
Cinder Falls... For Ruby Rose (ch19)

Mar 28th, 2018
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  3. Here is this month's update! A bit of action for a change of pace!
  5. Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY.
  7. -----------
  9. Chapter 19. Mutual Enemies
  11. It wasn't often when multiple Academies collaborated for joint missions and expeditions.
  13. So when the announcement was made that Beacon and Haven students would be working together on a massive Grimm extermination hunt, Ruby was ecstatic. It was the first time she'd be doing something like this, and there was a high possibility she'd get to go on her first ever hunting mission with Cinder.
  15. Naturally, as soon as Ruby and Yang heard the news, they were sending excited texts to their girlfriends. It had been a few weeks since they'd all seen one another in person, so this seemed like the perfect opportunity to meet up once again, only this time the schools were organizing it.
  17. Which meant, of course, this would have to be more like a professional mission and less like a casual date, but they were all more than fine with that.
  19. This issue was that there was an alarming amount of Grimm in a certain area of Haven, but many local huntsmen and huntresses were currently off on other excursions. Therefore, the academy had called for a bit of backup, and Ozpin had readily volunteered.
  21. When the announcement had been made and available teams were able to sign up for the mission, Ruby and Yang checked with Weiss and Blake, and once they'd given their affirmations, the leader signed up her team as quickly as possible.
  23. And so now, just a day later, they were on their way to the Grimm-infested forests of Haven.
  25. Ruby was barely able to keep still in her seat on the airship, and Weiss had to constantly grab her arm and make her sit down everytime she popped up for one reason or another.
  27. "I understand you're excited," she sighed. "But please don't make a scene."
  29. "Sorry!" Ruby scream-whispered. "I'm just so excited!"
  31. "Who would have guessed."
  33. They'd all rested well last night in preparation for this, so naturally everyone on this ship was full of energy and ready to fight today.
  35. By the time they'd landed, attendance had been reaffirmed, and the doors had been opened to let them off, the eager huntsmen and huntresses were glad to be off the ship, weapons at the ready.
  37. As Ruby stepped off with the others, she took in the surroundings. They seemed to be on the outskirts of a massive forest, but despite the largeness of the area, there were no animals moving about, no birdsong. It was a telltale sign that Grimm were lurking in the shadows.
  39. Their professors led them a short distance to where a group of Haven's students had gathered to wait for them. Ruby spotted Cinder instantly and hurried over to her, but she had to swallow her squeal of excitement. Remembering this was a mission, she miraculously refrained from throwing her arms around Cinder and kissing her. Instead, she merely grabbed her hands and grinned a smile bright enough to light up the entire forest.
  41. Cinder was not only relieved to see she had arrived safely, but happy simply because Ruby had been able to come at all.
  43. There was a bit of idle chatter amongst the students as they greeted one another, and in the midst of it all Cinder managed to pull Ruby in for a brief, one-armed hug. At that point, Ruby allowed herself an excited whisper of greeting.
  45. "Hi! It's so good to see you again!"
  47. "Indeed it is. Though I wish circumstances were better."
  49. "Yeah... but this is kinda cool too! We'll get to take on our first mission together!"
  51. Just as she said this, the professors called for attention to discuss the details. The students were told how many Grimm to expect, how large the forest was, and how long they had before the needed to return, lest the worst be assumed and a search party go out to find those who hadn't come back on time.
  53. Being this was a Haven forest, it was required that at least one Haven student accompany every group or pair of Beacon students to help them navigate.
  55. Yang and Neo walked over to stand by Ruby and Cinder, while Emerald and Mercury went to accompany Weiss and Blake. They all listened to the rest of their orders before being dismissed and told to fan out accordingly. Ruby left Cinder for a moment to scurry back to Weiss and Blake.
  57. "Good luck you guys!"
  59. "To you as well," Weiss replied. "Be safe."
  61. "You too!" Ruby gave her partner a hug first, then did the same for Blake.
  63. "Ruby, make sure Yang actually focuses on the mission and not her girlfriend."
  65. "Hey!" Yang snapped. "You're one to talk, Belladonna."
  67. They all had a few laughs which served to lighten the atmosphere. Cinder wished her teammates well also.
  69. "Be sure to keep an eye out. You're responsible for Beacon students in these woods."
  71. "We know, chief," Emerald said. "We'll be on the lookout. Or at least I will be."
  73. "The hell's that mean?" Mercurcy scoffed. "I'll look out too."
  75. "Uh-huh, suuure."
  77. Once they'd all said their temporary goodbyes, the teams split up into groups of 4. Being that Cinder was the leader of her own team and that they were on Haven grounds, she took the lead for her group. Ruby and Yang stayed side by side behind her, and Neo covered the back of the group as they proceeded onward into the forest.
  79. They maintained a quick pace, all senses alert as they surveyed the area. Neo had her umbrella drawn, Yang's gauntlets were ready to fire, Ruby had Crescent Rose in-hand, and Cinder held onto her bow with one hand, the other ready to reach back for an arrow at any given second.
  81. It wasn't long before she came to a dead stop and halted the group. Ruby could hear the snarling of Grimm prowling up ahead in the thicket. A tap from Neo had her looking back as the smaller girl signed.
  83. //Sounds like five or six of them.//
  85. Ruby nodded and passed on the info to Cinder in a hand gesture. To prevent alerting the beasts they didn't speak, but Cinder signaled for them to fan out in pairs. Ruby stuck close to her while Yang and Neo began skirting around the trees in the opposite direction.
  87. They all moved slowly, meticulously, creeping forward until the pack of wolves came into view. They'd clearly picked up the scent of humans because their noses were all raised.
  89. Ruby pressed herself behind a tree and glanced to where Cinder was doing the same. She waited for the signal as the wolves drew closer.
  91. "Now!"
  93. Cinder's shout pushed all four huntresses into action. As soon as she and Ruby rushed forward, Yang and Neo exploded from the bushes behind the wolves. In seconds there were heads being cleaved off, throats being slashed, limbs being impaled, and bullets firing every which way.
  95. Each girl took out one wolf immediately, but the remaining two Grimm tore off running in different directions. Yang hooked her arm around Neo's waist and pulled her close, sending a shout to Ruby.
  97. "We'll take this one and meet up with you later!"
  99. "Okay! Be careful!"
  101. "Same to you!"
  103. And with that the pairs split up after their respective wolves. Ruby could still see theirs darting into the shadows. She hurried to Cinder's side, putting an arm around her back.
  105. "Grab on!"
  107. As soon as she felt Cinder's grip on her shoulder, Ruby gave her semblance a whirl. The two of them shot forward through the trees, all but beelining straight for the fleeing Grimm. In only seconds they were upon it.
  109. Ruby gave a push to Cinder's back, sending her forward. Cinder drew an arrow, aimed and fired it all in a single second. It shot right through the back of the Grimm's skull, and the body collapsed into the ground. Ruby straightened up and clapped in triumph.
  111. "Nice shot!"
  113. Smiling, Cinder went to retrieve her arrow.
  115. "Thank you."
  117. Now that they'd killed their wolf, they found themselves deeper in the forest away from Yang and Neo. But both girls were more than willing to spend a little time alone together on this mission.
  119. Now that the most imminent threat had been eliminated, Ruby bounded over to Cinder and took her hand, then pulled herself up for a kiss.
  121. They kept their weapons in one hand and each other's hands in the other as they continued walking through the forest in search of Grimm. And now that they were alone, it was just like another date.
  123. "So!" Ruby said. "Do you know this forest?"
  125. "Fairly well. It was where we had our initiation."
  127. "Oooooh! So like, this is where you guys first found your partners and formed your teams!"
  129. "Precisely. Which is why all of us at Haven feel so strongly about ridding it of Grimm."
  131. "Yeah, I get it."
  133. Hearing that made Ruby all the more determined to help kill as many Grimm as possible. In her own case, the Emerald Forest where she had first met Weiss and Blake and formed the team with Yang was very precious to her.
  135. There were Grimm in it of course, and there was little they could do about a few stragglers here and there. But for it to be infested to the point of crisis, and needing to call in other Academies to lessen the threat was a bit upsetting.
  137. Her grip on Cinder's hand tightened a little as they continued onward, keeping their eyes and ears open for anything unusual. It was like a very professional and potentially dangerous date.
  139. This time, it was Ruby who heard the Grimm first. She paused and pulled Cinder back a pace and closed her eyes to focus. It sounded heavier than the wolves, which led her to believe it was an Ursa.
  141. It lumbered up ahead, grunting and pawing at the earth. Cinder kept her eyes open as she assessed the area. It was clear there was something up ahead, but she couldn't shake a feeling of unease. Before she could voice any concerns, Ruby opened her eyes and looked up to her.
  143. "All right. I'll go around-"
  145. But before either girl could comprehend it, a sudden squealing shriek split the air as a Boarbatusk shot out from a nearby bush. It swung its head, tusks flailing as it charged them.
  147. Cinder was filled with a nauseous mix of panic and horror as she watched it knock Ruby aside, felt her hand being torn from her grip as the girl yelped. Cinder hadn't been able to warn her in time.
  149. She leapt back out of range as the boar continued blindly toward her. Cinder's heart was in her throat as she glimpsed Ruby on the ground with her scythe lying nearby. But more than the fear was the rage. The pure red-hot fury.
  151. She pulled out an arrow and took aim between the boar's eyes, releasing the bow without mercy to pierce the brain. She gave a hard kick to the body as it tumbled to ensure it was dead, then jumped over the carcass to rush to Ruby's side.
  153. "Ruby-"
  155. Cinder dropped to her knees in a fluster, her entire body tingling with terror.
  157. "Ugh..." Ruby pushed herself up and shook her head, then blinked up at her girlfriend with a little smile. "Oh, I'm okay! Don't worry! It just surprised me and bumped me a little." She pulled Crescent Rose closer as she sat up, grinning up at Cinder.
  159. And Cinder felt the fury melting away. It turned into something much more fragile. Without a word she pulled Ruby into her arms and held her for a moment.
  161. Ruby was taken by surprise, but she happily hugged her back. She could feel Cinder shaking a little, and her breath was baited. When she could speak, Cinder's voice was thin.
  163. "I'm sorry-"
  165. "Hey, don't be! I'm okay! I promise!" Ruby kissed her cheek. "You tried to warn me, and you covered me and killed it when I was down. It was my own fault for not paying more attention anyway."
  167. "Even so-"
  169. "Uh-uh!" Ruby quieted her with a kiss, not wanting Cinder to feel guilty about the little mishap.
  171. And that was what Cinder needed. To feel Ruby in her arms safe and sound, to hear her happy voice, to know that she was all right enough to kiss her in the middle of a Grimm-infested forest.
  173. Cinder felt the tension draining from her own shoulders as she let the reality settle in. When they parted she exhaled in relief. Ruby pecked her cheek one more time, then stood up to offer her hand.
  175. "Thanks for having my back. It's nice to know I have someone who isn't even a part of my team, someone who lives in another kingdom, who will look out for me. And I know you can take care of yourself, but I'll always have your back too, Cinder!"
  177. Cinder gazed up at Ruby now as she smiled down at her, extending her hand expectantly, the very image of camaraderie and trust.
  179. And Cinder felt something stir within her heart, something she hadn't felt since the last time she'd made eye contact with her own teammates in this forest so many months ago. A smile came to her lips as she reached up and accepted Ruby's hand.
  181. Ruby helped her to her feet and didn't let go of her hand. She turned to where the Ursa they'd first suspected to be hiding was now lumbering forward out of the bushes. She readied Crescent Rose and got into a crouched stance.
  183. "All right! You ready to rumble?"
  185. Cinder gave one last squeeze to Ruby's hand before she let go, then drew her next arrow.
  187. "Yes."
  189. And so they gave their battle cry in unison and charged headlong into their next battle.
  191. ----------
  193. A/N: Hope you enjoyed the bit of action!
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