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Apr 24th, 2014
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  3. Research active between the dates of [REDACTED] and [REDACTED]
  5. Given the… extraordinary circumstances of the subject’s arrival and presence, a unique research group was assembled to collect any information available regarding the subject. The following report is all that remains of the group’s research. And its members.
  8. The following report was commissioned by [REDACTED], and compiled by [REDACTED]. The members of this research group have analysed atmospheric data, battlefield debriefings, and interviews with various volunteers gathered over the previous six months. The objective of this report is to determine the subject’s combat ability, and whether or not he could be used as an asset. Section one is an overall description of the subject, section two is an analysis of the subject’s combat capabilities, and section three is a summary of the results of the research.
  11. .::SECTION I - Physical Description
  13. Callsign: Satellite Jack
  14. Aliases: N/A
  15. Primary Name: N/A
  16. Surname:N/A
  17. (Supposed) Gender: Male
  19. Height: 1.5-1.9 meters
  20. Weight: approx. 127 kg
  21. Hair: N/A
  22. Eyes: N/A
  23. Blood: N/A
  25. Research Notes: As you may have noticed, there is a considerable amount of missing data. The subject has proven to be very secretive about himself, and his history. Across all eyewitness accounts of the subject, one thing has remained an absolute constant; the suit. Every person to have ever had contact with the subject said that he wore a functioning space suit that bore no identifying emblems. The subject never took off any part of the suit, and would become defensive if forced. Though he wore this full suit, he could communicate clearly through small speakers that broadcast his voice outside the helmet. Expressions were managed by a holographic projector. The system would project various expressions (often as “emoticons,” but also various drawn cartoonish faces the subject called “memes”) onto his faceplate, to be seen by others. The subject is very mobile, almost to the point of being a nomad; he never stayed in the same area more than a week before moving on. Fortunately for this study, this means plenty of people have seen and/or spoken to him. When interviewing the volunteering eyewitnesses about the subject’s personality, several constants arose. Firstly, the subject is quite jovial and affable. He apparently tells many jokes (reportedly, with varying degrees of success), and is always willing to help someone who needed it. The subject originates from somewhere off of Illal, due to the fact that witnesses would recount stories he would tell from “back home.” Unfortunately, he never alluded to where “home” was, and only told the minimal details to his audience. The subject was never seen in any depressed or homesick condition, and was reportedly “infinitely patient,” and “impossible to upset.” That being said, there are two reported outbursts where the subject hospitalized several people. Both instances were triggered by (in the first instance three, the second five) people trying to forcefully remove or otherwise disturb his suit, and in both cases, he gave the offenders ample warning. This shows that, while not outwardly violent, the subject is willing, and very capable, of defending himself, even when outnumbered.
  29. .::SECTION II - Combat
  31. Primary Axe: L2 Spree “Reaper”
  32. Secondary Axes: L5 Zos “Technician,” M4 Res ”Sharpshooter,” M4 Brommens “Assault,” H1 Brass “Grenadier,” H2 Hiefram “Bruiser”
  33. Method of Combat: “Jack of all trades” (excuse the pun); Can play any role the team needs, whether it be support, front line assault, or assassination, and do it well
  35. Research Notes: As with collecting personal information, the subject aided our research efforts with his nomadic, wandering lifestyle. Many came forward to talk about “the pilot from outer space,” whether they fought with him, or against. On official battlefields, the subject is known to join the fray without a word, and become a valuable asset during the confrontation. Unfortunately for those wanting to use the subject, he has been known to fight for the side he believes in; whether it be Prosk, Sentium, or some ragtag group defending themselves from raiders. This leads our research to the unofficial skirmishes the subject participates in. Many who came forward are either low-ranking employees of an MPC, or are employed by a smaller company, or even, in the case of several interviewees, independent farmers and settlers. The subject has a strong “code of honor,” that he strictly adheres to. Some of these independent or low ranking employees told our interviewers about times they were being attacked by looters or raiders, when suddenly, enemy axes would be terminated or chased off by a lone mech, whose pilot would get out, say, “Have a nice day,” and be gone. Those that have fought with him on real battlefields describe his method of combat to be finding what the team needs, and filling that role to the best of his ability. Many said that his participation and dedication to “fighting the good fight” turned the tide of the battle. He only charges a fee for his services when fighting for an MPC, and even then, the fee is small. One commanding officer from Prosk wrote this in a debrief:
  37. It was unlike anything I had ever seen. He just flew in, his Zos charging straight into a skirmish to help one of our younger cadets. Keep in mind, the Zos is not a combat mech. Armed with a Redox and a repair torch, he finished off the cadet’s attacker, repaired the officer’s axe, and took off on his merry way to the next fight. He repaired and fought with us for the remainder of the skirmish. His service was invaluable to us, but he would only accept 100 Scrip as repayment. Before he left, I asked him what he was going to use the money for. He tured and looked at me for a brief moment, as if considering why I was asking him. He eventually answers, however, with this, “To help the next group who needs me.”
  39. Another commanding officer, this time from Sentium, had this to say about “the Spaceman’s” arrival:
  41. We were, to be frank, getting our fuzzy bunnies handed to us. Our pilots were doing their best, but it was just not enough. The issue was, we were a unit comprised largely of Brommens and Hieframs; we are an infantry team after all. And normally, we can put down anyone who gets in our way, but this was different. Those fuzzy Prosk bunnies got smart and assembled a team of Pistons and Reses. The Pistons were giving us a hard time up front, and the Reses were taking potshots at us from behind the lines. There was nothing we could do. But then, there was a loud BOOM behind me. I spin my Brommens around and prepare to engage, but the sight that greets me was not what I was expecting. Standing there just long enough to fire off another Sabot round, is a Spree. Just as I was starting to believe my eyes, he dodged to the left, in time to avoid a hailfire of bullets and TOW rockets. From that moment, as hesitant to believe what was happening as I was, things changed. With this newfound long range support, my team was able to focus on the Pistons, while our mysterious ally distracted the Sharpshooters. And it wasn’t just the fire support that changed the battle; his spirit effected my crew. He fought with such determination and strength of hope, that my team started to hope with him. By the time it was over, the Prosks team was so much shrapnel and smoke, and mine was reinvigorated by this bright soul. When he jumped out of his Spree, his attire surprised us (it’s not very often you see a Spaceman in the desert), but not enough to thank and celebrate the hero. When I asked him what I could offer in return, he simply replied, “Well, if you’ve got some to spare, a little extra Scrip could do a lot of good.” He left that day a mere 150 Scrip richer, after all he did for us.
  46. .::Section III - Final Report
  48. The subject is rather popular among the people, leaving a mark on those whose lives he touches. He has traveled far and wide, across Illal, planets, and possibly even other solar systems or galaxies. His motivation however, seems to be rather grounded; he wants to help. After considering all the data, we believe this end goal, combined with his strong moral code, renders the subject unusable to any one corporation or authority.
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