
Structure 2013-08-23 Past simple & progressive

Aug 23rd, 2013
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  1. p. 18 Ex. 1
  2. 2 T
  3. 3 F
  4. 4 F
  5. 5 F - He moved in first, then he was living with them.
  6. 6 T
  7. Ex. 2
  8. A
  9. 2 were
  10. 3 doing
  11. 4 were dancing
  12. 5 Did
  13. 6 get
  14. 7 gave
  15. 8 Did
  16. 9 bring
  17. 10 fell
  18. 11 bumped (Someone bumped her, then the pen fell out.)
  19. 12 found
  20. B
  21. 1 were
  22. 2 doing
  23. 3 sprained
  24. 4 playing
  25. 5 were pretending
  26. 6 hurt
  27. 7 was hitting (when I hit)
  28. C
  29. 1 Were
  30. 2 crying (were you crying for some time?)
  31. 3 did
  32. 4 know (non-action)
  33. 5 wasn't crying
  34. 6 came
  35. 7 Did you ever see (Have you ever seen)
  36. 8 was watching
  37. 9 was thinking / thought
  38. 10 recovered
  39. when + simple past
  40. while + past progressive
  41. ---
  42. Non-action verbs:
  43. - there is no "process"; you don't have to do anything for these verbs
  44. - there is no duration, they take no time. Hundreds of non-action verbs can be true right now
  45. - Non-actions are true "in the background". You don't have to think about them.
  47. Some verbs have non-action and action meanings:
  48. I have many "interesting" students right now. (n-a)
  49. I am having a sandwich right now. (a)
  51. I think that English is the best language. (n-a)
  52. I am thinking about my plans for the weekend. (a)
  54. The sky looks very beautiful now. (n-a)
  55. I am looking at the sky right now. (a)
  57. This food smells delicious. (n-a)
  58. I am smelling the flowers. (a)
  59. ---
  60. A X
  61. <----------------------->
  62. B ~~~~~~~~
  63. When A happened, B was happening.
  65. A ~~~~~~~~
  66. <----------------------->
  67. B ~~~~~~~~
  68. While A was happening, B was happening.
  70. A X
  71. <----------------------->
  72. B X
  73. When A happened, B happened.
  74. ---
  75. p. 20 Exercise 3
  76. A
  77. 2 were smiling
  78. 3 was watching
  79. 4 looked
  80. 5 did ... meet
  81. 6 didn't come
  82. 7 was covering
  83. 8 changed
  84. B
  85. 1 found
  86. 2 was surfing (channel surfing on a TV -> surfing the Internet)
  87. 3 did ... become (did + base form)
  88. 4 was reading
  89. 5 decided
  90. 6 wanted
  91. 7 was studying
  92. 8 started
  93. C
  94. 1 Did ... surprise
  95. 2 came
  96. 3 was watching
  97. 4 knocked
  98. 5 ended
  99. 6 had ('we were having' = we started dinner during the game)
  100. 7 were eating
  101. 8 asked
  102. ---
  103. 3 While she was living in Australia, she got married.
  104. She got married while she was living in Australia.
  105. She was living in Australia when she got married.
  106. When she got married, she was living in Australia.
  107. 4 She got her first job when she had a medical degree.
  108. 5 She had her son while she was practicing medicine at Lenox.
  109. (She practiced medicine at Lenox from 2007 to 2010.)
  110. When she had her son, she was practicing medicine at Lenox.
  111. 6 While she was working at Lenox, she wrote a book.
  112. She was writing a book while she was working at Lenox.
  113. While she was writing a book, she was working at Lenox.
  114. (Emphasize that she was doing two jobs at the same time.)
  115. 7 When she finished her book, she did a TV interview.
  116. (She finished her book first, then did the interview.)
  117. She did a TV interview when she finished her book.
  118. 8 When her book became a success, she quit her job.
  119. She quit her job when her book became a success.
  120. (The book was successful first, then she quit her job.)
  121. ---
  122. Homework: p. 12 A&B, p. 25 A&B
  124. Test on Monday about Units 1 and 2.
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