

Apr 27th, 2016
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  1. Frost-Heart Falcon, Admiral of the Frozen Skies / Eclipse
  2. EXP: 0/0 Spent
  3. Solar EXP: 0/0 Spent
  4. Attributes:
  5. Strength: **
  6. Dexterity: ***
  7. Stamina: **
  8. Charisma: *****
  9. Manipulation: ****
  10. Appearance: ****
  11. Perception: **
  12. Intelligence: ***
  13. Wits: ****
  14. Essence: 1
  15. Personal Essence Pool: 13 Motes
  16. Peripheral Essence Pool: 33 Motes
  17. Willpower: 5
  18. Health: -0, -1, -1, -2, -2, -4, Incap
  21. Parry:
  22. Evasion:
  23. Soak:
  25. Caste Abilities: Larceny, Linguistics, Presence, Sail, Socialize
  26. Favored: War, Dodge, Integrity, Performance, Stealth
  27. Specialties: Larceny-Impossible Heists, Presence-Unshakeable, Sail-Navigating Blizzards, Performance-Proclamations of Greatness
  28. Supernal: Presence
  29. Abilities:
  30. Archery-
  31. Athletics-
  32. Awareness-
  33. Brawl-
  34. Bureaucracy-
  35. Craft-
  36. Dodge-***
  37. Integrity-***
  38. Investigation-
  39. Larceny-*****
  40. Linguistics-***
  41. Lore-
  42. Martial Arts-
  43. Medicine-
  44. Melee-
  45. Occult-
  46. Performance-****
  47. Presence-*****
  48. Resistance-
  49. Ride-
  50. Sail-****
  51. Socialize-****
  52. Stealth-**
  53. Survival-
  54. Thrown-
  55. War-**
  57. Join Battle: (Roll Wits+Awareness)+3
  58. Withering attack pool: Dexterity + Melee + weapon’s accuracy
  59. Decisive attack pool: Dexterity + Melee
  60. Rush pool: Dexterity + Athletics
  61. Disengage pool: Dexterity + Dodge
  63. Bonus Points: (15/15)
  65. Merits: (10/10)
  66. Command(****) - The character is the recognized commander of an organized military force of some sort—generally one composed of ordinary mortal soldiers, at four dots, this provides a Size 3, Might 0 battle group with Elite Drill and the traits of elite rather than average troops.
  68. Direction Sense (*) - The character is never completely lost, and is able to naturally determine her orientation relative to the five Poles. In addition to always knowing her facing and acting as a living compass, she lowers the difficulty on attempts to navigate toward a fixed, known location or to retrace her steps by 2.
  70. Influence (*) - Captain of the Stolen Skyship
  72. Languages (**) - Sky-Tongue, High Realm, Low Realm
  74. Resources (**) Income and funding.
  76. Intimacies:
  77. Defining - Positive Tie - The crew are family, from the oldest pirate to the newest urchin.
  78. Major - Belief - Power is not made for oppression. Use it to grasp what you seek and uplift those weaker than yourself.
  79. Enemy - Negative - Haslanti League
  80. Minor - Belief - In everything you do, make a grand show of it!
  82. Limit Trigger: She hates cruelty towards children above all else.
  84. Anima Effects:
  85. 1- For 10 motes, one Willpower, the Eclipse sanctifies an oath she has witnessed. The Exalt touches the oathgivers (or their words, as they pass through the air), her caste mark flashing imperceptibly. If she wishes, her anima briefly flares, swirling with the words and runes by which Heaven has given her the right to arbitrate such matters.
  86. Oath-givers who break pacts sanctified by the Eclipse (including the Exalt herself ) are subject to a terrible curse. The details of the curse are devised by the Storyteller, ideally reflecting the oath broken. A woman who breaks a hospitality oath might find herself incapable of rest beneath any roof for a year and a day, while a man who murdered the one he swore to protect may find his defenses utterly failing him when he must next fight for his life.
  88. 2- The Eclipse has diplomatic immunity when treating with the enemies of Creation. So long as the Eclipse approaches them on legitimate business of some kind, shades, spirits, the demon princes of Hell, and the Fair Folk may not attack the Eclipse or her companions
  89. without just cause, and such creatures must observe the local rules of hospitality. Such beings may still attempt to provoke members of the Solar’s embassy into breaking the peace, thus voiding this effect’s protection.
  91. 3- The Eclipse represents all the subtle movements of Essence under Heaven, the strange and self-referencing powers that stir when night merges with day. Eclipses can learn the Charms of spirits, Fair Folk and similar supernatural beings which have the Eclipse keyword for eight experience points each.
  93. Sorcery:
  95. Spells:
  97. Charms:
  98. Dodge Charms
  99. Drifting Leaf Elusion
  100. Cost: 1m; Mins: Dodge 2, Essence 1
  101. Type: Reflexive
  102. Keywords: None
  103. Duration: Instant
  104. Prerequisite Charms: None
  105. The Exalt slips away from an attack that would have struck her. When using this Charm, the Solar successfully evades an attack roll bearing successes equal to her Evasion. This Charm may be invoked after the attack roll is made.
  107. Shadow Over Water
  108. Cost: 2m; Mins: Dodge 3, Essence 1
  109. Type: Reflexive
  110. Keywords: None
  111. Duration: Instant
  112. Prerequisite Charms: Drifting Leaf Elusion
  113. Like a shadow on water, the Solar’s presence haunts her enemies with dreams of the untouchable. For an instant, this Charm removes any penalties to the Exalt’s Evasion.
  115. Larceny Charms
  116. Larceny
  117. Seasoned Criminal Method
  118. Cost: —; Mins: Larceny 1, Essence 1
  119. Type: Permanent
  120. Keywords: None
  121. Duration: Permanent
  122. Prerequisite Charms: None
  123. The Exalt adapts the nature of the iconic criminal, who must one day become a master of her craft. She is a creature of the criminal element; duplicity is in her every word and step. This Charm allows the Solar to invoke and discard a number of special distinctions at her leisure, which allow her to gather information, infiltrate criminal society, and protect her position there.
  124. Familiarity: To a member of a criminal organization, she seems familiar—that is, she can play on a Minor Intimacy to make her target believe she is a criminal with whom to be treated: a member of the organization, a prospect for initiation, etc.
  125. Dissonance: Magistrates or other officials seeking to establish her identity suffer a -2 penalty to their Bureaucracy and Investigation actions. Persons who do not know her personally but may have spotted her or seen her hanging around the scene of a crime find her unrecognizable and cannot remember doing so.
  126. Vulnerability: The Exalt makes herself seem the best possible target for a type of crime dictated by the player. Confidence men will see her as an easy mark, gamblers will seek to engage her with betting gossip or games of chance, thugs will try to mug her, and so forth. This effect has a visual component: thieves are less likely to steal from an Exalt wearing armor and a battle axe, while a serial killer might find a person who wears her hair a certain way irresistible.
  127. Receptivity: Similar to vulnerability, interested parties perceive the Exalt as a local player. Rather than prey on her directly, she may be identified as a drug buyer or seller, or a person looking to make a bet, hire a prostitute, or take part in other illicit or seedy activities. Such parties will be interested in providing her with information about where to go and who to talk to.
  129. Lock-Opening Touch
  130. Cost: 1m or 5m; Mins: Larceny 2, Essence 1
  131. Type: Reflexive
  132. Keywords: None
  133. Duration: Instant
  134. Prerequisite Charms: None
  135. The Exalt may open a mundane lock simply by touching it and paying five motes. Alternately, she may challenge a sorcerous lock with her picking tools, paying one mote to gain double 9s and (Essence) automatic successes. This version of the Charm guarantees that she successfully picks the lock even if her roll fails, however, a failure constitutes some unwanted occurrence—perhaps she springs a trap, breaks the lock loudly, snaps her lock-pick, etc.
  137. Flawlessly Impenetrable Disguise
  138. Cost: 6m; Mins: Larceny 4, Essence 1
  139. Type: Simple
  140. Keywords: None
  141. Duration: Until the Exalt sleeps
  142. Prerequisite Charms: None
  143. Master chameleons, the Solars donned disguises and attended the fetes of the raksha, to hear them confess their nefarious plans for Creation. This Charm recreates a disguise attempt (see p. 224), but allows the Exalt to make a myriad of extraordinary changes to her appearance. She may change her gender, double her age or halve it, alter her height by ten inches in either direction, change her
  144. ethnicity, adjust her voice and alter her accent. She can even change her scent. The Solar gains two automatic successes to her disguise attempt, ignores penalties for adapting a different race or gender, and gains double 9s. This disguise cannot be pierced by mundane senses. Nor can it be thwarted by inhuman sensory acuity, such as the nose of a hound or the eye of a hawk. Senses heightened
  145. to supernatural levels by Charms such as Keen Sight Discipline have a chance to pierce this deception, but subtract 2 successes from their attempts. Magic which pierces this effect does not reveal the Solar’s identity, only that the Exalt is not what she appears to be. Typically Solars used this Charm to hide their identities or to appeal to specific criteria such as “Only women are
  146. allowed into the sept.” However, should it be used to impersonate a specific character, magic which pierces this effect will only reveal the apparent body double of the Charm’s subject. For example, if the Solar disguises herself as the Scarlet Empress, magic which pierces her disguise will see her as a tall, porcelain-skinned red-haired woman with cunningly accurate makeup, as opposed to what the
  147. Solar actually looks like.
  149. Performance Charms
  150. Masterful Performance Exercise
  151. Cost: 2m; Mins: Performance 3, Essence 1
  152. Type: Supplemental
  153. Keywords: Mute
  154. Duration: Instant
  155. Prerequisite Charms: None
  156. The Solar’s talent is not free or instinctual, but rather the hard-won excellence that comes from a lifetime of practice. This Charm supplements a Performance-based action, granting one automatic success and rerolling 1s until 1s fail to appear. This Charm also makes the Exalt’s 1s unavailable to magic that might interfere with her performance.
  158. Respect-Commanding Attitude
  159. Cost: 5m; Mins: Performance 2, Essence 1
  160. Type: Supplemental
  161. Keywords: None
  162. Prerequisite Charms: None
  163. The return of the Solars is a miracle never before seen. The universe inclines to hear their voices once again. When this Charm supplements a Performance action of any length, characters are inclined to stop and listen. This does not guarantee that the Lawgiver is persuasive in her arguments, but it does guarantee that her audience listens respectfully to her entire performance. Characters may
  164. pay one Willpower to leave the performance, but if they wish to interrupt or attack the Lawgiver, they must pay two Willpower, and may only approach her by blending into her demonstration, capping the actions of each affected character by their individual (Charisma + Performance) ratings until one of them is able to successfully stop her act. This Charm does not function after combat has started, but if activated beforehand, it remains active after Join Battle has been rolled, up until the Solar is forced to stop her performance.
  166. Impassioned Orator Technique
  167. Cost: 1m; Mins: Performance 3, Essence 1
  168. Type: Supplemental
  169. Keywords: None
  170. Duration: Instant
  171. Prerequisite Charms: Masterful Performance Exercise
  172. The Solar speaks with the voice of Heaven, magnifying her authority. This Charm supplements a Performance-based speech, granting it double 9s.
  174. Presence Charms
  175. Listener-Swaying Argument
  176. Cost: 3m; Mins: Presence 3, Essence 1
  177. Type: Supplemental
  178. Keywords: None
  179. Duration: Instant
  180. Prerequisite Charms: None
  181. The Solar’s passionate appeals can soften even the stoniest of hearts. This Charm supplements an instill or persuade action, granting the Solar one automatic success and additionally granting one non-Charm bonus die for every two points the target’s Resolve is boosted by any means. The Solar cannot gain more than three bonus dice in this fashion.
  183. Harmonious Presence Meditation
  184. Cost: 5m or 7m; Mins: Presence 2, Essence 1
  185. Type: Reflexive
  186. Keywords: None
  187. Duration: One scene
  188. Prerequisite Charms: None
  189. The Lawgiver embodies virility, magnetism and grace, empowering her forces of persuasion. For five motes, this Charm grants three bonus dice to all forms of social influence from all Abilities except Stealth. In addition, the cost of all social influence Charms are reduced by one mote, to a minimum of one. The seven mote version of this Charm extends the duration to indefinite.
  191. Tiger’s Dread Symmetry
  192. Cost: —; Mins: Presence 3, Essence 1
  193. Type: Permanent
  194. Keywords: None
  195. Duration: Permanent
  196. Prerequisite Charms: None
  197. The Lawgiver is a singular and terrifying being, awesome to behold. Learning this Charm grants one bonus die to all Presence rolls and allows the Exalt to reroll (Essence or three, whichever is greater) non-successes on rolls to intimidate. In addition, if the Solar has activated Majestic Radiant Presence, a character must resist an automatic intimidate attempt before he’s able to attempt an ambush attack. This effect does not make the Solar aware of her attacker—it simply means that, as her assassin draws a bead on her from the shadows, her fierce look and deadly grace emanates forth to cow him. The intimidate action may only be supported by Charms that are ongoing or otherwise can be used unconsciously.
  199. Majestic Radiant Presence
  200. Cost: 6m; Mins: Presence 4, Essence 2
  201. Type: Simple
  202. Keywords: None
  203. Duration: One scene
  204. Prerequisite Charms: Harmonious Presence
  205. Meditation
  206. Her incandescent spirit magnifies the Lawgiver with aspects of glory and terror. While this Charm is active, characters must pay a point of temporary Willpower to speak against her or attack her. Her enemies need only pay this price once per scene. In addition, all threaten actions against her suffer a penalty equal to her Essence.
  208. Sail Charms
  209. Salty Dog Method
  210. Cost: —; Mins: Sail 3, Essence 1
  211. Type: Permanent
  212. Keywords: None
  213. Duration: Permanent
  214. Prerequisite Charms: None
  215. The Solar is the consummate mariner, seasoned by hardships, tried by adversity and proven true. This Charm gives the Exalt the following advantages:
  216. • The Solar’s expertise often saves the ship. Reroll any 6s in the result of a Sail roll until 6s no longer appear.
  217. • She is inured to supernatural horror. Fear effects caused by monsters, behemoths, demons, Yozis, and other existentially terrifying beings have less of an effect. Add half the Exalt’s Sail (rounded up) to her Resolve against such influence.
  218. • If she fails a balance check on land or sea, she still falls down, but then she immediately falls up, landing on her feet. In addition, she can never fall from a ship. Even the most stumble-footed bastard will find a way to keep from going overboard.
  219. • By land or by sea, the Exalt knows the exact distance and route to anywhere she’s been before.
  221. Ship-Claiming Stance
  222. Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Sail 3, Essence 1
  223. Type: Simple
  224. Keywords: None
  225. Duration: Instant
  226. Prerequisite Charms: None
  227. The Essence of a ship knows its master. This Charm claims a ship. If it was not owned by one of the Exalted, the ship disregards its former master. Those who do not bear the Exalt’s remit suffer a -1 penalty to all actions taken on the Solar’s ship until she has formally welcomed them aboard. The Exalt may renounce her welcome at any time, restoring this penalty at her pleasure. In addition, if the Lawgiver’s positive intimacy toward the ship achieves Major or Defining status, the Exalt may draw up to five motes from her bond with the ship, once per day, but she must be shipboard to do so. Drawing motes from more than one ship or familiar in a day causes all motes past five to dissipate at the end of the round.
  229. Ship-Sleeking Technique
  230. Cost: 4m; Mins: Sail 3, Essence 1
  231. Type: Simple
  232. Keywords: None
  233. Duration: Indefinite
  234. Prerequisite Charms: Ship-Claiming Stance
  235. The Solar channels her Essence through the ship’s hull, smoothing the timbers with a thin layer of frictionless anima and causing it to glide more easily through or over the water. This Charm increases the ship’s speed by one for its duration.
  237. Excellencies: Larceny, Linguistics, Presence, Sail, Socialize, War, Dodge, Integrity, Performance, Stealth
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