
Byron freaks out

May 17th, 2015
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  1. [17:10] * solemnsketcher adds masterfulshooter
  2. [17:10] <visceralVanguard> I'm not so sure that is a wise idea at the moment
  3. [17:10] <visceralVanguard> Very well.
  4. [17:10] <solemnsketcher> he needs to hear it
  5. [17:11] <solemnsketcher> byron are you there?
  6. [17:12] <IcyByron> Uh, Nick, the tower thingy you built...IT FUCKING SUCKS
  7. [17:12] <solemnsketcher> as i was saying
  8. [17:12] <solemnsketcher> the byron i found
  9. [17:12] <IcyByron> it's falling the SHIT DOWN
  10. [17:12] <solemnsketcher> in a jail of obsidian and blood
  11. [17:12] <visceralVanguard> Byron, now is not the moment for this.
  12. [17:12] <IcyByron> huh
  13. [17:12] <IcyByron> wait the fuck
  14. [17:12] <IcyByron> WAIT THE FUCK
  15. [17:12] <visceralVanguard> Nick has some very serious topics to discuss.
  16. [17:12] <solemnsketcher> a shadow of former self
  17. [17:12] <IcyByron> NO NO NO
  18. [17:12] <IcyByron> I JUST GOT HERE
  19. [17:12] <solemnsketcher> ... a shapeless blob of sadness and fear
  20. [17:12] <IcyByron> NO NOOOO NO
  21. [17:12] <ATtheorytime[Huelicopter]> <Faerzen, Nick's new theme somewhat relevant>
  22. [17:12] <IcyByron> YOU HAVE TO FILL ME THE FUCK IN
  23. [17:13] <solemnsketcher> ... long story short... i found a mask
  24. [17:13] <solemnsketcher> ((damm))
  26. [17:13] <IcyByron> FUCK YOU
  27. [17:13] <IcyByron> MASKS?!
  28. [17:13] <solemnsketcher> LISTEN HERE
  29. [17:13] <visceralVanguard> Long story short, Nick is elaborating on some experiences he believes relate to an alternate timeline version of himself.
  30. [17:13] <IcyByron> FUCK
  31. [17:13] <IcyByron> FUCK FUCK FUCK
  32. [17:13] <IcyByron> what
  33. [17:13] <solemnsketcher> WHAT IM TRYING TO SAY HERE
  34. [17:13] <IcyByron> alternate timelines?
  35. [17:13] <IcyByron> the fuck
  36. [17:13] <visceralVanguard> Apparently there are some very serious matters he wishes to tell us
  37. [17:14] <solemnsketcher> IS THAT YOU HAVE TO KEEP ME IN HERE
  38. [17:14] <visceralVanguard> And it is our duty to respectfully listen.
  39. [17:14] <visceralVanguard> I know not what he will say
  40. [17:14] <visceralVanguard> Be we need to listen.
  41. [17:14] <solemnsketcher> ... there is something wrong with A nick
  42. [17:14] <IcyByron> ((fuck AT that is a good theme))
  43. [17:14] <IcyByron> A?
  44. [17:14] <solemnsketcher> ...yes
  45. [17:14] <IcyByron> was that capped on purpose?
  46. [17:14] <solemnsketcher> maybe all of them
  47. [17:14] <IcyByron> eh?
  48. [17:14] <visceralVanguard> You are saying you physically met an alternate version of yourself?
  49. [17:15] <solemnsketcher> ... a different version of me
  50. [17:15] <solemnsketcher> ...a murderer
  51. [17:15] <IcyByron> WHAT
  52. [17:15] <solemnsketcher> a psychotic bastar
  53. [17:15] <solemnsketcher> d
  54. [17:15] <IcyByron> WHAT
  55. [17:15] <IcyByron> THE FUCK
  56. [17:15] <solemnsketcher> *bastard
  57. [17:15] <solemnsketcher> a fucking freak
  58. [17:15] <IcyByron> SHIT YO
  59. [17:15] <IcyByron> FUCK IM OUT
  60. [17:15] <solemnsketcher> WAIT
  61. [17:15] <visceralVanguard> Byron, please!
  62. [17:15] <solemnsketcher> who told me this?
  63. [17:15] <solemnsketcher> YOU DID
  64. [17:15] <IcyByron> NOPE
  65. [17:15] <visceralVanguard> Can you just calm down for once!?!
  66. [17:15] <IcyByron> FIRST MASKS
  67. [17:15] <IcyByron> THEN MURDER
  68. [17:15] <IcyByron> AND ALSO ME AT SOME POINT
  69. [17:15] <IcyByron> WHAT
  70. [17:16] <IcyByron> WAAAAIT
  71. [17:16] <IcyByron> WHAT
  72. [17:16] <visceralVanguard> What's the matter?
  73. [17:16] <solemnsketcher> no
  74. [17:16] <solemnsketcher> not you at some point
  75. [17:16] <solemnsketcher> alternate you
  76. [17:16] <solemnsketcher> at some point
  77. [17:16] <solemnsketcher> ...
  79. [17:16] <solemnsketcher> if im telling you this
  80. [17:16] <IcyByron> SHIT
  81. [17:16] <visceralVanguard> How can you be sure that this was an alternate Byron?
  82. [17:16] <IcyByron> IM FUCKING FREAKING OUT HERE
  83. [17:16] <IcyByron> DUUDE NO
  84. [17:16] <solemnsketcher> is because i want you to prevent me from walking that path
  85. [17:17] <visceralVanguard> This game has many times before created false realities solely for the purpose of tormenting its players
  86. [17:17] <visceralVanguard> In an unbelievably twisted manner too, I might add.
  87. [17:17] <solemnsketcher> ...i dont know about that
  88. [17:17] <solemnsketcher> for i retrieved a piece of that timeline
  89. [17:17] <IcyByron> how the fuck would i do that
  90. [17:17] <solemnsketcher> ... someone... to be more exact
  91. [17:17] <visceralVanguard> OH.
  92. [17:17] <visceralVanguard> THAT'S what that is.
  93. [17:??] <visceralVanguard> Ummmmmmmm
  94. [17:??] <visceralVanguard> Okay then.
  95. [17:??] <visceralVanguard> Hmm.
  96. [17:??] <visceralVanguard> I'm still not sure I completely understand.
  97. [17:??] <visceralVanguard> But if you do not wish to go into the details on that particular matter, you do not need to.
  98. [17:17] <solemnsketcher> you see byron
  99. [17:18] <solemnsketcher> ... the you that was there... was afraid of me
  100. [17:18] <solemnsketcher> for the monster i became
  101. [17:18] <solemnsketcher> for the things i did to you
  102. [17:18] <solemnsketcher> for the things i did to everyone
  103. [17:19] <solemnsketcher> FOR THE BLOOD THAT PAVED MY ROAD
  104. [17:19] <solemnsketcher> ...
  105. [17:20] <Bindeer> Kekeke
  106. [17:20] <Bindeer> What did I say Master?
  107. [17:20] * Bindeer leaves memo
  108. [17:34] <IcyByron> no nick
  109. [17:34] <IcyByron> that's bullshit
  110. [17:34] <IcyByron> was that just your fantasy or something??
  111. [17:34] <IcyByron> weirdo
  112. [17:34] <visceralVanguard> Though I still stand by my statement that it is entirely possible the game produced all of this with the purpose of agitating and tormenting you.
  113. [17:34] <solemnsketcher> DO YOU EAT TO COMPENSATE FOR STRESS?
  114. [17:34] <visceralVanguard> This screwed up nightmare of a game has created living people solely for them to be horrifically murdered
  115. [17:34] <visceralVanguard> And has left them around to torment their murderers.
  116. [17:35] <IcyByron> uh
  117. [17:35] <IcyByron> ...
  118. [17:35] <solemnsketcher> you killed yourself byron
  119. [17:35] <solemnsketcher> i saw it
  120. [17:35] <IcyByron> :/
  121. [17:35] <IcyByron> yeah, i guess
  122. [17:35] <IcyByron> FUCK
  123. [17:35] <IcyByron> WHAT
  124. [17:35] <IcyByron> THE SHIT
  125. [17:35] <solemnsketcher> he was afraid
  126. [17:35] <solemnsketcher> ... he hated me
  127. [17:35] <IcyByron> fuck was he real!?
  128. [17:35] <solemnsketcher> more than you
  129. [17:35] <IcyByron> AM I REAL
  130. 17:35] <IcyByron> SSHIT
  131. [17:36] <IcyByron> NICK HOW CAN I KNOW THAT YOU AREN'T FAKE
  132. [17:36] <IcyByron> SHIT
  133. [17:36] <IcyByron> I KNEW IT
  134. [17:36] <solemnsketcher> is anything real anymore?
  135. [17:36] <visceralVanguard> But it is nigh impossible to tell what is created by this game and what is not.
  136. [17:36] <visceralVanguard> This is yet another reason why it is so twisted!
  137. [17:36] <visceralVanguard> I can attest to the fact that I am real, but that means nothing to you, logically speaking.
  138. [17:37] <IcyByron> well fuck
  139. [17:37] <visceralVanguard> For that is also precisely what a copy of me generated by the game would say as well.
  140. [17:37] <IcyByron> i mean
  141. [17:37] <IcyByron> i think i am like
  142. [17:37] <IcyByron> from the original world
  143. [17:37] <IcyByron> but fuck
  144. [17:37] <IcyByron> how do i even know
  145. [17:37] <IcyByron> i didnt know faerzen really
  146. [17:37] <solemnsketcher> ...
  147. [17:37] <visceralVanguard> The only thing I can grasp onto is that, though
  148. [17:37] <IcyByron> so i dont even know if were from the same universe or some shit
  149. [17:37] <visceralVanguard> We did not really know each other
  150. [17:37] <IcyByron> and nick
  151. [17:37] <visceralVanguard> But we were acquainted.
  152. [17:38] <IcyByron> fuck how do you even
  153. [17:38] <IcyByron> your like from some old fuck time
  154. [17:38] <solemnsketcher> ....
  155. [17:38] <solemnsketcher> faerzen
  156. [17:38] <IcyByron> how did you even get this game
  157. [17:38] <solemnsketcher> you were there too
  158. [17:38] <IcyByron> like
  159. [17:38] <IcyByron> shit
  160. [17:38] <IcyByron> we are dead
  161. [17:38] <IcyByron> so so soooo dead
  162. [17:38] <IcyByron> fuck
  163. [17:38] <visceralVanguard> He got the game because I gave it to him in my game.
  164. [17:38] <IcyByron> what
  165. [17:38] <solemnsketcher> not really
  166. [17:38] <solemnsketcher> we arent dead
  167. [17:38] <IcyByron> WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU DO THAT
  168. [17:38] <visceralVanguard> My copy of the game brought him up on the screen.
  169. [17:38] <solemnsketcher> as long as we keep ME on line
  170. [17:39] <visceralVanguard> And I was playing, just as you were with Yakuza dude.
  171. [17:39] <IcyByron> I MEAN TECHNICALLY I AM
  172. [17:39] <IcyByron> FUCK
  173. [17:39] <IcyByron> I AM DEAD YO
  174. [17:39] <IcyByron> SHIT
  175. [17:39] <visceralVanguard> Byron, please calm down!
  176. [17:39] <solemnsketcher> CALM THIS FUCKING INSTANT
  177. [17:39] <visceralVanguard> I know this is very unsettling and uncertain, but flipping out isn't going to get us anywhere!
  178. [17:39] <solemnsketcher> IM TRYING TO PREVENT A MASSACRE
  179. [17:39] <solemnsketcher> OR WORSE
  180. [17:40] <solemnsketcher> so you see...
  181. [17:40] <visceralVanguard> You say that this is a possibility because of your interactions with "alternate Byron"?
  182. [17:40] <solemnsketcher> apparently... my mind is only going to go worse
  183. [17:40] <IcyByron> WAIT DIDNT YOU DO THE MASSACRE DUD
  184. [17:40] <IcyByron> DUDE
  185. [17:40] <IcyByron> SHIT DUDE FUCK
  186. [17:40] <solemnsketcher> and alternate faerzen
  187. [17:40] <IcyByron> FUCK FUUUUCK FUCK
  188. [17:40] <visceralVanguard> Byron, WILL YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP!?!?
  189. [17:40] <visceralVanguard> Please!
  191. [17:40] <visceralVanguard> Get a hold of yourself!
  192. [17:40] <solemnsketcher> ... no
  193. [17:41] <IcyByron> MASKS ARE FUCKING EVIL
  194. [17:41] <IcyByron> FUCK
  195. [17:41] <solemnsketcher> i havent
  196. [17:41] <IcyByron> MASKS
  197. [17:41] <visceralVanguard> Need I dish out the same words you gave me not several hours ago???
  198. [17:41] <solemnsketcher> STOP YOU TWO
  199. [17:41] <IcyByron> SHIT DUDE FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK
  200. [17:41] <IcyByron> IM FREAKING THE FUCK OUT
  201. [17:41] <solemnsketcher> this can be easily prevented
  202. [17:43] <solemnsketcher> this thing can be easily prevented i think
  203. [17:43] <solemnsketcher> .. i just need to stop going mad!
  204. [17:43] <masterfulShooter> how
  205. [17:43] <masterfulShooter> HOW DO I NOT
  206. [17:43] <masterfulShooter> OH FUCK ME
  207. [17:43] <masterfulShooter> GOD DAMNIT
  208. [17:43] <solemnsketcher> that's were you come in
  209. [17:43] <masterfulShooter> I DONT THINK THATS HOW IT WOOOOOORKS
  210. [17:44] <masterfulShooter> who me?
  211. [17:44] <solemnsketcher> and faerzen
  212. [17:44] <visceralVanguard> I'm afraid that's not something you can just accomplish so easily. Do you have a proposal?
  213. [17:44] <solemnsketcher> ...yes
  214. [17:44] <solemnsketcher> the room on top of my house faerzen?
  215. [17:44] <solemnsketcher> dont built anything further that i get access to
  216. [17:45] <visceralVanguard> How will that be effective?
  217. [17:45] <solemnsketcher> just a really tall pillar and platforms
  218. [17:45] <visceralVanguard> I just conferred with my sprite, and building is necessary for us to make any progress in this game!
  219. [17:45] <visceralVanguard> He is, for some reason, quite adamant that we must do this!
  220. [17:45] <solemnsketcher> from this point onwards im permanently in the land of crows and makeup
  221. [17:45] <masterfulShooter> uh
  222. [17:45] <masterfulShooter> duh
  223. [17:45] <masterfulShooter> it keeps him from fucking us up
  224. [17:45] <solemnsketcher> no
  225. [17:46] <masterfulShooter> AS IN KEEPS HIM IN THE FUCKING CELL
  226. [17:46] <visceralVanguard> So you are essentially asking me to imprison you?
  227. [17:46] <masterfulShooter> AS IN NOT MURDERING US
  228. [17:46] <masterfulShooter> FUCK
  229. [17:46] <solemnsketcher> he IS going to fuck us up
  230. [17:46] <masterfulShooter> YES
  231. [17:46] <masterfulShooter> ITS NOT HARD
  232. [17:46] <solemnsketcher> yes
  233. [17:46] <solemnsketcher> keep me on the planet
  234. [17:46] <solemnsketcher> ((gimme a second
  235. [17:46] <masterfulShooter> shit
  236. [17:46] <masterfulShooter> oh fuck
  237. [17:46] <masterfulShooter> oh FUCK
  238. [17:46] <masterfulShooter> WHAT IF THE ONE ON MINE LEADS TO YOURS
  239. [17:46] <masterfulShooter> SHIT SHIT SHIT
  240. [17:47] <visceralVanguard> I would estimate a 50% probability that it does
  241. [17:47] <solemnsketcher> it does
  242. [17:47] <visceralVanguard> Actually, I would estimate higher than that.
  243. [17:47] <solemnsketcher> i just know it
  244. [17:47] <visceralVanguard> It would seem advantageous to provide connections in the opposite directions of the ones we formed ourselves when we started playing
  245. [17:47] <masterfulShooter> WHAT
  246. [17:47] <masterfulShooter> NO
  247. [17:47] <masterfulShooter> FUCK THAT
  248. [17:47] <solemnsketcher> built a tower.... unreachable to me
  249. [17:47] <masterfulShooter> ITS A GOOD THING ITS BREAKING THEN
  250. [17:47] <masterfulShooter> HAHAHAHAHA
  251. [17:48] <Bindeer> <Bad luck Brian has never been more relevant>
  252. [17:48] <solemnsketcher> yet for the ones that come trough gates
  253. [17:48] <solemnsketcher> easily travesable
  254. [19:41] <visceralVanguard> Byron, will you please GET A FUCKING HOLD OF YOURSELF!
  255. [19:41] <visceralVanguard> PLEASE!
  256. [19:41] <visceralVanguard> I know this is really confusing, but freaking out ISN'T GOING TO HELP ONE DAMN BIT
  257. [19:42] <solemnSketcher> freaking out is natural
  258. [19:42] <visceralVanguard> You're only making all the more difficult for Nick to ACTUALLY say what he's trying to say
  259. [19:42] <visceralVanguard> I'll talk to you individually, Byron. Please wait until you can stop interrupting every single time anyone says ANYTHING.
  260. [19:42] <solemnSketcher> ...
  261. [19:42] <visceralVanguard> -- visceralVanguard [VV] has BANNED masterfulShooter [MS] from the memo --
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