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Mar 5th, 2015
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  1. <Lord_Gareth> Domochevsky - Do you expect our market for VideoGaiden to be particularly smarter? I mean, maybe if we can get the thing sold over Steam or something
  2. <Domochevsky> Ideally, yes
  3. <@Maven-> I'm not sure what exactly the game offers at this point to excite people
  4. <Domochevsky> I'm aiming for gog as primary platform, with steam as secondary option (much shakier to actually get on there and not be immediately flooded off by 18 iterations of Flappy Bird clone number 88)
  5. <Domochevsky> At this point? Not much. The story(telling) will be a major grab, same as the setting. That it'll play well is a bonus
  6. <Domochevsky> It'll also cure parts of cancer
  7. <Domochevsky> Makes you prettier, too
  8. <@Maven-> You have so many damn limitations on the aesthetic and storyline of this game that less desperate writers would tell you to write the damn thing yourself.
  9. <PhantomFox> I guess I have to ask that if you're not writing for your readers... who are you writing for?
  10. <Domochevsky> I suppose he already answered that. He's trying to sneak some quality under their noses ;P
  11. <Lord_Gareth> PhantomFox - Hating my readership is not the same as not writing for them
  12. <Lord_Gareth> I am beholden to them.
  13. <PhantomFox> How so?
  14. <Domochevsky> He has a weird relationship to people in general. :|
  15. <@Maven-> Honestly, I think the best case scenario for the game is that we straight up rip off Final Fantasy Tactics or something
  16. <@Maven-> in terms of gameplay
  17. <Domochevsky> Never actually played it, come to think of it
  18. <@Maven-> well it's fairly simple
  19. <@Maven-> there are X races, each of which have access to Y jobs
  20. <Lord_Gareth> PhantomFox - Essentially I promised a certain experience and I intend to deliver. Despising them does not free me of my word-bond, doesn't justify a lack of quality and isn't an excuse to not do my job
  21. <@Maven-> some of which overlap and some of which are unique
  22. <@Maven-> not all jobs are available at once; you usually unlock them through quests or whatever
  23. <@Maven-> and then qualify for the higher level ones by mastering X skills from one class and Y skills from another or something
  24. <Domochevsky> Maven, I suppose that isn't too far off from what I'm already doing, except replace "race" with "party role" and "jobs" with "fields of interest"
  25. <@Maven-> Each job provides a handful of skills that you can learn by leveling up in the job
  26. <Lord_Gareth> Also hatred can be a fairly good motivator if one knows how to utilize it properly
  27. <@Maven-> There are active combat abilities and passive combat abilities
  28. <PhantomFox> Well, that can be dangerous sometimes...
  29. <PhantomFox> Anyhow, I can understand honoring your word
  30. <@Maven-> You can only use the active combat abilities of your current class and one other class of your choice (although you can switch whenever)
  31. <Lord_Gareth> Dude, jesus
  32. <Lord_Gareth> Waaaay too complicated
  33. <@Maven-> fuck your face, it's considered one of the best games ever made
  34. <Lord_Gareth> If we're ripping off of something we can start at Shadowrun Returns and move from there
  35. <@Maven-> shut up
  36. <@Maven-> anyway
  37. <@Maven-> Passive abilities work differently: You basically have so many free passive ability slots (dependant on level)
  38. <@Maven-> and you just mix and match whatever you've earned
  39. <Lord_Gareth> -> Made by a massive studio that actually gets paid and got to use extremely professional equipment for its more-than-two-person teams
  40. <Lord_Gareth> -> We're two guys and a truck
  41. <@Maven-> It's a PS1 game
  42. <Lord_Gareth> And yet
  43. <@Maven-> people have made more complicated games than PS1 games in their sleep
  44. <Lord_Gareth> We are still two guys and a truck
  45. <@Maven-> shut up
  46. <@Maven-> I don't care what you think
  47. <@Maven-> I am talking to Domochevsky
  48. <Lord_Gareth> And yet, I am involved in development
  49. <Domochevsky> ...I'm not even sure I can drive that truck
  50. <Lord_Gareth> So you'll have to put up with me whether you want to or not
  51. <@Maven-> False
  52. <@Maven-> !kick Lord_Gareth
  53. * Lord_Gareth was kicked by ChanServ ((Maven-) Bye.)
  54. -ChanServ- Kicked Lord_Gareth from #jediroom.
  55. * Lord_Gareth ( has joined #jediroom
  56. * Domochevsky sigh
  57. <PhantomFox> Dude
  58. <PhantomFox> Uncalled for
  59. <Domochevsky> Not cool
  60. <Lord_Gareth> Fro does that with more class.
  61. <@Maven-> ...Anyway
  62. <@Maven-> as I was saying
  63. <@Maven-> Mechanically speaking it's simple. Each character has the abilities of their current class, a secondary class, their passive stuff, and the item menu.
  64. <@Maven-> It's really just mix-and-match.
  65. <@Maven-> And I think you do ultimately want some sort of gate on how many of a character's skills the player can use at one time
  66. <Domochevsky> Hm... I'm not sure I actually do
  67. <@Maven-> otherwise an enterprising individual might grind everything out and have access to every single skill in the game on every character.
  68. <Domochevsky> Since that would mean that they'd also need the ability to switch them out dynamically
  69. <@Maven-> Outside of combat, yes
  70. <Domochevsky> And kinda get "settled" on an optimal set
  71. <@Maven-> People are going to find an optimum strategy no matter what you do
  72. <@Maven-> if they can use every skill at once, they will use precisely one - the one that lets them win the fastest
  73. <@Maven-> That's precisely why the concept of classes exist
  74. <@Maven-> so you can bottle synergistic skills into one particular package and have them compliment each other without stepping into another archetype's space
  75. <Domochevsky> Hm... any given character's role restricts what FoI they'll have access to and how far they can get into each FoI
  76. <@Maven-> FoI?
  77. <Domochevsky> Field of Interest
  78. <@Maven-> See, I'd consider that a mistake: Don't lock characters into particular roles
  79. <Domochevsky> Their role is kinda informed by their personality, though
  80. <@Maven-> Let the players create whatever weird combinations they want and let the mechanics dictate the seperation
  81. <@Maven-> Why
  82. <@Maven-> Why does a party need to have roles
  83. <@Maven-> this is a video game
  84. <@Maven-> think of replayability here
  85. <Lord_Gareth> It's also an RPG
  86. <@Maven-> some people are going to want to do White Mage only runs
  87. <@Maven-> or Fighter only runs
  88. <@Maven-> or whatever
  89. <Domochevsky> A dungeon crawler on top of it
  90. <Domochevsky> Hm, they MIGHT be able to do something like that, depending on character selection
  91. <Lord_Gareth> Would Dragon Age have been the same game if the party members weren't who they are?
  92. <@Maven-> This isn't Dragon Age
  93. <Lord_Gareth> And?
  94. <Lord_Gareth> It's not Tactics either
  95. <PhantomFox> It's a genre thing
  96. <Domochevsky> The leader at the very least has free choice of roles (well, that's a lie. They're the LEADER, but that has the least restrictions)
  97. <@Maven-> No, it's not
  98. <@Maven-> but it can be similar
  99. <@Maven-> You don't have to tie the characters down to specific niches
  100. <@Maven-> It's honestly less work to just let it be equal opportunity and let the players build a party they want to work with
  101. <Lord_Gareth> Not really
  102. <@Maven-> Yes, really
  103. <Lord_Gareth> I can flesh out a lot more stuff if I can define the potential party members. Their abilities, their training, says things about them
  104. <Lord_Gareth> The more open they are the more generic I have to make them
  105. <@Maven-> No, you don't
  106. <PhantomFox> Example?
  107. <@Maven-> if /you/ have that limitation, that sounds like a personal problem
  108. <Lord_Gareth> PhantomFox - Would Thomas be the same person if he wasn't a healer?
  109. <PhantomFox> No, that was directed at Maven
  110. <@Maven-> PhantomFox - Would Thomas be the same person if the readers decided to level him up with nothing but debuff skills from now on?
  111. <PhantomFox> Who?
  112. <@Maven-> The characters are growing through the course of the game. That's what leveling up and EXP means. Who they start as, the experience they have when they first come on screen, doesn't have to limit what they can become through the course of gameplay.
  113. <PhantomFox> That's a great ideal, but not very practical
  114. <Lord_Gareth> And yet it still says things about them. It suggests things about them as people and their advancement
  115. <PhantomFox> Unless you're going for something Skyrim-esque
  116. <Lord_Gareth> When you pick up Wynne and she's full of heals and debuffs, it makes her a very different person than Morrigan, who is full of kill and also ripshred
  117. <Domochevsky> Thomas Aquinas. Character in Gaiden
  118. <Domochevsky> The blue one
  119. <PhantomFox> Ah, right
  120. <@Maven-> Again, it's been done in plenty of games. And Video Gaiden plays more like those games than Dragon Age.
  121. <@Maven-> Fuck, Fire Emblem has well defined characters and does the same thing.
  122. <PhantomFox> Objection! FE has predefined classes!
  123. <@Maven-> Not all of them
  124. <@Maven-> in Awakening, you can change anyone to whatever the fuck, basically
  125. <@Maven-> yes, there are /some/ limitations
  126. <Domochevsky> Didn't Fire Emblem also let you level up weapon skills individually by using them? Leading to you STILL using the shitty sword you have no rolls aroun
  127. <Domochevsky> d
  128. <@Maven-> That's not really relevant to the point
  129. <Domochevsky> Hm, true enough
  130. <PhantomFox> Hold on, got invited to the game
  131. <@Maven-> As for the writing, if you really want to have class sensitive stuff, it's very simple.
  132. <@Maven-> If Class Level <Mage> = >10: Conversation A
  133. <@Maven-> shit like that
  134. <@Maven-> dependant conditions are a thing
  135. <PhantomFox> Wait, so what was your thesis again?
  136. <@Maven-> My thesis?
  137. <@Maven-> I don't have a thesis
  138. <PhantomFox> What are you trying to prove again?
  139. <@Maven-> I started out recommending the gameplay of Final Fantasy Tactics
  140. <@Maven-> Gareth said it was too complicated and wouldn't work
  141. <@Maven-> and I oppose that opinion
  142. <Lord_Gareth> It's too complex for the team we've got on hand, yes
  143. <Lord_Gareth> We have one coder, who is also our artist
  144. <Lord_Gareth> Aaand a story guy
  145. <Lord_Gareth> And that's fucking /it/
  146. <@Maven-> Okay, firstly
  147. <@Maven-> you have no idea how hard a game like that would be to code relative to whatever else Domo has in mind. He acknowledged that they're similar.
  148. <@Maven-> Secondly, you have /two/ story people, as Domo apparently wants me to do the second storyline.
  149. <@Maven-> so I am /just/ as involved
  150. <@Maven-> And lastly, if you honestly can't figure out how to write a character who might happen to have different skillsets on different playthroughs of a game, I'm more than happy to take care of it.
  151. <Lord_Gareth> You can quit with the sarcastic insinuations, you ass
  152. <@Maven-> Pot. Kettle.
  153. <Lord_Gareth> You've got a whole DLC to play in. If you want a more generalized skillset there, go nuts
  154. <Lord_Gareth> 's not where I'm heading with mine
  155. <@Maven-> I would think where you're heading with yours would be primarily dependant on how Domo chooses to make the game
  156. <Lord_Gareth> The game we've been discussing on and off for months now and remain on the relatively same page about?
  157. <Lord_Gareth> That one?
  158. <Lord_Gareth> Do you /really/ think I'd be making plans without reliable data?
  159. <@Maven-> Well
  160. <@Maven-> Yes
  161. <@Maven-> Based on recent experience
  162. <Lord_Gareth> Yes, yes. Build a dozen bridges and you're not a master bridge builder but fuck just one sheep
  163. <Lord_Gareth> Etc etc
  164. <@Maven-> I'm fairly certain Domo /doesn't/ have a solid grasp on exactly how the game's mechanics are going to work given that the engine is still being built.
  165. <Lord_Gareth> He's had solid enough ideas for me to be annoyed at some of them :p
  166. <@Maven-> I'm simply thinking of the game's success here
  167. <Lord_Gareth> Mmhm
  168. <@Maven-> I am. Increased options and character customization - and any different dialogue or quests or whatever that result from that - mean increased replayability which means increased sales.
  169. <Lord_Gareth> The leader is already make-your-own
  170. <Lord_Gareth> Frankly being able to customize the rest of the party is not a requirement to get different dialogue or quests
  171. <@Maven-> It's not a requirement, but it's one way to do it.
  172. <Domochevsky> It's also up to you how you skill all of them (within their roles, which are already fairly broad, so I'm fairly positive that won't be too restricting there). Incidentally, people do can have multiple role (SUPPORT/TANK) at possibly reduced max capabilities, if things stay on a certain path. I'm not entirely sure yet.
  173. Domochevsky> As for skills and such affecting dialogues... I'm not sure yet. Maybe. I suspect there might be a thin LEADER skill tree of sorts that includes conversation options, since only the leader actually diplomances
  174. <@Maven-> Domochevsky, my advice to you would be to emulate FF Tactics (or either of the Tactics Advance games) and just see it for yourself. Maybe Etrian Odyssey too.
  175. <Domochevsky> Couldn't stand Etrian Odyssey >_>
  176. <@Maven-> That's fair. Just FFT then.
  177. <Domochevsky> The whole "run around in 3D through the maze"... not into it
  178. <@Maven-> Studying similar games can't hurt.
  179. <@Maven-> And FFT is much more similar anyway
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