
FTL, /bug/ edition - Chapter 1

Sep 13th, 2016
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  1. >It is the year 2231.
  2. >For over hundred years humans have finally been able to explore the depths of the universe.
  3. >New planets and stars have been discovered, galaxies have been explored and many different alien species' have been encountered.
  4. >The most common ones of these species' have been ponies... Or that's what they're called. To you they look like mutated horses with human faces and ability to speak English.
  5. >While humans managed to form an alliance of a sort with most of the encountered species', something went very, VERY wrong back in 2187.
  6. >Apparently two huge factions who call themselves the Federation and the Rebellion had an argument about something important.
  7. >Due to no one coming up with a proper solution to their argument a war was started.
  8. >This war ripped the races apart. Everyone were confused which side to join. Now everyone's part of the Rebellion or Federation, a pirate or a slave.
  9. >During the last few years the war has been at its most intensive.
  10. >Slowly Rebellion has increased its popularity through propaganda, advanced weaponry and spies... lots of spies.
  11. >Last year the Rebellion brought out a new battleship; The Flagship.
  12. >So far no ship has been able to take down the Flagship.
  13. >Its weapons have managed to pierce through every shield ever invented. Its drones have managed to overwhelm even the largest ships known to man.
  14. >But now its weakness has finally been exposed.
  15. >Federation spies have managed to steal the blueprints of the Flagship.
  16. >Turns out that the Rebellion has been planning to start mass-producing flagships.
  17. >But with these blueprints in Federation's hands it's useless to produce something that can now be destroyed easily.
  18. >There's a problem though: Now that the blueprints have been stolen, the Rebellion has increased its security all around the universe.
  19. >Every galaxy is filled with dozens if not hundreds of Rebellion ships.
  20. >Federation has hired a messenger to bring the blueprints to the main Federation Base.
  21. >That messenger is you.
  23. >You are Captain Anonymous. The captain of a small Federation ship called The Kestrel.
  24. >Your objective is to travel 8 'sectors' and bring the blueprints to Federations leaders.
  25. >Why did the Federation see you fit for this mission? Apparently your perfect scores (that you cheated to get) from Flight School had gotten Federation's attention.
  26. >It seems that cheating has consequences after all.
  27. >But, you're not doing this mission alone.
  28. >An experienced engineer and a weapons expert have been put under your command for the duration of the mission.
  29. >You haven't met them yet though.
  30. >You are suddenly woken up from your slumber by someone.
  31. >Still half dizzy you look to your left only to see your commander saying something to you.
  32. >"Captain Anonymous, you've been chosen to rescue the whole universe from Rebellion yet all you do is sleep in your chair all day long? I really don't want to know how Federation saw you fit for this mission."
  33. "Look sir, it's not my fault that the captain's seat was made to be so comfty."
  34. >Your commander sighs, "Listen kid, this mission is the most important one Federation has ever done. It failing just because the messenger has fallen asleep is not something I approve of."
  35. "Well, give me something that keeps me awake and sleep won't be a problem."
  36. >"We don't need to. Your crew arrived here just a few moments ago."
  37. "Is at least one of them human?"
  38. >"For your discomfort I'll have to say no. The other one is a pony and the other one is a changeling."
  39. >Great, not only do you have to work with a mutated horse, you'll also have to carry an even more horrifying creature in your ship; A changeling.
  40. >Apparently God thought that ponies are not terrifying enough so he made even more mutated horses who have hooves that are filled with holes. The bloody things can also change shape.
  41. "That's... great. Can we go meet them?"
  42. >"They're waiting outside the ship. want me to bring them here?"
  43. "Nah, I'd already be asleep again once you'd come back."
  44. >"Well, shall we go?"
  45. "Guess we'll have to..."
  46. >And so you quickly wander through your small ship.
  47. >For your small luck the weapons' and engines' controls were located at the other side of the ship, giving you some space from the ungodly monsters.
  48. >"And here they are. Captain Anonymous, I represent you your new crew."
  49. >You look at the the small critters in front of you.
  50. >If there was a pool nearby, the sweat on your forehead would probably fill it by half.
  51. >Suddenly your commander pats you on the pack and points at the pony, "This pony here is Curious Lollipop. He finished his engineering school with full points last month."
  52. >Another reason why you hate ponies is their dumb way to name each other.
  53. >Instead of simple names like William or John the ponies tend to pick a random thing for their first name and then a sweet's name for their surname.
  54. "Nice to meet you, I guess."
  55. >You kneel over to handshake the pony. Apparently he doesn't speak much.
  56. >Once you get up your commander points at the changeling.
  57. >Before he is able to say anything the changeling already starts rambling, "Hi! I'm Arctic. Man, feels good to get back out to the field again."
  58. >Judging by the creatures's voice it's a she.
  59. >The changeling keeps telling you about her past life and how she's apparently been in a small civil war not too long ago and how's she's gained multiple awards for her accomplishments.
  60. >You don't want to believe her but surprisingly your commander confirms everything she says.
  61. >After you and your crew having a small discussion about each other's past you eventually return back inside the ship.
  62. >You're still not comfortable with those two creatures boarding your ship though.
  63. >But then again, life is full of uncomfortable things and this happening's just one of them.
  64. >You quickly show your partners their workplace and return to your comfty seat.
  65. >About a quarter is spent on getting everything in your ship ready.
  66. >Not too soon after the huge airlock doors in front of you open and the vast, empty space appears in front of you.
  67. >You boot up your rockets and engines, ready the light weapons and near instantly FTL jump into the stars.
  68. >Your mission has officially begun.
  72. >You are Captain Anonymous.
  73. >Few hours ago you had left your outpost and started your mission.
  74. >For your luck the pony and the changeling have mostly stayed in the back of the ship minding their own business.
  75. >You've been trying to find a store but apparently every damn asteroid or space station has already been scavenged by the Rebellion.
  76. >Hopefully the next sector is filled with stores.
  77. >Due to you being so concentrated on finding a place that sells stuff you don't notice the footsteps (or should you say hoofsteps) behind your door.
  78. >The door behind you opens and a changeling suddenly appears in front of you.
  79. >You scream like a little girl and almost lose the control of the ship.
  80. >"Woah woah woah, calm down, Sir. I just wanted to check if you're okay."
  81. "Please don't scare me like that anymore. My heart's fragile enough already."
  82. >"Well uhh... Sorry, Sir. I didn't mean to scare you. I actually thought you noticed me."
  83. "Nah, how could I hear you coming through all the beeping sounds that the control panel's making."
  84. >"The panel doesn't look quite noisy to me..."
  85. "Shush. I turned the volume down. Now, you mind explaining why you're disturbing me and not the Curious guy or whatever his name is?"
  86. >"I tried to talk to him. He just grunted back whenever I said anything though."
  87. >You sigh.
  88. "Guess I'll have to hire more crew members to keep you away from me, then."
  89. >"Hey, that wasn't nice."
  90. "I'm not a nice person when I've been scared."
  91. >As you keep talking with the changeling crewmate, your ship's radar suddenly starts beeping and showing a small white dot from your ship on its screen.
  92. >"Why's it beeping? Something dangerous coming along?"
  93. >You give Arctic a smug smile.
  94. "Nothing too dangerous ahead of us. Just a small store... hopefully."
  95. >"A store? Why would the radar be showing something like that?"
  96. "Because I set it to. The war's caused a major disappearance of random space stores so finding one these days is a blessing."
  97. >Arctic looks at you like she'd just had a brain fart.
  98. "You uhh, you okay?"
  99. >She then blinks and smacks her hoof into her face before looking back at you again.
  100. >"Sir, I'm not sure if you don't care or just don't know but... we're in middle of a war! Not only that, but we also have to end that same war! So could you please pay attention to it and not lead us to a direct death?"
  101. >Why is she getting so aggravated all of a sudden?
  102. "Relax Arctic, I'm taking this mission seriously, I mean it. Why'd you get so mad about a visit to a store, though?"
  103. >Arctic takes a deep breath and calms down, "Sorry Sir, I-I've never been assigned to do something as big as this. I mean, we're practically ending a war."
  104. "I understand your nervousness."
  105. >You scratch your head as you try to come up with something to break the silence
  106. "Tell me, is this your first time doing a mission that is done completely in space?"
  107. >"Well yes, it is actually. So to be honest, I don't know much about space traveling or things related to it."
  108. >Another smug grin creeps onto your face.
  109. "And that's why you should never question my choices."
  110. >"Just because I don't know much about all this flying in emptiness doesn't mean that I don't know what's waste of time and what's not."
  112. "Welp, we're nearing the landing zone. Let's bring this floating junk pile down. And besides, we have plenty of time to complete our mission. Visiting a few places every now and then isn't too bad."
  113. >Carefully you land your ship onto a rather weak looking platform.
  114. >But only then do you notice that the store has been destroyed almost completely.
  115. >All windows have been shattered to a million pieces. The entrance doors are missing and inside the store itself you can see floating food and a body.
  116. >"Sir, I think now would be a perfect time to back off. Don't you too?"
  117. >You completely ignore what Arctic just said and keep looking at the mess outside of your spaceship.
  118. "Arctic, go get the pony guy while I'll try to find our space suits."
  119. >"What do you mean by trying to find our space sui... OH COME ON! You're going to go out there?! There could be anything waiting for us inside."
  120. >You start searching a large closet installed into the ship's wall.
  121. >You keep ignoring Arctic's complains and eventually manage to dig out three space suits. One human shaped and two pony shaped ones.
  122. >You throw the two pony suits at Arctic and start putting your own suit on.
  123. "Arctic, while I do agree that salvaging stuff from a dead guy's store is morally wrong and that this whole place seems like a one big trap, I still cannot risk a change of missing a huge sum of loot going right past our noses."
  124. >Arctic doesn't say anything to your response.
  125. >Heck, she's not even showing any kind of expressions. Just a bland face of discomfort.
  126. >Suddenly the two pony-suits are surrounded by a green aura.
  127. >"Curious and I will be waiting for you at the exit." Arctic looks at you with a serious face, "Let's pray that this is just a ruined store."
  129. >Ten minutes later you and your two mutant horse companions are standing right outside of the store.
  130. >Taking a closer look inside reveals that the whole place is black as soot.
  131. >It seems that an extremely powerful explosion has occurred inside the structure, not only destroying everything inside but also killing the clerk.
  132. >Arctic was right, stopping by this place was a waste of time.
  133. >"Who could've done this?", you hear Arctic asking through radio feed.
  134. "And if this place was destroyed then why'd it appear on my radar?"
  135. >You hear Curious gagging on his end of the radio.
  136. >While Arctic clears the way from debris, you take your flashlight out and look around you.
  137. >As you keep walking deeper into the store you notice something on the furthermost wall.
  138. "Hey, what's that white thing on the wall over there?"
  139. >Arctic and Curious look at where your finger is pointing.
  140. >You all see a white skull painted on the wall.
  141. >A white skull, you swear you've seen that somewhere before... Wait a minute. A white skull can mean only one thing...
  142. >"C-c-captain, we s-should leave right now!"
  143. >You look at Curious who's shaking like an ancient washing machine with a brick inside of it.
  144. >It takes a moment for you to remember which pirate group uses a white skull as their icon.
  145. >Then the realization hits you in the face.
  146. >Only the most wicked, twisted and bloodthirstiest pirate uses a white skull as her icon.
  147. >The pirate changeling queen Adanza.
  148. >The most wanted criminal of all time.
  149. "Yeah, the less time we spend here the better. You two can return to the ship. I'll be right behind you."
  150. >Your companions leave you alone and return to the ship.
  151. >Meanwhile you keep trying to desperately find a bottle of booze.
  152. >But after a while you realize it's for nothing.
  153. >Adanza's pirates must've looted or destroyed everything here. There's nothing left.
  154. >You return to your ship and undress the suit.
  155. >With nothing else to do, you return to your cockpit to start the ship and continue the mission.
  156. >But when you open the door leading to cockpit, you notice a black figure lying in your seat.
  157. "What are you doing there? I thought I told you that only I can sit on captain's chair."
  158. >The changeling grins at you and jumps off "Sorry Sir, the chair is just so comfortable."
  159. >You can't help but agree with her.
  160. "I guess I should apologize for wasting our time."
  161. >"Eh, apology accepted. Let's not do that again, though. Poor Curious can't stand bodies, it seems."
  162. "Easy for us to say, we're experienced fighters. He's just an engineer."
  163. >A random silence takes place until Arctic speaks again.
  164. >"So, about that skull... why did Curious and you hesitate so much when you saw it?"
  165. "The skull's the icon of pirate queen Adanza. We hesitated because the areas marked by her servants are usually booby trapped."
  166. >"Ah, I see... Have you ever had an encounter with her?"
  167. "Nope, never encountered the queen herself. I've Seen her pirates rob a bank once though."
  168. >Your memory shifts 6 months back.
  169. >You were spending a nice little vacation on a small tropical planet.
  170. >There was this village located in middle of a rainforest.
  171. >It was far away from any sort of army so the place was nothing more but free loot for pirates.
  172. >It was only a matter of time when someone would rob the place.
  173. >There you were sitting on a balcony of a hotel sipping your morning coffee.
  174. >Suddenly screams could be heard and a huge spaceship landed in front of the bank (which was next the hotel, allowing you to see everything).
  175. >Maybe four or five changelings ran into the bank from the ship and soon after came out with money bags.
  176. >Now, of course there's nothing special about a robbery... Unless it's done by Adanza's pirates.
  177. >What's so special about her men? Well, they don't spare anyone.
  178. >After the robbery you had run inside the bank to see if everyone's okay.
  179. >But instead of seeing a bunch of people suffering from a panic attack you saw blood everywhere.
  180. >Damn mutant horses had gone full genocide.
  181. >Your mind then comes back to modern day.
  182. >You look at Arctic with a mildly horrified face.
  183. >"You saw a live bank robbery? What happened?"
  184. "The changelings took the money and killed everyone who got on their way. It was a terrible day and the main reason why Adanza is so wanted these days."
  185. >"Did you see everything? Like, the killing and so?"
  186. "No no, I didn't see the actual massacre. Just the aftermath."
  187. >Another silence takes place.
  188. >"Oh well, I'm gonna go check the weapon system. Call me if you need anything."
  189. >You give Arctic a wave as she leaves the room.
  190. >Alone again, you boot up the ship's systems and prepare for an FTL jump.
  191. >Hopefully the rest of Sector 1 won't be filled with such tragic places like the store.
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