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Lost Ark CBT1 Terms of Service

a guest
Aug 22nd, 2016
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  1. 1. General Principles
  2. 2. The rights and obligations of members
  3. 3. Roles and responsibilities of the GM
  4. 4. Recovery Policy
  5. 5. Name Policy
  6. 6. Main policies
  7. 7. Use Restriction Policies
  8. 1. General Principles
  9. 1) The use of an arc, it's having roast operating policies Lost Ark Closed Beta Test (hereafter CBT) 'pass protection regulations and the needs of members for smooth gameplay. Matters not mentioned in this operational policy will be treated in accordance with the "Terms of Service platform SGS", "Privacy Policy", "Youth Policy" and the Republic of Korea law.
  10. 2) Members may occur in accordance with the regulations, each violation shall be operated in compliance with this policy, the disadvantage that account.
  11. 3) The Company may amend operational policies in order to minimize the inconvenience of members and provide better service, I want you to related content on the website revision ( Members confirmed or known not to suffer the inconvenience and damage, please familiarize yourself with the changes. You may not be able to receive help from the company for damages or inconvenience of failing to read the changes.
  12. 4) CBT can be set by the Company will proceed according to schedule, service schedule is changed by the circumstances of the company and its services.
  13. 5) characters and gameplay all information generated by the CBT CBT purposes can be initialized when exit.
  14. 2. The rights and obligations of members
  15. 1) members are entitled to freely use all the content and services provided by Lost Ark CBT.
  16. 2) in-game characters, items, and game content are ownership of the company has, and about the problems that arise during the game can be used for guidance on the issue through the contact center and customer solutions.
  17. 3) Members must describe the correct information when registering as a member, you can not get help from the company for damage or steal other people's personal caused by a false registration, it will be responsible for the personal information theft.
  18. 4) Membership is not an illegal act to interfere with others' use of the game or the purpose of personal gain, it should cooperate as much as possible to cooperate with requests from GM.
  19. 3. Roles and responsibilities of the GM
  20. 1) GM is trying to quickly take a problem-solving and responding to service conditions for a stable CBT services as the official operator of the Lost Ark.
  21. 2) GM will not intervene in the normal activities of its members. However, if it is determined that the violation of the terms and operational policy or interfere with the smooth game play can intervene in accordance with the operating policies.
  22. 3) GM does not give benefits to certain members, the equitable treatment to all members.
  23. 4) GM does not provide such information as future updates and events in addition to the publicly known information.
  24. 5) GM will not ask or modify / leaking personal information of members in the game. If, however, through the legal procedures of government agencies or law enforcement authorities ask you to provide personal information, you can provide your personal information to the appropriate authorities.
  25. 4. Recovery Policy
  26. 1) CBT service is ready to continue the process to enable future services more reliable and fun game. Therefore, please note the disappearance of items such as system failures or bugs found during testing information as mentioned in our general principles, even if the variation in the data, and more of this character not able to repair or compensate for.
  27. 2) can be modify and delete a character and item information for the purpose of generating a game plan and operating such a test, this is not about the recovery process.
  28. 3) CBT period, does not provide services for identity theft.
  29. 5. Name Policy
  30. 1) Members shall not use the name that violates the policy, operating as follows: when selecting the name of the character names, nicknames, guild names in the game such as using the service or website.
  31. - GM names or claiming to be an employee of the company
  32. - Abusive, profane containing the name
  33. - The name of libelous defamatory content that a particular race, nationality, ethnicity, religion, gender, character, disabilities, etc.
  34. - Antisocial name
  35. - The name of the sexually suggestive or obscene content
  36. - Third party's honor, Model, infringe various rights, including privacy, undermine the purpose of containing the contents of the name
  37. - The name is determined that the intention of the cash / spot trading accounts or items
  38. - In-game NPC names, item names that may confuse the different Member Name
  39. - The name of an advertisement / promotion of a specific destination
  40. - Changing the spelling of the name is prohibited in the name of the policy, or a combination of the different character names
  41. 2) The name that corresponds to the above criteria can be changed or deleted without prior notice, if the breach is serious or repeated, you can separate sanctions in accordance with the operating policies.
  42. 6. Main Operational Policy
  43. 1) The Company may suspend the website services for the purpose of improving the quality of regular inspection or service.
  44. 2) Delete the following posts or without prior notice to the culture of a healthy online community website, or you can use both the move. You can also use the service to take restrictive measures against members who posted this post.
  45. - Article posting the same content repeatedly,
  46. - Article threaten or intimidate opponents
  47. - Articles that contain profanity or obscene rhetoric
  48. - Posts that violate public order or other order and customs a breeze
  49. - Inappropriate posts leading to disputes between members or due to disputes
  50. - Articles that could lead to regional sentiment
  51. - Post content based on race or sex (性), nationality, religious and political conflicts, social and cultural prejudices
  52. - Articles containing the intent to impersonate, or claiming to be staff
  53. - Article relating to transactions with cash and in-kind
  54. - The commercial purpose of the article containing a profit
  55. - Terms and operational policy post content that violates the laws and regulations
  56. - Articles related to systems and how to exploit bugs and production of informal programs, share, distribute,
  57. - Article inducing distribute malware or system failures
  58. - Article disseminate false information about specific individuals and companies to maliciously
  59. - That includes me / post other people's personal information
  60. - Companies / article infringes someone else's copyright or related to the Model or illegal material distribution
  61. 3) If the information it deems any matters not specifically mentioned in the 2 required for smooth game play and healthy online cultural community can take appropriate action.
  62. 4) Main use limits
  63. Category 1 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
  64. Restrictions on posts / comments deleted
  65. (Warning) Writing limit three days writing limit if 15 days Writing limited due to a violation of 30 days blackout ※ Terms and Conditions and applicable laws and regulations Company and damaging to other customers may be used immediately homepage, without limitation, Writing-limiting step.
  66. 7. Use Restriction Policies
  67. 1) services limits
  68. Category Description 1st 2nd 3rd
  69. Cash transactions in cash or try a game try in my trading goods or advertising activity recovered tester authority for the purpose of obtaining spot
  70. Testers conduct a transaction authorization number of the in-game goods for the purpose of obtaining cash transactions in cash or in kind
  71. Cash trading accounts or conduct trading Lost Ark kind accounts for the purpose of obtaining authorization recovery tester
  72. If by deception or fraud attempts in the others attempting to extort goods within games / account as unfair methods authorized recovered three days tester
  73. Fraud or deception in the number of testers rights to other members extort goods within games / account as unjust way
  74. Bug exploitation systems on the errors, defects that service on whether to exploit them in a state acts deliberately or repeatedly recovery tester authority affecting game results
  75. Bug exploits (slightly) systems on an error, but the defects in service use, accidental, and if the effect is slight and simple 3 to 5 days recovery tester authority
  76. Eobyujing three days recovery tester Rights Act would benefit by avoiding the limitations gaming system designed in an unusual way
  77. Given all the acts discomfort to interfere with gameplay that the suffering of others such as slander / mock / threats for the purpose of harassing or disturbing the game in progress
  78. (However, many victims and caused considerable harm to the cause if healthy game culture) warning three days tester gwonhwan recovery
  79. Using the program does not recognize the company
  80. (With informal Hardware) using the BOT program and the use of hardware / various nuclear program / programs and disseminate unofficial testers recovery rights
  81. The contents of such acts Chat Chat deliberately continued to bombard 60 minutes allowed 1 day 3 days
  82. Selected abusive and obscene, profane, including if you have (swearing), if that could be considered offensive to others 1 day 3 days recovery tester authority
  83. The name healthy game culture and morals, the use of the name in violation of the relevant laws change / delete permissions and alerts the tester Abuse Recovery
  84. False reporting and operational hindrance to report false information to try to give harm to others or interfere with the operation of the game and that GM hitch Act 1 day 3 days recovery tester authority
  85. Bet-game items such as promoting gambling provides benefits to the person or property in accordance with the result of chance and act crazy three days to lose rights to other participants testers recovery
  86. GM, including impersonating employees of a company, if a number of game officials or authorized tester GM names similar to others that confusion
  87. Commercial promotional / commercial promoting false information disseminated by the game or act stating repeatedly unnecessary information to other users, testers Rights Act 1 day 3 days recovery to disseminate false information
  88. Infringement of intellectual property rights, including copyrights, trademarks, design rights, etc. Delete actions violate the rights of others or violate the relevant laws and regulations content, the content deletion, and permissions recovered three days tester
  89. Abnormal connection service and the country is not subject to access by bypassing in other countries, or the testing authority collected based on the cumulative orders for multiple accounts to conduct tester authority recovered 2) the violations are simultaneously connected to the same IP, agreement and related laws due to a violation in the case that damage to companies and other customers may be subject to blackout periods are weighted. In addition, if deemed necessary for smooth game play even specifics, unless otherwise specified by the use restriction policies, you can take the appropriate action in accordance with the order in the common game to share with members of GM.
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