

Mar 31st, 2016
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  1. •JourneyMap (by techbrew)
  2. •Chameleon (by jaquadro)
  3. •Storage Drawers (by jaquadro)
  4. •Custom Main Menu (by lumien231)
  5. •Resource Loader (by lumien231)
  6. •AgriCraft (by InfinityRaider)
  7. •ModTweaker (by jaredlll08)
  8. •Biomes O' Plenty (by Glitchfiend)
  9. •Baubles (by azanor)
  10. •Chisel (by tterrag1098)
  11. •Custom NPCs (by Noppes)
  12. •Gravestone (by NightKosh)
  13. •Roguelike Dungeons (by Greymerk)
  14. •Aura Cascade (by pixlepix)
  15. •Just Enough Items (JEI) (by mezz)
  16. •Inventory Pets (by Purplicious_Cow)
  17. •In-Game Wiki Mod (by MineMaarten)
  18. •Numina (by MachineMuse)
  19. •Chisels & Bits (by AlgorithmX2)
  20. •OreDictionaryConverter (by EXTER7)
  21. •RadixCore (by WildBamaBoy)
  22. •Minecraft Comes Alive (by WildBamaBoy)
  23. •Hardcore Wither (by thor12022)
  24. •JEIAddons (by mezz)
  25. •Just Enough Resources (JER) (by Way2muchnoise)
  26. •MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod (by Mr_Crayfish)
  27. •CraftTweaker - Customized Minetweaker3 (by jaredlll08)
  28. •BetterAchievements (by Way2muchnoise)
  29. •Intangible (by Emoniph)
  30. •Dynamic Surroundings (by OreCruncher)
  31. •Java Enforcer (by GenDeathrow)
  32. •Psi (by Vazkii)
  33. •Ender Utilities (by masa_)
  34. •stimmedcow : NoMoreRecipeConflict (by Oliv1er)
  35. •Grimoire of Gaia (by Silentine)
  36. •Silent's Gems (by SilentChaos512)
  37. •Cyclops Core (by kroeser)
  38. •EvilCraft (by kroeser)
  39. •Just Another Crafting Bench (by VanhalMinecraft)
  40. •Archmagus (by Agadar)
  41. •BaublesHud (by Gigabit1011)
  42. •SlashBlade (by scharfer)
  43. •Better Questing (by Funwayguy)
  44. •Better Questing - Standard Expansion (by Funwayguy)
  45. •Ender Crop (by DrMathiasDJ)
  46. •Cosmetic Armor Reworked (by ZLainSama)
  47. •Reliquary v1.3 (by P3pp3rF1y)
  48. •JustEnoughTooltips (by superckl)
  49. •Gems+ (by Boilingfort)
  50. •Alchemy Craft 2 (by damagicgeek)
  51. •Mystical Crops (by swordkorn)
  52. •Chisels & Bytes (by Belgabor)
  53. •The Basic Elements (by gurujive)
  54. •BetterFps (by Guichaguri)
  55. •Botania Unofficial 1.8 (by williewillus)
  56. •Food Expansion (by Lellson)
  57. •Great food (by Kostik654)
  58. •Soul Magic (by LogicTechCorp)
  59. •Steam Engines Mod (by MeisterSkywalker)
  60. •Base Metals (by Cyanobacterium)
  61. •Power Advantage (by Cyanobacterium)
  62. •Steam Advantage (by Cyanobacterium)
  63. •Inventory Tweaks (by Kobata)
  64. •Mouse Tweaks (by YaLTeR97)
  65. •BdLib (by bdew)
  66. •Pressure Pipes (by bdew)
  67. •SciAPI (by abab9579)
  68. •Stellar Sky (by abab9579)
  69. •Bloodmoon (by lumien231)
  70. •Extra Bit Manipulation (by MolecularPhylo)
  71. •ArchitectureCraft (by gcewing)
  72. •Ebon Arts (by Viesis_Gaming)
  73. •It's the little things (by zlepper)
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