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a guest
Oct 25th, 2016
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  1. Analyzing dependencies
  2. [!] The dependency `MMDrawerController (~> 0.5.7)` is not used in any concrete target.
  3. The dependency `ViewUtils` is not used in any concrete target.
  4. The dependency `CPAnimationSequence` is not used in any concrete target.
  5. The dependency `iCarousel` is not used in any concrete target.
  6. The dependency `BlocksKit (~> 2.2.5)` is not used in any concrete target.
  7. The dependency `AFNetworking` is not used in any concrete target.
  8. The dependency `MBProgressHUD (~> 0.8)` is not used in any concrete target.
  9. The dependency `NSString-UrlEncode` is not used in any concrete target.
  10. The dependency `INTULocationManager` is not used in any concrete target.
  11. The dependency `SDWebImage (= 3.7.2)` is not used in any concrete target.
  12. The dependency `Adjust (from ``, tag `v3.4.0`)` is not used in any concrete target.
  13. The dependency `TARTT (from ``)` is not used in any concrete target.
  14. The dependency `SIAlertView (~> 1.3)` is not used in any concrete target.
  15. The dependency `GoogleAppIndexing` is not used in any concrete target.
  16. The dependency `Gimbal` is not used in any concrete target.
  18. source ''
  19. platform :ios, '7.0'
  21. pod 'MMDrawerController', '~> 0.5.7'
  22. pod 'ViewUtils'
  23. pod 'CPAnimationSequence'
  24. pod 'iCarousel'
  25. pod 'BlocksKit', '~> 2.2.5'
  26. pod 'AFNetworking'
  27. pod 'MBProgressHUD', '~> 0.8'
  28. pod 'NSString-UrlEncode'
  29. pod 'INTULocationManager'
  30. pod 'SDWebImage', '3.7.2'
  31. pod 'Adjust', :git => '', :tag => 'v3.4.0'
  32. pod 'TARTT', :git => ''
  33. pod 'SIAlertView', '~> 1.3'
  34. pod 'GoogleAppIndexing'
  35. pod 'Gimbal'
  37. post_install do |installer_representation|
  38. installer_representation.project.targets.each do |target|
  39. target.build_configurations.each do |config|
  40. config.build_settings['ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH'] = 'NO'
  41. end
  42. end
  43. end
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