
Mekton: Episode 6: Scrap Happy

Nov 26th, 2013
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  1. Never tell your password to anyone.
  2. Tuesday, November 26, 2013
  3. 8:00 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: WOW GREAT TURNOUT
  4. 8:01 PM - SDFN: JUST SMAS NOW
  5. 8:01 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: NO DEVON?
  6. 8:01 PM - SDFN: POSSIBLY
  7. 8:01 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: AH
  8. 8:01 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: ALSO
  10. 8:02 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: I ALREADY HAVE A BASIC PLOT FORMING
  11. 8:02 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: AND I LIKE WHERE IT'S GOING
  13. 8:02 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: THEN MY FINALS
  14. 8:02 PM - SDFN: :V
  15. 8:03 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: I want to get it pretty in depth and possibly freeroam but that might be a bit much for magical girls
  16. 8:03 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: I'll see how it goes
  17. 8:03 PM - Trogdor: ;o
  18. 8:03 PM - Trogdor: o;
  19. 8:03 PM - Trogdor: ;o
  20. 8:03 PM - Trogdor: i have no clue what this is about so
  21. 8:03 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: But question, would you think it'd be cool to impliment shit like everyday, non-magical life?
  22. 8:03 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: Like school and just hanging out at places and shit
  23. 8:04 PM - SDFN: Hmm
  24. 8:04 PM - SDFN: Maybe
  25. 8:04 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: I haven't looked the rules over yet so I don't know how they work
  26. 8:04 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: But I like where the plot I have in mind is going
  27. 8:04 PM - Smas entered chat.
  28. 8:04 PM - SDFN: WHAT IS THIS
  29. 8:04 PM - SDFN: IS IT
  30. 8:04 PM - SDFN: A GAME
  31. 8:05 PM - SDFN: DUN DUN DUNNN
  32. 8:05 PM - Smas: I don't even know.
  33. 8:05 PM - Trogdor: oh whoops i got to g
  35. 8:05 PM - Trogdor: ;oooooooooooooooooo
  37. 8:05 PM - Trogdor: no
  38. 8:05 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: BRB PISS
  39. 8:05 PM - SDFN: Good
  40. 8:05 PM - Trogdor: that wouldve been p funny tho
  41. 8:05 PM - Smas: Is Devon joining us today?
  42. 8:05 PM - SDFN: Possibly later
  43. 8:05 PM - Smas: ok
  44. 8:06 PM - SDFN: Right then
  45. 8:06 PM - SDFN: --------------------------------
  46. 8:07 PM - SDFN: As the group of mecha lands in the hot desert, the remains of the Dragoon raining down on the sands, you realize, the fleet of ships had flown quite a ways south, leaving you several miles away from the remains of your ship.
  47. 8:08 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: was there anything left at the ship?
  48. 8:08 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge: Like, did we finish searching it?
  49. 8:08 PM - sUiCiDaL Madakka Appy McBighuge has changed their name to Perseus.
  50. 8:08 PM - SDFN: Nope
  51. 8:08 PM - Perseus: then why would we go back :v
  52. 8:09 PM - SDFN: You had to sort of deal with the giant battleship, you didnt get to search it
  53. 8:09 PM - SDFN: Also, the captain you god damn left behind
  54. 8:09 PM - Perseus: oh
  55. 8:09 PM - Perseus: I thought you were nopeing at nothing left
  56. 8:09 PM - Perseus: I mean, anything left
  57. 8:09 PM - Perseus: "Well then, I suppose we'd best get walking. Brick, are you unharmed from the fall?"
  58. 8:10 PM - SDFN: B: "A little unhinged, but, I am fine comrade!"
  59. 8:11 PM - Cedric: "I really doubt much could phase that guy"
  60. 8:11 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I must say Skyren, kinda a ballsy move to just, jump like that."
  61. 8:11 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Err, I mean burrow."
  62. 8:11 PM - Perseus: "Truly, your name is a match for your character."
  63. 8:11 PM - SDFN: S: "Not like I have wingsssss"
  64. 8:12 PM - Perseus: "Indeed, and I must apologize for having left you in that situation. I made a mistake, and you paid for it."
  65. 8:12 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Just... don't pull off any more heroics like that, got it?"
  66. 8:12 PM - SDFN: S: "I dont think I would want to"
  67. 8:13 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Good."
  68. 8:14 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop turns and surverys the wreckage from the fight.
  69. 8:14 PM - Perseus: "Once we finish searching the ship and recovering anyone and anything, I suggest we try to find a nearby town or village, to better get a lay of the land and see if they heard any news of 'falling stars' or something of the sort."
  70. 8:14 PM - Cedric: "We should check out whatevers left of this thing"
  71. 8:14 PM - Cedric: "Agreed"
  72. 8:15 PM - SDFN: ((One second here, phone call, somewhat important, about a potential scholarship))
  73. 8:15 PM - Bishop Hemway: (gotcha_
  74. 8:15 PM - Bishop Hemway: )
  75. 8:15 PM - Perseus: wow like 5 minutes playtime new record
  76. 8:19 PM - SDFN: (Right then, I have testing for comp sci and math next Thursday, woo, let us continue)
  77. 8:20 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Well Pers, I think you're onto something there. Skyren, Brick, you up for a bit of a hike?"
  78. 8:21 PM - SDFN: B: "I dont have anywhere else to go to be honest"
  79. 8:21 PM - Cedric: "I call the explodey bits"
  80. 8:22 PM - SDFN: So, the party heads in the direction of original shipwreck?
  81. 8:22 PM - Perseus: "I don't think we'll be able to fit the guns of the ship on your mecha, Cedric."
  82. 8:22 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Then perhaps consider this to be an open invitation to our band of misfits." Bishop extends an arm and pulls Brick out of the sand (assuming he is still buried).
  83. 8:23 PM - SDFN: (He's out)
  84. 8:23 PM - Perseus: ((gj you extended an arm to an empty hole))
  85. 8:23 PM - Bishop Hemway: (Gotcha, I'ma just keep the extending an arm bit, as if I'm going for a hand shake)
  86. 8:23 PM - Bishop Hemway: (or something)
  87. 8:23 PM - Bishop Hemway: (hell if I know)
  88. 8:23 PM - Perseus: :v
  89. 8:24 PM - SDFN: :V
  91. 8:24 PM - SDFN: You would, but, one problem
  93. 8:24 PM - Perseus: wot
  94. 8:25 PM - SDFN: Upon arriving at the GPS coordinates of the shipwreck, you arrive to a strange rumbling, before masses of large steel tendrils shoot out through the sand
  95. 8:25 PM - Perseus: "Another one? This soon?"
  96. 8:26 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop sighs, "Let me guess, we've gotta fight a giant octupus now?"
  97. 8:26 PM - SDFN: Not even seeming to notice the group, they wrap around the vessel, dragging it down into the sand
  98. 8:26 PM - Perseus: He sighs. "Ready up then, boys. I-"
  99. 8:26 PM - SDFN: Brick's comms flicker on, the man sounding strangely uneasy "...Comrades, this is as far as I go"
  100. 8:26 PM - Cedric: "What now?!"
  101. 8:27 PM - Bishop Hemway: "What is this? Brick, I've got the feeling that you know EXACTLY what that thing is!"
  102. 8:27 PM - Perseus: So lemme clear up the size of this thing for all involved
  103. 8:27 PM - Perseus: the ship fragment was fuckhuge, if I remember correctly
  104. 8:27 PM - Bishop Hemway: Yes
  105. 8:28 PM - Bishop Hemway: Large enough for a hangar, medbay, and a backup generator room
  106. 8:28 PM - Bishop Hemway: plus hallways to connect the whole thing
  107. 8:28 PM - Perseus: and there are fuckhuger giant metal sand octopus tentacles dragging it into the desert
  108. 8:28 PM - Perseus: and we're in our comparitavely wee mechas
  109. 8:28 PM - Bishop Hemway: Yeah
  110. 8:28 PM - SDFN: B: "Comrades, this is as far as I go, thats all I feel safe saying"
  111. 8:29 PM - Perseus: "...Anything that puts you at disease can surely not be good."
  112. 8:29 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop turns his guns on Brick, "Before you leave, let me get ONE thing straight; did you KNOW that this was going to happen?"
  113. 8:30 PM - Perseus: I push Bishop's gun barrels up and away from Brick
  114. 8:30 PM - SDFN: B: "I did not know her grasp extended this far, which is why I'm going to turn and run, as far away from her as I can, as any smart man would"
  115. 8:30 PM - Perseus: "Quarreling will get us no further!"
  116. 8:30 PM - Perseus: "Do you know what will become of the ship... she? now has in her grasp?"
  117. 8:31 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop turns his guns (and attention) back onto the tentacles.
  118. 8:31 PM - SDFN: B: "It will be absorbed, but, I would be careful what you talk about, if she can reach this far physical, she can surely listen, and most likely already is. All I can tell you is, if you want to get your ship back, head north, and never look back."
  119. 8:31 PM - SDFN: The Tentacles are long gone, just a crater in the sand remains of the ship
  120. 8:32 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Hmmph."
  121. 8:32 PM - Perseus: "North? What lies there? And to whence will you retreat?"
  122. 8:33 PM - Perseus: "Although if she can hear us, it might be best to not answer, for your own sake. In that case, I wil; understand your silence."
  123. 8:33 PM - Cedric: "This is all sounding to be a lot worse than just giant metal absorbing tentacles"
  124. 8:33 PM - SDFN: B: "To the north, the mountains, and like I said, I will merely turn around, and run, again, its al I can safely say"
  125. 8:35 PM - Perseus: "Well then, Brick, should our paths cross again, I would very much enjoy fighting at your side again. We, or at the very least I, shall head North. Skyren, you are a free man. Will you retreat with Brick, or fight by our side?"
  126. 8:36 PM - SDFN: S: "To head north, it sssssounds quite stupid. I ssssshall be joining you in the journey there"
  127. 8:37 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I hear you on that Sky."
  128. 8:37 PM - SDFN: The party has lost one (x1) Brick!
  129. 8:37 PM - Perseus: rip in piece
  130. 8:37 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Pers, you have any plans once we reach what is obviously going to be our demise?"
  131. 8:37 PM - Perseus: "Does 'not die' count as a plan?"
  132. 8:38 PM - Perseus: "I happen to think it's a very sound one."
  133. 8:38 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop sighs, "It's not a very detailed one, I'll tell you what."
  134. 8:38 PM - Perseus: "The more detail there is, the less room there is for interpretation. And interpretation is part of being human."
  135. 8:39 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I suppose."
  136. 8:40 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop goes into deep thought for a brief moment, before turning his eyes on Cedric.
  137. 8:40 PM - Cedric: "I dunno i like 'Not Die' as a plan"
  138. 8:40 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Cedric. I need to borrow your medical scanner."
  139. 8:40 PM - Cedric: "What why"
  140. 8:40 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I'm glowing, do I need another excuse?"
  141. 8:41 PM - Cedric: "..."
  142. 8:41 PM - Cedric: "Shit, fine"
  143. 8:41 PM - Cedric: "Just don't irradiate it too much alright? cost me a good portion of my last pay check"
  144. 8:42 PM - Cedric: "Whenever that was"
  145. 8:42 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I might not have mentioned it before, probably from freezer burn or something jogging my memory, but I know my way around the medical field."
  146. 8:43 PM - Cedric: "Like i said before i know a few things"
  147. 8:43 PM - Cedric: "Helped me whenever i got in trouble with a errant explosive or two"
  148. 8:44 PM - Cedric: "The scanner was to help me figure out what was actually wrong so i didn't have to do as much guess work"
  149. 8:59 PM - SDFN: Right then
  150. 8:59 PM - SDFN: Cedric
  151. 8:59 PM - SDFN: 1d10+ skills for scanner (Too lazy to check here)
  152. 9:00 PM - Bishop Hemway: I'll let him do it for now, but I was gonna make a medical roll
  153. 9:01 PM - Bishop Hemway: which I think was more appropriate
  154. 9:01 PM - SDFN: Yeah
  155. 9:01 PM - Cedric: (yea i thought he was takeing it to use it, am i using it now?)
  156. 9:02 PM - SDFN: Decide
  157. 9:02 PM - Perseus: omg plebs pick something its not like the medical scanner is gonna kill you
  158. 9:03 PM - Perseus: unless you critfail and it irradiates you even more or somethint
  159. 9:03 PM - Perseus: or crit pass
  160. 9:03 PM - Perseus: :v
  161. 9:03 PM - Perseus: which Trog just did
  162. 9:03 PM - Cedric: *uses the mediscanner on bishop*
  163. 9:04 PM - SDFN: The scanner reads off that Bishop now has some strange form of radiation sickness
  164. 9:04 PM - SDFN: Its not life threatening, and has infact increased his resistance to radioactivity
  165. 9:05 PM - SDFN: THough, its much harder to sneak around, due to the fact that he is now a natural lightbulb
  166. 9:05 PM - Cedric: "Uh..."
  167. 9:05 PM - Cedric: "Interesting...?"
  168. 9:05 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Give it to me straight Cedric, how long do I got before my balls fall off?"
  169. 9:06 PM - Cedric: "Don't know nothing about that man, but take a look at this"
  170. 9:06 PM - Cedric: *flips the scanner to face bishop"
  171. 9:06 PM - Cedric: *
  172. 9:06 PM - Cedric: "I think you got lucky"
  173. 9:06 PM - Perseus: "You mean to say he gained a benefical mutatuon?"
  174. 9:07 PM - Cedric: "Its looking like that yes"
  175. 9:07 PM - Perseus: "The chances of that are absolutely extraordinary, to say the least of a random mutation."
  176. 9:07 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Watch out world, I'm the head of a new race!"
  177. 9:07 PM - Perseus: "Lady Luck does not seem to be through with you yet, Bishop."
  178. 9:07 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop jumps around and slams down an imaginary football.
  179. 9:08 PM - Bishop Hemway: "... Ur, sorry."
  180. 9:08 PM - Cedric: "From whats been happening she seems to really fucking like us"
  181. 9:09 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Well, I might not exactly need this radsuit then. Guys, one of you want it?"
  182. 9:09 PM - Bishop Hemway: "It's only slightly contaminated from dead guys and deadly radiation."
  183. 9:09 PM - Perseus: "I'd keep it for yourself, as a memento of sorts."
  184. 9:09 PM - Perseus: "Though perhaps you should have it cleaned at some point."
  185. 9:10 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I think a giant squid made off with our laundrymat Pers."
  186. 9:10 PM - Cedric: "No, i don't want a dead guy's clothes"
  187. 9:11 PM - Bishop Hemway: "And besides, on second thought, I should contain myself, for the benefit of you guys."
  188. 9:11 PM - Cedric: "Yes, please and thank you"
  189. 9:12 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop loses the slightly cheerful tone in his voice and trades it for a more serious one.
  190. 9:12 PM - Perseus: "The radiation suit does block some of your glow, at any rate."
  191. 9:12 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Well, good news aside, we did just lose our ship."
  192. 9:12 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Again."
  193. 9:12 PM - Cedric: "You may be one lucky son of a bitch but i doubt that would happen again"
  194. 9:12 PM - Cedric: "Oh..."
  195. 9:12 PM - Cedric: "Right..."
  196. 9:13 PM - Bishop Hemway: "And this time some giant robo bug made off with it."
  197. 9:13 PM - Perseus: "So, we head North, find it, and stick to the plan we laid out?"
  198. 9:13 PM - Bishop Hemway: "And quite frankly, I'm not sure how we are gonna tussle with something that's bigger than half of the ship we arrived on."
  199. 9:14 PM - Cedric: "Explosions"
  200. 9:14 PM - Cedric: "Probably"
  201. 9:14 PM - Perseus: "Bigger fists."
  202. 9:14 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Explosions, and the power of fists?"
  203. 9:14 PM - Perseus: "We could always combine them."
  204. 9:14 PM - Bishop Hemway: "You know that this is way beyond rediculous, right?"
  205. 9:14 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Like, Snake man?"
  206. 9:15 PM - Bishop Hemway: "That's fine."
  207. 9:15 PM - Bishop Hemway: "A small platoon of mechas?"
  208. 9:15 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Cheery."
  209. 9:15 PM - Bishop Hemway: "A giant tank? That's pushing it."
  210. 9:15 PM - Perseus: "Don't forget how we BEAT the giant tank, too."
  211. 9:16 PM - Cedric: "Bishop"
  212. 9:16 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Then we just fought a fucking AIRSHIP that was bigger than the rest of that fleet, with the skin barely attached to our teeth>"
  213. 9:16 PM - Cedric: "I am a simple demolitions expert paid to fly down to an uncharted planet and help set up shop"
  214. 9:16 PM - Perseus: "Which we punched through."
  215. 9:16 PM - Bishop Hemway: "ARGH!"
  216. 9:17 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Fuck."
  217. 9:17 PM - Bishop Hemway: "This whole fucking field trip."
  218. 9:17 PM - Cedric: "Today i just combined with a random chick into a giant bird and shot THREE HUNDRED MISSLES at a giant pirate mech thing!"
  219. 9:17 PM - Bishop Hemway: "It's almost too much."
  220. 9:17 PM - Cedric: "Its way too god damn much"
  221. 9:17 PM - Perseus: "See? Lady Luck has a soft spot for us."
  222. 9:18 PM - Cedric: "I'm already convinced this is a bad dream or my life got fucked up fast, i still can't tell which"
  223. 9:18 PM - Bishop Hemway: "If I told myself, the day we left drydock, that I would have to become a one man army, when I FLUNKED the military, I probably woulda just offed myself at the deck."
  224. 9:18 PM - Bishop Hemway: "But you know what?"
  225. 9:18 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I'll do it for you guys."
  226. 9:19 PM - Cedric: "I don't wanna sit here in the sand and think about how things went whacky though, stuff is much more exciting when we don't do that"
  227. 9:19 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Sure, it's been hell, but they don't call me Bishop for nothing. I've got a legacy to live up to!"
  228. 9:19 PM - Cedric: "Are you actually religious? or is it a family namesake?"
  229. 9:20 PM - Bishop Hemway: "My sister is a Commander, she's why I joined."
  230. 9:21 PM - Bishop Hemway: "But that's not important now!"
  231. 9:21 PM - Perseus: "Was she on the ship with us?"
  232. 9:21 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Probably not, she hates my guts. She's probably still off fighting wars or something."
  233. 9:22 PM - Perseus: "...I see. Speaking of wars, we have our own to be fighting. Let us move."
  234. 9:22 PM - Cedric: "Probably a good idea"
  235. 9:22 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I suppose you are right. Lets keep going while I still am in the mood."
  236. 9:22 PM - SDFN: With that, the party sets out North, and before long, you can see the peak of a mountain above a sand dune
  237. 9:23 PM - SDFN: Something appears to be, rather off about it
  238. 9:23 PM - Perseus: the mountain is obviously the mecha
  239. 9:23 PM - Perseus: callin it
  240. 9:23 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Hey Pers, you play any RPGs as of late?"
  241. 9:23 PM - SDFN: (Haha, not even close)
  242. 9:23 PM - Perseus: "RPGs? As in, Roll Playing Games?"
  243. 9:24 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Cuz I think we just found our Giant Crab battle."
  244. 9:24 PM - Perseus: "Well, recently meaning in terms relative to myself? Or in terms of actual time elapsed? Because in either case, the answer would be no."
  245. 9:25 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Hey, I just thought I'd ask." Bishop kinda halfheartedly laughs to himself.
  246. 9:25 PM - Perseus: "Well, in any case, let's show this arbitrary boss battle who the real bosses are."
  247. 9:25 PM - Bishop Hemway: "But seriously though, how much farther? I'm not exactly feeling at home here."
  248. 9:25 PM - SDFN: (Is no one going to investigate the mountain?)
  249. 9:26 PM - Cedric: "None of us are bishop, just keep on trucking"
  250. 9:26 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Hey Cedric, you see that mountain over there?"
  251. 9:26 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Or really, I should be asking you, Skyren."
  252. 9:27 PM - Cedric: "I see a very tall thing, not so sure on the mountain part"
  253. 9:27 PM - SDFN: "What could I do about it?
  254. 9:27 PM - SDFN: "
  255. 9:27 PM - Bishop Hemway: "You detect anything funny going on up ahead? I cracked a joke at it, but seriously though, I wouldn't be surprised if that's what we have to deal with today."
  256. 9:29 PM - SDFN: "No sssseismic activty, but, sonar is very, interesting..."
  257. 9:30 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Interesting is not what I wanted to hear. Fill us in here."
  258. 9:30 PM - Cedric: "I have a feeling my new catchphrase is going to be 'What now?!' after this whole thing is over"
  259. 9:31 PM - SDFN: "Its very haphazard, certainly man made, almost asssss if it were a pile of trash or ssssssomething of that effect"
  260. 9:32 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Well, my guess on 'Giant Crab' is probably a bit off."
  261. 9:32 PM - Perseus: "10 credits says there's something hiding in that trash pile. I'd suggest firing a pre-emptive missile volley at it, but there could be some friendlies there that we are unaware of."
  262. 9:32 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I'd hold off on the missiles."
  263. 9:32 PM - Bishop Hemway: "The ship is probably over there, if what Brick was saying is true."
  264. 9:32 PM - SDFN: "Heressssss the thing, its not just one mountain, theressssss, well, get to the top of the dune, sssssssee for yourself, it'll save me the oxygen"
  265. 9:32 PM - Cedric: "If there was anything in there explosive a chain reaction could prove equally dangerous as missles being lauched at us"
  266. 9:33 PM - Cedric: "also the smell would be atrocious"
  267. 9:33 PM - Perseus: "To the top of the dune, then."
  268. 9:33 PM - Perseus: and I go there
  269. 9:33 PM - Bishop Hemway: I move to the top of the dune, at Skyren's request.
  270. 9:34 PM - SDFN: Upon reaching the top of the dune you get a proper view of the area
  271. 9:35 PM - SDFN: Metallic mountains, as far as the eye can see, valleys of scrap, rolling hills of debris, and in the far distance, smoke and fire fill the sky
  272. 9:35 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Well, keep all your scanners active people. I don't like how this looks."
  273. 9:35 PM - Perseus: "An impressive scrap heap."
  274. 9:36 PM - Cedric: "Nevermind the smell is already atrocious"
  275. 9:36 PM - Perseus: isn't it just scrap metal and parts and not actual trash :v
  276. 9:36 PM - Perseus: just hunks of junk
  277. 9:36 PM - SDFN: Yeah, junk and scrap
  278. 9:36 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Hey Skyren, a thought just popped into my mind. Do you guys have what we refer to as 'Artificial Intelligences'?"
  279. 9:37 PM - Bishop Hemway: "You know, basically machines with their own thoughts and 'emotion'?"
  280. 9:37 PM - Perseus: "You must have a senstivie nose then, considering there is naught but metal left to corrode here."
  281. 9:37 PM - SDFN: "If you mean sentient machines, yes, why would we not?"
  282. 9:37 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Just a feeling."
  283. 9:38 PM - Cedric: "You mean you think the giant tentacle thing...?"
  284. 9:38 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Alright guys, we done taking in the fine air? We've got a captain to save."
  285. 9:39 PM - SDFN: At the edge of the mechanical valley, seems to sit some sort of camp, a fire going as the sun begins to set, smoke rising in the sky.
  286. 9:39 PM - Bishop Hemway: "And yes Cedric, use your imagination."
  287. 9:39 PM - Cedric: "I just did"
  288. 9:39 PM - Cedric: "I don't like what i thought up"
  289. 9:39 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Just keep that in mind."
  290. 9:40 PM - Perseus: "Well, there appears to be some form of an encampment ahead."
  291. 9:40 PM - Perseus: "So the place at least isn't entirely deserted."
  292. 9:40 PM - Bishop Hemway: "That's not necessarily a good thing."
  293. 9:41 PM - SDFN: "Im not picking up any sssssort of mecha signal from the camp, my guesssss is a group of curious locals"
  294. 9:41 PM - Perseus: "Perhaps we should ask them ourselves."
  295. 9:41 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Alright. Pers, before we go, I have a plan."
  296. 9:42 PM - Perseus: "I suppose 'don't die' could always use some addendums."
  297. 9:42 PM - Bishop Hemway: "You and Skyren go and meet the locals; me and Ced here will provide long range support, in case things go south."
  298. 9:42 PM - Bishop Hemway: "As things always seem to go."
  299. 9:43 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Are you in agreement Ced? I always rope you into my plans."
  300. 9:43 PM - Bishop Hemway: "If you want to, you can go with them."
  301. 9:44 PM - Perseus: "I've no objections. Just make sure your hailstorm of missiles don't hit either of us, if it comes to that."
  302. 9:45 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Ced? I won't call you shortstack, you've earned my respect."
  303. 9:45 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I just wanna hear watcha think."
  304. 9:46 PM - Cedric: "Yea i like that plan"
  305. 9:46 PM - Cedric: "Sorry i've been thinking about things a lot recently..."
  306. 9:47 PM - SDFN: ((Brb, going to get laptop charger so this computer doesnt die))
  307. 9:47 PM - Bishop Hemway: ((KK))
  308. 9:48 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I hear you on that Cedric. Just one suggestion? Don't think too much."
  309. 9:48 PM - Cedric: "Don't worry i've gotten pretty good at aimin missles since we landed"
  310. 9:48 PM - Bishop Hemway: "It's not good for you." Bishop taps his head.
  311. 9:48 PM - Cedric: "Too late for that..."
  312. 9:48 PM - Perseus: "My father once said 'he who lacks not wandering eyes sees only as much as he with no eyes at all.' I imagine that is applicable in relation to thinking, as well."
  313. 9:50 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Pssh. There's a difference between thinking and thinking too much; one leads to ideas, and the other leads to crippling fear."
  314. 9:50 PM - Perseus: "In other words, Cedric, if you think too much, you'll never figure out a solution to whatever it is you've been pondering on."
  315. 9:50 PM - SDFN: The group heads into the encampment, when walking in, a few people gather around the outskirt of the camp, hearing the noise of the mecha
  316. 9:50 PM - Perseus: They don't look emanciated and threatening and holding clubs or anything, do they?
  317. 9:50 PM - SDFN: A female in the middle of them, with a thick robe, speaks up first "Gentlemen, what is your purpose in stopping by in such machines?"
  318. 9:51 PM - SDFN: Nope
  319. 9:51 PM - Perseus: well then, I pop my cockpit, hop out, brush myself of the lack of dust, then approach the group
  320. 9:52 PM - Perseus: "My name is Perseus. Perseus Carpedim. My companion here is Skyren, and we are here in search of something."
  321. 9:52 PM - Perseus: he extends a hand to the woman who spoke
  322. 9:53 PM - SDFN: She takes your hand and shakes it, and you feel a strange, cold feeling, you try and get a look at her arm, but it is covered by the robe. "And what are you in search of? Perhaps my group could help you."
  323. 9:54 PM - Perseus: "Therein lies the problem. I'd say we're looking for a particularly large piece of scrap, but that is incorrect in the assumption that it is entirely scrap to begin with."
  324. 9:55 PM - SDFN: ?: "I dont follow, you're being quite vague, I can't exactly help with a description like that."
  325. 9:56 PM - Perseus: "Indeed. Then, there is the fact that if I were to tell you exactly what it is we're searching for, and where it could have gone, I've no way to gauge your reaction until it would be too late to be of any benefit to myself."
  326. 9:56 PM - Perseus: "I cry your pardon. I'm being much too roundabout in my approach, so I'll simply ask you outright."
  327. 9:58 PM - Perseus: "We're looking for a sizeable machine with tentacle-like appendages which would have the means of traveling under the sands of the desert and a want of large quantities of metal to.... I believe my companion worded it as 'absorb.'"
  328. 9:59 PM - Perseus: "Just as well, my companion addressed this machine with a feminine, if that makes any difference."
  329. 9:59 PM - Perseus: feminine pronoun*
  330. 9:59 PM - Perseus: forgot pronoun
  331. 9:59 PM - Perseus: :v
  332. 10:00 PM - SDFN: The group murmured to themselves a bit, before the female leader silenced them. "Oh, her, you're another group going for the heart of the mechromancer, I know you wont listen, but you're better giving up on whatever she took from you."
  333. 10:02 PM - Perseus: "The mechromancer? An interesting title. But, what it is she took holds far more than monetary value. It still had other humans on it. This is not something I can let pass lightly."
  334. 10:04 PM - SDFN: The girl pulled her hood back, revealing a half organic face, half polished brass from her right eye down as far as you could see. "Take heed of my warning, our warning, you will want to rethink that"
  335. 10:05 PM - Perseus: Perseus does not flinch upon the revelation of her face, merely saying, "I say again, it is something that I must do, at risk of my own life and limb."
  336. 10:06 PM - Perseus: "If there were any manner of information you could reveal which would be of assistance in this endeavor, I would not be ungrateful."
  337. 10:08 PM - SDFN: ?: "If you want any chance at survival, you must get in contact with the Clockwork Kingdom, they may be slightly derranged, but they know their way around the metal lands better than anyone
  338. 10:09 PM - Perseus: "And where might we find this Clockwork Kingdom?"
  339. 10:12 PM - SDFN: ?: They tend to wander, and their main settlement is too far into her terrority to make a bee line for, but you can easily find one of their scouts, though, I strongly advise against traversing the mountains at night, stay with us, for your own safety"
  340. 10:14 PM - Perseus: "If you are sure it would be no imposition, we would be more than happy to take you up on your offer, miss...?"
  341. 10:16 PM - SDFN: X: "Xylia, I guess you could say I'm the leader of this little community, we've all been relocated by her spread of mechanical death, the kingdom provides us food, and repai-, medical care"
  342. 10:18 PM - Perseus: "This mechromancer is clearly unpopular with the populace. How does the Kingdom get here unharmed with the her around?"
  343. 10:20 PM - SDFN: X: "Her sensors lock on to electrical currents and machinery, they've converted countless mecha they've found in the scrap mountains to, less conventional propulsion methods. Steam mostly"
  344. 10:21 PM - Perseus: "Clever adaptation. It must take a tremendous amount of steam power to have a properly functioning mecha."
  345. 10:21 PM - Bishop Hemway: As you guys have your conversation, a giant inconspicious box peers over the nearest sand dune.
  346. 10:21 PM - Perseus: are our mechas electirc power, or some sort of better-than-electric futurey power?
  347. 10:22 PM - SDFN: Nope, electric, fusion reactors, but still electric
  348. 10:22 PM - Perseus: hm
  349. 10:22 PM - SDFN: "They are very good at cutting corners, efficency is an art they've mastered"
  350. 10:23 PM - Perseus: Without making direct eye contact with the box but still looking at it from the corner of his eye, he asks, "What is that box? A part of the mechromancer?"
  351. 10:24 PM - Bishop Hemway: "SHH PERS YOU'LL BLOW OUR COVER"
  352. 10:24 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Wait shit, do we have the megaphone on?"
  353. 10:24 PM - Cedric: "Why did i agree to this"
  354. 10:24 PM - Perseus: "...oh Bishop. I was just about to call you and Cedric down, actually."
  355. 10:24 PM - SDFN: Box?
  356. 10:25 PM - Bishop Hemway: I moved in
  357. 10:25 PM - Bishop Hemway: right about
  358. 10:25 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop Hemway: As you guys have your conversation, a giant inconspicious box peers over the nearest sand dune.
  359. 10:25 PM - Bishop Hemway: there
  360. 10:25 PM - Perseus: I thought Ryan said that :v
  361. 10:26 PM - Perseus: I hope it's a mecha-sized cardboard box
  362. 10:26 PM - SDFN: Never mentioned a box :V
  363. 10:26 PM - Perseus: well, he's here now :v
  364. 10:27 PM - Perseus: "And those, Xylia, would be my other companions, Bishop and Cedric."
  365. 10:27 PM - Cedric: "Uh... hi"
  366. 10:27 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Hey Cedric, on a scale of 1-10, how well do you think the plan worked?"
  367. 10:28 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Pretty inconspicious, right?"
  368. 10:28 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Huh, huh?"
  369. 10:28 PM - SDFN: Oh, I did not notice the box comment
  370. 10:28 PM - SDFN: Right
  371. 10:28 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop nudges Cedric's mecha
  372. 10:28 PM - SDFN: Totally woked
  373. 10:28 PM - SDFN: worked
  374. 10:28 PM - SDFN: Not woked
  375. 10:28 PM - Perseus: He looks at Xylia, concerned. "Our mechas run on electricity. Would out collective presence not be enough to draw the mechromancer to your settlement here? I do not wish to endanger your community."
  376. 10:28 PM - Perseus: our*
  377. 10:29 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Yeah, if we've gotta, we can leave. It seems like you guys are doing alright out here without us."
  378. 10:29 PM - Cedric: "I'd give it a 3"
  379. 10:29 PM - SDFN: X: "You have not done anything to anger her, so, no, she shall not attack, but, if you were to say, steal something from her, then we would be doomed most likely"
  380. 10:30 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Good enough. That woulda fooled a whole people outa ten!" Bishop beams.
  381. 10:30 PM - Bishop Hemway: 3 people*
  382. 10:31 PM - Perseus: "So long as we are not actively putting you in harm's way, I suppose it won't be an issue. We thank you for your hospatility."
  383. 10:32 PM - Cedric: "Whats this about danger"
  384. 10:32 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Oh, we're staying? It's a good thing I found this big box then. I'll just stay under here." Bishop laughs to himself.
  385. 10:33 PM - SDFN: X: "It is nothing, we carry extra tents, feel free to set up your own shelter for the night, it is already getting dark"
  386. 10:34 PM - Bishop Hemway: "You can leave the box if you want Cedric, my unearthly glow might not be good for you if you stay here for too long."
  387. 10:35 PM - Cedric: "i almost forgot"
  388. 10:35 PM - Perseus: "We'll find an empty spot to claim for the night, then."
  389. 10:35 PM - Perseus: "Yes, Cedric?"
  390. 10:36 PM - SDFN: ((I hate to break it, but no combat tonight, because one, upgrades, two, major plot, just so I don't get any hopes up. (Unless we're going until like midnight)))
  391. 10:36 PM - Perseus: don't we always?
  392. 10:36 PM - Perseus: :v
  393. 10:36 PM - SDFN: Never know
  394. 10:36 PM - Bishop Hemway: ((Besides, I'm on break, I could go on for a while))
  395. 10:37 PM - Perseus: so is there anything of note in the town?
  396. 10:37 PM - Perseus: er
  397. 10:37 PM - Perseus: encampment
  398. 10:37 PM - Bishop Hemway: ((I'll go on as long as you want to))
  399. 10:37 PM - Perseus: whatever
  400. 10:37 PM - SDFN: Its a small tent village
  401. 10:37 PM - SDFN: Nothing of interest
  402. 10:37 PM - Cedric: (brb)
  403. 10:38 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Oh hey, I don't mean to be rude. If you guys would like, I can let you guys borrow this box. Just give me a moment to 'fix it' if you guys would like a bit more shelter from the elements."
  404. 10:39 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Since you guys seem to be sharing your holdout for the night."
  405. 10:46 PM - Cedric: (back)
  406. 10:47 PM - Perseus: "Dare I ask what constitutes 'fixing it'?"
  407. 10:48 PM - Bishop Hemway: "You'll see."
  408. 10:48 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop sits back, laughing maniacally.
  409. 10:48 PM - Cedric: "
  410. 10:48 PM - Cedric: "Alright just cause you have no major mutations from that radiation, i think it did something to you bishop"
  411. 10:49 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop stops laughing and starts coughing
  412. 10:49 PM - Bishop Hemway: "o-oh, sorry about that."
  413. 10:49 PM - Cedric: "..."
  414. 10:50 PM - Cedric: "I'm worried about you man..."
  415. 10:50 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop leers at Cedric, "If you are worried, you should get outa da box Cedric..."
  416. 10:50 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Before I start EATING YA!"
  417. 10:51 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop goes back into hysterics.
  418. 10:52 PM - Bishop Hemway: "... Ahem."
  419. 10:52 PM - Cedric: *looks at perseus with a worried look that screams "help"*
  420. 10:52 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Look guys, I'm feelin kinda tired."
  421. 10:53 PM - Bishop Hemway: "And quite honestly, I'm a bit scared."
  422. 10:53 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I'm just trying to keep my mind off things is all."
  423. 10:54 PM - Perseus: "I'm... sure it's entirely normal. Nothing to be worried about."
  424. 10:54 PM - Perseus: "Maybe some sleep will clear your mind. I suggest we all retire for the night."
  425. 10:54 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Give me a moment then, so I can 'fix' this box."
  426. 10:55 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop starts tearing out holes in the bottom and sides of the box, transforming it into a makeshift hangar.
  427. 10:55 PM - SDFN: (Where did you get a box that big)
  428. 10:56 PM - Bishop Hemway: (The internet)
  429. 10:56 PM - Perseus: oh wow Ryan how did we not think to use this
  430. 10:56 PM - Perseus:
  431. 10:56 PM - SDFN:
  432. 10:56 PM - Perseus: we're cool
  433. 10:56 PM - SDFN:
  434. 10:56 PM - Bishop Hemway: Noooooo
  435. 10:56 PM - Cedric: "I can just sleep in my mech, thats fine. thanks for the offer though"
  436. 10:56 PM - Bishop Hemway: my life is ruined
  437. 10:56 PM - Cedric:
  438. 10:56 PM - Perseus:
  439. 10:57 PM - SDFN:
  440. 10:58 PM - Perseus: Perseus borrows one of the proferred tents and pitches it, erecting the canvas structure in all its glory
  441. 11:00 PM - Perseus: and then he sleeps since there is nothing else to be done
  442. 11:00 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I'll stay in the mecha. It ain't too comfy in here, but I don't want to keep all you other people up."
  443. 11:04 PM - Perseus: so is there gonna be a ~the next day~ scene transition now or wot
  445. 11:05 PM - SDFN: IT IS NOW TOMORROW
  446. 11:06 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop wakes up and the first thing he notices is his empty stomach.
  447. 11:06 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop goes to nudge Cedric's mecha, as he presumably never left the box fort.
  448. 11:06 PM - Perseus: Perseus wakes up and does some light stretches and calisthenics
  449. 11:06 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Hey Cedric, you got anything to eat?"
  450. 11:07 PM - Cedric: *snores*
  451. 11:07 PM - Perseus: "So Bishop, feeling any better, compared to last night?"
  452. 11:08 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I don't know Pers, I can still go for a bite to eat. Perhaps a shortstack would suffice..."
  453. 11:08 PM - Bishop Hemway: "You know, a shortstack of pancakes."
  454. 11:08 PM - Cedric: *wakes up with a start*
  455. 11:09 PM - SDFN: (Pigeonstack)
  456. 11:09 PM - Bishop Hemway: "With whipped creme, maple syrup, and strawberries."
  457. 11:09 PM - Perseus: "Clever."
  458. 11:09 PM - Cedric: *looks confused for a second and then very very angry*
  459. 11:09 PM - Bishop Hemway: (it's not pigeonstack if he's by himself u silly)
  460. 11:09 PM - Perseus: "I doubt if you'll have anything so extravagant here though."
  461. 11:10 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Yeah, I suppose you're right. I just kina miss home."
  462. 11:10 PM - Bishop Hemway: "And also I'm hungry. Damn, I must be a nuclear reactor."
  463. 11:10 PM - Cedric: *mumbles something under his breath and walks away from the other two in a huff*
  464. 11:11 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Oh hey, how were the locals? I didn't exactly hop outa my mech to greet them last night." Bishop says sheepishly
  465. 11:11 PM - Perseus: "Kindly enough people, at least. They did let us rest here, and they gave me fair warning on our opposition."
  466. 11:12 PM - Perseus: "As well as a place where we might find help in combating it."
  467. 11:12 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Oh? Are we up against a giant AI octopus? A giant CRAB?"
  468. 11:12 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Man, sea food sounds so good right now."
  469. 11:13 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Hey Cedric, since you are wandering off, can you wake up Skylar for me?"
  470. 11:13 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Er."
  471. 11:13 PM - Bishop Hemway: "You know."
  472. 11:13 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Snake guy."
  473. 11:13 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Yeah."
  474. 11:14 PM - Perseus: "Something they called the mechromancer, and that we might find help at the Clickwork Kingdom."
  475. 11:14 PM - Perseus: "He does have a name, you know."
  476. 11:14 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I know he does; I just can't remember it at the moment!"
  477. 11:14 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop retorts while rubbing his head.
  478. 11:15 PM - Perseus: "Skyren. His name is Skyren."
  479. 11:15 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Yeah, that's right..." Bishop eases up on the head rubbing.
  480. 11:15 PM - Cedric: "Fine"
  481. 11:16 PM - Cedric: *walks over to wake up the snake man*
  482. 11:16 PM - SDFN: S: "You need something?"
  483. 11:17 PM - Cedric: "They asked me to go wake you up so uh...."
  484. 11:17 PM - Cedric: "Good morning?"
  485. 11:17 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Yeah, we need to make a plan." Bishop exits his mecha and makes his way over to the rest of the group.
  486. 11:17 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Something better than 'not die'."
  487. 11:18 PM - SDFN: (Just got in contact with Devon, she couldn't make the game tonight because she found out her cat has a tumor)
  488. 11:18 PM - SDFN: (So when you talk to her next time, do not get mad for her missing these games
  489. 11:18 PM - Bishop Hemway: (D:)
  490. 11:18 PM - Cedric: ( :( )
  491. 11:18 PM - Bishop Hemway: (That blows)
  492. 11:18 PM - SDFN: (Yeah, hearts go out to her and her cat)
  493. 11:19 PM - Bishop Hemway: (I'm lucky that my dog is doing better tbh, not to deminish her situation by any regard)
  494. 11:20 PM - Bishop Hemway: (my dog was dying for a while now too, and I found out last week that what they thought was a tumor was really some form of damage to her bladder)
  495. 11:20 PM - SDFN: (Well, thats good news mate)
  496. 11:20 PM - Bishop Hemway: (presumably, my guess is that my dad musta did something to her while I was away for a few months)
  497. 11:21 PM - Bishop Hemway: (since he's not exactly the jolliest guy)
  498. 11:21 PM - SDFN: (She thanks all of you for the kind words, and you know what, I think now is a good place to stop)
  499. 11:21 PM - Cedric: (okie)
  500. 11:21 PM - Bishop Hemway: (Gotcha. Like I said, I have all break
  501. 11:22 PM - Perseus: guess I'll save the log, then
  502. 11:22 PM - Bishop Hemway: so we can do this again either tomorrow or some other day during this week)
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