
ultimate-redpill .txt

May 14th, 2013
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  1. >alien truth comes out
  2. >it turns out the FEMA camps were actually intended to be camps for rounding up alien infiltrators disguised as humans and executing them in secret
  3. >the drone program and surveillance efforts are all actually working towards the effort of finding and eliminating alien targets in secret
  4. >the flouride in our water is actually a fast-acting neurotoxin to the aliens, and the government uses it as a deterrent against possible alien survival on earth
  5. >the moon landing was staged, but it was staged because we found alien life there and we didn't want to panic the public
  6. >the entire cold war after the discovery of alien life was staged as an excuse for the massive leaps in technology that came from scavenged alien cargo under the guise of an "arms race"
  7. >nuclear weapons were enhanced and developed to fight alien life, not other humans
  8. >the government is pushing for requiring requiring voter IDs and RFID chips because both of those would make an alien life form obvious through secret detection methods
  9. >the aid money going to israel is actually being used by international scientists to develop secret advanced weapons to fight alien invasions, that's why it's always stressed that Israel is so smart and does so much with computers, why they have the Samson Option (to erase the evidence and destroy the research in case of invasion), and AIPAC stands for Alien Invasion Political Action Committee
  10. >the NWO world government plot is actually an earnest effort to unite the human race against an enemy they are not yet ready to understand
  11. >all along, the government was only trying to protect you, but you could never know the truth as the burden is too great
  12. >now you know, and at last you truly see
  14. You just got redpilled.
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