

Jul 17th, 2016
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  1. ROBLOX College Life Stats
  2. cod123g: (i need good normal cloths ;-;
  3. katiebkat: (how i get clloth
  4. Recalibrator: (i just deleted like 80 vids
  5. katiebkat: car0
  6. cod123g: (Bee said no cars in the videos)
  7. xPricklyPicklez: (I CANT GET A DORM
  8. xPricklyPicklez: (;-;
  9. cod123g: (;-;)
  10. Recalibrator: (Err
  11. katiebkat: .(fine lol)
  12. Recalibrator: (I have 2 rooms in mine ;-;
  13. cod123g: (;-; gg)
  14. katiebkat: dorms)
  15. Recalibrator: (i stole ze pent
  16. xPricklyPicklez: (They are all gone
  17. xPricklyPicklez: (Look!
  18. katiebkat: (
  19. katiebkat: (i got one)
  20. xPricklyPicklez: (How bout we passed out in the lounge?
  21. xPricklyPicklez: (;-;
  22. xPricklyPicklez: (XD
  23. cod123g: (i didnt c:)
  24. cod123g: (NYEHEHE)
  25. katiebkat: *id cry in my dorm*
  26. cod123g: -i'd hear-
  27. cod123g: "..."
  28. cod123g: -i knock=
  29. cod123g: "Katie..?"
  30. katiebkat: "erm..yes?"
  31. cod123g: "You ok?"
  32. katiebkat: *id wipe away tears*
  33. cod123g: -i'd adjust my glasses-
  34. xPricklyPicklez: (I dont have one ;((
  35. Recalibrator: (Err
  36. cod123g: (;-;)
  37. katiebkat: "just stress,ya know.""
  38. cod123g: (one wat?)
  39. xPricklyPicklez: (A dorm
  40. cod123g: "Oh ok."
  41. katiebkat: "sorry if i botherd you."
  42. xPricklyPicklez: |Bianca woke|
  43. cod123g: "You didnt."
  44. xPricklyPicklez: "I slept in the dorm again?"
  45. xPricklyPicklez: (Did you start it?
  46. Recalibrator: (no.
  47. cod123g: (;-;)
  48. xPricklyPicklez: (OKIE
  49. Recalibrator: (I just got back from changing
  50. xPricklyPicklez: (START NOW
  51. cod123g: "Well..?"
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