Guest User

Proposal for new cfgFunction-Attributes in ArmA3

a guest
Feb 3rd, 2014
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  1. class CfgFunctions
  2. {
  3. class MyFramework
  4. {
  5. class Common
  6. {
  7. class Config {
  8. file = "config.sqf";
  9. preInit = 1; // 1 to call the function upon mission start, before objects are initialized. Passed arguments are ["preInit"]
  10. recompile = 1;
  11. };
  12. class InitPlayer { //Init player local, setting localstuff like UI , actions, etc
  13. file = "local\initplayer.sqf";
  14. initPlayerLocal = 1;
  15. };
  16. class InitPlayerServer { //Register the player on the server (maybe in a array of players) and do some global stuff
  17. file = "server\initplayer.sqf";
  18. initPlayerServer = 1;
  19. };
  20. class InitHCLocal { //Starts the HC loop (creating AI and stuff)
  21. file = "hc\inithc.sqf";
  22. initHCLocal = 1;
  23. };
  24. class InitHCServer { //Register the HC, set some flags and disable AI creation on server
  25. file = "server\initHCServer.sqf";
  26. initHCServer = 1;
  27. };
  28. class playerDisconnectServer { //Unregistering the player, removing his stuff, changing some arrays, etc
  29. file = "server\pDisconnect.sqf";
  30. playerDisconnectServer = 1;
  31. };
  32. };
  33. };
  34. };
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