
Magical Burst: Session 6: Split

Jan 18th, 2014
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  1. Never tell your password to anyone.
  2. Friday, January 03, 2014
  3. 6: 53 PM - MeltingData has been invited to chat.
  4. 6: 53 PM - Frigs entered chat.
  5. 6: 53 PM - Smas has been invited to chat.
  6. 6: 53 PM - Frigs: eyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
  7. 6: 53 PM - Smas entered chat.
  8. 6: 54 PM - SDFN has been invited to chat.
  9. 6: 54 PM - SDFN entered chat.
  10. 6: 54 PM - MeltingData entered chat.
  11. 6: 54 PM - The Contract is Sealed: nigga say whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  12. 6: 54 PM - The Contract is Sealed: we're all here
  13. 6: 54 PM - MeltingData: hiii~
  14. 6: 54 PM - Lion Queen: Bonjour : 3
  15. 6: 54 PM - Frigs: ey nerds
  16. 6: 54 PM - The Contract is Sealed: watching episode 6 of madoka on tv many sad
  17. 6: 54 PM - MeltingData has changed their name to Sarah Salem.
  18. 6: 54 PM - Frigs: D:
  19. 6: 54 PM - Sarah Salem: much wow
  20. 6: 54 PM - The Contract is Sealed: oh yeah, SHE'S planning something
  21. 6: 54 PM - The Contract is Sealed: fuck u qb
  22. 6: 55 PM - The Contract is Sealed: go die
  23. 6: 55 PM - Eri Motai: I'ma be all like I'm offline
  24. 6: 55 PM - Eri Motai: but I'm not
  25. 6: 55 PM - Eevee: ohmai
  26. 6: 55 PM - Eri Motai: it's the ~perfect disguise~
  27. 6: 55 PM - Eevee: sneaky
  28. 6: 55 PM - The Contract is Sealed has changed their name to Super Contractio Bruvs.
  29. 6: 56 PM - Eri Motai: but yeah, if I ever do actually leave for something dan I'll tell ya
  30. 6: 56 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: woo
  31. 6: 56 PM - Sarah Salem: brb
  32. 6: 57 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: hold up a fuckin sec
  33. 6: 57 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: I just realized
  34. 6: 57 PM - Eevee: ye
  35. 6: 57 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Charlotte, the witch that killed Mami, was pretty much immediately hatched from a grief seed
  36. 6: 57 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: but it HAD a grief seed
  37. 6: 57 PM - Eevee: oh right
  38. 6: 57 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: so if you get one seed, use it to the point that it hatches, then kill the witch that hatches and get another grief seed
  39. 6: 57 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: infinite grief seeds
  40. 6: 58 PM - Eevee: oh snap
  41. 6: 58 PM - Sarah Salem: back
  42. 6: 58 PM - Eri Motai: nigga dats stupid, and I think it breaks the laws of conservation of energy
  43. 6: 58 PM - Eri Motai: but what do I know, it's a show about girls beating up giant monsters
  44. 6: 58 PM - Sarah Salem: technically isnt a grief seed just a witch condensed
  45. 6: 58 PM - Eevee: so basically qb just needed like 10 girls to just fight the same monsters over and over
  46. 6: 59 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: ye
  47. 6: 59 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: I broke it
  48. 6: 59 PM - Sarah Salem: so grief seeds always have the same amount of power in them unless a meguca uses it
  49. 6: 59 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: I'm 2clevr
  50. 6: 59 PM - Sarah Salem: in which case the power goes over to the soul gem
  51. 6: 59 PM - Sarah Salem: which eventually collapses into a grief seed
  52. 6: 59 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: but if a meguca kills a witch and uses less power to kill it than they gain from the seed they'll be in the positives
  53. 6: 59 PM - Sarah Salem: no problem here : v
  54. 7: 00 PM - Sarah Salem: yeah but you cant like
  55. 7: 00 PM - Sarah Salem: overcharge a soul gem
  56. 7: 00 PM - Sarah Salem: thats why you can use the seeds more than once
  57. 7: 00 PM - Sarah Salem: or something
  58. 7: 00 PM - Eri Motai: can you?
  59. 7: 00 PM - Sarah Salem: thats how i look at it anyway
  60. 7: 00 PM - Sarah Salem: yeah mami said something about a seed being good for one more use
  61. 7: 00 PM - Sarah Salem: and tossed it to homu
  62. 7: 01 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: and Qb said to Sayaka when she first used a grief seed that if she used it anymore it'll go witch and hatch
  63. 7: 01 PM - Sarah Salem: speaking of things qb does
  64. 7: 01 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: more like things he SHOULD do
  65. 7: 01 PM - Sarah Salem: when he shows her what being speared through the stomach actually feels like
  66. 7: 01 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: liek die
  67. 7: 01 PM - Sarah Salem: can anybody do that with someones soul gem
  68. 7: 02 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: unno
  69. 7: 02 PM - Sarah Salem: so if you had another megucas soul gem and were near them can you just force them to do what you want : v
  70. 7: 02 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: : v
  71. 7: 02 PM - Sarah Salem: or is that like incubator magicul powerz
  72. 7: 02 PM - Eri Motai: I want to say perhaps, if they have the power to do it?
  73. 7: 02 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: ANYWAY
  74. 7: 02 PM - Sarah Salem: huh
  75. 7: 02 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: LES DO DIS
  76. 7: 02 PM - Sarah Salem: ^
  77. 7: 02 PM - Eevee: pfft
  78. 7: 02 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: bitches were cookin mallows
  79. 7: 03 PM - Eri Motai: you should repost what led up to a fireball to the face
  80. 7: 03 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: right
  81. 7: 04 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: 10: 35 PM - Eri Motai: Eri remembers that her stick was still in the fire, and pulls it out; the mallow seems to be replaced with a small torch.
  82. 10: 36 PM - Eve Ishi: *Eve blushes deeper and nods*
  83. 10: 36 PM - Meow we're talkin: "I dont think immune systems work like that Ally"
  84. 10: 36 PM - The Contract is Sealed: "Well, you're all magic, or something. I bet I'm absorbing magic from you and it makes my hugs magic too."
  85. 10: 37 PM - The Contract is Sealed: "And magic hugs can fix everything."
  86. 10: 37 PM - The Contract is Sealed: she nods, completely satisfied with her flawless logic
  87. 10: 37 PM - Eve Ishi: *Eve eeps and points at Eri's new torch*
  88. 10: 37 PM - Eve Ishi: (( Ally is 2kawaii4me I can't handle it ))
  89. 10: 37 PM - Eri Motai: Eri shrugs and attempts to eat it.
  90. 10: 38 PM - Eve Ishi: *Eve attempts to stop Eri from burning her face by pulling the stick away*
  91. 10: 39 PM - Eri Motai: "Fine Eve, if you feel that way I'l try and put it out."
  92. 10: 40 PM - The Contract is Sealed: Eri's frantic whipping of the flaming, melting marshmallow in an attempt to put it out results in the slagged marshmallow flying clean off the stick and off in some random direction
  93. 10: 40 PM - Your state is set to Offline.
  94. 10: 40 PM - Lost connection to Steam, will rejoin chat automatically when connection regained.
  95. 10: 41 PM - Connected again and rejoined chat.
  96. 10: 41 PM - The Contract is Sealed: Eri's frantic whipping of the flaming, melting marshmallow in an attempt to put it out results in the slagged marshmallow flying clean off the stick and off in some random direction
  97. 10: 42 PM - Eri Motai: (christ I shouldn't have listened to u I knew it was gonna be bad)
  98. 10: 42 PM - The Contract is Sealed: After a moment of pause, a familiar white cat walks into view. It walks over and sits in your little circle like it belongs
  99. 10: 42 PM - The Contract is Sealed: A charred goop of a marshmallow plops off its face
  100. 10: 42 PM - Eve Ishi disconnected.
  101. 10: 43 PM - The Contract is Sealed: "Aww, poor kitty got all sticky! Eri, you need to be more careful."
  102. 7: 05 PM - Eri Motai: "..."
  103. 7: 05 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Haku turns its half-covered-with-melted-marshmallow face to Eri
  104. 7: 05 PM - Eevee: ((ohmyygosh))
  105. 7: 05 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: ">: ["
  106. 7: 06 PM - Sarah Salem: ((gj smas))
  107. 7: 06 PM - Eri Motai: "Look Haku, I didn't mean to get you like that would you like help?"
  108. 7: 06 PM - Sarah Salem: ((i kind of want to befriend kit-e, he seems like he knows a lot))
  109. 7: 07 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: H: "And just how do you expect to assist? Planning on licking my damn fur clean?"
  110. 7: 07 PM - Eevee: (( ye he's so suspicious tho ))
  111. 7: 07 PM - Sarah Salem: (( lick his fur clean ))
  112. 7: 07 PM - Sarah Salem: (( think to yourself, "what would satoya do"))
  113. 7: 07 PM - Eri Motai: "... Satoya? You mind cleaning Haku?"
  114. 7: 07 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: also sarah you're here now
  115. 7: 08 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: you were practicing magic in the park and heard some familiar voices and walk over
  116. 7: 08 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: bam I'm good
  117. 7: 08 PM - Eri Motai: "I don't think he wants me to."
  118. 7: 08 PM - Eevee: (( so good ))
  119. 7: 08 PM - Sarah Salem: ((wow gj appy))
  120. 7: 08 PM - Sarah Salem: "Hello." I just kinda appear out of the shadows.
  121. 7: 09 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: A: "Oh hey, Sarah's here too! Now it's a party!"
  122. 7: 09 PM - Eri Motai: "Oh, hey Sarah, you just missed me trying to perform fire magics." Eri looks back to Haku, "I don't think I'm very good at it."
  123. 7: 09 PM - Sarah Salem: I take a seat near Eri.
  124. 7: 09 PM - Eevee: *Eve waves at Sarah* "Hey are you okay? I got kinda worried when you snorted and ran home."
  125. 7: 10 PM - Eevee: (( im sorry I couldn't resist ))
  126. 7: 10 PM - Eri Motai: "Yeah, what was up with that?"
  127. 7: 10 PM - Sarah Salem: "Fire magic? Sounds a little like the girl in the elevators."
  128. 7: 10 PM - Sarah Salem: ((snorted?))
  129. 7: 10 PM - Sarah Salem: ((wat))
  130. 7: 10 PM - Lion Queen: "Girls in the elevator? What are you guys talking about?"
  131. 7: 10 PM - Eri Motai: "But yeah seriously though Sato please help I don't think Haku wants my help."
  132. 7: 11 PM - Eri Motai: Eri looks away, "I'll tell you later Sato."
  133. 7: 11 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: A: " I missing the joke?"
  134. 7: 11 PM - Sarah Salem: ((oh shit allys here))
  135. 7: 12 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: yes
  136. 7: 12 PM - Lion Queen: "Guys, seriously, who were these girls in the elevator, with fire magic, what did I miss?"
  137. 7: 12 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: she even helloed you
  138. 7: 12 PM - Sarah Salem: ((oh shit i just mentioned eri's murder))
  139. 7: 12 PM - Eri Motai: "Sato; I'll tell you later."
  140. 7: 12 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: A: "Heeey! I'm missing something!"
  141. 7: 13 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Haku tries to lick his fur clean, gaining little progress
  142. 7: 12 PM - Lion Queen: "Guys, seriously, who were these girls in the elevator, with fire magic, what did I miss?"
  143. 7: 12 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: she even helloed you
  144. 7: 12 PM - Sarah Salem: ((oh shit i just mentioned eri's murder))
  145. 7: 12 PM - Eri Motai: "Sato; I'll tell you later."
  146. 7: 12 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: A: "Heeey! I'm missing something!"
  147. 7: 13 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Haku tries to lick his fur clean, gaining little progress
  148. Sarah Salem: ((beat me to it you ho))
  149. Satoya Taji: "Aww, you butt! Fine, when's later?"
  150. Eri Motai: "When I feel it's appropriate; we're having fun and the elevators were not fun for anybody."
  151. Satoya Taji: "Oh, it was that sort of occassion, alright, I'll hold off then."
  152. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): H: "Talk about love in an elevator, eh?"
  153. Eve Ishi: (( godamnit haku ))
  154. Eri Motai: (jeezus dude you already made that pun out of context)
  155. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): Haku snickers at his clever witticism
  156. Satoya Taji: I pap the little kitty on the head. "Puns are my thing Haku!"
  157. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): it was completely in contect you're just musically oblivious
  158. seriously guys Smas never heard of that song before
  159. Eri Motai: (nigga plz put that in quotes)
  160. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): Satoya's hand how has marshmallow goop on it
  161. Satoya Taji: : c
  162. Sarah Salem: "...What is on the cat's face."
  163. Eri Motai: "That... is probably burnt marshmallow."
  164. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): H: "No thanks to you."
  165. Satoya Taji: "I dont even know how I'm going to get this out! Its nyat like I have a shower to use!"
  166. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): A: "Aaah, you guys are talking like there's someone else here again."
  167. Sarah Salem: "Are you not living with Eve now?"
  168. Eri Motai: (how'd u know that)
  169. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): H: "Oh, is that a budding relationship I smell?"
  170. Eve Ishi: (( shes been with us in spirit ))
  171. Satoya Taji: "Oh yeah! I furrgot, I'm nyat used to thinking like that" : 3
  172. Sarah Salem: ((p sure i was there during that part))
  173. Eve Ishi: *Eve throws another marshmellow at Haku*
  174. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): A: "I don't think there's gonna be enough time to shower before class starts again. Just lick it clean!"
  175. Sarah Salem: ((if not im a goddamn psychic))
  176. Satoya Taji: "Ally, I dont go to class, and how can I lick my own head in the furrst place?"
  177. Eve Ishi: (( obviously she travelled back in time to hang with us ))
  178. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): A: "It only got on your hand, you silly."
  179. A: "You petted kitty's head and kitty's head is covered in marshmallow."
  180. Eve Ishi: (( oh god we're all so confused ))
  181. Satoya Taji: ((Oh whoops))
  182. "Oh, heh, yeah." I lick my pa- hand : 3
  183. Eri Motai: "Hey Haku, do you dislike water by any chance?"
  184. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): H: "I'm a cat, it's only natural to not like water."
  185. Eri Motai: "Oh yeah duh."
  186. Sarah Salem: "Eri, are you by any chance talking to the cat?"
  187. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): Ally sighs. "I give uuuup. You girls are always talking to mister kitty and I can't hear anything!"
  188. Eve Ishi: (( I like how we keep ignoring the fact that Ally doesn't hear haku ))
  189. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): Well she knows you're all magic now but still doesn't believe talking animals
  190. believe in
  191. Eri Motai: "Sorry Ally, I'm a bit of an animal whisperer. I can kinda tell what he wants half the time."
  192. "The other half he just doesn't make much sense."
  193. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): H: "I'll give you something to whisper at..."
  194. Sarah Salem: ((we can just tell her the cat can talk))
  195. ((we already have a girl with moving cat parts))
  196. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): she doesn't believe it, you've tried that already : v
  197. like, back in the first game
  198. Eve Ishi: (( darn it Ally ))
  199. Sarah Salem: ((she didn't know we were meguca then, though : v))
  200. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): still doesn't believe in talking animals she can't hear
  201. now shut up and continue
  202. Satoya Taji: "Ally, he's a silly little kitty, I guess he's just talkative to some purreople, quiet to others"
  203. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): A: "Bleh. Mean ol' kitty not talking to me."
  204. Ally harrumphs and crosses her arm
  205. s
  206. Eri Motai: "Yeah, Haku can be a bit mean sometimes."
  207. "Hey Ally, what time is it?"
  208. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): Ally looks at her phone, practically jumping out of her chair log grass spot whatever you're sitting on
  209. "Aaaaa! We're gonna be late gonna be late gonna be late gonna-"
  210. Satoya Taji: "I dont need to be anywhere, yaaaay" : 3
  212. Eri picks up Ally and her bags and dashes off.
  213. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): Ally grabs Sarah and Eve, dragging them along as she goes SANIC back to class
  214. Eve Ishi: (( wait is Eri carry all of us ))
  215. Eri Motai: (nigga did we just make a tower)
  216. Satoya Taji: I sorta stare at the fire befur furrgetting what to do, and wandering off
  217. : 3
  218. Eve Ishi: (( godamnit if we burn down the park ))
  219. Satoya Taji: ((0u0))
  220. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): oh well not our problem
  221. Sarah Salem: (( a small hyperactive schoolgirl dragging a cripple, what a nice sight))
  222. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): oh yeah Sarah's like half dead
  223. Eve Ishi: (( also being carried by eri ))
  224. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): sh
  225. Eve Ishi: (( guess sarah isnt the strongest after all : v ))
  226. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): doesn't matter stfu
  227. Sarah Salem: ((bookshelf competition))
  228. Eve Ishi: (( ohmai ))
  229. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): You all get back to your respective classes more or less on time
  230. Eri Motai: ((I bet I can lift two bookshelves AND a Sarah))
  231. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): Nothing eventful happens in class, and it ends
  232. Sarah Salem: ((i bet i can benchpress your house))
  233. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): Three familiar girls approach Sarah, Eve and Ally
  234. Eri Motai: ((I bet I can benchpress your face with my fist how's that))
  235. ((;T))
  236. Sarah Salem: ((you wanna get cut))
  237. Eri Motai: ((come at me bro))
  238. Sarah Salem: ((what is your weapon even))
  239. Eri Motai: ((A 4 foot long sword))
  240. Sarah Salem: ((guessing its GRORIOUS NIPPON STEEL KATANA))
  241. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): Tami says, "Hey girls! Up for another coffee?"
  242. Eri Motai: ((no, it's a claymore))
  243. Sarah Salem: ((oh rad. i have a billhook))
  244. Eri Motai: ((gotta look dat up))
  245. Eve Ishi: *Eve gets the rp back on track by looking at Sarah and Ally* "I guess I can go if they do."
  246. Sarah Salem: "I can come."
  247. Eri Motai: "If you guys don't mind, I'd love to come too!" Eri pops out from behind Sarah.
  248. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): A: "I'm in!"
  249. Eve Ishi: *Eve once again Eeps and puts her hands up* "Would you please stop popping out of nowhere?"
  250. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): T: "Awwwyeah! We actually started ordering cakes and pastries and stuff from that big cake company that's popped up recently. Free samples!"
  251. Eri Motai: "Sorry Eve, it's the fastest way to travel!"
  252. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): A: "So do you like, take the air vents or something?"
  253. Eve Ishi: *eve sighs and turns away* "Yeah yeah..."
  254. Eri Motai: "Uh, no, I've been here since the bell rang! I've just been hiding behind Sarah for the perfect time to strike." Eri smirks.
  255. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): S: "You're fast, Eri. Like, really."
  256. Eve Ishi: "So you do just do it to scare me!"
  257. Eri Motai: "Suzu, that's nothing; you shoulda saw me charging up the road at the end of lunch!"
  258. Sarah Salem: "I vote that we never do that again. Ever."
  259. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): S: "Don't need to imagine. Saw it myself, you running like a madlady."
  260. S: "Towing those others behind you. Like, wow."
  261. Eve Ishi: *Eve agrees with Sarah*
  262. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): NOOOO SAYAKA'S GOING WITCH WHY SEYAKU WHY ;_;
  263. Eve Ishi: (( don't remind me D: ))
  264. Sarah Salem: ((appy pls))
  265. Eve Ishi: (( as least she alive at the end ))
  266. (( OH WAIT ))
  267. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): rip ;-;7
  269. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): kay so anyways
  270. T: "Right then, that's settled! Onwards, crew! Forward march!"
  271. Sarah Salem: ((sayaka being dead is a universal constant))
  272. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): A: "Tami's silly."
  273. Sarah Salem: ((which one is tami again?))
  274. Eve Ishi: *Eve nods and follows Tami*
  275. Sarah Salem: ((actually i dont remember who any of these are))
  276. Eve Ishi: (( blondy I think ))
  277. (( ko is the brown haired quite one ))
  278. Sarah Salem: I take my place following Eve.
  279. Eve Ishi: (( suzu is blue hair ))
  280. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): Tami is the dirty blonde girl who works at the coffee shop, Suzu is the tall bluehaired flatchest and Ko is the shy brownhair girl
  281. Eri Motai: (Suzu also has no breasts which seems to be important???)
  282. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): it's anime
  283. cup size is vital to characters
  284. Eve Ishi: (( : v ))
  285. Sarah Salem: (( plot ))
  286. Eri Motai: ((>bcup))
  287. Satoya Taji: Wait, Dan, how's the park?
  288. Since I'm still there
  289. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): uh
  290. it's a park
  291. and there's like
  292. leaves and stuff
  293. : v
  294. Sarah Salem: (( this is why steam works better : v))
  295. Eve Ishi: (( Ally should pobs just text Satoya ))
  296. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): good one
  297. Eve Ishi: (( tell her to get her ass ova here ))
  298. Satoya Taji: I decide to call up my furriend Ally, since I am dying of bordeom
  299. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): Ally texts Satoya about their plans, being sure to add in a "no lions" note at the end
  300. Satoya Taji: Can I go meet them?
  301. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): And then you all arrive
  302. no you have to sit in oblivion forever
  303. yes, you're all now at the coffee shop, and it looks just like you last left it
  304. Satoya Taji: Wait am I there?
  305. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): yes
  306. you are a part of all
  307. Satoya Taji: : 3
  308. I sit down wherever there's room and smile. "Hiya evfurrybody!"
  309. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): T: "Just gimme a second to get prepped. Take a seat and I'll be out in a bit."
  310. S: "So, no lions this time?"
  311. K: "Is... is it ok that she's here?" Ko asks quietly
  312. Satoya Taji: "I purromised, no lions" I hold up my hands to reveal them empty
  313. Eve Ishi: *Eve nods* "She's good now."
  314. "If she does anythin bad I'll spray her with water."
  315. Sarah Salem: "Good is not the best word to describe her."
  316. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): K: "I... guess that's better than nothing."
  317. everyone do finesse rolls~
  318. once again, better roll high
  319. Satoya Taji:
  320. rolling 2d6
  321. (
  322. 5
  323. +
  324. 1
  325. )
  326. =
  327. 6
  328. You shitting me
  329. Sarah Salem:
  330. rolling 2d6+6
  331. (
  332. 4
  333. +
  334. 1
  335. )
  336. +6
  337. =
  338. 11
  339. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): nope
  340. Eve Ishi:
  341. rolling 2d6 + 06
  342. (
  343. 3
  344. +
  345. 6
  346. )
  347. +6
  348. =
  349. 15
  350. Sarah Salem: ((noice))
  351. Satoya Taji: I got a 12
  352. With the +6
  353. Eve Ishi: (( woot ))
  354. Satoya Taji: Which I furrgot
  355. Eve Ishi: (( uhm ))
  356. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): Eve passed, said what happened in private
  357. moving on
  360. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Eve - Suits~~
  362. 8:13 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You spot two men in suits that seem a little too classy to be on this tier walk slowly past the coffee shop
  363. 5:14 PM - Eevee: ohmai
  365. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Eve - Suits~~
  368. Eve Ishi: (( oh your portaits dissapeared for me for some reason ))
  369. Eri Motai: ((what did I miss Dan? just pm me))
  370. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): oh, finesse roll
  371. only eri cause everyone else already did
  372. Satoya Taji: ((Wait how do you PM?))
  373. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): he meant over steam
  374. Sarah Salem: ((in steam))
  375. Eri Motai:
  376. rolling 2d6+5
  377. (
  378. 4
  379. +
  380. 5
  381. )
  382. +5
  383. =
  384. 14
  385. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): no luck
  386. moving on
  387. Eve Ishi: (( dang I just barely passed ))
  388. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): Tami walks slowly back to your table, carrying a small cake on a tray with plates and forks
  389. Satoya Taji: I clap a bit to myself, not being used to such delicacies after a life of hospital food and eating whatever she could steal.
  390. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): She sets the plates and forks out, then starts to cut the cake. It's a very fancy looking thing. White icing, with bits of candies like pearls surrounding the end of it
  391. Sarah Salem: (( fuck year, cake))
  392. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): colored icing in the shapes of diamonds is along the circumference of the cake
  393. Satoya Taji: "Aaaaaah, this is so fancy and nice, how much does this cost?"
  394. Eri Motai: Eri's mouth waters, "Tami, this looks better than my ma's stuf!"
  395. Eve Ishi: *Eve nods and thanks Tami*
  396. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): T: "Free sample! Just let it know how it is."
  397. us*
  398. not it
  399. Sarah Salem: I stare that cake down with an intensity that could be used as a blowtorch.
  400. Satoya Taji: I scream a little bit, food this good, fur free!
  401. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): Ko seems taken aback from Sarah's hyperintense glares
  402. S: "Salem must really like cake..."
  403. Sarah Salem: (( i shoot the table with my eye lasers))
  404. Satoya Taji: I put the whole slice of cake in my mouth
  405. Eve Ishi: *Eve takes a small bite of the cake to try it out*
  406. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): T: "So uh, drinks?"
  407. Sarah Salem: I start eating at about the same pace as Eve.
  408. Eve Ishi: *Eve sniffles and asks for some lemon tea to help her throat*
  409. Eri Motai: "I'll take some coffee again I thnk."
  410. (think*)
  411. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): Ko and Suzu order the same drinks as last time, those being a normal coffee and weird cappuccino thing respectively
  412. Satoya Taji: "What is this, cough-e?"
  413. Eri Motai: "It's, ugh... a drink made out of beans."
  414. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): A: "You don't know what coffee is, Satoya?"
  415. Eri Motai: "It sounds weird, I know."
  416. Satoya Taji: "Nyope! Ill try one!" : 3
  417. Sarah Salem: "I'll just have this cake. It is fantastic."
  418. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): Ally orders a tea because she isn't allowed to have coffee
  419. Tami bows and smiles, taking her leave to get your drinks
  420. Eve Ishi: (( oh god ally on coffee would be hilarious ))
  421. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): You saw that first game : v
  422. Eve Ishi: (( wait what ))
  423. (( I'll read the log later : o ))
  424. Sarah Salem: ((oh jeez now i remember))
  425. Satoya Taji: ((I think Satoya on Coffee will be just as good, if not better : 3))
  426. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): Tami returns shortly with your drinks. As you turn to face her, you scan the scattered patrons of the coffee shop, spotting a face familiar to a few currently present
  427. Sarah Salem: ((get out of here burd))
  428. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): Her golden blonde hair, sunglasses, and long narrow cane resting next to her make her slightly stand out against the riffraff of the other patrons
  429. Satoya Taji: I pay no mind and enjoy the strange bean drink
  430. Eri Motai: I whisper to Eve, "Hey, what'd she bug you about yesterday?"
  431. Sarah Salem: (( Oh damn, for a sec I thought it was fire-girl miraculously alive.))
  432. Eve Ishi: *Eve whispers back using steam as appy instructed*
  433. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): c;
  434. Eri Motai: ((that shit would be not cool))
  435. ((both literally and metaphorically))
  436. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): ba dum tish
  437. Eve Ishi: "E-excuse me for a sec, I have to go blow my nose." *Eve walks over to the Blonde Ladie's table*
  440. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Eve - Fortune Told~~
  442. 8:19 PM - Eevee is now Online.
  443. 8:31 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: As you approach the blonde girl's table, she speaks up before you can get within casual conversing distance
  444. 8:31 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Yes?"
  445. 8:31 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: She doesn't turn to look at you, taking another sip of her tea
  446. 5:33 PM - Eevee: *Eve sits across from her* "W-why did you uhm...t-tell me the thing about a cat in pink flames yeaterday? What did you mean?"
  447. 8:34 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "It was a warning. The cards reccommend caution. That is all I can say."
  448. 5:35 PM - Eevee: "You're not making any sense. What cards? What cat? What pink flame? I don't understand..."
  449. 8:36 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: She gingerly stirs her tea with a spoon, saying "That is for you to decipher."
  450. 5:38 PM - Eevee: "Well why'd you tell me and not the others? Who are you anyways? Can't you tell me anything?"
  451. 8:39 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: She smiles, turning to face you. She removes her sunglasses, and you see her eyes are milky blue, and don't focus on you so much as through you
  452. 8:39 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Even without vision, the cards help me to see."
  453. 8:39 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: She puts her glasses back on and turns around again, sipping her tea
  454. 5:42 PM - Eevee: *Eve sighs* "Well, thanks for trying to help anyways. I don't suppose you can give me any more hints about anything?"
  455. 8:43 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: She sips once more. "The cards can see no more than your eyes."
  456. 5:44 PM - Eevee: "Hey, I saw a couple of guys in suits earlier, they looked way too fancy to be on tier 3. Can you tell me anything about them?"
  457. 8:45 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: She sips the last of her tea, gesturing you to take a seat across from her
  458. 5:46 PM - Eevee: *Eve does so even though she already did *
  459. 8:47 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: oh, I thought you were standing behind or next to her
  460. 8:47 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: whoops
  461. 8:48 PM - Eevee is now Offline.
  462. 8:48 PM - Your state is set to Offline.
  463. 8:48 PM - Lost connection to Steam, will rejoin chat automatically when connection regained.
  464. 8:48 PM - Connected again and rejoined chat.
  465. 8:48 PM - The Contract is Sealed has changed their name to Super Contractio Bruvs.
  466. 8:48 PM - Eevee is now Online.
  467. 8:50 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: She takes out a deck of cards. Depicted on their backs is a purple background with the shape of an eye in the center. The eye's pupil is an oblivon seed
  468. 8:51 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: She shuffles them, then begins placing several on the table, face down
  469. 8:52 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: She flips the first card, and there's a fancy picture of a black cat. She brushes her hand against the card, saying, "The cat... again? Hm. Interesting."
  470. 8:54 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: She flips a second card, revealing the a pack of snarling dogs
  471. 8:54 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "The pack, though not of the wolves."
  472. 8:55 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: She flips a third card, revealing a tiger in mid leap
  473. 8:56 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: She flips a final card, revealing a shining apple
  474. 8:57 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "The final cards are those of the Pounced and Ripe. The rabid dogs will pounce the cat when the chance is ripe."
  475. 5:57 PM - Eevee: (( op looks like I gotta go for now D: ))
  476. 8:57 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: dangert
  477. 5:57 PM - Eevee: (( oh shit the cops are after satoya ))
  478. 5:58 PM - Eevee: (( gomen :v ))
  479. 8:58 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: any idea when or if you'll be back?
  480. 5:58 PM - Eevee: within an hour or so if I'm coming back
  481. 5:58 PM - Eevee: if not then im probs down for the night
  482. 8:59 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: alright then
  483. 10:14 PM - Eevee is now Online.
  484. 7:18 PM - Eevee: (( eyy im back and free for the night if the games still on ))
  485. 10:19 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: hi
  486. 10:19 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: yeah it's on
  487. 10:19 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: mostly private atm
  488. 10:19 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: we can continue with card lady if ya want
  489. 7:19 PM - Eevee: if you're up to it sure ^^
  490. 10:20 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: k
  491. 10:20 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: 8:57 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "The final cards are those of the Pounced and Ripe. The rabid dogs will pounce the cat when the chance is ripe."
  492. 10:20 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: She stacks the cards neatly again and puts the deck away, folding her hands on the table
  493. 7:22 PM - Eevee: "Thankyou, I think I actually understand that one. I have to go warn my friend..." *Eve looks around for Satoya*
  494. 10:22 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Satoya and Eri are long gone
  495. 10:22 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Eri dragged Satoya out
  496. 7:23 PM - Eevee: (( is Ally and thegirls still there? ))
  497. 10:23 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Ko starts shouting for someone to call for an ambulance as you look and see blood coming from Sarah. You're too speechless to move as an ambulance comes and carts her away
  498. 10:23 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: this is all shit that happened while you were gone so :v
  499. 7:24 PM - Eevee: (( ye I read up on what I missed ))
  500. 7:25 PM - Eevee: (( oh wait does this shop have a camera ))
  501. 10:26 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: security camera? Yeah, there's one in the corner overlooking the entire place
  502. 7:26 PM - Eevee: (( is there any chance it picked up those suit dudes, or is it not even worth asking tami about ))
  503. 10:26 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: the camera is inside the store, not looking out :v
  504. 10:27 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: no chance it got the suits
  505. 7:28 PM - Eevee: (( oh well, I think I'll head over to the school and get those paranormal dweebs on this ))
  506. 7:28 PM - Eevee: (( men in suits sounds like their kinda thing ))
  507. 10:29 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: The blonde girl nods her head, though not at you directly, as you leave
  508. 10:29 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: She seemed entirely unphased by the commotion with Sarah bleeding out
  510. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Eve - Fortune Told~~
  513. Satoya Taji: I chug my coffee and slam the cup to the ground
  514. "ANOTHER"
  515. Sarah Salem: (( ground?))
  516. ((did you just break the mug : v))
  517. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): Ko starts back
  518. Satoya Taji: ((Ye))
  519. Eve Ishi: (( oh god ))
  520. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): A: "Satoya, you said you wouldn't cause more trouble..."
  521. Eri Motai: "You... you can have mine?" I shoot a look at Tami that screams 'don't give this lady any more.'
  524. Eri Motai: "Ok you know what thanks for the drinks I'll be outside for a bit!" Eri lifts Satoya over her head and dashes for the door.
  525. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): Tami looks confused
  526. Satoya Taji: I flail as I am lifted out of the shop
  527. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): S: "They're... active."
  528. Sarah Salem: I shoot the other girls a "Don't worry about it" look, and search around for Eve.
  529. Eri Motai: "DamnitSatoIThoughtWeWentOverThis!" Eri blurbs out whilst running out.
  530. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): Sarah spots Eve chatting with a blonde girl seated at a different table
  532. Sarah Salem: (( i feel like i missed something pretty impo last game : v))Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): T: "I'm starting to think I need to stop bringing you girls here," she half chuckles, half whines in fear
  533. Eri Motai: "GeezusIthoughtNobodyCouldOutEnergyAllyButIGuessIwasWrong!" Eri finally makes it out.
  536. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Eri and Satoya - Coffee and Campfires~~
  538. 8:38 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: since you're both out somewhere you're in private chat
  539. 8:38 PM - Eri Motai: Ok, I drag Sato outside and I ask, "Hey in all these shenanigans did you remember about firesafety?"
  540. 8:39 PM - Lion Queen: "WHAT DO YOU MEAN FIRE SAFETY" I have lost all control of my volume, I am practically shouting at this point.
  542. 8:39 PM - Eri Motai: Eri shouts back.
  543. 8:39 PM - Lion Queen: "OH, WHOOPS, UH, MAYBE I FURRGOT"
  545. 8:41 PM - Eri Motai: I lift Sato back over my head and make a bee-line for the park.
  546. 8:42 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: some time later, you arrive to find the pit you had your fire in smoking and with dirt piled in it, but no fire
  547. 8:42 PM - Lion Queen: "WOAH WHERE'D IT GO"
  548. 8:43 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Haku walks out of a bush, no longer covered in marshmallow
  549. 8:44 PM - Eri Motai: "Oh thank you Haku, at least you listened to my fire safety lecture!"
  550. 8:44 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "You know, you kids are starting to get on my damned nerves. And I'm practically immortal, so I've got a lot of nerve to spare."
  551. 8:44 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "I'm not your damned boy scout trainee. Next time, the park burns, and I just might be inclined to speed the process along."
  552. 8:44 PM - Lion Queen: "HAKU, BUDDY, LET ME HUG YOU!" I try to flail out of Eri's grasp with all my might
  553. 8:44 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "The hell did you give her?" he asks Eri
  554. 8:45 PM - Eri Motai: "I didn't give her anything, she bought some coffee!"
  555. 8:45 PM - Lion Queen: "MAGICAL BEAN JUICE!"
  556. 8:45 PM - Eri Motai: "If there's any request that you'd like to make today, would it be me keeping her above my head?"
  557. 8:46 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Keep that girl the hell away from me. No way I'm getting near anything like that."
  558. 8:47 PM - Eri Motai: "I guess I also just want to apologize for the fireball to the face; I kinda did want you to join us, but not like that."
  559. 8:47 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "My fur is quite fine, and my coat would be mussed by her overactive brushing."
  560. 8:47 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Uhuh."
  561. 8:47 PM - Lion Queen: I am no longer speaking, just sort of screaming at this poitn
  562. 8:48 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Haku's ears fold against his head
  563. 8:48 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "God damn, she can be louder than a pair of cats fucking,"
  564. 8:48 PM - Your state is set to Offline.
  565. 8:48 PM - Lost connection to Steam, will rejoin chat automatically when connection regained.
  566. 8:48 PM - Connected again and rejoined chat.
  567. 8:48 PM - Eri Motai: (nah, is good)
  568. 8:49 PM - Eri Motai: ((did u get my last thing?))
  569. 8:50 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: nope
  570. 8:51 PM - Eri Motai: "...And I guess I just want to thank you for yelling at me earlier... about being alone."
  571. 8:51 PM - Eri Motai: ((is what I last said))
  572. 8:52 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: ah
  573. 8:53 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Well, don't expect many more lectures from me. That was a freebie."
  574. 8:53 PM - Lion Queen: "WAIT, WHAT WERE YOU YELLED AT FUR?"
  575. 8:54 PM - Eri Motai: "For being an idiot Sato, about not having friends, or time for myself."
  576. 8:54 PM - Eri Motai: "I guess it took an angry magical cat to tell me that."
  577. 8:57 PM - Lion Queen: "I CAN BE YOUR FURRIEND! ANY TIME!"
  578. 8:58 PM - Eri Motai: Eri chuckles, "Fine fine; that doesn't mean I'm putting you down though."
  579. 8:58 PM - Lion Queen: I attempt to hug her, while being held above her
  580. 9:01 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Wow. You're all idiots. That's it. Magic rots the minds of humans."
  581. 9:01 PM - Lion Queen: "I NEVFUR SAID I WAS SMART!"
  582. 9:02 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Clearly."
  583. 9:02 PM - Eri Motai: Eri's face hardens a bit, "Sato, I guess I should tell you about the 'Love in the Elevator', as Haku so kindly puts it".
  584. 9:03 PM - Eri Motai: Eri looks away, "To be frank, it wasn't good for anybody involved."
  585. 9:04 PM - Eri Motai: "People... people died Sato."
  586. 9:05 PM - Lion Queen: "Oh..." This seemed to bring Satoya down a bit
  587. 9:05 PM - Eri Motai: "Like, Sarah almost died."
  588. 9:06 PM - Eri Motai: "I-I... shouldn't have said anything to that girl." Eri begins to tear up.
  589. 9:06 PM - Eri Motai: "I had to do... what was right you know?"
  590. 9:07 PM - Eri Motai: "I tried to help her... but her heart was too hardened I guess."
  591. 9:07 PM - Lion Queen: I take in the information, just listening, not saying anything
  592. 9:08 PM - Eri Motai: "She nearly scorched me and Eve, but-but... Sarah couldn't make it out."
  593. 9:09 PM - Lion Queen: "What happened? Who started the fighting? Why?"
  594. 9:09 PM - Eri Motai: "She... she just started falling and I got so mad I took that oblivion seed and I absorbed it."
  595. 9:09 PM - Lion Queen: "You just took it!"
  596. 9:10 PM - Eri Motai: "It was.... I don't even know! She was just some girl, with a heart hardened with hate."
  597. 9:11 PM - Eri Motai: "And yeah, it was that same seed that I took back at the old folk's place."
  598. 9:11 PM - Eri Motai: "But, I just... I don't know! I just took my sword, and I swung!"
  599. 9:12 PM - Lion Queen: "Ugh, why are you guys running around starting conflict, you killed someone!"
  600. 9:12 PM - Eri Motai: "And she... she fell just like Sarah... except there was nobody to catch her."
  601. 9:12 PM - Eri Motai: Eri puts down Sato and starts crying.
  602. 9:12 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You hear the high pitched whining of an ambulance as it drives by
  603. 9:13 PM - Eri Motai: "...I'm a monster... I'm no better than those demons..."
  604. 9:14 PM - Lion Queen: "Eri, look, I dont know what happened, but, we need to keep ourselves together, look, you paniced and did something, its not your fault!"
  605. 9:14 PM - Eri Motai: "...And did you see how I looked afterwards? I'm a freak!..."
  606. 9:14 PM - Eri Motai: "...And now everyone can see it..."
  607. 9:16 PM - Lion Queen: I just walk up and hug her. "Listen, Eri, we have to get past it, all we can do now is purrvent these sorts of things in the future. We've all made mistakes"
  608. 9:19 PM - Eri Motai: "...I-I..."
  609. 9:20 PM - Eri Motai: Eri suddenly picks up and hugs Haku a bit too tightly.
  610. 9:20 PM - Eri Motai: "Thank you Haku for being there for me, I-I didn't know it at the time but I think you are sooooo much cooler than the bird."
  611. 9:21 PM - Eri Motai: Eri squeezes tighter.
  612. 9:21 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Eegh, kid, let me go. Dammit, worse grip than that Ally one."
  613. 9:21 PM - Eri Motai: "But-but Haku, I just wanted to say I'm sorry~"
  614. 9:22 PM - Eri Motai: Eri hugs her heart out.
  615. 9:22 PM - Eri Motai: "I know Haku, I'll treat you to something extra nice~"
  616. 9:22 PM - Eri Motai: Eri lifts Haku over her head and dashes to the mall.
  617. 9:23 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "WHAT THE FUUUU-"
  618. 9:23 PM - Lion Queen: Welp, I just sit in the park
  619. 9:23 PM - Lion Queen: "Oh, okay then, have fun"
  620. 9:25 PM - Lion Queen: I go off to do cat things
  621. 9:25 PM - Lion Queen: :3
  623. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Eri and Satoya - Coffee and Campfires~~
  626. Sarah Salem: "That is probably for the best. At least it was not Ally."
  627. Satoya Taji: I am carried away to god knows where
  628. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): A: "Hey, what's that supposed to mean, Sarah?"
  629. Sarah Salem: "Mall."
  630. Eve Ishi: (( oh god im remembering ))
  631. Sarah Salem: (( they set at least one person on fire : V))
  632. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): K: "...mall?"
  633. Sarah Salem: "It involved fire, and Satoya. That should explain most of it."
  634. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): K: "Oh dear."
  635. Eve Ishi: (( poor Ko, she probably thinks we're a bunch of insane criminals ))
  636. Sarah Salem: (( at least satoya : v))
  637. (( but she is, so that's ok c: ))
  638. Eve Ishi: (( tru ))
  639. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): steam die again?
  640. Sarah Salem: no
  641. its fine on my end
  642. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): huh
  643. just turned off and on for me
  644. Eve Ishi: (( im fine I thin k ))
  645. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): S: "So... how did you girls meet, Sarah?"
  646. Sarah Salem: "School."
  647. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): S: "...specific."
  648. Eri Motai: ((your chick is a transfer student right?))
  649. ((Sarah I'm talkin))
  650. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): S: "I mean, like, how did you start hanging out with them?"
  651. Sarah Salem: "It just happened." I shrug.
  652. Eve Ishi: (( eyyy gotta head out for now guys ))
  653. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): K: "I see... are you having a hard time getting used to the school? I believe you were in the hospital for a while?"
  654. Eri Motai: ((kk see ya I think))
  655. Sarah Salem: ((bye))
  656. "I have not had too hard of a time."
  657. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): Sarah's face suddenly becomes one of unadulterated bliss
  658. She leans on her hand, elbow propped on the table, practically drooling with her open mouthed smile
  659. K: "S-sarah...? Are you...?"
  660. Sarah Salem: "I-I am...finnnnne."
  661. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): S: "Ally, you - you know Sarah better than us. Is this... normal?"
  662. A: "Hmmmm..."
  663. Ally leans over and goes practically face to face with Sarah. She then pokes Sarah in the gut. When she pulls her hand back, it's covered in a red, sticky liquid
  664. A: "I'm gonna go with... no."
  665. Sarah Salem: I sigh contentedly.
  666. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): K: "Oh - oh. Oh god. Oh god. SHE'S BLEEDING! SOMEONE, SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE!"
  667. Sarah Salem: I look down at my stomach.
  668. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): Tami runs out of the kitchen as customers look over, confused.
  669. T: "What's happening?"
  670. A: "Sarah's bleeding! Call help!"
  671. The floor under the table is pretty much painted red
  672. Tami wastes no time calling an ambulance, which carts you off in a short time
  673. Sarah Salem: I look confusedly around at the medical staff and continue poking at my stomach until they pull my hand away from it.
  674. ((and now they're alone in the cafe, and the other players are elsewhere : v))
  675. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): They put you under and you're taken to the hospital
  676. yep
  677. : v
  678. Sarah Salem: two hospital trips in one week, damn im good
  679. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): hmm
  680. Sarah Salem: ~private chats all around~
  681. Eve Ishi: (( back~ ))
  682. Sarah Salem: we're all in private chats atm
  683. Eve Ishi: (( ye I know ))
  684. Eri Motai: ((so much private wow so seperate))
  685. Eve Ishi: (( : v ))
  686. Sarah Salem: (( c: ))
  687. Eri Motai: ((handwashingsimulator2014))
  688. Sarah Salem: (( tactical hospital espionage))
  691. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Eri and Hakurobe - A direct continuation of the previous private chat - A Day Out~~
  693. 9:26 PM - Eri Motai: "SOooooo Haku what do you wanna do first?" Eri shouts just within hearing distance.
  694. 9:26 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "I want you to let me the hell go!"
  695. 9:27 PM - Eri Motai: "You comin Sato or what? It's not a cat party without my favorite catgirl~~~"
  696. 9:27 PM - Lion Queen: ((You left without me, so I went to the hospital, for my brother, in private chat ATM))
  697. 9:27 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: yep
  698. 9:28 PM - Eri Motai: "Ahh, she's gone. I guess that just means...." Eri traces a finger done Haku's back "It's just you and me~~~~"
  699. 9:28 PM - Eri Motai: ((help I need an adult))
  700. 9:28 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "No! You let me the hell go you little brat or I swear I'll claw your damned eyes out."
  701. 9:29 PM - Eri Motai: Eri takes her new best friend to the mall, and does all the things that was previously mentioned in the private message.
  702. 9:30 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Haku is not pleased
  703. 9:30 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "I need to stop hanging around so much if this is what happens."
  704. 9:31 PM - Eri Motai: "Aaaah but Hakuuuu... You're soo much cooler than the bird...."
  705. 9:32 PM - Eri Motai: "He just sits around, doesn't talk, and contemplates things that you say I probably won't understand... At least you came to say hi earlier~..."
  706. 9:33 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Yeah, I learned my lesson."
  707. 9:34 PM - Eri Motai: "OOoooh, don't be like that~... Big ol stupid Eri's gonna protect you now~." Eri hugs Haku, swaying from side to side.
  708. 9:36 PM - Eri Motai: "If you ever need any help, you just come to me; I'll fight for you, even if I made that contract with that silly bird." Eri gives one last squeeze and puts Haku down.
  709. 9:37 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Fuck. About time. Yeah, uh, sure. I'll consider it. Bye!" he fucking bolts
  710. 9:38 PM - Eri Motai: "Ah, such are the mysteries of life~!... Oh, wait I forgot about Tami!" Eri presumably bolts in the other direction.
  712. ~~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Eri and Hakurobe - A direct continuation of the previous private chat - A Day Out~~
  717. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Eri and Tami - A direct continuation of the previous private chat - At Work~~
  719. :43 PM - Eri Motai: So, what do now?
  720. 9:43 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: uh
  721. 9:44 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: I guess you bolt back to the coffee shop, then?
  722. 9:44 PM - Eri Motai: also, how much did my night out with Haku cost me?
  723. 9:44 PM - Eri Motai: I didn't keep a running tally :P
  724. 9:44 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: what exactly did you do?
  725. 9:44 PM - Eri Motai: the expensive stuff would be getting icecream and the arcade
  726. 9:45 PM - Eri Motai: the other things, like hanging out and "showing Haku all the nice lady cats" would probably be free.
  727. 9:46 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: let's say a grand total of $8
  728. 9:46 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: ?
  729. 9:46 PM - Eri Motai: sounds good to me
  730. 9:46 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: you blew a lot at the arcade :v
  731. 9:46 PM - Eri Motai: means I have about 4 dollars left
  732. 9:47 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: :v
  733. 9:47 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: nice
  734. 9:47 PM - Eri Motai: oh wait, I guess I have 9, you gave me 5 dollars back on the equipment and I forgot to save it
  735. 9:47 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: right
  736. 9:48 PM - Eri Motai: but yeah, lets check up on Tami's place.
  737. 9:48 PM - Eri Motai: I haven't been keeping up, and all I see is "you are taken to the hospital"
  738. 9:48 PM - Eri Motai: this is gonna be good.
  739. 9:50 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You head there, and find nothing but Tami mopping up a red puddle under the table
  740. 9:51 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Tami looks up. "Oh, Eri. Did anyone tell you what happened?"
  741. 9:52 PM - Eri Motai: "Uhh, what happened?"
  742. 9:52 PM - Eri Motai: "Please don't tell me Sato came back in here and wrecked the place."
  743. 9:53 PM - Eri Motai: "I tried to set her straight, I really did. I'm sorry for the trouble she's giving you."
  744. 9:53 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Nope. Sarah just started bleeding from the gut. Called an ambulance and got her carted out. Haven't seen or heard form her since. Everyone else left after that, and let me tell you, big pools of blood are not good for business.:
  745. 9:54 PM - Eri Motai: "Oh." Eri states whilst in a bit of a shock. "I... uh... I don't...."
  746. 9:54 PM - Eri Motai: Eri turns a deathly pale shade, and heads outside.
  747. 9:55 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "If you're looking for more info, I'd check the hospital. I gotta finish cleaning..."
  748. 9:55 PM - Eri Motai: Where's the nearest trash can?
  749. 9:55 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: On a street corner
  750. 9:55 PM - Eri Motai: I go there and throw up.
  751. 9:56 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: lovely :v
  752. 9:56 PM - Eri Motai: I head back in, with half digested icecream presumably removed from my system.
  753. 9:57 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: " alright?"
  754. 9:57 PM - Eri Motai: "Hey, uh Tami? I-I don't mean to be a bother or anything, but would you like help?"
  755. 9:57 PM - Eri Motai: "I mean, it's twice now that me and my friends kinda... made a mess in your store."
  756. 9:57 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: She sighs. "No, no. This is my job. Yours would probably be to find out how your friend is doing."
  757. 9:58 PM - Eri Motai: "No no, there's nothing I can do for her at the moment... However, I could pay you back for the cake you gave us since you need help now."
  758. 10:00 PM - Eri Motai: "It's the least I could do for the mess me and my friends made."
  759. 10:01 PM - Eri Motai: Eri looks back down to the floor, "I guess Sarah mostly made that one though..."
  760. 10:01 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Well, if you're so insistant... go in the back, grab a bucket and a pair of gloves."
  761. 10:01 PM - Eri Motai: I do so, "Hey, where are the gloves at?"
  762. 10:02 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Back shelf by the bathroom, next to the ammonia."
  763. 10:02 PM - Eri Motai: "Ok, thanks!" Eri begins to help out once she has the gear in tow.
  764. 10:06 PM - Eri Motai: ((such fun times I'm missing out on, such as trips to the hospital and hanging out by sick people :P))
  765. 10:08 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: yep
  766. 10:08 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: well, you make fairly quick work of the bloodstain with the both of you working
  767. 10:09 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Thanks for the help. Hey, random question, but how good are you at talking to random people?"
  768. 10:10 PM - Eri Motai: "Uhm, random people? You mean like, strangers and whatnot? I guess I'm ok at it..."
  769. 10:10 PM - Eri Motai: Eri has flashbacks about her encounter, "I mean, I try to be nice to everyone I meet."
  770. 10:11 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "And how do you feel about aprons?"
  771. 10:11 PM - Eri Motai: "Uhm, I don't have much of an opinion on them. Why you ask?"
  772. 10:13 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Well, a waitress of ours gave a letter of resignation not too long ago, so we've got an open position. Interested? You'll probably end up doing things like this, or what I do, like taking orders and maybe making the drinks if you get good enough."
  773. 10:14 PM - Eri Motai: "Oh... that sounds nice. I always wanted a nice job, and I'm good at doing the chores around the house... Do I need to make a resume?" Eri asks earnestly.
  774. 10:14 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Got two arms and legs?"
  775. 10:15 PM - Eri Motai: "I'd like to think so, I've been running around and carrying people all day." Eri replies sheepishly, realizing how tired she is.
  776. 10:16 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Can you walk?"
  777. 10:17 PM - Eri Motai: "Is that a trick question?" Eri asks with a perplexed look.
  778. 10:17 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Can you talk?"
  779. 10:18 PM - Eri Motai: "What's with all these questions?" Eri begins to look even more confused.
  780. 10:18 PM - Eri Motai: "Is-is this the resume?"
  781. 10:18 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Well if you answered yes to those three questions, you're hired! You start right away."
  782. 10:20 PM - Eri Motai: "Yes!" Eri does one of these;
  783. 10:20 PM - Eri Motai:
  784. 10:22 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: :v
  785. 10:23 PM - Eri Motai: "Sooo- when do I start?" Eri asks excitedly.
  786. 10:23 PM - Eri Motai: "I'll be the quickest waitress you've ever had!"
  787. 10:24 PM - Eri Motai: "I'll have drinks done so fast that they're done before they finished ordering!"
  788. 10:24 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: She slaps you on the back of the head. "Rule one, quicker isn't always better."
  789. 10:24 PM - Eri Motai: Eri comes back down to earth.
  790. 10:24 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "You'll be training under me. Go wash your hands and we'll start."
  791. 10:24 PM - Eri Motai: "O-oh."
  792. 10:24 PM - Eri Motai: "Ok."
  793. 10:25 PM - Eri Motai: I wash my hands the most thouroughly that I've ever washed them in my life.
  794. 10:30 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You step out, and Tami hands you a fresh apron
  795. 10:30 PM - Eri Motai: ((ok if I make enough money from this job, I'm sooo getting a stealth suit ala Metal Gear Solid 2))
  796. 10:30 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: :v
  797. 10:30 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: She seems cocky, hands on her hips, in an apron of her own
  798. 10:31 PM - Eri Motai: I quickly put my apron on and get to learning.
  799. 10:31 PM - Eri Motai: ((oh christ she better not be like my old manager))
  800. 10:32 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "First up! We'll go over the basics. Like I said, quicker is not always better."
  801. 10:32 PM - Eri Motai: I steal a pen from the counter and write it down in my hand.
  802. 10:32 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "If you rush things, you'll look inexperienced, are liable to make mistakes, and might make the customer feel unwelcome, like you're trying to rush them out."
  803. 10:33 PM - Eri Motai: I write that down too
  804. 10:34 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Next up, you'll need a nice smile. Show me that smile, baby."
  805. 10:34 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: roll social
  806. 10:34 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: :v
  807. 10:34 PM - Eri Motai: (shit I knew I shoulda leveled that shit)
  808. 10:35 PM - Eri Motai: =>10
  809. 10:35 PM - Eri Motai: (that was not a good roll)
  810. 10:35 PM - Eri Motai: ((suppose it coulda gone worse though))
  811. 10:35 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "YOU CALL THAT A SMILE? I SAID SHOW ME A SMILE, NOT A GRIMACE! NOW SMILE!"
  812. 10:36 PM - Eri Motai: (I totally jinxed myself mother fucker)
  814. 10:37 PM - Eri Motai: "I-I'm sorry." Eri hangs her head low. "Let me try again."
  815. 10:38 PM - Eri Motai: "I- I think I need help."
  816. 10:39 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: She sighs
  817. 10:39 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Alright, we'll work on the smile later."
  818. 10:40 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Always listen carefully to a customer. Some might have difficult to decipher accents, and having them repeat themselves several times is not welcoming. Write down what they say for now until your memory for orders improves."
  819. 10:41 PM - Eri Motai: I shake off my smiling failures and write that down on the back of my hand.
  820. 10:41 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: She thunks you over the head with a tray
  821. 10:41 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Then tosses you a small notepad
  822. 10:42 PM - Eri Motai: "Ow, I'm sorry I just didn't want to waste your paper..." T.T
  823. 10:42 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Yours now too, seeing as you work here."
  824. 10:42 PM - Eri Motai: ((the start of a beautiful friendship I see. :T))
  825. 10:43 PM - Eri Motai: ((This is hitting a little too close to home actually, I was a pretty big clutz back when I was working at a local orchard; it's like I'm really there~~))
  826. 10:44 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: :v
  827. 10:45 PM - Eri Motai: "Ok, give me a moment" Eri quickly redoes her notes onto the notepad.
  828. 10:45 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Always greet them with a smile. Make pleasantries short and sweet, nothing personal. Take their order, smile, bow, and get it ready for them."
  829. 10:45 PM - Eri Motai: Scribble scribble
  830. 10:48 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "And uh, I dunno. Guess that's about it for taking orders. You'll get the hang of it more as you do it. I'll show you how to work the register sometime, but for now, once you've got a customer's order written up, hand it to the big guy in the back, Jojo. That's my father, he'll take care of it."
  831. 10:48 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Hope you're good at balancing things!"
  832. 10:50 PM - Eri Motai: "I hope I'm better at it than smiling at least..." Eri looks off.
  833. 10:50 PM - Eri Motai: "Tami, I need you to teach me how to smile; I don't think I'm very good at it." Eri says whilst looking down in the dumps.
  834. 10:51 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Clearly. It's all about getting the right amount of rise on your cheeks without giving much, if any, teeth."
  835. 10:52 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Give it another shot."
  836. 10:52 PM - Eri Motai: ((you mind if I place my "notes" into the books department? I'm sure nobody will be utterly confused. :P))
  837. 10:52 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: guess not :v
  838. 10:53 PM - Eri Motai: ((fuckin serious what are the chances))
  839. 10:54 PM - Eri Motai: "I'll, I'll try."
  840. 10:54 PM - Eri Motai: Eri gives off a smile on the same tier as the first.
  841. 10:54 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Ugh, I guess that's... better, than the last two tries."
  842. 10:54 PM - Eri Motai: "I'll keep practicing, all night if I have too!"
  843. 10:55 PM - Eri Motai: ((also, those niggas still holding out in the hospital? or are they waiting on me to not screw around so bad))
  844. 10:56 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: they're fine
  845. 10:56 PM - Eri Motai: ((kk, lets keep it goin then))
  846. 10:57 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: they aren't in any combat, fyi
  847. 10:57 PM - Eri Motai: (ah, kk)
  848. 10:59 PM - Eri Motai: ((also, is it possible to wear things over meguca clothing?))
  849. 10:59 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: nope
  850. 11:00 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: trying to put stuff on over meguca clothing is like trying to force two magnets of teh same polar charge together
  851. 11:00 PM - Eri Motai: ((ah darn, I was hoping to cosplay as solid snake if there ever was a "halloween episode", so to speak))
  852. 11:01 PM - Eri Motai: ((however, being able to run around in my Ninja outfit should suffice to be scary))
  853. 11:01 PM - Eri Motai: ((I think I'll still do it though, albiet for the time that isn't spent being magical))
  854. 11:02 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: :v
  855. 11:04 PM - Eri Motai: ((wow, I found an image and everything that shares what my char would look like))
  856. 11:04 PM - Eri Motai: ((
  857. 11:04 PM - Eri Motai: (probably remove teh parenthesis though, they seem to be tacked on))
  858. 11:05 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: :v
  859. 11:05 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: amazing
  860. 11:06 PM - Eri Motai: ((yup I think I'ma save it actually so I know what it looks like))
  861. 11:06 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: :v
  862. 11:07 PM - Eri Motai: ((so yeah, anything else happen in here beside me lookin in a mirror while the drill seargent corrects my horrible smile?))
  863. 11:08 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: uh, dunno
  864. 11:08 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: hm
  865. 11:09 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: guess not?
  866. 11:09 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You go through some intense smiling insctuctions, and before long Tami announces that it's closing time
  867. 11:09 PM - Eri Motai: ((what time is closing time?))
  868. 11:10 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: She runs you through the act of putting the chairs on the tables and all the other general closing acts for the shop
  869. 11:10 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: fuck if I know, 8ish I guess?
  870. 11:10 PM - Eri Motai: ((sounds about right))
  871. 11:10 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: been long enough for the others to probably be around there
  872. 11:11 PM - Eri Motai: "Hey Tami, thanks for bringing me on board. You have no idea how much this means to me."
  873. 11:15 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Glad to have you. Just practice those drills in a mirror at home, and you'll be good to go. We'll meet here same time tomorrow for another day of training. Cool?"
  874. 11:15 PM - Eri Motai: "What time is that? After school lets out?"
  875. 11:17 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Yep. You can walk here with me. You seem to know where my class is, so..."
  876. 11:19 PM - Eri Motai: "Gotcha, I'll see ya tomorrow after class!" Eri attempts to smile as she leaves.
  877. 11:19 PM - Eri Motai: ((fuckin 9 what is up with these shit rolls))
  878. 11:21 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Work on it harder!"
  879. 11:22 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: As you walk out, your activator is suddenly warm
  880. 11:22 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: very very warm
  881. 11:22 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: and buzzing
  882. 11:22 PM - Eri Motai: ((jeezus is it an early iphone or what that thing better not burst into flames))
  883. 11:22 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: means there's a youma around
  884. 11:23 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: very very close
  885. 11:23 PM - Eri Motai: I find the closest allyway and transform. Do I have a cell phone?
  886. 11:24 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: yep
  887. 11:24 PM - Eri Motai: I buzz Satoya.
  888. 11:25 PM - Eri Motai: "Hey Sato, it's me Eri. I've got something over by the coffee place and I think I'll need help. Can you bring the others?"
  890. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Eri and Tami - A direct continuation of the previous private chat - At Work~~
  895. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Sarah - Bleeding Mess~~
  897. 6:09 PM - Sarah Salem: adventures in bleeding everywhere land
  898. 9:13 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You wake up, vision blurred, mind foggy
  899. 9:14 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: There's a nurse sitting at a desk nearby, taking occassional glances at you
  900. 9:14 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: There are bandages around your gut, slightly reddened
  901. 6:15 PM - Sarah Salem: I poke at them a little.
  902. 9:15 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: The nurse jumps practucally instantly, pulling your arms away
  903. 9:15 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Don't touch it! If you can't refrain, we'll have to restrain you."
  904. 6:16 PM - Sarah Salem: "Yes ma'am. W-what happened to me?"
  905. 9:17 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Well, there was a large laceration on your stomach which opened. It was fairly deep, and required stitches to seal. You should be alright so long as you don't strain."
  906. 6:18 PM - Sarah Salem: Suddenly remembering it, I start searching for my pocket watch frantically.
  907. 9:18 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You find your watch in a pocket of the hospital gown you're in
  908. 9:19 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: The nurse looks slightly perplexed, saying, "That's strange. We put all your possessions to the side..."
  909. 6:20 PM - Sarah Salem: I put it back in the pocket, and lay back against the hospital bed thing, sighing in relief.
  910. 9:20 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: The nurse doesn't comment further, returning to the desk and sorting papers
  911. 6:21 PM - Sarah Salem: ((that wraps up here then c:))
  912. 6:21 PM - Sarah Salem: ((hows eve and satoya doing))
  913. 9:21 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Eve went afk remember? :v
  914. 9:21 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Eri's venting fallout by hugging Haku
  915. 6:22 PM - Sarah Salem: meant eri woops
  916. 6:22 PM - Sarah Salem: great idea :v
  917. 9:24 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Nurses and doctors come and go, and you catch scattered conversations about patients
  918. 9:25 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "...that Osaragi case..." "Nurse, where is Masaki? He..." "The Akechi girl, down the hall? She..." "The Nakanoi's child, unfortunately..."
  919. 6:26 PM - Sarah Salem: ((i should know these names shouldnt I))
  920. 9:27 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: maybe one of them
  921. 9:27 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: the others are just garbage c:
  922. 6:27 PM - Sarah Salem: :v
  923. 6:27 PM - Sarah Salem: kk
  924. 6:28 PM - Sarah Salem: i will never get over how cold it gets in my room :I
  925. 9:28 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: :v
  926. 9:32 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: The flow of doctors and nurses finally stops, and you can hear muffled chatter from the next room over
  927. 9:32 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You can't make out the words though
  928. 6:33 PM - Sarah Salem: I look at the nurse.
  929. 9:34 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: She looks back. "Something the matter?"
  930. 6:34 PM - Sarah Salem: "No, nothing."
  931. 6:34 PM - Sarah Salem: ((hm))
  932. 6:35 PM - Sarah Salem: (( there is probably some bullshit i could pull to hear them :v))
  933. 9:35 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: The nurse goes back to her work, paying almost no attention to anything
  934. 9:35 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You feel your watch begin to grow warm
  935. 6:36 PM - Sarah Salem: I pull it out discreetly, so that the nurse doesn't notice.
  936. 9:36 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: It's hotter, and you feel an indescribable need to pop the cover and stare at the face
  937. 6:37 PM - Sarah Salem: I open it. :v
  938. 9:37 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: The ticking hands stop
  939. 9:38 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: the nurse seems to pause in her writing
  940. 9:38 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: she does not resume
  941. 6:39 PM - Sarah Salem: I look at the nurse, and any other clocks in the room.
  942. 9:39 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: The nurse is still, and the clock in the room is frozen
  943. 6:40 PM - Sarah Salem: I attempt to get out of bed, quietly.
  944. 9:40 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You shakily rise from the bed, the nurse still, uh, still
  945. 6:40 PM - Sarah Salem: ((10/10 much words))
  946. 9:40 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: yes
  947. 6:41 PM - Sarah Salem: I guess I grab my stuff and make my way out of the room, then.
  948. 9:41 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You do just that, and in the hall, spot various people frozen in mid step
  949. 6:42 PM - Sarah Salem: sneak da fuk outta the hospital~
  950. 9:43 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You walk unnecessairly cautionsly out of the frozen in time hospital
  951. 6:44 PM - Sarah Salem: Alright, I close the watch and head home, then. :v
  952. 6:44 PM - Sarah Salem: ((thug life chose me))
  953. 9:45 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Time resumes, and cars in the street begin driving again, birds start flying, and people start walking
  954. 9:47 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You slowly limp home, taking care not to put much strain on your wound
  955. 9:49 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You slowly open the door, your sister looking concerned
  956. 6:49 PM - Sarah Salem: (( Shit. ))
  957. 9:49 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Sarah? Where have you been? Are you alright?"
  958. 6:50 PM - Sarah Salem: "Um. I am fine. I was just... out?"
  959. 6:50 PM - Sarah Salem: I try to slip around her and head up to my room without her seeing the bandages.
  960. 9:50 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: well they're under your clothes, I'd imagine
  961. 6:51 PM - Sarah Salem: shh
  962. 9:52 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You manage to shamble into your room
  963. 6:53 PM - Sarah Salem: I'll just go to sleep :v
  964. 6:54 PM - Sarah Salem: we can like, cut it for me here
  965. 6:54 PM - Sarah Salem: not much else to do :v
  966. 9:54 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: sure :v
  967. 9:54 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: lemme finish up with the others
  968. 6:54 PM - Sarah Salem: kk
  969. 9:58 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: fug it
  970. 9:58 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: there's a knock at your door
  971. 9:58 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Uh, Sarah? It's me."
  972. 6:59 PM - Sarah Salem: I get up and open the door. "Yes?"
  973. 10:00 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "I was just... concerned. I mean, I thought that I heard footsteps one night, and you've been gone for hours after school, and it looks like you're always getting into fights, so..."
  974. 7:01 PM - Sarah Salem: "I have just been walking around, or with friends. I have not been fighting, I assure you."
  975. 7:01 PM - Sarah Salem: ((at least not other people :v))
  976. 10:04 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Well, if you're ever in trouble, or want to talk, I can always put down the book and chat."
  977. 7:05 PM - Sarah Salem: "Um, alright."
  978. 10:08 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "So uh, Yue is going to be coming over soon. I happened to mention something I read about America in passing and she seems to think it warrants an interrogation. You're welcome to join us to chat."
  979. 7:09 PM - Sarah Salem: "No thank you. I think I will go to sleep instead." I fake a yawn.
  980. 10:10 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Well, alright then. Good night, Sarah." she smiles as she gently shuts your door
  981. 7:11 PM - Sarah Salem: Commence time fuckery.
  982. 7:11 PM - Sarah Salem: ((just tell me whats going on downstairs so i can mess with my sister and generally test out time powers c:))
  983. 10:13 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: hang on a sec
  984. 7:13 PM - Sarah Salem: aight
  985. 10:13 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: we're all gonna assume that you megucas all shared phone numbers
  986. 10:13 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: :v
  987. 10:13 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: shit you don't have a phone do you
  988. 7:13 PM - Sarah Salem: nope :v
  989. 7:14 PM - Sarah Salem: burd telepathy
  990. 10:15 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You hear a ringing from downstairs
  991. 10:15 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: The ringing stops, and you hear your sister
  992. 10:15 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Hello?"
  993. 10:16 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Oh! No, this isn't Sarah. My name is Anna, I'm her sister. Are you a friend of hers?"
  994. 10:18 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "The hospital! Is that why she was out so late today? Why was she there? She's home now."
  995. 7:18 PM - Sarah Salem: (( oh damn))
  996. 10:20 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "She did seem very shaken up when she came home... I'm terribly sorry, what is your name?"
  997. 10:21 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "I can't say if she's alright or not, Miss Taji, but she is at least home. Hold on a moment, I'll see if I can get her to come down and talk. She still doesn't seem to remember how much of our technology works. I believe it had something to do with her injury..."
  998. 10:24 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: oops
  999. 10:24 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: sorry
  1000. 10:24 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: :v
  1001. 10:24 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: coming~
  1002. 7:25 PM - Sarah Salem: ((s'fine))
  1003. 10:25 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You hear footsteps and another knocking at the door
  1004. 10:25 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Sarah? There's a call for you, from one miss Taji?"
  1005. 7:26 PM - Sarah Salem: I open the door.
  1006. 7:26 PM - Sarah Salem: "Satoya?"
  1007. 10:27 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Ah, yes. I believe that was her first name. She a classmate of yours?"
  1008. 7:28 PM - Sarah Salem: "N-...Yes."
  1009. 10:28 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Please, come. She's waiting to talk with you."
  1010. 7:29 PM - Sarah Salem: I follow her down without another word.
  1012. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Sarah - Bleeding Mess~~
  1017. ~~~PRIVATE CHAT, Satoya and Princess - Hospitalized~~
  1019. 6:25 PM - Lion Queen: Im going to the hospital
  1020. 6:25 PM - Lion Queen: To meet with Princess again
  1021. 9:26 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: tally ho
  1022. 9:26 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: you're at the hospital, and make your way to Princess' room
  1023. 6:26 PM - Lion Queen: I knock at the door, making sure she's not sleeping or taking medication or anything?
  1024. 9:27 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You hear a noncommital grunt on the other side
  1025. 6:28 PM - Lion Queen: I walk in with a smile. "I have some information!"
  1026. 9:28 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "That was fast."
  1027. 6:29 PM - Lion Queen: "Sarah, you reaaaaally fucked her up! Evfurryone's surprised she's even alive, I have no idea how she'll recover from that"
  1028. 9:30 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Like I was paying any attention as they beat the shit out of me. Which one of those cunts are Sarah?"
  1029. 6:31 PM - Lion Queen: "The one in the armor, who fought with a sword, you seem to have emotionally tramautized the girl who stole your seed, and evfurryone thinks you're dead. So you have the element of surprise going fur you!"
  1030. 9:32 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Damn, I'm good."
  1031. 6:33 PM - Lion Queen: "Appurently so, I missed the whole ordeal."
  1032. 9:34 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "That worked out for the better, at least. Some of Mister A's people came by, and I brought up the tier 2 apartment for you. They said they'd bring it up with him."
  1033. 6:34 PM - Lion Queen: "Yay! Any estimate on it? I do plan on moving in, but I have made interesting living arrangements."
  1034. 9:34 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Interesting living arrangements?"
  1035. 6:35 PM - Lion Queen: "I am going to be living with one of the girls who tried to kill you, and I think I can learn a lot from that."
  1036. 9:36 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Well god fuckin' damn, you sure made up with them quick."
  1037. 6:36 PM - Lion Queen: "I have my ways! Hehe" :3
  1038. 6:40 PM - Lion Queen: "Regardless, it's going swimmingly, I will help you get your revenge, because, well, what they did was wrong!"
  1039. 9:40 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Good. I need a set of eyes and hands out there while I'm stuck in bed."
  1040. 9:42 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "You got some way with words if you can get back on their good side after the stunt you pulled with that cub."
  1041. 6:43 PM - Lion Queen: "Appurrently I am good with words, and speaking of hands, I think I can try again with that prostetic, I might need to lock the door and go into my magical form though."
  1042. 9:43 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "You think you can do better, than go for it. Don't fuck it up."
  1043. 6:44 PM - Lion Queen: I walk over and lock the door, before sighing and taking out the cat toy, transforming in the room. "Alright, hopefully I can do this right this time."
  1044. 6:44 PM - Lion Queen: ((Rolz or Roll20 for the roll?))
  1045. 9:44 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: rolz
  1046. 9:44 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: hell with r20 for now
  1047. 6:45 PM - Lion Queen: 13
  1048. 6:45 PM - Lion Queen: I think that was better than last time
  1049. 9:45 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: barely
  1050. 9:45 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: you improve the dexterity of the prosthetic slightly
  1051. 9:45 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Well, it's... slightly less shit, I guess."
  1052. 6:46 PM - Lion Queen: I untransform and sigh. "Ill keep trying evfurryday, dont worry! It'll be pretty much good as new I purromise!"
  1053. 9:48 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Good. Now if you've got nothing else, get out. Not much in the mood for conversing right now."
  1054. 6:49 PM - Lion Queen: "Nyaw, alright, sleep tight Princess!" I stroll out with a smile, taking my phone out and texting Eri (I would I assume I have everyone's number)
  1055. 9:50 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: guess so :v
  1056. 6:50 PM - Lion Queen: Actually
  1057. 6:50 PM - Lion Queen: I'll text Ally
  1058. 6:50 PM - Lion Queen: Since I haven't seen the rest of the party for a while
  1059. 6:51 PM - Lion Queen: "Where are you guys? Me and Eri split up and I had some things to take care of with Hiroe."
  1060. 9:52 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "You didn't hear? Sarah got a biiig booboo on her tummy and just started bleeding! Then an ambulance came and took her and we all kinda left after that. I hope she's ok..."
  1061. 6:53 PM - Lion Queen: I pause for a second and reenter the room, speaking to Princess. "Sarah's got some sort of wound, she's apparently in an ambulance and is probably coming here!"
  1062. 6:53 PM - Lion Queen: I text Ally "Is she at the hospital? Im there right now, just got out of visiting my brother."
  1063. 9:54 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "She should be, last I checked. Dunno what happened."
  1064. 6:55 PM - Lion Queen: "Princess, she might already be here!"
  1065. 9:56 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Princess looks irritated, but says "She who?"
  1066. 6:56 PM - Lion Queen: "Sarah! The girl in the armor!"
  1067. 9:56 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "The fuck would she be doing here? Some other cunt get to her?"
  1068. 6:57 PM - Lion Queen: "I dont know! One of her friends said that she had a big wound of some kind"
  1069. 9:57 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Well then, go find her damn room and get more info. Doesn't take a genius."
  1070. 6:58 PM - Lion Queen: I run to the desk and ask where Sarah Salem's room is
  1071. 9:58 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: She tells you the room's location, and you run to it
  1072. 9:59 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: finding it in an altogether uncomfortably familiar hallway
  1073. 9:59 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: by that I mean
  1074. 9:59 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: it's literally right next to Princess'
  1075. 7:00 PM - Lion Queen: I poke my head into Princess' room one last time to tell her. "Sarah's room is right next door! This is purrfect!" Before shutting it and knocking on Sarah's door
  1076. 10:00 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You don't hear anything from inside
  1077. 7:01 PM - Lion Queen: I open the door and look in
  1078. 10:01 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: the room is empty. A desk on the left has a sleeping nurse and piles of papers, and the bed looks like it was recently vacated
  1079. 7:02 PM - Lion Queen: I curse to myself and walk up and tap the nurse on the shoulder. "Uh, miss, where's Sara?"
  1080. 10:02 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: The nurse starts awake. "No I wasn't sleeping doctor!"
  1081. 10:03 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: She turns and looks at you. Then at the empty bed. "Did the doctors move her while I was asleep?"
  1082. 7:04 PM - Lion Queen: "Move her? Any idea where?"
  1083. 10:04 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Uh, it should say on the clipboard. Here," she gets up and looks at the clipboard hanging on the back of the bed
  1084. 10:05 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: It says she was admitted and that she had stitches, but nothing about moving her
  1085. 10:05 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Well that's odd... unless she ran off. Oh, oh damn. I'm in trouble."
  1086. 7:08 PM - Lion Queen: "YOU LOST HER!"
  1087. 10:10 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "How do you know her? Can you contact her?"
  1088. 7:11 PM - Lion Queen: "I shouldn't have to, you lost her!"
  1089. 10:11 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: She runs out into the hall and rallies any available staff for a search, giving the details before turning back to you
  1090. 10:11 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Look kid, can you help or not?"
  1091. 7:12 PM - Lion Queen: "Ill try!" I text Sarah (Assuming I have her number)
  1092. 10:14 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You remember Sarah doesn't have a cellphone, and you only have her house phone
  1093. 7:14 PM - Lion Queen: Right
  1094. 7:14 PM - Lion Queen: I call that
  1096. 10:15 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You hear a voice that sounds similar to Sarah's
  1097. 10:15 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Hello?"
  1098. 7:16 PM - Lion Queen: "Sarah, why did you leave the hospital!"
  1099. 10:16 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Oh! No, this isn't Sarah. My name is Anna, I'm her sister. Are you a friend of hers?"
  1100. 7:17 PM - Lion Queen: "Yes! She checked into the hospital, a cunt of a nurse fell asleep, and now she's missing!"
  1101. 10:18 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "The hospital! Is that why she was out so late today? Why was she there? She's home now."
  1102. 7:18 PM - Lion Queen: "She just left! Apparently she had some big wound"
  1103. 10:19 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "She did seem very shaken up when she came home... I'm terribly sorry, what is your name?"
  1104. 7:20 PM - Lion Queen: "Satoya Taji, you sure she's alright?"
  1105. 10:21 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "I can't say if she's alright or not, Miss Taji, but she is at least home. Hold on a moment, I'll see if I can get her to come down and talk. She still doesn't seem to remember how much of our technology works. I believe it had something to do with her injury..."
  1106. 7:23 PM - Lion Queen: "Alright, it sounded kinda major..."
  1107. 10:24 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: oops
  1108. 10:24 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: hang on
  1109. 10:26 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: roll finesse
  1110. 7:27 PM - Lion Queen: 13
  1111. 10:27 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You hear the phone set gently down, then footsteps, and dimly make out "Sarah? There's a call for you, from one miss Taji?"
  1112. 10:28 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: the opening of a door
  1113. 10:28 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Satoya?"
  1114. 10:28 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Ah, yes. I believe that was her first name. She a classmate of yours?"
  1115. 10:28 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "N-...Yes."
  1116. 10:28 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Please, come. She's waiting to talk with you."
  1117. 10:29 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: footsteps, then the phone being handled again
  1119. ~~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Satoya and Princess - Hospitalized~~
  1124. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Satoya and Sarah - Call Log~~
  1126. 10:30 PM - Lion Queen: "Sarah, where'd you go! I thought you would be at the hospital!"
  1127. 10:33 PM - Sarah Salem: "They let me out."
  1128. 10:34 PM - Sarah Salem: "I'll tell you about it later, alright?"
  1129. 10:34 PM - Lion Queen: "They checked the papers, you were not let out Sarah!"
  1130. 10:35 PM - Sarah Salem: "Shh." I start whispering, "I found out another of my 'powers'."
  1131. 10:36 PM - Lion Queen: "What do you mean by that?"
  1132. 10:38 PM - Sarah Salem: "My watch started burning, and when I opened it, everything stopped. Time was frozen."
  1133. 10:38 PM - Sarah Salem: "Then I left." I end bluntly.
  1134. 10:44 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: guess you guys are having a lively conversation here :v
  1135. 10:44 PM - Sarah Salem: very :v
  1136. 10:45 PM - Lion Queen: "You just walked out! Are you sure you're okay?"
  1137. 10:46 PM - Sarah Salem: "Yes. I think the bleeding has stopped."
  1138. 10:48 PM - Lion Queen: "Purromise you're okay?"
  1139. 10:49 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Satoya hears in the background on Sarah's side, "...b-bleeding?"
  1140. 10:49 PM - Sarah Salem: "I...'purr'omise."
  1141. 10:49 PM - Lion Queen: "Yay!"
  1143. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Satoya and Sarah - Call Log~~
  1148. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Sarah - Bleeding Lies~~
  1150. 10:53 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "So... bleeding? Sarah, what happened?"
  1151. 7:54 PM - Sarah Salem: ((time to lie through my teeth~))
  1152. 7:55 PM - Sarah Salem: "I got stabbed," I say blankly.
  1153. 10:56 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "S-STABBED?"
  1154. 7:57 PM - Sarah Salem: "Yes. It was an accident with a knife."
  1155. 10:58 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "H-how? What happened? Why aren't you still in the hospital
  1156. 10:58 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: ?"
  1157. 7:59 PM - Sarah Salem: "They released me. I am fine now."
  1158. 10:59 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: time to roll social~
  1159. 8:00 PM - Sarah Salem: (( i trained in the mountains of antartica for 17 years for this dice roll))
  1160. 8:00 PM - Sarah Salem: 13
  1161. 11:00 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Well... I suppose if the doctors OKed it, then - "
  1162. 11:01 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: there's a knocking at the door
  1163. 11:01 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "That must be Yue. She gets all too excited when American culture is brought up in any topic. Go back to your room and get some rest then, Sarah. Do you want me to bring you anything?"
  1164. 8:02 PM - Sarah Salem: "No, I should be fine." I head back up promptly.
  1165. 11:13 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: god we need to stop splitting up so much
  1166. 11:13 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: or I at least need to better work on juggling
  1167. 8:13 PM - Sarah Salem: yeah
  1168. 8:13 PM - Sarah Salem: kind of slows everything down
  1169. 8:13 PM - Sarah Salem: whats everyone else up to?
  1170. 11:13 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: sorry
  1171. 11:14 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Satoya's chatting with someone at the hospital, Eve is checking out the school, and Eri just got a job at the cafe
  1172. 11:14 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: so, wanna fuck with your sister or something?
  1173. 8:14 PM - Sarah Salem: only now does it occur to me that i snuck out of a hospital :V
  1174. 8:15 PM - Sarah Salem: actually i think i'll sneak out and hunt down some youma
  1175. 11:15 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: righto then, una momento
  1176. 8:16 PM - Sarah Salem: si senorita
  1177. 11:17 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: hi
  1178. 11:17 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: had to pee
  1179. 11:17 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: c:
  1180. 8:17 PM - Sarah Salem: thanks for sharing
  1181. 11:18 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: So you want to SNEAK out, or prance out like it ain't nobody's business?
  1182. 11:18 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: For the record it's about 8pmish now
  1183. 8:18 PM - Sarah Salem: sneak out :v
  1184. 8:19 PM - Sarah Salem: i can just stop time and stroll out the door now
  1185. 11:19 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: oh yeah
  1186. 11:19 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: whoops
  1187. 11:19 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: you do just that then
  1189. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Sarah - Bleeding Lies~~
  1194. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Eve - Lockered~~
  1196. 10:37 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: oh ye
  1197. 10:37 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: um
  1198. 10:37 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: what were you doing?
  1199. 7:37 PM - Eevee: (( pfft ))
  1200. 7:37 PM - Eevee: (( heading to the paranormal club ))
  1201. 10:37 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: right
  1202. 10:37 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: gomen :c
  1203. 7:38 PM - Eevee: is all right, I know you're juggling like 3 other peeps atm c: ))
  1204. 10:38 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You make your way to the customary room
  1205. 10:39 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "...thath why I think that the ghothtth are rethponthible for the alien abducthionth in the area for the last theventeen monthth!"
  1206. 7:40 PM - Eevee: *Eve knocks on the door and shows herself in* "Hello?"
  1207. 10:41 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: F: "Uh, hi. Got another job for us?"
  1208. 10:41 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Fatty, right to the point
  1209. 7:42 PM - Eevee: (( thankyou fatty ))
  1210. 7:42 PM - Eevee: "Yes in fact I do. It involves uhm...well I'm pretty sure it's the CIA to be honest."
  1211. 7:43 PM - Eevee: "There's a couple of really fancy guys wearing suits wondering around, I thought maybe you guys could figure out what they're up to."
  1212. 10:43 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: S: "How can you be certain it wasn't the CIA hiring CIA agents to DRESS like CIA agents to give you false clues about where the CIA agents are actually investigating?"
  1213. 10:44 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: B: "OR THAT THEY WEREN'T TALL HUMANOID ALIENS IN SUITS?"
  1214. 7:45 PM - Eevee: *Eve scratches her head* "Well I guess it could be either of those too...uhm but either way they're obviously a threat to the whole tier, if not the entire city! It's your job to figure out what they're up to right?"
  1215. 10:46 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: The scrawny kid pushes his glasses up with his middle finger. "It is not only our job, but our solemn duty, I ACCEPT!"
  1216. 10:46 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Uh, what are we acthepting, exathtly?"
  1217. 7:49 PM - Eevee: "Well I just need you four to investigate these two suits and see if they're up to anything fishy. Especially if it involves that cat-girl from earlier. And if you provide me with any worthwhile information, I'll treat you all to ice-cream. Deal?"
  1218. 7:49 PM - Eevee: (( also do I remember enough to give them a detailed description of the guys? ))
  1219. 10:49 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: well they were slightly tallish, suits, sunglasses
  1220. 10:49 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: that's all you got
  1221. 10:49 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: but they were some swanky suits
  1222. 7:50 PM - Eevee: *Eve repeats what the gm just told her creator*
  1223. 7:51 PM - Eevee: (( ^ quality rp ))
  1224. 10:52 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Mhmm, I see. Some high quality suits, on this tier? Yes... definitely stinks of CIA. Those Americans, and their bear-wrestling, thinking they're so good they can flaunt their classy suits..."
  1225. 7:53 PM - Eevee: "Y-yeah those darn Americans. So you'll call me with any info right?"
  1226. 10:55 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: S: "But of course. Just remember to keep this on the D-L, got it? Don't want any suits busting down our doors."
  1227. 10:55 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: they all nod affirmative on the subject
  1228. 7:57 PM - Eevee: "Of course, thanks again guys!" *Eve shows herself out*
  1229. 7:58 PM - Eevee: (( then I guess she just goes home :v ))
  1230. 10:58 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: kay :v
  1231. 10:59 PM - Eevee is now Online.
  1232. 11:02 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: welcome back~
  1233. 11:04 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: While walking through the halls, you start to feel like death
  1234. 11:05 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You feel weak, your skin pales, and you almost want to just drop dead on the spot
  1235. 11:05 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: It reaches a climax, but as you valiantly struggle onwards, it lightens
  1236. 11:06 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: gtfo or double back to investigate?
  1237. 8:06 PM - Eevee: (( oop sorry was peeing ))
  1238. 8:06 PM - Eevee: (( i'll investigate :o ))
  1239. 11:11 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You about face, and once more venture into the horrible depression field
  1240. 11:12 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: It's in an otherwise empty hallway, with lockers lining the walls
  1241. 11:12 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: finesse~
  1242. 8:13 PM - Eevee: 15
  1243. 11:18 PM - Eevee is now Online.
  1244. 8:19 PM - Eevee: (( eyyy sorry steams being a lil bitch ))
  1245. 11:20 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: it does that
  1246. 11:20 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: :v
  1247. 11:20 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: so you passed the finesse roll
  1248. 8:20 PM - Eevee: (( woop ))
  1249. 11:20 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: in the absolute center of this depression field, you spot a locker with the name "Tamika Fujimaki" on it
  1250. 8:21 PM - Eevee: *Eve looks at Tami's locker to see if there's anything onviously suspicious about it*
  1251. 8:22 PM - Eevee: (( obviously* ))
  1252. 11:23 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: you poke it, and it creaks open
  1253. 8:23 PM - Eevee: *Eve looks inside*
  1254. 11:25 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: It seems relatively normal, except for the single glaring and blinking large red eye looking you in the face
  1255. 8:26 PM - Eevee: *Eve stumbles back a bit in shock then attempts to poke the eye*
  1256. 11:29 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: It vanishes
  1257. 11:29 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: you look around to investigate, when suddenly, ALL of the lockers on the wall open and slam shut, raplidly clapping
  1258. 8:31 PM - Eevee: *Eve screams and looks around for the souce of the disturbance and feeling around for her coin*
  1259. 11:34 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Out of a locker pops none other than~
  1260. [GM/Logger's Note: We'll get back to Eve later. For now we're jumping backwards]
  1262. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Eve - Lockered~~
  1267. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Satoya - Twoma~~
  1269. 10:53 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: The nurse pokes you. "Well, sounds like you got a hold of her. Where is she?"
  1270. 7:54 PM - Lion Queen: "At home.."
  1271. 10:55 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "That weasel, sneaking out of a hospital in that condition... Guess I better call off the search."
  1272. 10:55 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: She leaves the room to do just that
  1273. 7:56 PM - Lion Queen: I sigh and go back to Princess' room. "Sarah left..."
  1274. 10:56 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Big fuckin surprise."
  1275. 7:59 PM - Lion Queen: "She just got up and left! I dont know how!"
  1276. 11:02 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Well, that's just great. Guess it isn't a big deal, not like we expected her to be here anyway."
  1277. 8:04 PM - Lion Queen: "I guess you have a point"
  1278. 11:07 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "I haven't felt a youma around since that elevator scene. That's never a good sign."
  1279. 8:08 PM - Lion Queen: "What do you mean? Like, in the entire city?"
  1280. 11:08 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "It's usually a great sign, since it means some bigass youma's bound to pop up, but I'm not really in a hunting sort of state."
  1281. 11:08 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "I mean mostly in this tier. It's a... skill, of mine. I can sniff out youma from a distance."
  1282. 8:09 PM - Lion Queen: "Oh boy, this isn't going to be good, fur now, I'll purrobably have to hunt this one with the others"
  1283. 11:11 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "I'd tell you to give me the seed, but I'm in no position to make that demand. Besides, it'd be your kill. I only get royally pissed when others try to steal mine."
  1284. 8:12 PM - Lion Queen: "I sorta need the seeds purrsonally, they're for Hiroe."
  1285. 11:12 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Figured as much. What are you planning on wishing for, a cure?"
  1286. 8:13 PM - Lion Queen: "I tried magic, and, it doesn't seem to work, it only makes things worse, if it would work, yes, but it looks more like the best thing to do is to put him out of his misery."
  1287. 11:19 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Shit's never easy, is it?"
  1288. 8:19 PM - Lion Queen: "Yeah, I've been learning that"
  1289. 11:23 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Well, guess that's -" she stops for a moment, her face getting a maniac grin
  1290. 11:23 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "I smell prey."
  1291. 8:24 PM - Lion Queen: "Prey?"
  1292. 11:24 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Yeah, you dumbass. Prey. Youma! An- holy shit, two of them."
  1293. 11:24 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: your phone starts ringing
  1294. 8:25 PM - Lion Queen: I pick up at once
  1295. 11:26 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: hand on a tic
  1296. 8:27 PM - Lion Queen: What?
  1297. 8:27 PM - Lion Queen: Oh
  1298. 8:27 PM - Lion Queen: Hang
  1299. 8:27 PM - Lion Queen: Not hand
  1300. 11:27 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: hang
  1301. 11:27 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: yeah
  1302. 11:27 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: now accept the chat invite
  1303. 8:28 PM - Lion Queen: What chat invite?
  1304. 8:28 PM - Lion Queen: I have not recieved one
  1305. 11:28 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: ffs
  1306. Friday, January 03, 2014
  1307. 11:28 PM - Your chat with Lion Queen is now a multi-user chat.
  1308. 11:28 PM - Lion Queen has been invited to chat.
  1309. 11:28 PM - Eri Motai has been invited to chat.
  1310. 11:28 PM - Eri Motai entered chat.
  1311. 11:29 PM - Eri Motai: "Hey Sato, it's me Eri. I've got something over by the coffee place and I think I'll need help. Can you bring the others?"
  1312. 11:29 PM - Eri Motai: ((if this wasn't posted before))
  1313. 11:29 PM - Eri Motai: "What happened to Sarah anyways? Tami told me she was bleeding out."
  1314. 11:30 PM - Eri Motai: "I helped her clean up the mess, but that's not the point. Where are you guys?"
  1315. 11:30 PM - Eri Motai: "I don't wanna do this alone."
  1316. 11:31 PM - Lion Queen: "Im at the hospital, she went home! Ill call her now, just hold down the fort!"
  1317. 11:31 PM - Lion Queen: I hang up and call Sarah
  1318. 11:32 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Someone picks up
  1319. 11:32 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Hello? Salem household."
  1320. 8:32 PM - Lion Queen: "PUT SARAH ON, NOW!"
  1321. 11:33 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "U-um, OK, one moment..." you hear fumbling and knocking
  1322. 11:34 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: After a moment, she comes back. "S-she's not in her room! I don't know where she could have gone. There's no way she could have left without us noticing, me and my friend are in the living room with full view of the front door."
  1323. 8:35 PM - Lion Queen: "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" I scream into the phone before hanging up, jumpin out the window, and running to the coffee shop
  1325. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Satoya - Twoma~~
  1330. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Eri - Alone for Now~~
  1332. 11:25 PM - Eri Motai: "Hey Sato, it's me Eri. I've got something over by the coffee place and I think I'll need help. Can you bring the others?"
  1333. 11:28 PM - Lion Queen: "Uh, I'm on my own, I'll call Sarah though!"
  1334. 11:28 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Satoya hangs up
  1335. 11:32 PM - Eri Motai: "So much for that." Eri sighs, sitting down leaning on the wall.
  1336. 11:33 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: :v
  1337. 11:33 PM - Eri Motai: Can I gauge where it is relatively?
  1338. 11:34 PM - Eri Motai: I guess I already did that when my token decided to pulse like a radar system.
  1339. 11:34 PM - Eri Motai: "Now, why didn't I see it before?"
  1340. 11:35 PM - Eri Motai: "You'd think that there'd be some early detection system in place..." Eri rattle her sword/token around a bit.
  1341. 11:35 PM - Eri Motai: rattles*
  1342. 11:35 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: It suddenly goes rigid in midair, pointing in a direction like it's magnetized to something
  1343. 11:36 PM - Eri Motai: "Oh, I guess that works." Do I know relatively where this thing is pointing?
  1344. 11:36 PM - Eri Motai: Like, what's in the general direction?
  1345. 11:38 PM - Eri Motai: ((also deas peeps be so slow at helpin a brotha out -1/10 terrible teammates))
  1346. 11:38 PM - Eri Motai: ((would not form action squad of magical girls with))
  1347. 11:39 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: It points back inside the store
  1348. 11:40 PM - Eri Motai: "Uh... ok. Point the way, holy sword of guidance...?"
  1349. 11:40 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: coffee shop
  1350. 11:40 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: whatev
  1351. 11:40 PM - Eri Motai: Eri follows the swords gps directions.
  1353. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Eri - Alone for Now~~
  1358. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Sarah - Fork in the Road~~
  1360. 11:19 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: anyplace in particular you want to investigate, or you just gonna do sweeps for youmas with your activator as a searcher?
  1361. 8:20 PM - Sarah Salem: Sweeps, but before I start looking, I want to go check to see if that elevator portal is still open.
  1362. 11:21 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Your activator seems deader than dead in this area, and the portal is no different, no longer being there. There;s no evidence of foulplay around the area either
  1363. 8:22 PM - Sarah Salem: Excellent. Time to start searching~
  1364. 11:25 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You scan the areas you've frequented recently, seeing as they're the places you know best
  1365. 11:27 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: the park turns up empty and the mall is deserted, buuut
  1366. 11:28 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: at the crossroad that splits between the school and the coffee shop, your activator seems almost torn, feeling hits in both directions
  1367. 8:29 PM - Sarah Salem: I'll head to the school, less chance of being seen there.
  1368. 11:30 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You do just that, making your way into the school and following our activator's increasing trail
  1369. 11:31 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You hit a hallway full of lockers, and all but one are closed
  1370. 8:31 PM - Sarah Salem: Welp, down the rabbit hole then :v
  1371. 11:32 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You investigate the locker, seeing nothing out of the ordinairy inside
  1372. 11:32 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: barring the large, red, blinking eye staring at you
  1373. 8:33 PM - Sarah Salem: I meguca up, and jam my billhook into the eye as far as it can go.
  1374. 9:03 PM - Sarah Salem: yo, does the arm also count as a debilitating wound?
  1375. 9:04 PM - Sarah Salem: so -2 to all challenges instead of just -1?
  1376. Saturday, January 04, 2014
  1377. 12:04 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: hell yeah it does
  1378. Friday, January 03, 2014
  1379. 9:04 PM - Sarah Salem: aight just making sure
  1381. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Sarah - Fork in the Road~~
  1386. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Satoya and Eri - Smoked Out~~
  1388. 11:41 PM - Eri Motai: "You have arrived at your destination!" Eri mutters to herself jokingly.
  1389. 11:42 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Satoya suddenly sprints up and tackles you before you can enter the shop
  1390. 11:42 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Satoya now realizes she is outside the coffee shop
  1391. 11:42 PM - Lion Queen: "Hiya, whats the deal, calling evfurryone ovfur?"
  1392. 11:42 PM - Eri Motai: "There's a Youma nearby, can't you feel it?"
  1393. 11:42 PM - Eri Motai: "It's in the coffee shop and everything!"
  1394. 11:43 PM - Eri Motai: "I mean, I just left, and my sword started... buzzing, and telling me to head back inside!"
  1395. 11:43 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Satoya's activator mouse is warm and buzzing, she now realizes
  1396. 11:43 PM - Eri Motai: "I don't even know how I didn't notice earlier, it's like, I was JUST in there."
  1397. 11:44 PM - Eri Motai: "Like, I walked out and it started flipping out."
  1398. 11:44 PM - Lion Queen: "Oh, I thought I was just tripping on Catnip" :3
  1399. 11:45 PM - Eri Motai: Eri shoots Sota a very specific look.
  1400. 11:46 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: A loud wooden smashing sounds from inside
  1401. 11:46 PM - Eri Motai:
  1402. 11:46 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: your activators practically explode with activity before they go silent
  1403. 11:46 PM - Eri Motai: ((are we transformed at this point?))
  1404. 11:47 PM - Eri Motai: ((I think I am, but I don't know about Sato))
  1405. 11:47 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Sato never megucad yet
  1406. 11:48 PM - Eri Motai: I knock on the door, "Hey Tami, it's Eri. Is everything all right in there?"
  1407. 11:48 PM - Lion Queen: I take out my mousey toy, and do just that, standing there with its tail in my mouth
  1408. 11:48 PM - Lion Queen: :3
  1409. 11:48 PM - Lion Queen: ((Brb))
  1410. 11:48 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: No response from inside
  1411. 11:49 PM - Eri Motai: "Ok, Sato, I'm going in. Be prepared."
  1412. 11:49 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Then, a loud bang, and a scream
  1413. 11:49 PM - Eri Motai: "And if I don't make it back, tell Haku I love him."
  1414. 11:50 PM - Eri Motai: Eri opens the door and walks inside.
  1415. 11:50 PM - Eri Motai: ((if it's not locked which hopefully it isn't))
  1416. 11:52 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: tables are scattered everywhere, many in splinters
  1417. 11:52 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: the door to the kitchen is hanging on by one hinge
  1418. 11:52 PM - Eri Motai: "TAMI! It's ERI! Where are you!?"
  1419. 11:52 PM - Lion Queen: I follow in, not wanting her to go alone
  1420. 11:54 PM - Eri Motai: "You don't have to be afraid! Me and Sato are here!"
  1421. 11:55 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: No response
  1422. 11:55 PM - Eri Motai: I go invisible, and attempt to sneak into the kitchen.
  1423. 11:55 PM - Lion Queen:
  1424. 11:55 PM - Lion Queen: Wait fuck
  1425. 11:55 PM - Lion Queen: :V
  1426. 11:55 PM - Lion Queen:
  1427. 11:58 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You enter the kitchen and smell gas
  1428. 11:59 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: there's an entire stove several feet away from where it should be, with loose pipes spewing gas
  1429. 11:59 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: and the large metal door to storage is beat to hell, but still standing
  1430. Saturday, January 04, 2014
  1431. 12:00 AM - Eri Motai: is there a window to see inside?
  1432. 12:00 AM - Lion Queen: "Eri, be furry careful, this is dangerous..."
  1433. 12:00 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: nope
  1434. 12:00 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: no windows
  1435. 12:01 AM - Eri Motai: "Sato, stay low. If that gas goes up..."
  1436. 12:01 AM - Eri Motai: "We'll be repeating what happened to Sarah. And this time, I won't be able to save us."
  1437. 12:02 AM - Eri Motai: I try to slowly open the storage unit door, if it's not bolted.
  1438. 12:03 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: it is c:
  1439. 12:04 AM - Eri Motai: Is the storage unit door air sealed?
  1440. 12:04 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: nope
  1441. 12:04 AM - Eri Motai: I just had a new idea for how to use my powers.
  1442. 12:04 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: oh boy
  1443. 12:04 AM - Lion Queen: Christ
  1444. 12:05 AM - Eri Motai: I'll attempt to bend the light to create a two way "light portal", so I can see what's going on on the other side, as there is enough room for air to travel between the rooms.
  1445. 12:06 AM - Eri Motai: and therefor, room for light
  1446. 12:06 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: I'll just pretend i understand what you're trying to describe and tell you what you see inside :v
  1447. 12:07 AM - Eri Motai: I'll explain later, it's quite simple really
  1448. 12:07 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: you see a box, slightly quivering, and an older man with his hand on the box, facing the door and holding a kinfe
  1449. 12:07 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: he's holding his side and bleeding
  1450. 12:07 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: seems like he's protecting the box
  1451. 12:07 AM - Eri Motai: "Hey, Jojo is it? What are you doing? It's Eri, and I heard noises."
  1452. 12:08 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "E-Eri...?" comes Tami's voice
  1453. 12:08 AM - Lion Queen: Wait
  1454. 12:09 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Jojo is Tami's father
  1455. 12:09 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: deal w/ it
  1456. 12:09 AM - Lion Queen: How is he holding a knife, his side, and having a hand on the box
  1457. 12:09 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: shh
  1458. 12:09 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: hand with the knife is on the box
  1459. 12:10 AM - Eri Motai: I uncloak, "Yeah, it's Eri. Look, I know the getup is a bit wierd, but I'm here to help!"
  1460. 12:11 AM - Eri Motai: ((also, I don't know if you noticed ryan, but my clothing got... morphed. Basically all the leather components of my ninja outfit looks like darkened flesh))
  1461. 12:11 AM - Lion Queen: ((Ah))
  1462. 12:11 AM - Lion Queen: I try not to say anything about the outfit as I look into the portal
  1463. 12:12 AM - Eri Motai: "Just tell me what's going on!"
  1464. 12:13 AM - Eri Motai: I'll attempt to detect alignments in the area, btw.
  1465. 12:14 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: J: "S-some damn THING just fucking... exploded out of a box and started tearing up the place. I got between Eri and it and drove it off, but..."
  1466. 12:14 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: he can't stand anymore and falls to his knee
  1467. 12:14 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: E: "Dad!"
  1468. 12:14 AM - Eri Motai: (What?)
  1469. 12:15 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: what what?
  1470. 12:15 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: sorry, not E
  1471. 12:15 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: T
  1472. 12:15 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: whatever
  1473. 12:15 AM - Eri Motai: (I'm sorry, I was thinking for a second that this was gonna be a whole different kinda monster)
  1474. 12:16 AM - Eri Motai: (Like a shapeshifter or something)
  1475. 12:16 AM - Eri Motai: (That would be some fucked shit)
  1476. 12:17 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: :v
  1477. 12:17 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: idea for later tho
  1478. 12:17 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: I'll keep it in mind
  1479. 12:19 AM - Eri Motai: "It... it drove off?"
  1480. 12:19 AM - Eri Motai: Eri realizes her mistake and facepalms.
  1481. 12:20 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Tami pops out of the box and is holding her father
  1482. 12:20 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: T: "Do - do either of you know what's happening?"
  1483. 12:20 AM - Lion Queen: "A bit, yes..."
  1484. 12:21 AM - Eri Motai: "I guess you know what my nightjob is then."
  1485. 12:22 AM - Eri Motai: Eri attempts to detect alignment auras, in order to find the monster.
  1486. 12:22 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: J: "That thing was dangerous, girls. Call the police, or... somehting. There's no way you'd be able to handle it."
  1487. 12:23 AM - Lion Queen: "Haha, we've handled worse!" As if to prove him wrong I pull the sword out of my leg
  1488. 12:24 AM - Eri Motai: "It's ok JoJo, I already called for help, and hopefully it's on its way; however, I know a thing or two about these monsters."
  1489. 12:24 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Tami faints now
  1490. 12:24 AM - Eri Motai: "I can keep you safe until the reinforcements arrive."
  1491. 12:24 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Jojo just looks like "what the fuck"
  1492. 12:24 AM - Eri Motai: "Sato; did you really have to do that?"
  1493. 12:25 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "W-well, I got a few slashes in on the thing, like I said. Drove it out the back. I really wouldn't chase it though, it was a nasty thing."
  1494. 12:26 AM - Eri Motai: "Which way is out the back?"
  1495. 12:26 AM - Eri Motai: "If we don't slow it down, others might get hurt!"
  1496. 12:27 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: He points through the kitchen to the open door leading into an alley
  1497. 12:27 AM - Lion Queen: "Don't worry, we got this!"
  1498. 12:29 AM - Eri Motai: "Sato, if you don't mind, you should chase after it. I'll try and help out JoJo and Tami."
  1499. 12:29 AM - Eri Motai: "Once they are ok, I'll come after you."
  1500. 12:30 AM - Lion Queen: "Right, where to!"
  1501. 12:31 AM - Eri Motai: Eri points to the open door.
  1502. 12:32 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You open the door, seeing a dumpster missing its lid
  1503. 12:32 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: the lid itself banged up and located several feet away
  1504. 12:34 AM - Lion Queen: I walk down the hall/alley, investigating
  1505. 12:34 AM - Eri Motai: "Jojo, will you let me in? I can help."
  1506. 12:34 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: everything but the dumpster seems relatively intact. No mangled corpses or horrifing beasties, anyway
  1507. 12:35 AM - Lion Queen: I look into the dumpster
  1508. 12:35 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: nothing but darkness and stentch down there
  1509. 12:37 AM - Lion Queen: Right
  1510. 12:37 AM - Lion Queen: I keep walking down the Alley
  1511. 12:38 AM - Eri Motai: "Jojo, I'm going to need you to open the door."
  1512. 12:38 AM - Eri Motai: "You need medical attention, and so does Tami!"
  1513. 12:38 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: He gets up with what little energy he has, opening the lock on the door
  1514. 12:39 AM - Eri Motai: I rush in and grab him.
  1515. 12:39 AM - Eri Motai: "Where are you bleeding?"
  1516. 12:39 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "My side..."
  1517. 12:40 AM - Eri Motai: I'll rip his shirt partially to see the wound.
  1518. 12:41 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: consider it done
  1519. 12:41 AM - Eri Motai: I also close the door behind me, to keep gas from leaking into the room; this next part is going to get... heated.
  1520. 12:41 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Satoya walks the entire length of the alley, until she reaches the street, seeing no panicking pedestrians
  1521. 12:41 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: or even slaughtered pedestrians for that matter
  1522. 12:42 AM - Eri Motai: What does Jojo's wound look like?
  1523. 12:43 AM - Eri Motai: (also brb my dog wants to be let out I think)
  1524. 12:43 AM - Eri Motai: (shouldn't take me longer than a minute or two)
  1525. 12:43 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: it's long, but not too deep
  1526. 12:43 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: he'll make it, probably a passing glance
  1527. 12:45 AM - Lion Queen: No one at all?
  1528. 12:45 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: not a soul
  1529. 12:45 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: but you might wanna do a finesse roll now
  1530. 12:46 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: c:
  1531. 12:48 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: psst
  1532. 12:48 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: ryan
  1533. 12:49 AM - Lion Queen: Sorry had to shit
  1534. 12:49 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: ah
  1535. 12:49 AM - Lion Queen: 2D6+6 => 15
  1536. 12:49 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: you slice the eyeball and it explodes into purple goop
  1537. 12:49 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: the pencils and pens begin rolling in it, giggling
  1538. 12:50 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: shit
  1539. 12:50 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: WHOOPS
  1540. 12:50 AM - Eri Motai: I think I have a nosebleed
  1541. 12:50 AM - Eri Motai: and a desire for chocolate milk
  1542. 12:50 AM - Lion Queen: :V
  1543. 12:50 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: IGNORE THAT
  1544. 12:50 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: so yeah anyway
  1545. 12:51 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Ryan, you see, on the roof of the building across the street, a shadowy figure staring down at the alley you're in
  1546. 12:51 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: when it realizes that you spotted it, it bolts
  1547. 12:51 AM - Lion Queen: "YO, PUSSYLIPS, GO FUCK YOURSELF"
  1548. 12:53 AM - Eri Motai: (ok my dog is being a bitch again and wants to go back outside
  1549. 12:54 AM - Eri Motai: brb, again)
  1550. 12:57 AM - Eri Motai: (back)
  1551. 12:57 AM - Eri Motai: "Jojo, who attacked you?"
  1552. 12:58 AM - Eri Motai: "What did it look like?"
  1553. 12:58 AM - Lion Queen: Can I follow the bastard?
  1554. 12:59 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: if you want to try quickly scaling a building and roof hopping
  1555. 12:59 AM - Lion Queen: Ye
  1556. 1:00 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: then roll physical twice for the climbing
  1557. 1:02 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: stop playing god damn civ
  1558. 1:02 AM - Lion Queen: Click here to see the room's log >
  1559. 2D6+5 => 13
  1560. 2D6+5 => 17
  1561. 1:03 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: ah
  1562. 1:04 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: you hop off a closed dumpster, grabbing onto a fire escape and scaling it
  1563. 1:04 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: you're now on the roof, and can see the shadowy figure retreating
  1564. 1:05 AM - Lion Queen: I chase it!
  1565. 1:05 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: nuther physical
  1566. 1:06 AM - Lion Queen: 2D6+5 => 12
  1567. 1:07 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: you attempt to but miss the jump across a roof
  1568. 1:07 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: finesse to grab the ledge
  1569. 1:08 AM - Lion Queen: 8
  1570. 1:08 AM - Lion Queen: WELP
  1571. 1:09 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: your grip falters and slips as you fall off the (thankfully no that tall) building
  1572. 1:09 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: whoever that was is long gone by now
  1573. 1:10 AM - Lion Queen: Nyaw
  1574. 1:12 AM - Eri Motai: "Jojo, who or what attacked you?"
  1575. 1:13 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Some... thing. It was like a, I dunno, cloud almost. A dark cloud."
  1576. 1:15 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Pipes rattle across the room
  1577. 1:16 AM - Eri Motai: "Who's there!?" Eri turns to locate the pipes.
  1578. 1:17 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: several more rattle with increasing intensity
  1579. 1:17 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: one bursts, releasing a black cloud
  1580. 1:17 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Jojo panics
  1581. 1:17 AM - Eri Motai: I flash light at the cloud.
  1582. 1:18 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: It becomes a little more solid the more light shines on it
  1583. 1:19 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: but when you take the light away it becomes gaseous again
  1584. 1:19 AM - Eri Motai: "Jojo, you got a flashlight?! I think it might come in handy!"
  1585. 1:20 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Uh, y-y-yyeah, keep that thing back and I'll get it!"
  1586. 1:20 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: he runs inside the storage closet again, ignoring his wound, coming out with a rather sizeable flashlight
  1587. 1:21 AM - Eri Motai: "Shine your light on it! I think the monster doesn't like it!"
  1588. 1:22 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: He complies
  1589. 1:22 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: and Satoya can feel free to wander back in now at any time
  1590. 1:23 AM - Lion Queen: Nothing else outside?
  1591. 1:23 AM - Lion Queen: I was just watching for a cue or something to do :3
  1592. 1:23 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: oh no, you fell on your ass and that was that
  1593. 1:23 AM - Lion Queen: Ah right
  1594. 1:23 AM - Lion Queen: I return then
  1595. 1:23 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: lost your mystery roof man too
  1596. 1:23 AM - Eri Motai: da monster is back and it's about to kick my ass
  1597. 1:24 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: but you return to find a cloud of black gas advancing on some halpless saps
  1598. 1:25 AM - Lion Queen: "Well shit"
  1599. 1:25 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: The gas cloud attacks first, striking out at Eri
  1600. 1:26 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: 14, your defense, eri?
  1601. 1:27 AM - Eri Motai: (attack is 8, support is 6, defense is 5)
  1602. 1:27 AM - Eri Motai: (so, roll?)
  1603. 1:27 AM - Eri Motai: >15
  1604. 1:28 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: well then, you effectively block it
  1605. 1:29 AM - Eri Motai: "Gah get out of here!"
  1606. 1:30 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: so uh
  1607. 1:30 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: yeah
  1608. 1:30 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: combat's started
  1609. 1:30 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: roll
  1610. 1:30 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: one of you attack
  1611. 1:30 AM - Eri Motai: (does it matter to roll initiative?)
  1612. 1:31 AM - Lion Queen: (What do you roll for initiative again? ouo)
  1613. 1:31 AM - Eri Motai: I think it's finesse
  1614. 1:31 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: physical
  1615. 1:31 AM - Eri Motai: oh, kk
  1616. 1:32 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: pfft
  1617. 1:32 AM - Eri Motai: the accursed nines
  1618. 1:32 AM - Lion Queen: Damn
  1619. 1:32 AM - Lion Queen: 16
  1620. 1:32 AM - Lion Queen: 2D6+5 => 16
  1621. 1:32 AM - Lion Queen: Almost double 6's :V
  1622. 1:37 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: what are you rolling to do? Cut a bitch?
  1623. 1:37 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: oh no
  1624. 1:37 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: that was initative
  1625. 1:38 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: right
  1626. 1:38 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: so Satoya goes first
  1627. 1:39 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: gonna attack or what?
  1628. 1:40 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: since Satoya is clearly indisposed
  1629. 1:40 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Eri can go
  1630. 1:41 AM - Eri Motai: "Jojo, keep flashing the light on the monster!"
  1631. 1:41 AM - Eri Motai: I attempt to swing at the monster with my sword.
  1632. 1:41 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: roll
  1633. 1:42 AM - Eri Motai: 13
  1634. 1:43 AM - Lion Queen: Wait I was confused by whats going on in the Rolz
  1635. 1:44 AM - Lion Queen: The fight is here?
  1636. 1:44 AM - Lion Queen: Or in some other chat?
  1637. 1:44 AM - Lion Queen: Or are Eve and Sarah somewhere else?
  1638. 1:44 AM - Eri Motai: it's in the roll20 chat
  1639. 1:44 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: we've been rolling in roll20
  1640. 1:44 AM - Lion Queen: I know, I meant the actual combat, like declaring what to do and all that
  1641. 1:44 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: do that here
  1642. 1:45 AM - Lion Queen: Right
  1643. 1:45 AM - Lion Queen: Ill do mine then
  1644. 1:45 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: eve and sarah are elsewhere
  1645. 1:45 AM - Lion Queen: Ill summon a Bone Titan
  1646. 1:45 AM - Lion Queen: Roll?
  1647. 1:46 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: yes
  1648. 1:47 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: pass
  1649. 1:48 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: your titan is ready and waiting, though it'll have to wait
  1650. 1:48 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: because mister cloud thinks it's time to
  1651. 1:48 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: SMOKE
  1652. 1:48 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: the competition
  1653. 1:49 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: ahahahhaha
  1654. 1:49 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: k rolling now
  1655. 1:49 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: :v
  1656. 1:49 AM - Lion Queen: Fuk u
  1657. 1:49 AM - Eri Motai: so, I assume my attack did nothing :P
  1658. 1:49 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: eh?
  1659. 1:49 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: oh yeah
  1660. 1:50 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: right
  1661. 1:50 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: you attacked
  1662. 1:50 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: roll damage
  1663. 1:50 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: or did you already?
  1664. 1:50 AM - Eri Motai: didn't
  1665. 1:50 AM - Eri Motai: yet
  1666. 1:50 AM - Eri Motai: I wasn't sure if it hit
  1667. 1:50 AM - Eri Motai: you kinda didn't follow up :/
  1668. 1:50 AM - Eri Motai: what's standard damage for basic attacks?
  1669. 1:51 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: 1d6+ half attack
  1670. 1:52 AM - Eri Motai: max damage mothafucka
  1671. 1:52 AM - Eri Motai: 10
  1672. 1:52 AM - Eri Motai: oh wait, 11
  1673. 1:53 AM - Eri Motai: I keep forgetingg my awesome strikerness
  1674. 1:53 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: woo
  1675. 1:53 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: noice hit
  1676. 1:55 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: now it's the smoke's turn
  1677. 1:56 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: and that 15 was what it got
  1678. 1:56 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: attacking Satoya
  1679. 1:56 AM - Lion Queen: Balls
  1680. 1:56 AM - Lion Queen: Defense is Heart-6
  1681. 1:57 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: so pass, then
  1682. 1:57 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: 8 damage
  1683. 1:58 AM - Lion Queen: Tits
  1684. 2:00 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: so I think that'd about it for the smoke's turn
  1685. 2:00 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Satoya?
  1686. 2:00 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: you and your titan go
  1687. 2:01 AM - Eri Motai: "Jojo, don't be afraid! The giant skeleton monster is our friend!" Eri remembers to reassure before Jojo flips his shit.
  1688. 2:02 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "I don't know WHAT THE FUCK they're lacing our stock with but I want NONE OF IT! This is fucked up seriously fucked up"
  1689. 2:03 AM - Lion Queen: "HAHAH, YOU COULD SAY"
  1690. 2:03 AM - Lion Queen: "HE'S BONED!"
  1691. 2:03 AM - Lion Queen: Titan punch the shit out of that mofo
  1692. 2:03 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: roll
  1693. 2:04 AM - Lion Queen: 1d6 + attack?
  1694. 2:05 AM - Lion Queen: Daaan
  1695. 2:05 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: sh
  1696. 2:05 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: no, 2d6
  1697. 2:06 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: 1d6+half attack is for damage
  1698. 2:06 AM - Lion Queen: Ah
  1699. 2:07 AM - Lion Queen: Damn
  1700. 2:07 AM - Lion Queen: OC'd one
  1701. 2:07 AM - Lion Queen: 16
  1702. 2:07 AM - Lion Queen: OC'D THE OC ROLL
  1703. 2:08 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: incredible
  1704. 2:08 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: total?
  1705. 2:08 AM - Lion Queen: 23
  1706. 2:08 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: blows its defense out
  1707. 2:08 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: damage
  1708. 2:08 AM - Lion Queen: Woo
  1709. 2:09 AM - Lion Queen: Is 2.5 Rounded up or down?
  1710. 2:09 AM - Eri Motai: up I think
  1711. 2:09 AM - Lion Queen: 7 damage
  1712. 2:09 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: a solid hit
  1713. 2:09 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: now yourself?
  1714. 2:10 AM - Lion Queen: Oh, I can attack too?
  1715. 2:10 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: mhm
  1716. 2:10 AM - Lion Queen: 11
  1717. 2:11 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: no dice
  1718. 2:11 AM - Lion Queen: Aw
  1719. 2:14 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Eri, youre up
  1720. 2:14 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: once Satoya finishes, it's your go
  1721. 2:14 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: and Satoya is finished
  1722. 2:14 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: so it's your go
  1723. 2:14 AM - Eri Motai: (yeah, I know geez)
  1724. 2:15 AM - Eri Motai: I try and take another swipe at it, seeing as I was able to pass last time.
  1725. 2:16 AM - Eri Motai: 18
  1726. 2:16 AM - Eri Motai: "Take that you... thing!"
  1727. 2:19 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: damage?
  1728. 2:19 AM - Eri Motai: 11
  1729. 2:19 AM - Eri Motai: again
  1730. 2:20 AM - Eri Motai: all my luck has gone into my combat throws I guess
  1731. 2:20 AM - Eri Motai: I suppose smiling isn't as important as fighting alien zombie swamp gas
  1732. 2:20 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: a right solid strike indeed
  1733. 2:21 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: the gas cloud condenses for a moment before splitting into two sepetate, smaller clouds
  1734. 2:21 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: one attacks Satoya
  1735. 2:21 AM - Eri Motai: "Why won't this thing go down?"
  1736. 2:21 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: 11
  1737. 2:21 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: that beat your defense?
  1738. 2:22 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: the other attacks Eri, getting 17
  1739. 2:23 AM - Eri Motai: amazing
  1740. 2:23 AM - Eri Motai: 16+1 from oc
  1741. 2:23 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: it OCs in kind
  1742. 2:23 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: c:
  1743. 2:24 AM - Eri Motai: I oc back at it
  1744. 2:24 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: pfft
  1745. 2:24 AM - Eri Motai: balls, I won't give it
  1746. 2:24 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: you can only OC once more
  1747. 2:24 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: max of 3 OCs per turn
  1748. 2:24 AM - Eri Motai: I'll go for it
  1749. 2:25 AM - Eri Motai: so, 20 all together for me
  1750. 2:25 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: welp, ya avoided damage
  1751. 2:25 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Ryan and titan's turn
  1752. 2:25 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: two clouds to attack~
  1753. 2:25 AM - Lion Queen: Woo
  1754. 2:25 AM - Lion Queen: TITAN PUNCH THE CLOSEST ONE
  1755. 2:25 AM - Lion Queen: OCD ONE
  1756. 2:26 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: so roll the oc :v
  1757. 2:26 AM - Your state is set to Offline.
  1758. 2:26 AM - Lost connection to Steam, will rejoin chat automatically when connection regained.
  1759. 2:27 AM - Connected again and rejoined chat.
  1760. 2:27 AM - Eri Motai: (gg we win? oh nvm)
  1761. 2:29 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Ryan did you oc your oc again
  1762. 2:29 AM - Lion Queen: Yes
  1763. 2:29 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: god damn you're gonna end up with a fuckin burst
  1764. 2:29 AM - Lion Queen: :V
  1765. 2:29 AM - Lion Queen: Im not doing this on purrpose
  1766. 2:29 AM - Lion Queen: ;3
  1767. 2:29 AM - Lion Queen: Anyways
  1768. 2:29 AM - Lion Queen: 21 to attack
  1769. 2:29 AM - Lion Queen: Roll for damage?
  1770. 2:30 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: mhm
  1771. 2:31 AM - Lion Queen: 7 again
  1772. 2:32 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: that was for the titan?
  1773. 2:32 AM - Lion Queen: Yes
  1774. 2:32 AM - Lion Queen: Me now?
  1775. 2:32 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: mhm
  1776. 2:34 AM - Lion Queen: Whoop
  1777. 2:34 AM - Lion Queen: +1
  1778. 2:34 AM - Lion Queen: Not 4 Fury
  1779. 2:34 AM - Lion Queen: So 12
  1780. 2:34 AM - Lion Queen: Hit?
  1781. 2:34 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: pass
  1782. 2:35 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: damage?
  1783. 2:35 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: if you manage to not kill this half of the cloud I'm going to laugh
  1784. 2:37 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Ryan
  1785. 2:37 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: damage
  1786. 2:37 AM - Eri Motai left chat.
  1787. 2:37 AM - Eri Motai has been invited to chat.
  1788. 2:37 AM - Eri Motai entered chat.
  1789. 2:39 AM - Lion Queen: Whoop
  1790. 2:39 AM - Lion Queen: 4
  1791. 2:39 AM - Lion Queen: Is it dead?
  1792. 2:39 AM - Eri Motai: (I don't even :P)
  1793. 2:40 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: just barely
  1794. 2:40 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: oh I guess there was no way you couldn't kill it then
  1795. 2:40 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: oh well :v
  1796. 2:41 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: after a not so swift but quite heavy punch from your bone titan, and a slice and dice from yourself, the semisolid cloud dissapates
  1797. 2:41 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: that still leaves one though
  1798. 2:41 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Eri?
  1799. 2:41 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: you're on
  1800. 2:42 AM - Eri Motai: Eri yells about why this isn't dead yet whilst swinging wildingly.
  1801. 2:43 AM - Eri Motai: 14
  1802. 2:43 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: it clashes
  1803. 2:43 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: and OCs
  1804. 2:44 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: so we're both matched and iirc a match on a clash, both parties take half damage
  1805. 2:44 AM - Eri Motai: fine, I'll accept that I think; I can't oc my way out of it?
  1806. 2:44 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: so unless you feel like OCing
  1807. 2:44 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: yeah, you can
  1808. 2:44 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: you've got 3 OCs to chain if you want
  1809. 2:44 AM - Eri Motai: I'ma challange this fucker
  1810. 2:45 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: roll
  1811. 2:45 AM - Eri Motai: 3
  1812. 2:45 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: now the youma's winning
  1813. 2:45 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: welp, you beat it there
  1814. 2:45 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: it takes full damage
  1815. 2:45 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: roll
  1816. 2:46 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: and add 1 for each OC you did
  1817. 2:46 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: for damage that is
  1818. 2:46 AM - Eri Motai: 8
  1819. 2:47 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: the cloud is struggling to stay condensed at this point
  1820. 2:47 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: it bolts out the back
  1821. 2:48 AM - Eri Motai: "This has to end! Sato, finish it!"
  1822. 2:48 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: you's goan hafta chase that sucka
  1823. 2:48 AM - Lion Queen: "Ill do my best!"
  1824. 2:48 AM - Lion Queen: I do just that
  1825. 2:48 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: better physical roll to catch up
  1826. 2:49 AM - Lion Queen: 12
  1827. 2:49 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You react quickly, managing to head outside and giving yourself an opportunity to attack
  1828. 2:53 AM - Eri Motai: (are things happening plz let things be happening)
  1829. 2:53 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: I'm waiting for Ryan to roll to attack now
  1830. 2:54 AM - Lion Queen: Whoop
  1831. 2:54 AM - Lion Queen: 11
  1832. 2:54 AM - Lion Queen: Does that hit?
  1833. 2:55 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: if you OC it once it will
  1834. 2:55 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: :v
  1835. 2:55 AM - Lion Queen: I WILL
  1836. 2:55 AM - Lion Queen: 1
  1837. 2:55 AM - Eri Motai: amazin
  1838. 2:55 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: shit roll but enough to get by
  1839. 2:56 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Satoya rebounds off the alley wall of the neighboring building and pounces the gas cloud
  1840. 2:56 AM - Lion Queen: 5 damage
  1841. 2:56 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: F-F-F-FINISH IT
  1842. 2:57 AM - Lion Queen: I do a back flip and slam my leg bone into the gassy mass, watching it blow away.
  1843. 2:57 AM - Lion Queen: "My kill, dibs on the seed!"
  1844. 2:58 AM - Eri Motai: "Yeah yeah Sato, you can have it."
  1845. 2:58 AM - Lion Queen: "Yay!" I grab it and toss it my pocket, seeming ecstatic
  1846. 2:58 AM - Lion Queen: :3
  1847. 2:58 AM - Lion Queen: ((11 to go))
  1848. 2:59 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Jojo pokes his head out of the door. "Is... it dead?"
  1849. 2:59 AM - Lion Queen: "Purrty damn sure of it!"
  1850. 2:59 AM - Eri Motai: Eri turns to Jojo and Tami, "Yeah, it's dead. I think. Can you kill clouds of gas?"
  1851. 3:00 AM - Eri Motai: "Hey, is Tami alright? I think she fainted earlier."
  1852. 3:00 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: He stands shakily, holding his side. "Yeah, she... she should be alright. She only fainted, i think..."
  1853. 3:01 AM - Eri Motai: "Do you mind if I check on her?"
  1854. 3:02 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Please, do. You seem to know more about this whole situation than myself."
  1855. 3:02 AM - Eri Motai: I go over to inspect Tami.
  1856. 3:02 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: on a side note Data just got a 33 on a roll to clash a giant hand sprouting from a wall
  1857. 3:02 AM - Eri Motai: amazing
  1858. 3:02 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: and it should be noted that he threw his weapon and did that bare handed
  1859. 3:02 AM - Lion Queen: I get the hell out of dodge, I can feel the pure anger welling up inside of me and I know shit's about to go down.
  1860. 3:02 AM - Lion Queen: "IGOTTAGOBYE!"
  1861. 3:03 AM - Eri Motai: "Bye see ya tell Haku I said hello!"
  1863. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Satoya and Eri - Smoked Out~~
  1868. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Eri - Licked Wounds~~
  1870. 3:03 AM - Eri Motai: I go back to checking Tami.
  1871. 3:05 AM - Eri Motai: Anything out of the ordinary?
  1872. 3:06 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: All seems in order with Tami
  1873. 3:07 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: barring the unconsciousness
  1874. 3:07 AM - Eri Motai: I attempt to wake her using my sizzling hot hand to the forehead.
  1875. 3:07 AM - Eri Motai: I assume it's cold in there cuz storage room.
  1876. 3:14 AM - Eri Motai: (I assume Ryan is making things happen?)
  1877. 3:14 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: BAD THINGS
  1878. 3:14 AM - Eri Motai: (jezus y ryan y u do this)
  1879. 3:15 AM - Lion Queen: (I INCITED A RIOT)
  1880. 3:16 AM - Eri Motai: (damnit how u do that)
  1881. 3:16 AM - Eri Motai: (also my sizzlehand to the face revival technique isn't working help)
  1882. 3:17 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: no it isn't :v
  1883. 3:17 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: but she comes to eventually on her own accrd
  1884. 3:17 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: you hear lots of shouts and screams and noise from outside
  1885. 3:17 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: then sirens
  1886. 3:17 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: lots of them
  1887. 3:17 AM - Eri Motai: "Uh, yeah, gonna have to shut the door. That's more then enough trouble for one night.
  1888. 3:18 AM - Eri Motai: Eri runs over and bolts the kitchen doors.
  1889. 3:18 AM - Eri Motai: "So Tami, are you feeling ok?"
  1890. 3:19 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: T: "I... I don't know. i - " she gasps. "My father! Is he alright? Where is that thing? What happened?"
  1891. 3:19 AM - Eri Motai: "I... I was able to save you guys. Sato too; you know, the crazy lady I brought with me earlier today?"
  1892. 3:20 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: T: "I... think. Wasn't that...?"
  1893. 3:21 AM - Eri Motai: (is sato's weapon her femur or something?)
  1894. 3:21 AM - Eri Motai: (and is that what she's referring too?)
  1895. 3:22 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: not a clue
  1896. 3:23 AM - Eri Motai: "Wasn't that what?" Eri asks, confused.
  1897. 3:25 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: T: "She, I mean. The girl with you..."
  1898. 3:26 AM - Eri Motai: "Yeah, she's the one that brought brought the lion cub in a few days back. I think she got that cleared out though..."
  1899. 3:27 AM - Eri Motai: "So she's not in trouble over that."
  1900. 3:28 AM - Eri Motai: "She did drop that mug though, so if you'd like me to pay for it..."
  1901. 3:29 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: T: "Still... what wast that thing? It almost killed us, and completely destroyed everything!"
  1902. 3:30 AM - Eri Motai: "A demon, more or less. I don't know why it attacked you guys, but it's odd; my other two friends haven't made it here yet."
  1903. 3:30 AM - Lion Queen disconnected.
  1904. 3:31 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: T: "I hope they're alright, then..."
  1905. 3:32 AM - Eri Motai: "So, you want me to still come in tomorrow to help clean up? I don't think I'm hurt or anything..."
  1906. 3:32 AM - Eri Motai: Eri checks herself over, and realizes she lucked out, again.
  1907. 3:32 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: T: "Clean up? We're going to need ro remodel after that. We'll have to be closed for a while, at least..."
  1908. 3:33 AM - Eri Motai: "I guess I'm out of a job then." T.T
  1909. 3:33 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: J: "For now, at least. Until the place is back up and running... damn, this hurts."
  1910. 3:34 AM - Eri Motai: "Don't move too much Jojo, I'll call the paramedics."
  1911. 3:34 AM - Eri Motai: Eri turns on her phone and attempts to reach the EMT services.
  1912. 3:35 AM - Eri Motai: "Hopefully you guys have insurance."
  1913. 3:35 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: J: "Oh, we do. Just never thought we'd actually have to use it."
  1914. 3:36 AM - Eri Motai: "And Tami, nothing like this has never happened before, right?"
  1915. 3:37 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: She laughs a crazed, deranged, sarcastic laugh. "Haha, what, you mean having a ghostdemon wreck the shop? Oh no it's a perfectly regular occurence."
  1916. 3:39 AM - Eri Motai: "Hey, I thought I'd ask! I mean, nothing else has been happening out of the ordinary, right? Like, anything?"
  1917. 3:39 AM - Eri Motai: ((also I guess I'm last man standing :P))
  1918. 3:40 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: yep
  1919. 3:40 AM - Eri Motai: (alright, you wanna cut it off? or do you think you can drop a cliffhanger in 2 or 3 blurbs?)
  1920. 3:42 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: and now the paramedics arrive, carting Jojo, Tami, and insisting on you as well, to the hospital
  1921. 3:42 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: end
  1922. 3:42 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: now I gotta save the other 6 logs and I can sleep
  1923. 3:43 AM - Eri Motai: ((jeez deez chumps can see I'm a perfectly healthy 15 year old ninja girl wearing fleshy armor))
  1924. 3:43 AM - Eri Motai: ((I don't need no hospital))
  1925. 3:43 AM - Eri Motai: ((I'll go with it though ;P))
  1926. 3:44 AM - Eri Motai: alright, my internet crapped out one two many times I think to be of any use with your logs
  1927. 3:44 AM - Eri Motai: so good luck
  1928. 3:44 AM - Eri Motai: night
  1929. 3:44 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: night
  1930. 3:44 AM - Eri Motai left chat.
  1932. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Eri - Licked Wounds~~
  1937. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Satoya - Riot in the Streets~~
  1940. 12:03 AM - Lion Queen: Right
  1941. 12:03 AM - Lion Queen: Rampage time
  1942. 12:03 AM - Lion Queen: Or Angry Aura
  1943. 12:03 AM - Lion Queen: Though that might put the tier into a riot
  1944. 12:03 AM - Lion Queen: :V
  1945. 3:04 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: so what's that do?
  1946. 3:04 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: make everyone around super pissed?
  1947. 12:04 AM - Lion Queen: Incredibly violent
  1948. 12:06 AM - Lion Queen: I kick the door of the coffee shop down and step outside
  1949. 12:07 AM - Lion Queen: Letting out a roar and unleashing an Angry Aura
  1950. 3:07 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You go trapeasing down the streets enamating pure rage
  1951. 3:08 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: a couple about to have a latenight makeout session under a streetlight in what might otherwise seem an entirely romantic setting start coming to blows
  1952. 3:08 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: and not in the good kind
  1953. 12:08 AM - Lion Queen: :V
  1954. 12:09 AM - Lion Queen: Everyone in the area is now violent Dan, I think in the middle of a crowded street after school (And presumably most jobs) let out
  1955. 3:09 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You pass by a classy drinking establishment known for its well-refined patrons
  1956. 12:09 AM - Lion Queen: That's probably a minor riot, at least
  1957. 3:09 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: needless to say that there's now a fight in there that'd put Irish pubs to shame
  1960. 12:11 AM - Lion Queen: :V
  1962. 3:11 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: ANGRY, ANGRY DROVES
  1964. 12:12 AM - Lion Queen: YAY
  1966. 3:12 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: LIKE GODDAMN THAT WAS PRETTY COOL
  1967. 12:13 AM - Lion Queen: I LIGHT SOMETHING ON FIRE
  1969. 12:13 AM - Lion Queen: DAN
  1970. 3:13 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: WHAT DO YOU WANT TO SET ALIGHT
  1971. 12:14 AM - Lion Queen: IM STILL MEGUCAED
  1973. 3:14 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: OH YE GODS
  1974. 3:14 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: FINE THEN, BUT YOU'RE NOT BEING SPARED THE NEED TO ROLL
  1975. 12:15 AM - Lion Queen: OCD ONE
  1976. 3:15 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: god damn
  1977. 12:15 AM - Lion Queen: 19 WITH THE OC
  1978. 3:15 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: I was gonna flip if you OCd that too
  1979. 12:15 AM - Lion Queen: :V
  1980. 3:15 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: you summon a large titan of bone which begins to clobber people, police and civvie alike
  1981. 3:16 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: jesus shit it's a fucking wreck out here like really
  1982. 12:16 AM - Lion Queen: I SET A COP CAR ON FIRE
  1983. 12:16 AM - Lion Queen: BECAUSE FUCK THE POLICE
  1984. 3:16 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: WITH WHAT DO YOU USE TO SET THE FLAMES
  1988. 12:18 AM - Lion Queen: 13 FUCK
  1989. 3:18 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: NO YOU CAN NOT OC THAT
  1990. 12:18 AM - Lion Queen: I KNOW
  1991. 3:18 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Your attempts to weave your way through a rowdy barfight are met with profuse failure as a flying chair knocks you silly
  1993. 3:20 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Your bone titan is still kicking major arse
  1995. 12:21 AM - Lion Queen: IT IS NOW RAINING FIRE
  1996. 3:21 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: YOUR BONE TITAN CATCHES FIRE
  1997. 3:21 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: SO DO SOME PEOPLE
  1998. 3:21 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: AND COPS
  1999. 3:21 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: AND THE BAR
  2000. 3:21 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: AND A COP CAR
  2001. 3:22 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: THE GAS TANK IN THE CAR BLOWS UP
  2003. 12:23 AM - Lion Queen: Wait, the aura is around me right?
  2004. 12:23 AM - Lion Queen: In that case
  2005. 12:23 AM - Lion Queen: I RUN TO THE ELEVATOR
  2006. 3:24 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: FINESSE ROLL
  2007. 12:25 AM - Lion Queen: 12
  2009. 3:25 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Failure by the way
  2010. 3:25 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: c:
  2011. 12:26 AM - Lion Queen: Fuck
  2012. 3:26 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You feel sharp pricks on several parts of your body and are overcome with incredible fatigue
  2013. 3:27 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: if you can pass a fortitude check of 16, I'll let you continue wrecking shit
  2014. 12:27 AM - Lion Queen: MOTHERFUCKER
  2015. 3:27 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA
  2016. 3:27 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Try as you valiantly might, you fall over
  2017. 12:28 AM - Lion Queen: Nyooo
  2018. 3:28 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Nobody in their rage pay any mind as you're collected. You feel metallic restraints put on as the world fades black
  2019. 3:28 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: aaaaand we're done for the night
  2020. 12:28 AM - Lion Queen: Oh fuck
  2021. 3:28 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: just gonna finish up with the others
  2022. 3:30 AM - Lion Queen is now Offline.
  2024. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Satoya - Riot in the Steets~~
  2030. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Eve and Sarah - Schooled~~
  2032. 11:34 PM - Your chat with Eevee is now a multi-user chat.
  2033. 11:34 PM - Eevee has been invited to chat.
  2034. 11:34 PM - Sarah Salem has been invited to chat.
  2035. 11:34 PM - Sarah Salem entered chat.
  2036. 11:34 PM - Sarah Salem: (( Hi~ ))
  2037. 11:34 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Sarah is forcebly ejected out of a locker
  2038. 11:35 PM - Eevee: (( eyyyy ))
  2039. 11:35 PM - Sarah Salem: (( ow ))
  2040. 11:35 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: ending ass-up with her back agianst a wall and her billhook on the floor a few feet from herself
  2041. 11:35 PM - Sarah Salem: I pull myself to my feet, and look around.
  2042. 11:35 PM - Eevee: "Uh-uh, S-s-sarah?!"
  2043. 11:35 PM - Sarah Salem: And go grab my bill, I guess :v
  2044. 11:36 PM - Sarah Salem: "Hello, Eve."
  2045. 11:36 PM - Eevee: "How did you get here?"
  2046. 11:36 PM - Sarah Salem: "I walked...?"
  2047. 11:37 PM - Eevee: "B-b-but I just saw you pop out of a locker!" *Eve points to said locker*
  2048. 11:37 PM - Eevee: "And why are you transformed? Whats happening?"
  2049. 11:38 PM - Eevee: (( I assume shes transformed sine her weapons out :o ))
  2050. 11:38 PM - Sarah Salem: "I was looking for monsters. There was a signal coming from the school. I found a locker with a large eye in it, and stabbed it."
  2051. 11:38 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: sorry, my cats decided to flip the fuck out for no reason and knock a billion things over
  2052. 11:39 PM - Eevee: (( awww ))
  2053. 11:39 PM - Sarah Salem: "Then I came out of that locker," I point to the offending locker. "and here I am, I suppose."
  2054. 11:39 PM - Sarah Salem: ((thats adorable))
  2055. 11:39 PM - Sarah Salem: ((i wish i had cats))
  2056. 11:39 PM - Eevee: (( I'm allergic T.T ))
  2057. 11:40 PM - Eevee: "Oh...are you okay?"
  2058. 11:40 PM - Sarah Salem: (( that sucks, cats are the best ever~))
  2059. 11:40 PM - Eevee: (( ye dawgs are p chill too tho ))
  2060. 11:40 PM - Sarah Salem: "I am fine."
  2061. 11:40 PM - Sarah Salem: ((yeah i have some doges, they're adorbs))
  2062. 11:41 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You hear a tinny sounding giggle come from around the corner
  2063. 11:42 PM - Eevee: (( oh god this is going to get scary isnt it ))
  2064. 11:42 PM - Sarah Salem: I shush Eve and head over to look around the corner, Solid Snake-style.
  2065. 11:43 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Another giggle, followed by metallic rattling and banging, then silence
  2066. 11:43 PM - Eevee: *Eve says where she is, somewhat paralyzed by fear*
  2067. 11:44 PM - Sarah Salem: I turn back to Eve. "Did you hear it as well?"
  2068. 11:45 PM - Eevee: *Eve nods and begins to follow Sarah as stealthily as she can*
  2069. 11:45 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: finesse~
  2070. 11:45 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: not for stealthing but for spotting
  2071. 11:45 PM - Sarah Salem: ((both of us?))
  2072. 11:45 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: yes
  2073. 11:45 PM - Sarah Salem: ((blaugh fuck))
  2074. 11:46 PM - Eevee: (( 13 ))
  2075. 11:46 PM - Sarah Salem: (( 9 ))
  2076. 11:46 PM - Eevee: (( :v ))
  2077. 11:46 PM - Sarah Salem: (( i blame you ))
  2078. 11:46 PM - Eevee: (( gomen ))
  2081. ~~Eve Sees~~
  2083. 11:47 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You spot an open air vent in the ceiling above
  2084. 11:47 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: the ceiling which looks notably more dingy than you recall
  2085. 11:47 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: and shaded with... pencil?
  2086. 8:47 PM - Eevee: (( godamnit I knew it was going to be creepy ))
  2087. 8:48 PM - Eevee: (( why dan ))
  2089. ~~Eve Sees~~
  2092. 11:48 PM - Eevee: *Eve taps sarah's shoulder and points to the opne vent on the ceiling*
  2093. 11:48 PM - Eevee: (( open even ))
  2094. 11:48 PM - Sarah Salem: "Oh."
  2095. 11:48 PM - Sarah Salem: "You may want to transform, I have a feeling that this may be the monster."
  2096. 11:49 PM - Sarah Salem: And with that, I attempt to jump up to the vent~
  2097. 11:49 PM - Eevee: *Eve transforms and follows her*
  2098. 11:49 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: physical -2
  2099. 11:49 PM - Eevee: (( do I get the -2 as well? :o ))
  2100. 11:50 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: unless you've got an injured arm and gut stitches, no :v
  2101. 11:50 PM - Eevee: (( yey ))
  2102. 11:50 PM - Sarah Salem: ((is this what its like to not be the bookshelf god))
  2103. 11:50 PM - Eevee: (( 15 ))
  2104. 11:50 PM - Sarah Salem: ((oh, 13 :v))
  2105. 11:51 PM - Sarah Salem: (( forgot to say :v))
  2106. 11:51 PM - Eevee: (( yes, welcome to our world ))
  2107. 11:51 PM - Sarah Salem: (( i understand what a sad, non-stronk life you lead))
  2108. 11:52 PM - Eevee: (( *nod nod* you have been humbled even though you probs passed the roll anyways ))
  2109. 11:52 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: so who's jumping first? :v
  2110. 11:52 PM - Sarah Salem: me i guess :v
  2111. 11:52 PM - Eevee: (( sarah ))
  2112. 11:53 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You hop up, grabbing the loose vent covering with one arm and attempting to haul yourself in
  2113. 11:53 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You come face to face with a large, blinking red eye
  2114. 11:54 PM - Sarah Salem: HEADBUTT.
  2115. 11:54 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: the only thing visible in the complete darkness of the vent
  2116. 11:54 PM - Sarah Salem: I wanna headbutt it.
  2117. 11:55 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: I figured as much :v
  2118. 11:55 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: physical
  2119. 11:56 PM - Sarah Salem: (( 12 ))
  2120. 11:57 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: wanna keep rolling on rolz or roll20?
  2121. 11:57 PM - Sarah Salem: (( doesnt matter, but i like rolz better))
  2122. 11:57 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: in any case, you manage to knock your face into the creepy red eyeball
  2123. 11:57 PM - Sarah Salem: (( eyeball aint got shit ))
  2124. 11:58 PM - Eevee: (( awwwww yisss ))
  2125. 11:58 PM - Super Contractio Bruvs: it makes a strange squealing noise as it rolls backwards before it stablizes itself, seeming to float in the darkness of the vent
  2126. 11:59 PM - Sarah Salem: I climb the rest of the way in
  2127. 11:59 PM - Eevee: *Eve follows*
  2128. Saturday, January 04, 2014
  2129. 12:00 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: can't see shit but mister eyeball ahead
  2130. 12:00 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: it stares at you as you crawl slowly towards it
  2131. 12:01 AM - Sarah Salem: I thrust my bill at the center of it.
  2132. 12:01 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: roll em
  2133. 12:01 AM - Sarah Salem: ((attack now, right?))
  2134. 12:01 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: mhm
  2135. 12:01 AM - Sarah Salem: (( 11 ))
  2136. 12:02 AM - Sarah Salem: (( this -1 to all challenges is going to fuck me over later, i know it :v))
  2137. 12:02 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: you clumsily attempt and fail to skewer yonder eyeball
  2138. 12:03 AM - Sarah Salem: ((dammit.))
  2139. 12:03 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: you hear another tinny giggle, and the eye scampers off into the vent, rounding a corner left
  2140. 12:03 AM - Eevee: (( I don't suppose I could do some healing magicks to help her out with that? ))
  2141. 12:03 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: nup
  2142. 12:03 AM - Eevee: (( dern ))
  2143. 12:03 AM - Sarah Salem: I follow the eye.
  2144. 12:03 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: you see half of it peak around the corner, still staring at you
  2145. 12:05 AM - Eevee: (( oh wait is it my turn ))
  2146. 12:05 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You follow the eye, but as you near it, it bolts down the corner it was hiding behind
  2147. 12:05 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: you claw your way over but don't see it
  2148. 12:06 AM - Sarah Salem: Continue heading down the vents, then :v
  2149. 12:06 AM - Eevee: continue following
  2150. 12:08 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: you crawl forwards, and in the total blackness bang your head on the end of the vent
  2151. 12:08 AM - Sarah Salem: ow :v
  2152. 12:08 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You look left and right, seeing a red eye on both sides
  2153. 12:08 AM - Sarah Salem: "I think it may be time for us to split up. Which one do you want?"
  2154. 12:09 AM - Eevee: "I'll take the left." *Eve does her best to sound determined*
  2155. 12:09 AM - Sarah Salem: I head down the right side, then.
  2156. 12:10 AM - Eevee: *Eve heads down the left vent*
  2158. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Eve and Sarah - Schooled~~
  2163. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Sarah - School Days~~
  2165. 12:10 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Your eye prances forwards several feet before hopping into the air and seeming to "vanish" as it hits the floor
  2166. 9:11 PM - Sarah Salem: I head to the part where it hit the floor, and push against it I guess.
  2167. 12:11 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: better roll finesse~
  2168. 9:12 PM - Sarah Salem: (( 9 ))
  2169. 12:12 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: you flop forwards, hitting face first onto a sealed vent grate
  2170. 12:13 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: in the hall below you see something that looked like a piece of paper shaded with pencil slither out of view
  2171. 9:14 PM - Sarah Salem: Push that vent out of the way, I yield to no obstruction.
  2172. 9:14 PM - Sarah Salem: ((i assume physical?))
  2173. 12:15 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: mhm
  2174. 9:15 PM - Sarah Salem: ((14))
  2175. 12:15 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You manage to shove the grate loose with a few hard whacks
  2176. 12:16 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: unfortunately, you were still on the grate, and fall through it
  2177. 9:16 PM - Sarah Salem: (( y'know i should probably start thinking things through))
  2178. 12:17 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You right yourself and stand, looking around
  2179. 12:18 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: The lockers now appear to be made out of white paper and drawn on
  2180. 9:19 PM - Sarah Salem: ((was trying to find a video of wind waker, when the rat drops you through a trapdoor))
  2181. 9:19 PM - Sarah Salem: ((cant find it :c))
  2182. 12:19 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: :v
  2183. 9:19 PM - Sarah Salem: I touch the locker to see if it's actually made of paper.
  2184. 12:19 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: it is indeed
  2185. 9:20 PM - Sarah Salem: Riiiiiip~
  2186. 12:20 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You tear the lockers a new one
  2187. 12:20 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: literally
  2188. 12:21 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: There's a big fuckin eyeball behind all that paper
  2189. 12:21 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: bigger than you
  2190. 9:21 PM - Sarah Salem: oh jesus
  2191. 9:22 PM - Sarah Salem: I'll back up a bit from it, and then thrust at it.
  2192. 9:22 PM - Sarah Salem: (( 18 ))
  2193. 12:23 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You jab your billhook about halfway down the pole into the eye
  2194. 12:23 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: it blinks
  2195. 9:23 PM - Sarah Salem: ((hot damn))
  2196. 9:23 PM - Sarah Salem: (( oh jeez.))
  2197. 9:23 PM - Sarah Salem: (( hey i have a hook))
  2198. 9:23 PM - Sarah Salem: I twist the bill, and tear it out.
  2199. 12:26 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: It splurts purple goop
  2200. 9:26 PM - Sarah Salem: ((fuckin gross))
  2201. 12:26 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: The eye backs away from the hole
  2202. 12:26 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: inside is nothing but blackness, barring the eye
  2203. 12:27 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: the entire hallway to your left shatters like glass
  2204. 9:27 PM - Sarah Salem: I hop in, and head for the eye ASAP.
  2205. 12:28 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: you hop into the hole?
  2206. 12:28 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: :v
  2207. 9:28 PM - Sarah Salem: yep
  2208. 12:28 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: well alrighty then
  2209. 12:28 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: you feel a familiar and unwelcome sensation
  2210. 12:28 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: freefall
  2211. 9:29 PM - Sarah Salem: I actually didn't expect that, shit.
  2212. 9:29 PM - Sarah Salem: :v
  2213. 9:29 PM - Sarah Salem: Is it possible to grab the edge before i fall completely out of range?
  2214. 12:29 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: sure :v
  2215. 12:29 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: physical
  2216. 9:30 PM - Sarah Salem: ((12 ))
  2217. 12:30 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: you hear a tinny giggle as a child's voice mockingly chants in singsong like twinkle twinkle little star, "in the office you shall find, the place where you can read our mind"
  2218. 12:30 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: you manage to grab onto the ledge
  2219. 12:31 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: it starts to rip like paper, tearing the floor you were standing on before
  2220. 9:31 PM - Sarah Salem: (( :I schools really are low-budget these days))
  2221. 12:31 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: you ride your ripped floor paper handhold along its course, the papershread getting longer and longer
  2222. 9:32 PM - Sarah Salem: I hold onto the paper for dear life as I'm swung.
  2223. 12:35 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You eventually crash into something, though it's still as black as everything else, it feels like paper as well
  2224. 9:36 PM - Sarah Salem: I use my bill and slice it open so I can see whats on the other side.
  2225. 12:37 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: you slice it, revealing the ever popular arena of a cafeteria
  2226. 12:37 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: they seem to be a recurring theme if the retirement home is any proof
  2227. 9:38 PM - Sarah Salem: Alright, I hop down lightly, just in case the floor is paper here too.
  2228. 12:38 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Seems solid enough
  2229. 12:38 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: though the tables are made of cardboard
  2230. 9:39 PM - Sarah Salem: Any mini-monsters that I can see?
  2231. 12:39 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: little sandwiches start dancing on plates, drinks with faces of varying expression doing pirrouettes
  2232. 9:41 PM - Sarah Salem: ((aw yeah, sandwiches))
  2233. 9:41 PM - Sarah Salem: ((sandwitches, hehe))
  2234. 9:41 PM - Sarah Salem: I ignore those, since they're not really of any harm, and head out the door.
  2235. 9:42 PM - Sarah Salem: The actual door, not the one I just made :v
  2236. 12:41 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: :v
  2237. 12:44 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: you hear a hiss of static and a screech before it clears up into silence
  2238. 9:44 PM - Sarah Salem: Can I pinpoint the direction?
  2239. 12:44 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: finesse
  2240. 9:45 PM - Sarah Salem: ((14))
  2241. 12:45 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: you follow the source to a speaker mounted on a wall
  2242. 12:45 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: not that you know what a speaker is but :v
  2243. 12:45 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: From the speaker you hear a sneeze, and "Uhm..h-hello?"
  2244. 9:46 PM - Sarah Salem: "...Eve?"
  2245. 9:46 PM - Sarah Salem: I step towards the strange box and tap it a little.
  2246. 12:46 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You hear nothing.
  2247. 9:47 PM - Sarah Salem: I smash the box to free Eve from it's clutches.
  2248. 12:47 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: it collapses like it was made of chalk
  2249. 12:47 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: which it seems to have been
  2250. 12:48 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: from further down the hall, you hear screeches of pained children
  2251. 9:49 PM - Sarah Salem: Run to the help of the children~!
  2252. 12:49 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: followed by Eve's voice shouting "Hey!"
  2253. 9:49 PM - Sarah Salem: ~righteous protector~
  2254. 9:49 PM - Sarah Salem: "Eve?"
  2255. 9:50 PM - Sarah Salem: I shout down the hallway as I run.
  2256. 12:52 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: No response, but you find another speaker!
  2257. 9:53 PM - Sarah Salem: Smash. Breaking all the boxes will free Eve.
  2258. 12:53 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: more chalk dust!
  2259. 12:53 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: tinny giggles
  2260. 12:53 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "You are lost, here you'll die. To the world you'll say goodbye~"
  2261. 9:54 PM - Sarah Salem: I'll try to remember exactly where the office is, and head in that direction.
  2262. 9:55 PM - Sarah Salem: Scratch that.
  2263. 12:54 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You see a sign that says "Office" pointing down a hallway
  2264. 9:55 PM - Sarah Salem: I'm gonna head back to the cafeteria, grab one of those awesome dancing sandwiches, and then proceed in the direction of the sign.
  2265. 12:55 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You grab yonder prancing sandwich and follow the sign
  2266. 9:56 PM - Sarah Salem: Yessss.
  2267. 12:56 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: It leads to a hallway with another sign, this time pointing in a different direction
  2268. 12:57 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: a third sign, and the arrow is a spiral that screws across the length of the sign, not pointing in any helpful direction
  2269. 12:57 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: But hey, more paper lockers
  2270. 9:57 PM - Sarah Salem: Before I slice through those lockers, I want to take the sandwich.
  2271. 9:57 PM - Sarah Salem: And eat it.
  2272. 12:58 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: It squeals in orgasmic glee as you consume it
  2273. 9:58 PM - Sarah Salem: Scale of 1-10 how delicious was sandwich.
  2274. 12:58 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: about a "I just ate cthulhu's baby" out of eleventy
  2275. 9:59 PM - Sarah Salem: That's, good right?
  2276. 12:59 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: all depends on your perspective :v
  2277. 9:59 PM - Sarah Salem: Huh.
  2278. 10:00 PM - Sarah Salem: Alright. Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall.
  2279. 1:00 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You tear down the wall, and out of the paper lockers fly numerous flapping books
  2280. 1:00 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: heading for your face
  2281. 10:01 PM - Sarah Salem: I stop time and move out of the way, and then start time again.
  2283. 1:01 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: the books fly into the wall before falling to the floor, inert
  2284. 1:01 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: one skids open at your feet
  2285. 10:02 PM - Sarah Salem: I'll pick it up and take a look at the contents then.
  2286. 1:03 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: The book is titled "HIT IT'S WEAK SPOT FOR CRITICAL DAMAGE!"
  2287. 1:03 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Chapter 1: The Weakspot: "
  2288. 1:03 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: the rest is blank
  2289. 1:03 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: then the speakers crackle to live again, and you hear Eve's voice
  2290. 1:03 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Left, left, right, straight, left lockers, roll."
  2291. 10:04 PM - Sarah Salem: I'll take the book with me, and follow the instructions.
  2292. 1:06 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You follow the instructions, ending up at a staircase
  2293. 1:07 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: The book starts to have new writing in it
  2294. 1:07 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "In the gymnasium you will find, the friend you left behind."
  2295. 10:08 PM - Sarah Salem: I head up the stairs.
  2296. 1:10 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You follow the single hall down to a set of double doors
  2297. 10:10 PM - Sarah Salem: Open ye doorsies cautiously, bill at the ready, sandwich at the stomach.
  2298. 1:11 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You see a ridiculously large room, with bleachers full of scores and scores of eyeballs
  2299. 1:11 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: in a spotlight on a basketball court in the center of the room is Eve
  2300. 1:11 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: there's a basketball next to her with a :D face that's inflating to dangerous proportions
  2302. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Sarah - School Days~~
  2307. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Eve - Office Complex~~
  2309. 12:11 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: another tinny giggle sounds as you crawl forwards
  2310. 9:11 PM - Eevee: *Eve quivers but carrys on towards the eye*
  2311. 12:12 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: you hear a quiet voice whispering in singsong like twinkle twinkle little star, "In my bowels, you I hear! You are oh so very near~"
  2312. 9:14 PM - Eevee: (( am I close enough to stab this eye yet ))
  2313. 9:16 PM - Eevee: (( oh wait actually maybe that's a hint I should pay attention to ))
  2314. 9:16 PM - Eevee: (( this is seeming more and more like a trap ))
  2315. 12:17 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: The eye gives a little jump before it "vanishes" into the floor of the vent ahead of you
  2316. 9:17 PM - Eevee: *Eve turns around to see if she can still see Sarah*
  2317. 12:18 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: no such luck
  2318. 12:19 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: but you DO see an eye, now in the full light
  2319. 12:19 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: it has little stick arms and legs
  2320. 12:19 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: and it skips into a barely opened door
  2321. 9:19 PM - Eevee: (( ewww ))
  2322. 9:19 PM - Eevee: *Eve runs after it*
  2323. 12:21 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: you open the door to the classroom, seeing scores upon scores of the eyes
  2324. 12:21 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: they all turn in unison and look at you
  2325. 9:23 PM - Eevee: *Eve stops in her tracks, does a 360 degrees turn and runs the other way*
  2326. 9:23 PM - Eevee: *screaming all the way*
  2327. 12:23 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: running down the hall, SUDDENLY INTERSECTION
  2328. 12:23 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: LEFT OR RIGHT LEFT OR RIGHT
  2329. 9:24 PM - Eevee: LEFT
  2330. 12:26 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: as you run screaming, you hear the giggle once more
  2331. 9:27 PM - Eevee: (( can I tel what direction its coming from? ))
  2332. 12:27 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: everywhere
  2333. 12:27 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: c:
  2334. 9:27 PM - Eevee: :c
  2335. 9:27 PM - Eevee: *Eve picks upthe fucking pace*
  2336. 12:33 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: you do just that, running past classrooms where little eyeball friends peak out of doors to see you
  2337. 12:33 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: they almost seem to have an expression of joy
  2338. 12:34 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Your friend is fall~ing, she might die. To the world she'll say good~bye"
  2339. 9:35 PM - Eevee: *Eve stops and turns to the nearest eyeball* "What do you mean?"
  2340. 12:35 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: it giggles, shutting the door as it retreats inside
  2341. 9:36 PM - Eevee: *Eve attempts to kick the door in to get to it*
  2342. 12:36 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: the door rips like paper
  2343. 9:37 PM - Eevee: *Eve looks frantically around for the eyeball*
  2344. 12:37 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: the room is empty
  2345. 9:39 PM - Eevee: *Eve sighs and returns to the hallway, walking slower this time*
  2346. 12:40 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You walk down the hall further, finally seeing a cardboard sign on a wall labeled "Main Office"
  2347. 9:42 PM - Eevee: *Eve looks around for a door that the sign might be corresponding to*
  2348. 12:42 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: and there it is
  2349. 12:42 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: you enter, seeing pencils, pens and sheets of paper with pencil faces of varying expressions dancing around on the various desks
  2350. 12:43 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: there's a microphone on a desk though, and an "ON/OFF" switch
  2351. 12:43 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: currently set to off
  2352. 9:43 PM - Eevee: *Eve flips the switch*
  2353. 12:44 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: you hear a hiss of static and a screech before it clears up into silence
  2354. 9:45 PM - Eevee: *Eve sneezes into the micophone* "Uhm..h-hello?"
  2355. 12:46 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You hear nothing.
  2356. 12:46 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: One of your little eyeball friends pops out of a vent and starts tearing the papers apart
  2357. 12:47 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: they screech like pained children as they're torn to shreds
  2358. 9:48 PM - Eevee: *Eve runs at the eyeball with her sword raised* "Hey!" *she attempts to swing at it*
  2359. 12:48 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: roll
  2360. 9:49 PM - Eevee: attack right?
  2361. 12:49 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: mhm
  2362. 9:50 PM - Eevee: 13
  2363. 12:50 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: you slice the eyeball and it explodes into purple goop
  2364. 12:50 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: the pencils and pens begin rolling in it, giggling
  2365. 9:51 PM - Eevee: *Eve looks at the papers the eyball was tearing up to see if there are any left undamaged*
  2366. 12:52 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: none, they've all been brutally massacerred
  2367. 12:52 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You lift a piece of paper, and on the back side not covered in purple goop is a set of directions
  2368. 12:52 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Left, left, right, straight, left lockers, roll."
  2369. 9:53 PM - Eevee: (( poor paper children ))
  2370. 9:54 PM - Eevee: *Eve scratches her head in confusion, then decides to head for the hallway and turn the way the directions ell her to*
  2371. 12:54 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: the directions put you right back in the door you entered for he office
  2372. 9:55 PM - Eevee: *Eve rolls into the office*
  2373. 12:55 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You roll into the desk with the microphone, knocking it off the desk
  2374. 9:57 PM - Eevee: *Eve rubs her head in pain* "I hate this place..." *she then decides to try the directions again but backwards*
  2375. 12:59 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: That leads you into a version of the office that is reversed
  2376. 10:00 PM - Eevee: *Eve goes to the microphone and trys turning it off*
  2377. 1:01 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: you think you just turned it on again, considering everything is reversed
  2378. 10:02 PM - Eevee: *Eve speaks the directions into the microphone*
  2379. 1:04 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: The walls of the office tear like paper and float to the floor
  2380. 1:05 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: you're standing in what appears to be a basketball court, with the lines drawn in crayon
  2381. 1:05 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: the bleachers are filled with scores upon scores of eyes
  2382. 10:06 PM - Eevee: *Eve draws her sword and shakes* "Stay back!"
  2383. 10:06 PM - Eevee: *Eve looks around for an exit*
  2384. 1:07 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: The eyeballs dance and jump, giggling in a horrific cacaphony of sound
  2385. 1:08 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: A basketball bounces several times before rolling to a stop at your feet
  2386. 1:10 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: it rotates on the floor and looks at you with a :D face
  2387. 10:10 PM - Eevee: (( D: ))
  2388. 1:10 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: then it inflates and groes larger and larger
  2390. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Eve - Office Complex~~
  2395. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Eve and Sarah - Eye Heart You~~
  2397. 1:11 AM - Eevee has been invited to chat.
  2398. 1:12 AM - Sarah Salem has been invited to chat.
  2399. 1:12 AM - Eevee entered chat.
  2400. 1:12 AM - Sarah Salem entered chat.
  2401. 1:12 AM - Sarah Salem: ((sup frigs))
  2402. 1:12 AM - Eevee: (( ey ))
  2403. 1:12 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: you're both together again~
  2404. 1:12 AM - Sarah Salem: I super-speed over to her, and pull her out of the way of the ball.
  2405. 1:13 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You hear tinny sounding jeers of "BOO" coming from the bleachers
  2406. 1:14 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: the ceiling above opens like an eye, revealing itself to be a giant red eye
  2407. 1:14 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: the basketball pops, exploding in a firey poof
  2408. 1:15 AM - Sarah Salem: Dodge it, I guess :v
  2409. 1:16 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: you're far enough away to not need to
  2410. 1:16 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: a number of the eyeballs charge off the bleachers and in your direction
  2411. 1:16 AM - Sarah Salem: Slash the little eyes, naturally :v
  2412. 1:16 AM - Eevee: Same :o
  2413. 1:16 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: The book Sarah has writes more:
  2414. 1:16 AM - Sarah Salem: Also is the eye on the ceiling the same one I fought earlier?
  2415. 1:16 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: "Beneath the bleachers you will see, something very dear to me."
  2416. 1:17 AM - Sarah Salem: "Eve. The book says to search under the seating."
  2417. 1:18 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: So, little eye buggers all around ye
  2418. 1:18 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: roll 2 slash
  2419. 1:18 AM - Sarah Salem: ((attack roll to bust some eyes into jelly?))
  2420. 1:18 AM - Sarah Salem: ((11))
  2421. 1:18 AM - Eevee: (( 13 ))
  2422. 1:19 AM - Eevee: (( oh wait do I take an overcharge for the 6 ))
  2423. 1:19 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: ye
  2424. 1:20 AM - Sarah Salem: ((noice))
  2425. 1:20 AM - Eevee: (( woop 5 ))
  2426. 1:21 AM - Eevee: (( so 18 altogether ))
  2427. 1:21 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You hack your way through a number of the little buggers, punting, cutting, and gooping them
  2428. 1:22 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: now it's their turn!
  2429. 1:23 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: defense scores?
  2430. 1:23 AM - Sarah Salem: ((oh jeez))
  2431. 1:23 AM - Sarah Salem: 6, but -2 from the wounds, so 4.
  2432. 1:23 AM - Eevee: 7
  2433. 1:24 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Eve takes 2 damage, Sarah takes 4
  2434. 1:25 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: the eyes are practically jumping on eachother to nip at you
  2435. 1:26 AM - Eevee: I suppose I'll attack again
  2436. 1:26 AM - Sarah Salem: I punt as many of them as I can out of the way, and head to the nearest set of bleachers.
  2437. 1:26 AM - Sarah Salem: ((looks like he wasnt done yet :V))
  2438. 1:27 AM - Eevee: (( ye :o ))
  2439. 1:27 AM - Sarah Salem: ((that must be the big eye, i guess its got ranged attacks))
  2440. 1:27 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: I meant all the little eyes
  2441. 1:28 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: from the bleachers
  2442. 1:28 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: they're swarming you
  2443. 1:28 AM - Sarah Salem: ((oh, shit :I))
  2444. 1:29 AM - Eevee: (( actually can I attack the big eye with razor clover))
  2445. 1:29 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: ye
  2446. 1:29 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: roll
  2447. 1:30 AM - Eevee: (( involuntary oc ))
  2448. 1:30 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: yer
  2449. 1:30 AM - Sarah Salem: I'm gonna head over to the bleachers like I said, and break/rip through em.
  2450. 1:30 AM - Eevee: (( 13 ))
  2451. 1:31 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: you fire a wave of clovers at the large ceiling eye
  2452. 1:31 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: it closes, and all the little eyes close too, rolling back and forth on the floor
  2453. 1:32 AM - Eevee: (( oh snap ))
  2454. 1:32 AM - Sarah Salem: (( bust some shit up, eve :v))
  2455. 1:32 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: she just did, now it's your go
  2456. 1:33 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: and you went to rek dem bleachers
  2457. 1:33 AM - Eevee: (( can I use quick heal on myself really quick actually as a free action ))
  2458. 1:33 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: sure
  2459. 1:33 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Sarah avoids conflic with the wriggling eyes and closes the distance to the bleachers, but doesn't manage to do anything
  2460. 1:34 AM - Sarah Salem: I should've hyper speeded :v
  2461. 1:34 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Then, out of the walls tears a large, paper mache arm, which lashes at Sarah
  2462. 1:34 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffft
  2463. 1:34 AM - Eevee: (( oh fuck ))
  2464. 1:34 AM - Sarah Salem: (( 0-0 that goddamn 19 ))
  2465. 1:35 AM - Eevee: (( godamnit ))
  2466. 1:35 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: 29
  2467. 1:35 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs:
  2468. 1:35 AM - Sarah Salem: (( 0-0 excuse me, 29.))
  2469. 1:35 AM - Sarah Salem: (( jesus christ))
  2470. 1:35 AM - Eevee: (( data you're so fucked ))
  2471. 1:36 AM - Sarah Salem: (( i noticed! 11 damage, christ))
  2472. 1:36 AM - Sarah Salem: ((thats a little more than half my base hp ))
  2473. 1:37 AM - Eevee: (( don't worry bby I'll heal you up c: ))
  2474. 1:37 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: the fist slams Sarah into the floor
  2475. 1:37 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: actually I dun goofed a bit
  2476. 1:37 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: should be 10 damage
  2477. 1:37 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: c:
  2478. 1:37 AM - Eevee: (( :v ))
  2479. 1:37 AM - Sarah Salem: (( so exactly half my base hp then :V ))
  2480. 1:38 AM - Sarah Salem: (( im not even gonna try and defense challenge that ))
  2481. 1:38 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: the large eye opens again, and all the little buggers spring right back into action
  2482. 1:38 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: though their turn is over
  2483. 1:38 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Friggle, I believe it's your go
  2484. 1:40 AM - Eevee: I'll razor clover the eye again
  2485. 1:40 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: roll bb
  2486. 1:40 AM - Eevee: godamnit another 6
  2487. 1:40 AM - Sarah Salem: ((all this OC you're taking))
  2488. 1:40 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: dat 6 tho
  2489. 1:41 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: nother 6
  2490. 1:41 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: cumon bb
  2491. 1:41 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: do it
  2492. 1:41 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: pfft
  2493. 1:41 AM - Eevee: fuckyou dice
  2494. 1:41 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: the dice are certainly fucking you guys tonight
  2495. 1:41 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: you sure you still like Roll20 better than rolz? :v
  2496. 1:41 AM - Eevee: (( T.T ))
  2497. 1:41 AM - Sarah Salem: (( but none of us even like r20 over rolz :v ))
  2498. 1:41 AM - Eevee: (( I like the 3D dice toh :v ))
  2499. 1:41 AM - Sarah Salem: ((and this happens to me all the time c:))
  2500. 1:42 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Eve's wave slices the eye once more
  2501. 1:42 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: oh yeah, damage
  2502. 1:42 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: we totally forgot that
  2503. 1:42 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: roll damage for both your clover attacks
  2504. 1:43 AM - Eevee: kaaay
  2505. 1:44 AM - Eevee: 4
  2506. 1:44 AM - Eevee: 3
  2507. 1:44 AM - Eevee: so 7
  2508. 1:44 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: mhm, mhmm, I see, yes
  2509. 1:45 AM - Eevee: c:
  2510. 1:45 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Sarah, your go
  2511. 1:46 AM - Sarah Salem: ((shit sorry))
  2512. 1:46 AM - Sarah Salem: I rip up those bleachers.
  2513. 1:47 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: you reveal a beating purple heart as large as yourself
  2514. 1:47 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: and you've still a chance to attack
  2515. 1:47 AM - Sarah Salem: Aw ye.
  2516. 1:47 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: hand, little buggers, or heart?
  2517. 1:47 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: which gets the blade?
  2518. 1:48 AM - Sarah Salem: Heart, I'm gonna go ahead and do Impale on it.
  2519. 1:48 AM - Sarah Salem: extra 1d6+3 damage
  2520. 1:48 AM - Sarah Salem: and im gonna OC that once
  2521. 1:49 AM - Sarah Salem: ((14))
  2522. 1:49 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: beat its defense roll
  2523. 1:49 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: damage?
  2524. 1:49 AM - Sarah Salem: oh wait
  2525. 1:49 AM - Sarah Salem: since i have a -2 to my attack stat atm, does that effect damage as well
  2526. 1:50 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: nah
  2527. 1:50 AM - Sarah Salem: radical
  2528. 1:50 AM - Sarah Salem: 20 damage
  2529. 1:50 AM - Sarah Salem: I'll show him a motherfucking critical.
  2530. 1:50 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: why are you rolling 2d6+8 for your damage
  2531. 1:51 AM - Sarah Salem: 1d6 normal
  2532. 1:51 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: mhm
  2533. 1:51 AM - Sarah Salem: +1d6+3 from the finishing attack
  2534. 1:51 AM - Sarah Salem: +4, half my attack stat
  2535. 1:51 AM - Sarah Salem: +1, from the OC i took
  2536. 1:51 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: oh, didn't know you did a finisher
  2537. 1:52 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: well then, because you're attacking such a weakspot, you deal bonus damage
  2538. 1:52 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: double damage, that is
  2539. 1:52 AM - Sarah Salem: ((and how much bonus damage is that c:))
  2540. 1:53 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: this nigga's got some serious health
  2541. 1:53 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: it's like an entire fuckin school so :v
  2542. 1:53 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: and don't forget you can clash attacks
  2543. 1:53 AM - Eevee: (( oh wait doesn't saah take oc from the 6's? ))
  2544. 1:54 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: not on damage
  2545. 1:54 AM - Eevee: (( ohhh kay ))
  2546. 1:54 AM - Sarah Salem: ((alright so after i damage it, im gonna use my free action of integrity scan))
  2547. 1:54 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: that's like a defense roll but with attack and if you win you deal damage
  2548. 1:55 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: it's halfway dead, though the paper mache hand seems far more limpwristed and a number of the tiny eye buggers closed and fell to the floor
  2549. 1:55 AM - Sarah Salem: ((awesome))
  2550. 1:56 AM - Sarah Salem: ((good thing too, since this thing is probably about to beat the everloving fuck out of me :V))
  2551. 1:57 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: :v
  2552. 1:58 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: so anyways
  2553. 1:58 AM - Eevee disconnected.
  2554. 1:58 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: dammit frig
  2555. 1:59 AM - Sarah Salem: ((he probs crashed))
  2556. 1:59 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: obvs
  2557. 2:01 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: still laughing that you got whacked with a 29 and 1 short of max damage
  2558. 2:01 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: :v
  2559. 2:02 AM - Sarah Salem: Yeah but then I did double max damage in return so :v
  2560. 2:02 AM - Sarah Salem: safe to say i pissed the thing off
  2561. 2:03 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: true, but it's got an arseload more health than you
  2562. 2:03 AM - Sarah Salem: so i just have to hit it an arseload harder c:
  2563. 2:06 AM - Eevee has been invited to chat.
  2564. 2:07 AM - Eevee entered chat.
  2565. 2:07 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: woo
  2566. 2:07 AM - Eevee: (( eyyyyyyyyyyy ))
  2567. 2:07 AM - Sarah Salem: ((he lives))
  2568. 2:07 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: so yeah, youma was about to go
  2569. 2:07 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: the heart sinks into the floor
  2570. 2:09 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: the still standing eye niggas swarm Eve
  2571. 2:10 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: your defense again, Eve?
  2572. 2:10 AM - Eevee: 7
  2573. 2:10 AM - Sarah Salem: ((remember its your defense value +4))
  2574. 2:10 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: ye
  2575. 2:10 AM - Eevee: oh shiz I wasn't aware
  2576. 2:10 AM - Eevee: 11 then
  2577. 2:11 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: +6 if you were guardian
  2578. 2:11 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: 2 damage
  2579. 2:12 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: a number overly happy basketballs fire at Eve from the darkness around the spotlight you've been fighting in
  2580. 2:13 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You can roll to block them with your attack, or just dodge them with finesse
  2581. 2:13 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: or mix it up and try to be as anime as possible by doing both
  2582. 2:14 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: roll 3 times for dodge/block
  2583. 2:14 AM - Eevee: I'll just dodge em
  2584. 2:14 AM - Eevee: actually my defense and finesse are the same
  2585. 2:14 AM - Eevee: yeah ill do both fuck it
  2586. 2:15 AM - Eevee: so 2d6+7 3 times?
  2587. 2:15 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: declare which roll is which~
  2588. 2:15 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: and yes
  2589. 2:15 AM - Eevee: aight i'll make the first two dodges and the last one a block
  2590. 2:15 AM - Eevee: well here we go
  2591. 2:16 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: pls fail the last one pls fail the last one pls fail the last one
  2592. 2:16 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: c;
  2593. 2:16 AM - Eevee: 11
  2594. 2:16 AM - Eevee: 12
  2595. 2:16 AM - Sarah Salem: ((nice))
  2596. 2:16 AM - Eevee: 14
  2597. 2:17 AM - Eevee: (( c: ))
  2598. 2:17 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: the first ball socks you right in the gabber forrrr
  2599. 2:17 AM - Eevee: :c
  2600. 2:17 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: 4 damage
  2601. 2:17 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: c:
  2602. 2:17 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: I was gonna make it explode if it hit 4
  2603. 2:17 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: should I?
  2604. 2:17 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: I should
  2605. 2:17 AM - Eevee: D:
  2606. 2:17 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: <3 u 2 bb
  2607. 2:18 AM - Sarah Salem: ((no, eve. the basketballs have a :D face))
  2608. 2:18 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: only 1 more damage
  2609. 2:18 AM - Eevee: hah
  2610. 2:18 AM - Eevee: (( these basketballs creep me the frig out T.T ))
  2611. 2:19 AM - Sarah Salem: (( :v ))
  2612. 2:19 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Eve manages to get her shit together and dodge the second ball, while expertly blocking the latter like a pro as its high speed spinning creates sparks off Eve's blade handle before it bounces away into darkness
  2613. 2:19 AM - Eevee: (( 2anime4u ))
  2614. 2:19 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Eevee's turn~
  2615. 2:20 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: there are two more bleachers you can try to find the heart at
  2616. 2:20 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: and still some little eyebuggers
  2617. 2:20 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: since the heart sank into the floor after Sarah's murderlization of it
  2618. 2:20 AM - Eevee: how far away are the nearest bleachers?
  2619. 2:23 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: will take you a full turn of running without attacking eyebuggers in the way (and taking 1d4 damage from that) or two turns of attacking and possibly taking less damage depending on your attack rolls
  2620. 2:24 AM - Eevee: instead I'll use Lucky Dodger on Sarah and have her run around looking for the heart c:
  2621. 2:24 AM - Sarah Salem: :v
  2622. 2:25 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: wots dat do?
  2623. 2:25 AM - Eevee: gives a -4 chance to hit on any attacker attacking her until my next turn
  2624. 2:25 AM - Eevee: can only use it once every three turns tho
  2625. 2:25 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: oo
  2626. 2:25 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: kay
  2627. 2:26 AM - Your state is set to Offline.
  2628. 2:26 AM - Lost connection to Steam, will rejoin chat automatically when connection regained.
  2629. 2:27 AM - Connected again and rejoined chat.
  2630. 2:28 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: kay
  2631. 2:28 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: back
  2632. 2:28 AM - Eevee: wb
  2633. 2:28 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: kay so completely lost my train of thought now
  2634. 2:28 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: oh
  2635. 2:28 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: right
  2636. 2:28 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Sarahs's go
  2637. 2:29 AM - Sarah Salem: im gonna head for the next set of bleachers :v
  2638. 2:29 AM - Sarah Salem: And open them, if I can.
  2639. 2:30 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: courtsey of Eve's lucky dodger, none of the eyeniggas hit you as you charge, hyperspeeding towards the next set
  2640. 2:30 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: pick a number, 1 or 2
  2641. 2:31 AM - Sarah Salem: 1
  2642. 2:31 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: I said pick a number
  2643. 2:31 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: not roll a number
  2644. 2:31 AM - Sarah Salem: i know c:
  2645. 2:31 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: o
  2646. 2:31 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: kay :v
  2647. 2:31 AM - Sarah Salem: same effect as flipping a coin :v
  2648. 2:31 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: shit outta luck boyo
  2649. 2:31 AM - Sarah Salem: ((aw :v((
  2650. 2:31 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: the bleachers you tear down don't have yonder heart hidden neath them
  2651. 2:32 AM - Eevee: (( T.T ))
  2652. 2:32 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: but they do have your bff the hand
  2653. 2:32 AM - Sarah Salem: ((but are there dancing sandwiches))
  2654. 2:32 AM - Sarah Salem: ((oh dammit))
  2655. 2:32 AM - Eevee disconnected.
  2656. 2:33 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: fff
  2657. 2:33 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: well, it's the youma's turn anyway
  2658. 2:33 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: and it's botta put the beatdown on yo ass
  2659. 2:33 AM - Sarah Salem: (( was i cruisin for a bruisin? ))
  2660. 2:34 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: not with a 10 as this thing's roll
  2661. 2:34 AM - Eevee has been invited to chat.
  2662. 2:34 AM - Sarah Salem: (( woo ))
  2663. 2:34 AM - Eevee entered chat.
  2664. 2:34 AM - Eevee: (( eyyyyyyyyyyyyy ))
  2665. 2:34 AM - Sarah Salem: (( hi c:))
  2666. 2:36 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: the limpwristed paper mache wallhand attempts to put the smackdown on Sarah's crippled arse but fails miserably as she blocks it with her billhook
  2667. 2:36 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: eyeniggas eat Eve's butt some more
  2668. 2:36 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: iirc that's 1 hit then
  2669. 2:36 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: so 1 damage
  2670. 2:37 AM - Eevee: T.T
  2671. 2:37 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: health call?
  2672. 2:38 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: eh, fuck it
  2673. 2:38 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: anyways it's your turn Friggy
  2674. 2:38 AM - Eevee: oop
  2675. 2:38 AM - Eevee: I think I'll hold so me and saah can team attack the heart that's under the last bleacher
  2676. 2:39 AM - Eevee: why do I always forget to put the r in sarah
  2677. 2:39 AM - Eevee: godamn
  2678. 2:39 AM - Eevee: anyways ye holding
  2679. 2:39 AM - Sarah Salem: I flip the other bleacher :v
  2680. 2:42 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: clever girl, you
  2681. 2:42 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: you charge and flip ye bleacher of cardboard, revealing the pulsing heart
  2682. 2:42 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: its beats are slightly irregular
  2683. 2:42 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: you goan rekkit?
  2684. 2:44 AM - Eevee: (( ey yo data what's your attacj attribute ))
  2685. 2:44 AM - Eevee: (( attack* ))
  2686. 2:44 AM - Sarah Salem: (( 6 atm))
  2687. 2:44 AM - Sarah Salem: And yeah, I'll fuck it up
  2688. 2:45 AM - Eevee: (( no like, is it fury or magic or heart ))
  2689. 2:45 AM - Sarah Salem: ((fury)))
  2690. 2:45 AM - Eevee: (( aight cool ))
  2691. 2:45 AM - Eevee: i'll team attack with her then
  2692. 2:45 AM - Eevee: which gives us both +2 to attack and +2 to hit
  2693. 2:45 AM - Sarah Salem: ((so 15))
  2694. 2:46 AM - Eevee: 12
  2695. 2:46 AM - Sarah Salem: ((8 damage)))
  2696. 2:46 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: so is that from your combined attack or what?
  2697. 2:47 AM - Eevee: p sure we ach roll seperate attacks
  2698. 2:47 AM - Eevee: was my 12 enough to pass its defense?
  2699. 2:48 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: heart has no defense
  2700. 2:48 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: so ye
  2701. 2:49 AM - Eevee: 9
  2702. 2:49 AM - Eevee: so 17 damage altogether
  2703. 2:49 AM - Eevee: between the two of us
  2704. 2:50 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: mhmmm, so double would be 34
  2705. 2:50 AM - Sarah Salem: ((radical))
  2706. 2:50 AM - Eevee: (( hell ye ))
  2707. 2:51 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Running in unison, Sarah and Eve weave and dodge their way across the field of creepy anthromorphic red eyes for a simultaneous strike on the beating purple heart, slashing crossways on either side of the organ
  2708. 2:52 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: The heart sinks into the floor once more, appearing where the second set of bleachers once stood
  2709. 2:52 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: it's leaking purple goop and beating wildly
  2710. 2:52 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: you can hear the rapid heartbeat thrum across the gymnasium
  2711. 2:53 AM - Sarah Salem: I'm gonna make my attack a Feint, so I can attack again :v
  2712. 2:53 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: that an effect?
  2713. 2:53 AM - Sarah Salem: ye
  2714. 2:54 AM - Sarah Salem: So I'm gonna throw my billhook like a javelin :v
  2715. 2:54 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: with your good arm I'd hope :v
  2716. 2:55 AM - Sarah Salem: 8 damage, halved from the feint, doubled from the heart, so 8 damage in the end c:
  2717. 2:55 AM - Sarah Salem: ((we did 40 damage in one turn again, woo ))
  2718. 2:55 AM - Eevee: (( godamn we're good ))
  2719. 2:55 AM - Sarah Salem: ((*fivies*))
  2720. 2:56 AM - Eevee: (( *fivies* ))
  2721. 2:57 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: your javelin toss sticks into the heart solidly
  2722. 2:57 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: you don't need to read this thing to be able to tell that one more attack and it'll be down, but for the time being, it's still alive
  2723. 2:58 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: those eyebuggers that aren't motionless on the floor are more jittery than ever, crying tears of blood as the eye ceiling drips purple good
  2724. 2:58 AM - Sarah Salem: (( dangit))
  2725. 2:58 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Two hands appear out of either side of the wall near you, clapping together against you both
  2726. 2:58 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Or at least, trying to
  2727. 2:59 AM - Eevee: (( oh snap ))
  2728. 2:59 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: IT WON'T BE BESTED THAT EASILY
  2729. 2:59 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: IT OCS THIS 13
  2730. 2:59 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: 17
  2731. 2:59 AM - Sarah Salem: I CLASH THE HAND THATS COMING FOR ME
  2732. 2:59 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: roll attack
  2733. 3:00 AM - Sarah Salem: ((lets note that i dont have a weapon, so im clashing this barehanded
  2734. 3:01 AM - Sarah Salem: (( also, 33))
  2735. 3:01 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: none of that was even voluntary :v
  2736. 3:01 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: fucking
  2737. 3:01 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: incredible
  2738. 3:01 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: you just triplechained OC
  2739. 3:01 AM - Eevee: (( oh snap son ))
  2740. 3:01 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: that's fucking god damn 33
  2741. 3:01 AM - Sarah Salem: ((ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWER))
  2742. 3:01 AM - Eevee: (( I might as well clash too actually ))
  2743. 3:01 AM - Sarah Salem: ((barehanded, too :V))
  2744. 3:02 AM - Eevee: (( i'll probably fail but this fuckers dead next turn anyways ))
  2745. 3:03 AM - Eevee disconnected.
  2746. 3:03 AM - Sarah Salem: ((rip eve))
  2747. 3:04 AM - Eevee has been invited to chat.
  2748. 3:04 AM - Eevee entered chat.
  2749. 3:04 AM - Eevee: (( well I fail as expected ))
  2750. 3:05 AM - Eevee: (( finish him data :v ))
  2751. 3:05 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: Sarah grabs the giant wallhand
  2752. 3:05 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: barehanded
  2753. 3:05 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: tears it right the fuck out of the wall
  2754. 3:05 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: and hurls it at the heart, where it lands on and crushes the organ
  2755. 3:06 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: before the second hand can bitchslap Eve, it collapses into a gust of loose papers
  2756. 3:06 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: she'll have nothing worse than a papercut from that ordeal
  2757. 3:07 AM - Sarah Salem: dfr
  2758. 3:07 AM - Sarah Salem: ((woops))
  2759. 3:07 AM - Eevee: (( yay ))
  2760. 3:08 AM - Sarah Salem: I go over to the heart and pull my billhook out from it's splattery remains.
  2761. 3:09 AM - Eevee: (( can I get rid of my fury oc by going on a rampage and attacking sarah ))
  2762. 3:09 AM - Sarah Salem: ((how much fury oc did you even rack up?))
  2763. 3:10 AM - Eevee: (( 4 :v it's this or getting a permanent wound ))
  2764. 3:10 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: it's not permanant
  2765. 3:10 AM - Eevee: (( ohhh until the end of the session ))
  2766. 3:10 AM - Sarah Salem: (( im just dealing with taking a 3rd wound actually :V))
  2767. 3:10 AM - Eevee: (( ye nvm I'll take the wound ))
  2768. 3:11 AM - Eevee: (( oh god poor sarah ))
  2769. 3:11 AM - Sarah Salem: ((ive almost died a lot :v ))
  2770. 3:11 AM - Eevee: (( you really have :o ))
  2771. 3:12 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: the splattered heart condenses into a small purple diamond
  2772. 3:13 AM - Sarah Salem: I pick it up and hold it to the light.
  2773. 3:13 AM - Sarah Salem: "What is this?"
  2774. 3:14 AM - Eevee: *Eve drops to her knees and pants* "That's probably...the oblivion seed..." (( p sure the bird explained those are a thing right? ))
  2775. 3:15 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: They're whatcha needs to make wishy wishy
  2776. 3:15 AM - Sarah Salem: ((yeah i know :v))
  2777. 3:15 AM - Sarah Salem: "This is the first I've seen. Do you want it?" I hold out the gem to Eve.
  2778. 3:16 AM - Eevee: *Eve tilts her head* "Are you sure? We need those to make our wish come true."
  2779. 3:17 AM - Sarah Salem: "I do not think it will be too difficult to collect more, if we work as a team."
  2780. 3:18 AM - Eevee: *Eve nods and takes the seed* "Thanks so much!" *Eve gives Sarah the best bear hug she can manage*
  2781. 3:19 AM - Eevee: "I don't like this place, lets get out of here okay?"
  2782. 3:19 AM - Sarah Salem: I attempt to not have my bad arm crushed by the hug, before nodding and following you.
  2783. 3:20 AM - Sarah Salem: Oh, and I take the book with me.
  2784. 3:20 AM - Eevee: I guess I'll vent the oc by giving myself a limp
  2785. 3:20 AM - Eevee: if thats alright
  2786. 3:20 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: The book has a big winky face on the newest page with text on it
  2787. 3:22 AM - Sarah Salem: A shallow cut opens above my eye as I transform back.
  2788. 3:22 AM - Sarah Salem: ((OC vented~))
  2789. 3:22 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: man aren't you edgy
  2790. 3:22 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: :v
  2791. 3:23 AM - Sarah Salem: ((the edgiest))
  2792. 3:23 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: oh oh, want a little buddy?
  2793. 3:23 AM - Sarah Salem: ((is it a dancing sandwich?))
  2794. 3:23 AM - Sarah Salem: ((if so, fuck yes.))
  2795. 3:23 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: no
  2796. 3:23 AM - Eevee: ((omg))
  2797. 3:23 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: you'd just eat it
  2798. 3:23 AM - Sarah Salem: ((if no, fuck yes.))
  2799. 3:24 AM - Sarah Salem: ((you don't know that))
  2800. 3:24 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: as you make your way through the halls, following the signs which seem relatively normal leading you to an exit, you hear a rattling overhead
  2801. 3:24 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: out of a vent cover pops one of the little red eyethings
  2802. 3:24 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: it's not quite so giggily anymore
  2803. 3:24 AM - Eevee: *Eve jumps behind Sarah yelling "Kill it"*
  2804. 3:25 AM - Sarah Salem: "I do not think it poses any danger." I step forward toward the little eye.
  2805. 3:26 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: It looks up at you, its little iris wavering like it's about to cry
  2806. 3:26 AM - Sarah Salem: I pick up the little eye and place it on my shoulder.
  2807. 3:27 AM - Sarah Salem: ((not one, but two war trophies from this fight))
  2808. 3:27 AM - Sarah Salem: ((i can dig it))
  2809. 3:28 AM - Eevee: *Eve peeks around Saah and after seeing it about to cry elaxes a bit* "Awwww"
  2810. 3:28 AM - Eevee: (( whatcha gunna name it? c: ))
  2811. 3:29 AM - Sarah Salem: (( twilight sparkler))
  2812. 3:29 AM - Sarah Salem: ((no jk))
  2813. 3:29 AM - Eevee: (( pfft ))
  2814. 3:29 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: It nuzzles into a little nook between your shoulder and neck
  2815. 3:30 AM - Sarah Salem: I head out of the labrynth with Eve. "All these injuries are becoming a problem."
  2816. 3:30 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: You exit the nightmare and reemerge in normal school again
  2817. 3:30 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: granted it's like midnight now
  2818. 3:30 AM - Eevee: (( 2kawaii5me ))
  2819. 3:31 AM - Eevee: "You really should rest. Want me to take you to the hospital again?"
  2820. 3:32 AM - Sarah Salem: "I'd rather not worry my sister more. I was hoping she would not find out that I went there in the first place."
  2821. 3:32 AM - Sarah Salem: I give my goodbyes to Eve, and head home to sneak back into my room.
  2822. 3:32 AM - Eevee: *Eve also limps her ass home*
  2823. 3:33 AM - Eevee disconnected.
  2824. 3:34 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: I demand to know Eyebud's name
  2825. 3:34 AM - Sarah Salem: the eye?
  2826. 3:34 AM - Sarah Salem: umm
  2827. 3:34 AM - Sarah Salem: ummmm :I
  2828. 3:34 AM - Sarah Salem: shalashashka
  2829. 3:34 AM - Sarah Salem: no not really
  2830. 3:35 AM - Sarah Salem: i'll just call it eye for now :v
  2831. 3:35 AM - Sarah Salem: i need something short and one syllable to call it
  2832. 3:36 AM - Super Contractio Bruvs: :v
  2834. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Eve and Sarah - Eye Heart You~~
  2839. GM/Logger's Note: What follows is a transcript nicked straight from the Roll20 chat after we all went into private chats of various rolls and short offtopic chatter that happened throughout the session after they split but which I can't be arsed to delete.
  2842. Eri Motai: ((you better being singing this; http: //
  2843. rolling 2d6+5
  2844. (
  2845. 3
  2846. +
  2847. 2
  2848. )
  2849. +5
  2850. =
  2851. 10
  2852. rolling 2d6+5
  2853. (
  2854. 2
  2855. +
  2856. 1
  2857. )
  2858. +5
  2859. =
  2860. 8
  2861. Sarah Salem: (( 10/10 roll))
  2862. Eve Ishi: (( rip ))
  2863. Eri Motai: (no whammies no whammies no whammies)
  2864. rolling 2d6+5
  2865. (
  2866. 2
  2867. +
  2868. 1
  2869. )
  2870. +5
  2871. =
  2872. 8
  2873. (fuckin serious?)
  2874. Sarah Salem: (( hope you're not dead c: ))
  2875. Eve Ishi: (( oh god ))
  2876. Eri Motai: ((it's fine, just flunking at being good at stuff it's cool)
  2877. ((I think i'm about to get my mouth ripped apart though ala joker))
  2878. Sarah Salem: ((radical))
  2879. Eri Motai:
  2880. rolling 2d6+5
  2881. (
  2882. 4
  2883. +
  2884. 1
  2885. )
  2886. +5
  2887. =
  2888. 10
  2889. Sarah Salem:
  2890. rolling 2d6+4
  2891. (
  2892. 3
  2893. +
  2894. 6
  2895. )
  2896. +4
  2897. =
  2898. 13
  2899. Eve Ishi:
  2900. rolling 2d6 + 06
  2901. (
  2902. 6
  2903. +
  2904. 3
  2905. )
  2906. +6
  2907. =
  2908. 15
  2909. Eri Motai:
  2910. rolling 2d6+5
  2911. (
  2912. 1
  2913. +
  2914. 3
  2915. )
  2916. +5
  2917. =
  2918. 9
  2919. ((guys help my mouth does not do the things I tell it to do))
  2920. Sarah Salem: ((and we're the ones with low social : v))
  2921. Eve Ishi: (( pfft ))
  2922. Sarah Salem: 2d6+6
  2923. rolling 2d6+6
  2924. (
  2925. 1
  2926. +
  2927. 2
  2928. )
  2929. +6
  2930. =
  2931. 9
  2932. Eve Ishi:
  2933. rolling 2d6 + 06
  2934. (
  2935. 1
  2936. +
  2937. 6
  2938. )
  2939. +6
  2940. =
  2941. 13
  2942. Sarah Salem:
  2943. rolling 2d6+5
  2944. (
  2945. 6
  2946. +
  2947. 2
  2948. )
  2949. +5
  2950. =
  2951. 13
  2952. Eve Ishi:
  2953. rolling 2d6 + 05
  2954. (
  2955. 5
  2956. +
  2957. 5
  2958. )
  2959. +5
  2960. =
  2961. 15
  2962. Sarah Salem: 2d6+5
  2963. rolling 2d6+5
  2964. (
  2965. 3
  2966. +
  2967. 4
  2968. )
  2969. +5
  2970. =
  2971. 12
  2972. Eri Motai: so much rollz wow so fighting
  2973. Sarah Salem: that one was a headbutt c:
  2974. rolling 2d6+7
  2975. (
  2976. 1
  2977. +
  2978. 3
  2979. )
  2980. +7
  2981. =
  2982. 11
  2983. rolling 2d6+6
  2984. (
  2985. 2
  2986. +
  2987. 3
  2988. )
  2989. +6
  2990. =
  2991. 11
  2992. rolling 2d6+5
  2993. (
  2994. 5
  2995. +
  2996. 4
  2997. )
  2998. +5
  2999. =
  3000. 14
  3001. rolling 2d6+9
  3002. (
  3003. 6
  3004. +
  3005. 3
  3006. )
  3007. +9
  3008. =
  3009. 18
  3010. rolling 2d6+5
  3011. (
  3012. 2
  3013. +
  3014. 5
  3015. )
  3016. +5
  3017. =
  3018. 12
  3019. Sarah Salem:
  3020. rolling 2d6+4
  3021. (
  3022. 4
  3023. +
  3024. 6
  3025. )
  3026. +4
  3027. =
  3028. 14
  3029. Eve Ishi:
  3030. rolling 2d6 + 03
  3031. (
  3032. 5
  3033. +
  3034. 5
  3035. )
  3036. +3
  3037. =
  3038. 13
  3039. Sarah Salem:
  3040. rolling 2d6+6
  3041. (
  3042. 1
  3043. +
  3044. 4
  3045. )
  3046. +6
  3047. =
  3048. 11
  3049. Eve Ishi:
  3050. rolling 2d6 + 03
  3051. (
  3052. 6
  3053. +
  3054. 4
  3055. )
  3056. +3
  3057. =
  3058. 13
  3059. rolling 1d6 +
  3060. (
  3061. 5
  3062. )
  3063. =
  3064. 5
  3065. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM):
  3066. rolling 2d6+2
  3067. (
  3068. 4
  3069. +
  3070. 3
  3071. )
  3072. +2
  3073. =
  3074. 9
  3075. rolling 2d6+2
  3076. (
  3077. 2
  3078. +
  3079. 1
  3080. )
  3081. +2
  3082. =
  3083. 5
  3084. rolling 2d6+2
  3085. (
  3086. 1
  3087. +
  3088. 1
  3089. )
  3090. +2
  3091. =
  3092. 4
  3093. rolling 2d6+2
  3094. (
  3095. 5
  3096. +
  3097. 1
  3098. )
  3099. +2
  3100. =
  3101. 8
  3102. rolling 2d6+2
  3103. (
  3104. 2
  3105. +
  3106. 1
  3107. )
  3108. +2
  3109. =
  3110. 5
  3111. rolling 2d6+8
  3112. (
  3113. 4
  3114. +
  3115. 2
  3116. )
  3117. +8
  3118. =
  3119. 14
  3120. Eri Motai:
  3121. rolling 2d6+5
  3122. (
  3123. 6
  3124. +
  3125. 4
  3126. )
  3127. +5
  3128. =
  3129. 15
  3130. Eve Ishi:
  3131. rolling 2d6 + 1
  3132. (
  3133. 2
  3134. +
  3135. 6
  3136. )
  3137. +1
  3138. =
  3139. 9
  3140. rolling 1d6 +
  3141. (
  3142. 4
  3143. )
  3144. =
  3145. 4
  3146. Eri Motai:
  3147. rolling 2d6+7
  3148. (
  3149. 1
  3150. +
  3151. 1
  3152. )
  3153. +7
  3154. =
  3155. 9
  3156. Eve Ishi: (( wow smas ))
  3157. Eri Motai: (it's fine, just initiative)
  3158. Sarah Salem: (( what a scrub, right eve?))
  3159. Eri Motai: hey, at least I didn't eat any ghost sandwiches
  3160. Eve Ishi: (( pfft ))
  3161. Sarah Salem: (( it was delicious and probably good for me >: c))
  3162. Eri Motai: ((you are pregnant with baby ghost sandwiches, you are not ok))
  3163. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): 2d6+7
  3164. rolling 2d6+7
  3165. (
  3166. 6
  3167. +
  3168. 6
  3169. )
  3170. +7
  3171. =
  3172. 19
  3173. Eri Motai: (no, I refuse to accept that)
  3174. (I REFUSE)
  3175. rolling 1d6
  3176. (
  3177. 5
  3178. )
  3179. =
  3180. 5
  3181. Satoya Taji: ((Im using Rolz and got a 16 : V))
  3182. Sarah Salem: (( jesus christ))
  3183. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM):
  3184. rolling 1d6
  3185. (
  3186. 5
  3187. )
  3188. =
  3189. 5
  3190. Eve Ishi: (( oh my jesus ))
  3191. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): ahahahahahahhahaha
  3192. Sarah Salem: (( a fuckin 29 hit me ))
  3193. (( i literally have the worst luck : v ))
  3194. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): 1d6+6
  3195. Eri Motai: ((use the power of the sandwich to bring you glory))
  3196. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): shit
  3197. rolling 1d6+6
  3198. (
  3199. 5
  3200. )
  3201. +6
  3202. =
  3203. 11
  3205. OH MY GOD
  3206. 11 DAMAGE
  3207. Eri Motai: ((a great disturbance in the force))
  3208. Eve Ishi: (( jfc ))
  3209. Eri Motai: ((it's like millions cried out in anguish, and were suddenly silenced))
  3210. Sarah Salem: (( im pretty sure i just got like, goddamn flattened))
  3211. Eve Ishi: (( poor sarah is always the one getting fucked up ))
  3212. rolling 2d6 + 1
  3213. (
  3214. 6
  3215. +
  3216. 5
  3217. )
  3218. +1
  3219. =
  3220. 12
  3221. rolling 1d6 +
  3222. (
  3223. 1
  3224. )
  3225. =
  3226. 1
  3227. (( why do the dice hate us ))
  3228. Eri Motai:
  3229. rolling 2d6+8
  3230. (
  3231. 2
  3232. +
  3233. 3
  3234. )
  3235. +8
  3236. =
  3237. 13
  3238. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): 2d6+3
  3239. god damn
  3240. why
  3241. do I keep doing that
  3242. rolling 2d6+3
  3243. (
  3244. 6
  3245. +
  3246. 5
  3247. )
  3248. +3
  3249. =
  3250. 14
  3251. Sarah Salem: ((happens to me too : V))
  3252. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): beat your attack, Eri : v
  3253. no defense doesn't OC explode
  3254. don't think anyway
  3255. Eve Ishi:
  3256. rolling 1d6 + 1
  3257. (
  3258. 3
  3259. )
  3260. +1
  3261. =
  3262. 4
  3263. rolling 1d6 + 1
  3264. (
  3265. 2
  3266. )
  3267. +1
  3268. =
  3269. 3
  3270. Satoya Taji:
  3271. rolling 2d6+7
  3272. (
  3273. 5
  3274. +
  3275. 3
  3276. )
  3277. +7
  3278. =
  3279. 15
  3280. Sarah Salem:
  3281. rolling 2d6+6
  3282. (
  3283. 4
  3284. +
  3285. 2
  3286. )
  3287. +6
  3288. =
  3289. 12
  3290. rolling 1d6
  3291. (
  3292. 2
  3293. )
  3294. =
  3295. 2
  3296. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM):
  3297. rolling 2d6
  3298. (
  3299. 5
  3300. +
  3301. 2
  3302. )
  3303. =
  3304. 7
  3305. Sarah Salem: 2d6+8
  3306. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM):
  3307. rolling 2d6+8
  3308. (
  3309. 5
  3310. +
  3311. 2
  3312. )
  3313. +8
  3314. =
  3315. 15
  3316. Sarah Salem:
  3317. rolling 2d6+8
  3318. (
  3319. 6
  3320. +
  3321. 6
  3322. )
  3323. +8
  3324. =
  3325. 20
  3326. ((20 damage. goddamn i'm cool.))
  3327. Eri Motai:
  3328. rolling 1d6+4
  3329. (
  3330. 6
  3331. )
  3332. +4
  3333. =
  3334. 10
  3335. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM):
  3336. rolling 1d6+4
  3337. (
  3338. 4
  3339. )
  3340. +4
  3341. =
  3342. 8
  3343. Eve Ishi: (( sorry stea mcrashed ))
  3344. Sarah Salem: (( yeah, we figured. get back online~))
  3345. Eve Ishi: (( tryen ))
  3346. Satoya Taji: 2d6+5
  3347. rolling 2d6+5
  3348. (
  3349. 6
  3350. +
  3351. 5
  3352. )
  3353. +5
  3354. =
  3355. 16
  3356. rolling 1d6
  3357. (
  3358. 6
  3359. )
  3360. =
  3361. 6
  3362. rolling 1d6
  3363. (
  3364. 1
  3365. )
  3366. =
  3367. 1
  3368. ((TWO OC))
  3369. Sarah Salem: ((noice hit))
  3370. Satoya Taji: ((WELP))
  3371. Eve Ishi: (( wowie ))
  3372. Satoya Taji:
  3373. rolling 1d6+3
  3374. (
  3375. 4
  3376. )
  3377. +3
  3378. =
  3379. 7
  3380. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM):
  3381. rolling 2d6+3
  3382. (
  3383. 5
  3384. +
  3385. 5
  3386. )
  3387. +3
  3388. =
  3389. 13
  3390. rolling 2d6+3
  3391. (
  3392. 1
  3393. +
  3394. 2
  3395. )
  3396. +3
  3397. =
  3398. 6
  3399. rolling 2d6+3
  3400. (
  3401. 2
  3402. +
  3403. 2
  3404. )
  3405. +3
  3406. =
  3407. 7
  3408. rolling 2d6+3
  3409. (
  3410. 2
  3411. +
  3412. 6
  3413. )
  3414. +3
  3415. =
  3416. 11
  3417. rolling 2d6+3
  3418. (
  3419. 5
  3420. +
  3421. 3
  3422. )
  3423. +3
  3424. =
  3425. 11
  3426. rolling 2d6+3
  3427. (
  3428. 4
  3429. +
  3430. 5
  3431. )
  3432. +3
  3433. =
  3434. 12
  3435. Satoya Taji: 2d6+5
  3436. rolling 2d6+5
  3437. (
  3438. 5
  3439. +
  3440. 1
  3441. )
  3442. +5
  3443. =
  3444. 11
  3445. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM):
  3446. rolling 2d6+4
  3447. (
  3448. 6
  3449. +
  3450. 1
  3451. )
  3452. +4
  3453. =
  3454. 11
  3455. Eri Motai:
  3456. rolling 2d6+8
  3457. (
  3458. 5
  3459. +
  3460. 5
  3461. )
  3462. +8
  3463. =
  3464. 18
  3465. Eve Ishi:
  3466. rolling 2d6 + 7
  3467. (
  3468. 1
  3469. +
  3470. 3
  3471. )
  3472. +7
  3473. =
  3474. 11
  3475. rolling 2d6 + 7
  3476. (
  3477. 3
  3478. +
  3479. 2
  3480. )
  3481. +7
  3482. =
  3483. 12
  3484. rolling 2d6 + 7
  3485. (
  3486. 2
  3487. +
  3488. 5
  3489. )
  3490. +7
  3491. =
  3492. 14
  3493. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM):
  3494. rolling 1d4
  3495. (
  3496. 4
  3497. )
  3498. =
  3499. 4
  3500. rolling 1d4
  3501. (
  3502. 1
  3503. )
  3504. =
  3505. 1
  3506. Eri Motai:
  3507. rolling 1d6+5
  3508. (
  3509. 6
  3510. )
  3511. +5
  3512. =
  3513. 11
  3514. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM):
  3515. rolling 2d6+5
  3516. (
  3517. 2
  3518. +
  3519. 4
  3520. )
  3521. +5
  3522. =
  3523. 11
  3524. rolling 2d6+5
  3525. (
  3526. 3
  3527. +
  3528. 6
  3529. )
  3530. +5
  3531. =
  3532. 14
  3533. rolling 1d6
  3534. (
  3535. 3
  3536. )
  3537. =
  3538. 3
  3539. Eri Motai:
  3540. rolling 2d6+5
  3541. (
  3542. 6
  3543. +
  3544. 5
  3545. )
  3546. +5
  3547. =
  3548. 16
  3549. rolling 1d6
  3550. (
  3551. 1
  3552. )
  3553. =
  3554. 1
  3555. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM):
  3556. rolling 1d6
  3557. (
  3558. 3
  3559. )
  3560. =
  3561. 3
  3562. Eri Motai:
  3563. rolling 1d6
  3564. (
  3565. 1
  3566. )
  3567. =
  3568. 1
  3569. rolling 1d6
  3570. (
  3571. 3
  3572. )
  3573. =
  3574. 3
  3575. Satoya Taji:
  3576. rolling 2d6+5
  3577. (
  3578. 6
  3579. +
  3580. 2
  3581. )
  3582. +5
  3583. =
  3584. 13
  3585. rolling 1d6
  3586. (
  3587. 6
  3588. )
  3589. =
  3590. 6
  3591. rolling 1d6
  3592. (
  3593. 3
  3594. )
  3595. =
  3596. 3
  3597. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): hello?
  3598. Satoya Taji: Ye
  3599. rolling 1d6+3
  3600. (
  3601. 4
  3602. )
  3603. +3
  3604. =
  3605. 7
  3606. Sarah Salem:
  3607. rolling 1d2
  3608. (
  3609. 1
  3610. )
  3611. =
  3612. 1
  3613. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM):
  3614. rolling 1d2
  3615. (
  3616. 2
  3617. )
  3618. =
  3619. 2
  3620. rolling 2d6+4
  3621. (
  3622. 1
  3623. +
  3624. 5
  3625. )
  3626. +4
  3627. =
  3628. 10
  3629. Satoya Taji:
  3630. rolling 2d6+4
  3631. (
  3632. 5
  3633. +
  3634. 2
  3635. )
  3636. +4
  3637. =
  3638. 11
  3639. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM):
  3640. rolling 2d6+4
  3641. (
  3642. 2
  3643. +
  3644. 4
  3645. )
  3646. +4
  3647. =
  3648. 10
  3649. rolling 2d6+3
  3650. (
  3651. 6
  3652. +
  3653. 2
  3654. )
  3655. +3
  3656. =
  3657. 11
  3658. rolling 2d6+3
  3659. (
  3660. 4
  3661. +
  3662. 5
  3663. )
  3664. +3
  3665. =
  3666. 12
  3667. rolling 2d6+3
  3668. (
  3669. 6
  3670. +
  3671. 5
  3672. )
  3673. +3
  3674. =
  3675. 14
  3676. Satoya Taji:
  3677. rolling 1d6+3
  3678. (
  3679. 1
  3680. )
  3681. +3
  3682. =
  3683. 4
  3684. Eri Motai:
  3685. rolling 2d6+8
  3686. (
  3687. 3
  3688. +
  3689. 3
  3690. )
  3691. +8
  3692. =
  3693. 14
  3694. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM):
  3695. rolling 2d6+4
  3696. (
  3697. 1
  3698. +
  3699. 4
  3700. )
  3701. +4
  3702. =
  3703. 9
  3704. rolling 1d6
  3705. (
  3706. 5
  3707. )
  3708. =
  3709. 5
  3710. Eri Motai:
  3711. rolling 1d6
  3712. (
  3713. 3
  3714. )
  3715. =
  3716. 3
  3717. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM):
  3718. rolling 1d6
  3719. (
  3720. 4
  3721. )
  3722. =
  3723. 4
  3724. Eri Motai:
  3725. rolling 1d6
  3726. (
  3727. 3
  3728. )
  3729. =
  3730. 3
  3731. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM):
  3732. rolling 1d6
  3733. (
  3734. 2
  3735. )
  3736. =
  3737. 2
  3738. Sarah Salem:
  3739. rolling 2d6+6
  3740. (
  3741. 5
  3742. +
  3743. 2
  3744. )
  3745. +6
  3746. =
  3747. 13
  3748. Eri Motai: roll 1d6+5
  3749. rolling 1d6+5
  3750. (
  3751. 3
  3752. )
  3753. +5
  3754. =
  3755. 8
  3756. Eve Ishi:
  3757. rolling 2d6 + 5
  3758. (
  3759. 4
  3760. +
  3761. 3
  3762. )
  3763. +5
  3764. =
  3765. 12
  3766. Sarah Salem:
  3767. rolling 1d6+5
  3768. (
  3769. 3
  3770. )
  3771. +5
  3772. =
  3773. 8
  3774. Satoya Taji:
  3775. rolling 2d6+5
  3776. (
  3777. 3
  3778. +
  3779. 4
  3780. )
  3781. +5
  3782. =
  3783. 12
  3784. Eve Ishi:
  3785. rolling 1d6 + 3
  3786. (
  3787. 6
  3788. )
  3789. +3
  3790. =
  3791. 9
  3792. Sarah Salem:
  3793. rolling 2d6+6
  3794. (
  3795. 2
  3796. +
  3797. 4
  3798. )
  3799. +6
  3800. =
  3801. 12
  3802. 1d6+3
  3803. Satoya Taji:
  3804. rolling 2d6+5
  3805. (
  3806. 2
  3807. +
  3808. 4
  3809. )
  3810. +5
  3811. =
  3812. 11
  3813. Sarah Salem:
  3814. rolling 1d6+3
  3815. (
  3816. 5
  3817. )
  3818. +3
  3819. =
  3820. 8
  3821. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM):
  3822. rolling 2d6+3
  3823. (
  3824. 3
  3825. +
  3826. 5
  3827. )
  3828. +3
  3829. =
  3830. 11
  3831. Satoya Taji:
  3832. rolling 1d6
  3833. (
  3834. 1
  3835. )
  3836. =
  3837. 1
  3838. rolling 1d6+3
  3839. (
  3840. 2
  3841. )
  3842. +3
  3843. =
  3844. 5
  3845. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM):
  3846. rolling 2d6+6
  3847. (
  3848. 2
  3849. +
  3850. 5
  3851. )
  3852. +6
  3853. =
  3854. 13
  3855. rolling 1d6
  3856. (
  3857. 4
  3858. )
  3859. =
  3860. 4
  3861. Sarah Salem:
  3862. rolling 2d6+6
  3863. (
  3864. 6
  3865. +
  3866. 5
  3867. )
  3868. +6
  3869. =
  3870. 17
  3871. rolling 1d6
  3872. (
  3873. 6
  3874. )
  3875. =
  3876. 6
  3877. rolling 1d6
  3878. (
  3879. 6
  3880. )
  3881. =
  3882. 6
  3883. rolling 1d6
  3884. (
  3885. 4
  3886. )
  3887. =
  3888. 4
  3889. Eve Ishi:
  3890. rolling 2d6 + 3
  3891. (
  3892. 1
  3893. +
  3894. 6
  3895. )
  3896. +3
  3897. =
  3898. 10
  3899. rolling 1d6 +
  3900. (
  3901. 4
  3902. )
  3903. =
  3904. 4
  3905. Satoya Taji: ((Satoya may have incited a riot))
  3906. ((0u0))
  3907. Sarah Salem: ((i may have rolled a 33 on a clash))
  3908. Satoya Taji:
  3909. rolling 2d6+7
  3910. (
  3911. 1
  3912. +
  3913. 6
  3914. )
  3915. +7
  3916. =
  3917. 14
  3918. rolling 1d6
  3919. (
  3920. 5
  3921. )
  3922. =
  3923. 5
  3924. ((FYI, I just unleashed a Bone Titan into the riot))
  3925. Sarah Salem: ((why dont you just take debilitating wounds like i have three times : v))
  3926. Satoya Taji: ((Not as fun))
  3927. ((Also, setting a cop car on fire ATM))
  3928. rolling 2d6+6
  3929. (
  3930. 2
  3931. +
  3932. 5
  3933. )
  3934. +6
  3935. =
  3936. 13
  3937. Sarah Salem: ((im waiting for you to get arrested and we have to go bail you out))
  3938. Satoya Taji: ((I just made it rain fire with Magic OC))
  3939. Sarah Salem: ((i now have a -3 to every challenge))
  3940. Satoya Taji: ((People are dying))
  3941. ((The city burns))
  3942. Sarah Salem: ((why are you doing this))
  3943. Satoya Taji: ((BECAUSE LETS START A RIOT IT))
  3944. Sarah Salem: ((you need to lay off the hard drugs))
  3945. Satoya Taji:
  3946. rolling 2d6+6
  3947. (
  3948. 3
  3949. +
  3950. 3
  3951. )
  3952. +6
  3953. =
  3954. 12
  3955. Sarah Salem: ((i wish i had more dancing sandwiches))
  3956. Satoya Taji:
  3957. rolling 2d6+7
  3958. (
  3959. 2
  3960. +
  3961. 6
  3962. )
  3963. +7
  3964. =
  3965. 15
  3967. ((I BLAME THE JEWS))
  3968. Sarah Salem: ((told you : v))
  3969. Eve Ishi: (( omg ryan ))
  3970. Satoya Taji: ((Night bitches))
  3971. Sarah Salem: ((night~))
  3972. Eve Ishi: (( nighteh ))
  3973. (( well I lost connection : o ))
  3974. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): nite bb
  3975. Eve Ishi: (( we calling it a night then? ))
  3976. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): yes
  3977. Sarah Salem: ((yeah, its a good time to end
  3978. Eve Ishi: kaaaaay, good game yo
  3979. Sarah Salem: ((oh did we get XP from dat huge youma
  3980. Eve Ishi: oh yeah
  3981. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): 2 xps 4 u bbs
  3982. Sarah Salem: woo~
  3983. Eve Ishi:
  3984. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): ryan and Eri get 1
  3985. Sarah Salem: and i got a cool book and a tiny little eye pet
  3986. Eve Ishi: tank you danny~
  3987. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): yes yes I am cool
  3988. Sarah Salem: have fun logging this mess of a session
  3989. Eve Ishi: well night everyone
  3990. Sarah Salem: all these private chats
  3991. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): yep
  3992. Sarah Salem: night, i think im gonna turn in as well
  3993. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): I'll save each chat into a seperate txt doc and sort it all tomorrow
  3994. Sarah Salem: this was a great session fo sho
  3995. Super Contractio Bruvs (GM): creepy air vents with funny eyethings!
  3996. yaaaay!
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