
Finding Rania (5TNC)

Nov 27th, 2013
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  1. [20:13] * stanzicApparati 12PMs "Rania" : ( Hey. Where you at right now? )
  2. [20:13] * pyresRebirth 7PMs "Cyma" : (Somewhere wet.)
  3. [20:14] * pyresRebirth 7PMs "Cyma" : (It's kinda hard to tell otherwise.)
  4. [20:16] * stanzicApparati 12PMs "Rania" : ( Very far from the drop point to your Land? )
  5. [20:17] * pyresRebirth 7PMs "Cyma" : (There'll be a path you can follow, it'll take you to a consort village, I think I can find my way back there)
  6. [20:18] * stanzicApparati 12PMs "Rania" : ( Okay, I'll meet you there and bring some warm food. And some dry space. )
  7. [20:18] * pyresRebirth 7PMs "Cyma" : (alright)
  8. [20:21] <pyresRebirth> 7[You start walking back to the village. The stone paths and the solid footing it provides the only guide you have for direction.]
  9. [20:30] <stanzicApparati> 12[Go poke at your alchemiter. It takes a while to find something that looks like it might be workable for making a temporary dry space - it's basically an upgraded version of a storm-proof tent which will set itself up. You also make a set of ponchos, and gather up some stew that you had going.]
  10. [20:31] <stanzicApparati> 12[It takes a while, but you get all the supplies you need to go visit Rania on her #rainy land.]
  11. [20:39] <@stanzicApparati> [Finish packing up and then start gate-hopping your way to Rania's land. Ensure you're wrapped up well in the poncho before stepping through the last gate you need - the hood is uncomfortable, but your horns will be dry.]
  12. [20:40] <@stanzicApparati> [For a while, at least.]
  13. 04[20:44] <pyresRebirth> [You've made your way back to the village. You long gave up trying to keep dry and you're sitting with your back to the well in the centre of town, facing the direction you think you remember the gate being. The turtle consorts are wandering around comepletely fine with the rain.]
  14. [20:49] <@stanzicApparati> [The turtle consorts are cute. The rain is difficult to see through, and you can't rely on scent to help - the constant rain means there /is/ no scent, not really.]
  15. [20:50] <@stanzicApparati> [So you shuffle along, picking your way across until you come across Rania. Even in the dark, the well is still not too hard to spot.]
  16. 04[20:56] <pyresRebirth> [You slowly get up, trying to put on a smile as you do so, and walk over to her. "Hey." You say, almost too quietly to be heard over the rain.]
  17. [21:02] <@stanzicApparati> [Smile back. "Hey." Glance around. There's enough room that you could set up the tent, you think. "I brought a tent. And food."]
  18. 04[21:02] <pyresRebirth> ["Warm, dry clothes?" You ask, hopefully.]
  19. [21:06] <@stanzicApparati> ["And raingear," you confirm.]
  20. 04[21:09] <pyresRebirth> [You glance up at the rain. "Well, it'll be good to be dry for a little bit atleast. I'll wait until then to give you a hug."]
  21. [21:11] <@stanzicApparati> ["'Kay." Work on getting the tent set up. "Dunno how good the raingear I've got right now is, but it should help for a bit. And we can make better stuff."]
  22. [21:13] <@stanzicApparati> [You wish, briefly, that you hadn't torched the pelts already. The grist would have been useful to make really, /really/ good raingear with.]
  23. 04[21:14] <pyresRebirth> [You slowly move around to help, you're tired of the rain. Tired of a lot more too, but its mostly the rain right now.]
  24. [21:20] <@stanzicApparati> [It doesn't take much to get the tent set up - putting supports in the right place, so it won't blow away, making sure everything is put up so that the rain will slide off the outside instead of soaking through the walls.]
  25. 04[21:24] <pyresRebirth> [You follow her lead, walking up to her once the last of its set. "That good?" Voice still quiet.]
  26. [21:35] <@stanzicApparati> ["Yeah. C'mon - let's get inside and get dry." You can feel rain dripping down the back of your neck, and you suspect the poncho has started leaking.]
  27. 04[21:38] <pyresRebirth> [You duck into the tent and immediately pull out a towel to start drying off. Getting your face and hair before half pulling off your shirt. You then think better of it, and turn and ask. "You mind if I get out of these clothes?" You don't paticularily care if she sees you, but she might.]
  28. [21:40] <@stanzicApparati> ["Go 'head." She's in wet clothes. She'll get /sick/, if she doesn't dry off and get warm. You shuck off your poncho and hang it up in the tent, pulling out a tiny space heater and getting it going.]
  29. 04[21:41] <pyresRebirth> [It's very clear you've lost a lot of weight, ribs showing as you get rid of your clothes. Using the towel to get yourself to slightly damp instead of soaking wet.]
  30. [21:44] <@stanzicApparati> [Hand her another towel, when the one she's using gets too damp to be useful. Eye her thoughtfully - you know that emaciated look. You've seen it in the mirror.]
  31. [21:44] <@stanzicApparati> ["Once you're dry, I've got some stew." No question of if she wants some - she clearly /needs/ some.]
  32. 04[21:47] <pyresRebirth> ["Thanks." You start from your head again, being a little more thorough this time. You shift slightly in front of the space heater as you pull on your change of clothes. "'kay." You wouldn't object, even if you had the energy to do so.]
  33. [21:50] <@stanzicApparati> [The clothes are warm - sweatshirt and pants, plus underclothes and enough to provide layers. Pull out a bowl of stew and offer it to her.]
  34. 04[21:51] <pyresRebirth> [You take it with a small smile, but place it down to pull her into a hug.]
  35. [22:13] <@stanzicApparati> [Hug her back and let her pull you down next to her.]
  36. 04[22:16] <pyresRebirth> [You're hugging like you're not going to let go. You don't say anything at first, its all you can do to not break down completely. You do think ahead enough to captcha the stew again, your hand probing out until you finally catch the edge of the bowl.]
  37. [22:36] <@stanzicApparati> [Just hug her, patting her back gently.]
  38. 04[22:40] <pyresRebirth> ["'m sorry." you choke out. You sniffle and wipe your nose with the back of your hand. You move back a little so you can get a good look at her. "It's good to see you Zeimah." You try and smile, but the effect is partially ruined by your runny nose.]
  39. [23:03] <@stanzicApparati> [Offer her a tissue. "'S fine, Rania. 'm glad to see you too." You're looking pretty good, really. A healthy weight, and like you've always wanted to. Your hair's a mess, but it usually is these days.]
  40. 04[23:10] <pyresRebirth> [You take it with a quiet "Thank you." You blow your nose, and captcha it afterwards. "How are you doing? Beyond the whole Waste thing that is." Theres a hint of something in your expression if shes paying attention, but its hard to tell what it is, and it disappears quickly.]
  41. [23:22] <@stanzicApparati> ["I'm...doing okay, mostly. Talked to Mama for a bit, she gave me the names of a few folks who might be able to help too. And....well, Adam's here, and so's Toni and Ash and you. And I've got a lot of people to talk to about Fate. I'll figure things out."]
  42. 04[23:27] <pyresRebirth> [You nod. "Thats good to hear." You find a dry spot to sit down and pull out the stew again to eat. "Thank you for the food, and sorry about the weather." You glance up where the rain and wind is pounding on the fabric.]
  43. [23:43] <@stanzicApparati> [Shrug. "'S not your fault. 'S just the land you got. I mean, 's not like I'm blaming myself for getting Henge and Books." Pull out a bowl of stew for yourself and start eating.]
  44. 04[23:46] <pyresRebirth> [You eat in silence, just glad for the company and the roof over your head. You don't speak again until you finish. "Can I ask you a question?" You can't remember if you asked this before, your entire pre-session is a haze. "You're native Time, how did you...cope with knowing things had to go a certain way?"]
  45. [23:55] <@stanzicApparati> ["Fought it, at first," you admit. "But the Alpha's carved in stone. It always is. Doesn't mean choices don't /matter/, though. If they didn't, there wouldn't be Splinters."]
  46. [23:58] <@stanzicApparati> ["The choices we make are why the Alpha turns out how it does. The Game writes a script, Rania. It just...takes what happened to get the Door made and picks /that/ as 'successful', and anything else as unsuccessful. And then it writes that down as what has to happen."]
  47. 04[00:00] <pyresRebirth> [You nod, slowly. "Yes, but, I..." You trail off, thinking it through before asking again. You sigh and rub your head. "I don't have that, I know whats going to happen to me this session, and next session and so on and so forth. I watched my choices being made by someone else, and now I'm here and wondering why I couldn't of done this or done that."]
  48. [00:02] <@stanzicApparati> ["'Cause it didn't happen that way. And think of it knowing what's gonna happen as having a book full of prophecies. You know what'll happen, yeah. But the /details/ aren't written down, are they?"]
  49. [00:02] <@stanzicApparati> ["The 'why' of how it happens, that's not in there is it?"]
  50. 04[00:06] <pyresRebirth> ["Some of them are. I'm my own twin, we talk with each other. It's hard not to." You rub your forehead. "Some of its...fuzzy though."]
  51. [00:07] <@stanzicApparati> [Rub her shoulder gently. "So, think of it like prophecies. You focus too hard on them, your head goes all spinny and you need to get a hug and maybe lay down for a bit. So don't think too hard about it right now. Just...focus on what to do today, and tomorrow."]
  52. 04[00:09] <pyresRebirth> ["Atleast, before, I had the illusion of choice, the illusion of....freedom. But I can't save anyone who I know can't be saved, can't prevent any hardship that I know will happen, and its just..." You don't know what to say, you don't what you /can/ say.]
  53. [00:15] <@stanzicApparati> [Hug her again. "Time player's curse, hon. All you can do is focus on the choices you /can/ make. Which quests you do, how you deal with your Denizen, which Consorts you take with you on quests and what you wear to the Masquerades. All of those are important choices too."]
  54. [00:16] <@stanzicApparati> ["Plus, it's not like you've got a line-for-line script of what happens. What you /say/ is important. That's a choice, too."]
  55. 04[00:17] <pyresRebirth> ["It doesn't feel like they're important..." You hug back.]
  56. [00:22] <@stanzicApparati> [Hug her tightly. "Words matter. You can tell, 'cause that's all some jackasses need to break people. And sometimes, they help fix things too."]
  57. 04[00:25] <pyresRebirth> [You shift to get more comfortable. "I don't know what to do. I'm out here doing shit cause the alternative is being back at my spire alchemizing something to drink just so I don't have to think about it." Atleast out here its semi-productive.]
  58. [00:29] <@stanzicApparati> [Attempt to nip at her ear. "Nuh-uh, no doing Vitt impressions. I will sic Adam on you and he will be the life dog at you."]
  59. 04[00:30] <pyresRebirth> ["Adam..." You shake your head. "Gods this is going to be..." You realize what you're about to say and clam up.]
  60. 04[00:33] <pyresRebirth> ["Please pretend I didn't say that."]
  61. [00:38] <@stanzicApparati> [Nip. "Be friends, first. If more happens, more happens. If not, then at least you're friends, right? Also, I will loan you slapping fish if you need 'em."]
  62. 04[00:40] <pyresRebirth> ["Hey." You pull away, but don't put too much effort into it. "I have to do all these things and act like I don't have all these years. Just something else I guess."]
  63. [00:45] <@stanzicApparati> [Nip. "Do not. You just gotta go in not expecting to be more than friends. If more happens, more happens and that's awesome. If more /doesn/t/ happen, then it doesn't happen and that's going to have to be okay too."]
  64. 04[00:48] <pyresRebirth> ["It's hard though, going through what we" You rub your forehead. "Fucking spoilers. Never mind. I'm trying, but I just, I don't want to forget it all, but even now all the good things I know are at best bittersweet."]
  65. 04[00:49] <pyresRebirth> [You really want that drink.]
  66. [00:54] <@stanzicApparati> [Butt against her shoulder gently. "It'll get better." It has to, right?]
  67. 02[00:54] * sunlightFlare ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  68. 04[00:56] <pyresRebirth> [Not in this reality. "It's's like if you went back in time before the ring voyage and then sessioned with Epi. Being told to not act like you want to, like you should is...difficult. Not /thinking/ like you do towards that person, well, you tell me how good you'd think you could do."]
  69. [01:02] <@stanzicApparati> [Offer her a sad smile. "Time player, remember? 'Sides. Game already gave me that lesson."]
  70. 04[01:10] <pyresRebirth> [You sigh. "Yeah, yeah." You hug her again. "Gods I'm worried what I'll say when I'm breath derping."]
  71. [01:18] <@stanzicApparati> [Hug her back. "I'm worried what my Cataclysm will be. And if Toni will make it through this alive. Worst that happens while you're breath-derping, I figure, is you tell Adam you wanna smooch him."]
  72. [01:18] <@stanzicApparati> ["And that's not a bad thing to say, really."]
  73. 04[01:19] <pyresRebirth> [You roll your eyes. "I'm pretty sure he already knows that." And more. "But no, the worst that happens is I suddenly give out spoilers."]
  74. [01:21] <@stanzicApparati> ["If you did, you'd have written it down, right?"]
  75. 04[01:23] <pyresRebirth> ["...not everythings in there, seven hundred years is a long time to remember everything. I don't know if I do or not. It's entirely possible they happen in private conversations or in person or..." You give a frustrated sigh. "Its entirely possible that I did, and that person doesn't say anything to anyone else. If I did, I certainly wouldn't make it more public."]
  76. [01:27] <@stanzicApparati> [Nip again. "Let the future take care of itself, then. It tends to do pretty good at that, for the most part."]
  77. [01:27] <@stanzicApparati> [Normally, you would suggest leaving the timeline worries to the Time player.]
  78. [01:27] <@stanzicApparati> [That's not an option, this session.]
  79. 04[01:31] <pyresRebirth> ["I just want someone I can talk with these things about, someone I don't have to have all these fucking pretenses, someone I don't have to worry about fucking spoilers. Instead, I've got years before I can really feel free again."]
  80. [01:33] <@stanzicApparati> ["Who's someone who's not in the book, then? Someone you can talk to, and trust not to share anything you don't want them to."]
  81. 04[01:35] <pyresRebirth> [You get up to start pacing. Trying to think of someone. "I don't know, theres always something. If its not them, its someone close to them." You sound exceedingly frustrated. "Everyones connected."]
  82. [01:38] <@stanzicApparati> [Think. Don't focus on her pacing, as you think. Just...think.]
  83. [01:38] <@stanzicApparati> ["How about Daisy?"]
  84. 04[01:41] <pyresRebirth> ["The AI?" You don't sound convinced. "Stuff happens to her too."]
  85. [01:43] <@stanzicApparati> ["So talk to someone not tied to her, about the stuff that happens to her. And get her to lock down the stuff you tell her, so she can't share it with anyone 'till it's time for it to be talked about."]
  86. 04[01:49] <pyresRebirth> [You shake your head. "I just, I don't have the capacity to try for it right. I haven't stopped moving since I hit the session because I know as soon as I do its going to be hard to start again." You plop down next to her. "You have no idea how much I want a drink right now, to have it all go away right now."]
  87. [01:54] <@stanzicApparati> [Poke her in the ribs. "I can guess, but 'Vitt-level drunk' isn't a good look on anyone."]
  88. 04[01:56] <pyresRebirth> [You weakly poke her back. "You know I can make any look fabulous. Saying I can't is just a challenge." Your small grin makes it clear you're not serious.]
  89. [01:58] <@stanzicApparati> [Poke her back. "Nuh-uh. 'Sides, no one smells good if they reek of booze."]
  90. 04[02:03] <pyresRebirth> [You shy away from the poking. "Yes, I'm aware my ribs are showing, don't need to keep reminding me."]
  91. [02:06] <@stanzicApparati> [Blink and chirp at her. "...that's not why I was poking you."]
  92. [02:07] <@stanzicApparati> ["If anything, that's a reason to throw you, Adam, and a couple pots of stew into the same room."]
  93. 04[02:10] <pyresRebirth> ["I know thats not why you were doing it. But you kept poking me right in the ribs." You roll your eyes. "As entertaining as the thought is of being spoon-fed stew by Adam, I think I'll pass."]
  94. [02:11] <@stanzicApparati> ["Well, if we give him the supplies, I'm sure he can make something more appealing than stew."]
  95. 04[02:13] <pyresRebirth> ["As long as its not steak." You make a face. "Don't think I'll want steak for a long, long time."]
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