
Six prof

Mar 28th, 2015
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  398. text-shadow: 0px 0px 0px transparent;}
  401. /* Found this in Hoot's profile and used it 'cos it's cool */
  403. #ongaku {
  404. border-radius: 5px;
  405. width: 25px;
  406. height: 20px;
  407. overflow: hidden;
  408. background-color: #5f5d5d;
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  414. transition: all 0.4s ease-in-out;
  415. }
  416. .musicgif {
  417. margin: 5px;
  418. -webkit-transition: all 0.4s ease-in-out;
  419. -moz-transition: all 0.4s ease-in-out;
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  426. background-color: #ffffff;
  427. }
  428. #ongaku:hover { background-color: #ffffff;}
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  432. height: 20px;
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  475. }
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  477. height: 90px;
  478. width: 200px;
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  480. position: absolute;
  481. bottom: 10px;
  482. left: 20px;
  483. box-sizing: border-box;
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  485. overflow: auto;
  486. font-size: 10pt;}
  489. </style>
  491. <div id="whole">
  493. <div id="centerpic">
  494. <div style="position: absolute;
  495. right: 0px;
  496. top: 0px;
  497. width: 300px;
  498. height: 100%;
  499. background: #ad3235;">
  500. </div>
  501. </div>
  503. <div id="titlepiece">
  504. Six
  505. </div>
  510. <div id="largecircle">
  512. <div id="blockcircle">
  513. </div>
  515. <a href=#first><div id="circleA">
  516. </div></a>
  517. <a href=#second><div id="circleB">
  518. </div></a>
  519. <a href=#third><div id="circleC">
  520. </div></a>
  521. <a href=#fourth><div id="circleD">
  522. </div></a>
  523. <a href=#fifth><div id="circleE">
  524. </div></a>
  525. <a href=#sixth><div id="circleF">
  526. </div></a>
  529. <div id="innercircle">
  530. <div id="toplinks">
  531. <a href=#circleA><div id="linkA">
  532. </div></a>
  533. <a href=#circleB><div id="linkB">
  534. </div></a>
  535. <a href=#circleC><div id="linkC">
  536. </div></a>
  537. </div>
  539. <div id="bottomlinks">
  540. <a href=#circleD><div id="linkD">
  541. </div></a>
  542. <a href=#circleE><div id="linkE">
  543. </div></a>
  544. <a href=#circleF><div id="linkF">
  545. </div></a>
  547. </div>
  549. <div id="informationcircle">
  551. <div class="contentcircle">
  552. </div>
  554. <div id="first" class="contentcircle">
  555. <div id="quotebox">
  556. "Do Not Regret What You Have Done"<br>- Miyamoto Musashi </div>
  557. <div id="leftbox">
  558. Oni General </div>
  559. <div id="rightbox">
  560. Exiled Youth </div>
  561. <div id="contentbox">
  562. 'The General of Terror'.<br>
  563. Six is a an exile, the once proud sixth son of King Zero.</div>
  564. </div>
  566. <div id="second" class="contentcircle">
  567. <div id="quotebox" style="font-size: 10pt;">
  568. "I Master The Trick, Just Like Nixon."
  569. - Ghostface Killah</div>
  570. <div id="leftbox">old as hell</div>
  571. <div id="rightbox">looks 16</div>
  572. <div id="contentbox">
  573. Loves human music.<br>
  574. Loves human culture.<br>
  575. Hates humans.
  576. </div>
  577. </div>
  579. <div id="third" class="contentcircle">
  580. <div id="quotebox" style="padding-top: 18px; padding-left: 32px;">
  581. "Invincibility Lies In The defence; the possibility of victory in the attack."
  582. <br>- Sun Tzu</div>
  583. <div id="leftbox">taller than mountains</div>
  584. <div id="rightbox">stands about 5'7"</div>
  585. <div id="contentbox">
  586. Dislikes civility.<br>
  587. Dislikes passivity.<br>
  588. Loves long walks.
  589. </div>
  590. </div>
  592. <div id="fourth" class="contentcircle">
  593. <div id="quotebox" style="padding-top: 30px;
  594. padding-left: 26px; font-size: 11pt;">
  595. "Get Rich Or Die Tryin'."<br>
  596. - 50 Cent</div>
  597. <div id="leftbox">heavier than sorrow</div>
  598. <div id="rightbox">not really</div>
  599. <div id="contentbox">
  600. Is sort of a horndog.<br>
  601. Will probably sex anything.<br>
  602. Probably won't sex a wall.</div>
  603. </div>
  605. <div id="fifth" class="contentcircle">
  606. <div id="quotebox">
  607. "Better to fight for something than live for nothing."
  608. - Patton Oswalt
  609. </div>
  610. <div id="leftbox">Hulk smash!</div>
  611. <div id="rightbox">pretty strong</div>
  612. <div id="contentbox">
  613. Has no technical skills.<br>
  614. Is very capable physically.<br>
  615. Hopeless with magic.</div>
  616. </div>
  618. <div id="sixth" class="contentcircle">
  619. <div id="quotebox">"You Jus' Mad 'Cus I'm Stylin' On You."
  620. - Nyckz (before being punched in the face)</div>
  621. <div id="leftbox"><a href="" target="_blank" title="Run the Jewels - Jeapordy">
  622. music source</a></div>
  623. <div id="rightbox"><a href="" target="_blank">
  624. image source</a></div>
  625. <div id="contentbox">
  626. music is in the center.<br>
  627. code is mine.<br>
  628. art is not.</div>
  629. </div>
  631. </div>
  633. <div id="fillercircle">
  634. </div>
  636. <div id="introductioncircle">
  637. <div id="musictho" style="position: absolute; left: 12px;
  638. top: 15px;">
  639. <div id="ongaku">
  640. <div class="musicgif"><img src=""/></div>
  641. <div id="musicpl">
  642. <embed src="" quality="high" wmode="transparent" width="200" height="10" name="billy" offset=16sec align="middle" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" />
  643. </div>
  644. </div>
  645. </div>
  647. </div>
  649. </div>
  651. </div>
  654. </div>
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