
The Northerly Adventures of Nolan the Saint Pt2

Sep 16th, 2013
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  1. >You all get out of the car and say goodbye to Fluttershy as she enters the shelter.
  2. >As you're walking back to the car, you see a girl about your age on the other side of the street with dark hair, wearing a grey dress.
  3. >She was beautiful.
  4. >Wait, you liked Amy, remember?
  5. >"Hey, that's Tavi!"
  6. >Vinyl runs towards the car and slides over the hood and heads toward the girl.
  7. >When she reaches her, she looks back towards you and Amy.
  8. >"You guys gonna be alright without me?"
  9. >Before you can answer, Amy waves towards her.
  10. >"Yeah, I live real close to here!"
  11. >Well that solves getting her home.
  12. >Vinyl heads off down the street with the other girl, leaving her car parked at the shelter.
  13. >She'll come back for it most likely.
  14. >You check your watch to see it's getting kind of late.
  15. >Best to walk her home.
  16. >It's the gentleman like thing to do!
  17. "Why don't I walk you home? There's always dangerous stuff lurking around this time."
  18. >She starts walking and motions for you to follow.
  19. >"Sure, I can use the company."
  20. >As you're walking down the street, you discuss music that both of you like.
  21. >Turns out she was writing music in that notebook when you first met her.
  22. >As you walk around one of the corners, you come across a guy with blue hair and a leather jacket.
  23. >What's Brad doing here?
  24. >Best to avoid this guy.
  25. >He might take a liking to Amy, and you don't want anymore problems.
  26. >You grab Amy's hand begin walking towards the other side of the road.
  27. >Seems like Brad was distracted by something in a shop window.
  28. >You almost make it all the way before the worst possible thing that could happen at that point in time actually happens.
  29. >"Hey Nolan, over here!"
  30. >Might as well acknowledge him.
  31. >Don't really want to be an asshole.
  32. >Plus him and Amy are friends anyways.
  33. >You and Amy cross back to the other side of the street to where Brad is.
  34. >"What's up you two?"
  35. >Amy steps forward and high fives him.
  36. >"Nolan was just walking me home. What about you?"
  37. >Brad turns back towards the window he was staring into.
  38. >It looked to be a video game store.
  39. >"There's a new game that came out and I've been thinking about buying it, but I don't have enough money."
  40. >Turning back to you, Brad suddenly smiles.
  41. >"Hey, you're rich Nolan. You mind letting me borrow $20? I promise I'll pay it back next week!"
  42. >You feel your pockets.
  43. >They were bulging with how much money you had.
  44. >Okay, maybe you didn't have THAT much money.
  45. >But you definitely aren't giving this guy any of it.
  46. >You'll probably never see any of it again.
  47. "Sorry, but I don't keep the money on me. My dad gets afraid that it might get stolen.
  48. >Brad's smile disappears as he turns back to the window.
  49. >"Oh, okay..."
  50. >Amy reaches towards Brad and taps him on his shoulder.
  51. >You both turn towards her to see her pulling out a $20 bill.
  52. >"Here, but you better let me play whatever you're getting.
  53. >Amy liked video games?
  54. >She was getting better by the minute.
  55. >Brad takes the bill and shoves it into his pocket
  56. >"Thanks Amy! I'll see you guys tomorrow!"
  57. >He goes from staring in the window to being in the story as you and Amy begin walking down the street again.
  58. >After walking for a few minutes, you see Amy's house down the street.
  59. >You continue walking as you get close to her house.
  60. >This day has been great.
  61. >You reach out and arm and grab Amy by her shoulder.
  62. >She spins around to face you.
  63. >Stepping towards her, you stand right in front of her and look her in her eyes.
  64. >"I'd like you to know I had a great day, despite everything that happened."
  65. >Amy begins blushing as her mouth opens a little bit.
  66. >She stares back into your eyes more a moment.
  67. >"Me too."
  68. >She leans forward and wraps her arms around you hugging you.
  69. >A little startled, you do the same hugging her back.
  70. >"I'd love to hang out again sometime."
  71. "How does this weekend sound?"
  72. >She turns around a begins walking back towards her house, but not before looking back one last time.
  73. >"Perfect."
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