

Apr 15th, 2014
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  1. "One...two...three...four..."
  2. >Thunder crashed overhead, and Twilight Sparkle yelped.
  3. >Curling up in her blankets, the filly began counting again.
  4. "One...two...three..."
  5. >An ear-splitting boom again announced the storm's presence, and the lavender filly curled up in fear.
  6. "Go away go away go away go away..."
  7. >Twilight hated thunderstorms.
  8. >They were loud, they were dark, they were scary...
  9. >Like Shining's room sometimes, but more unpredictable.
  10. >She knew that she'd be safe inside her home.
  11. >She wasn't stupid.
  12. >Just a chain of loose electrons heading for a spot with a strong positive charge.
  13. >The filly knew that.
  14. >Didn't stop the storm from being mind-numbingly terrifying.
  15. >The lightning cracked across the sky again and the filly held her doll, Smarty Pants, closer.
  16. >This time, the tears started.
  17. >The filly cried quietly into her doll, too proud to let anypony else hear her.
  18. >Somepony did anyway.
  19. >Hooves clopped quietly across the floorboards, and a weight made the bed sink a little.
  20. >"Shh, shh...calm down, Twily..." Shining Armor consoled, wrapping his hooves around his terrified sister.
  21. >The filly sniffled.
  22. "I hate thunderstorms."
  23. >"I know you do, I know."
  24. >Thunder boomed again, and the lavender unicorn yelped.
  25. >The colt began humming softly, like he always would when Twilight was scared.
  26. >Nothing complicated or complex, just a simple, easy tune.
  27. >Twilight's sniffling eventually stopped as she fell asleep, not waking when the thunder cracked again.
  28. >Shining didn't leave the room until the storm stopped entirely.
  29. ===
  30. >Lightning cracked the sky, and Twilight Sparkle jumped.
  31. "I-I'm a big mare now, I shouldn't be ju-jumping at things like t-this..."
  32. >The storm raged on, the most intense one in over a decade.
  33. >The mare, now an adult unicorn, was hiding in her room.
  34. >Smarty Pants was in grabbing distance, and Spike was just downstairs if she really needed him...
  35. >Thunder boomed again, and she whimpered.
  36. >She couldn't even dispel the storm if she wanted to.
  37. >Ponyville needed the rain, and heavy rain was usually accompanied by thunder and lightning.
  38. >Warning signs had been put up days ago, just to forewarn ponies like her to find cover.
  39. >Rain she didn't mind. Rain she liked.
  40. >Thunder and lightning were her bane.
  41. >The storm was directly overhead, judging by both the sound and the fact that the lightning rod on the top of the tree was audibly being struck.
  42. "Gr-great, not only is there a storm, it's targeting ME!" She whined, sounding insulted to counter the sheer terror of the close-range lightning.
  43. >The wind was howling, wailing against the window port as rain lashed out at it.
  44. >Twilight pulled her aging and tattered stuffed animal closer, eyes clenched shut.
  45. >The mare HAD discovered a muting spell some time ago, but it had no effect on lightning...unless she had the reflexes and aim to hit every single bolt before it split the sky.
  46. >She never was quick enough. If Twilight was faster than lightning at any point, there was a serious problem with physics.
  47. >Twilight had also contemplated teleporting to Canterlot to wait the storm out, but tossed that aside when she figured there would be no room left.
  48. >A Minotaur diplomatic meet-n-greet was in progress, and the castle was full to bursting.
  49. >No, Twilight was on her own, facing one of her worst fears.
  50. >"I'm laughin' at clouds, so dark up above~! The sun's in my heart, and I'm ready for love~!"
  51. "H-huh?"
  52. >Was somepony outside...singing?
  53. >The singing stopped abruptly.
  54. >"What was the next part...uh..."
  55. >Curiosity got the better of her, and Twilight looked outside.
  56. >There, with an umbrella over his head, was Anon. That strange 'human' that she had found 'surviving' in the Everfree less than a year ago.
  57. >He was walking by the library, singing loudly at intermittent periods.
  58. >The mare pulled back from the window when lightning flashed, but the human outside didn't react much aside from putting a hand to his chin.
  59. >"Dammit, I knew the lines before I stepped outside. Oh well."
  60. >He then started humming a tune, which was carrying clear over the heavy thunderstorm.
  61. >"Ah! I walk down the lane, with a happy refrain! That's the line!"
  62. >Twilight arched an eyebrow. What a...strange being.
  63. >Still, that tune sounded a bit familiar.
  64. >The mare watched incredulously as he folded the umbrella up, watching the storm with a small smile.
  65. >His face and clothing were getting absolutely soaked, but he appeared to not care.
  66. >He took cover under the library's branches after a few moments, chuckling to himself.
  67. >The human then started humming again, that same maddeningly familiar tune.
  68. >It was...actually starting to put Twilight to sleep.
  69. >Twilight moved to her bed, covering herself over with her quilt while still keeping both ears pointed at the window, where the human's humming was coming through loud and clear.
  70. >She didn't hear the next crash of thunder, nor the next dozen after that.
  71. ===
  72. >The mare awoke to a bright and sunny sky, the storm having dispersed while she was napping.
  73. >Anon was gone, likely at his home.
  74. >She'd have to thank him when she next saw him.
  75. >The mare giggled to herself, stepping outside and bounding into a crystal-clear puddle.
  76. >Yeah, she liked the rain.
  77. >With Anon's help, she might just adapt to thunderstorms too.
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