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Mar 30th, 2015
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  1. <Midboss> i just wanted to here all about the old school days of 2010-2011 super metroid from you sometime
  2. <garrison> haha I know most of it
  3. <Midboss> yeah i figured you were the person to ask
  4. <garrison> I actually did a lot of research on it too when tssb started
  5. <Midboss> oh really? thats cool
  6. <Midboss> i was really curious when who starting playing and what kinda times people had back then
  7. <Midboss> and what kinda strats were getting found when
  8. <garrison> yeah its neat stuff, there's 100% runs from all the way back in 1995
  9. <garrison> on vhs and shit
  10. <Midboss> woah, just random dudes?
  11. <garrison> one of the first speedgames along with doom
  12. <Midboss> or anyone still around
  13. <garrison> yeah there were tapes being sent to magazines
  14. <Midboss> awesome
  15. <Midboss> any idea what kind of times they were?
  16. <garrison> I'd imagine around 1:30 gametime
  17. <garrison> real slow stuff
  18. <garrison> but they were going for speed completions which was a first
  19. <garrison> wrs for any% like 12 years ago were like :43 ingame
  20. <Midboss> who is that by?
  21. <garrison> that's the furthest back one I know, it was a tie between smokey, vopeju, and some other guy
  22. <garrison> then smokey pretty much dominated the game and got :42, :38, and then a legendary :36
  23. <garrison> that one stood for a while
  24. <Midboss> are there videos of any of these runs?
  25. <Midboss> or how did they communicate
  26. <garrison> I think the :36 is on youtube
  27. <garrison> I'll see if I can find it
  28. <Midboss> that would be really great
  29. <garrison> here's the :38
  30. <Midboss> oh wow zebbite skip was known back then?
  31. <garrison> yeah I forget when that became a thing
  32. <Midboss> and how long has mockballing been around?
  33. <garrison> for a long time, I think all the way back to like 2004
  34. <garrison> the appearance of hotarubi was actually pretty funny
  35. <garrison> there were a couple dudes, one of which was groobo who did diablo 2 runs and some other games like halflife I think
  36. <garrison> were trying to beat the :36 for a long time
  37. <garrison> and there were claims of a :35 existing from a few people
  38. <garrison> but groobo had this :34 run that he was sitting on and trying to submit to sda in secret to shock the community
  39. <garrison> only to find out a japanese player submitted a :32 a month before by chance lol
  40. <garrison> no one believed it at the time
  41. <garrison> they used stuff like arm pumping in the room before speedbooster to try and discredit the run
  42. <garrison> hotarubi and a japanese TASer named catnap were way ahead of the game as far as applying knowledge to the game
  43. * DrDoobie has quit (Connection reset by peer)
  44. <Midboss> oh wow
  45. <Midboss> what do you mean by arm pumping to discredit the run?
  46. <garrison> so arm pumping down slopes is a thing that you shouldn't do on downward slopes
  47. <garrison> but there are some that are 100% safe
  48. <Midboss> so they thought he was cheating to do it on those slopes?
  49. <Midboss> or something
  50. <garrison> so they had notions that he was somehow cheating because armpumping down that slope should have interupted his running
  51. <Midboss> no one tested it lol.....
  52. <garrison> nope lol
  53. <garrison> different times
  54. <Midboss> thats pretty great
  55. <countdown42> lol
  56. <Midboss> so what year was this about?
  57. <garrison> that was 2006
  58. <garrison> he actually had a different route that run too on the way to tourian
  59. <countdown42> when did you start gari?
  60. <countdown42> i remember hearing about mockballs from m2k2 way back
  61. <countdown42> definitely before 2007
  62. <garrison> he would climb red shaft and go back into green brinstar and go up by early supers
  63. <garrison> I started in 2009
  64. <Midboss> woah
  65. <Midboss> how much slower is that than the current old route up?
  66. <garrison> I think it ended up being six seconds slower iirc
  67. <garrison> they used to go up through red tower by powerbombs too
  68. <garrison> there was a big debate on which way was faster
  69. <Midboss> so who was still playing and trying to beat hotarubi post that run?
  70. <garrison> so there were two guys who were trying to beat hotarubi with a segmented run
  71. <garrison> azor and 072
  72. <garrison> they were gunning for :31 igt
  73. <garrison> but then hotarubi beat them to it single segment
  74. <garrison> without murder beam
  75. <Midboss> all these routes were to optimize igt not real time right?
  76. <Midboss> haha wow
  77. <garrison> yeah hotarubi's :31 was the first run that sacrificed gametime for realtime
  78. <Midboss> also murder beam?
  79. <garrison> basically he just skipped murderbeam because he didn't like it or something lol
  80. <Midboss> what is that?
  81. <garrison> murderbeam is a glitchbeam similar to spacetime beam
  82. <Midboss> is this GT stuff?
  83. <garrison> basically what it does is create a verticle line wherever you shoot it that does continuous powerbomb damage
  84. <garrison> it severely lags the game
  85. <garrison> but you basically skip motherbrain's 3rd phase with it
  86. <garrison> she starts out dead
  87. <Midboss> interesting
  88. <Midboss> can you link a run that has it in it?
  89. <garrison>
  90. <countdown42> lmao that desc
  91. <countdown42> i love that log
  92. <garrison> but yeah this strat loses like a minute of realtime
  93. <garrison> its great
  94. <Midboss> oh haha, i was wondering why it wasnt used anymore
  95. <garrison> saved 8-15 seconds of gametime
  96. <Midboss> so did people stop using it after hotarubis run kinda?
  97. <Midboss> or were they still trying to beat his igt
  98. <garrison> nah it was the standard for the game still
  99. <garrison> everyone cared about gametime
  100. <garrison> the switch to realtime was basically a natural part of racing
  101. <Midboss> that makes sense
  102. <Midboss> so who started racing this game?
  103. <Midboss> like you are kassiuz?
  104. <Midboss> in 2010 maybe
  105. <garrison> like one player would try to catch up by not turning ice beam off and using missiles to kill enemies instead
  106. <garrison> the first sm race was vopeju and elminster
  107. <garrison> they raced to get 30% lol
  108. <Midboss> haha nice
  109. <garrison> any% races started with me, msds3170, and kassiuz
  110. <Midboss> so you ran the game back then but didnt race?
  111. <Midboss> ah
  112. <garrison> a couple other people as well like dessyreqt and viett
  113. <garrison> then dbx and frozencup came along
  114. <garrison> I was running the game for two years casually before I found out about streaming or sda lol
  115. <garrison> I started with srl in 2011
  116. <Midboss> when you started out did you have a route that looked like hotarubis?
  117. <Midboss> or had the game evolved by then
  118. <garrison> basically everyone just copied hotarubi's route from his :31
  119. <garrison> the big changes to bring realtime into becoming more optimized came from the japanese players
  120. <Midboss> oh there were more japanese players?
  121. <garrison> I found the nico rta wiki had a bunch of super metroid players all around the same skill level as the US crew
  122. <garrison> these japanese players were like a 2nd generation
  123. <Midboss> i had no idea at all
  124. <Midboss> did they kinda die off, or do we just not know about them now?
  125. <garrison> I had sluip get in contact with them because I thought it would be really cool to have a big international race
  126. <garrison> and they all somehow liked the idea
  127. <garrison> fusiana, emodoran, hypo, hakuten
  128. <garrison> then a guy named toraiichi came and went and then danetch came around
  129. <Midboss> oh i had no idea danetch was japanese
  130. <garrison> the interesting thing about them coming around was emodoran was the first to skip spazer because he was good, but not as good as fusiana
  131. <garrison> so he would use that to get what we thought was a temporary lead
  132. <garrison> like everyone was convinced that skipping spazer was going to be slower
  133. <garrison> and it was written off since emodoran was the only one doing it and the better player was getting spazer still
  134. <garrison> basically at this point it was a race to get sub50
  135. <garrison> between about 7 players (me, msds, kassiuz, dbx, fusiana, emodoran, hypo)
  136. <garrison> hotarubi was the only one with a 49
  137. <Midboss> wait is the run you were talking about earlier of hotarubis not his 49:15?
  138. <Midboss> oh ok
  139. <garrison> his :31 was 49:25
  140. <Midboss> oh yeah 25
  141. <garrison> both emodoran and fusiana got 49 before any of us
  142. <garrison> and then they started disappearing
  143. <garrison> so I decided to rta for sub50 and got it pretty easily
  144. <garrison> and then I decided that I was so close to hotarubi's time that I would try to beat it
  145. <garrison> started out skipping spazer in bad starts to try and save time before ultimately deciding that it was just plain faster
  146. <garrison> once we had strats in norfair figured out
  147. <Midboss> what kinda norfair strats do you mean
  148. <garrison> I also skipped ridley's tank in my 49:25 because I knew I was close but not going to do it with that run
  149. <garrison> basically just visuals for the more precise shots
  150. <garrison> like the gate before wave beam
  151. <garrison> or killing things with missiles and psuedo screw attacks
  152. <Midboss> ah
  153. <Midboss> so you still got kraids etank?
  154. <Midboss> and maybe 20 15?
  155. <garrison> yeah kraid's tank was a thing for quite a while
  156. <garrison> we were still doing 25/10 at the point
  157. <Midboss> ah
  158. <Midboss> didnt hotarubi get crab supers though?
  159. <Midboss> when did those get cut
  160. <garrison> yeah he got crab supers
  161. <garrison> I think kassiuz was the one in our crew who decided to just skip them
  162. <garrison> hotarubi and the rest of the japanese players killed draygon with supers
  163. <garrison> but we just learned the shinespark strats
  164. <Midboss> oh, did you guys just discover tapping?
  165. <Midboss> or what it known and noone had tried it in runs
  166. <garrison> people did taps here and there but it really wasn't necessary for anything quite then
  167. <Midboss> not even for like pillars?
  168. <garrison> hotarubi's :31 had like a hybrid strat where he started with a shinespark and then killed with missiles
  169. <garrison> nah pillars everyone used to just go into the room before and do a normal 2tap
  170. <garrison> at that point nothing in the game required more than a 2tap
  171. <garrison> I think dbx was the one who tried to figure out fast pillars like you see it now
  172. <garrison> he was the one who had a more vested interest in 100% where there were a couple of bigger super short charges
  173. <Midboss> oh that makes sense
  174. <Midboss> i didnt really know he did that category
  175. <garrison> super short charges were basically done by the m2k2 people but they never finished runs on ntsc
  176. <garrison> just big talk
  177. <garrison> so since we didn't think it was required we didn't bother with it
  178. <garrison> fast pillars though was really the first instance in any% where a super short was necessary
  179. <Midboss> so which people exactly are m2k2
  180. <garrison> it saved too much time not to do
  181. <Midboss> like smokey and the guys way back then?
  182. <garrison> m2k2 at that point was 4n6, snuffit, reeve, and behemoth
  183. <Midboss> yeah thats why i was wondering about that one specifically
  184. <garrison> those guys have been around forever but were basically all talk
  185. <garrison> and behemoth didn't play ntsc at the time
  186. <garrison> so his runs weren't really comparable to our own
  187. <countdown42> did people not know that pal ran slower
  188. <garrison> it was done with igt
  189. <garrison> so they basically tried to do rough skill conversions for some reason
  190. <Midboss> cant you do wonky stuff like bomb torizo skip real time on pal tho?
  191. <garrison> they used to say behemoth's pal :32 was comparable to a :29
  192. <countdown42> oh right right
  193. <Midboss> or is that an extreme case, and its mostly the same
  194. <garrison> which now that we know what a :29 looks like, lol
  195. <Midboss> oh
  196. <Midboss> haha
  197. <garrison> its really different
  198. <garrison> its one of those games where they sped up the player to match ntsc speeds
  199. <garrison> but nothing else moves at that speed
  200. <garrison> lots of other weird differences too
  201. <garrison> like phantoon has entirely different patterns
  202. <Midboss> hmm that sounds weird to even try and do a time conversion then
  203. <Midboss> but that also doesnt surprise me
  204. <garrison> yeah things were different back then
  205. <garrison> sda had a pal converter they hosted and they would convert all pal times
  206. <garrison> not that it mattered for sm
  207. <Midboss> was that actually useful for some games?
  208. <garrison> you could argue that some games had an unfair advantage on pal because the game moves slower
  209. <garrison> so you have larger windows for tight stuff and then the time gets converted as if the game was moving faster
  210. <Midboss> that makes sense
  211. <Midboss> oh yeah back to sm story time
  212. <Midboss> so who was the first person to beat hotarubis time?
  213. <garrison> me
  214. <Midboss> with what time?
  215. <garrison> 49:22
  216. <garrison> I had tied it before that
  217. <Midboss> mostly the same strats still?
  218. <Midboss> or is this post skipping spazer and stuff
  219. <Midboss> and crab supers i guess
  220. <garrison> at this point I was skipping spazer, skipping ridley tank, and doing fast pillars
  221. <garrison> also crab supers yeah
  222. <garrison> so I saved 8 doors
  223. <garrison> and a bunch of pause menus
  224. <Midboss> how much time is a door anyway?
  225. <Midboss> i feel like thats something i should know
  226. <garrison> depends on the door and how you enter it
  227. <Midboss> well yeah a door with no transition
  228. <garrison> about 2 seconds to be rough
  229. <Midboss> i learned aaaalll about doors moving a while ago lol
  230. <garrison> that was basically my way to catch hotarubi despite not being at the same skill level
  231. <garrison> the igt on my run was a :33 compared to his :31
  232. <Midboss> wow its that much off?
  233. <garrison> yeah
  234. <garrison> skipping items really helped
  235. <garrison> iirc hotarubi got 25%
  236. <garrison> and I was getting 22%
  237. <Midboss> my igt with a 49 is 33 too, so its interesting how much closer to my strats you probably were than his
  238. <Midboss> oh is item fanfare igt?
  239. <garrison> yeah the modern route that most people use is pretty similar to what we were doing
  240. <garrison> item fanfare stops the game timer
  241. <Midboss> i didnt know that, i thought it was just like door transitions and pauses
  242. <garrison> yeah that's why it was beneficial for me to skip more items
  243. <garrison> I pushed the game pretty hard for a long time
  244. <Midboss> you didnt have the record continously did you though?
  245. <garrison> we toyed with the idea of different routes for a while too to see if we could shave off more time
  246. <Midboss> i thought kassiuz had it
  247. <garrison> I had the wr from 49:22 to 47:50
  248. <garrison> kottpower was the first person to beat me
  249. <garrison> I was the first to beat hotarubi in anything
  250. <garrison> since hotarubi was around only 4 other people have had the wr
  251. <garrison> myself, kott, zoast, behemoth
  252. <Midboss> oh, i didnt know it was that few
  253. <Midboss> what did you do to push it down to 47:50?
  254. <Midboss> better movement?
  255. <garrison> yeah better movement, better luck
  256. <garrison> tricks like the full halfy became doable without gravity jumping
  257. <Midboss> oh you can gravity jump to get the full halfy lol?
  258. <Midboss> i didnt know that
  259. <garrison> the biggest change was we figured out how to xfactor phantoon without pausing and we skipped ice until later
  260. <garrison> yeah its really hard that way lol
  261. <garrison> but no one had the movement good enough for the trick, because no one knew about downgrabbing
  262. <garrison> so you had way fewer frames to pull it off
  263. <Midboss> yeah i was goign to ask when downgrabbing was starting to get used
  264. <Midboss> since i havent seen a video with it yet
  265. <garrison> msds was the one who really applied it
  266. <garrison> me and him spent about a month off RTA to research optimizations
  267. <garrison> inspired by krystal and audity's efforts at that time in alttp
  268. <garrison> msds is probably the unsung hero of sm
  269. <Midboss> this is still in 2011, or maybe 2012?
  270. <garrison> 2012 at this point
  271. <Midboss> and what kinda times did you guys have?
  272. <garrison> that was when I went from like 48:25 to 47:50
  273. <garrison> msds and dbx were always like 10-20 seconds behind my times
  274. <garrison> I was a bigger grind monkey
  275. <garrison> not so much a skill difference, I just dedicated way more time to doing runs
  276. <garrison> kottpower actually improved really fast in the game
  277. <garrison> it was kind of surprising when he beat me
  278. <Midboss> do you know how long he had been playing the game when he did?
  279. <garrison> kott was doing pal runs since like 2004
  280. <garrison> but he didn't have great knowledge in the game
  281. <garrison> once he became aware of what we were doing after the first ESA, his times got cut way down
  282. <garrison> lol
  283. <garrison> he wasn't even aware that there was a scene outside of m2k2
  284. <Midboss> was the first esa 2011, or 2012?
  285. <garrison> 2012 I think
  286. <garrison> he went from a 54 to beating me in about 4-5 months
  287. <garrison> and he wasn't streaming for a long time
  288. <garrison> he used to frustrate me a lot because he refused to do fast pillars
  289. <Midboss> haha
  290. <Midboss> why not?
  291. <garrison> he just didn't want to learn it
  292. <Midboss> didnt he already 2 tap for things though?
  293. <Midboss> its the same thing
  294. <garrison> even though it saved like 9 seconds over the other strat
  295. <garrison> I don't remember his reasoning behind it
  296. <garrison> probably didn't stutter
  297. <Midboss> thats a pretty easy 2 tap without a stutter though
  298. <garrison> yeah idk
  299. <Midboss> the camera is a bit wonky in that left room though
  300. <Midboss> i learned the 3 tap because i really didnt like that left room
  301. <garrison> yeah the left room is dumb
  302. <garrison> I stopped playing at that time because it was kott's time to shine and I wanted to play other stuff
  303. <garrison> I basically came back because I got talked into going to agdq
  304. <Midboss> 2012?
  305. <garrison> agdq2013
  306. <Midboss> ah
  307. <garrison> when I came back kott basically disappeared
  308. <Midboss> did you run sm at that?
  309. <garrison> yeah I did the same run
  310. <garrison> the best that had been done at a marathon before that was a :42 igt
  311. <Midboss> oh yeah, whats the story of how ua got sm into sgdq 2012
  312. <garrison> and the year before uraniumanchor did a run where he died to ridley twice and didn't know what hole botwoon came out of
  313. <garrison> he got like a :50 igt
  314. <garrison> or something like that
  315. <garrison> and just said a bunch of incorrect stuff
  316. <garrison> that was the main reason why I decided to offer it
  317. <garrison> because I thought that the marathon deserved a better run
  318. <Midboss> ah
  319. <Midboss> so how did your marathon run go?
  320. <garrison> at the time my best was 47:26 and I got a 49:35 with animals saved
  321. <garrison> I really wanted to beat hotarubi lol
  322. <garrison> I almost died on phantoon too because he gave me one of those super rare patterns
  323. <garrison> and I was really thrown off
  324. <Midboss> oh wow, thats scary
  325. <seancass> what surprise is it
  326. <seancass> sunrise?
  327. <garrison> sunrise surprise is the name
  328. <Midboss> pretty sure sunrise = insta death in any
  329. <garrison> that's what happened to epiclyepic this agdq
  330. <Midboss> or did you survive it somehow?
  331. <seancass> dang
  332. <garrison> I'm just talking about him opening up in a weird place
  333. <Midboss> i was so sad for epic this agdq
  334. <garrison> like 1% of the time he'll open up quick there
  335. <seancass> yeah i remember watching for a sec and seeing only 1 screen and :<
  336. <Midboss> oh, i dont think ive even ever had a right fast
  337. <seancass> then found out it was so sunrise surprise
  338. <seancass> to*
  339. <Midboss> is that more or less common than left mid?
  340. <garrison> its funny because there was a thread about phantoon's patterns on m2k2 forumsjust before and reeve basically said he did a lot of research and he was missing patterns
  341. <seancass> you get hit by all the fireballs or something?
  342. <garrison> and when behemoth mentioned the one I got reeve said it was pal exclusive
  343. <garrison> and I had to inform him otherwise
  344. <Midboss> haha
  345. <garrison> I said "shoutouts to reeve" during that run when it happened
  346. <seancass> dang, tfw doing for others what you wish they'd do for you
  347. <garrison> even though I was sure I was going to die
  348. <Midboss> what kinda health did you have going into phantoon back then
  349. <Midboss> i assumed you did ocean fly?
  350. <garrison> over 200
  351. <garrison> this was before botwoon tank replaced kraid tank
  352. <Midboss> ah
  353. <Midboss> so at this point
  354. <Midboss> what kinda time did kott have before he quit
  355. <garrison> he stopped with 47:37 for a while
  356. <garrison> like somewhere between 4-6 months
  357. <Midboss> when did he come back then?
  358. <garrison> he came back and just barely beat my time
  359. <garrison> we basically traded for 1 second like 4-6 times
  360. <garrison> and then I beat his 47:16 with a 46:58
  361. <Midboss> still in the 47m range?
  362. <Midboss> oh
  363. <Midboss> missed that last line
  364. <garrison> then the game slowed for a bit again
  365. <garrison> then kott and I traded again for a while
  366. <garrison> I actually tied with him twice during that time
  367. <garrison> pretty funny in hindsight
  368. <garrison> we were tied with 46:50 and then I got 46:35 and he went quiet
  369. <garrison> I kept trying to beat that run and get :30
  370. <garrison> meanwhile kott was doing two different things
  371. <Midboss> what were you guys doing to bring it down from the 47:50
  372. <Midboss> still just better movement?
  373. <garrison> he figured out the big metroid skip the way we do it now
  374. <Midboss> or was a lot of work being done on strats still
  375. <garrison> yeah it was mostly just better execution
  376. <garrison> hitting skillcaps and finding out we were bad
  377. <Midboss> also before i forgot
  378. <Midboss> i was going to ask exactly what else you and msds found in that time you took off to examine the game
  379. <Midboss> so you found about ledge grabbing
  380. <Midboss> did you add stuff like more dboosts in then too?
  381. <garrison> a lot of timing stuff
  382. <garrison> there were a lot of flashy strats that weren't actually faster
  383. <garrison> that people just assumed were faster
  384. <garrison> like laying powerbombs to break bomb blocks being slower than just using a regular bomb and saving like a second of lag
  385. <garrison> we did a lot of lag reduction stuff
  386. <Midboss> how does lag work with igt?
  387. <garrison> igt doesn't count lag frames
  388. <Midboss> ah, so were these strats maybe a relic of the old igt stuff, or did no one know the difference back then
  389. <garrison> yeah it was just stuff everyone was so used to doing that it took people a bit to reexamine
  390. <Midboss> so you didnt start x factoring phantoon yet, when exactly did that start again
  391. <garrison> xfactor phantoon was a thing just before hotarubi's :31
  392. <garrison> we used the pause menu to time it and unequiped ice beam or spazer depending on the era
  393. <Midboss> thats with the charge a normal beam jump and then equip wave for insta x factor or something right?
  394. <Midboss> so when did pauseless happen?
  395. <garrison> 4n6 had a doppler strat that used pause menus where instead of 2 charges and the x it did a single charge and an x followed by doppler
  396. <garrison> so me and kassiuz messed with it and found it really inconsistent and awkward so we figured out how to do it with 2 xfactors instead
  397. <garrison> with pauses at the time
  398. <garrison> pauseless came from dessyreqt throwing out theory routes for 100% and saying that delayed ice beam was faster
  399. <garrison> and that it might be faster for any% too
  400. <garrison> I recorded a bunch of samples to try and figure it out and dessy found that it was like 30 seconds faster
  401. <garrison> so we were inspired that night to all get together and try to figure out all of phantoon's patterns and find setups for all of them
  402. <garrison> and we immediately remember what me and kassiuz did like a year before with 2 xfactors and brought it back
  403. <garrison> and then after all the dessy said he did the math wrong and the two routes were even
  404. <garrison> lol
  405. <Midboss> haha
  406. <Midboss> so is it really not faster?
  407. <Midboss> i dunno who to believe now
  408. <garrison> mrlandmaster found the hero shot up red tower that we used to do and dessy didn't take the two pause menus you skip into consideration
  409. <garrison> so it went from being even to about 10 seconds faster
  410. <Midboss> oh i see
  411. <Midboss> how consistent were your setups back then?
  412. <garrison> pretty consistent
  413. <Midboss> ive seen soo many setups for each pattern its crazy
  414. <garrison> I'd say about 75% success rate at the time
  415. <Midboss> thats not too bad
  416. <Midboss> were you guys resetting for patterns back then
  417. <Midboss> or was it pretty negligible
  418. <garrison> I was around the mid 46 level
  419. <garrison> I got really frustrated
  420. <garrison> that's when I went through my really mad phase with the game that made countdown hate me lol
  421. <garrison> I was kind of a dick
  422. <Midboss> when was this like mid 2013?
  423. <garrison> yeah
  424. <garrison> about two years ago
  425. <garrison> march something or other
  426. <garrison> baiscally the big breakthrough was kott figuring out the big metroid skip because it was thought of as a segemented run only thing for a long time
  427. <Midboss> so this is after kott stopped with a high 46 and you kept driving it lower?
  428. <garrison> deemed too hard for real runs
  429. <garrison> yeah kott was in the lab
  430. <garrison> I was really thankful for the big metroid skip because I got a good run with it and I was satisfied with the game
  431. <garrison> but kott also pulled a behemoth at that time
  432. <garrison> people have kind of forgotten about it but the kraid tank to botwoon tank route was kept a secret from me
  433. <garrison> while I was grinding
  434. <garrison> because kott wanted to beat me with it in secret
  435. <garrison> lol
  436. <Midboss> oh wow
  437. <Midboss> so much backstabbing in this games history
  438. <Knox> ive been enjoying this lore btw
  439. <Midboss> did he ever beat your time with it?
  440. <Knox> just reading
  441. <garrison> yeah its pretty funny stuff
  442. <garrison> he beat my 46:11 with a 46:10
  443. <Midboss> how much faster is the route
  444. <Midboss> like 5s?
  445. <garrison> and I even though I was thinking about coming back decided I didn't care anymore
  446. <garrison> since I got beaten by a route
  447. <garrison> iirc 10-15
  448. <garrison> because it skipped a refill
  449. <Midboss> oh, i didnt think about that
  450. <Midboss> so who else was a high level player around this time
  451. <Midboss> was zoast up there yet?
  452. <garrison> around that time zoast had just started to prove himself
  453. <garrison> he got like a 48:40 when me and kott were trading
  454. <garrison> and kott did what he normally did and took a long hiatus and zoast beat him with a 45:45
  455. <garrison> and the game was thought of as "done"
  456. <Midboss> you stopped at a 46:10, i thought you have a mid 45
  457. <garrison> because super metroid players are really bad at guessing limits
  458. <countdown42> 8)
  459. <garrison> I came back after behemoth's run came out
  460. <Midboss> oh i see
  461. <Midboss> was this practice for agdq 2014?
  462. <Midboss> i dont remember timeframes anymore
  463. <garrison> behemoth's run came from nowhere with the first :29 igt and a bunch of crazy strats that they had kepts secret in a private thread
  464. <Midboss> when did behemoth happen?
  465. <garrison> he appeared during sgdq2013
  466. <garrison> like the day before zoast did his 100% run that marathon
  467. <Midboss> ah
  468. <countdown42> i remember behe's run
  469. <countdown42> zoast was bummed lol
  470. <Midboss> so this isnt the new route
  471. <countdown42> he spent like 10 hours a day that sgdq grinding
  472. <Midboss> this happened before?
  473. <garrison> nah not yet
  474. <countdown42> i felt bad the dude did basically nothing else
  475. <garrison> same route we were doing just with a bunch of crazy strats
  476. <Midboss> how many times has behemoth done this now........
  477. <garrison> 3
  478. <countdown42> wait so the most recent, sgdq 2013 and ...?
  479. <Midboss> 2 new route ones countdown
  480. <garrison> he had another low 45 that he threw out there
  481. <garrison> to beat zoast lol
  482. <countdown42> oh after zoast came back with the 45:2x right
  483. <garrison> well I guess that means 4
  484. <garrison> because behemoth recently had that 43:11 or whatever
  485. <garrison> lol
  486. <Midboss> oh lol......
  487. <Midboss> so zoast bopped kott with high 45
  488. <Midboss> then got behemothed
  489. <garrison> behemoth and his crew really make me not want to care about the game lol
  490. <garrison> yeah that's right
  491. <Midboss> then he got a 45:2x really quickly
  492. <Midboss> and got behemothed again?
  493. <garrison> yea
  494. <Midboss> so hes done it 4 times to specifically zoast
  495. <garrison> and to no one else
  496. <Midboss> thats just mean
  497. <countdown42> rofl
  498. <countdown42> i shouldn't be laughing but shit
  499. <Midboss> i had no idea
  500. <Midboss> i thought it was just 2
  501. <garrison> I also found out later that he was secretly trying to beat me to :30 igt
  502. <garrison> lol
  503. <garrison> but I got it first
  504. <Midboss> nice
  505. <countdown42> that video, were you going for rta at the time or igt?
  506. <Midboss> so what was behemoths 2nd time
  507. <Midboss> low 45 still?
  508. <countdown42> the 46 rta 30 igt
  509. <Midboss> i think rta
  510. <Midboss> but still liked getting igt?
  511. <countdown42> yea i'd imagine regardless the igt would still hold some value
  512. <garrison> I always liked igt, but thought realtime was a better metric
  513. <garrison> I just wanted to beat hotarubi completely
  514. <garrison> and being tied igt bothered me
  515. <garrison> even though my execution was a lot better
  516. <garrison> all the realtime strats really hurt
  517. <Midboss> ah
  518. <Midboss> so what happened 45 and lower
  519. <Midboss> this was about when agdq 2014 was rolling around maybe?
  520. <garrison> zoast kept pushing
  521. <garrison> and behemoth hit a brick wall
  522. <garrison> at least thats what he said
  523. <garrison> ivan and krauser were doing better and better
  524. <garrison> and the three of us were racing to 44
  525. <Midboss> you had come back at this point right?
  526. <Midboss> ah ok
  527. <garrison> and I kind of gave up rta and just started doing a bunch of practice
  528. <Midboss> did it pay off?
  529. <garrison> I kind of wanted to sendoff the game for myself with that marathon
  530. <garrison> and then I had shit luck and got flustered and died
  531. <garrison> lol
  532. <garrison> appropriate sendoff
  533. <Midboss> what happened in that anyway?
  534. <Midboss> i didnt know the game at all then, but i watched it
  535. <Midboss> and i think you died to pirates lol?
  536. <garrison> yeah
  537. <countdown42> didnt u kego with like 90hp
  538. <Midboss> just back health from daygon to lower norfair?
  539. <garrison> I did double kago without looking at my health
  540. <garrison> lol
  541. <Midboss> haha
  542. <Midboss> sick
  543. <garrison> I was so far behind at that point it didn't matter
  544. <Midboss> do you know off the top of your head your 4 times before that race?
  545. <Midboss> maybe ballparks?
  546. <garrison> I had really awful phantoon and draygon luck
  547. <garrison> iirc zoast had 44:35, ivan 44:50, krauser 44:54, me 45:17
  548. <Midboss> dude andy was telling me krauser was the underdog for that race
  549. <Midboss> what a lier
  550. <garrison> I honestly should have rta'd a bit more so I wouldn't have gotten shit on so much, but I don't really care anymore lol
  551. <garrison> yeah krauser was just the unknown
  552. <Midboss> ah
  553. <garrison> krauser had like maybe 10 viewers in his stream max
  554. <Midboss> did you join weeklys really ever in the past few years?
  555. <garrison> uhhh I've joined maybe 10 weekly races in the last two years
  556. <Midboss> i feel like those woulda been good to do
  557. <Midboss> rusty runs every week
  558. <garrison> yeah they're fun whenever I come back
  559. <garrison> honestly I kind of hate to say it because it sounds like I have a big head but it kind of bugs me to shit out a 48 and still beat so many people in the community in the weekly races
  560. <Midboss> haha
  561. <garrison> game is harder than I remember it being I guess
  562. <Midboss> come beat me any time
  563. <Midboss> i wont mind
  564. <garrison> haha
  565. <Midboss> and yeah i dunno, maybe youve just played it for so long
  566. <Midboss> but i found this game really really really difficult
  567. <countdown42> from everyone I know who picked it up as a side game
  568. <Midboss> so many things i was uncomfortable with
  569. <Midboss> like a snes game in general
  570. <countdown42> they're all like 'yea i suck'
  571. <Midboss> and learnign to claw
  572. <Midboss> etc
  573. <Midboss> everyone sucks
  574. <Midboss> the game is just so hard
  575. <countdown42> cfb seems to be moving on up there
  576. <countdown42> he's been putting in some work
  577. <garrison> I still think its the best 2d run
  578. <garrison> even though I kind of hate the game now
  579. <Midboss> yeah hes put a lot of effort into it
  580. <garrison> lol
  581. <garrison> cfb will beat japan soon
  582. <Midboss> yeah so do you like really hate the game now?
  583. <Midboss> how come?
  584. <garrison> I really like the mechanics and I have fun playing it, I just get really frustrated with it
  585. <garrison> it frustrates me way more than any other game for some reason, every small mistake knaws at me
  586. <Midboss> if you were to join a race and get a 48 would you probably be frustrated the whole race?
  587. <garrison> while like any other game I can shrug it off
  588. <Midboss> i feel that way with some games i come back to
  589. <garrison> it depends, most of the time when I come back I surprise myself with how well I do and then I struggle at draygon
  590. <countdown42> > every small mistake knaws at me
  591. <garrison> and lose a billiion in lower norfair
  592. <countdown42> i got really bad with this and kirby
  593. <garrison> yeah cd, that's a large part of the reason I wanted to stop playing
  594. <garrison> I spent way too much time being mad
  595. <countdown42> yea lol same
  596. <Midboss> i wonder if the frustration comes with the difficulty of the game, or the years youve spent playing it
  597. <garrison> and I'm not an angry person in general lol
  598. <garrison> I honestly think its the time I spent
  599. <countdown42> especially when usedpizza and suzu and pure came along and were like 'yea this game is easy'
  600. <garrison> same thing over and over again
  601. <countdown42> made me feel like a retard cause my time is really bad and my sob is like 3min better
  602. <countdown42> yea
  603. <countdown42> practice will do that
  604. <garrison> I feel like zoast has been able to keep it fresh for him because he does like every category
  605. <Midboss> i cant even comprehend playing a game for 5 years honestly
  606. <garrison> while the only one I ever took seriously was any%
  607. <Midboss> i get sick of games after 6 months tops
  608. <countdown42> zoast amazes me tbh
  609. <countdown42> his pateince
  610. <Midboss> yeah i asked zoast about it last sgdq
  611. <garrison> I've seen zoast get mad more and more these days
  612. <garrison> it kind of cracks me up because I can relate
  613. <garrison> lol
  614. <garrison> or seeing zoast get mad at his chat sometimes
  615. <countdown42> well tbf his chat kinda sucks
  616. <Midboss> hmm ive never seen him mad at his chat?
  617. <countdown42> i have once or twice, he just takes the chat off his layout
  618. <garrison> he hasn't done it much lately
  619. <garrison> he's gotten better about it
  620. <garrison> a year ago I saw him snap on a couple of occasions
  621. <garrison> dude all sm chats suck
  622. <garrison> that's a large part of the reason I was okay with giving up my partnered channel
  623. <garrison> to have a channel with just friends and not a million idiots asking me to play sm
  624. <Midboss> oh was that why you switched?
  625. <garrison> I switched mostly because I wanted to ditch the _tt in the nick
  626. <garrison> that's why I got partner in the first place
  627. <Midboss> what does _tt stand for anyway?
  628. <garrison> but then as soon as I got it they flipflopped the policy
  629. <garrison> talkingtime
  630. <garrison> it was a forum I used to post on like 6 or 7 years ago
  631. <Midboss> ah
  632. <Midboss> and wait they flipflopped the policy?
  633. <Midboss> i thought all paterners have always gotten free name changes
  634. <garrison> yeah it used to be that way
  635. <countdown42> nope
  636. <Midboss> thats dumb
  637. <garrison> and as soon as I got it partnered channels couldn't change anymore
  638. <garrison> so epiclyepic had a namechange he couldn't use and he offered it to me
  639. <garrison> so I used it on an alt
  640. <Midboss> nice
  641. <Midboss> whats the story of epic and 100% btw
  642. <Midboss> he had the record forever ago right?
  643. <garrison> nah its nothing like that
  644. <garrison> he took it from zoast once when zoast was doing other categories, but that's about it
  645. <Midboss> ah
  646. <garrison> and zoast took it back really quick when he got back to it
  647. <Midboss> sounds about right
  648. <Midboss> no one else ever got close right?
  649. <Midboss> ivan is maybe a few min off?
  650. <garrison> ivan and dbx had good times
  651. <countdown42> i thought kott was into hundo for a bit
  652. <Midboss> oh yeah recently he was wasnt he countdown
  653. <garrison> kott picked it up recently and beat zoast
  654. <garrison> zoast took it back though
  655. <Midboss> why did you never do other categories gari?
  656. <countdown42> fuck dude
  657. <countdown42> the seek bar is broken on zoast's PB
  658. <garrison> I didn't like 100% because there wasn't much risk of death
  659. <Midboss> what about RBO
  660. <garrison> I'm not really a completionist when it comes to speedrunning, I tend to just like the fastest categories to show off to people
  661. <Midboss> thats the category i have my eye on
  662. <Midboss> it looks pretty fun
  663. <garrison> RBO I honestly think is kind of dull, or at least it was back then
  664. <Midboss> why not real any% or whatever then?
  665. <garrison> it was just a bunch of collecting
  666. <Midboss> hmm i think its a lot better now
  667. <garrison> glitched any% wasn't a real thing when I was playing
  668. <Midboss> oh is that pretty new?
  669. <countdown42>
  670. <Midboss> yeah can i get the history of old stuff that is pretty much banned in any% now?
  671. <Midboss> like GT classic and xray stuff
  672. <garrison> yeah
  673. <garrison> when that stuff came around we basically talked about it and decided that we liked any% the way it was
  674. <Midboss> when was this
  675. <garrison> and basically its just a no oob no gt category
  676. <Midboss> like how old is GT classic?
  677. <garrison> this was like late 2013
  678. <garrison> gt classic is from 2011
  679. <garrison> I was the first one to take it somewhat seriously
  680. <garrison> I thought it was a pretty fun thing to do after pbs occasionally
  681. <garrison> also I just checked and I have 638 super metroid races
  682. <garrison> 243 1st places
  683. <Midboss> all from 2011 lol?
  684. <garrison> 157 quits
  685. <garrison> yeah I was pretty much done racing outside of weeklies after 2012
  686. <garrison> I raced the shit out of the game with msds and kassiuz
  687. <garrison> we would do like 3-5 any% races a night
  688. <Midboss> yeah ive heard all about the glory days of 2011 srl
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