
your shoe's untied

Oct 19th, 2018
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  1. [The episode starts off in Zerah's living room with him watching a sea anemone dancing on TV, his eyes widen and he moves a little closer. Morty comes up.]
  2. Morty: Meow.
  3. Zerah: Morty! [changes channel to a football game] Uh, uh, I was just looking for the sports channel, Morty. [Someone is knocking on his door.] Come in!
  4. Zora: [Opens door and walks in] Hey, Zerah, wanna see my new shoes? [shows blue tennis shoes]
  5. Zerah: Wow! Those are great, Zora! Let's see what they look like on your feet.
  6. Zora: Uh... [pulls the shoes away] Wouldn't you rather see them on... [shows the shoes on her hands] My hands?
  7. Zerah: Okay... [has white gloves on his feet] And we can wear gloves on our feet [turns around and has a top hat on his back] and hats on our captain's quarters, too. [shakes his butt]
  8. Zora: Uh, actually... I have a confession to make. [looks to see that no one is watching, leans to Zerah's ear and whispers] I don't know how to tie my shoelaces.
  9. Zerah: [laughs] Do you know how lucky you are to have a friend like me?
  10. Zora: Yes. [Zerah places one foot on the chair]
  11. Zerah: Look at this knot. Have you ever seen a more perfectly executed shoe-fastening bow?
  12. Zora: Gosh... Probably not.
  13. Zerah: I learned when I was just a boy, Zora, and I'm willing to pass on what I know. Go sit over there [Points off-screen behind himself] and let an old pro show you how to do it. [Zora sits down in the chair and Zerah sets his foot on the chair's arm] Pay close attention, Zora. Well, you start [unties his laces] by taking one lace per hand... [pulls a little on both laces] And then you... Uh, you gotta... Loop the, the...
  14. Zora: Are you sure you know how to do it?
  15. Zerah: Zora, please, shoe-tying requires peace and quiet. Okay, where was I?
  16. Zora: [Zerah gives him a dirty look] Your shoes are still untied. [Zerah takes his shoe off the chair]
  17. Zerah: [looks away] Well, [Zora looks shocked] I guess you don't want me to show you how to do it.
  18. Zora: I'm sorry! [covers her mouth with her shoes] I won't interrupt anymore!
  19. Zerah: I've got it! The first rule of shoe-tying is always start with your right foot. Now the lesson will officially begin. [sets his right foot on the chair arm and unties his laces. Ties his laces, but they come undone. Zerah laughs nervously and tries again but the laces untie themselves once more. Zora looks angry at him] That's... "knot" right. [laughs nervously] Get it? Knot... right... hmm...
  20. Zora: No.
  21. Zerah: Okay, no more fooling around. [tries to tie the laces again off-screen] I've got it! [lifts up hands to show his fingers tied in a lot of knots. He laughs nervously. He turns around.]
  22. Zora: What was that? Are you okay, Zerah?
  23. Zerah: [He turns around and looks angry at Zora] Zora, aren't you late for something?
  24. Zora: Oh, poop deck, You're right! [runs and bursts down Zerah's front door] We'll have to do this lesson [Off-Screen] later! Bye, Zerah!
  25. Zerah: I can't believe I've forgotten how to tie my own shoes. They've been tied as long as I can remember. [flashbacks to being him as a pile of limbs with legs, socks, and shoes only] Well, I'll remember after a good night's sleep. [The scene changes to show the night scene with the island and the moon is shown. The scene changes to show the sunrise scene with the island is then shown. The scene changes to show Zerah is shown sleeping in his bed snoring with his shoelaces going back and forth. the clock turns to 7:00 am. The alarm goes off. Zerah wakes up and looks at his shoes and they are still untied] Oh... No big deal. I'll remember sooner or later. [The scene changes to show the outside of the Pineapple and he opens the front door. He is shown wearing his Elysium uniform.] 'Cause I'm ready! I'm... read... [takes a step and trips] ...y! [stands up] I'm read... [takes another step and trips] ...Ooh! [stands up] I'm read... [takes another step and trips] ... Uh! [stands up] I'm read... [takes another step and trips] ...Ooy! I'm read... Doy! I'm read... Doy! I'm read... Uh! I'm read... Doy! I'm read... Doy! I'm read... Duh! [repeats a few times]
  26. [He makes it to Elysium where Zora is eating a Krabby Patty. Zerah trips through the doors. Zora notices Zerah.]
  27. Zora: Oh, hi, Zerah.
  28. Zerah: [gasps] Oh, no! I can't let Zora see I still haven't tied my shoes. [stands up and puts two holes through the floor with his feet]
  29. Zora: [Walks over to Zerah] Hey, Zerah... You're shorter. Have you been dieting?
  30. Zerah: Well, a Frankenstein has to look his frankiest. [walks to the kitchen putting a line of holes in the floor with his feet] Well, I've gotta get to work. [opens kitchen door and plops on the floor, face first. He grunts. He talks muffled by the fact that he hasn't stood up yet and is talking straight into the floor.] Oh, barnacles! Maybe I should just lay here.
  31. Candy: [peeks her head through the order window] Those patties aren't going to cook themselves, Zerah.
  32. Zerah: She's right! Got to make... Krabby Patties! [he holds out a spatula and gets up] Laces or no laces! [crawls over to the grill while grunting] Ah... I just have to stand in this one spot. [makes a Krabby Patty] Ta-da! A perfect patty.
  33. Candy: Alright, Zerah, hand it over. Well?
  34. [Zerah takes a deep breath. Then imagines that Candy is really far away. He also imagines his shoelaces as snakes that squeeze him then the hallucination goes away.]
  35. Zerah: Hey, Candy, I've got an idea! How about you come get it?
  36. Candy: [Sarcastically] Oh, gee, Zerah, that's a great idea. And maybe I should cook the patties and do the dishes and wear square pants and live in a pineapple while you wait in the unemployment line!
  37. Zerah: No!
  38. Candy: Then bring that patty here now!
  39. Zerah: Okay, Candy. Here I come. I'm coming over. [scoots his feet across the floor inch by inch] I'm bringing the patty to you. Here comes the patty. No problem. I'm walking...the Krabby Patty...over to Candy. All right, Candy. I'm giving you the patty... For the hungry customer... So they can eat it... When I give it to you... Which is right... now. [holds out the patty, but the scene zooms out to show that Zerah never moved]
  40. Candy: Uh, Zerah? I'm over here! Now move!
  41. Zerah: Okay, Candy. [looks down at his feet] Just slowly move your leg. Walk over there... with the... [tries to take a step but trips himself and sends the patty flying through the air at Candy] Dah!
  42. Candy: Zerah! [the patty lands in her mouth]
  43. Zerah: I'm sorry, Candy.
  44. Candy: [chewing the patty] Zerah!
  45. Zerah: I'll just make another... Doh! [makes another patty but trips again throwing the patty towards Candy]
  46. Candy: Zer... [patty enters her mouth]
  47. Zerah: Hold it... Doy! [makes another patty and trips again sending the patty into Candy's mouth again] Let me just... [makes another patty] Doy! [he trips again and launches another patty. This continues for a while. Pretty soon, Candy is extremely huge. A group of customers is standing at the register. Beau pokes him.]
  48. Beau: What's the holdup?
  49. Candy: [Candy turns around and belches really loudly] I think my heart just stopped. [customers complain] It's Zer... [burps] ...ah's fault! ['Zerah's fault' echoes in Zerah's head]
  50. Zerah: [He starts to tear up] I've failed. My career is over. I'm sorry, spatula. [puts down the spatula and takes his hat off] I'm sorry, hat. [puts it back on] I'm sorry, floor. [Takes a box of Krabby Patties from the wall and brings it to him and hugs it.] I am sorry, Krabby Patties. [lies in a puddle of tears. The scene changes to show Alois on the toilet working on a crossword puzzle, all of the answers he has given is the word "Money".]
  51. Alois: Let's see, a five-letter word for happiness. "Money." [laughs]
  52. Customer: [Off-Screen] This is the worst service we've ever had! We're going to Portland! [Alois opens the bathroom door to see what the problem is]
  53. Alois: Wait! Wait! Don't go! [his pants are on the ground]
  54. Anya: Oh yeah, we are definitely out of here. [The customers continue to complain. Alois runs over to the door, his pants are still on the ground.]
  55. Alois: Wait! Wait, don't go! That's my money walking out the door! What's the meaning of this, Ms. Candy?
  56. Candy: It's Zerah's fault. [Alois gets upset. His eyes turn into steamboat whistles]
  57. Alois: Zerah, get out here! [peeks out the kitchen door] More. [Zerah peeks out a little more] More. [Zerah stretches himself partially through the door] All the way, boy! [Zerah snaps out of the door and falls to the ground.] What’s the matter, Zerah? I ought to put you through the paces for this.
  58. Zerah: I'm sorry, Alois, it's just that I... I...
  59. Alois: Yes?
  60. Zerah: I... I... I... I... I... I...
  61. Alois: Yes, yes, yes?
  62. Zerah: I... I... I... I... I...
  63. Alois: Out with it, boy! [He shakes Zerah] What is it?
  64. Zerah: I forgot how to tie my shoes.
  65. Alois: [laughs] That's all?
  66. Zerah: So you'll show me how?
  67. Alois: I don't wear shoes. [close up on his feet. Zerah gasps, then runs over to Heather]
  68. Zerah: Could you show me how to tie my shoes?
  69. Heather: Uh, tentacles? [points to her feet. Zerah runs to a Lupus]
  70. Zerah: Could you show me how to tie my shoes?
  71. Diego: Well, I would, but, sadly, I am only a wolf. [wiggles her tail in front of Zerah's face. Zerah runs to of the door to a nearby park]
  72. Zerah: [He talks to three bees] Could any of you show me how to tie my laces? [The bees sting him. The scene changes to show Zerah looking under a rock of six pill bugs] Could you, you, you, you, or you show me how to tie a knot? [The pill bugs run off. The scene changes to Zerah looking at a creature in a cave] Could you show me how to tie a simple knot? [pair of eyes become multiple eyes and the monster eats Zerah. He notices a fisherman skeleton inside its mouth] Could you show me how to tie my shoes? [The monster shoots him out of its blow hole and onto the painting of Painty the Pirate] Could you show me how to tie my shoes?
  73. Painty: Arr, I be just a painting of a head.
  74. Zerah: [furiously yells] Doesn't anybody know how to tie a knot?! [lightning appears and it becomes night. Zviad appears while laughing]
  75. Zviad: Did somebody say knot?
  76. Zerah: [eyes are large. he shakes in fear and his nose goes down.] I did.
  77. Zviad: So, you want to tie knots, do ya? Well, do ya?!
  78. Zerah: Yes, please, Mr. Zviad, sir.
  79. Zviad: Then you've come to the right flying ghost, kid. You're looking at the first place winner in the fancy knottin' contest for the last 400 years!
  80. Zerah: Hooray! [floats up into the air and turns into a heart]
  81. Zviad: [grabs Zerah] You're gonna have to not do that. And stop staring at me with them big old eyes. [Zerah's eyes shrink] Now, stand back and watch me be knotty. [laughs and pulls out a rope] Haha! Behold! [rope is in pretzel shape] The pretzel knot!
  82. Zerah: Ooh... [Zviad makes the rope into two diamond shapes]
  83. Zviad: The double diamond knot! [holds the rope, now in the shape of a square, in front of Zerah] The square knot! [They pull it away and it slithers over and squeezes Zerah] The constrictor! [Grabs Zerah and pulls him apart revealing a knot that looks like intestines] The gut knot! [Zviad makes a knot in the shape of a pillow] The pillow knot. [turns the knot over where Zerah is sleeping wearing a purple sleeping cap. Then, Zviad makes the knot into a butterfly] The butterfly knot. [It starts to flutter away]
  84. Zerah: Ooh...
  85. Zviad: Wait, there's more! [Zerah takes out a pen and paper and his Jellyfishing glasses.] The monkey chain! [shows the rope as a chain] The monkey's fist! [shows the rope into a ball] The monkey! [shows the rope as a monkey]
  86. Monkey Knot: Ooh, ooh!
  87. Zviad: This one here's a loop knot, otherwise known as the 'poop loop'. [pulls the rope]
  88. Rope: Poop!
  89. Zerah: [laughs] Those are great, Mr. Zviad, sir. Now can you show me how to tie my shoes? [cut to close-up on Zerah's untied shoes]
  90. Zviad: [laughs] I don't know how to tie me shoes. I haven't worn shoes for over 400 years! [They wave their gecko peets around. They hold a sock with two blue stripes up] But sometimes I like to wear these little socks over the feet I do have. [laughs as they fliy off while lightning goes off. The scene changes Zerah crawling into his pineapple.]
  91. Morty: Meow.
  92. Zerah: Not now, Morty.
  93. Morty: Meow.
  94. Zerah: I'm not in the mood, Morty.
  95. Morty: Meow. [The scene changes to Zerah's bedroom. Off-Screen] Meow.
  96. Zerah: [crawls into bed] Just leave me and me untied shoes alone, Morty [Morty roars like a lion, knocking Zerah off the bed and onto the floor] Okay, Morty, you have my attention.
  97. Morty: Meow. [ties Zerah's shoes]
  98. Zerah: [gasps] Morty! Well, I'll be! You can tie shoes! [Morty shows himself wearing shoes that look like old-style bowling shoes, under his shell] Hoppin' clams! How did you learn to do that? [Morty's shell opens revealing a record. The music starts and Zerah starts dancing.]
  99. Ween: [song Loop dee Loop!] ♪Wanna learn how to tie your shoe? [The scene changes to show Zerah in a classroom wearing a teacher's outfit and on the chalkboard there are sketches of shoes.] It's a very easy thing to do. [Morty appears on a stool. Zerah puts on his glasses and taps the board with his pointer.] Just sit on down [Zora appears in the desk next to Zerah.] and I'll give you the scoop, [Zora holds out an ice cream cone and Zerah gives him a tied shoe that looks like Zerah's shoe. Zora looks surprised.] What's that? [The scene changes to show the words "Loop Dee Loop" in shoelaces and Zerah pulls on two of the aglets.] It's called the loop-dee-loop. [The scene changes to show Zerah's leg with a untied shoe.] You gotta take a lace in each hand, [Two SpongeBobs hold an aglet in one of each's hands goes up and past the screen. The scene changes again to show the SpongeBobs crossing each other's paths.] You go over and under again. [The SpongeBobs come back around under the cross path that they made. The go upward and past the screen. They come back and pass each other's path one more time.] You make a loop-dee-loop and [The scene changes to show a small Zerah tying the lace of a big Zerah's shoe] pull. And your shoes are [The Big Zerah is shown wearing a top hat and giant shoes. He takes his hat off and kicks the newly tied shoe. It flies off.] lookin' cool. [The scene changes to show a Zerah multiplying into multiple SpongeBobs and follows the lyrics.] You go over and back, left to right, Loop-dee-loop [The scene changes to show Zerah holding his laces while jumping] and you pull 'em tight, [The scene changes to show Zerah with a bunny toy.] Like bunny ears [A present appears.] or a Christmas bow, [the Bunny toy becomes a bunny slipper and Zerah is seen wearing it and the present as shoes] Lace 'em up and you're ready to go. [Zerah runs out of the scene. The scene changes to show Zerah jumping off of a tight rope wire swing thing. He stops and spins around and then falls.] You make a loop-dee-loop and pull, [The scene changes to show Zerah and Morty falling into a giant shoe that looks like Zerah's shoe.] And your shoes are lookin' cool. [Zerah pulls on the laces and wings appear on both sides of the shoe and the shoe plane takes off. The Scene changes to show the plane passing giant tied shoe laces. The Shoe plane hits a roller coaster track and the wings fall off and it becomes a roller coaster car.] You make a loop-dee-loop and pull, [The shoe falls off of the track and lands on the ground] And your shoes are lookin' cool.♪
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