
flutter story

Jan 22nd, 2014
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  2. >I wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat
  3. “Damn insomnia…”
  4. >I force myself out of bed and turn on the lights
  5. >I exit my room, walk into the kitchen and grab a pack of fruit snacks
  6. >Living on minimum wage sucks, but it’s better than nothing
  7. >I walk back to my room, opening the fruit snacks as I walk
  8. >I sit down on my bed and begin reflecting on my life
  9. >I check the date on my alarm clock
  10. >January 11
  11. >Exactly two weeks since my aunt died
  12. >I look up at my dresser, and lock eyes with the last gift she ever bought me for Christmas
  13. >A Fluttershy plushie from Build-a-Bear
  14. >I never told her I was a fan of the show, but somehow she knew
  15. >Having finished off the fruit snacks, I throw the wrapper into the trashbin on the other side of my room
  16. >I get up and grab the plushie, squeezing into a tight hug
  17. >It has a strange but comforting warmth to it
  18. >I squeeze it harder
  19. >I place the plushie in my bed, and turn out the light
  20. >I crawl into bed with the plushie, covering myself and it with the blankets
  21. >Another tear escapes my eye
  22. >I begin to fall asleep
  23. >Suddenly, the plushie seems to grow bigger, and I become more tired
  24. >My eyes are already halfway closed, and I can’t gather the strength to open them.
  25. >Out of nowhere, a small noise
  26. >Poof
  27. >The plushie seems to have grown at least two or three, or perhaps even four or five times its original height
  28. >It feels… more comfortable, and warmer…
  29. >I tighten my grip and snuggle harder
  30. >The hair of the plushie rubs against my nose
  31. >Strange, the hair feels thicker and more life-like
  32. >I begin crying again
  33. >As soon as I let out a sniffle, the plushie begins to move, rolling around in my bed
  34. >wut.jpg
  35. >What’s going on? Plushies aren’t sentient creatures!
  36. >I now realize that this is not a plushie anymore, but a living entity
  37. >My eyes shut, and the being stops moving
  38. >I feel breath on my face, meaning the creature is now facing me
  39. >The breathing is light and faint, but it’s there
  40. >Slightly scared, but too tired to really notice, I gently increased the strength of my grip
  41. >I thought to myself “I have to be hallucinating”
  42. >That sounds plausible. There’s no way a plushie can grow and move
  43. >Now under that assumption, I move my head slightly forward and kiss the plushie
  44. >Or, what I thought was the plushie
  45. >A soft, gentle and kind-sounding voice comes from in front of me
  46. >”Oh! Thank you!” It says
  47. >Still groggy, I respond, not being able to comprehend what just happened.
  48. “You’re welcome.”
  49. >waitafuckingsecond.gif
  50. >My eyes open wide, and I jump out of bed, startled beyond belief
  51. >Fluttershy was right there in front of me
  52. >A vast amount of emotions were running through me
  53. >I have no idea how to feel. Should I respond?
  54. >Fluttershy looks at me with a concerned look
  55. >Well, I can’t avoid talking to her for much longer
  56. >With my body shaking, I manage to get a response out
  57. “Um… hi there.”
  58. >Well, that was fucking weak
  59. >”Hi.” She says. Her gentle voice calms me. “My name’s Fluttershy. I’m sorry if I startled you.”
  60. “That’s an understatement. You did more than just startle me.”
  61. >”Oh,” she says with a sad tone. She tries to hide her face in shame with her front legs
  62. “No! No! I didn’t mean it that way, I’m sorry, it’s just…”
  63. >”Just what?”
  64. “Well, I’ve never met something… or someone… like you before.”
  65. >”Really?”
  66. “Yeah.”
  67. >I sit down on my bed and look directly at the small pony
  68. >Her fur is just as it was in the show, a vibrant but soft yellow
  69. >Her mane is the same, too, a bright but calming pink
  70. >I could just hug her right about now
  71. >”What’s wrong?” she says
  72. >An overwhelming amount of happiness has developed inside me
  73. >Tears of joy begin bursting through my eyes
  74. >I no longer cared that she just randomly appeared
  75. >I was just happy that she was here with me
  76. “Nothing. Nothing’s wrong. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy.”
  77. >I sniffle.
  78. >I reach my hand out to pet her mane, but she hesitates and moves backwards
  79. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to hurt you.”
  80. >This reassures her, and she moves back forward
  81. >I move in closer, and make contact, laying my hand on her forehead
  82. >Holy shit, her fur is soft.
  83. >It feels like a combination of velour and a new fleece blanket
  84. >I move my hand back and forth like a brush
  85. >She seems to enjoy the petting, as she wiggles her left ear
  86. >I move my hand to her ear and scratch behind it
  87. >She giggles and squees with delight
  88. >I scratch under her chin, and she laughs
  89. >”Be careful.” She says gently. “I’m very ticklish.”
  90. >[d’awwing internally]
  91. >I take my other hand and bring it to her back, petting her wings that are folded down onto her body
  92. >Much like the rest of her fur, her wings are soft and pleasant to the touch
  93. >”Forgive me for forgetting, but I haven’t asked you your name” she says
  94. “Anonymous. My name is Anonymous, but you can call me anon for short.”
  95. >She giggles again. “That’s a silly name!”
  96. >I chuckle and grin
  97. “Fluttershy?”
  98. >”Yes? “ she replies
  99. “Would you mind if I gave you a hug?”
  100. >She looks at me with a surprised expression on her face, but she quickly adds in a smile
  101. >Her face lights up like a city at nighttime.
  102. >”Oh, no! I wouldn’t mind at all!” she exclaims enthusiastically
  103. >My heart begins beating faster
  104. >She’s still slightly nervous, so she moves slowly towards me, but the whole time, she’s smiling
  105. >She jumps up on her two hind legs and wraps her two front legs around my neck
  106. >I wrap my arms around her
  107. >Her face is directly in front of me, and she’s looking me right in the eye
  108. >”I… I feel so comfy…” she says
  109. >Oh, God, she’s adorable…
  110. “I do, too.”
  111. >I tighten the hug, pulling her in closer
  112. >She jumps off her hind legs and puts them around my hips
  113. >Much like a small child sitting in a parent’s lap, her legs don’t wrap all the way around my waist
  114. >She brings herself in closer, putting her chest against mine
  115. >I can now feel her heartbeat, and it’s in tune with my own
  116. >Her turquoise eyes gaze into mine
  117. >We both smile and hug tighter
  118. >Ever since the death of my aunt, I haven’t felt at peace, but that changed with this moment
  119. >With this moment, I felt happy
  120. >Fluttershy’s eyelids begin to droop, as do mine
  121. “Maybe we should think about going to bed.”
  122. >She nods in agreement, and she releases her grip
  123. >I pull up the blankets, and we both crawl underneath the covers
  124. >Our heads made contact with the pillow at the exact same time
  125. >I look at her, and she looks back at me
  126. >She seems incredibly happy
  127. >I put my hand onto her and begin rubbing her cheek
  128. >She smiles and giggles again
  129. >Could she get any cuter?
  130. >I know I’d have to ask her about how she got here eventually, but for now, I just wanted to take in this moment
  131. >I smile, and give her a quick kiss on the snout
  132. >She blushes
  133. >”Thank you, anon.”
  134. “You’re welcome.”
  135. >She moves closer, obviously wanting to snuggle more
  136. >I happily oblige, and wrap my arm around her
  137. >For a solid five minutes, we just laid there, staring at one another
  138. >I could only imagine what she was thinking
  139. >She continues to smile, and I continue to smile
  140. >We just lay there, in bliss
  141. >I finally break the silence
  142. “May I just say that you are the cutest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.”
  143. >She immediately changes her expression. She looks stunned for a moment, then happy the next
  144. >”That… that’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever said to me!” she replied enthusiastically
  145. “It’s true, and don’t you ever forget it.”
  146. >Her smile grows larger, and she moves in closer
  147. >I kiss her on the snout again
  148. >She thanked me again, and shut her eyes. Within seconds, I heard soft snoring
  149. >I shut my eyes, too, and I was out like a light.
  150. >Even in my sleep, I could still feel her there
  151. >I could feel every breath she took
  152. >And it made me happy
  153. >Although, I was curious as to how she got here in the first place
  154. >But that issue could wait. That could wait forever
  155. >As long as I had her, I was happy
  156. >I woke up a few times in the middle of the night, and much to my delight she was still there
  157. >Each time I woke up, I pat her softly
  158. >Each time, she responded with a smile
  159. >Even in her sleep, she knows I’m here for her
  160. >I woke up one more time later on in the night, and a thought came to mind
  161. >Will she have to return to where she came from? Will she have to leave?
  162. >I pushed that thought away, still high on the peace that came from the presence of Fluttershy
  163. >Right now, I don’t care if she’ll eventually have to leave
  164. >All I care about now is this moment, and the fact that she’s here
  165. >I closed my eyes once more, and I fell back asleep
  166. >Even though I’m still deep in slumber, I feel something tickling my nose
  167. >This provokes my sleep, and I begin to wake up
  168. >I moan and hear a small voice
  169. >”Good morning, sleepyhead!” Fluttershy says in her normal soothing voice
  170. >I open my eyes, and sure enough, Fluttershy is right there, lying down on her stomach, looking right at me
  171. >She nuzzles my nose, to which I respond with a smile
  172. “Morning, Fluttershy. How’d you sleep?”
  173. >”Really well, especially since I was next to you.”
  174. >I blush
  175. “Aww… Thank you, Flutters.”
  176. >She giggles in an approving manner. I guess the nickname’s going to stick
  177. >She gives me a small kiss on the nose, and I begin petting her again
  178. >She smiles. Even though I’ve become used to her smiling, it still warms my heart every time it happens
  179. >I hug her, and she hugs me right back
  180. >The hug quickly escalated into a full-on snugglefest of epic proportions
  181. >She felt so warm, especially under the blankets, and her fur felt like a cloud
  182. >With a few more pecks on the snout, her and I continued to snuggle
  183. >Just like last night, we stared into each other’s eyes for a sold five minutes at least, although it felt like an eternity
  184. >An eternity I didn’t want to ever, ever end
  186. >God damn alarm clock. I thought I unplugged it for the weekend
  187. >Well, there goes our snuggle time
  188. >Fluttershy looks startled and scared. She doesn’t know what’s going on
  189. “Don’t worry. It’s just my alarm clock.”
  190. >She looks puzzled. “What’s an alarm clock?” she asks with a concerned tone in her voice
  191. >I turn away from her for a brief moment and slam the snooze button
  192. “It’s something that lets me know when it’s time to wake up.”
  193. >”Like a rooster?” she asks
  194. “Sort of.” I respond
  195. >This calms her down, and she breathes a sigh of relief
  196. >I get out of bed and check the time on the clock, it reads 11:30
  197. >Have I really slept for that long?
  198. >I turn back to Fluttershy
  199. “Come on, let’s get some breakfast.”
  200. >Her face perks up at the sound of the word, and she jumps out of bed
  201. >I open the door, and she gallops out into the kitchen
  202. >I smile at the fact that she seems happy to be here with me
  203. >My moment is interrupted
  205. >The snooze button deactivated
  206. >I angrily bend down and yank the alarm clock’s chord from the socket on the wall
  207. >Satisfied, I walk into the kitchen and join Fluttershy
  208. >I saw Fluttershy sitting on the couch, eagerly awaiting my arrival
  209. “I’m right here, Flutters, don’t worry.”
  210. >She smiles again
  211. >I sit down on the couch next to her and gently pet her mane
  212. >She seems even cuter now
  213. “What would you like for breakfast?”
  214. >After a bit of thinking, she responds
  215. >”Do you have any apples?” she asks
  216. “Let me go check.”
  217. >I get up from the couch and walk into the kitchen
  218. >Opening the fridge, I find at least ten Red Delicious apples on the bottom shelf
  219. >I take out four. Three for Fluttershy and one for myself
  220. >I place them on the counter and grab a plate from the cabinet
  221. >The plate’s a nice shade of orange
  222. >I place three of the apples onto the plate in a triangle formation
  223. >Something looks familiar about this, but I can’t put my finger on it
  224. >I bring the plate over to Fluttershy and place it on the coffee table in front of her
  225. >She immediately picks up one apple and takes a bite out of it
  226. >”Mmm!” She says, approving of her breakfast
  227. >I walk back into the kitchen and grab my apple
  228. >I return to the living room and sit down next to her
  229. >We both chow down on our apples
  230. >I glance out the window as I eat
  231. >The early January sun blinds me for just a moment, but I get over it.
  232. >Looking out the window, I see the nearby Boston skyline
  233. >Living in a small apartment in Cambridge has its advantages
  234. >For one, I can wake up every morning to a beautiful view of Boston
  235. >It’s just across the Charles River, but it seemed so far away
  236. >That is, until she showed up
  237. >Yesterday, the city looked like it was a mile away
  238. >Now that she’s here, the city seems closer. It’s beautiful
  239. >I continue to pet her forehead
  240. >She squees with delight and looks out the window
  241. >She’s obviously admiring the city skyline
  242. >”I’ve never seen buildings like these! Not even in Manehattan!” she states
  243. >I knew very well she was from Equestria, but still, it was odd to hear her say that
  244. >I wonder if anyone else will know that…
  245. “Fluttershy, I’ll be right back. I’m gonna go get my laptop.”
  246. >She gives me a confused look
  247. >Right, no laptops in Equestria
  248. >”Alright,” she says, trying to hide the fact that she has no idea what a laptop is
  249. >I get up from the couch and walk to my room
  250. >Opening the door, I am confronted with a very strange sight
  251. >The Fluttershy plushie my aunt gave me is on top of my dresser
  252. >thefuck.png
  253. >I quickly turn my head and look into the living room
  254. >Sure enough, Fluttershy is still there eating her apples
  255. >I turn my head back to my room, and the plushie is still there
  256. >I mumble under my breath so Fluttershy can’t hear me
  257. “What the fuck?!”
  258. >I walk over to my dresser and stick my hand out to touch the plushie
  259. >It’s real. I’m not seeing things
  260. >[anxiety intensifies]
  261. >How is this possible?!
  262. >I start pinching myself
  263. >WAKE UP! WAKE UP!
  264. >It’s not working
  265. >I slap myself on the face, hard
  266. >Wake up, damn it! WAKE UP!
  267. >I’m still here
  268. >Still breathing
  269. >Wait… this means…
  270. >suddenrealization.wmv
  271. >This means she’s real
  272. >This means this is actually happening
  273. >This means all sorts of trouble for both her and me
  274. >Well, shit. I’ve gotta confront her about this
  275. >I start talking to myself
  276. “You can do this, anon! You can do this…”
  277. >I turn and look back into the living room
  278. >She’s still there, now on the second apple
  279. >She still has a smile on her face
  280. >But she’s still unaware of the possible danger that lies ahead in her life
  281. >I walk into my room and put on hand on my laptop
  282. >I’m shaking like a fucking earthquake
  283. >I hear her sweet voice come from the other room
  284. >”Anon? Are you alright?”
  285. >I’m the exact opposite right about now, but I have to lie to her
  286. “Yeah! I’m okay, Fluttershy”
  287. >My voice cracks
  288. >FUCK! Now she knows I’m nervous about something
  289. >”Okay! Just come back soon! I’m getting lonely.”
  290. >Bullet dodged, thank the lord
  291. >I calm myself down enough to get a grip on my computer
  292. >I tuck it underneath my left arm and carry it out into the living room
  293. >I make eye contact with her, and she smiles yet again
  294. >Shit, this is going to be harder than I thought
  295. >I sit down on the couch next to her and take my laptop out, but I struggle to open it
  296. >Fuck, I can’t do this
  297. >I put the laptop on the right side of the couch
  298. >”Anon?” she says. “You don’t seem yourself.”
  299. >Well, shit. Looks like I’m being forced into this
  300. >”Anon?”
  301. I’m fine, Fluttershy, but we need to talk.”
  302. >She looks at me with a concerned facial expression
  303. >She knows I’m under some stress right now
  304. >”What do we need to talk about?” she asks
  305. “Well… it’s just…”
  306. >Fuck, this is going to be hard
  307. “It’s just… I’m not sure this world will accept you.”
  308. >She looks at me and frowns
  309. >”Wh… why not?
  310. “Well,”
  311. >Shit, how do I explain this?
  312. “Some people in this world may find the concept of a real-life, talking, pastel yellow and pink pony with wings to be a little out of the ordinary.”
  313. >”Why? It’s perfectly normal where I come from.” She states
  314. “But you aren’t in Equestria anymore, Flutters.”
  315. >”I know that, but… why won’t people accept me?”
  316. >Damn it, this is difficult!
  317. “Some people don’t want to accept such rapid change.”
  318. >I chuckle. That’s the exact reason I didn’t vote for Obama back in 2008.
  319. >That laugh caught her attention
  320. >”What’s so funny?” she asks
  321. “Nothing.”
  322. >”What, do you not want me here, either?”
  323. >Fuck, that hurt, and that hurt hard
  324. “What?! No! Of course I want you here!”
  325. >She sniffles
  326. >”But… if you want me here, why won’t anyone else?”
  327. “I don’t know if anyone else would want you here or not, but I do know one thing.”
  328. >She looks at me with tears forming in her eyes
  329. “I want you here, and I don’t ever want you to leave.”
  330. >This turns her tears of sadness into tears of joy
  331. >She hops onto her two hind legs and hugs me, putting her head on my shoulder
  332. >herewegoagain.gif
  333. >I hear more sniffling and I feel tears falling onto my neck
  334. >She’s crying up a storm now
  335. >”Thank you, anon! Thank you!” she states
  336. >I have to hold back my own tears
  337. >I don’t see how anyone, anywhere, could not want this adorable creature to be real
  338. >I hug her back
  339. “You’re welcome.”
  340. >Her hind legs leave the ground and rest on my hips, just like last night
  341. >The dam bursts, and I begin to cry
  342. >She manages to calm down within 10 minutes, but I’m still crying
  343. >She removes her head from my shoulder and sits up straight, but she doesn’t let go of me
  344. >”Anon?” She asks. “Why are you crying?”
  345. “Because…”
  346. >I gather up the courage needed to say this
  347. “Because… the thought of you leaving is unbearable.”
  348. >She puts her head back on my shoulder and her hind legs back on my hips
  349. >I guess she was trying to comfort me
  350. >Part of me wants her to stop being this cute
  351. >Then the other part of me hits that thought upside the head with a baseball bat
  352. >If she stopped being so cute at this point, I’d die of adorableness deprivation
  353. >I began moving my hands up and down her back, feeling the soft fur against my palms
  354. >She giggles and nuzzles her head against my neck
  355. >My heartbeat increases to Ludicrous Speed
  356. >”Um… anon? Your heart…”
  357. “Shh… shh… it’s okay.”
  358. >I continue to rub her back, when suddenly I feel movement
  359. >Her wings unfold and spread
  360. >She begins flapping them, which starts to lift me off the couch
  361. “Fluttershy… you’re flying!”
  362. >She notices this and stops, lowering me back onto the couch
  363. >”Sorry, Anon. Sometimes I get carried away when I’m excited.”
  364. “I think I was the one getting carried away this time.”
  365. >She laughs and continues to cuddle me
  366. >Ten more minutes pass of nothing but solid cuddling
  367. “Fluttershy?”
  368. >No response, except for one thing
  369. >Light and soft-sounding snoring
  370. >She had fallen asleep in my arms
  371. >I tighten my grip around her and stand up with her in my arms
  372. >She isn’t too difficult to carry, thank goodness
  373. >I walk into my room and placed her on my bed
  374. >I position her so her head would be dead-center on the pillow
  375. >She smiles and continues snoring
  376. >I cover her body with the blankets and kiss her lightly on the forehead
  377. >She’s so cute when she’s sleeping
  378. >I get up and exit my room, when suddenly there’s a knock at the door
  379. >I turn around and shut the door to my room
  380. >This could end up being good or bad
  381. >I walk to the front door, unlock it, and open it to find my landlord, Mr. Rossi, waiting for me
  382. “Afternoon, Mr. Rossi.”
  383. >”Good afternoon, Anonymous.” He says to me. “Rent’s due today.”
  384. >I forgot it was due today, but thankfully I had the money
  385. “One second, Mr. Rossi, I’ll get the money for you.”
  386. >I turn around, when suddenly I remember
  387. >The money is in my room
  388. >If I open that door, Mr. Rossi will see Fluttershy
  389. >The secret would be out
  390. >”Is there a problem, Anonymous?”
  391. “No, there’s no problem, it’s just…”
  392. >Fuck, what do I say to him?!
  393. “It’s just… I remembered I have to go grocery shopping later today.”
  394. >”Don’t we all, Anon?” he laughs. “Well, come on. I haven’t got all day.”
  395. >This is gonna be tricky
  396. >If I open that door, he’ll see her
  397. >I’ll probably be evicted from this apartment
  398. >A thought comes to mind
  399. “Uh… Mr. Rossi? Would you mind waiting outside? My room’s kind of messy.”
  400. >”Sure thing, Anonymous!” He turns around and walks away from the door
  401. >thatwaseasy.gif
  402. >I quickly scurry to my door, opening it at what seemed to be the speed of sound
  403. >I throw myself into my room, shutting the door behind me
  404. >Behind my Fluttershy plushie lies a small chest that contains the money I set aside for rent
  405. >I open it, grab everything inside, and exit my room in a hurry
  406. “Mr. Rossi! I've got the money.”
  407. >He returns to my doorway and takes the money from me
  408. >He counts it, and gives me a thumbs up
  409. >”Thank you, Anonymous!”
  410. “Anytime, Mr. Rossi.”
  411. >He begins to walk away, but he stops himself and turns back to me
  412. >”Oh, by the way, that’s a comfy looking blanket yellow blanket you've got there.”
  413. >Yellow blanket? What the fuck is he talking about?
  414. >I turn around and notice that I hadn't shut the door to my room all the way
  415. >He’s just laid his eyes on Fluttershy
  416. >”The pink pillowcase compliments it nicely.” He adds on
  417. >Pink pillowcase? Oh, no…
  418. >He’s looking directly at her head, but thankfully, she’s facing the other direction, so he can’t see her face
  419. >”Alright, I’ll be off. Have a nice day!”
  420. “Same to you, Mr. Rossi.”
  421. >I close the door and lock it tight
  422. >Fuckin’ A, that was close…
  423. >I turn around and put my body against the door
  424. >Sweating nervously, I begin to slide down the wall, eventually reaching a sitting position
  425. >Mr. Rossi mistaking Fluttershy for a blanket and pillow confirmed two things
  426. >1: He has fucking terrible eyesight (but for that I am thankful)
  427. >2: Fluttershy can be seen by other humans
  428. >I was both thankful for the latter and concerned by it
  429. >Her being visible to others means I don’t have to worry about looking crazy
  430. >On the other hand, it puts her in even more danger
  431. >But an even bigger issue was of concern now
  432. >How do I tell her this?
  433. >Still sitting on the floor, my eyes begin to shut
  434. >The adrenaline from that situation has faded, leaving me exhausted
  435. >I see the movement of something yellow come from my room
  436. >I guess Fluttershy’s awake
  437. >I breathe a sigh of relief
  438. >She’s safe with me… for now…
  439. >I’m woken up by something tickling my nose
  440. >hereigo_againonmyown.jpg
  441. >I open my eyes, and find Fluttershy standing over me, nuzzling my nose
  442. >I wrap my arms around her and kiss her on the snout
  443. “Hey there, Fluttershy.”
  444. >She smiles and kisses my nose
  445. >I’m actually quite surprised at how fast she’s gotten used to me
  446. >After all, she was quite shy around new people, er… ponies… in the show
  447. >She nuzzles my nose again
  448. >I begin to move, and she gets off me, allowing me to stand up
  449. >I walk into my room and check the time
  450. >Holy shit, it’s 5:30 in the afternoon
  451. >Have I been out for that long?
  452. >I turn back to Fluttershy
  453. “Are you hungry?”
  454. >”A little bit…”
  455. >I don’t have anything suitable for a full dinner for two, so I guess I’ll order take-out
  456. “Sorry, Fluttershy, I don’t have enough for the both of us.”
  457. >She frowns
  458. “But, I can order food and have it delivered here.”
  459. >She becomes very happy
  460. >”Really? How can you do that?”
  461. >I pick up the phone from the countertop
  462. >Holding it in one hand, I open a drawer and find the phone number for a local pizza shop and call it
  463. “Hi, I’d like to place an order…”
  464. >About half-an-hour later, there’s a knock at my door.
  465. “I’ll be there in a moment!”
  466. >I open the door to my room and motion for Fluttershy to go inside
  467. >I whisper to her as to not let the delivery man know anyone but me is here
  468. “Don’t worry, I’ll come back for you in a bit. Just stay in here until I call you.”
  469. >”Okay, Anon.” she whispers back
  470. >She enters my room and I follow suit
  471. >More knocking comes from the front door
  472. “Coming!”
  473. >I grab my wallet from atop my dresser and scurry out of my room
  474. >I make sure to shut the door this time
  475. >I walk to the door and open it
  476. >Sure enough, it’s the delivery man
  477. “Evening!”
  478. >”Evenin’” he says
  479. “How much do I owe you?”
  480. >I pray he doesn’t say ‘I need about tree fiddy’
  481. >”Fifteen dollars and seventy five cents.” He replies
  482. >I open my wallet and pull out a twenty dollar bill
  483. “Keep the change as a tip.”
  484. >”Happily, sir.”
  485. >He hands me the pizza and takes the twenty from my hand
  486. >”Have a good night!” he says as he begins walking away
  487. “Likewise!” I say, shutting the door.
  488. “Oh, Fluttershy!”
  489. >I place the box of pizza down on the front table
  490. >I hear the pitter patter of hooves come from behind me
  491. >Fluttershy’s exited my room and has come to see what lies in the box
  492. >”What is it, Anon?”
  493. “Behold…”
  494. I put my hand on the handle of the cardboard box and lift it open
  495. “Pizza!”
  496. >Fluttershy looks at the contents of the box in amazement
  497. >”I’ve never seen any food like this before!”
  498. “Wait until you taste it.”
  499. >She attempts to pick up a slice, but she can’t get a grip on the slippery cheesy surface
  500. >I giggle
  501. “Here, let me help you.”
  502. >I take out the slice she was trying to get
  503. >It’s still very hot, so I blow on it for her until it cools down a bit
  504. >I turn the slice around and hold it in front of her
  505. >She takes a bite, and her facial expression says it all
  506. >She’s in bliss
  507. >She takes another bite, and her facial expression stays the same
  508. >I smile at her enjoyment of the food
  509. >I take the slice back and put it down on top of the box
  510. >I get up from the couch, go to the kitchen, grab two plates as well as some napkins, and come back
  511. >I place her slice on a plate and put the plate down in front of her
  512. >Then I notice something; she’s got some pizza sauce on her snout
  513. “Uh… Fluttershy… you’ve got a little something on your snout…”
  514. >She goes cross-eyed for a moment to look at the sauce
  515. >She looks back at me and laughs
  516. “One second, I’ll be back.”
  517. >I grab a napkin from the table and go to the kitchen
  518. >I wet the napkin down in the sink
  519. >Fluttershy is watching me the whole time, sauce snout and all
  520. >I turn off the water and walk back into the living room
  521. >I kneel down to her height and lift the wet napkin
  522. “Allow me.”
  523. >She allows me to put the wet napkin on her snout and wipe off the sauce
  524. >I do so swiftly, making sure to get it all off
  525. >After I wipe her snout, I check to make sure all the sauce is gone
  526. >Yup, it’s all gone
  527. >I take another napkin and use it to dry her fur
  528. >She’s smiling the entire time
  529. >After drying her snout, I begin to pet her again
  530. >She seems to like this now
  531. >After petting her for a few minutes, we eat the rest of the pizza
  532. >We’re both absolutely stuffed
  533. >When we finish eating, I threw the box in the recycle bin
  534. >It’s been a long and interesting day
  535. >I have a thought
  536. >A nice shower should calm me down
  537. >Fluttershy has begun to grow drowsy
  538. >The food’s gotten to her
  539. >Her eyes are closing
  540. “Fluttershy, would you mind if I go wash up?”
  541. >She yawns, but manages a response
  542. >”I wouldn’t mind at all.” She says
  543. “Alright then. I’ll be right back.”
  544. >I run my hand through her mane, and she grins in response
  545. >I give her a gentle kiss on the forehead, and she climbs up on the couch
  546. >I walk to the bathroom and open the door
  547. >After entering the bathroom, I make sure to shut the door and lock it so Fluttershy won’t see me naked
  548. >I move the shower curtain to the side, and turn on the water
  549. >I adjust it so it’s nice and hot, then climb in
  550. >I let the water run down my body for a few minutes to relax my muscles before beginning to wash up
  551. >I wash my body and hair fairly quickly, and then I shut off the water
  552. >Letting the steam generated by the shower enter my sinuses, I breathe a sigh of relief
  553. >I open the closet, grab a towel, and dry myself off
  554. >After wrapping the towel around my waist, protecting my privates from view, I open the bathroom door
  555. >Fluttershy is awaiting me outside the door
  556. >I jump back in surprise
  557. >”Oh! I’m sorry Anon, it’s just, I feel like I need to wash up, too.”
  558. “Really?”
  559. >”Could you perhaps, give me a bath?”
  560. “I’m sorry… what did you say?”
  561. >”I… I asked you if you could give me a bath.”
  562. >fuckyeahiwill.gif
  563. “Oh… alright, just let me go get into my pajamas.”
  564. >She nods in an approving manner
  565. >I exit the bathroom and enter my bedroom
  566. >I open a few drawers and hastily grab the first pair of underwear, the first t-shirt and first pair of sweatpants I see
  567. >I throw them on in less than a minute
  568. >I run back to the bathroom, where Fluttershy is eagerly awaiting my arrival
  569. >She smiles when she sees me
  570. “Alright, let’s get you clean.”
  571. >She squees in approval and anticipation
  572. >I reach into the bathtub and turn on the water
  573. >It starts coming from the handle
  574. >I forgot to push down the pin that changes where the water empties into the tub
  575. >I push it down and water starts rushing from the faucet in the tub
  576. >Then, I put the plug into the drain
  577. “It takes a few minutes to fill up completely. Just be patient.”
  578. >She willingly waits for the tub to fill up
  579. >I stop the water, as the porcelain-lined ocean is filled
  580. “Now, just one last question, Flutters…”
  581. >”Yes?” she responds
  582. “Do you want bubbles with your bath?”
  583. >”Bubbles?!” she exclaims.
  584. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
  585. >I reach into the cabinet and pull out the bottle of bubble soap
  586. >The label reads “Rocky Mountain Soap Company –Bubble Bath Mix”
  587. >Fluttershy has a huge smile on her face and her eyes are locked on the bottle
  588. >I remove the cap and move the bottle over the tub
  589. >The mixture pours into the water
  590. >After about three seconds, I stop and begin mixing the water with my hand
  591. >The bubbles begin to appear
  592. >She doesn’t want to wait any longer
  593. >She hops into the air, positioning herself over the tub.
  594. >She lowers herself down gently
  595. >Her body makes contact with the water, and she sighs with relief
  596. >”The water’s so warm…”
  597. >I smile while continuing to stir my hand in the water and create more bubbles
  598. >Within minutes, the tub is filled with bubbles
  599. >Fuck, she’s adorable when surrounded by bubbles
  600. “Alright, let’s get you washed up.”
  601. >I put my hands in a cup formation and dipped them below the layer of bubbles
  602. >We’re gonna start by washing your mane, okay?”
  603. >Fluttershy nods in approval
  604. >I bring my hands up from under the water and position them over her head
  605. “Close your eyes. I don’t want water getting in something so beautiful.”
  606. >She smiles and closes her eyes
  607. >I release the water from my hands
  608. >I continue dumping water onto her mane until it’s nice and wet
  609. >Then, I push the pump down on the shampoo container
  610. >I rub it on both my hands and then begin running them through her mane
  611. >She’s smiling the entire time
  612. >After coating her hair with shampoo, I put my hands back into a cup formation and dip them below the water
  613. >She still hasn’t reopened her eyes
  614. >I lift my hands out of the water and dump water onto her head again
  615. >I do this until all the shampoo is out of her hair
  616. >Then, I reach up onto the shower wall for the shower loofa
  617. >I grab it with one hand while simultaneously grabbing the bottle of Dove body wash with the other
  618. >I dip the loofa below the water and quickly bring it back up
  619. >I open the body wash and squirt it onto the loofa
  620. >I rub it in, and then proceed to rub the loofa on Futtershy’s fur
  621. >She doesn’t mind, but she does giggle a bit
  622. >I guess this tickles
  623. >I continue to wash her body until she’s completely covered in soap
  624. >At this point, the bubbles in the bath have begun to disappear
  625. >I begin to put my hands into a cup formation
  626. >”It’s okay, Anon. This part I can do myself.”
  627. >She proceeds to dunk herself beneath the water
  628. >She’s under the surface for about ten seconds
  629. >She comes back up with her wings spread out. There’s no soap left on her body
  630. >She flies out of the tub and lands on the floor
  631. >I pull out the drainplug
  632. >I wrap a towel around her and begin drying her off
  633. “I think it’s time for bed, Fluttershy.”
  634. >She yawns as I continue drying her off
  635. >”I think so, too.”
  636. >We both exit the bathroom and enter my room
  637. >I make my bed, and she eagerly spreads her wings
  638. >She flies and lands on top of my bed
  639. “Do you want to go under the covers?”
  640. >She responds by flying up once again to let me pull the covers down
  641. >When that’s done, she flies back down onto the bed
  642. >I turn out the light, but the lights from the city nearby enter my room through the window, keeping my room bright enough to see inside.
  643. >I climb into bed alongside her, pulling the blankets up to cover our bodies as I do so
  644. >”Anon, I want to thank you for letting me stay here with you.”
  645. “It’s no trouble, Fluttershy. I’m happy to help.”
  646. >She smiles
  647. >I move closer to her, putting my arm around her body
  648. >She puts her arm around mine
  649. >”Anon, do you think you could sing me a lullaby?” she asks
  650. >I don’t know how to sing, but I can try
  651. “Alright, I’ll give it a shot.”
  652. >I cough with my mouth closed to warm up my vocal chords, and I sing in a soft voice.
  653. “Hush now, quiet now, it’s time to lay your sleepy head. Hush now, quite now, it’s time to go to bed.”
  654. >After my verse is complete, I hear soft snoring
  655. >She’s asleep
  656. >I kiss her on the snout, put my head back on the pillow, and shut my eyes
  657. “Goodnight, Fluttershy.”
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