

Nov 1st, 2013
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  1. Storm Front is a 60 year old, male back on Earth and male here. Bomber pilot in the last days of the Vietnam War. Worked making explosives as a civilian after the war (explosives tie into the story of BoatQuest). Bitter, politically extreme. A classic example of letting fear, trauma, and paranoia ruin you and letting the fear of the unknown poison your character. Being turned into a pony and sent to Equestrian wilderness has intensified his bitterness, resentment of society, and paranoia, pushing him over the edge. Like most sociopaths, he's very good at hiding his insanity and is normally outwardly very composed and calm.
  3. He views Equestria as a foreign occupier that is just using Four Cannon like a puppet. BoatQuest is his attempt to sever Four Cannon's relations with Equestria, forcing Four Cannon to rely on themselves. He sees Four Cannon becoming militaristic, war-like, and isolationist as their best chance of survival in this new world, and that the human way is what evolution favors.
  5. The point of his insurrection, in his eyes, is really two goals in one: He wants Four Cannon to sever relations with Equestria for the reasons stated above. His primary goal, however, is to cause Four Cannon to rally against him. To militarize. To become more war-like. He thinks that, even if he fails to sever relations with Equestria, he will have planted the seed of militarism and war in Four Cannon, and that human tendency will take care of the rest. In this way, he’s not defeated simply by stopping him, but must be proven wrong through the years as Four Cannon evolves by making it evolve into a peaceful settlement.
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