

Aug 22nd, 2012
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  1. <Corpus_C> Daedolon, you don't SEE it, but you HEAR about it
  2. [17:12] 18<Corpus_C> the thought is what counts 8)
  3. [17:13] 18<Daedolon> no rape there
  4. [17:13] 21<Corpus_C>21 (and i don't mean that in an approving way ms. Boilerplate)
  5. [17:14] 18<Corpus_C> i think sodomizing somebody to death easily qualifies
  6. [17:15] 18* Daedolon made mincemeat out of Daedolon
  7. [17:15] 31<Boilerplate>30 Hearing about it and seeing are two completely different things. Actually seeing it is much more traumatizing
  8. [17:15] 18<Corpus_C> so as long as you don't see it, the concept is A-OK, gotcha
  9. [17:16] 21<MoonStalkeR>21 ironic, since boilerplate's original argument pertained to thinking about it
  10. [17:16] 18<Corpus_C> 8)
  11. [17:17] 31<Boilerplate>30 I wasn't arguing about thinking about it but rather I was trying to make that women in binkis/scatly clad/etc is not natural attraction
  12. [17:17] 18<Corpus_C> i guess all the real life rapes that have happened are not so bad, since you never SEE them
  13. [17:18] 18<Corpus_C> (this is sarcasm, to make it crystal clear)
  14. [17:18] 18<Corpus_C> if you don't think thats natural you truly live in another world
  15. [17:19] 31<Boilerplate>30 I think your missing the point that objectivion is not natural attraction
  16. [17:19] 23* 23Parabox has quit (23Quit: SEE YOU SPACE COWBOY...23)
  17. [17:20] 18<Corpus_C> its completely natural. a man doesn't need to know anything about a woman or have any kind of relation to her in order to be sexually attracted
  18. [17:20] 18<MoonStalkeR> BoN you definitely have hormonal dysfunctions
  19. [17:20] 18<Corpus_C> and being attracted != rape
  20. [17:21] 18<Corpus_C> what goes on in the woman's mind, or DOES NOT go on in the woman's mind is completely irrelevant to the sexual attraction. therefore she is a sexual object to that man, cuz thats what he's thinking about
  21. [17:21] 18<Corpus_C> and the woman CANNOT control the mans thoughts. she cannot FORCE him to think whatever she WANTS him to think
  22. [17:21] 18<Corpus_C> that would be mind rape
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