

Nov 12th, 2014
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  1. 18:02 Kingmidas Sweep lets us have fun with our friends
  2. 18:02 Kingmidas
  3. 18:02 Mambo we're not really friends if you just talk shit about me all the time...
  4. 18:02 Sweep i'm not in the room atm
  5. 18:02 Kingmidas when do I ever
  6. 18:02 Kingmidas talk shit
  7. 18:02 Sweep i visit the lc room sometimes,,,
  8. 18:02 Kingmidas you guys are the ones
  9. 18:03 Kingmidas always spewing hate
  10. 18:03 Kingmidas you shouldn't
  11. 18:03 Sweep ok you guys are getting edgy, later
  12. 18:03 Sweep !_!
  13. 18:03 Kingmidas it drops my IQ once a week
  14. 18:03 *** Sweep quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  15. 18:03 Jetpack bye Sweep !!
  16. 18:03 Mambo you literally tell me im shit constantly because i wasnt around in bw and im not part of the elitist squad that is pre-xy players or tryhards
  17. 18:03 Mambo im sorry i have fun playing a game meant for fun
  18. 18:03 Kingmidas "constantly"
  19. 18:03 Kingmidas this is only in defense
  20. 18:03 Kingmidas for your dumbass behavior
  21. 18:03 Kingmidas towards me
  22. 18:04 Kingmidas and we're not elitist like you guys
  23. 18:04 Kingmidas we've treated everyone with respect
  24. 18:04 Mambo who is "we"
  25. 18:04 Jetpack why the hate ;__;
  26. 18:04 Kingmidas you just named them didn't you
  27. 18:04 Mambo the people who are so arrogant that they don't listen to anyone else and only see through a funnel?
  28. 18:04 Kingmidas the BW LC community
  29. 18:04 Kingmidas was much more open
  30. 18:04 *** sg|afk joined #♥♥♥
  31. 18:04 +++ Sky has given admin to sg|afk
  32. 18:04 +++ Sky has given op to sg|afk
  33. 18:04 Kingmidas stop talking about yourself
  34. 18:04 Kingmidas please
  35. 18:05 Mambo Everyone else I've talked to from bw have been chill af and don't just argue about stupid shit
  36. 18:05 Kingmidas yeah my point
  37. 18:05 Kingmidas I'm the edgy one but still
  38. 18:05 Mambo no tcr's the edgy one
  39. 18:05 Kingmidas w/e
  40. 18:05 Kingmidas points is I'm watching key and peele and don't wanna discuss this shit
  41. 18:05 *** Mambo was kicked by Kingmidas (don't mean anything just want you to come back and not continue this)
  42. 18:05 !!! You have been kicked from #♥♥♥
  43. 18:06 *** Mambo joined #♥♥♥
  44. | To add this channel to autojoin, use this command: /ns ajoin add #♥♥♥ | GPers please check this forum periodically for analyses that need checks! ♥ ^_^ ♥ | YOU CAN'T ENTER HEAVEN UNLESS JESUS ENTERS YOU
  45. Topic set by fleurdyleurse on Wed Nov 12 2014 04:59:43 GMT-0700 (US Mountain Standard Time)
  46. 18:06 +++ Sky has given op to Mambo
  47. 18:06 Mambo yes cuz kicking is the best way to do that
  48. 18:06 Kingmidas its also fun n_n
  49. 18:06 Mambo that's like ending an argument by kicking someone in the shins
  50. 18:06 capefeather this edgey chat needs background music
  51. 18:06 *** Expulso joined #♥♥♥
  52. 18:06 +++ Sky has given halfop to Expulso
  53. 18:06 capefeather Show YouTube video ( info...
  54. 18:06 skybot capefeather: Gyakuten Kenji 2 OST: 07 - Reiji Mitsurugi ~ Objection! 2011 - length 3m 18s - rated 4.97/5.0 (130) - 36 153 views - bolt2nd on 2011.04.25
  55. 18:06 Kingmidas dude its irc
  56. 18:06 Kingmidas calm your tits
  57. 18:06 Kingmidas this is a social channel
  58. 18:06 Mambo aight and im socially calling you out for being a dick
  59. 18:07 Kingmidas ok cool now you know who I am
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