

Aug 8th, 2013
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  1. >You sit down heavily upon your bed, weighing your options.
  2. Lyra, are you sure this will work?
  3. >"Sure? Of course I'm sure! I did it for BonBon, remember?"
  4. >Well, that is true
  5. >BonBOn even testified for you that it worked
  6. But BonBon's a p0ny, and I'm...
  7. >"Aww, forget about that. It's the same principle, right?"
  8. Yeah, but the same can be said about surgery and butchery...
  9. >"Hey man, relax. This is why we're doing this, remember? You just aren't yourself!"
  10. >You sigh, and rub your eyes
  11. >Your crow's feet are growing by the hour
  12. I guess.
  13. So where do we go from here?
  14. >Lyra rubs her chin with a hoof
  15. >"Hmm."
  16. >"Well, first off, why don't you lay down."
  17. >You really are out of other options at this point
  18. >Warm milk didn't do it, vigorous exercise didn't do it
  19. >Not even having a couple faps did it, and that usually puts you out like a light
  20. >So, you oblige the minty mare
  21. >And lay down on the bed
  24. >Lyra climbs up onto the bed
  25. >You blink drowsily, and when you open your eyes again she's above you
  26. >Hooves planted on either side of your prostate body
  27. >As you watch, she begins to lower herself onto your torso
  28. >You put your arms up
  29. Woah, hey, what's-
  30. >"Ssssh... you need to relax. And we need maximum contact for this to work, remember?"
  31. >Hu-
  32. >The synapses in your overtired mind fire, and you do remember
  33. >She said something about contact helping with the connection
  34. >Or something
  35. >At this point, you don't much care
  36. >You let your arms fall to your side, and Lyra resumes her descent
  37. >She lays now upon your torso, looking down at you with those luminous golden eyes
  38. >The strangest things run through your mind
  39. >For example
  40. >Your shirt is riding up a little bit above your pants
  41. >You know this because Lyra's laying on top of the gap
  42. >And the alien feeling of her soft, warm belly fur is giving you goosebumps and minor shivers
  45. >Lyra makes herself comfortable
  46. >You swear, she must be enjoying this
  47. >Then she finally speaks
  48. >"Hold me."
  49. Okay, the laying on I can understand. But why?
  50. >"Maximum contact, remember? You got lots of surface area on those arms of yours"
  51. Oh.
  52. >You figure, what the hell
  53. >She's warm anyway, and your extremities are starting to get cold
  54. >So you reach up
  55. >And wrap your arms around the green p0ny on your chest
  56. >"That oughta do it."
  57. >You here her mumble.
  58. >her horn glows for a moment, and then the lights flick off.
  59. >"Now, close your eyes."
  60. >You blink a few times, working up the moisture
  61. >And then your second and third set of lips slide closed, reducing your vision to blessed darkness
  62. >You feel the being in your arms shift
  63. >And then hot, moist breath blowing down over your face
  64. >it pauses there for a moment, as if considering
  65. >And then the line of soft warmth runs up your neck
  66. >Lyra has laid her head on your chest, it seems
  67. >Her horn runs up your face, over your left eye
  68. >With the tip resting on top of your forehead
  69. >An incredibly brief, brilliant instance of aquamarine glows through your eyelids
  70. >And then true unconsciousness comes to you like a lost dog returning to its master
  73. (Mood music, I guess. Listened to this while I wrote this bit; ignore lyrics.)
  76. >You tumble through a spectral, sparkling green tunnel
  77. >Huh
  78. >Usually it's not this rough
  79. >Then all thoughts leave you as it spits out out
  80. >And sends you rolling across the hard ground
  81. >When you finally cease your tumbling, it's because you slid into something
  82. >Something that groans behind you
  83. >You open your eyes and emit a groan of your own
  84. >You're sore all over...
  85. >Then you begin to examine your environment
  88. >...Well, this isn't good
  89. >You seem to be in... some kind of city?
  90. >You think it's a city
  91. >That's the closest thing you can think of
  92. >Canterlot
  93. >Although even that's a far flung comparison...
  94. >The only real similarities are that the buildings are packed close together like in Canterlot
  95. >But everything's all big
  96. >And... drab
  97. >The buildings, the walls
  98. >Even the ground underneath you
  99. >It's mostly made of this run down looking, grey material
  100. >Which, your body handily reminds you
  101. >is incredibly hard
  102. >And unforgiving
  103. >The entire scene is bathed in a pale, translucent glow from a fat moon that hangs overhead
  106. >The thing behind you coughs
  107. >"Lyra?"
  108. >The voice is familiar
  109. Anonymous?
  110. >"Yeah, it's me"
  111. >You roll onto your belly, and then rise
  112. >Then you turn around
  113. >Anonymous lays prostate on the concrete before you
  114. Hey man, how are ya doing?
  115. >He coughs again
  116. >"I've been better."
  117. >He pulls himself into a sitting position against the wall
  118. >"So this is it? Or, uh, what is this?"
  119. >You frown
  120. Well Anonymous, this is your mind.
  121. >His response is sharp
  122. >"What?"
  123. >You stare at him
  124. This is your mind. From here, we need to figure out what's wrong, and how to fix it.
  125. >Although the moonlight is pale
  126. >Your friend somehow manages to become paler
  127. >"You- what? We're inside my mind? You said all we'd have to do is-"
  128. I said we'd have fix the problem, didn't I?
  129. >He's silent for a moment.
  130. >"Well, yes."
  133. So, does any of this look familiar to you?
  134. >Anonymous warily clambers to his feet
  135. >"Well, yes. It's the city I was in before... before I came to Equestria."
  136. >He steps forward, onto a black strip of ground
  137. >Then he stares at a metal pole across the way
  138. >"...Yeah, we're on Eisenhower boulevard."
  139. >This piques your curiosity
  140. >Anonymous has never spoken much about the place he came from
  141. >He always changes the subject before much can be learned
  142. >You could learn a lot here, you think
  143. >Then you laugh at yourself
  144. >Of course you could
  145. >It is his mind, after all
  146. >"Lyra, listen to me."
  147. >Anonymous's tone catches your attention, and you look up at him
  148. >"You have to stay close to me, okay? Stay with me, and don't wander off. It isn't safe here."
  149. Alright.
  150. >You agree
  151. >You have your own motives for being here, of course
  152. >But better to stick with Anon
  153. >For his peace of mind, at least
  154. >Presently, Anonymous starts to walk
  155. >"C'mon, Lyra. Let's... try my old place. See if there's anything there, I guess."
  156. Sure
  157. >You placate, trotting off after him
  160. >"So, Lyra" You hear from him a few blocks later
  161. >"Is my mind like other minds you've seen?"
  162. I really can't say it is.
  163. >"Heh, thought so."
  164. It's... darker, I guess. Which could be part of the problem.
  165. >"Really?"
  166. >You ponder for a second
  167. Well, yeah. I mean, minds are normally brighter than this. More well lit.
  168. Cheerier, I guess?
  169. >"Huh. Well, I can see how I'd be different..."
  170. How so?
  171. >"Nevermind" he says abruptly.
  172. >Motion in the corner of your eye catches your attention, and you look
  173. >There was white there, you think
  174. >Pure, unspoilt white
  178. Anonymous?
  179. >You turn left, and then right
  180. >Where did he get to?
  181. >You were following behind him just a minute ago
  182. >But now he's nowhere to be found
  183. Anonymous!
  184. >You call out, to no avail
  185. >Your cry echoes throughout the streets, returning to you sounding like a taunt
  186. >"Anonymous! Anonymous! Anonymous! Anonymous..."
  187. >You are lost.
  188. >Okay, you can find your way out.
  189. >You helped BonBon, right?
  190. >...except you were with her the whole time
  191. >You know what you have to do
  192. >You need to find one of those huge glass huts again
  193. >Yeah
  194. >Then you can just find the part of the map labeled "Anon's house"
  195. >That'll do it
  196. >A yawning doorway beckons to you
  197. >You saw one just back on the other street, and the door offers a shortcut
  198. >So you head for the door, purpose once again in your step
  199. >It's dark inside, and raise your hoof to hit the light switch...
  201. >A terrible screeching sound drags you to consciousness
  202. >Along with a rhythmic jarring
  203. >...And your head hurts
  204. >Wow
  205. >The jarring isn't exactly helping
  206. >You are, you think
  207. >Being carried by something
  208. >There are two hooves wrapped around your left side
  209. >And your right side is pressed up against a solid slab of something
  210. >Something that's warm, and dense, and heaving
  211. >It smells like sweat, and exertion, and... charcoal?
  212. >With a heartbeat as steady as a grandfather clock
  213. >But wait
  214. >The hooves are too long
  215. >And the end in... something
  216. >Each one is wrapped around one of your left side legs
  217. >Is it Anonymous?
  218. >You groan, and decide to open your eyes and find out
  221. >The sound is some kind of screeching, horrid wail
  222. >Sort of like how you imagine Tartarus sounds
  223. >Except occasionally, words can be discerned
  224. >Hissing screeches of words, that is
  225. >"yyyyyoourrr moom!"
  226. >"iiiiimplying"
  227. >"Mummy?"
  228. >"I want my mummy!"
  229. >Much closer, from right behind your ear, you hear another voice
  230. >This one is much more... alive, you guess.
  231. >Familiar.
  232. >But still not Anonymous
  233. >A deep bass rumble, it sounds like someone dragging a Tom-sized boulder down a gravel road
  234. >"Don't look back"
  235. >Of course, that's what you were doing to begin with
  236. >Your head twists slightly, but the thing
  237. >No, the hand
  238. >on your front leg reaches up and grabs your jaw, twisting it abruptly back forward
  239. >The glimpse you got was more than enough
  240. >you're not looking back ever again
  243. >Pursuing your courier are all manner of...
  244. >The word that comes to mind is abominations
  245. >Red and black and blue and brown, they slip and slide along
  246. >Uttering that terrible shriek
  247. >Ranging in size from a filly to... bigger than anon, the come
  248. >Covered in scabs and cuts and horrible bleeding gashes
  249. >And just as numerously, improbably large teeth and claws
  250. >"Don't need you fainting on me again" says the voice
  251. N-no
  252. >"Good, you understand me."
  253. >And then whoever it is that's carrying you trips
  254. >Or something
  255. >Because there's a massive lurch forward
  256. >And then you're tumbling again
  257. >When you finally recover, and regain your hooves
  258. >Your savior is nowhere to be seen
  261. >The horrible howling rises in pitch, so you steel yourself and turn
  262. >Your previous exposure seems to have inoculated you
  263. >As all you feel is the pressing need to vomit
  264. >The horrible, toothed horde approaches more slowly now
  265. >...and the words shift from nonsense to something entirely more sinister
  266. >You fight through the bile
  267. >You know a defensive stun spell, of course
  268. >Everyp0ny had to learn it, after the timber wolf attack...
  269. >You just hope you can remember how to cast it
  270. >You lower your head, aiming your horn and watering eyes
  271. >And so fail to notice the glittering metal cylinder that arcs over top of you
  272. >Your spell goes off in a wide arc, stunning the front line of the horde
  273. >And slowing it momentarily as the abominations in back have to knock them over and out of the way
  274. >In that time, a massive detonation sounds in front of you
  275. >The flash renders you blind
  276. >So you are unable to see the majority of the abominations splatter against the walls
  279. >The next sound you hear, even through your ringing ears
  280. >Is what sounds like thunder
  281. >Except it's happening over and over again
  282. >You also that same deep, gravelly voice from before
  283. >It's yelling
  284. >When your vision recovers, you almost wish it hadn't
  285. >Most of the horde is gone
  286. >And the walls around where it was are painted a mixture of blood red and bone white
  287. >In front of you stands a human
  288. >Presumably the one that was carrying you before
  289. >But this human is not Anonymous
  290. >Oh no
  291. >He has the same body shape as Anon
  292. >But he's... thicker
  293. >There's more to him
  294. >you've seen Anon with his shirt off, and Anon has professed to "keep himself in shape"
  295. >And for some reason, that does something for you
  296. >But this human is another level entirely
  297. >His muscles bulge in ways you didn't know that kind of frame could bulge
  298. >The olive... tank top?
  299. >Yeah, that's what that's called
  300. > it barely its
  301. >Camouflage pants tucked into black... boots, you think they're called, complete the ensemble
  302. >Along with a red band of cloth tied around the head
  303. >Sorta like you saw Anon do once
  306. >The human holds in his arms an irregularly shaped black stick, which seems to be making the thunder
  307. >There's a dull green box hanging off the left side of it
  308. >And the right side spits out a steady stream of dirty brown sticks and black crumbs
  309. >The front is emitting small bursts of flame, instantaneous to see
  310. >And this human is pointing it at the functional remains of the horde
  311. >Whatever... thing he points it at, erupts into blood and falls over
  312. >The last of the horde falls just a second before the thunder stops
  313. >The flashes stop from the stick too, as does the stuff coming out the side
  314. >The human sets the stick down
  315. >For rising from the remains of the horde is a new monster
  316. >As tall as some of the buildings, it roars
  317. >The human draws from his being a long, wicked looking knife, and charges the beast
  318. >It swipes and snaps at him ineffectually, grazing his back at best
  319. >He slides between its legs, and then springs up from the back
  320. >One arm hangs around its shoulder, while the other does something with the knife
  321. >The beast roars again, this time in pain, and reaches back to swat the impudent man
  322. >But the man is gone, dropped off the beast's back
  323. >It lumbers around to face him, and then detonates
  324. >Splattering the already gore covered walls to absolute saturation
  327. >The human casually wipes his knife off on his pantleg, and then sheaths it
  328. >From the plethora of objects around his waist, he draws a canteen, and drinks deeply from it
  329. >Then he approaches you
  330. >You cower a bit
  331. What... what are you?
  332. >"I could ask you the same" he grunts
  333. Well, I'm a p0ny...
  334. >"And I'm a human."
  335. What... agh...
  336. >He picks up the stick as you cough, choking a little on the fumes it emitted
  337. What's your name? Why did you help me? What is this place? Do you know where Anon is? Is he safe?
  338. >He chuckles darkly
  339. >"Easy kid, don't stain yourself."
  340. >Then he crouches, peering at your face
  341. >"Can you walk?"
  342. I... yes.
  343. >"Good. We need to get out of here. I'll tell you as we go."
  344. O-okay.
  347. >As you walk, this new human answers your questions, more or less
  348. >His name is "Action"
  349. >It suits him
  350. >And he tells you he knows you brought Anon, because he was watching.
  351. >He informs you that Anon is having problems sleeping because something tripped a valve way down in the city sewers
  352. >And that same something has been spawning these hordes of nightmares...
  353. >He's tried, but he can never get close
  354. >The whole thing is underwater
  355. >And it needs to be drained, somehow
  356. >He also tells you that Anon is currently hiding out in another human's house
  357. >A human by the name of "Ingenuity"
  358. >And that he'll get you as close to Anon as he can
  359. >The discussion finally ends when you arrive at a particular building
  360. >This building is heavily fortified
  361. >Covered in barb wire and surrounded by small, green square boxes that read "This side towards enemy"
  362. >Action goes to the front of the building and pushes some buttons set into the wall next to a section of rectangular panels
  363. >The rectangular panels rise, and lights flicker on beyond
  364. >Revealing the front of a massive plow painted to look like an equally massive maw, with the letters "RAPE TRUCK" stenciled along the top
  365. >And a glass box above it
  366. >"Well C'mon, kid"
  367. >He says
  368. >"We're goin' for a ride"
  371. >You follow Action into the building
  372. >The walls are covered in pegs
  373. >And resting on those pegs are more of the metal sticks
  374. >Some of them have wierd tubes on the top
  375. >And others have wood parts
  376. >The grey floor is stained in places by a black substance
  377. >And there are stacks of green boxes with yellow stenciled lettering
  378. >Metal cabinets, metal tables, metal tools and a massive bed with a metal frame take up the rest of the wallspace
  379. >Then you look to the left
  380. >Behind the plow is a big metal and wood machine
  381. >Most of the body is camoflage metal
  382. >But there are wooden rails on the back
  383. >The entire thing rests on six wheels that are nearly as tall as you are
  384. >They have metal centers and rubber outsides
  385. >You've never seen wheels like that before
  388. >While you're staring slackjawed about the place, Action is living up to his namesake
  389. >He pulls a lever on the side of the machine, revealing a compartment behind the glass window you saw earlier
  390. >Inside, you see a wheel on a stick, several metal pedals, more sticks sticking up out of the ground
  391. >And a worn looking bench with a backrest
  392. >Then he grabs two belts
  393. >one is black, and is covered in rectangular pouches
  394. >The other one is brown, and has loops
  395. >Which hold significantly larger brass and red cylinders
  396. >Action drapes these across his torso
  397. >Then he goes to the piles of green boxes
  398. >He grabs four of them and puts them in the... the Rape Truck
  399. >Then he goes to the walls, and rubs his chin
  400. >After ensuring his previous metal stick was put down on a metal bench, he pulls from the wall another metal stick just like it
  401. >Then he pulls one that looks... different
  402. >This one has a center block with a rectangular hole in it
  403. >Inside that hole is a shiny cylinder
  404. >The back part is wood
  405. >And the front part is two metal cylinders
  406. >The top cylinder is longer and open at the end
  407. >The bottom cylinder is shorter and capped off, and there's a piece of carved and checkered wood wrapped around most of it
  411. >As you watch, Action pulls the red cylinders out of one of the belts
  412. >He pushes them into a slot on the bottom of the central rectangle
  413. >"Still with me, kid?"
  414. >You shake your head
  415. My name's Lyra. And yes.
  416. And...
  417. >You rub your eyes with your hooves
  418. There's so much here I don't understand.
  419. Presumably from Anonymous's world.
  420. For example, what IS that thing? And how does it work?
  421. >Action considers the object in his arm
  422. >"This? This is my baby"
  423. You have children?
  424. >"Figure o' speech, kid."
  425. >He does, accordingly, look at it like one would view a very dear object
  426. >"No, this is a gun. More accurately, a shotgun."
  427. >Action pulls on the forward wooden part, and it slides back
  428. >The shiny metal cylinder inside the central rectangle slides back as well, and one of the red sticks appears inside the chamber
  429. >Then he pushes forward on the wooden handle, and the stick is pushed inside the upper tube
  430. >"When I pull this trigger, the powder in the shell lights and this thing belches a cloud of lead at whatever doesn't deserve to be alive anymore"
  431. >You scratch your head...
  432. Why would you need such a-
  433. >Action tenses
  434. >He raises the shotgun to his shoulder, and points it in your direction
  435. >You gulp
  438. >Action pulls the trigger, and there's a massive flash that singes the top of your mane
  439. >Along with an accompanying sound of thunder that hammers your eardrums
  440. >You don't, however, go dark
  441. >Or feel hurt
  442. >or whatever it is that you feel when you're dying
  443. >It appears he shot over you
  444. >After his shot, he pulls the wooden part again
  445. >The red stick flies out of the central block, bouncing off across the floor
  446. >He points grimly over your head
  447. >Then he says something that you can't hear because he just MADE BUCKING THUNDER TEN FEET AWAY
  448. >You turn around
  449. >The message is clear
  450. >One of the horrible monsters stands just outside the garage door
  451. >Well, stood
  452. >It's laying in a pool of blood now
  453. >THAT'S why Action needs guns
  454. >Behind you, you hear shouting
  456. >You turn around
  457. >Action's throwing a final few effects in the machine
  459. >He waves you on
  463. >You're in no mood to argue
  464. >So instead, you jump up into the truck
  465. >Well, bound would be more accurate
  466. >You have to stretch a good ways to get onto the first step
  467. >And then from there, move fast enough to get your hooves up
  468. >Then jump onto the seat
  469. >You see Action start to climb inside, so you scoot further into the internal compartment
  470. >He pulls himself up in front of the wheel, and pulls a key from his pocket
  471. >The key goes into a keyhole on the front wall
  472. >Which has a number of needles and dials on it
  473. >Action pushes a few buttons, turns a few knobs
  474. >Then he stomps on one of the pedals and turns the key
  475. >A dulled roar erupts from the front of the vehicle, which settles into a steady, bass rumble
  476. >The seat beneath you begins to vibrate ever so slightly
  477. >Then Action pushes another one of the pedals, moves one of the levers, and releases it
  478. >And the entire thing lurches into motion
  479. >Further proddings, pushings and occasional cursings from Action serve to propel the 'Rape Truck' to velocities you'd never thought you could achieve
  480. >You wonder if this is sort of what it's like to be a pegasus
  481. >Going this fast
  482. >Action navigates the streets of the nighttime city with practiced ease
  483. >The lights mounted just above the plow pick out your route as you rumble along
  484. >You shake your head
  485. Where are we going?
  486. >"Ingenuity's place, if we can manage it."
  490. >The headlights pick out something up in the distance
  491. >You squint
  492. >Action curses
  493. What...
  494. >The bestial howl of a hundred throats splits the air
  495. >Ahead of you mills a crowd of the abominations
  496. >It makes a picket line across the street
  497. >"They're onto us!" shouts Action
  498. >To your rising alarm, however, he makes no effort to slow down
  500. >"THE RAPE TRUCK HAS NO BRAKES!" he screams
  501. >Then the plow hits the mass of fleshy beasts with a sickening squelch, and the entire truck lurches
  502. >The momentum of the thing, however, carries you over and through the crowd
  503. >But now you're in the clear, right?
  504. >You hope
  505. >Next to you, Action is working the instruments of the Rape Truck like a p0ny possessed
  506. >He glances at a mirror attached to the front glass window, and curses
  509. >Action has to raise his voice to make himself heard over the roar of whatever it is that keeps the truck moving
  510. >"Get in the back, there's a Ma Deuce mounted on the tailgate. Push the V shaped metal plate on the back to shoot the quicklings"
  511. What's a ma deuce?
  512. >You ask in return
  513. >"A big fucking gun"
  514. >He practically shouts
  515. >Then he smashes out the rear window with an elbow
  516. >"Now git going!"
  517. >You know what will happen if anything like you're imagining catches up with the truck
  518. >So you do as you're told, jump through the window
  519. >And hope for the best
  522. >On the far side of the window, you land on the wooden slats with a thump
  523. >There are two objects covered in tarps on either side of the back
  524. >And mounted into the truck bed at the far end is the Ma Deuce
  525. >Or at least, what you're guessing is one
  526. >There's a long, thick central black box mounted on a tripod that appears to be bolted into the flooring
  527. >And the biggest green box you've seen yet hanging off the left side
  528. >True to form, on the nearer end are two of Anonymous's "Handles"
  529. >Took you a while to get that term in your head
  530. >And on the far end is a tube
  531. >Sort of like the tube on Action's first gun
  532. >But bigger, thicker, longer
  533. >And with less stuff on it
  534. >What's beyond the end of the truck bed, however
  535. >That's what's truly terrifying
  536. >For there is a veritable pack of the creatures
  537. >They are different from the ones you saw before, however
  538. >Their limbs are elongated, almost freakishly so
  539. >And their huge bounds eat up ground with frightening speed
  540. >With no time to lose, you scramble for the Ma Deuce
  541. >There is indeed a V shaped metal plate on the back
  542. >With your magic, you depress it...
  545. >By far the loudest thunder clap of them all sounds off, and the tube emits a scorching fireball that warms your fur, even all the way back here
  546. >In your wake, one of the quicklings explodes into a fountain of gore
  547. >The shock of the firing causes you to let up on the trigger
  548. >A single, massive brown stick falls out of the bottom of the center box and rattles off across the floor
  549. >In the horde behind, another quickling pulls forward and occupies his former comrade's position
  550. >You grit your teeth, and plop down behind the gun
  551. >With your hooves, you hold the handles
  552. >They're a bit slippery, but you assert your innate magic
  553. >Then you depress the plate again
  554. >The gun jumps and bucks against your hooves, sending a volley of projectiles into the oncoming horde
  555. >You find that if you brace your back hooves on the legs of the tripod and push with your entire body, you can move the gun back and forth
  556. >And so this is what you do, sweeping it back and forth, back and forth across the oncoming horde...
  557. >In a straightaway, it seems, the Rape Truck can keep its distance
  558. >But in the turns, the creatures gain ground, and this is when you punish them the most
  559. >The truck under you inclines slightly, and your worldview goes down, indicating a hill
  560. >You chance a glance forward
  561. >You seem to be going up on some sort of extended bridge
  562. >Rests on pillars, and goes up and over the city
  563. >Then your head goes back to the facing of your weapon
  564. >And you resume firing
  567. >Then, all of the sudden, the gun just...
  568. >Stops firing!
  569. >You push the plate in a couple times, unable to comprehend
  570. >It's... Empty?
  571. >"Hey kid!" comes a shout from too close behind you
  572. >You scrable to your hooves and turn around
  573. >It's Action
  574. >He's removed the tarp off of the right side object
  575. >Which appears to be a massive grey tube with black, red and yellow patches
  576. >And a handle on the front
  577. >"End of the ride for you!"
  578. >He grunts, thrusting the handle of a black box into your mouth
  579. >"Hang onto this tight"
  580. >While you're busy gagging at the taste of dirt and sweat, Action hefts the enormous tube onto his shoulder
  581. >He holds it the way you've seen Anonymous carry long pieces of lumber
  582. >Except that there's a handle on the front for him to hold onto
  583. >You finally spit the case out, careful to catch it with your magic
  584. Who's driving the truck!?
  585. >You almost shout
  586. >"A stick and a bungee cord. Get into this thing!" He returns, doing something with his free arm and crouching
  587. >A massive yellow panel that covers a section of the top half of the tube slides forward, revealing a hole
  588. >"C'mon kid! Now!"
  589. >For reasons that not even you comprehend, you oblige him
  590. >Carrying your case with you, you hop into the tube
  591. >The yellow part slides back in place above you
  594. >The inside of the tube is grey and cool
  595. >The box pokes into your chest
  596. >A faint voice floats down the opening in the end
  597. >"I'm sending you to...."
  598. >You can't catch the rest
  599. >Sending?
  600. >What?
  602. >You shout
  603. >"I... be fine" Comes the return
  604. >Then a massive force kicks you thoroughlly in the haunch
  605. >And for a brief second, you're flying
  606. >Time slows down as you sail through the air over the drab, dismal city
  607. >Your box floats along in front of you, and your head pans about
  608. >All over your body the wind rushes, like when you were standing on top of Pike's peak
  609. >You look out over the moonlit landscape
  610. >A particular flash of white catches your eye, but before you can look at it harder, you realize that the ground is coming up rather fast
  611. >In particular, a cozy looking three story house
  612. >Your trusty box shatters the window directly in front of you
  613. >And the last impression you have is of the color red
  614. >Then you impact, and everything goes black
  618. >Back on the Rape Truck roaring down the No Brakes Highway, Action sighs.
  619. >"I miss fighting commies and nazis."
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