
Rainbro X Fluttershy

Mar 27th, 2012
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  1. You wake to Celestia’s light outside your window. It has been around 6 months since you landed in P0nyville. Not as bad as you thought it would be. You have a job with Applejack, assist Twilight in her research, and Rarity makes you clothes for you. You even have a total bro, Rainbow Dash. The only problem is…
  2. *knock, Knock*
  3. You get out of bed and walk down the stairs. You know you shouldn’t open the door, but you need to. If you don’t, she will find her way in. Opening the door, you see a yellow Pegasus p0ny with a pink mane.
  4. ‘Good morning Fluttershy.’ You say
  5. ‘Hello…Anon.’ she says ‘Umm, I think Angel got into your house.’
  6. ‘Well, he isn’t in my bedroom, and neither are you.’
  7. ‘No…Umm, he’s just behind you.’
  8. You turn around to receive a flying jump kick from a white puff ball. You hit the floor, falling into a dreamless sleep.
  10. You awake again, this time to the feel of being dragged along the ground. You open your eyes to find you are in a net, and are being pulled by Fluttershy. You try to break free but she tied you with ropes.
  11. ‘Getting very clever at this Flutters.’
  12. ‘Oh…umm…Good morning sleepy head. You were hurt, so I am going to help you at my cottage.’
  13. ‘And I need to be tied up why?’
  14. ‘Umm… So you don’t hurt yourself?’
  15. ‘Fluttershy, can you let me go now?’ She drops the net. ‘Thank you Fluttershy.’
  16. ‘No.’
  17. ‘Pardon?’
  18. ‘I said no. I am going to take care of you, and I will enjoy it.’
  19. ‘Fluttershy,’ your voice becoming sterner ‘I said LET. ME. GO!’
  20. ‘No.’
  21. She picks up the net again and starts to pull you along.
  22. >Fucking Ironwill…
  24. You begin to give up on life, and contemplate how you can kill yourself with what little you have.
  25. >Who are you, Mother Bucking Macgyver?
  26. Fuck you brain, I’m trying to get us out of here.
  27. There is a sudden flash of cyan, and Fluttershy is knocked off her feet. Standing over her, in all her glory, was your total bro, Rainbow. She is now pinning Fluttershy down. Fluttershy tries to move from under her, but it is futile. You notice something is up today. Usually she knocks Fluttershy down and lets you up, but she is more interested in Fluttershy now.
  28. ‘Umm…Rainbow, can you let me go now?’ Fluttershy asks. Rainbow leans in really close to her
  29. ‘BRO.’ You yell
  30. Rainbow finally snaps out of it. She jumps off Fluttershy and grabs the net. You can’t be sure, but you swear she is blushing.
  31. ‘Took you long enough.’ You say.
  32. ‘Yeah yeah…What ever.’ She says.
  34. She drops you at the park, and undoes all the ropes that bind you. You stand up and give her a bro hoof.
  35. ‘Sorry for yelling at you.’ You say ‘Thank you for saving my flank back there.’
  36. ‘No problem bro. Wanna do some training?’ she says, punching your arm.
  37. ‘Yeah, course. Race you to Sugarcube Corner.’
  38. Dash doesn’t need to answer, she already flies off. ‘Loser buys the pancaaaakes…’ you hear from the distance.
  39. You run full tilt, trying to keep up with Rainbro, but it’s no use. You arrive at Sugarcube Corner, Dash already waiting for you out the front.
  40. ‘It’s your shout man.’ She says.
  41. ‘Fine, fine.’ You sit down as Mrs. Cake delivers the pancakes. ‘What the fuck was that back there?’
  42. ‘Dude, you didn’t expect me to wait for you.’
  43. ‘No, not that. What the fuck were you doing to Fluttershy? Usually it’s a snatch and grab.’
  44. She starts to look weird again. ‘It was nothing. I was going to tell her to leave you alone.’
  46. After breakfast, you walk with Rainbow to Sweet Apple Acres.
  47. ‘I gotta get to work.’ You say
  48. ‘Awww…’ she says floating to the ground.
  49. ‘Don’t worry. It’s just sorting them today. Just me and Applebloom. AJ’s going to market.’
  50. ‘Sweet, so booze and movies?’
  51. ‘No, movies and booze.’ You bro hoof and she flies off.
  52. Sorting apples isn’t the worst job. Less strenuous than collecting them, and you get to spend time with Applebloom.
  53. ‘So how’s my favourite Crusader?’ you say, petting her head.
  54. ‘Ah’m okay. Ah tried animal trainin’ but ah ain’t that good.’
  55. ‘Don’t give up so easily. I believe in you.’
  56. ‘Thanks Anon.’
  57. You idly chit chat with Applebloom for an hour, after which your work is done. Granny Smith gives you an apple pie and a barrel of cider as payment.
  59. You get home, and Rainbow is already inside. She has brought around 6 bottles of Applejack Daniels, and a stack of action films. You both proceed to get drunk off your arses. After the third bottle, you are significantly sloshed enough to fight a dragon for no reason.
  60. ‘Dude…’ rainbow says ‘Dude…What should I do if I like somep0ny?’
  61. ‘What…?’
  62. ‘What *hiccup* should I do if I likes a certain p0ny?’
  63. ‘Well tell him… tell him you like his flank.’
  64. ‘what…’ her face erupted in a blush. ‘What if…I might be frowned on for it?’
  65. ‘What you talkin’ bout Dashbro?’
  66. ‘What if it aint a colt…of sorts?’
  67. ‘Dash…’ You start to giggle.
  68. ‘What?!’
  69. ‘Daash…’ you touch her face ‘I…lov *burp* love you, but as my total bro…’
  70. ‘What are you going on about…’
  71. ‘Dude, I don’t want …want to ruin our bro-ship?’
  72. ‘It’s not you.’ She became more sober saying this.
  73. ‘Riiiight…Course it’s not me. That’s why you save me erry day.’
  74. She gets up. ‘You know what Anon….Buck you.’
  75. Walking to the door, she looks at you. ‘ Article 78 of the bro code. A bro shall always assist a bro in a life or death situation.’
  77. You wake up on your couch, still feeling like crap. It wasn’t the feeling of a hangover, it was the feeling of breaking a bro code. You remember last night, and how stupid you acted.
  78. >You know, she probably likes you as a bro
  79. Thanks brain
  80. >I mean who really wants you.
  81. I said Thanks brain. You can shut up.
  82. You hear a knock at the door. You really don’t want to open the door, but you can’t be bothered giving a fuck. You open it, and surprise surprise! It’s Fluttershy. She tackles you with a hug.
  83. ‘Oh Anon, I knew if I persevered you would admit your love for me!’ she says.
  84. ‘Wait, wait, wait!’ you say, pushing her off you ‘What are you going on about?’
  85. She looks at you with sweet eyes ‘You left me this on my front door.’ she pulls out a small card and passes it to you.
  86. Snatching it out of her hooves, you read it.
  87. >Dear Fluttershy.
  88. >I’m sorry for everything I caused you. I realise now I have feelings for you.
  89. >I’m sorry I haven’t come clean with you. Please forgive me.
  90. You almost faint at this point. Your brain is in shock at this point.
  91. >Fuck it bro, I’m fainting
  92. Aaand you black out.
  94. You wake up to Fluttershy stroking your head.
  95. ‘Shhh…Don’t worry. I’m here for you.’ She whispers.
  96. You sit up and move her hooves away. ‘Fluttershy, I’m sorry.’
  97. ‘Yes I know.’
  98. ‘No, I mean I’m sorry. I didn’t write that note. I may have been drunk last night, but that’s not my handwriting.’
  99. Fluttershy begins to cry. You can’t help but hold her close and comfort her.
  100. ‘Fluttershy, I am going to tell you this. I may not love you like you want me to, but I love having you as a friend. I sometimes enjoy it when you visit me, even if it’s to force yourself on me.’
  101. She wipes away tears. ‘Really?’
  102. ‘Yes. Now I think you should go home and clean up. You have a wonderful colt who obviously loves you.’
  103. ‘Do you think it’s Big Macintosh?’
  104. ‘Maybe, might be the Doctor Whooves character.’
  105. She giggles ‘I think he is in love with the mail mare.’
  106. You give her a hug, and send her on her way.
  108. You go for a walk, trying to clear your head. Not only did you piss off your bro, someone wants to get your arse raped by Fluttershy. You find yourself under a huge oak tree, so you sit down and relax.
  109. ‘What do you want?’ comes a voice above you.
  110. ‘I want to relax.’ You say, not looking up ‘But I’m sorry for last night. If it helps, I’m willing to help you Rainbow.’
  111. She glides down next to you ‘Nah…I think I might just see how things pan out.’
  112. ‘ ‘kay. Did you put a note on Fluttershy’s doorstep?’
  113. ‘WHAT?!?’
  114. ‘Yeah, someone put a note there, and now she wants me even more. I swear someone is pulling one on me.’
  115. ‘Do you have any ideas on who it could be?’
  116. ‘She thinks Big Mac, but I wouldn’t mind Doctor Whooves.’
  117. ‘Dude, you know he has a thing for Derpy.’
  118. ‘Ah phooey…I was going to ask her out’ you say with a smile.
  119. ‘Anon, you should go for it.’ Dash says, punching you in the gut‘Make beautiful muffins together.’
  120. ‘So Movies and Booze tonight?’ you ask
  121. ‘No, not tonight’
  122. ‘Oh so Booze and Movies?’
  123. ‘No, I’m busy tonight. Maybe another night.’
  124. Dash shot off faster than ever, not even saying good bye.
  126. As you sat there on your couch, you tried to think about everyshit that’s going. Nothing in this town makes sense. You half expect Derpy to burst in and explain quantum mathematics.
  127. ‘Why does somep0ny want to get pay back on me? Why is it this shit happens to me? Is Rainbro still angry?’
  128. >Here’s one. Ever think of staking out Flutters place to catch the colt who wants to fuck with your life?
  129. Wow, good one brain.
  130. You grab dark clothes and a pair of binoculars and bound out of the house. You arrive at Fluttershy’s house, and hide in a small bush. You are lucky it is pitch black out here. You watch as Fluttershy opens, and drop her garbage in the cans out the front.
  131. At some point you fell asleep, because when you wake, all the lights are off in the house. You feel like giving up, like you are a failure to watch over everything when you hear it. Soft flapping. You listen more intently, and you can hear quiet sobbing.
  132. ‘I’m sorry Fluttershy.’ Comes a whispering voice ‘I’m sorry I’m a coward. I wish you could love me like I love you.’
  133. >Dude you hearing this shit.
  134. Yes.
  135. You pull a stone off the ground and throw it into the river adjacent. Upon hearing this sound, the mysterious stalker shoots off, and you stand up.
  136. ‘I have a lot of stuff to do tomorrow…’
  138. You’re up before the sun rises, and make your way to Fluttershy’s house. This was going to be a long day for you. You knock on Fluttershy’s front door, and are greeted by her wearing a bathrobe.
  139. ‘Anon…What are you doing here?’ she says, still too sleepy to be shy.
  140. ‘Would you believe I want to find out your fetish?’ you say with a smile.
  141. She slams the door, and returns 5 minutes later, dressed up very elegantly.
  142. ‘Please…Come in.’ she says, trying to be sultry.
  143. ‘Fluttershy, I actually came here to talk to you.’ You say as you walk in. ‘I need your help in exposing your secret somep0ny.’
  144. You spend 10 minutes explaining the integrate details of the plan, making sure you tell her how to act.
  145. ‘But…but Anon…I-I-I don’t know if…’
  146. ‘Yes, I get it. It’s hard to accept your feelings. But I know they feel the same way about you as you do about them. They are just afraid.’
  147. ‘Are…are you sure they do?’
  148. ‘If I’m wrong, I offer my body.’
  149. So there it was. You are willing to risk your life (and penis) on the line. But you know your right…Don’t you?
  151. You stand out in the middle of the park. You stand there waiting. Waiting for something to happen, and you need help.
  152. ‘Hey Rainbow Dash! Are you out here?’ you yell.
  153. ‘Yeah, what d’ya want?’ came her voice from a cloud.
  154. ‘Can I talk to you? I’m trying to figure out a plan.’
  155. ‘Grrr…Fine.’ Rainbow flies from the cloud and lands next to you. ‘What do you want?’
  156. ‘Well, I need to figure out how to detect a way to find Fluttershy.’ You say, walking towards the trees ‘I mean, I don’t want to bother you everytime I get in trouble.’
  157. Rainbow Dash follows ‘Well I don’t mind helping you. Remember bro code #78.’
  158. ‘Yeah, thanks. But I want to apologise.’
  159. ‘What for? We’re bros right?’
  160. You hit the tree line ‘Well for this.’
  161. Exactly on cue, a yellow blur shot from the trees and landed on Rainbow.
  163. Fluttershy had Rainbow Dash pinned to the ground, while you stand there and watch. No matter how hard she struggled, Dash couldn’t get Fluttershy off of her.
  164. ‘Anon...Get her off me!’ Rainbow yelled.
  165. Fluttershy leaned in closer and closer until their lips were only an inch away.
  166. ‘If you really want me off of you,’ Fluttershy whispered ‘all you have to do is look me in the eyes and say it.’
  167. Rainbow look Fluttershy in the eyes and tried to speak, but no words would come out.
  168. ‘Rainbow Dash, I want you to tell me, right here right now.’
  169. ‘I…I kinda like you…’ Rainbow whispered
  170. ‘Speak up, or I leave.’ Fluttershy said, very sternly.
  171. ‘I love you alright!’ Rainbow screamed.
  172. ‘That’s my girl.’ Fluttershy said, kissing Rainbow Dash on the lips softly.
  174. All three of you sit around the tree in the park, all awkwardly avoiding each other. You being the brave human you are, speak first.
  175. ‘So…no more rape attempts?’ you try to chuckle.
  176. ‘How could you do that to me Anon? Your fucking bro!’ Dash yelled.
  177. ‘Bro Code 104, a bro will always help a bro hook up no matter the cost.’
  178. ‘but…but…’ rainbow started crying, only to feel Fluttershy hold on to her.
  179. ‘It’s okay Dashie. Let it out…’ she says.
  180. She eventually calmed down again, this time sitting hoof-in-hoof with Fluttershy.
  181. ‘So you kept saving me to be close to Fluttershy?’ you ask
  182. ‘No! It wasn’t until…’ dash said, her face becoming red. ‘It was about a month ago. When I tackled Fluttershy, I kinda breathed in her…scent. I felt weird after that, I felt attracted to you.’
  183. ‘I’m sorry…’ Fluttershy said.
  184. ‘No, don’t apologise.’ Rainbow said, holding her ‘I still have these feelings for you, I just…just don’t know how P0nyville will accept this.’
  185. ‘I’m sorry to break up this little hug fest,’ you say ‘But you do realise there are others.’
  186. ‘Like who?’ Dash asks
  187. ‘Lyra and Bon Bon, they have been dating for a few months now.’
  188. ‘Really? How did I miss that?’ Fluttershy asks
  189. ‘Well, after you get your ass kicked for looking at Lyra wrong you get the hint. But the point is, If P0nyville can’t accept you then screw those p0nies. But I know I accept you, and your friends will too.’
  191. It’s been a month since Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash had started dating officially, and true to your word, everyp0ny accepted them. It was weird seeing them as they were, but they were happy. You were too. No more rape attempts since Fluttershy found her special somep0ny. You and Dash are still bros, and go out drinking once a week.
  192. ‘Duuude... Fluttershy is suuuch a bitch.’ Says Rainbow, quite drunk ‘All she does is tells me to clean up after Tank and shit. I swear I didn’t sign up for this crap.’
  193. ‘Uh huh..’ you groan
  194. ‘Oh don’t give me that crap.’ Fluttershy says ‘You are just soooo upset that I’m more assertive in the bedroom. And I asked you to clean up the clouds you dragged into the house.’
  195. You chuckle a lot at this. Seeing drunken Fluttershy is a great sight indeed. You don’t mind them arguing, they don’t really mess up your house with it. The main problem is how you wake up with both of them in your bed. It makes you feel dirty, but you don’t know why.
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