
Crossroads of Remembrance [FC, Inn Instance]

Jul 3rd, 2013
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  1. [23:11:31] * Able_Tome snaps out of his thoughts
  2. [23:11:36] * Lucyne then turns to Quick: "What? It was stupid and reckless, but someone had to do it."
  3. [23:11:42] * Ruin grabs Lucyne's a flagon of ale
  4. [23:12:05] <Drew_> I hate summer.....
  5. [23:12:29] * Able_Tome shakes his head and begins going through his saddlebag, searching for the parchment container
  6. [23:12:38] * Lucyne takes the ale and holds the mug up
  7. [23:12:39] <Quicksilver_> "I guess... I wonder what it would have been like to die..."
  8. [23:12:41] <Lucyne> "Cheers mate."
  9. [23:12:59] * Quicksilver_ shivers
  10. [23:13:02] * Lucyne chuckles "You won't have to find out for a while, don't worry."
  11. [23:13:20] * Lucyne drinks, her words and thoughts not fully...there
  12. [23:13:22] * Ruin nods, and returns to polishing a glass
  13. [23:13:53] * Able_Tome searches through it and after several moment extracts a long, cylindrical tube
  14. [23:14:01] <Drew_> how does a race with no hands make a hammer?
  15. [23:14:01] * Quicksilver_ smiles "I hope not, I think i may give adventuring a miss for a day or two i think"
  16. [23:14:28] * Lucyne laughs "I don't wanna die, not going toe to toe with giant monsters for a day will do!"
  17. [23:14:29] <Drew_> or nails, or a cup for that matter?
  18. [23:14:40] * Lucyne takes a swig
  19. [23:14:48] <Lucyne> "I'm sorry if it felt like I pushed you to come."
  20. [23:15:05] * Able_Tome , carefully calculating his each movement, places the cylinder before him
  21. [23:15:17] <Quicksilver_> "It feels like its been so long since i properly sat down and rested, but im glad I came along, so many wonderful sights"
  22. [23:15:18] * Ruin begins to sing to self, way too focused on the cup she is polishing
  23. [23:15:32] <Drew_> have any of the pegasi worked out holding shit in their wings?
  24. [23:15:53] * Lucyne stares intently at the mug
  25. [23:15:53] * Quicksilver_ glances to her saddlebag "Wouldn't have discovered this otherwise"
  26. [23:16:07] <Lucyne> "The luck is with the stupid huh?"
  27. [23:16:07] <Ruin> "Last Call! Last Call! Last call in Jonestown, bottoms up! Swallow the hemlock, drink from the cup!"
  28. [23:16:25] * Lucyne drinks again "Or the reckless"
  29. [23:16:33] <Drew_> Nope, not killing myself.
  30. [23:16:35] * Able_Tome takes a glass shot into his hoof and takes a small sip as he inspects the container with his eyes, looking for irregularities in its form
  31. [23:16:52] * Quicksilver_ smiles and takes a drink "Amen to that"
  32. [23:16:57] * Lucyne looks across the bar
  33. [23:17:04] <Lucyne> "Drew, Able, come sit with us!"
  34. [23:17:29] * Rain_Drop nudges open the door surveying the bar before trotting in
  35. [23:17:29] <Drew_> that reminds me, I'm both surprised and grateful for the low suicide rate, coming Lucy
  36. [23:17:40] * Able_Tome puts the shot on the table and glances at Lucy "One moment, Lucyne."
  37. [23:17:50] * Lucyne glances at the new comer
  38. [23:17:52] <Lucyne> "Rain!"
  39. [23:17:58] * Lucyne gets up to greet Rain
  40. [23:18:03] * Rain_Drop looks at the call. "Lucy!:
  41. [23:18:13] * Lucyne hugs Rain
  42. [23:18:19] <Lucyne> "Come on, we've got a seat open."
  43. [23:18:29] * Rain_Drop returns the hug. "Hey missed you at the fields you come here for a drink?"
  44. [23:18:30] * Quicksilver_ grins at the pair
  45. [23:18:38] * Able_Tome returns his sight on the container before him and begins to open it up by removing the lid on top of it
  46. [23:18:49] <Lucyne> "Yea, sorry, but the breathing has really been giving me trouble..."
  47. [23:19:04] * Chinook stretches his neck and takes his usual seat at the bar
  48. [23:19:16] * Rain_Drop nods sympathetically. "Hey you take as long as you need to get your lungs better alright?"
  49. [23:19:18] <Lucyne> "Oh hey Chinook, didn't see you come in."
  50. [23:19:22] <Ruin> "Whatcha need, Chin?"
  51. [23:19:26] <Rain_Drop> "Chiny!"
  52. [23:19:30] * Chinook looks up
  53. [23:19:30] <Drew_> when is that shop opening?
  54. [23:19:33] * Rain_Drop waves a hoof at Chinook
  55. [23:19:35] <Lucyne> "I will, they're a lot better already."
  56. [23:19:40] <Chinook> "Guys! didn't see you there!"
  57. [23:19:56] * Chinook walks over "Yeah, sorry it's been a long day"
  58. [23:20:08] * Able_Tome bites his lower lip as the lid gives in. Tilting the cylinder to the side, a clean parchment scroll slides and lands on the table
  59. [23:20:32] * Ruin sighs in relief
  60. [23:20:35] * Rain_Drop lightly punches Chinook on the shoulder. "Oh come on don't tell me the big bad militia man is all tired our today?"
  61. [23:20:37] <Lucyne> "Come on everyone, let's sit at the bar."
  62. [23:20:46] * Quicksilver_ looks at Lucyne's labored breathing "Are you sure that is healing? there could be some permanent damage to your alveoli"
  63. [23:20:50] <Drew_> I'm here
  64. [23:21:04] <Lucyne> "It better be, otherwise I'm screwed."
  65. [23:21:06] * Lucyne laughs
  66. [23:21:13] * Chinook laughs nervously "Nah, just you know. Staying outside a cave all day and all that"
  67. [23:21:18] * Able_Tome searches his back-pocket and retrieves his usual scroll with a quill, puting it right next to the new one
  68. [23:21:30] * Chinook taps his head "Can send a guy nuts"
  69. [23:21:38] * R_Dusk comes in, a bit intimidated to see so much unknown faces
  70. [23:21:38] * Ikea walks in, surveying the room
  71. [23:21:49] <Lucyne> "If I start coughing blood I'll see to medical attention."
  72. [23:22:04] * Lucyne sits down at the bar
  73. [23:22:09] * Kaiasha Steps out from a corner of the pub looking pleased with herself
  74. [23:22:13] <Lucyne> "Oh hey Ikea! And a new face I think?"
  75. [23:22:31] <Chinook> "Medical attention?"
  76. [23:22:41] * Quicksilver_ brings out a healing potion from her saddlebag and places it on the table in front of Lucyne "Take this, it doesn't matter if you use it or not, but I would feel better if you had it"
  77. [23:22:54] * Ikea trots up to the bar to sit down "Hey, guys. Any deadly outbreaks yet?"
  78. [23:23:01] <R_Dusk> "Radiant Dusk's the name, but call me Dusk"
  79. [23:23:03] * Arrant_Hold_ walks into the inn.
  80. [23:23:04] * Able_Tome slowly moves his hoof over the new scroll and opens it up. Looking intently at the paper, Able begins to read through the text, recognizing a form...official request form from the embassy
  81. [23:23:04] <Chinook> "Hey Ruby!"
  82. [23:23:11] <Drew> seriously you look in bad shape, gelatinous cube
  83. [23:23:13] * Arrant_Hold_ holding his head, in pain...
  84. [23:23:13] * Lucyne eyes the container
  85. [23:23:22] * Ruby_McCoal arrives rushingly "booze, strong, now"
  86. [23:23:24] <Lucyne> "Thanks Quick, I really appreciate the trust.
  87. [23:23:46] * Arrant_Hold_ sits down next to Ruby, and bangs his head on the table
  88. [23:23:50] <Ruin> "right away" *pours some vodka for Ruby
  89. [23:23:54] <Lucyne> "Nice to meet you Radiant, come sit with us!"
  90. [23:24:07] <Rain_Drop> "Thank you Quick, whats wrong with him?"
  91. [23:24:12] * Rain_Drop points at Arrant
  92. [23:24:15] * Able_Tome skims through the forms as he smiles, recognizing and understanding equestrian symbology
  93. [23:24:18] <Quicksilver_> "You saved my life... It feels right to make yours more comfortable in return"
  94. [23:24:24] * R_Dusk nearly smiles
  95. [23:24:31] <R_Dusk> "nice to meet you too"
  96. [23:24:32] <Drew> Able, what does it say?
  97. [23:24:42] * R_Dusk head towards them
  98. [23:24:43] <Ruby_McCoal> "all those morons *sips* making us running around and risk our *sips* for some horny captain who dont even gives a fuck"
  99. [23:24:49] * Chinook puts a hoof to his chin "Radiant Dusk eh? Were you here the other day?"
  100. [23:24:50] <Arrant_Hold_> "can anyone here KEEP their dick in their pants?"
  101. [23:24:53] * Ruby_McCoal proceed to empty the glass
  102. [23:25:03] <Lucyne> "Thanks again, I won't be taking it unless situation becomes especially dire."
  103. [23:25:04] <Rain_Drop> "...What?"
  104. [23:25:06] <Arrant_Hold_> "Or whatever horses have."
  105. [23:25:14] * Chinook laughs
  106. [23:25:18] <Ikea> "Hey, Dusk. I'm Ikea, town engineer. You show up today? I'm a bit out of the social loop at the moment, I'm afraid..."
  107. [23:25:23] * Arrant_Hold_ stops banging his head on the table.
  108. [23:25:25] <Kaiasha> "still called dicks just slightly bigger and flatter on the front*
  109. [23:25:27] * Able_Tome puts the scroll down on the table and begins opening up his scroll "H-huh?", he looks at Drew for a moment, "Oh nothing, nothing...just an...official document."
  110. [23:25:29] <Ruby_McCoal> "High Tide was never kidnapped, he just went to them"
  111. [23:25:42] <Ruby_McCoal> "having sex and a soon-to-be child"
  112. [23:25:43] * Lucyne leans over to Able
  113. [23:25:46] <Lucyne> "You can read that shit?"
  114. [23:25:47] <Rain_Drop> "....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"
  115. [23:25:54] <Chinook> "What?!"
  116. [23:26:03] <Rain_Drop> "So that's! Why he was grinning like an idiot!"
  117. [23:26:08] <Ruin> "Well, now THAT's news."
  118. [23:26:15] * Quicksilver_ nods "I still have two left so i should be ok to study and try and sythesise more"
  119. [23:26:20] * Rain_Drop pounds the bar laughing hysterically
  120. [23:26:28] * Arrant_Hold_ shakes his head "We should go back... the others might die."
  121. [23:26:34] * Able_Tome turns his head to face Lucy "Its basic equestrian. The embassy was kind enough to...simplify certain terminology for documents."
  122. [23:26:42] <Ruby_McCoal> "Fucking almost drowned for his sorry ass, would have gave my life for them" as she empties another bottle
  123. [23:26:49] <Lucyne> "Nice, what does it say."
  124. [23:26:57] * Lucyne notices the hysterical Rain
  125. [23:27:05] <Arrant_Hold_> "The others might end up dying... We should go back for their sake."
  126. [23:27:06] <Lucyne> "Some joke I missed?"
  127. [23:27:06] * Rain_Drop wipes a tear from her eye with a hoof.
  128. [23:27:09] <Ruby_McCoal> "but *hic* he does only care bout *burp* his dick"
  129. [23:27:19] <Chinook> "Just the Captain Lucyne"
  130. [23:27:26] * Able_Tome turns away to face the scroll "A report form, Lucyne."
  131. [23:27:33] <Rain_Drop> "The capn got lucky with his seaponies Lucy....hahahahah!"
  132. [23:27:34] <Arrant_Hold_> "Or don't listen to me, Ruby. Thats fine to."
  133. [23:27:38] * Ruby_McCoal glances at Arrant "Fuck you you're not going there alone"
  134. [23:27:42] <Lucyne> "Oh you are fucking kidding me..."
  135. [23:27:43] * R_Dusk frowns at the idea of having to learn a new language, after all she know near to nothing about local culture
  136. [23:27:46] * Lucyne shakes her head
  137. [23:27:49] <Arrant_Hold_> "You won't be."
  138. [23:27:51] <Lucyne> "A report form?"
  139. [23:27:53] <Ikea> "Is there some context I'm missing here?"
  140. [23:27:58] * Able_Tome searches through his pocket and retrieves a small inkwell
  141. [23:28:00] <Arrant_Hold_> "I'll be there."
  142. [23:28:01] * Lucyne tries to decipher the meaningless letters
  143. [23:28:02] <Chinook> "Hey, if it was gonna be anyone, it'd be the captain"
  144. [23:28:02] * R_Dusk is now known as Dusk
  145. [23:28:16] <Ruby_McCoal> "I'm FINE *hic* lets kill that SERP.. ent"
  146. [23:28:39] * Ruby_McCoal stands up and leave, almost knocking down multiple times
  147. [23:28:51] * Able_Tome uncorks the inkwell as he places the quill into it "It is, Lucyne."
  148. [23:28:55] * Arrant_Hold_ shakes his head "I guess I'm going with her"
  149. [23:28:57] <Ruin> "HEY! Pay watchoo owe!"
  150. [23:28:59] <Rain_Drop> "Ikea we went on a raft adventure with the captain Chere and I got knocked off the boat and I noticed the captn getting pulled away by a seapony him grinning like an idiot."
  151. [23:29:00] * Arrant_Hold_ walks out as well.
  152. [23:29:20] <Lucyne> "You truly are a man of prolific words, a form to request what?"
  153. [23:29:45] <Chinook> "Excuse me for a minute"
  154. [23:29:51] <Drew> answer the question Able!
  155. [23:29:59] <Ikea> "Right, so far I follow. So it was less of a ponynap and more of a booty call"
  156. [23:30:00] * Rain_Drop points at the retreating Ruby and Arrant. "They just said that the captain is more or less married to a seapony and is expecting child."
  157. [23:30:01] <Ruin> "Aw hell no, ain't no one drink and dashing on MY shift!"
  158. [23:30:11] * Dusk whispers to lucyne
  159. [23:30:11] <Dusk> "What's up in here?"
  160. [23:30:14] <Rain_Drop> "More or less...AHAHHA"
  161. [23:30:18] * Able_Tome places both scrolls side by side, takes the quill into his hoof and begins to thinks "What is it Drew?"
  162. [23:30:19] <Drew> how can we trust you if you wont trust us!
  163. [23:30:21] * Ruin bolts out of the in after Ruby
  164. [23:30:26] * Lucyne whispers bacK: "Oh dear, a lot."
  165. [23:30:40] <Dusk> "seems so"
  166. [23:30:50] <Drew> a quill?
  167. [23:31:02] <Lucyne> "Seemingly our local crazy captain has married a sea pony, Able here is filling out some mysterious form and I'm just happy nothing is on fire."
  168. [23:31:09] * Chinook absconds like a it's the generation games
  169. [23:31:11] <Ikea> "Well, I don't see the humor, but whatever tickles your fancy..."
  170. [23:31:28] * Dusk chuckles
  171. [23:31:28] * Rain_Drop notices Lucy leaning over some parchment near Able. "Whats that Lucy?"
  172. [23:31:35] <Able_Tome> "Oh yeah, Lucyne, a request - report form about local...lands, so to say..."
  173. [23:31:47] <Able_Tome> "Yes, quill, Drew"
  174. [23:31:59] <Ikea> "So to say? Please, be more cryptic, Able"
  175. [23:32:00] <Lucyne> "Sometimes I wonder whether you taunt me or are really that bad at people talk."
  176. [23:32:05] * Able_Tome he looks at Drew and motions the feather in his hoof
  177. [23:32:13] <Dusk> "I'm quite lost but it looks interesting at least"
  178. [23:32:31] <Drew> does this have something to do with Griffins?
  179. [23:32:52] * Able_Tome chuckles "Not at all..."
  180. [23:33:21] * Lucyne shakes her head and sips her ale
  181. [23:33:30] <Lucyne> "Tell us whenever you feel like it, Able, no stress."
  182. [23:33:34] * Able_Tome looks into his parchment and snippets that he recorded about the region
  183. [23:33:44] <Drew> then I am lost
  184. [23:34:02] * Quicksilver_ begins staring at her moss again
  185. [23:34:14] * Lucyne looks at Quicksilver's fabulous bags
  186. [23:34:20] <Lucyne> "So that stuff'S still alive?"
  187. [23:34:21] <Able_Tome> "Lets just say, Lucyne, that certain...facts about these lands don't make perfect sense."
  188. [23:34:46] <Lucyne> "Other than us being transported here and transformed?"
  189. [23:34:50] * Quicksilver_ nods "Its still glowing just as strongly as when i gathered it"
  190. [23:34:53] <Dusk> ~I could have guessed that~
  191. [23:35:08] <Lucyne> "Truly Able, your insight is astounding."
  192. [23:35:24] * Quicksilver_ chuckles
  193. [23:35:25] <Drew> meanwhile it feels like I have an invisible feather teasing me every five minutes
  194. [23:35:27] <Ikea> "I'm no biologist but that sounds... strange?"
  195. [23:35:29] * Able_Tome begins filling out details into the request form "Transportation and transmutation is one"
  196. [23:36:03] <Drew> the haunting, the creatures?
  197. [23:36:08] <Able_Tome> "...visible corruption, missing settlers, groups and scouts that were here, but...disappeared..."
  198. [23:36:22] <Lucyne> "ugh, you are over-thinking things."
  199. [23:36:26] * Lucyne takes a hearty drink
  200. [23:36:35] <Lucyne> "These are the frontiers, people go missing here constantly."
  201. [23:36:35] * Able_Tome looks at Lucy "Diamond dog outposts which were here, but then got destroyed..."
  202. [23:36:49] * Lucyne smiles
  203. [23:36:51] <Drew> that was cockatrices
  204. [23:36:58] <Ikea> "So this was a ploy by Sunbutt to get rid of us, permanently?"
  205. [23:37:02] <Lucyne> "Oh but Able, it is quite exciting isn't it?"
  206. [23:37:12] <Able_Tome> "With dogs from other settlements not checking least no signs of checking out on said outposts."
  207. [23:37:12] <Quicksilver_> "Celestia really picked a great place to stick us... I guess she really does dislike us"
  208. [23:37:14] <Lucyne> "We must find out what exactly is going on..."
  209. [23:37:23] <Lucyne> "Sounds like an"
  210. [23:37:26] * Lucyne laughs
  211. [23:37:31] <Lucyne> "Adventure doesn't it?"
  212. [23:37:42] * Kaiasha whispers to able "I don't suppose you can requisition a printing press can you?"
  213. [23:37:49] * Able_Tome frowns "Not really, Lucy. More experiment."
  214. [23:38:09] * Quicksilver_ perks up at the mention of experiments
  215. [23:38:10] <Ikea> "Isn't that just two different words you two use for the same thing?"
  216. [23:38:10] <Lucyne> "Your grasp of the word 'experiment' seems light at best."
  217. [23:38:16] <Drew_> i doubt Celestia would be that, utilitarian
  218. [23:38:18] * Lucyne gets up
  219. [23:38:23] <Lucyne> "Don't you see people?"
  220. [23:38:28] * Rain_Drop orders a small cider before looking over all the conversations in the inn
  221. [23:38:30] * Lucyne waves her hoof into the air
  222. [23:38:33] * Able_Tome looks at Kai "Not at this point, you need to order that through Silver Tongue...if he'll survive this night."
  223. [23:38:37] <Lucyne> "This is all a conspiracy!"
  224. [23:38:48] * Lucyne turns around again
  225. [23:38:56] <Lucyne> "Something is *out there*."
  226. [23:39:03] <Lucyne> "And it wants *us*."
  227. [23:39:05] <Ikea> "I don't like it either, Drew, but signs point to her knowing what was going on here"
  228. [23:39:06] * Kaiasha *sighs* "Where is that drama queen?"
  229. [23:39:07] * Quicksilver_ giggles "we need some tinfoil hats in here pronto!"
  230. [23:39:12] * Able_Tome rolls his eyes and begins to look at his parchment
  231. [23:39:20] * Lucyne shakes her head
  232. [23:39:24] <Lucyne> "Tinfoil hats?"
  233. [23:39:30] <Lucyne> "Oh, this is more dear Quicksilver."
  234. [23:39:32] <Able_Tome> "What worries me the most are the details from that last expedition."
  235. [23:39:38] * Lucyne dramatically gestures
  236. [23:39:46] <Rain_Drop> "Lucy what are you talking about?"
  237. [23:40:03] <Lucyne> "Ghosts of long forgotten times, monsters from the depths of the earth..."
  238. [23:40:08] <Ikea> "But Celestia herself set us on this path, right? So either she's in on it, or she's being manipulated"
  239. [23:40:21] * Lucyne moves a hoof to Ikea's mouth
  240. [23:40:21] <Able_Tome> "Shades...shatters of personalities and events that repeat themselves..."
  241. [23:40:24] <Drew_> or she has faith in us?
  242. [23:40:28] <Lucyne> "Oh, that is the question, is it not?"
  243. [23:40:34] <Lucyne> "How much does she know?"
  244. [23:40:39] <Lucyne> "How much are we toys?"
  245. [23:40:46] <Lucyne> "Are we lambs to the slaughter?"
  246. [23:41:00] * Dusk listens quietly, trying to grasp some of what is being said, but nothing makes sens to her really, apart from the fact things here won't be that easy.
  247. [23:41:03] * Lucyne continues dramatic gesturing
  248. [23:41:05] <Able_Tome> "And those things that Iron Hoof told about...the increase of corruption in the region and such."
  249. [23:41:08] <Drew_> we aren't come on shes the big good
  250. [23:41:23] <Lucyne> "Able might be on the right path...
  251. [23:41:28] * Lucyne moves close to Able
  252. [23:41:32] * Rain_Drop sneaks up behind Lucy before hugging her tightly. "They can think we are lambs but I wont let them take you from me Lucy."
  253. [23:41:35] <Lucyne> "But, are you currently informing the enemy?"
  254. [23:41:39] * Able_Tome ignores Lucy whispering "And the parties which were gone..."
  255. [23:41:41] <Lucyne> "Aww Rain."
  256. [23:41:45] * Lucyne hugs Rain
  257. [23:42:02] <Rain_Drop> "I might not be as smart as Able or you Lucy."
  258. [23:42:06] * Able_Tome glares at Lucyne "I do."
  259. [23:42:42] <Drew_> why are you all getting into this conspiracy mode, this is a world of cartoon horses, were just offscreen
  260. [23:42:45] * Lucyne frees herself from Rain and throws her hooves in the air
  261. [23:42:45] <Rain_Drop> "But I can make damn sure that things work out for the best no matter what"
  262. [23:42:58] <Lucyne> "Oh Rain, thanks."
  263. [23:43:06] <Lucyne> " see...."
  264. [23:43:17] * Lucyne has engaged ghost story mode a long time ago
  265. [23:43:30] <Lucyne> "Who are WE? Who are THEY? What is HERE?"
  266. [23:43:39] <Lucyne> "How do the pieces fit together?"
  267. [23:43:41] * Able_Tome returns to scrolls and begins copying up the the details, trying to be careful with his writing
  268. [23:43:44] * Lucyne laughs internally
  269. [23:43:45] <Dusk> "I wonder too"
  270. [23:43:49] <Ikea> "Hold on... Let's back up a bit. Things are habbening, of that, there's no doubt. So either Sunbutt knows and is party in it, or she's incompetent."
  271. [23:43:58] <Drew_> we are ourselves as colorful ponies?
  272. [23:44:03] <Lucyne> "That is a question!"
  273. [23:44:05] * Ruin walks back into the in, frothing with anger
  274. [23:44:08] <Lucyne> "Is she in on it?"
  275. [23:44:12] <Lucyne> "Can she even stop it?"
  276. [23:44:16] <Lucyne> "Are we a MEATSHIELD?"
  277. [23:44:27] * Lucyne continues drama class 101
  278. [23:44:28] <Ikea> "I'd sooner see her as utilitarian than incompetent."
  279. [23:44:41] * Able_Tome shakes his head in annoyance, but continues to write
  280. [23:44:43] <Drew_> maybe shes in on something but reluctantly, for a greater good?
  281. [23:44:54] <Ikea> "Yes, I hope so"
  282. [23:44:55] * Lucyne is enjoying Able's annoyance
  283. [23:45:19] * Quicksilver_ falls asleep while stating at her moss
  284. [23:45:20] <Lucyne> "Not fun when I do it?"
  285. [23:45:32] * Lucyne laughs
  286. [23:45:35] <Ruin> "Do any of you tinfoil hats know that mare who drank and dashed?"
  287. [23:45:40] <Able_Tome> "Too much spite, Lucy."
  288. [23:45:49] <Rain_Drop> "I enjoy it even if I don't like where its going..."
  289. [23:45:53] <Ikea> "Assuming she's not going all Tyrant, she has to be doing this for the good of her people, which we are not part of"
  290. [23:45:55] * Dusk feels a bit more depressed as the talking goes on, everything looks so... unbelievable....
  291. [23:46:00] <Lucyne> "Oh, you would be criticizing me for spite?"
  292. [23:46:03] * Lucyne laughs again
  293. [23:46:07] <Lucyne> "No spite, only questions."
  294. [23:46:16] <Lucyne> "I throw them in the room, let them sort themselves out."
  295. [23:46:18] <Rain_Drop> "Or she could be getting us prepped for becoming her people?"
  296. [23:46:21] * Able_Tome checks the parchment on his left side, searching for the right word
  297. [23:46:46] <Ikea> "Isolation is not the best strategy for assimilation, Rain, as much as I'd like to believe it"
  298. [23:46:48] * Ruin grumbles angrily and picks up a bottle of whiskey
  299. [23:46:49] * Lucyne drinks from her almost empty mug
  300. [23:47:10] <Drew_> I feel that if we have any reason to be here its cultural enrichment, it needs to be slow and steady, to ensure it goes smoothly
  301. [23:47:10] <Lucyne> "Assimilation is obviously not a goal."
  302. [23:47:14] * Rain_Drop sips from her cider staring at the table in thought
  303. [23:47:14] <Ruin> "Bitch goan pay what she owe..."
  304. [23:47:34] * Able_Tome continues to fill up the form
  305. [23:47:45] <Lucyne> "Why are we here then? Is the Equestrian economy truly so bad it cannot feed us?"
  306. [23:47:50] <Rain_Drop> "Maybe she wants to see what we can do on our own?"
  307. [23:47:54] <Lucyne> "Do the Equestrians *fear* us?"
  308. [23:48:04] <Ikea> "To me, it seems that the most likely scenario is that we're a vanguard"
  309. [23:48:18] * Lucyne throws a hoof around Ikea, dramatically
  310. [23:48:20] <Ruin> "Maybe she needs people who aren't exactly peaceful for her dirty work"
  311. [23:48:21] <Drew_> maybe not per town, also would we not fear them if the situation were reversed?
  312. [23:48:22] <Lucyne> "Oh, but from what?"
  313. [23:48:32] <Ikea> "Exactly..."
  314. [23:48:33] <Rain_Drop> "From what what? The untamed wild?"
  315. [23:48:45] <Lucyne> "Is she exploiting our legendary aggressiveness?"
  316. [23:48:46] <Rain_Drop> "Wait...."
  317. [23:48:56] <Lucyne> "Are we truly, a meatshield?"
  318. [23:49:12] * Lucyne laughs and finishes her drink
  319. [23:49:15] <Ikea> "A play for time?"
  320. [23:49:18] <Rain_Drop> "Mankind has always been struggling to beat the wilderness and tame it make it its own right?"
  321. [23:49:26] <Lucyne> "True Rain."
  322. [23:49:27] <Drew_> Meatshield is such cruel word and I cant see her being cruel like that
  323. [23:49:34] <Ikea> "Yes, but how aware is Sunbutt of that?"
  324. [23:49:43] <Rain_Drop> "Is that how the ponies did it way back when?"
  325. [23:49:51] <Ruin> "Something's corrupting the area, and leaving it unsettleable, and we show up out of nowhere only to settle there?"
  326. [23:50:02] <Rain_Drop> "But they grew complacent and forgot their ways?"
  327. [23:50:04] <Drew_> Im still certain that this is something beyond her
  328. [23:50:12] <Lucyne> "but!"
  329. [23:50:19] * Lucyne jumps on a table
  330. [23:50:23] <Lucyne> "Is it corruption?"
  331. [23:50:23] * Able_Tome stops at the line near the end of the document, visibly puzzled by it
  332. [23:50:26] <Lucyne> "Or just nature?"
  333. [23:50:30] * Rain_Drop saves her drink from being spilled.
  334. [23:50:47] <Lucyne> "Nature can be cruel, alien even."
  335. [23:50:51] <Ikea> "But she set us on this path, knowing of the corruption. Whether she is acting or reacting, she is still party to us being here"
  336. [23:51:06] <Rain_Drop> "Kind of a catch 22 then sorta like that Pandora situation you know?"
  337. [23:51:07] <Drew_> Oh, Everfree is seen as wrong because the weather and animals handle themselves
  338. [23:51:17] <Lucyne> "It sure seems like a catch 22 to me."
  339. [23:51:42] <Drew_> perhaps this was the lesser cruelty?
  340. [23:51:43] * Able_Tome thinks for several seconds and begins to slowly fill it up
  341. [23:51:44] <Lucyne> "And is Able here informing the foe of our progress? Or is this all conspiracy tinfoil bullshit?"
  342. [23:51:52] * Lucyne laughs and sits back down
  343. [23:52:03] <Lucyne> "Oh dear, conspiracies are too funny."
  344. [23:52:05] <Rain_Drop> "Didnt Faust say that the Everfree was like creep from the zerg constantly growing?"
  345. [23:52:22] * Lucyne orders another drink
  346. [23:52:24] <Lucyne> "She did Rain."
  347. [23:52:30] <Ikea> "From what I know of Celestia, I now that I'd rather be on her side than whatever she's opposing"
  348. [23:52:30] <Lucyne> "So are we fighting the Zerg?"
  349. [23:52:36] <Kaiasha> "I just had a horrible thought, What if Purpltinkr made it here?"
  350. [23:52:48] <Ruin> "I say we blame McCarthy, she probably wrote this bullshit"
  351. [23:52:58] <Rain_Drop> "She did but died in a horrible accident that no one was aware off."
  352. [23:53:01] * Ikea laughs
  353. [23:53:02] * Able_Tome retracts the quill away from the parchment and begins re-checking what he wrote
  354. [23:53:13] <Lucyne> "#blameMcCarthy"
  355. [23:53:23] <Ikea> "I like it..."
  356. [23:53:23] <Drew> Faust probably knows more about this universe than celestia
  357. [23:53:29] <Rain_Drop> "Works for me I guess."
  358. [23:53:37] <Lucyne> "Of course, implying this is Equestria."
  359. [23:53:43] <Lucyne> "And not an extremely similar other world."
  360. [23:53:52] <Ikea> "Where is Faust, anyway? She posted on /mlp/, she must've made it here"
  361. [23:53:52] * Dusk think of all theses colorful people struggling for their lives against zergs, as a gigantic bloodbath
  362. [23:53:53] * Rain_Drop pales in thought about to take a drink
  363. [23:54:02] <Drew> seems to match so far
  364. [23:54:07] <Rain_Drop> "Wait something to think about...."
  365. [23:54:11] <Ruin> "All of this corruption? Just a side effect of her reworking of the canon clashing with what Lauren had planned."
  366. [23:54:26] <Drew> meta...
  367. [23:54:27] <Rain_Drop> "What if Faust already came here but in short bursts?"
  368. [23:54:27] <Lucyne> "Oh god, McCarthy is the Zerg!"
  369. [23:54:39] * Able_Tome sighs and begins rolling the parchment up
  370. [23:54:41] * Lucyne laughs
  371. [23:54:42] <Ikea> Or is McCarthy Canterlot?
  372. [23:54:53] * Lucyne leans over to Able
  373. [23:55:00] <Lucyne> "So, are you gonna tell me what you wrote or not?"
  374. [23:55:05] <Ikea> "She had a lot to do with the royal's story arc "
  375. [23:55:15] * Drew_ ( Quit (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
  376. [23:55:38] <Drew> hmmmm.... perhaps we should send a letter to faust, shes still in canterlot
  377. [23:55:40] <Rain_Drop> "Sort of like visiting her creations her children and then on accident or wanting their mother to stay the sisters super charged a spell to bring her here and accidentally pulled all of us when Fuast visited mlp
  378. [23:56:00] <Lucyne> "Woah Rain, that's some crazy shit."
  379. [23:56:05] * Lucyne drinks to taht
  380. [23:56:14] <Drew> why would they lie about responsibility for that though?
  381. [23:56:17] * Rain_Drop shrugs lost in thought.
  382. [23:56:19] * Able_Tome looks at Lucyne "Scouting report. Archives. Known data."
  383. [23:56:32] <Ikea> "Fear of us reacting violently?"
  384. [23:56:44] <Lucyne> "So you are sending the embassy a report of what we've found so far?"
  385. [23:56:45] <Ruin> "Crazy enough to be true, it's not like any other explanation beats it." *Swigs whiskey from the bottle
  386. [23:56:51] <Rain_Drop> "Image maybe? Would you put your trust in a leader wanting their mother?"
  387. [23:56:59] <Ikea> "Which would probably not be an unbiased concern"
  388. [23:57:03] <Drew> nothing to fear they put the violent ones in the hospital
  389. [23:57:06] <Lucyne> "Also, you know, verbs would really increase the quality of your sentences"
  390. [23:57:27] <Kaiasha> !roll 1d20 wingboner control
  391. [23:57:28] * Able_Tome sighs and begins to put the scroll back into the container "More like a request for certain bits of information, L."
  392. [23:57:28] <GameServ> 10 == 10
  393. [23:57:41] * Kaiasha one wing pops up she quickly pulls it back down
  394. [23:57:47] <Lucyne> "You are quite the tease aren't you?"
  395. [23:57:49] <Ikea> "Well there is more to fear than that of the self. They are altruistic beings, they could fear having to hurt even more of us"
  396. [23:57:53] * Rain_Drop pokes Able in the side. "Whatcha doin Able?"
  397. [23:58:13] <Rain_Drop> "Hey Kai wings stressed out today?"
  398. [23:58:48] * Able_Tome closes the lit on the container and begins to stuff it back into the saddlebag "Nothing rain...just some useless paper work..."
  399. [23:58:54] * Ikea smirks "Maybe she got reminded of earlier 'events'"
  400. [23:59:03] <Drew> good point, so is Celestia fangasming over Faust as we speak, hoping for her to solve the corruption of Mcatny?
  401. [23:59:09] * Lucyne throws her hooves in the air
  402. [23:59:14] <Lucyne> "So much for sharing all information."
  403. [23:59:18] <Kaiasha> "Actually they need to be used more, But I suck at flying so I am not really keen on seeing how high I can drop from"
  404. [23:59:57] <Dusk> "Well, I'm glad I'm not the only one"
  405. [00:00:12] * Able_Tome shakes his head, looking sadly at the saddlebag
  406. [00:00:38] * Rain_Drop gently pats a few feathers back into place. "Yeah I see what you mean, Chinook showed me a few stretches that helps with that want to try em?
  407. [00:00:42] <Drew> earlier events? like nightmare moon?
  408. [00:00:45] * Able_Tome turns away and begins to stash writing implements and parchment into his pockets
  409. [00:01:16] * Lucyne looks discontented at her empty mug
  410. [00:01:21] <Ruin> (I'll be back later)
  411. [00:01:29] * Rain_Drop takes another drink of cider
  412. [00:01:32] <Ikea> "hmm? oh, no that was just a friendly poke at Kai, nothing about our primary discussion"
  413. [00:01:40] <Lucyne> "I'd say I trust you'll do the right thing Able, you know that would be a lie, but I can't really do anything about it, now can I?"
  414. [00:01:49] <Drew> oh
  415. [00:02:20] <Ikea> "Hey, by the way, I don't think we've actually properly met, Kaiasha. I'm Ikea, a local engineer and odd person"
  416. [00:02:26] * Able_Tome shakes his head without muttering a word and begins to stand up
  417. [00:02:34] * Lucyne groans
  418. [00:02:39] * Rain_Drop turning her head to look at Able. "You heading out already Able?"
  419. [00:03:18] <Kaiasha> "And I am Kaiasha, no profession yet."
  420. [00:03:25] <Able_Tome> "I do, Rain. Not in the mood right now to"
  421. [00:03:33] <Drew_> if the villain of this mess is megan mcartny, ill be having akibaranger flashback
  422. [00:03:50] * Able_Tome stands up and proceeds to limp towards the entrance
  423. [00:03:56] * Lucyne waves to Able
  424. [00:04:03] * Rain_Drop waves at Able "Alright Able take care and do some good science for us now!"
  425. [00:04:05] <Lucyne> "See ya Able, heal that leg up, you look terrible."
  426. [00:04:19] <Ikea> "Bye, Able. Take care"
  427. [00:04:42] <Drew_> later mad science pony
  428. [00:04:43] * Lucyne scavenges for a drink
  429. [00:04:48] * Able_Tome leaves the inn without saying a word
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