
[AiE] Cuddling time with Celestia

May 23rd, 2014
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  1. >the day is ending and you're done with your 16-Tonnes grade work
  2. >working for the Apples is hell on every muscle in your body, especially your brain
  3. >but they pay you every last bit you earned and the hours end when they end
  4. >no unpaid overtime for your ass
  5. >the last basket of apples is inside the cellar and you come up
  6. >Granny Smith pays you and you automatically thank her and mosey on along
  7. >your brain is on auto-pilot at this point
  8. >On the road to Ponyville you see Applejack, and her siblings returning home
  9. >some event was going on where princess Celestia visits every village in Equestria to give them thanks for what the contribute to the country
  10. >bla bla politics, nobody but the young and energetic care
  11. >you give a nod and a grunt and pass them by
  12. >to hell with politeness, you just want to go to your room in the attic and stare off into space with some wine before sleep claims you
  13. >every pony in town seems to be gathered in the only named street in the entire village
  14. >Sugar Cube Corner
  15. >what about Boutique Boulevard
  16. >Library Lane
  17. >but these ponies are weird anyhow
  18. >they fear-worship a ruler that shows nothing but kindness and understanding
  19. >fuck it, you just move on, keep going through the crowd to your destination
  20. >move away that pony, this one with the fuscia coat - you don't even know what fuscia is but fuck it your brain don't give a fuck
  21. >just slide on through, making split second decisions of whether to give the ass or crotch to these crotch-high ponies
  22. >just keep on moving, don't care who what or where, push this white thi--
  23. >fuck
  24. >it's only after everything's gone quiet that you notice you dun goofed
  25. >that ain't no white thing, it's Celestia's neck
  26. >her slender, soft, warm neck
  27. >the contours of her sternocleidomastoid (yeah, you studied some medicine, what of it)
  28. >you remove your hand before you can pop a boner and just keep on moving
  30. >hell, you didn't even mean to, it was a leftover order in your brain
  31. >well, she's forgiving, she'll understand, given how you look like Hell
  32. >reeking of sweat won't help, but hey, even in the local jail you'll get the rest you want, so win-win
  33. >as you leave the ponies start murmuring amongst themselves
  34. >''did you see him touch the princess''
  35. >''how crass, he didn't even look the Princess in the eyes''
  36. >''was that a human boop or something?''
  37. >''does he have the hot-to-trots for the Princess?''
  38. >just keep walking, just keep walking
  39. >Twilight might make a big deal out of this now or in the morning and you're actually curious as to how her Royal Paranoidness will blow it out of proportion
  40. >but with the sound of murmurs and rumour there's another sound accompanying you in the night
  41. >the thud of hooves behind you
  42. >they're not naked hooves, they're too loud, too sharp
  43. >they're dressed in some regal pony shoes
  44. >your face is burning red so badly you feel the heat around your face contracted with the whipping night air from the sped up pace you just started
  45. >the hoof steps increase in tempo as well
  46. --Oh Jesus tap-dancing Christ--, you think, --What have I gotten myself into?--
  47. >you move through the street and end up in a lone, unassuming little house near the edge of the village
  48. >you enter inside, she does as well, and climb the staircase to the attic, to your little not-so-safe-anymore place
  49. >the fold out couch is folded out with a sheet and a blanket ready and waiting
  50. >the steps have stopped and she's most likely examining your man-cave while you take the cheap bottle of wine on the floor and fill up a glass with it to the top
  51. >for her
  52. >what little is left of the wine you take for yourself
  53. >now you turn around and look at Celestia
  55. >you offer the glass to Celestia which she picks up readily with her magic
  56. >silence as she sips on the wine
  57. >her expression is innocent
  58. >like a young girl exploring a new city
  59. >big eyes, small - yet lively - smile and erect, anxious ears
  60. >thank god you don't have angina because HNNNNG
  61. >she moves past you, lightly brushing her left wing and flank against your arm, and sits down on the couch with an audible fwomp and a creak of the springs
  62. >oh yeah
  63. >she's been at the cakes
  64. >It's at that point that the thought hits you: you not only have a girl in your room
  65. >but you have the ruler of an entire country in your room
  66. >all because you touched her neck and ignored her all the way back home
  67. >if you were anymore alpha, you'd go full circle and become the omega, which would make you God
  68. >and even God is looking down on you and spitting phlegm in envy at you
  69. >because does he have a cute princess in his crib
  70. >I think not
  71. >all he has is Mormons, and god knows how fun they are
  72. >Celestia looks at you and smiles
  73. >complete brain shutdown is in effect from that point on
  74. >''I like your room, Anonymous'', she says, ''The simplicity is endearing. The craftsmanship in Canterlot castle is a sight to behold, but I've always preferred simplicity and calmness to overcompensating detail and ostentatiousness.''
  75. ''Yeah.''
  76. >at least it was a word
  77. >she just smiles on, like your tongue wasn't looking like a schizo's interpretation of Spaghetti Junction and functioning just as efficiently
  78. >you see she pats the empty spot next to her with her hoof
  79. >''Please, Anon, you are the host.''
  80. >Take a swig from the bottle, wish it was something stronger, and follow orders
  81. >when you sit, you feel how much Celestia's royal tush has dented your couch/matress
  82. >it must be at a 60* angle
  83. >just enough to give you an excuse to lean in on her
  84. >if you weren't holding your spine muscles rigid in fear of doing just that
  85. >for someone who acted so alpha not ten minutes ago, you're being profoundly gamma
  87. >with that thought, a thousand caps of spaghetti spillage stories from /r9k/ flash through your mind
  88. >then you try to emulate Celestia's would-be thoughts in the next five seconds
  89. >most filled with questions of how wimpy this little human is after such a show of dominance
  90. --Dude, no!-- You think --I am not going to puss out in front of the female (pony) of all females (of ponies).--
  91. >your muscles slacken and you slide closer to Celestia
  92. >maybe it's the alcohol, or the fact that the attic is a bit stuffy, but she's exceedingly warm
  93. >and her cake-loving softness only makes it better
  94. >it's like having the world's biggest stuffed toy that has the capacity to cuddle right back
  95. >just as you think this, Celestia's wing shoots out and hugs you closer to her
  96. >your face is pressed close into her neck and you can feel her mane magically float over you
  97. >she doesn't smell like anything, really
  98. >but by Mjolnir, sniffing her is intoxicating
  99. >it's airborn peace
  100. >she places her hoof softly on your thigh
  101. >in return you put your left arm around her and gently caress her free wing, while your right hand finds a spot on the aforementioned hoof
  102. >the bottle is forgotten, but she catches it before it can fall and puts in on the floor
  103. >she takes another sip from her glass and brings it to you
  104. >you can see the slight change in colour on the glass where she put her lips
  105. >you take a sip as well
  106. >cheap wine never tasted so good
  107. >her coat hairs tickle your nose now, so you shift your head some
  108. >she interprets this as a sign that you want to cuddle more intimately
  110. >Celestia places her snout closer to the top of your head
  111. >you instinctively look up and gaze into heaven
  112. >her eyes are closed, her lips slightly parted and closing in
  113. >now or never
  114. >in that moment she and you are locked into the universal sign of romance and love
  115. >her lips, though flat, are full and very soft
  116. >her tongue explores your mouth and often dominates your own muscular limb, not that you're complaining
  117. >not wanting to be the passive party you reach out with the once-leg covering hand and start gently rubbing her ear to which she moans lightly without releasing you
  118. >you stop to gasp at some air and release yourself from her embrace
  119. >you just played tonsil hockey with Princess Celestia and she's damn good
  120. >as you ponder these facts Celestia takes off her regalia and lifts the covers
  121. >no invitation is needed, you disrobe and enter the make-shift bed with her
  122. >much like with her country, she leads this encounter
  123. >she opens her forelegs wide and you snuggle closer
  124. >she hugs you closer to herself and you can feel the easy rhythm of her heart
  125. >cheeky girl, she didn't even get a slightly higher beat
  126. >she was in control this entire time
  127. >you look up, feeling insulted, you're no pet to be dominated
  128. >but those lavender eyes hold such caring and love for you that you forget everything and bury yourself in her chest
  129. >her royal cushiness, as it were
  130. >she kisses the top of your head and you nuzzle against her
  131. >sleep claims you both
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