
[Role] Jungle

Feb 4th, 2015
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  1. #Jungle
  2. ##General
  3. The jungler in Smite (and most MOBAs) rotates a lot. This means that he has to have a good map awareness. This is by far the most important atribute of a good jungler; he's in the right place at the right time.
  5. ##Building
  7. ###Introduction
  9. Currently, the most common seen start goes as follows:
  11. ####Normal start
  13. **Bumba's Mask** Due to the way how gold and exp sharing works in Smite, you're sharing camps a lot and you'll need plenty of sustain. As such, Bumba's a must.
  15. **Starter Item 2*: Depending on who you're playing, this is either Death's Toll, Blue Stone or a magical starter item. Some people have also experimented with Watchers Gift.
  18. **HP and Mana potions** Buy as many as you feel you need / can afford.
  20. ####Early boots start
  22. *This start will let you hit your powerspike abit earlier but offers a bit less power / sustain at the very start.*
  25. **Bumba's Mask** Due to the way how gold and exp sharing works in Smite, you're sharing camps a lot and you'll need plenty of sustain. As such, Bumba's a must.
  27. **Boots 2** Helps you rotate better and is the first item you're going to build anyways.
  29. **HP and Mana potions** Buy 2/3 mana or health potions right at the beginning. How many depends on what you think you need.
  33. ##Gameplay
  35. ###Earlygame
  37. Junglers usually start on the solo lane side of the map. As for your specific start, you've got a few options. Which you opt to go for is up to you. Things like your God, your teammate's Gods as well as your opponents picks all play into this.
  39. You can start at fire minions followed by going into solo lane. This gives you decent gold early but is somewhat dangerous as they a) can be stolen away if your opponent contests them and b) gives up lane pressure in solo lane.
  41. You can start in solo with your solo laner, opting for lane pressure, which gives you jungle pressure, possibly opening up the window for an invade.
  43. You can start at fire minions and go straight into mid. This really puts your solo laner behind but might be a good option if you have a solo laner with good early pressure and a midlaner that needs your help.
  46. ###Midgame
  47. Once the game goes into midgame you should have a decent ammount of damage and be free to rotate. In some games, you'll end up having to camp a lane because your teammate is doing horribly, if that happens you're somewhat restricted in your actions as you can't really roam. In most games, however, it's up to you where you want to go. Try to look for overly agressive enemies, especially mid or solo mages that use their escapes offensively. Make sure that you secure midcamps and your backcamps for exp, help your teammates with buffs and if you see the enemy jungler on the other side of the map, feel free to steal his buffs. In this phase of the game it's all about outplaying the enemy jungler. Gank whenever you have the possiblity to critically wound the enemy (allowing your teammate to push while the enemy has to back) or to score a kill. Keep an eye out for the Goldfury and the Firegiant, as taking them is starting to become a possibility.
  48. ###Lategame
  49. Objectives still stay relevant and so do kills. Your main job in lategame is to help your team, by picking off squishy targets or lone wanderers, or in teamfights. Depending on your God pick, try to dive their backline, circumventing their support / solo to get to their main sources of lategame DPS. Ward everything, warding is insanely important here. Look for chances to get objectives from an unnattentive enemy. You're starting to be less dominant (this doesn't apply to all junglers) and it's very easy to get killed in teamfights, but if you can catch someone alone you're pretty much guaranteed a kill.
  50. ***
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