
The Zombie Apocalypse, with Birb

Oct 1st, 2016
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  1. >"DUCK LEFT!"
  2. >Be Anon.
  3. >You don't know how the plague hit, or where it came from. No one--no PONY--did.
  4. >But practically overnight, the dead rose to eat and kill and slay the living, and now you and your companion Stratos are the only living beings you've seen now in the days you've been traveling to reach Manehattan.
  5. >You understand him to be a bird pony--one of the outcasts of Equestrian society
  6. >And, judging from appearances and his behavior, he apparently shares a family tree with a cassowary
  7. >In spite of the colorful plumage on his face, neck, wings and head, he's probably one of the ugliest ponies you've ever seen, with a face only a mother could love and more scars than you've ever seen outside of a burn patient
  8. >He's mostly silent and soft-spoken, but with the most disturbing thousand yard stare you've ever seen outside of a war veteran with a few tours under his belt. He's said almost nothing about who he was Before or where he came from and you're honestly afraid to ask.
  9. >At night, when you make camp, he simply sits and listens patiently while you talk, nodding occasionally.
  10. >One of the biggest differences between him and literally any other pony you've ever seen are his four huge razor-sharp dewclaws, one on the "wrist" of each hoof. They're literally built-in bony sickles.
  11. >And he's apparently trained to use them in a fight.
  12. >Rght now, Stratos is standing on his hind hooves, his forehooves spread and his sickles deployed. You throw yourself out of the way and a split second later, his sickles severe the head of the minotaur zombie you DIDN"T see or hear in time, and a split second later, the shambling pony-corpse beside it loses its own head as well
  13. >You roll (amazingly gracefully, I might add) and come back up with a throwing hatchet, which embeds itself in the skull of another zompony
  15. >Okay, you were actually aiming for the one NEXT to it, but you still needed to hit one of them, and that's good, right? Considering that before you came here, your sole combat experience was watching ZOMBIELAND on a loop. And vidya.
  16. >it still gives you enough breathing space to pull another hatchet, and the two of you find yourself fighting back to back, a bulwark of steel and bone against necrotic flesh. In a minute, you've managed to mow through the swarm, and the last of the undead falls.
  17. >Breathing hard, Stratos folds back his dewclaws and sags back to all fours, and you join him. You're both spattered in gore and stinking of days of sweat and gore. You're far more winded than he is.
  18. >After several minutes catching your breath and waiting to see if anymore undead show up, he finally asks, "Are you okay over there?"
  19. >it's almost the most he's said at once since you met him.
  20. >"Yeah," you say. "I'll make it." he nods.
  21. >"They, uh...didn't cut you. Did they?" If a cut can be cauterized, the poor bastard usually survived. usually. >You examine yourself carefully, and you find he's helping you self-assess. You return the favor.
  22. >You yank a tick from his back where it was just out of his reach and show it to him. Pones can't bend that way, unfortunately. He nods gratefully.
  24. >You grab a canteen of fresh water and share it with him, then you use some of it to help clean his dewclaws and your hatchets, and then the two of you sit there in silence for a while.
  25. >The sun is up, birds are singing, insects are chirping. if it wasn't for the decomposing corpses all around you, it would almost be a nice day.
  26. >"So...are YOU okay?" you finally ask. He stares at you for several seconds.
  27. >"Yeah," he says. "I've seen worse."
  28. >You wonder what could be worse than a literal zombie apocalypse and the End of Everything, seeing as how the zebra hedge-witch you spoke with a week ago told you that this was striking across dimensions, across worlds, not just in this one.
  29. >You finally decide you simply don't want to know. Instead, you change the subject. "So, do you think we'll find anyone alive in Manehattan? The Elements? The princesses and royal guard?"
  30. >"I hope so," he says softly. He looks as if he might be about to say something else, and stops. You don't press him.
  31. >Instead, you get to your feet, and together you continue pressing forward.
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