
Another Night - Part 1 (R63 Nightmare MoonXDusk Shine)

Nov 23rd, 2013
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  1. >"Dearest Father..."
  2. >...
  3. >No, wait, that sounds way too formal...
  4. >"Hey Daddio..."
  5. >...
  6. >Alright, come now, that's just ridiculous.
  7. >How about just "Dear dad?"
  8. >Yes yes, that sounds perfectly fine...
  9. >"Dear dad, I hope this letter finds you well. I know, it's been awhile since I've written to you, but don't worry, I'm still hanging in there just fine... Given the current circumstances. I'm managing to keep out of trouble for the most part. It's surreal how time is just... flying by over here..."
  11. >You are Dusk Shine
  12. >Unicorn stallion
  13. >Prodigy in Magical Studies
  14. >And... former prized-pupil of the recently exiled Prince Solaris.
  15. >He was your ruler, your mentor...
  16. >...and much more than that, actually...
  17. >And now he's gone.
  18. >He trusted you, his perfect student, to get the job done
  19. >But things didn't turn out the way you'd hoped...
  21. >Three weeks.
  22. >Three weeks is how long it's been since your monumental failure.
  23. >You were given the task of protecting Equestria from a threat with a thousand years of forewarning, and you failed.
  24. >Or as Applejack would probably tell you, "Ya done FUCKED UP good an' proper!"
  25. >...Really?
  26. >...Yes, that sounds like something he would say.
  27. >He seemed like the kind of guy who would tell you like it is.
  28. >Not that you really got to know him well enough to make assumptions like that...
  29. >Hell, those guys could be all be dead now for all you know.
  30. >You definitely wouldn't put it past *him* to make an example out of those ponies for the entire nation to know just who's in charge now.
  32. >As it turned out, the legend of Lunar Eclipse, the fabled Knight of the Stars, was very real.
  33. >The stories were very vague and details were sparse, but 1000 thousand years ago, Lunar Eclipse and Solaris ruled Equestria together.
  34. >Solaris received all the love from their subjects as he brought forth the glorious daylight, while Eclipse received only scorn and fear for ushering in the cryptic night.
  35. >Lunar Eclipse had had enough, and vowed to make the night last forever as punishment for his mistreatment.
  36. >However, Solaris wielded the power of the legendary Elements of Harmony, and imprisoned his brother within the moon.
  37. >For a thousand years, Solaris then controlled both the moon and sun.
  38. >However, the legend warned that on the longest day of the thousandth year of his imprisonment, the stars would aid in Lunar Eclipse's escape.
  39. >And true enough, when the clock struck midnight on that night of the Summer Sun Celebration in Ponyville, nobody seemed to notice the Stallion's Visage disappear from the face of the moon...
  40. >In a flash, Lunar Eclipse had appeared before the town, and announced his return.
  41. >...And Prince solaris was nowhere to be found...
  42. >No one seemed to know who this frightful stallion was, or what he wanted...
  43. >...Except for you.
  45. >You knew you didn't have much time
  46. >With the new-found friends you had made in that town, the six of you set off on a mission
  47. >You needed to find the lost Elements of Harmony.
  48. >A tome you had dug up in the town's library said that they lay within a ruined castle, deep into the heart of a dark, foreboding forest called The Everfree.
  49. >With your new friends right behind you, you made your way to the castle of the Ancient Pony Brothers
  50. >The trip through the forest had been easy...
  51. >...too easy.
  52. >That should have been your first red flag.
  53. >When your group had entered the castle, you expected to find all six elements waiting for you...
  54. >...Instead, you only found one.
  55. >It was just sitting there.
  56. >You foolishly reached out and touched it, only to suddenly be engulfed in a white flash.
  57. >You were teleported away before your friend's could even register what had just happened.
  58. >When you came to, you realized you were in a different part of the castle
  59. >Lunar Eclipse stood before you, with five of the elements in his possession.
  60. >You were helpless against him.
  61. >He was an ancient god of the night, and you were just a lowly unicorn with "pony" issues.
  62. >After a futile effort, you were defeated swiftly.
  63. >For just a moment, you felt that maybe,
  64. >just maybe...
  65. >There might be some hope as you could hear your friends approach from the staircase behind you.
  66. >Lunar Eclipse heard them, too.
  68. >...You never found out what had happened to them...
  69. >Before you could react, Eclipse had shot a spell in your direction, and you had woken up to find yourself lying on a bed in a guest room in Canterlot Palace.
  70. >You've been here ever since, as his prisoner.
  72. >At first, he was as maniacal as the legends painted him to be.
  73. >He promised the country that his night would last forever, and that it would be a long time before they would ever see Solaris again.
  74. >To be completely honest to yourself, it scared the ever-living SHIT out of you.
  75. >For nearly a week, darkness filled the sky
  76. >Sleep patterns were thrown completely out of whack
  77. >AM and PM were constantly getting mixed up
  78. >...and much more importantly, the temperature was beginning to drop. Significantly.
  79. >You had to do SOMETHING. The plants of Equestria couldn't survive much longer of this.
  80. >In a stroke of luck that brought a weight off of your chest, you had actually managed to convince Lunar Eclipse to give back the sun.
  81. >Apparently a kingdom full of dead subjects was not what he wanted.
  82. >Solaris was still gone... but at least the daylight had returned as normal...
  83. >After that first week, Eclipse seemed to have calmed down
  84. >As he began focusing on ruling his new kingdom, you secluded yourself in your room in the palace.
  85. >You came out only rarely when required, like when summoned by the new king himself.
  87. >This was all your fault.
  88. >If you had been just a little faster...
  89. >...If you had known about this sooner...
  91. >You could never forgive yourself for sending Equestria to hell in a hoofbasket like this.
  92. >Snapping yourself out of your daze, you pull your gaze away from your unfinished letter
  93. >Despite these horrible past few weeks... The view of Canterlot is still gorgeous.
  94. >This particular view of the city looks amazing in the sunset like this...
  96. >You made the mistake of leaving this place when it needed you the most.
  97. >Never again.
  99. >For a few more moments, you simply bask in the view of the sun lowering below the cityscape
  100. >You suppose you'll need to light that candle soon if you want to continue writing to dad.
  101. >Maybe you should ask him if mom has gotten back from her book signing in Manehatten yet...
  102. >A knock on the door behind you causes you to look up.
  103. >You turn your head back, but opt to remain seated.
  104. >"Who is it?"
  105. "It's me, Dusk."
  106. >Your eyes roll. Of course it's *her.* Not many others come to your room.
  107. >"Come in..."
  108. >You return your attention to the paper in front of you, not wanting to make eye contact with the pony behind you.
  109. >Before the mare can say a word, you cut in, knowing what this is probably about.
  110. >"Let me guess, His Majesty summons me to his throne room for some urgent aspect of modern society that he needs me to clarify?"
  111. "No, act-"
  112. >"Because if it's about that thing with the the palace cooks and the instant coffee, tell him that nobody is trying to poison him, and that it's *supposed* to taste awful because of how it's made. If he wants GOOD coffee, he's going to have to go OUT and get it."
  113. >You turn around to meet the stare of the bewildered mare behind you.
  114. >Corporal Luminous's face scrunches a little in mild confusion.
  115. "Ahh... No, actually. He said he needed you in the castle gardens. Something only *you* could help him with, apparently."
  116. >You give a small sigh and rise from your seat.
  117. >'something only you could help him with' could mean a wide variety of things.
  118. >Knowing him, he was probably screwing around with a garden hose, and is now wondering why the water stopped flowing when there's a kink in the line...
  119. >You swear, he could be absolutely terrifying and majestic at times, but others...
  120. >Well... He just sorta seemed like a confused old man trying to adjust to a new generation during other times.
  122. >You walked over to the door, prepared to follow the taller guard mare to the gardens.
  123. >Not that you needed direction. Or an escort for that matter.
  124. >She was just doing her job, though. You reminded yourself that as the two of you traversed through the halls of the castle.
  125. >Luminous was one of the guards that you had chatted with fairly regularly with during her days in the Royal Guard.
  126. >These days, though, she wore a new set of armour.
  127. >Clad in purple battle armour emblazoned with the emblem of Lunar Eclipse, the tall, beautiful mare also now sported a rather fearsome pair of golden eyes, complete with slitted pupils.
  128. >Her horn looked different, too. It curved upward, and didn't have the same spiral texture as normal unicorn's...
  129. >Her ear's also appeared to have small tufts on the tips.
  130. >Despite these somewhat... grisly physical changes, she still looked very beautiful.
  131. >With that tall, slender frame of hers... You thought she could definitely make it as a model if she wanted to get out of the military.
  132. >Not that she'd necessarily be cut out for the life of a fashion model. She could fight, that was for sure. Not quite the same skill-set a modelling career demands...
  133. >You admit that you had a bit of a crush on her in the early years when you met her...
  134. >...Though those feelings have mostly faded away. A momentary passing of boyhood hormones.
  135. >Besides... You were taken aback on how quickly she transferred to Lunar Eclipse's Night Guard when given the chance...
  136. >It felt like a betrayal to Prince Solaris
  137. >After all those years that she served him so loyally, too...
  139. >Silence reigned as you and Luminous finally made it to the castle's gardens.
  140. >Lunar Eclipse sat facing away from you, looking off into the city's sunset.
  141. >Wordlessly, Luminous trotted off back into the castle, leaving the two of you alone.
  142. "Dusk Shine, come hither. We have an important task requiring thy assistance."
  143. >You don't like it when he talks to you without, you know, LOOKING at you.
  144. >It kinda adds to his terrifying aura.
  145. >You begin to walk over to him, but halfway there, you pause.
  146. >You look around, something seems... off...
  147. >"Uh... Is it just me, or does it seem like there's... uh..."
  148. >Eclipse turns his head to you.
  149. "Like what, dear Dusk Shine?"
  150. >You look around some more, something--or some *things* are definitely missing.
  151. >"Is there... a lot more uh, room around here all of a sudden?"
  152. >Eclipse gives a small laugh. You raise an eyebrow.
  153. "Oh yes, we found a few of the statues in this garden to be rather... lacking in taste. We had these royal garden's tidied up. We shall see that those statues are replaced."
  154. >You glance around.
  155. >Some of the statues were still around here, but others were gone.
  156. >Even...
  157. >"Huh... The statue of Discord is gone..."
  158. >Eclipse lets out an audible scoff and rolls his eyes.
  159. "Ugh, we abhorred that one the most out of the lot. That one was promptly destroyed."
  160. >Your brow furrowed a bit.
  161. >"You know that statue had some pretty significant historical value, don't you?"
  162. "Yes, we were very aware. None of it was very good value, though."
  163. >You continue your way over to him, internally more than a little angry at such blatant disregard for art or history.
  164. >"I really don't think you should have thrown away all those statues. After all, isn't this where you belong? With all the other unfavoured relics from days long passed?"
  165. >Your boldness earns you a contemptuous glare from the king.
  166. >You can see the ends of his mouth twitch slightly, fighting a vicious snarl.
  167. "Dusk Shine, for one with an upbringing such as your own, we would have expected that thou knew how to respect royalty."
  168. >Hearing him consider himself anything more than a usurper makes your stomach churn, but you hold your tongue... for now.
  169. >Instead, you fold your ears back in anger and turn away toward the city.
  170. >"Prince Solaris won't be happy when he finds out you got rid of his statues."
  171. >Again, Eclipse gives a scoff.
  172. "Oh, by the time dear brother returns, those statues will be naught but dust."
  173. >You still don't turn to look him in the eye, but you can feel his stare digging into the side of your skull.
  174. "Besides... What was his became mine after what *mine* became *his* a thousand years ago. Sole rulership included."
  175. >For a moment, there's only silence between you.
  176. "I plan on taking everything from him, just as he took everything from ME. This is MY kingdom now..."
  177. >You can practically feel the venom drip from his voice
  178. >Looks like you've definitely hit a live wire with Lunar Eclipse
  179. >Especially since he just dropped the royal "we" from his speech...
  180. >You *would* press that he did try to engulf the kingdom in nighttime eternal, and Equestria has only flourished since Solaris took sole reign...
  181. >But in the interest of keeping your trachea where it is currently located, you decide to save it for another time.
  183. >You nervously swallow.
  184. >"So, uh... What was it you needed me here for?"
  185. >Eclipse closes his eyes for a moment and takes a slow breath.
  186. >Opening his eyes, he gestures his head towards a nearby tree.
  187. "We request that thou retrieve that disgusting flying vermin down from that tree. Thou art the only one it seems to trust..."
  188. >"Oh, god... not again..."
  189. >Letting out a large sigh, you make your way over to the tree.
  190. >From the very second the Eclipse set foot in Canterlot Castle, Solaris's pet phoenix, Philomena, had made its life ambition to make the new king's life miserable however it could.
  191. >Usually in the form of loud squawking during the daylight hours when the king was trying to sleep, and...
  192. >Well... the cushions in the throne room have needed replacing enough times over the span of three weeks for Lunar Eclipse to finally blow a fuse.
  193. >You stand up on your hind legs, and lean up against the tree, looking up above.
  194. >"Philomena? Philomena, are you up there?"
  195. >The stark red phoenix recognizes your voice and pokes its head from under some branches and leaves.
  196. >Making eye contact with you, the bird give a small cry.
  197. >You smile reassuringly, and gesture with your hoof for her to come down.
  198. >"Come on, don't worry, I'll keep him under control. I need you to come down now!"
  199. >The bird hesitates, and gives another cry, not convinced.
  200. >"Oh come on, Philomena! Solaris would want you to be a good bird. I know that you have his uh... 'best intentions' in mind... but you're just making more work for the castle staff!"
  201. >Another angry cry.
  202. >"So what? You're just going to stay up there for the rest of your life?"
  203. >The avian responded.
  204. >"Sorry, LIVES?"
  205. >Philomena gave out a series of calls and whistles.
  206. >"I said don't worry about it! He won't do anything stupid, I promise! Just... come on down now... Please, Philomena?"
  207. >The bird said nothing, but after seeing the look on your face, appears to look around, unsure of itself.
  208. >"I've been all alone in my room, Philomena... I could really do with some company... Please?"
  209. >After a few more moments to think and a ruffling of its feathers, Solaris's pet phoenix relented, and flew down to you, perching itself on your horn.
  210. >You smile, and give a sigh of relief.
  211. >You let yourself back down onto all four hooves.
  212. >You're actually kind of glad Philomena chose to cooperate...
  213. >...She's the only thing of Solaris's that Eclipse hasn't taken yet...
  214. "Excellent work, Dusk Shine. Thou has a fine way with words... Most of the time..."
  215. >You can feel Philomena tensing up and ruffling her feathers as Lunar Eclipse approaches.
  216. >You're inclined to side with Philomena as you find yourself flinching ever-so slightly.
  217. >"Y-yeah, it was... no problem. Philomena knows who I am..."
  218. >You take a small breath
  219. >"I-is that all you needed me for?"
  220. >Eclipse's expression is completely neutral.
  221. "Mmm... Not quite. Hold completely still, Dusk Shine."
  222. >Fairly quickly, the dark king's expression had vanished, and his sharp horn was now aimed at you.
  223. >Actually, not at you.
  224. >Just a little above you.
  225. >Light begins to gather at the tip of Eclipse's horn
  226. >Oh shit.
  227. >"U-u-uh, what... what are you doing?"
  228. >You keep yourself from panicking completely
  229. >After all, what the hell could he do to a PHOENIX? Kill it?
  230. >Ha.
  231. "A phoenix is a creature of the sun. A quick magical blast of moonlight will exterminate the putrid flying rat, permanently."
  232. >Oh.
  233. >shit.
  234. >The light at the end of his horn is pretty bright now.
  235. >"FUCK!"
  236. >You seize Philomena with your own magic and dive out of the way just as a blast of bright magic engulfs the general area where your forehead was about a second ago.
  238. >The sound of angry squawking comes from underneath you, and a flurry of feathers is constantly beating your face.
  239. >You look up from the ground, Lunar Eclipse is not happy.
  240. >"No! Wait! Please don't kill Philomena!"
  241. >You're honest-to-god pleading with the King of the Night.
  242. >"S-she's all I have left of Prince Solaris! Please!"
  243. >Your eyes sting just a little.
  244. >Oh come now, don't do that...
  245. >You're stronger than that...
  246. >You must be making progress. His scowl looks to have gone from 'furious' to 'mildly annoyed'.
  247. >"L-look, I'll keep Philomena with me! I'll make sure she doesn't bother you or anyone else anymore! Just PLEASE don't kill her!"
  248. >Eclipse's face remains stern for a moment before finally relaxing.
  249. >He sighs, and leans in closer to you.
  250. >You gulp.
  251. "...When I first returned, you were the only one who knew who I was. Only you. Everyone else only seemed to know me as some ridiculous holiday mascot... That's why I've really taken to you, Dusk..."
  252. >You remain fixed on him as he pulls away and turns to head back into the palace.
  253. >He stops and looks back.
  254. "The only pony who bothered to remember me was the precious student of my most hated enemy..."
  255. >He turns his head back to the castle and gives one last sigh.
  256. "It gladdens me to not be completely forgotten..."
  257. >With that, Eclipse heads back into the castle, leaving you alone with Philomena.
  258. >The bird shuffles underneath you, likely very aware and very grateful that you had just saved it from an untimely end.
  259. >For a while you're simply frozen there.
  260. >That was a side of Lunar Eclipse you haven't seen before...
  261. >He actually looked... thankful.
  262. >You're so used to seeing him angry, or arrogant, or intimidating...
  263. >Philomena gives a squawk, waking you from your stupor.
  264. >He really must have liked you if he actually let Philomena live for you.
  265. >You didn't think someone like him could be capable of mercy...
  267. >You pick yourself up from the ground
  268. >Philomena finds a spot on your back to hold onto.
  269. >You give one last look to where Eclipse left as you ponder.
  270. >Did he really say that he liked you because you're the only one who bothered to remember him...?
  271. >It's left you curious, to say the least.
  272. >You look behind you to the phoenix on your back.
  273. >"You owe me, you little shitbird!"
  274. >Philomena responds with an angry cry that you can only assume is an expletive of sorts.
  276. >You make your way back to your room with Philomena in tow as twilight falls over Canterlot.
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