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Chat with Novation about Slow Lights

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Sep 29th, 2016
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  2. Chat session started at 18:48:28 CEST
  3. Please wait while you are being connected with an operator ...
  4. You are now chatting with Derrick (US)
  5. Derrick (US):Hi Dominik how can I help?
  6. Dominik:Hello Derrick!
  7. Dominik:I have a Launchpad Mini actually
  8. Dominik:Before we start I want to ask
  9. Dominik:The Launchpad S is the exact same as the Launchpad Mini, right? It has the exact same electronic, firmware and communications protocol with Ableton Live, correct?
  10. Dominik:Derrick are you there?
  11. Derrick (US):The difference is the size of pads and buttons. They will both function the same in Ableton for the most part
  12. Dominik:Okay
  13. Dominik:So I have been using this Mini for almost a year and a half now
  14. Dominik:And I've noticed an issue with lights from the very beginning which has been bugging me for a very long time
  15. Dominik:It's a bit hard to explain, so I'd ask you to take 5 minutes and watch this video of it which I compiled demonstrating it
  16. Dominik:Are you okay with that?
  17. Dominik:It's on YouTube
  18. Dominik:Derrick?
  19. Derrick (US):Hey Dominik I apologize for the delay. I have responded but its not going through
  20. Dominik:Oh all right
  21. Dominik:So you are okay with that then?
  22. Derrick (US):I am helping others on chat but I will take a look at the video when I am able. Send me a link
  23. Dominik:
  24. Derrick (US):Or describe the issue
  25. Dominik:It's really hard to describe
  26. Dominik:Please check it out if you can. It's affecting 90% of the community
  27. Derrick (US):Is the problem that the light are reacting too slow?
  28. Dominik:Yes but only under Windows
  29. Dominik:OSX and even Ubuntu work fine under the exact same hardware
  30. Dominik:(There is no Ableton for Ubuntu, I tested all three OS'es with a python script, but the exact same behavior happens with Ableton on the other 2 too)
  31. Derrick (US):Sounds like it could be systems specific. You have to understand that the architecture of PC's are totally different than Mac's. Additionally we know that the issue is not related to the hardware as it works fine on other computers. Can you replicate the issue on multiple PC's
  32. Dominik:Maybe I should have mentioned, but I am not the average noob user, I know well how computers work
  33. Dominik:I can replicate the issue on any hardware, there is a Novation Launchpad group on Facebook and hundreds of people all have the same issue
  34. Derrick (US):In the video you keep referencing the Launchpad S but you have a Mini. Additionally you also show a Launchpad Pro in action. The Pro is different then the S and Mini
  35. Dominik:The Pro is different with velocity sensitive pads and more colors. The concept should be the same
  36. Dominik:But later I say, I know what you're thinking, but there is an S cover with the exact same stuff happening
  37. Derrick (US):You say that you can replicate the issue on any hardware, what does that mean?
  38. Derrick (US):Did you replicate the issue on multiple PC's?
  39. Dominik:I say that I can get the same product on a 1,5GHz 2GB RAM machine and a 4GHz 16GB ram machine
  40. Derrick (US):Only on PC's right?
  41. Dominik:I have replicated it on 3 on my PC's and many other people's
  42. Dominik:Mac does not suffer from this issue
  43. Dominik:Do you know what a Hackintosh is?
  44. Derrick (US):Yes I do
  45. Dominik:Okay. So on 2 of my PC's, running Windows makes slow lights. Running on a Hackintosh (Yosemite), gets the lights working smoothly
  46. Dominik:I have another statement to make.
  47. Derrick (US):Sure
  48. Dominik:I've tried the same thing on my friends' MK2 launchpads
  49. Dominik:They don't suffer from the issue on Windows
  50. Dominik:I am certain that the issue is Launchpad S-specific and Windows-specific on all kinds of hardware
  51. Derrick (US):So do you have a Launchpad S or a Launchpad Mini?
  52. Dominik:I have a Mini, but the exact same issue is replicated on other people's S
  53. Derrick (US):Ok. I would also ensure that you have the latest USB driver installed. This is something I will have to report to the development team. Since it works fine on Macs we know its not an issue with the hardware.
  54. Dominik:Can you report to the dev team and keep me updated?
  55. Dominik:I think I left an email when it asked me
  56. Derrick (US):To be completely transparent I am not sure when they will be able to test this out but I will let them know of the issue. I would keep an eye on our beta site for any updates in the future. Sounds like you could also just use a MKII unit to get around the issue. I will let them know if the behavior though
  57. Dominik:Well maybe I can buy myself an MK2, but probably lots of other frustrated users can't
  58. Dominik:In our Facebook group we get weekly questions about this issue regularly
  59. Dominik:But if it works for the MK2, I don't see a problem for the S
  60. Derrick (US):The issue was most likely resolved with the release of the units. I will still put the request through though as I understand where you are coming from
  61. Dominik:Thank you. Please link them the video and tell them to report back to me of any progress, as you can see I spent quite an amount of time reverse engineering this one
  62. Dominik:I even considered USB bandwidth, but ruled it out quickly
  63. Derrick (US):Will do
  64. Dominik:Thanks a lot! Have a nice day
  65. Derrick (US):You too, is this your email: **************
  66. Dominik:Yes it is correct
  67. Dominik:Goodbye! :)
  68. Derrick (US):Goodbye!
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