
Norman and Vinyl Chapter 3

Aug 3rd, 2013
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  1. later, after school
  2. >it's 5:00 p.m.
  3. >the Fall dance starts in about an hour
  4. >you take a shower, brush your teeth
  5. >deciding on what to wear
  6. >can't wear your fucking beanie
  7. >you should wear something different, this jacket is starting to feel outdated
  8. >you want something nice, but not too formal
  9. >you don't want people to think you dress to impress
  10. >well, if it was for Rarity
  11. >you put on a clean white tee
  12. >you put a black vest over it, leaving it unbuttoned
  13. >you put black jeans to match
  14. >you go in the bathroom to fix your hair
  15. >it's put down due to wearing a beanie everyday since going to canterlot high
  16. >you wet your hair and grab your comb
  17. >you try various hairstyles, spiking it up, parting it to the left, just let it droop down
  18. >you decide to part your hair down both ways, making sure your bangs don't get near your eyes
  19. >you look in the mirror
  20. >damn you are one hot stud
  21. >it's 5:45, you decide to head out
  22. >you walk to the school in a good mood
  23. >you see some people out front talking and coming out of their cars
  24. >you go to the gym, the food and punch has already been set up
  25. >you see the speakers and a dual turntable in between them
  26. >you see Vinyl there, placing her laptop on top of one of the turntables
  27. >you go over to her to chat
  28. >she's wearing her purple glasses, a tank top, and black cargos that are above her knees, but doesn't violate the dress code
  29. >damn, she's not busty, but that front has nice form
  30. "Hey Vinyl."
  31. >"Oh hey Norman, you ready to dance."
  32. "I sure am."
  33. >"Dressed up and all, you look pretty handsome."
  34. >that was a great confidence booster
  35. "You look pretty great yourself."
  36. >you try your hardest to not stare at her chest
  37. >"Well the dance is going to start soon, so I need to get the music ready."
  38. "Okay then."
  39. >"I'll see you at the after party, it's going to be at Pinkie's house again."
  40. "All right then."
  41. >you walk off to the punch bowl and pour yourself a glass.
  42. >you notice people still move out of your way and then proceed to talk about you behind your back
  43. How am I supposed to make friends?
  44. >you don't want to disappoint Vinyl
  45. >you want to have fun and make some friends
  46. >but where to start?
  47. >you see Brad talking to some of his band buddies
  48. >guess you'll have to start with the few friends you have
  49. "Hey Brad."
  50. >"Norman buddy, nice to see you man! You finally changed that old jacket you had."
  51. >you look towards Brad's bandmates
  52. >"Oh sorry guys. This is Norman, he's a pretty nice guy."
  53. >"Norman? Isn't that the racist guy?"
  54. >"He's not actually racist, he just didn't know about the culture here."
  55. >thanks for backing me up Brad
  56. >the rockers look at you, seeing if you can be trusted
  57. >a guy with orange long hair that covers half his face extends his arm towards you
  58. >"If Brad thinks you're cool, then you can't be such a bad dude."
  59. >you shake the guy's hand
  60. >the others extend their hands as well
  61. >after a few introductions, you join in on their conversation
  62. >they were talking about practice sessions, new rock artists, music brands for instruments
  63. >you not being a musicfag, don't have much to contribute
  64. "Well see you guys later."
  65. >"Later."
  66. >you walk away, towards the bathroom
  67. >you need to empty your bladder
  68. after you finish your business with the urinal, you go to wash your hands
  69. >because cleansiness is next to godliness
  70. >but I digress
  71. >you hear the toilet flush and Scott comes out of one of the stalls
  72. >"Oh hey Norman. My, you're looking quite dashing this evening."
  73. >Scott, I just want to be friends, I'm not gay
  74. "Thanks I guess."
  75. >"You going to the after party later?"
  76. "Yeah."
  77. >"Great, I hope to see you there."
  78. >seriously, Scott is cool, but you're just not a faggot
  79. >your eyes are set on Aryan Beauty
  80. >speaking of which, you should go look for her
  81. >you step out of the restroom and check your surroundings
  82. >you can't immediately find her
  84. >Pinkie's voice is played through the speakers
  85. >you hear Vinyl's music begin to play
  86. >the main lights turn off, and different colored lights begin to flash on the dance floor
  87. >now it's a dance party
  88. >the beat starts, people get into their groove
  89. >main melody begins, people start shakin it
  90. >you see Vinyl start pumping her fist and rocking back and forth
  91. >you move onto the dancefloor and start dancing as well
  92. >you see Purple and her friends
  93. >Purple starts dancing like a fucking retard
  94. >seriously, where the fuck did she come from
  95. >maybe her horse shit might actually be true
  96. >the rest of the girls dance
  97. >Pinkie is jumping around, probably already hyped on candy
  98. >you see Aryan Beauty shaking her hips
  99. >don't stare, don't stare, don't stare
  100. >gotta play it cool Norman
  101. >you slowly dance your way to Rarity, bustin out the moves
  102. >then the song changes
  103. >the beat is fast, some people start breakdancing
  104. >Rarity leaves to go drink some punch
  105. >breakdancing? no way you're doing that
  106. >perfect opportunity to go talk to Rarity
  107. >you casually walk by Rarity, getting yourself another cup of punch
  108. >kay Norman, play it cool
  109. "Hey Rarity."
  110. >didn't stutter, doing great so far
  111. >"Hey Norman, what did you need?"
  112. >you didn't come prepared with a topic of conversation
  113. >you can't just start by telling her you love her
  114. "Your friend Twilight kinda dances a bit funny."
  115. >she giggles
  116. >"Yeah she most certainly does. But it's somewhat adorable."
  117. >in a way
  118. >"I really like the way you did your hair today Norman."
  119. "Thanks"
  120. >"And your choice of attire seems is simple yet somewhat formal"
  121. >complimented by Aryan Beauty, the greatest of the fashionistas, on your look
  122. >you are on a roll right now
  123. "Thanks, your dress looks gorgeous as well."
  124. >"Why thank you Norman."
  125. >but not as gorgeous as you Rarity
  126. >don't say it, it sounds super cheesy
  127. >"Well I must go back to my friends now. I'll see you later Norman"
  128. "See you later."
  129. >the dance lasts for about an hour
  130. >you didn't see any opportunity to make more friends after talking to Rarity
  131. >but talking with Aryan Beauty was good enough for you
  132. >after the last song plays, you hear Pinkie on the speaker again
  134. >the students, still full of energy, shout at "YEAH" in unison
  135. >you're not particularly excited about the party itself, but you do look forward to chatting with some of the new friends you made
  136. >you see Vinyl folding her laptop and unplugging the speakers and turntables
  137. "Hey Vinyl"
  138. >"Sup Norman"
  139. "Need help with anything?"
  140. >"Oh sure, could you help me move these turntables?"
  141. "Sure ok"
  142. >you grab one end of the turntable while Vinyl pushes it
  143. "You guys aren't cleaning this up?"
  144. >"Nah, it's a Friday. Besides, Pinkie and the party committee got the janitor's keys and they'll clean it up on the weekend."
  145. "Oh alright. So then why do you want the turntables out of the way?"
  146. >"Its the most important equipment, so I'd rather put it away myself than have Pinks or the janitor do it."
  147. >makes sense
  148. >after putting it away, Vinyl goes back to get her laptop
  149. >"you need a ride to Pinkie's place?"
  150. "Sure."
  151. >you were planning on riding with Brad, but Vinyl is cool too
  152. >"Alright, we should hurry, my friend is waiting for us."
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