
Hail, station master!

Oct 18th, 2013
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  1. All right, just to get some ideas down space station building sim, probably isometric multi z-level viewpoint. Given a large square of space to build in, starts with a small docking and construction bay. Players select the sector they want to start in with randomly generated features and resources, and randomly generated species will come to inhabit their station. The simulation will take place primarily on two levels; the first, a local map where you build and day to day life takes place, and the second, on a galactic overview which will have slowly shifting political borders, trade routes, and patches of lawlessness and bandit hideouts. The player will spend most of their time building and playing in the former, while gradually expanding their influence in the latter.
  3. Players will build station with a specific type of specialization in mind:
  5. -a large colony
  6. -an upscale hotel
  7. -military outpost
  8. -research center
  9. -information trade and security
  10. -crime haven
  11. -interstellar bazaar
  12. -shipyard
  13. -factory
  15. Each of these professions will guide the design of their station's layout, and will require the establishing of a utilities infrastructure (power, life support, living essentials, station maintenance), building a residential complex which can room and board staff and guests, building the mainstays of their chosen industry and keeping them supplied with raw materials and competent employees, and establishing an economic powerbase. Players can also establish and manage franchises that will spread across the galaxy, competing with other powerful business moguls, engage in politics both local and abroad with other station managers, follow a variety of space religions! or maybe even witness the birth of a new one, with serious consequences if you anger the wrong deity, research New technological advancements for the improvement of your station and civilization (or detriment, perhaps one of your clever scientists will figure out that an incredibly addictive drug for species x can be synthesized with the blood of species y. Chaos ensues).
  17. The management of the station will involve checking finances and ensuring a steady stream of revenue, overseeing construction and maintenance, enforcing law on the station, ensuring proper distribution and import and export of goods, and raising the quality of life for your people. Residential matters are tricky for your station, because your guests can be any number of species, randomly.generated with their own diet, accommodation requirements, and cultural biases, which may clash violently with those of other species.
  20. Please direct all complaints to your R.A.
  21. -Different species will need different housing and different food.
  22. -Species may also prefer differing light levels, levels of sanitation, large open spaces vs. tight
  23. cramped corridors, and can be very picky about their neighbors.
  24. -Each different housing type can be upgraded to larger dwellings that can house more of the same type.
  25. These upgrades and other types of room improvement will be achieved through research.
  26. -Housing will require different raw materials to build and maintain as well. The appropriate atmospheric
  27. mix can be synthesized without the raw ingredients, but it is costly on both money and power.
  28. -If you cannot afford an atmosphere regulator that synthesizes for various species, it is more economic to
  29. either buy a life support system and cargo that meets the needs of one species cheaply.
  30. -Your station will gradually open up to new species, rushing into hosting everyone will only cause
  31. trouble. Each new species will require a good investment of time to set up new facilities.
  32. -Building separate boroughs of varying races can prevent unpleasant tension between them, but a number of
  33. species thrive on diversity, and even dedicated xenophobes will suffer on productivity if not occasionally
  34. exposed to others.
  35. -Species breeding can vary, with different gestation times, live birth vs egg laying, and various gruesome
  36. birthing traditions (eating parent, lay eggs in a host (undesired breeding can be surpressed with
  37. drugs(which can be secretly included in their diet on your station!(parentheses!)))) Energy beings can
  38. split into wavelengths or merge prismatically, rock creatures could be mined out of their homeplanet
  39. whenever a new one is needed, plants can spore on your farms
  40. -Species preferences will be randomly generated at the start of the game, and will be designed to
  41. encourage players to switch up their playstyle and try new things. There could be species that want to
  42. live in hard vacuum, or one race that's life bonded to another and require very close quarters. Some
  43. species might see others as a delicacy. They should probably be kept apart.
  44. -Citizens will also want a high security presence around residential areas. Might be possible to irk some
  45. by having certain species of officer patrol their neighborhood.
  48. Interstellar gourmands and the Golden Arches Nebula
  49. -Food will come in different types (energy, plant, meat, mineral, vapor) and can be harvested through
  50. various industries on your station such as farms and mines, but most will also likely supplement their
  51. pantries through imports
  52. -Food preparation requires skilled individuals. To prepare a meal for a species, the cook may not have to
  53. be of that species, but he will need to be properly trained in that race's cuisine.
  54. -Though grim, it will be possible to butcher inhabitants for meat. Most species will heavily frown on
  55. this, both out of personal preference and following their cultural tenets. Government condemnations and
  56. galactic security investigations will follow shortly if found out, but you may find a species or two that
  57. just doesn't care, and there can be good money in it.
  58. - Energy beings will likely feed on pure energy. Make sure you build hardpoints where they can access your
  59. power system to do so paying and legally, or they will likely try to siphon some off on the side.
  60. -There will be both high and low cuisine that will appeal to different types of clientelle. High cuisine
  61. is more expensive for everyone involved, and requires a skilled chef, but can have a significant impact on
  62. station rating and VIP tours.
  63. -Industry stations and businesses have the option of a collective dining hall, which is simple and
  64. generally satisfies.
  65. -Lower cuisine, (a.k.a. fast food) is much simpler and a money mainstay, and vital for feeding your
  66. visitors, but will generate more litter and the occasional unhappy thought or health crisis.
  67. -Fast food is also one of the quickest things on the station you can own as a business and start a
  68. franchise with. Just build your first one, customize its layout and choose a food style, then sell the
  69. blueprints abroad and to other station owners. Manage advertising and pleasing your target demographic!
  70. Watch as you spread all across the galaxy! Sneak something horrible into the food!
  71. -Most neighborhoods will likely also want their own spacebar. Everyone loves bars. Crime will happen here.
  74. Government and other notorious criminals
  75. -Stations can start out under the patronage of their local government (where you build is your starting
  76. faction alignment). Which isn't to say you can't cast off the yoke almost immediately. Just be prepared
  77. for resistance. Alternatively, you can start in unclaimed territory and start unaffiliated, but when a
  78. major power starts knocking at your door looking for more territory, be prepared to defend yourself if you
  79. wish to remain neutral. Or appeal to other governments to protect your sovereign territory.
  80. -Race territories will start out close enough for co-mingling and to allow a multiracial station at the
  81. start if desired, but there will still be unclaimed territory between them that will be a source of
  82. contention. A race's borders will shift throughout the game depending on their relative strength and
  83. influence. Battles won can be major border changers, as can internal political upheaval. As a station
  84. master, your political intrigues and military actions can also shape the territories (i.e. agents can be
  85. sent to persuade star systems to change sides).
  86. -The two primary facets of government (in terms of influence on gameplay) are legislation and enforcement
  87. Each species' government will have its own laws, in accordance with their race's beliefs. These can be
  88. tariffs on certain goods or subsidizing the production of others, or bonuses for taking actions against
  89. other governments, or embargoes if they feel you have behaved inappropriately. If major crime is committed
  90. on your station, you may also face the enforcers of your government. Special investigators can be sent to
  91. your station to demand inspections. If you are found in possession of contraband, or are implicated
  92. in a crime, the station will be penalized, either with a fine or military action. Failure to comply with
  93. inspections can also result in combat. They generally won't try to destroy your entire station, only
  94. curtail any activities they disagree with. Enough violations, and if you wish to remain on your
  95. government's good side, you may have to house permanent overseers. Every crime will have to be carefully
  96. snuck past them subsequently.
  97. -Wormholes will pepper the galaxy, which can make trade routes much quicker and more efficient. They will
  98. usually be under control of local gov. and will require their permission to use regularly
  101. Skulduggery, roughhousing, and the terrible secret of space
  102. -The universe isn't always a nice place, and combat will be a necessity at times. The scale of these
  103. conflicts can range from a brawl that needs to broken up by station security, to a military outpost
  104. orchestrating the overarching strategies of a war. Large scale conflicts will take place mostly on a
  105. tactical level, requiring the planner to provide a stock of units to field, as well as mustering local
  106. support, and then providing a rough tactical plan for them to follow. Local conflicts will be part of the
  107. simulation engine, and will primarily focus on hand to hand fighting and ship to ship fights. These
  108. battles will be fought by station security, trained and equipped by you, and through them you will fend
  109. off boarding parties and raids, ship blockades, and rampaging alien monstrosities.
  110. -Any of the fights can include special station personnel called agents. Agents are hired by you, and will
  111. be directly controlled by you in battle. They usually have a range of powers and specializations, and
  112. unique stats or items to help them turn the tides of a fight.
  113. -Agents are also used in covert operations of your own, including sabotage, blackmail, and assassinations.
  114. These could be turn-based or realtime missions that take place on your station that require slightly more
  115. planning and intelligent use of items, as you may have to foil your own security at times or leave little
  116. enough evidence that the crime can't be pinned on you.
  121. Resources
  123. -Constructimax: Pre-fab fabulous! Space concrete! The stuff of really boring stars. A building material used for
  124. almost everything with rare and expensive exceptions; reliable, cheap, and can be derived from almost
  125. anything. Naturally, it comes in a variety of aesthetically pleasing designs and colors. Can be mined or
  126. purchased from nearly anywhere
  128. -Food and Life Support: You will need to regularly purchase or produce your own food for your various inhabitants
  129. (of varying quality, from generic to extremely sophisticated meals. Guess which one generates the happy
  130. thought), as well as atmosphere for them to breathe as your systems distribute it around the station
  132. -Metals and alloys: Mined or purchased, used as raw material for your industries to produce manufactured goods
  134. -Money: Duh. Just remember, nine ningis to one pu.
  136. -Power: Generated by various researchable systems of varying magnitudes. Can be fed raw resources, or even
  137. injected with cold hard cash, though at a significant loss. Though energy beings will consume power, they
  138. may occasionally provide quite generous returns. No shovel required, honest. Systems across your station
  139. will require constant power, so budget your output and make sure important systems are high priority, so
  140. they're not lost during blackouts.
  145. Examples of special local features:
  147. -Black Sun: Special star system that, when your station is built close enough, completely masks all outgoing signals and blocks transmissions
  149. -Wormhole: end points for galactic fast travel routes, can boost economy and visitor rate. could also be strategic site in war, will be regulated by local government
  151. -Planet debris: Vast chunks of planets that weren't up to the cruel realities of space and giant death lasers. Can be mined for continual mineral wealth. Occasionally, they will turn out to be synthetic and reveal parts of planet fabricator engines, endgame tech which can be sold for large amounts of money
  153. -Local fauna: A local flock of vacuum dwelling non-sentients, which can attract tourists, be bred and sold, or harvested for exotic craft materials (space ship circuitry, rare medicines, treasure)
  155. -Monolith: A very small black rock that remains in a fixed location. Can be studied for continual research boost. Can be basis of religion.
  157. -Crystalline Ark: A free floating casket, courtesy of Precursor-Santa. Generates religious interest, and can be broken into (with great effort) to recover a powerful artifact, like a relic ship, or a weapon system, or a piece of endgame tech
  159. -The Spray: Vapor cloud of mysterious origins, harvested to produce a potent drug
  164. Hazards
  166. -Natural
  167. stars exploding
  168. meteor showers
  169. subversion of physical laws/space-time
  170. plague
  171. nonsentient monsters
  173. -Deliberate (more likely once you start stepping on some toes)
  174. spies and industrial espionage
  175. riots
  176. war
  177. space banditos!
  178. assassins
  179. galactic security lockdown
  180. trade embargoes
  181. cultists and fanatics
  186. VIPs (please them, or meet certain requirements and be rewarded!)
  187. -big ol cash bonus
  188. -station ratings boost
  189. -allows new species to settle
  190. -starts new religion
  191. -offers lucrative business contract
  196. Example victory events (hesitant to put in win conditions, a smoothly running station suited to its own industry is kinda the goal, but those who want to WIN can choose to initiate events that will put station owners in direct competition to achieve a certain victory condition
  198. -Starforge: Expand business and construction enough to become the universe's first planet foundry!
  200. -Metagamer: one of every settling species, one of every nonsentient in the menagerie, acquired all the galaxy's surviving great works of art (can be recovered on raids or purchased through auction), successfully completed a large scale contract in every industry, own the top grossing franchise, recognized as a major influence in at least one war (instigator, closer, successfully operated military outpost, completed military research or military construction contract), be in the good graces of a divine being
  202. -Existentialism: Universe about to end. Find inner truth. Express in 12 or fewer words.
  204. -Top of the shit-heap: Every race's government has disbanded. Crime runs rampant throughout the galaxy. You control more than 50% of all galactic wealth. You are the pirate king.
  209. Tech path musings:
  211. All basic research can be completed at an appropriately staffed simple tech lab. Once sufficient progress has been made along any branch of the tech tree, specialized labs will need to be built to continue development.
  214. What will you need for . . .
  216. -Giant robots!
  217. Refined alloys *
  218. Mining operations or trade capabilities
  219. Foundries
  220. Tech lab (for higher tier alloys)
  221. Researched and manufactured weapons systems *
  222. Tech lab
  223. Weapons lab (for advanced military research) *
  224. Armaments Fabrication *
  225. Researched and manufactured armor and shielding *
  226. Same as above
  227. Pilot control systems *
  228. Pilot training facilities
  229. Military academy (divided into schools for piloting, ground combat, and ops?)
  230. Construction Yard
  232. -Pirate raids! (conducting your own that is)
  233. Nearby trade route
  234. Signal scanners and jammers, other forms of detection and evasion *
  235. Large scale dock
  236. Shipyard (if you want to produce your own ships)
  237. Same construction requirements as above, alloys, weapons, armor
  238. Also requires ships with large cargo capacity
  239. Enforcers who will collect your share of the loot
  240. Strategist to plan long term, large scale raiding(~)
  242. -Attract ambassadors
  243. Upscale culture (examples)
  244. Highly rated food establishment
  245. Functional Opera House
  246. Host a sports team or arena
  247. Be an artists patron or acquire a great work of art
  248. Developed religion
  249. Maintain local systems communication hub
  250. Suitable residence
  251. Exclusive high quality apartments
  252. Good food
  253. and Office
  254. Diplomatic influence
  255. Good standing with your government
  256. High influence in your local star system
  257. On a trade route or in a location of strategic importance
  258. Certain level of station security
  260. -Intergalactic trade
  261. Ship capable of long distance journeys/government granted access to local wormholes
  262. Advanced research into cargo storage for full profit
  263. Crewed by navigator and merchant
  264. Escort for travel in unsecure sectors
  265. Military ships
  266. Information on market trends in different sectors
  270. Sketch tech tree:
  271. Research along the paths unlocks additional building plans or the next iteration of a currently
  272. known plan, manufacturing blueprints, efficiency improvements, furniture for rooms, or hardware
  273. for ships. Although some researh options can be granted as standard starting tech, they can be
  274. withheld to add challenge to missions until they can be researched. Conversely, do not gate too
  275. much behind research, it will be tiresome.
  277. Station Core Structures
  278. -Command Structures
  279. -Bridge
  280. -Personnel office (recruit agents)
  281. -Security Center
  282. -Requisitions Office
  283. -Intelligence office (sabotage, acquire diplomatic leverage, trade bonuses)
  284. -Communications
  285. -AI Core
  286. -Power Systems
  287. -Generator types
  288. -Distribution
  289. -Wiring
  290. -Transformers
  291. -Hardpoints
  292. -Wireless power transmitter
  293. -Life Support
  294. -Environmental Control
  295. -Atmospheric distributors
  296. -Atmospheric mixers
  297. -Temperature Maintenance
  298. -Fire Control
  299. -Shielding
  300. -Hull plating upgrades
  301. -Hull breach response
  302. -Auto-defense systems
  303. -Electromagnetic barrier
  304. -Maintenance
  305. -Maintenance and repair probes (final tier: colonies of nanomachines live on outer
  306. hull allow breaches/other hull damage to regenerate itself)
  307. -Structure durability upgrade (requires some sort of mat. science/alloys tech pass?)
  308. -Construction
  310. Living needs
  311. -Food Service
  312. -Raw Materials Processing
  313. -Cooking and dining
  314. -Food shops
  315. -Rest
  316. -Sleeping quarters and upgrades (based on species type)
  317. -Hybrid species housing
  318. -Entertainment and Culture
  319. -bars
  320. -music industry and venues
  321. -athletics training and arenas
  322. -gambling
  323. -art schools and museums (holoprojector statuary upgrade!)
  324. -religious institutions (kinda weird to research, might need to be its own separate
  325. system for necessary complexity)
  326. -brothel? (Startopia love nest style?)
  329. -Medbay
  330. -Furniture to treat different illness types, different species
  331. -Clinics for further disease type specialization (virus, parasite, poisoning . . . )
  332. -Training schools for different species doctoring
  335. Harvesting
  336. -Mining
  337. -Probes and robots
  338. -Mining lasers
  339. -Ore haulers
  340. -Smelting and refining
  341. -New Alloys
  342. -Artifacts
  343. -Astroarchaeology
  344. -Research and extraction vessel
  345. -Recovered artifacts are research projects themselves
  346. -Xenobiology
  347. -Capture ships
  348. -Containment
  349. -Xenolabs/vivisection
  350. -Menagerie (nonsentient display)
  351. -Horticulture
  352. -Buildable farms, greenhouses, and hydroponics centers
  353. -New plant strains that produce more, can grow in a wider variety of climates
  354. -Farming probes and machinery
  358. Science
  359. -Research and lab upgrades
  360. -Robotics
  361. -Drones
  362. -Service Droids
  363. -AI
  364. -Programmable, self maintaining sections of station
  366. -Navy
  367. -Ship types
  368. -Fighters and scouts
  369. -Support Ships
  370. -Battleships and Command vessels
  371. -Trade vessels
  372. -Hardware
  373. -Cargo holds
  374. -Sensor arrays
  375. -Weapons array
  376. -Shields
  377. -Hull plating
  378. -Weapons
  379. -Laser cannons
  380. -Tech up to plasma, anti-matter, etc.
  381. -Missile batteries and defenses
  382. -Other military projects
  383. -Personal weapons
  384. -Power armor and mech suits
  385. -Psionics, mental warfare
  386. -Training for pilots, engineers, fighters
  391. Priorities:
  392. 1. Physical properties. What will collide with what? How to define the vacuum and how to isolate the interior from it.
  393. 2. World generation. Defining a map. Populating it with star systems and civilizations. Generating history.
  394. 3. Basic construction. How will you expand your station? What will you start with? How are buildings placed?
  395. 3.5 Basic tileset
  396. 4. Residential, life support, species survival and comfort needs
  397. 5. Food, introduce first resources and resource gathering, employment system.
  398. 5.5 Health and medbays
  399. un6. Buttons and signals (make objects communicate with other objects)
  400. 6. COMBAT
  401. 7. Military and government, security, combat missions
  402. 8. Basic economy, trade, cargo management
  403. 9. Markets, franchises, trade missions, industry
  404. 10. Social interaction, satisfaction and dissent
  405. 11. Riots, security, criminal and judicial systems
  406. 12. Information and espionage, more politics, more business
  407. 13. Organized crime
  412. Sample Species Profiles
  414. Name: --
  415. Type: Plant
  416. Diet: Carnivore/Geovore. Does not eat much.
  417. Preferred light level: Dim (2-6) (0 = pitch black 10 = blinding light) (maybe on the numbers)
  418. Preferred temperature: Hot
  419. Attitude: Defensive/Manipulative
  420. Longevity: Short lived (12 cycles) (say average human lifespan is 20 cycles)
  421. Breeding: Releases spores that root in nearest arable land
  422. Traits:
  423. Grow their own thorny armaments
  424. Are devout followers of (x) religion
  425. Are immune to parasitic infection
  427. Stats spread:
  428. Strength (8-10) Speed (8-10) Intelligence (3-8) Dilligence (7-8)
  432. Name: --
  433. Type: Insect
  434. Diet: Carnivore. Contstantly ravenous.
  435. Preferred light level: Bright (6-10)
  436. Preferred temperature: Hot
  437. Attitude: Prideful/Impulsive
  438. Longevity: Clinically immortal, will only die by unnatural causes
  439. Breeding: Does not reproduce
  440. Traits:
  441. Capable of climbing walls
  442. Junk hoarders, favorable to sell to
  443. Occasionally have ancient artifacts
  445. Stats spread:
  446. Strength (4-7) Speed (12-14) Intelligence (6-10) Dilligence (3-4)
  450. Name: --
  451. Type: Energy
  452. Diet: Only eats certain metals, eats very rarely
  453. Preferred light level: Moderate (3-7)
  454. Preferred temperature: Cool to Normal
  455. Attitude: Pacifist/Mercantile
  456. Longevity: Very short (7 cycles)
  457. Breeding: Splitting into prismatic wavelengths (separate entities)
  458. which eventually merge together with others to create new full beings
  459. Traits:
  460. Thrive on cooperation with other species
  463. Stats Spread:
  464. Strength (5-6) Speed (6-9) Intelligence (11-14) Dilligence (7-9)
  468. Name: --
  469. Type: Humanoid
  470. Diet: Herbivore, Insects
  471. Preferred light level: Moderate (3-7)
  472. Preferred temperature: Warm
  473. Attitude: Cowardly/Logical
  474. Longevity: Long lived (30 cycles)
  475. Breeding: live birth
  476. Traits:
  477. Capable of flight
  478. Hosts annual galactic intelligence competition
  479. In a symbiotic relationship with another species
  481. Stats Spread:
  482. Strength (5-7) Speed (8-12) Intelligence (9-16) Dilligence (6)
  486. Name: --
  487. Type: Humanoid
  488. Diet: Carnivore, herbivore
  489. Preferred light level: Dim to Moderate (1-7)
  490. Preferred temperature: Cold
  491. Attitude: Secretive/Manipulative
  492. Longevity: Nearly human (22 cycles)
  493. Breeding: Egg laying
  494. Traits:
  495. Very wealthy race, run many businesses and markets
  496. Leaders of galactic council
  497. Secretly a race of murderous shapeshifting brainstealers
  499. Stats Spread:
  500. Strength (10-13) Speed (7-10) Intelligence (8-12) Dilligence (7-10)
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