
[FR] Postcards From the Equestria Untrodden Pt.1(INCOMPLETE)

Jun 12th, 2016
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  1. >You stare up at the ceiling, your mind blank.
  2. >You're bored.
  3. >The pale blue light of night shines through your open window, a small breeze accompanying it.
  4. >You find yourself with your hands behind your head, laying calmly on your bed.
  5. >This life, as... odd as it may be, has grown as lackluster as your past time on Earth.
  6. >Which is rather shocking, since you were a janitor back on Earth.
  7. "I need to go adventuring."
  8. >And thus, it was so.
  9. >You're not sure where you'll head, but you know most of Equestria has yet to be explored.
  10. >Some time off from the ponies and their usual antics will be nice.
  11. >That is, if you return.
  12. >Your heart thumps a little bit faster.
  13. >You'd begin your adventure tomorrow.
  14. >And it shall be glorious.
  16. >"That is a horrible idea Anon, you don't have any adventuring experience."
  17. >Day Fondue in Equestria.
  18. "No u, I'll make it work."
  19. >You eventually did get to bed last night.
  20. >After waking up, you dashed over to Twilight's castle to tell her of your fantastic plan.
  21. >"I can't just let you travel off all on your lonesome Anon, you're practically an endangered species."
  22. >She doesn't see eye to eye with you.
  23. "I can take care of myself Twiggy, I'm taller than Celestia, and she is pretty much a god."
  24. >"Being a few feet taller than a timberwolf is not going to deter it from ripping your throat out."
  25. >She dips a piece of doughnut into her coffee before continuing on with her spiel.
  26. >Maybe if you didn't wake her up so early to tell her of your master plan, she'd be more understanding.
  27. >"Well, it actually may deter a timberwolf if you can put on a good enough show of savage rage, but- never mind that, I cannot let a friend of mine so foolishly wander through the uncharted lands of Equestria!"
  28. >You begin to drown out the foolish horse blabbering about nonsense in front of you.
  29. >Why'd you even come here?
  30. >You have packing to do.
  31. >Planning, too.
  32. >Supplies to buy.
  33. >Landmarks to set.
  34. >Mountains to climb.
  35. >Destinations to reach!
  36. >Yeah!
  37. >YEAH!
  38. >FUCK YEAH!
  39. >YOU'RE ANON!
  42. >And with that, you rose from your seat, downed your cup of tea (Twilight generously made you a cup,) and sprinted from the castle to begin gathering supplies.
  43. >First things first, you need cool adventurer clothes.
  44. >Gotta look the part.
  45. >You set off to Rarity's boutique.
  47. "Rarity..."
  48. >You're not too sure Rarity can make chain-mail armor, but you've gotta ask.
  49. >Leather is probably out of the picture, since cows are sentient here.
  50. >"Hello Anonymous! How are you today?"
  51. >Well, here goes nothing.
  52. "Heyyyy Rare, is it at all possible for you to make me some armor? Preferably of the chain-mail variety?"
  53. >The white unicorn gives you an odd look.
  54. >"Um... I suppose I could, but I must ask, why?"
  55. >You strike a pose, legs spread wide, chest out, and hands on hips.
  56. "Adventure calls my name!"
  57. >Rarity holds back a giggle at your display of manliness.
  58. "Anyways, can you do it?"
  59. >"Of course I can Anonymous, what are friends for?"
  60. >"I already have your measurements, but it'll take a while to finish."
  61. >Your mood dampens.
  62. "Oh? How long we talking?"
  63. >Rarity gives you an innocent look.
  64. >"All things considered, a full body suit of mail for somepony of your size will take about two or three months with somepony as skilled as myself creating the armor."
  65. >...
  66. "... Darn."
  67. >Rarity tilts her head in confusion.
  68. >"I get the feeling you need it sooner than that, correct?"
  69. >You nod.
  70. >"No worries Anonymous! I know of an armor-smith in Canterlot that specializes in chain-mail armor, I'll send her a letter with your measurements and such. Do you have enough bits to cover the purchase Anon?"
  71. "Uh, how much should I need?"
  72. >Rarity looks down in thought.
  73. >"Roughly... 230 bits? Normal chain-mail costs about 120, but with your unique body, Ironforge will need to mesh multiple pony suits together to fit you properly. Oh, that is the armor-smith's name, by the way, Ironforge."
  74. "Sounds lovely, yes I'll have more than enough bits."
  75. >Applejack is very generous with bonuses during Applecider season.
  76. "When should I be in Cantlerlot to pick up the suit?"
  77. >"I'd say a couple days, but I'm sure Ironforge will tell you when to pick up in her letter."
  78. >"Speaking of letters..."
  79. >Rarity magics her newly-made letter over to you.
  80. >"Here is the letter to Ironforge, get it to Derpy if you want it sent quick, she does her job exceptionally."
  81. >You clutch the letter in your hand and throw your arms around Rarity.
  82. "Thank you so much you little white pony, you're the best."
  83. >"O-oh, no problem at all Anonymous. I should be thanking you, I have this grand new idea for a fashion line! Fashion, with armor!"
  84. >You stand once more, chuckling.
  85. "With you at the helm, I'm sure it'll be a hit, I gotta go though, see you later!"
  86. >"Ta-taa Anonymous!"
  87. >And with that, you're off to find Derpy and collect the rest of your supplies.
  89. >The sun hangs low in the sky as you finally get back home.
  90. >Today has been very eventful and fulfilling.
  91. >You were able to get your letter on it's way to Ironforge, stocked up on some canned oats and such.
  92. >While rummaging through Twilight's castle (with her permission, of course) you found a neat little bag to sling over your shoulder.
  93. >Apparently, some Griffon ambassador left it or something, and she let you keep it.
  94. >She still thinks your idea is stupid and suicidal, but what does she know?
  95. >A light knock emanates from your door.
  96. >You know that knock.
  97. >Fluttershy was probably confused at why you didn't answer the door today.
  98. >You open the door.
  99. >You're met with a peeved-looking yellow pony with a scrunched nose.
  100. >Adorable.
  101. "Hello Flutter-"
  102. >"W-why didn't you answer the door today, m-mister?"
  103. "Right, sorry about that Shy, I've been out and about since the crack of dawn."
  104. "What is the guess today?"
  105. >Fluttershy's face softens.
  106. >"Oh, right. Um... is taxation your fetish?"
  107. >With that, she hands you an envelope.
  108. "..."
  109. >"W-well?"
  110. >Fluttershy actually looks hopeful.
  111. "No, this isn't an actual tax paper, right?"
  112. >"Oh... well, I kinda... took it from your m-mailbox this morning..."
  113. >You facepalm.
  114. >"I know, I wasn't feeling very c-creative today, I-I'm sorry."
  115. "No, I- nevermind..."
  116. >Butter pone looks away bashfully, scratching at the porch with her hoof.
  117. >"Well, I-I'll see you tomorrow morning mister..."
  118. >You're about to say your goodbyes, when you call out to Fluttershy.
  119. "Hang on! Could you come in for a second?"
  120. >Her face lights up like a Christmas tree, before changing to a look of sultriness.
  121. >Well... attempted sultriness.
  122. >"Oh... o-of course Anon, I'm always ready to... come inside~."
  123. "Don't push your luck."
  124. >You say with a chuckle, rolling your eyes.
  125. >Should've worded that better.
  126. >Stepping aside to let Fluttershy into your abode, she flashes you victorious smile.
  127. >"I knew you'd come to your senses eventually Anon~."
  128. >You take a seat next to her on the couch.
  129. "So... what can you tell me about the animals of the Everfree?"
  130. >Fluttershy visibly deflates, yet still seems happy.
  131. >As if you told her birthday was cancelled, but she still got her presents.
  132. >She does love animals, after all.
  133. >"S-so... we aren't going to have s-sex?"
  134. "'Fraid not, Flutterbutt."
  135. >"Oh. Well, there are the Everfree bunnies, which are usually white and brown in fur color-"
  136. "I don't mean the harmless ones, I'm asking about, like, things that can kill me fairly easily."
  137. >Fluttershy gives you a look of understanding.
  138. >"I know, these Everfree bunnies are different from the ones I have at my home, the Everfree bunnies have been known to eat animals that stray into the forest, even ponies have died, though that is rare."
  139. >...
  140. "Oh."
  141. >"Yeah, they m-mask their intense bloodlust and thirst for death with their cutesy demeanor."
  142. >Maybe you should've asked Ironforge to make you a sword too.
  143. "... Right. Anything else I should be worried about?"
  144. >"Hmmm..."
  145. >fluttershy puts a hoof to her pony chin in thought.
  146. >"There's Chimeras, Manticores, Cockatrices, Parasprites, Hydras, Crocodiles, Stymphalian birds, and you may run into a band of Diamond Dogs, depending on where you go."
  147. >Why does this forest exist.
  148. >"Speaking of those roaming Diamond Dogs, some ponies that have gone in there became savage and created tribes in the forest. If they were to catch you, you'd be sacrificed for their crops."
  149. >"L-lots of bad stuff in there, oh and the plants! Most of the plants in the forest are highly poisonous and-"
  150. >You silence Fluttershy with a finger to her lips, which she wastes no time in putting into her mouth and sucking on.
  151. >Ew.
  152. >You pull back your finger.
  153. >Pony saliva.
  154. >Double ew.
  155. "Alright, how wide is the Everfree forest? Would I be able to sprint through it and not see any of those things?"
  156. >"Uh, no, that is impossible, I think."
  157. >That is disheartening.
  158. "Maybe Twilight is right..."
  159. >Fluttershy must notice your sadness, because she quickly goes to damage control.
  160. >"W-well, you may be able to run through the Everfree, b-but I've never heard of any ponies doing that. No explorer that has claimed to be able to reach the otherside of the Everfree and return, well, n-never returned."
  161. >"B-but I bet you could do- wait. A-anon..."
  162. >Aw shit.
  163. "Yes Flutterooni?"
  164. >She's putting all the pieces together now...
  165. >Not even nicknames will save you now.
  166. >"Y-y-you aren't t-thinking of going into the E-everfree forest, are y-you?"
  167. "... Perhaps..."
  168. >The picosecond you finish your response, Fluttershy throws herself onto you like a funny simile, soaking you in tears as she screams guttural noises.
  169. >The only things you make out in her sobbing speech are "Anon," "no," and "hot monkey dock."
  170. >At least she truly does care for you.
  171. >Even if that means smothering you in tears and snot because you answered a question.
  172. >She is also frantically rubbing her horse vagina on your knee.
  173. >Sneaky girl.
  174. >"A-a-a-anon! I-I cannot *sob* l-let you go out th-ere all a-alone! I'd just d-die if anything b-bad happened to y-you!"
  175. >You pick her up like a little baby and begin nuzzling her.
  176. >Normally, you wouldn't be caught dead doing this, but it calms her down quickly.
  177. >"P-promise me you won't e-ever go into the forest a-alone, o-okay?"
  178. "Weeeellllll...."
  179. >Waterworks are back on in full force.
  180. >Fuck.
  182. >"Oh Anon, I'm so glad you agreed not to go into the scary forest without a chaperone!"
  183. >Day plastic in Equestria.
  184. "Mhm."
  185. >Fluttershy used the excuse that it was too dark to walk home last night, so she got to sleep in your bed, and you took the couch.
  186. >When you woke up, you found her cuddled up on top of you anyways.
  187. >Well, better than waking up with her in between your legs.
  188. >That was a bad morning.
  189. >Anyways,
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