
The Tales of Sir Anonymous: Defender of the Sun

May 26th, 2014
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  1. >Prologue
  3. >You walk down the hallway to the sound of singing and bustling activity.
  4. >Tonight is the Mid-Winter’s feast and the whole hall is abuzz with merriment!
  5. >Every other day of the year you are a servant working in the royal castle but tonight there are no servants, lords, or ladies.
  6. >Tonight everypony is having a good time and enjoying the holiday, and now that you have finished hauling in the last barrel of ale you can join the celebration!
  7. >The great hall is decorated gaily; ribbons and paper stars are hung from the rafters.
  8. >The long tables are all arranged and groaning with food.
  9. >In the center of the hall, the great fire pit is roaring merrily.
  10. >Somepony must have just stoked it with fresh evergreen wood because the gentle scent of juniper greets you nose.
  11. >You look around for someplace to seat yourself.
  12. >As is customary, most of the nobles are spending tonight in their own manors with their families and servants.
  13. >There are a few lords and ladies here, but you recognize them as good friends of the Princesses.
  14. >Speaking of which, you spy the Royal Sisters sitting at the head of the central table.
  15. >To Princess Celestia’s left are Duke Winterborn and his family.
  16. >You giggle to see his wife, Duchess Silvertail, dividing her attention between the adults at the table and her own offspring.
  17. >The Duke’s foals, all six of them, can be right terrors but they are good colts and fillies all the same.
  18. >On Princess Celestia’s right, of course, sits Princess Luna, gabbling away with court magician Wisteria the Weird.
  19. >Not that Lady Wisteria is actually strange, but her talent for telling the weirds of other ponies and her scrying crystal cutie mark give her the title she’s known by.
  20. >You really need to get her to tell your fortune one of these days…
  21. >Looking back at Princess Celestia, you are pleased that she looks so relaxed and happy.
  22. >Thinking back on all that the young mare’s gone through these past few years she certainly deserves such happiness, you think.
  23. >As you continue to hunt for a seat, Her Highness raises a hoof to get your attention.
  24. >Unexpectedly, the Sun Princess points to an empty seat at the other end of the central table!
  25. >At first you hesitate, but she grins and continues her gesture so you shuffle over and take a seat.
  26. >You know that rank isn’t really being observed tonight, but to sit at the same table as the Princesses!
  27. >Your stomach growls to remind you that you’re hungry so you grab a trencher and began piling on food.
  28. >One of the Duke’s colts, Chaser you think his name is, passes you a bowl of pottage.
  29. >“This stuff is good,” He gives you a toothy grin, “even if it looks like squished up bugs.”
  30. >You look at the bowl of mashed green lentils.
  31. >Trying to keep from gagging, you push the bowl away.
  32. >Chaser snickers at your discomfort.
  33. >Ok, so maybe the Duke’s foals come by their reputation as troublemakers honestly.
  34. >“Here you go,” the colt hoofs you some custard tarts. “These don’t have any bugs, I promise.”
  35. >But like you said, they are basically good foals.
  36. >As you start to eat you look around at the assembled throng.
  37. >There is still a noticeable absence.
  38. >Two noticeable absences, actually.
  39. >You didn’t hear about there being any emergency so where are they?
  40. >Just as you are about to ask where the two missing guests are, the front doors are pushed open and everypony looks up as two figures make their way into the great hall.
  41. >One is an earth stallion; large, roan colored, and seemingly heedless of the snow dusting his mane and withers.
  42. >The other being is tall, standing nearly two heads higher than its companion.
  43. >Even under its cloak, it’s obvious that the creature stands on two legs.
  44. >As it draws back its hood the throng begins to cheer a greeting.
  45. >Shouts of “Sir Anonymous!” and, “Squire Flinthoof!” fill the hall.
  46. >As the knight and his squire stride across the floor they pause to greet friends and well-wishers.
  47. >Everypony is happy to see them, especially Princess Celestia.
  48. >You’ve always liked Sir Anonymous.
  49. >The human knight may be a strange looking creature but he has always shown everypony around him a courtesy that you wish more nobles shared.
  50. >And Squire Flinthoof, well there isn’t a maid in the castle whose heart doesn’t skip a beat when that swarthy stallion gave them one of his impudent grins.
  51. >You have often felt that the pair must somehow be brothers that were separated by some kind of strange magic before they were born and whisked off to different worlds.
  52. >But while Sir Anonymous is all manners and grace, his squire is a much more boisterous sort and always quick with a joke or jest.
  53. >Approaching the central table, the travelers haul up before the Princesses and bow before them.
  54. >Squire Flinthoof bends his legs and lowers his head as any stallion might, but Sir Anonymous chooses to drop down on one knee before bending his head low.
  55. >Princess Luna giggles like the filly she is while the elder Princess rolls her eyes in in exasperation.
  56. >“We’ve told thee many times that thou needn’t bend thy knee to Us, good sir.” she chides in a formal tone.
  57. >“And I would be remiss in my conduct, if I did not pay proper respect to my lieges.” the knight rejoins just as formally.
  58. >“Well said!” Princess Luna laughs and claps her hooves together at the show the pair is putting on. “Come and sit. We even have some fish prepared for you!”
  59. >“That sounds fine! Then by you leave M’lady?” He glances up at Celestia who nods slightly, a small smile creeping onto her lips.
  60. >As the knight and his squire rise up from their obeisance, Duke Winterborn gestures to his family and they slide down the bench.
  61. >When Sir Anonymous makes to protest the Duke merely responds, “Not so, good sir. Her Highness has been looking for your coming all evening. T’would be a shame to deny her your company.”
  62. >You smile to yourself when you see Princess Celestia blush at the Duke’s words.
  63. >Your mirth is short lived as you hear a voice call out behind you.
  64. >“And I believe I shall sit by this pretty young filly here!”
  65. >Glancing up you see Squire Flinthoof approaching the only open spot on the bench.
  66. >Which just happens to be right next to you!
  67. >As he seats himself, he gives you one of his brazen smiles.
  68. >“And what name did your mother give such a pretty one as yourself?”
  69. >You freeze for a moment, unsure of how to respond.
  70. >Then you realize that it was actually a pretty simple question.
  71. “M-Moonglow” you stammer.
  72. >“Ah!” the stallion grins. “Then I count myself lucky to spend tonight in your company M’Lady Moonglow.”
  73. >Certain that your face is red as a raspberry you look back down at you food, trying to think of something to say.
  74. “We were beginning to think that you and your lord might not join us this night.”
  75. >“Ah, well we had a few guards to straighten out at the postern. It is a feast-night but that’s just the time that an enemy may like to strike.”
  76. >You look up in concern but the earth pony laugh off your concern.
  77. >“Nay, lass don’t you worry. Nothing nasty is going to be coming ‘round this night. Now then, this food looks good enough to eat!”
  78. >As the squire dishes up his meal, you turn your ears to the conversation going on at the other end of the table.
  79. >“…and General Thunderwing sends his greetings.”
  80. >“That’s good to hear Anon.” responds Princess Celestia.
  81. >It always amuses you how Her Highness will use formal language around nobles and for official functions, only to discard such affectations as soon as she is in the company of friends and commoners.
  82. >To be sure, she doesn’t call the human knight by his nickname “Anon” when Lord Goldbrick is around!
  83. >Princess Luna floats a pie over to Sir Anonymous.
  84. >“We got this recipe from a gryphon cook. I hope you like it.”
  85. >As he tears into the pastry, the man closes his eyes and savors the first bite.
  86. >“Bless my soul.” he finally says. “Is this an eel pie?”
  87. >“It is indeed.” agrees the younger Princess.
  88. >“Ah, this is a real meal for a son of Britain!” he cries, taking another bite. “Thank you. I never thought I would get to eat something like this again.”
  89. >“You’re quite welcome. But you should thank Tia. She was the one who paid the cook extra to deal with the slimy things.”
  90. >The man looks to the pony sitting next to him. “Thank you M’lady. This means the world to me.”
  91. >Princess Celestia smiles and demurs. “It’s just a pastry Anon.”
  92. >“Just a pastry? Nay, I’ll tell you that every good British lad loves an eel pie. From the lowest stable boy to King Arthur himself.”
  93. >Just as the knight starts to really wax poetic about a smelly fish pie, one of Duke Winterborn’s colts pipes up.
  94. >“What’s a Britain?”
  95. >Another colt joins in. “Who’s King Arthur?”
  96. >Sir Anonymous feigns shock.
  97. >“Why, you lads have never heard of my homeland nor the great king who rules it?”
  98. >The Duke’s foals shake their heads.
  99. >“I think, sir, that perhaps a tale is in order.” Princess Celestia says airily.
  100. >“Indeed!” agrees Lady Wisteria. “I should very much like to hear how you came to our world.”
  101. >Sir Winterborn clops his hoof on the table. “And I think you should tell these young ones how you came into the service of Her Highness the late Queen Mother.”
  102. >“Hah!” laughs the knight. “You should tell that one Winterborn. After all, you were there for most of it!”
  103. >“Nay. As my foals will tell you, I’m terrible at spinning stories.”
  104. >One of the Dukes’s fillies chimes in.
  105. >“It’s true, his stories are soooo boring.”
  106. >The Duchess looks mortified, but the rest of the table guffaws at the foalish outburst.
  107. >“Very well.” agrees Sir Anonymous. “Let me tell you of my homeland and how I came to serve in the Royal House of Unicornia.”
  109. >To be continued…
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