 0x4D0E80
  1217. CFN: RunBatch - 0x4D0E80
  1218. CFN: AnimStartRecording - 0x4D0E80
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