

Feb 24th, 2012
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  1. Character Creation Rules -
  3. Stats: Assign 16 points between the following. Minimum 1, Maximum 8.
  4. - [Body]: How strong, agile, and durable you are.
  5. - [Charm]: How well you're able to charm and manipulate others, and express yourself.
  6. - [Insight]: How well you're able to see into a situation and others.
  7. - [Willpower]: How well you're able to control yourself, channel spells, and resist mental attacks.
  9. School Specialty: Assign 16 points spread among the following, maximum 5 points in any one.
  10. - Destruction: Deals with breaking things down and inhibiting growth. Opposite of Creation. Color is Red.
  11. - Reality: Deals with revealing the truth. Often called Divination. Reveals and helps understand reality, but by itself chan never change the physical world. Opposite of Illusion. Color is Orange.
  12. - Order: The opposite of Chaos, Order Magic is very predictable and reliable, but it takes a lot of energy to use. Order magic often stabilizes and calms, and often lasts a long time once cast. Color is Yellow.
  13. - Creation: Deals with creating, building up, and growing. Opposite of Destruction. Color is Green.
  14. - Illusion: Deals with creating illusions and perpetuating lies. Can change perceptions, but by itself can never change the physical world. Opposite of Reality. Color is Blue.
  15. - Chaos: Often deals with the element of chance and luck; Chaos Magic is very efficient, but hard to predict. Color is Purple.
  17. Personal Abilities: Freeform. Pick two skills, things your character is good at, ect. Listed some BORING examples below. After picking your two positive skills, pick one negative skill or "flaw"
  18. - Artistically Gifted
  19. - Good with Technology
  20. - Liked by Animals
  21. - Strong Runner
  23. Magical Ability: Pick 1. Some tame examples below, but you're allowed to come up with something else for my approval.
  24. - Familiar (Pick a small animal)
  25. - Magical Lineage (must pick something specific. Dragonblood? Your mom was half-troll?)
  26. - Sorceror (Don't need to use Glyphs or other spell preparations, but spells always cost +1 point)
  27. - Psychic Headaches (occasionally you get dizzy and become prescient)
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