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a guest
Feb 1st, 2013
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  1. // byce qz
  3. unbindall
  4. //unaliasall
  6. set name "byce"
  7. set cg_hudfiles "ui/byce.cfg"
  9. set sensitivity "4"
  10. set m_yaw "0.015"
  11. set m_pitch "0.018"
  12. set cl_mouseaccel "0.1"
  13. set cl_mouseaccelpower "2"
  14. set cl_mouseacceloffset "0"
  15. set cl_mousesenscap "0"
  16. set in_mouse "2"
  17. set in_dgamouse "0"
  18. set m_filter "0"
  19. set m_cpi "0"
  20. set cg_zoomsensitivity "1"
  22. set r_mode "5"
  23. set r_displayrefresh "120"
  24. set cg_fov "100"
  25. set cg_zoomfov "70"
  26. set r_gamma "1.3"
  27. set r_picmip "4"
  28. set r_vertexlight "0"
  29. set r_lightmap "0"
  30. set r_overbrightbits "1"
  31. set r_mapoverbrightbits "2"
  32. set r_mapoverbrightcap "255"
  33. set r_intensity "1"
  34. set r_enablepostprocess "1"
  35. set r_enablecolorcorrect "1"
  36. set r_enablebloom "0"
  37. set r_detailtextures "1"
  38. set r_ignorehwgamma "0"
  39. set r_contrast "1"
  40. set r_ambientscale "1"
  41. set r_subdivisions "80"
  42. set r_lodbias "-2"
  43. set r_lodscale "50"
  44. set r_simplemipmaps "0"
  45. set com_maxfps "125"
  46. set r_dynamiclight "0"
  47. set cg_shadows "1"
  48. set r_fastsky "1"
  49. set r_fastskycolor "0"
  50. set cg_simpleitems "1"
  51. set cg_simpleitemsradius "18"
  52. set cg_bob "0"
  53. set cg_kickscale "0"
  54. set cg_waterwarp "0"
  55. set cg_screendamage "0"
  56. set cg_screendamage_self "0"
  57. set cg_screendamage_team "0x8800cc"
  58. set com_blood "0"
  59. set cg_gibs "0"
  60. set cg_flagstyle "2"
  61. set r_flares "0"
  62. set r_teleporterflash "0"
  63. set r_fullscreen "1"
  64. set r_texturemode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR"
  65. set r_texturebits "32"
  66. set r_colorbits "32"
  67. set r_depthbits "0"
  68. set r_stencilbits "0"
  70. set cg_drawgun "2"
  71. set cg_gunx "2"
  72. set cg_guny "3"
  73. set cg_gunz "-2"
  74. set cg_autoswitch "0"
  75. set cg_switchtoempty "1"
  76. set cg_switchonempty "0"
  77. set cg_truelightning "0.9"
  78. set cg_lightningstyle "4"
  79. set cg_lightningimpact "0"
  80. set cg_lightningimpactcap "192"
  81. set cg_trueshotgun "1"
  82. set cg_impactsparks "1"
  83. set cg_impactsparkssize "8"
  84. set cg_impactsparksvelocity "128"
  85. set cg_impactsparkslifetime "256"
  86. set cg_plasmastyle "1"
  87. set cg_rocketstyle "1"
  88. set cg_railstyle "2"
  89. set cg_predictlocalrailshots "0"
  90. set r_railwidth "16"
  91. set r_railcorewidth "6"
  92. set r_railsegmentlength "32"
  93. set cg_railtrailtime "800"
  94. set cg_zoomtoggle "0"
  95. set cg_zoomscaling "0"
  96. set cg_muzzleflash "0"
  97. set cg_marks "0"
  98. set cg_brasstime "0"
  99. set cg_noprojectiletrail "1"
  100. set cg_bubbletrail "0"
  101. set cg_smoke_sg "0"
  102. set cg_smokeradius_rl "0"
  103. set cg_smokeradius_gl "0"
  104. set cg_smokeradius_ng "0"
  105. set cg_smokeradius_haste "8"
  106. set cg_smokeradius_flight "8"
  107. set cg_smokeradius_dust "24"
  109. set cg_drawcrosshair "13"
  110. set cg_crosshairsize "32"
  111. set cg_crosshaircolor "5"
  112. set cg_crosshairx "0"
  113. set cg_crosshairy "0"
  114. set cg_crosshairhealth "0"
  115. set cg_crosshairpulse "0"
  116. set cg_crosshairbrightness "1"
  117. set cg_crosshairhitstyle "2"
  118. set cg_crosshairhitcolor "1"
  119. set cg_crosshairhittime "200"
  120. set cg_drawcrosshairnames "1"
  122. set s_alsa_pcm "plughw:0,0"
  123. set s_alsa_latency "100"
  124. set s_mixahead "0.1"
  125. set s_doppler "0"
  126. set s_musicvolume "0"
  127. set s_ambient "0"
  128. set com_soundmegs "16"
  129. set cg_hitbeep "2"
  130. set cg_killbeep "0"
  131. set cg_chatbeep "0"
  132. set cg_teamchatbeep "1"
  133. set cg_buzzersound "1"
  134. set cg_allowtaunt "0"
  135. set cg_notaunts "1"
  136. set cg_rewardsvo "0"
  137. set cg_playteamvo "0"
  139. set rate "25000"
  140. set cl_maxpackets "125"
  141. set cl_packetdup "1"
  142. set cg_predictitems "0"
  143. set cg_smoothclients "1"
  144. set cl_timenudge "0"
  146. set model "ranger/sport"
  147. set cg_forceteammodel "doom"
  148. set cg_forceenemymodel "keel/bright"
  149. set cg_forceblueteammodel ""
  150. set cg_forceredteammodel ""
  151. set cg_teamheadcolor "0xff0000ff"
  152. set cg_teamuppercolor "0xff0000ff"
  153. set cg_teamlowercolor "0xff0000ff"
  154. set cg_enemyheadcolor "0x2a8000ff"
  155. set cg_enemyuppercolor "0x2a8000ff"
  156. set cg_enemylowercolor "0xaaffaaff"
  157. set cg_deadbodydarken "1"
  158. set cg_deadbodycolor "0x101010ff"
  159. set cg_drawfriend "1"
  160. set cg_playerlean "1"
  161. set color1 "26"
  162. set color2 "5"
  163. set cg_forceteamweaponcolor "1"
  164. set cg_forceenemyweaponcolor "1"
  165. set cg_weaponcolor_grenade "0x3a575fff"
  167. set con_background "0"
  168. set con_opacity "0.9"
  169. set con_height "0.7"
  170. set con_speed "100"
  171. set cl_allowconsolechat "1"
  173. set cg_leveltimerdirection "0"
  174. set cg_followpowerup "2"
  175. set cg_followkiller "1"
  176. set cg_drawitempickups "0"
  177. set cg_useitemwarning "0"
  178. set cg_useitemmessage "0"
  179. set cg_drawtimer "1"
  180. set cg_drawrewards "0"
  181. set cg_weaponbar "1"
  182. set cg_newweaponbar "1"
  183. set cg_drawfullweaponbar "0"
  184. set cg_drawammowarning "0"
  185. set cg_lowammowarningsound "0"
  186. set cg_drawteamoverlay "1"
  187. set cg_drawteamoverlayx "0"
  188. set cg_drawteamoverlayy "-90"
  189. set cg_drawteamoverlayopacity "0"
  190. set cg_selfonteamoverlay "0"
  191. set cg_clanonteamoverlay "0"
  192. set cg_drawfragmessages "1"
  193. set cg_playernames "1"
  194. set cg_drawattacker "0"
  195. set cg_drawspecmessages "0"
  196. set cg_drawpregamemessages "0"
  197. set cg_enablerespawntimer "0"
  198. set cg_respawntimerx "580"
  199. set cg_respawntimery "10"
  200. set cg_autoaction "3"
  201. set cl_demorecordmessage "0"
  202. set ui_smallfont "0.17"
  203. set com_allowconsole "1"
  204. set cg_chathistorylength "12"
  205. set bot_nochat "1"
  206. set cg_drawstatus "1"
  207. set cg_draw2d "1"
  209. set r_smp "0"
  210. set com_hunkmegs "128"
  211. set com_zonemegs "32"
  213. set cg_preferredstartingweapons "rl gl pg sg mg cg ng pl lg rg g"
  214. set cg_weaponconfig_g ""
  215. set cg_weaponconfig_mg ""
  216. set cg_weaponconfig_sg ""
  217. set cg_weaponconfig_gl ""
  218. set cg_weaponconfig_rl ""
  219. set cg_weaponconfig_lg ""
  220. set cg_weaponconfig_rg ""
  221. set cg_weaponconfig_pg ""
  222. set cg_weaponconfig_bfg ""
  223. set cg_weaponconfig_ng ""
  224. set cg_weaponconfig_pl ""
  225. set cg_weaponconfig_cg ""
  227. set vol00 "s_volume 0.00; echo vol 0.00; set tglmute vstr vol04"
  228. set vol04 "s_volume 0.04; echo vol 0.04; set tglmute vstr vol08"
  229. set vol08 "s_volume 0.08; echo vol 0.08; set tglmute vstr vol12"
  230. set vol12 "s_volume 0.12; echo vol 0.12; set tglmute vstr vol00"
  231. vstr vol12
  233. set net0 "cg_lagometer 0; cg_drawfps 0; set tglnet vstr net1"
  234. set net1 "cg_lagometer 2; cg_drawfps 1; set tglnet vstr net0"
  235. vstr net0
  237. set big0 "cg_simpleitemsradius 18; cg_simpleitemsbob 0; set tglbig vstr big1"
  238. set big1 "cg_simpleitemsradius 24; cg_simpleitemsbob 1; set tglbig vstr big0"
  239. vstr big0
  241. alias +firegun "cg_guny 1"
  242. alias -firegun "cg_guny 3"
  244. bind q "weapon 1; cg_zoomfov 70"
  245. bind c "weapon 2; cg_zoomfov 70"
  246. bind a "weapon 3; cg_zoomfov 70"
  247. bind t "weapon 4; cg_zoomfov 70"
  248. bind w "weapon 5; cg_zoomfov 70"
  249. bind v "weapon 6; cg_zoomfov 70"
  250. bind r "weapon 7; cg_zoomfov 70"
  251. bind g "weapon 8; cg_zoomfov 70"
  252. bind z "weapon 9; cg_zoomfov 70"
  253. bind 6 "weapon 11; cg_zoomfov 70"
  254. bind 7 "weapon 12; cg_zoomfov 70"
  255. bind 5 "weapon 13; cg_zoomfov 70"
  257. bind mouse1 "+attack; +firegun"
  258. bind d "+forward"
  259. bind s "+moveleft"
  260. bind e "+back"
  261. bind f "+moveright"
  262. bind mouse2 "+moveup"
  263. bind space "+movedown"
  264. bind ctrl "+speed"
  265. bind shift "+zoom"
  266. bind alt "vstr tglbig"
  268. bind enter "messagemode"
  269. bind backspace "messagemode2"
  270. bind = "togglechathistory"
  272. bind mouse3 "say ha has"
  273. bind y "say_team ^4! ^5QUAD ^4! ^5QUAD ^4! ^5QUAD ^4! ^5QUAD ^4!"
  274. bind b "say_team ^3<-- ^1TAKEN"
  275. bind n "say_team ^3<-- ^7available ^3/ ^2YOU TAKE"
  276. bind m "say_team ^6need weapon"
  277. bind uparrow "say_team ^7in/out ^1HIGH"
  278. bind downarrow "say_team ^7in/out ^2LOW"
  279. bind leftarrow "say_team ^3<-- ^7location"
  280. bind rightarrow "say_team ^7in/out ^5WATER"
  282. bind k "kill"
  283. bind h "dropweapon"
  284. bind x "dropflag"
  285. bind 1 "droppowerup"
  287. bind f1 "vote yes"
  288. bind f2 "vote no"
  289. bind f3 "readyup"
  290. bind f4 "team a"
  291. bind f5 "vstr tglmute"
  292. bind f6 "vstr tglnet"
  293. bind f7 "writeconfig autoexec.cfg; play sound/misc/am_pkup.ogg"
  294. bind f8 "exec byce.cfg; play sound/misc/w_pkup.ogg"
  295. bind f9 "toggle cg_enablerespawntimer"
  296. bind f10 "timeout"
  297. bind f11 "timein"
  298. bind f12 "screenshotjpeg"
  300. bind mwheeldown "+button2"
  301. bind mouse7 "+button2"
  302. bind mwheelup "cg_zoomfov 33"
  303. bind tab "+scores"
  304. bind p "+acc"
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