
Asama + Male Kamui C-A support

Jul 4th, 2015
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  1. [Please read]
  4. Asama + Male Kamui C-A support
  7. Asama: Ahh Kamui-sama. Are you on a walk?
  8. Kamui: Yes, what are you doing sitting under this big tree Asama?
  9. A:I’m not doing anything in particular? But if I were I’m listing to the ‘sounds’ of the forest.
  10. K: Sounds of the forest?
  11. A: Yes. If you could be silent for a moment Kamui-sama.
  12. K: Ah, okay.
  13. A: ………………………
  14. K: Asama is so silent. What’s going to happen!? …. I can hear a bird chirping from somewhere…. It’s beautiful….
  15. A: I see that you have heard it. If you listen carefully you can hear many other things. Because the forest is full of sounds.
  16. K: ……’s true. I can hear the bubbling of the river, the swishing of the trees. It’s somewhat calming.
  17. A: …..has it caught your interest?
  18. K: Yes, it’s a very beautiful sound. In particular the chirping of the birds is wonderful.
  19. A: Yes, birds are very cautious creatures and you do not hide your presence you cannot hear their song. They will escape if you are noisy, so you must be quiet.
  20. K: I see… sorry for interrupting you.
  21. A:Not at all. This happens with many people that are ignorant. Kamui-sama knows little about the world, thus it cannot be helped.
  22. K: Ughh! What is this… for some reason my heart hurts! By the way are you familiar with the birds here Asama? You seemed to know what bird it is just from its call….
  23. A: When I was little I trained in the mountains, I believe I know more than the average person. I’ve been to many mountains around the country, so I know them like the back of my hand.
  24. K: I see… not only do you know a lot, but you’re pretty convincing.
  25. A: Well, I think compared to you I’d know more in most areas.
  26. K: Ughhhh! My heart again!
  27. A: However that attitude towards learning various things is good.
  28. K: Eh?
  29. A: Ahhh, it is already this late. I would sit and chat with you however I have been summoned by Hinoka-sama. Well then Kamui-sama, please excuse me.
  30. K: Okay. Next time would you explain to me what you meant by those words? I want to talk to you more.
  33. B SUPPORT:
  34. K: Here you are Asama. Are you listening to the birds again?
  35. A: Yes. What about you Kamui-sama, are you walking around aimlessly again?
  36. K: Uuugh… sorry about that? Ah by the way Azuma, would it be okay to listen to the birds singing with you again?
  37. A:? Alright. As long as you a quiet I don’t mind. Do as you please.
  38. K: Thank you! I wanted to hear that bird again… on top of that when I spend my time like this I feel really at ease.
  39. A: I agree with you. The mountains and forests are good places for training……!
  40. K:? What’s with the grim face all of a sudden?
  41. A: Please be quiet.
  42. K: Okay. !!.... something’s coming closer…!
  43. A: Please wait here. I will be back soon. ………….there it is!
  44. K: !!! A-Azuma!? He walked off with a healing staff into the bushes… will he be alright?
  45. A: Ahh… it is over.
  46. K: A-Asama!? What on earth was that about just then…?! There a … bear on your back!?
  47. A: It is indeed a bear. What else can you see? Bears being in the forest is an everyday occurrence. Even when I was training I encountered many bears that I fought like this.
  48. K: I-is that so… but Asama is amazing! I would have ran off if I saw a bear. Thanks for saving me.
  49. A: This is nothing. It’s not like I was aiming to save you so you need not thank me.
  50. K: Oh.. I see….
  51. A: Meeting a bear like this is good luck. Tonight we can have a fancy bear hot pot.
  52. K: Bear hot pot…!?
  53. A: Ohh has Kamui-sama not has bear hot pot before? You poor child. It’s very delicious.
  54. K: Is that so………
  55. A: …well then I shall go and cut up the bear.
  56. K: Eh? And you going to do that here? W-wait! Azuma, stop!!
  57. A: Ahhh the sight of seeing a bear disassembled, is this too much for you? Even though you see so much blood and corpses on the battlefield? What a strange person you are. Just shut your eyes if you cannot bear to watch.
  58. ( TL: see what I did there. )
  59. K: I don’t think that’s the problem- wait don’t change the subject! Please wait till I’m gone!
  63. K: Ah Asama, as expected you’re under this tree. Thanks for saving me from that bear the other day.
  64. A: Ah Kamui-sama. I told you not to worry about that didn’t I?
  65. K: But the bear hot pot was so delicious that I had to thank you… well… I ran when it came to the butchering part though.
  66. A: Ahh the bear hot pot… however it was split between everyone so there is no particular need to thank me.
  67. K: Regardless I wanted to thank you because if you weren’t there I would have been eaten.
  68. A: Hmmmm is that so….
  69. K: By the way are you planning to wonder around in the forest today?
  70. A: Yes. If I could I would spend the rest of my days like this. Not being chained to something as pointless as fighting and living my days in my natural state would be ideal.
  71. K: I see… Asama thinks that way. Of course living without fighting would be the best, however I think it’s necessary to fight in order to protect the people that are important. My family and friends… I don’t want them to suffer….
  72. A: Is that so. I think there is some truth in that thought. At least I would be upset if any of my comrades died….
  73. K: !
  74. A: ? What’s wrong? Did something surprise you?
  75. K: Well I didn’t think you would say such things so it was a bit unexpected. Usually you….
  76. A: Ah usually I have a pretty sharp tongue. I always get told off my Hinoka-sama. I don’t care much about others so it’s natural for you to react that way.
  77. K: Ha..hhaha…. that’s what I mean. But, talking to Asama made me realise, that you’re a good person.
  78. A: Are you sure? You’re a strange person Kamui-sama. To treat me as a good person after only conversing a couple of times…. I cannot understand.
  79. K: Even if you don’t think much of it, we still fought together didn’t we? Because we both treasure our friends. But how we show it is different from person to person. I think that is your way of protecting others Asama.
  80. A: I don’t mind that part of you Kamui. You began coming here out of your own free will and there is no helping it now that you are here. Since Kamui-sama has given me such an evaluation I must comply a little more shouldn’t I.
  81. K:!! Thanks!
  82. A: However, interrupting me at this time is a bother. So please be quiet after we have spoken.
  83. K: Yes of course. I will be quiet so please let me join you from now on.
  84. A: Of course.
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