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Mar 16th, 2014
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  1. [0:11]Natalie Mcbeef: "Oh...?"
  2. [0:11]You gaze upon Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn in deep reflection.
  3. [0:12]Kage Kiryuu: "She left pretty fast..."
  4. [0:12]Alexaria Whiteraven: I do that too, though.
  5. [0:12]Kage Kiryuu nods to Alexaria Whiteraven.
  6. [0:12]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn turns to look at the Miqo'te. "You see something you like?" Her body is still riddled with a few fresh wounds, along with the pool of blood tha thas formed in her right eye.
  7. [0:13]Natalie Mcbeef laughs, "That depends..." she grins, "Did you win?"
  8. [0:14]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn offers Natalie a coy grin. "I'm still standing, ain't I? You a fan or something?"
  9. [0:14]Alexaria Whiteraven: ...I hear Natalie. Kage, would you like to join me outside?
  10. [0:14]Kage Kiryuu nods to Alexaria Whiteraven.
  11. [0:14]Natalie Mcbeef shakes her head, "A colleague..." she taps her jaw, "Or at least I think I am, you were at the party, before Ellion threatened to blow you up at least"
  12. [0:15]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn laughs at you.
  13. [0:16]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn: "So you know Ellion and his crew?" She examines the woman a few times over, judging her with her eyes. "You don't look like much. You their new book keeper or something?"
  14. [0:17]Alexaria Whiteraven watches quietly. She glances to Kage as he approaches.
  15. [0:17]Natalie Mcbeef smiles, "Something like that."
  16. [0:17]You gaze upon Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn in deep reflection.
  17. [0:17]Natalie Mcbeef: "What are you then? They can't keep you around for your looks"
  18. [0:18]Kage Kiryuu: "See, she was in here."
  19. [0:18]Alexaria Whiteraven: I shall let you lead the way from henceforth, Kage.
  20. [0:18]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn motions to herself.
  21. [0:19]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn cracked a huge grin at her comment. "No, they don't keep me around at all. I used to be a bodyguard of sorts for them, but...we will just say we didn't see eye to eye on some complicated matters. Sort of became the black sheep since then. If you bore witness to their reactions around me." She leans against the raining as she places her elbows onto it.
  22. [0:19]Natalie Mcbeef nods at Alex.
  23. [0:19]Natalie Mcbeef nods, "You must be really lonely then"
  24. [0:19]Kage Kiryuu grins, "Are you sure about that?"
  25. [0:19]Alexaria Whiteraven glances between the two women and the gentleman to her right, then keeps her eyes on Dennthota for a while.
  26. [0:20]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn looks away from Natalie..she didn't have a come back from that one.
  27. [0:20]Alexaria Whiteraven: No.
  28. [0:20]Kage Kiryuu beams with delight at Alexaria Whiteraven.
  29. [0:20]Natalie Mcbeef: "Otherwise why would you show up?"
  30. [0:21]Kage Kiryuu eyes everyone before muttering softly under his breath, barely noticeable. "And I thought Alex was tall..."
  31. [0:21]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn: I...I honestly don't know why I showed up....*She glances down at Natalie's boots for a moment* I suppose it was just to check up on them. They normally just have a bunch of humes and Miqo'te running around. They aren't much for fighters, wanted to make sure they weren't dead.
  32. [0:22]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn: It looks like their they are still hiring the same type of people though.
  33. [0:22]Natalie Mcbeef grins, "Oh?"
  34. [0:22]Natalie Mcbeef: "Humes and Miqo'tes aren't fighters then?"
  35. [0:23]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn: "Nothing compared to Roegadyn. Don't need to be an airship engineer to see that one."
  36. [0:23]Alexaria Whiteraven: Don't look at me. I'm just a seamstress.
  37. [0:23]Natalie Mcbeef shakes her head, "And they didn't hire me..." she laughs "It's something of a volunteer work for me"
  38. [0:23]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn: See, even the highlander is just knitting booties for little babies?
  39. [0:23]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn grins tauntingly at Alexaria Whiteraven.
  40. [0:23]Natalie Mcbeef sighs, "You think that do you?" she laughs again, "No wonder you have trouble in life"
  41. [0:24]Natalie Mcbeef: "Kage"
  42. [0:24]Kage Kiryuu: "Yes?"
  43. [0:24]Natalie Mcbeef: "Who is the most dangerous person you know?"
  44. [0:24]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn: "Trouble? What makes you think I have trouble?"
  45. [0:24]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn huffs up a bit.
  46. [0:24]Kage Kiryuu gazes upon you in deep reflection.
  47. [0:24]Kage Kiryuu: "Am I really supposed to answer that?"
  48. [0:24]Natalie Mcbeef nods, "Be honest"
  49. [0:25]Kage Kiryuu: "I... I don't know -that- many people.. But I would say that I'd want to piss you off the least out of everyoe I know."
  50. [0:25]Natalie Mcbeef nods, "Ok, what about numbers two and three?"
  51. [0:26]Kage Kiryuu gazes upon you in deep reflection.
  52. [0:26]Alexaria Whiteraven looks at Kage curiously.
  53. [0:27]Kage Kiryuu: "Two and three? The most capable people I know would then be Roen and Kayah."
  54. [0:27]Natalie Mcbeef nods, "Are either of them Roegayden?"
  55. [0:28]Kage Kiryuu: "Neither are Roegadyn."
  56. [0:29]Natalie Mcbeef smiles at Denn, "Clearly Roe aren't as feared as you think"
  57. [0:30]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn: Well clearly you all never seen a Roegadyn in action.
  58. [0:30]Natalie Mcbeef nods, "Ok show me"
  59. [0:30]Kage Kiryuu gazes upon Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn in deep reflection.
  60. [0:30]Natalie Mcbeef: "Let's go outside the city"
  61. [0:30]You point at Kage Kiryuu.
  62. [0:31]Natalie Mcbeef: "And you can fight Kage"
  63. [0:31]Alexaria Whiteraven looks fairly interested suddenly.
  64. [0:31]Kage Kiryuu looks at you in shock!
  65. [0:31]Kage Kiryuu: "What?!"
  66. [0:31]Alexaria Whiteraven: ...Kage?
  67. [0:31]You nod to Kage Kiryuu.
  68. [0:31]Kage Kiryuu: "This isn't the trial of courage."
  69. [0:31]Natalie Mcbeef: "Or is it?"
  70. [0:31]You gaze upon Kage Kiryuu in deep reflection.
  71. [0:31]Natalie Mcbeef: "It is now!"
  72. [0:31]Kage Kiryuu: "I haven't passed the tial of loyallty... WHAT"
  73. [0:31]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn: Wait....Kage?
  74. [0:32]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn: the bootie maker?
  75. [0:32]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn stares up at Alex.
  76. [0:32]Natalie Mcbeef: "No, the one next to her"
  77. [0:32]Kage Kiryuu waves to Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn.
  78. [0:32]Kage Kiryuu: "I'm Kage."
  79. [0:32]You point at Kage Kiryuu.
  80. [0:32]Lily Dawnsworn seems lost in thought.
  81. [0:32]Alexaria Whiteraven: He is a better fighter than I, to be certain.
  82. [0:32]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn blinks her eyes at afew times, perhaps it was from being slightly blinded in her right eye from her early fight, but she swore that he looked like a Lalafell.
  83. [0:33]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn: You are shitting me, right?"
  84. [0:33]Alexaria Whiteraven disagrees with Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn.
  85. [0:33]Kage Kiryuu: "I'm quite sure my name is Kage."
  86. [0:33]Natalie Mcbeef: "Sorry, is he too much for you?"
  87. [0:33]Natalie Mcbeef: "Should I find an easier opponent for you to showcase your skills on?"
  88. [0:33]Lily Dawnsworn: "One must not judge by appearance. That sort of thinking can prove to be...problematic."
  89. [0:33]Alexaria Whiteraven: I certainly don't think I could beat him. I wouldn't mind trying, there's much to be learned from losing.
  90. [0:34]Alexaria Whiteraven: Oh hello, Lily.
  91. [0:34]Lily Dawnsworn: "Furthermore if you intend to cause a scene, I must insist it is done out of the city limits...and out of watchful eyes."
  92. [0:34]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn gazes upon Kage Kiryuu in deep reflection.
  93. [0:34]Lily Dawnsworn nods to Alexaria Whiteraven.
  94. [0:34]Lily Dawnsworn: "Hellop again, Alexaria."
  95. [0:34]Lily Dawnsworn: "Hello*
  96. [0:34]Kage Kiryuu crosses his arms.
  97. [0:34]Alexaria Whiteraven: Natalie wouldn't permit fighting within the city, I'm certain.
  98. [0:34]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn: I don't normally pick on cripples. But I have a slight handicap, so maybe it should help you out?
  99. [0:34]Lily Dawnsworn: "Nor would I."
  100. [0:35]Natalie Mcbeef: "We will do it outside the gate"
  101. [0:35]Natalie Mcbeef: "Kage, you agree?"
  102. [0:35]Kage Kiryuu: "Did you just call me a cripple?" He raises one eyebrow.
  103. [0:35]Natalie Mcbeef: "I think she did..."
  104. [0:35]Kage Kiryuu: "If you say so.."
  105. [0:35]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn: Well waddling because your legs are too short sounds like its a diability to me.
  106. [0:35]Natalie Mcbeef: "Shall we head outside then?"
  107. [0:35]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn grins tauntingly at Kage Kiryuu.
  108. [0:35]Kage Kiryuu nods to you.
  109. [0:35]Kage Kiryuu smirks confidently at Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn.
  110. [0:36]Alexaria Whiteraven: This should be interesting, at least.
  111. [0:36]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn smiles at Gilawafe Archimtirios.
  113. (They travel outside the Gate of Nald)
  115. [0:37]U'tano Kazhe claps for Kage Kiryuu.
  116. [0:37]Natalie Mcbeef: "Ah, U, good of you to come"
  117. [0:37]U'tano Kazhe nods to you.
  118. [0:38]U'tano Kazhe picks Kage Kiryuu up and runs around in a tight circle with him making airship noises - for luck - then sets him down again lightly on his feet.
  119. [0:38]Kage Kiryuu's eyes brim over with tears.
  120. [0:38]Natalie Mcbeef: "One moment"
  121. [0:38]Natalie Mcbeef: "There might be a few more observers coming"
  122. [0:38]Kage Kiryuu gives Natalie a small, small, glare.
  123. [0:39]Alexaria Whiteraven: No pressure, of course.
  124. [0:39]U'tano Kazhe finds a comfortable seat.
  125. [0:40]Natalie Mcbeef smiles, "Ah, Roen"
  126. [0:40]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn shook her leg out to make sure it was in working order from her wound from the tournament
  127. [0:40]Roen Deneith approaches the clearing, she is out of her usual armor.
  128. [0:40]Natalie Mcbeef: "You heard over the linkshell?"
  129. [0:41]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn: No take backs, right?
  130. [0:41]Roen Deneith: "I just did..." She glances to Kage then back to Natalie. "What is going on?"
  131. [0:41]Kage Kiryuu shakes his head. "No."
  132. [0:41]Natalie Mcbeef: "Kage is going to fight that one over there"
  133. [0:41]Natalie Mcbeef: "You should give give him a pep talk"
  134. [0:42]Roen Deneith looks to Denn, then back to Natalie. "Denn?? Wh-why?"
  135. [0:42]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn lets out a loud burp. "No pep talks. Too late for that."
  136. [0:42]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn readies herself.
  137. [0:42]Natalie Mcbeef: "Very well"
  138. [0:42]Natalie Mcbeef nods, "Let the trial of Courage begin"
  139. [0:42]Roen Deneith blinks.
  140. [0:43]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn looks on at the sword, she has had enough with swords for one day.
  141. [0:43]Kage Kiryuu rushes in low to take a swipe at Denn's legs.
  142. [0:43]5 parties are currently recruiting.
  143. [0:44]Alexaria Whiteraven watches quietly.
  144. [0:44]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn was unsure how to take on such a small opponent. She tried to simply hop over his tiny body, but his sword met with ankle, cutting into slightly before she hit the ground behind him.
  145. [0:45]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn: ((He decided to roll :D so we are rolling :D
  146. [0:45]Roen Deneith stands next to Natalie, watching anxiously. So this is a Trial of Courage. She did not want to think about
  147. [0:46]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn collapsed onto the ground slightly,holding herself up, but leaving a small bit of blood behind her. She didn't know what else to do except to try to spin around, swing long with her foot, and round house the smaller opponent.
  148. [0:46]U'tano Kazhe stretches out on her stomach, tail lashing with her chin resting on her hands as she watches intently, murring.
  149. [0:47]Kage Kiryuu saw the kick coming and decided to take his chances by swinging his shield up to take the kick.
  150. [0:48]Kage Kiryuu tried to follow through with his defense by bringing his sword down at the Roegadyn's shoulders.
  151. [0:50]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn the sword makes it way into denn's shoulder, driving her downwards in pain. She falls to one knee, frustarted at her inability to hit the small and agile target. She balls up her fist as she swings it hard at his midsection.
  152. [0:51]Kage Kiryuu stumbles back hard from the hit, "Gerghk." He uses his shield to steady himself from the blow.
  153. [0:52]Kage Kiryuu swiftly tried to counter the blow with a slash at her midsection, which is at an already high angle for him.
  154. [0:53]Natalie Mcbeef watches Kage intently, a grin on her face
  155. [0:54]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn reaches out as she grabs his arm, stopping the swing from landing. She is still on her knee, but it doesn't take her much power to simply try to pick him up as she tries to throw him into the air.
  156. [0:57]Kage Kiryuu: "Gah!" Kage knew he was in for it as he was thrown into the air. He could definitely the tops of these tarps. "Oomph...!!!" Incidentally he was only thrown straight up into the air.
  157. [0:58]2 parties are currently recruiting.
  158. [1:00]Kage Kiryuu lands onto the Roegadyn with his shield, hitting her in the process with it as his sword dropped to the floor far away from the group. He groaned from the landing.
  159. [1:01]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn looked up into the sky as she cocked her arm back, readying to give everything she had to the airbound Lalafell, but with the blood pooled in her right eye, and the sun shining in her left, she was completely blind to the Lalafells attack, falling victim to it and getting her face smashed in with his shield. Her body goes limp as she collapses to the ground.
  160. [1:02]Natalie Mcbeef nods, "U, Alex, Roen"
  161. [1:02]Natalie Mcbeef: "Can you help them"
  162. [1:02]Roen Deneith blinks, she glances between them, and nods to Natalie.
  163. [1:02]Roen Deneith kneels before Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn.
  164. [1:02]Kage Kiryuu groans still.
  165. [1:02]Natalie Mcbeef leans over, "Hey Kage? Are you still with us?"
  166. [1:03]U'tano Kazhe stands, rummaging through her satchel and brings out her band-aids, approaching Denn and Kage with a concerned look.
  167. [1:03]Alexaria Whiteraven: ((Sorry I lost my scrolling))
  168. [1:03]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn forehead begins to redden as a swollen mass forms on it from the impact.
  169. [1:03]Kage Kiryuu groans once more with eyes clenched shut, "No... No everything hurts."
  170. [1:04]Alexaria Whiteraven: Memories Inscribed to Stones, Guide Our New Path. Change Job.
  171. [1:04]Natalie Mcbeef smiles and pats his head as the others go to work, "I'm sure, but I know something that will make it better"
  172. [1:04]U'tano Kazhe looks to Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn first, right forefinger tapper her lower lip as she assesses the damage. U'tano grimaces, then lightly applies a large yellow band-aid to Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn's face.
  173. [1:05]U'tano Kazhe: "Apologies"
  174. [1:05]Alexaria Whiteraven simply acts in tandem to U'tano, obviously less skilled but still helpful.
  175. [1:05]Kage Kiryuu groans once more, not opening his eyes. "Wahs' at?"
  176. [1:05]Roen Deneith kneels to look at both their wounds, but sees that U'tano and Alexaria carry with them healing measures.
  177. [1:05]Alexaria Whiteraven is actually casting cure, not using giant bandages.
  178. [1:05]Natalie Mcbeef smiles and ruffles his hair, "You passed"
  179. [1:06]Kage Kiryuu: "'Ass wha?"
  180. [1:06]U'tano Kazhe turns to Kage and pats his head consolingly. "Band-aid?"
  181. [1:06]Natalie Mcbeef laughs, "Your trial"
  182. [1:06]Alexaria Whiteraven: Perhaps you should wait to congratulate him after I check this.
  183. [1:06]Alexaria Whiteraven: Kage? How many fingers am I holding up?
  184. [1:06]Alexaria Whiteraven holds up three fingers.
  185. [1:07]Kage Kiryuu groans again. "Trial?" He blinks at Alex. "Is that 4?"
  186. [1:07]Alexaria Whiteraven: Right then, let's get him in the shade.
  187. [1:07]Natalie Mcbeef: lol just band aids roen))
  188. [1:07]Alexaria Whiteraven helps Kage to his feet gently and leads him to the city wall.
  189. [1:07]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn eyes flicker open as she regains herself. She looks up at the people surrounding her, placing things on her face and casting magic; in a panic she swats at them, before rolling over.
  190. [1:08]Alexaria Whiteraven: You're a very brave Lalafell. Either that or you foolishly hoped to impress us all.
  191. [1:08]Roen Deneith just regards both Kage and Denn as others work on them. She's had training, but assumes others are more trained than she.
  192. [1:08]Alexaria Whiteraven: Then again, sometimes that's bravery too.
  193. [1:08]Natalie Mcbeef sighs, "Denn, calm down, you've been injured"
  194. [1:08]Natalie Mcbeef: "Let's get you to the shade"
  195. [1:08]Natalie Mcbeef attempts to help Denn to her feet
  196. [1:08]Kage Kiryuu nods in thanks to Alex, groaning at the effort. "I think both,"
  197. [1:09]U'tano Kazhe eyes Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn with a wolfish grin, then moves to assist Natalie in getting Denn to her feet.
  198. [1:09]Roen Deneith: "Denn, you collapsed. You should receive some--" She watches the Roe roll over. "Treatment."
  199. [1:09]Alexaria Whiteraven: Let me get you some water.
  200. [1:09]Roen Deneith glances over her shoulder to Kage with a look of concern, but at least he was able to rise.
  201. [1:09]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn: "treatment?..." She stands up as she presses her hand against her forehead.
  202. [1:10]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn wobbles a bit.
  203. [1:10]Natalie Mcbeef walks her over to the wall
  204. [1:10]U'tano Kazhe deftly moves her head under Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn's arm.
  205. [1:10]Alexaria Whiteraven: Drink it slowly. When you're finished, wait a while then I'll give you more.
  206. [1:10]Roen Deneith nods to Denn then frowns. "Aye. Some healing."
  207. [1:10]Alexaria Whiteraven hands Kage the glass.
  208. [1:10]Kage Kiryuu blinks warily, staring blankly as he received the cup. "Thank you Alex." He sipped at it, blinking his eyes.
  209. [1:11]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn feels the person move under her arm and without thinking she leans soem of her weight on her.
  210. [1:11]U'tano Kazhe grins, bearing the weight and sings, "One step, go!"
  211. [1:11]Natalie Mcbeef seems suprisingly steady under the weight as she helps the larger woman to the shade.
  212. [1:11]Roen Deneith sees both U'tano and Natalie on either side of Denn, she just stands nearby in case aid is needed.
  213. [1:11]Alexaria Whiteraven: You're quite welcome. I think you came out of this better than your opponent, who I hope wasn't too badly injured. She was already a bit beat-up when she agreed to this.
  214. [1:12]Natalie Mcbeef lays her down in the shade, "Now Roen"
  215. [1:12]Natalie Mcbeef: "Hopefully you have something stronger than Band-Aids
  216. [1:12]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn lets go of the two as she settles herself down on her rear.
  217. 1:12]U'tano Kazhe looks at Natalie Mcbeef and sniffs. "U's band-aids are very effective! As Nymeia weaves..."
  218. [1:13]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn looks towards Kage. "he didn't just....did he?" She was talking out loud, but seemly to herself.
  219. [1:13]Alexaria Whiteraven: I can only manage the first level of Cure but I'm also fairly well versed in more basic methods of care.
  220. [1:13]Kage Kiryuu nodded slowly, "I really hope I in't 'urt 'er too 'ad when I fell."
  221. [1:13]Roen Deneith pauses to glance to Kage before joining Natalie by Denn. "Aye, I can help too." She nods to U'tano and kneels next to Denn.
  222. [1:13]Roen Deneith kneels before U'tano Kazhe.
  223. [1:13]Alexaria Whiteraven: Kage is going to be fine as long as he doesn't get into another fight tonight.
  224. [1:13]U'tano Kazhe nods to Roen Deneith.
  225. [1:13]5 parties are currently recruiting.
  226. [1:13]Roen Deneith kneels next to Denn, her hand lightly touching the woman's forehead and the growing welt there.
  227. [1:13]Natalie Mcbeef: "I'm sure they are U, and Denn, just calm down for a moment, let's heal those woudns first"
  228. [1:13]Alexaria Whiteraven: I certainly don't think she saw that coming.
  229. [1:14]Roen Deneith: "Hold still, Denn." She says quietly and closes her eyes. Wisps of green energy courses from her fingertips to weave and caress Denn's wounds. It is the familiar warmth of aether.
  230. [1:14]Kage Kiryuu: "I don't think -anyone- could see that coming..."
  231. [1:15]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn grogily swats again. "No magic. I'll be fine."
  232. [1:15]U'tano Kazhe rubs Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn's back encouragingly.
  233. [1:15]U'tano Kazhe rubs Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn's back encouragingly.
  234. [1:15]Roen Deneith pauses at the swat, then opens her eyes. She cants her head and purses her lips. "Alright."
  235. [1:15]Natalie Mcbeef: "No"
  236. [1:15]Natalie Mcbeef: "Keep going Roen"
  237. [1:16]U'tano Kazhe offers Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn a selection of colored band-aids for her ankle wound.
  238. [1:16]Roen Deneith ponders for a moment, then draws into her pack and brings out a small hankerchief and an ice crystal. She wraps the crystal within.
  239. [1:16]Natalie Mcbeef: "Honestly you wouldn't have lost if you had been properly healed from the Grindstone"
  240. [1:16]Roen Deneith hands the wrapped crystal to Denn. "Here. Hold this against your head. It will reduce the swelling."
  241. [1:16]Alexaria Whiteraven: Natalie, your bedside manner has something to be desired.
  242. [1:17]Roen Deneith kneels before Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn.
  243. [1:17]Natalie Mcbeef: "Tough love Alex"
  244. [1:17]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn begins to feel a bit more comfortable at the back rub, oddly enough. She takes the ice crystal from Roen and presses it against her head and smiles at U'tano, picking out the purple one.
  245. [1:17]Alexaria Whiteraven: Tough love doesn't fix concussions, which I fear either of them may have, if not both.
  246. [1:17]U'tano Kazhe beams with delight at Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn.
  247. [1:17]Natalie Mcbeef: "But Magick does"
  248. [1:17]Natalie Mcbeef: "Although it can't if this one keeps acting so stubborn"
  249. [1:18]Kage Kiryuu: "Roen?" Kage blinks warily. "When did you get here...? And U?"
  250. [1:18]Roen Deneith leans down to take a better look at her wound. "Now, why no conjury?" She asks quietly as she lightly feels around the border of the wound to make sure it was not growing.
  251. [1:18]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn: "She is so weird..." She hangs her head low and smiles to herself. Denn then looks up at Natalie as her words finally register. "You just dont understand the dangerous of magic..."
  252. [1:18]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn: dangers*
  253. [1:18]Natalie Mcbeef: "Don't worry about that Kage, just listen to Alex ok?"
  254. [1:18]Alexaria Whiteraven looks at Natalie and gives a gentle shrug.
  255. [1:19]Kage Kiryuu nods ever so slightly but very slowly. "'Kay."
  256. [1:19]Natalie Mcbeef: "You don't know the dangers of me Denn" she sighs, "Now close your eyes and relax"
  257. [1:19]Natalie Mcbeef: "Pretend it's not magic if it matters that much"
  258. [1:19]Alexaria Whiteraven: I've met people who will never use Return, or Teleport, for fear they won't come back out the other side. There are some superstitions amongst sea-farers as well, though I would not presume our Roegadyn guest was a sailor just because she is Roegadyn.
  259. [1:20]Roen Deneith rises, satisfied that it seems to not be actively bleeding. She presses Denn's hand tighter upon her wound with that crystal. "You need to apply more pressure."
  260. [1:20]Alexaria Whiteraven: Have you finished your water, Kage?
  261. [1:20]U'tano Kazhe hums softly, beginning to sing. "Blood and bone, sword and fist, Rhalgr's thunder meets Halone's twist. Rest and heal and breathe again, live and love and dance my friend~"
  262. [1:20]Kage Kiryuu nods.
  263. [1:21]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn presses down a bit harder as Roen commands. It made her slightly uncomfortable with all the people standing around her and trying to care for her. She tried to argue back with Natalie, but just didn't have it in her and instead laying flat on her back.
  264. [1:21]Natalie Mcbeef closes her eyes and smiles at U's song, "I didn't know you could sing U"
  265. [1:22]Roen Deneith squints at her wound in her eyes, just to make sure that was not still bleeding, then rises to look to Natalie with a shrug. "I will not use conjury if she does not wish it."
  266. [1:22]Alexaria Whiteraven takes the glass back.
  267. [1:22]Alexaria Whiteraven: I'll get you a little more. Tell me if you start to feel sick from drinking it.
  268. [1:22]Natalie Mcbeef nods, "That is a mistake, but it is your choice"
  269. [1:22]Roen Deneith: "But with rest, and some pressure and ice, it will heal." She nods.
  270. [1:23]Alexaria Whiteraven has a bit more water poured into a glass then asks for a second and pours some in that as well.
  271. [1:23]Alexaria Whiteraven hands the glass to Dennthota.
  272. [1:23]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn looks up at U'tano. "Where did you learn that song?"
  273. [1:23]Alexaria Whiteraven: Drink that slowly.
  274. [1:24]U'tano Kazhe nods, "As Nymeia weaves, U sings." She glances sideways at Denn, a wolfish grin gracing her face before standing and turning to Roen. Continuing to hum, she closes her eyes embraced by green and white light, enveloping Roen. A moment later, U'tano's body glows blue, warmth ementating from her to tickle everyone nearby. ((overcure))
  275. [1:24]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn: What is this?
  276. [1:24]Kage Kiryuu nods slowly once more, slowly... "OH TWELVE WHAT JUST HAPPENED-?!" He grabbed his shoulder.
  277. [1:24]U'tano Kazhe: "U wrote it."
  278. [1:24]Alexaria Whiteraven hands the glass to Kage.
  279. [1:24]Alexaria Whiteraven: You performed the first shield-based Jump attack in history. The Dragoons will be quite interested to learn of this, I'm sure.
  280. [1:24]Alexaria Whiteraven: Drink that slowly.
  281. [1:24]Roen Deneith: "Beliefs are what holds the seams sometimes amongst doubt. I will respect it." She turns around to look to Kage, but pauses at the warmth from U'tano.
  282. [1:24]Natalie Mcbeef grins, feeling her small aches and pains fading away
  283. [1:25]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn: ((lmao Alex
  284. [1:25]Kage Kiryuu lets go of the shoulder, his shield arm, and grabbed the glass and sipped from it. "Thank you," he muttered.
  285. [1:25]Roen Deneith blinks, she gives U'tano a smile smile. She rolls her right shoulder slightly.
  286. [1:25]Natalie Mcbeef nods, "
  287. [1:25]Alexaria Whiteraven: You're welcome. I don't do this very often, thank you for giving me the chance. Roen, would you like to look over him a bit?
  288. [1:26]Roen Deneith kneels next to Kage. "Kage." She speaks softly. "How do you feel?"
  289. [1:26]U'tano Kazhe sits again, resuming her rubbing of Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn's back. "More songs?"
  290. [1:26]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn looks between to the two Miqo'te. "Don't let this leave this area...okay?"
  291. [1:26]Natalie Mcbeef smiles "Thanks U"
  292. [1:26]Natalie Mcbeef: "Don't let what leave the area?"
  293. [1:26]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn nods to you.
  294. [1:26]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn: Exactly
  295. [1:26]U'tano Kazhe laughs at Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn.
  296. [1:26]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn smiles at U'tano Kazhe.
  297. [1:27]Natalie Mcbeef lauighs, "No I mean I really don't know what you mean"
  298. [1:27]Natalie Mcbeef: "That you lost?"
  299. [1:27]Kage Kiryuu nods once more, "I'm feeling... better." He rolls his shoulder. "This is going to be even sorer than from the last fight..."
  300. [1:27]Alexaria Whiteraven: She doesn't want to lose face.
  301. [1:27]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn: I didn't lose. Just suffered heatstroke, fell down and bumped my head on a rock.
  302. [1:27]Roen Deneith narrows her eyes as she looks Kage over, one hand lightly touching the lalafell's cheek.
  303. [1:27]You gaze upon Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn in deep reflection.
  304. [1:27]Natalie Mcbeef shakes her head, "I will not advertise the fact that you lost"
  305. [1:27]Alexaria Whiteraven: Don't worry miss. I'm sure it won't leave Ul'dah.
  306. [1:27]Alexaria Whiteraven: Or did you mean the Thanalan in general?
  307. [1:27]Natalie Mcbeef: "But I will not deny Kage his victory, he earned it"
  308. [1:28]Roen Deneith moves her hand to his neck then to the shoulder, light pressures testing his form. "Does this hurt?"
  309. [1:28]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn: Whatever then, say what you want. If I see the little bastard gloating I'll stuff him in a barrell and send him to Coerthas.
  310. [1:28]Kage Kiryuu winces slightly, his body twitching at the pressure. "It's just... bruised. And sore."
  311. [1:28]4 parties are currently recruiting.
  312. [1:28]Natalie Mcbeef grins and shakes her head, "Kage would never gloat"
  313. [1:29]U'tano Kazhe raises her voice again, "Violet eyes grace smooth-skinned face as current hair trails in winds embrace. Swift and true and strong she goes, tall as elm her growing boughs~"
  314. [1:29]Roen Deneith gives him a rueful look. "You have taken some beatings lately, Kage." Her hand remains near his shoulder. "I can apply aether to speed up the healing, but it will take some time."
  315. [1:29]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn laughs at U'tano Kazhe.
  316. [1:29]Alexaria Whiteraven raises an eyebrow, and then simply lifts her foot and places it on Dennthota's injured shoulder, putting just enough weight on it to hurt like hell and possibly cause more severe injury.
  317. [1:29]Roen Deneith: "And... not taking any more injuries." She emphasizes the last words.
  318. [1:29]Alexaria Whiteraven: I'm sorry, say that again?
  319. [1:29]Natalie Mcbeef: "And somehow I doubt that you could, even if he did" she smiles, "Take it as a lesson Denn, people are sometimes larger than they appear"
  320. [1:29]Roen Deneith gives him a pointed look.
  321. [1:29]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn: Well you are quite the songstress, aren't you?
  322. [1:30]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn grits her teeth at Natalie.
  323. [1:30]Alexaria Whiteraven stops quickly and removes her foot.
  324. [1:30]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn climbs back onto her feet as she dusts her pants off. "Or perhaps maybe I'll just stuff you in a barrell and drown you in the Yug'ram"
  325. [1:30]Alexaria Whiteraven: Sandstorm. Let's get these two indoors.
  326. [1:30]U'tano Kazhe: "Feisty!"
  327. [1:30]U'tano Kazhe laughs.
  328. [1:30]Kage Kiryuu overhears the Roegadyn's words and shakes his head furiously, before wincing at the whiplash. "I don't... This wasn't-" He looks back at Roen and nods.
  329. [1:31]Natalie Mcbeef grins, "Ok Denn" she chuckles.
  330. [1:31]Alexaria Whiteraven: I'm sorry Kage we'll continue this inside the walls.
  331. [1:31]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn grins tauntingly at you.
  332. [1:31]Natalie Mcbeef: "When you calm down we should speak again"
  333. [1:31]Alexaria Whiteraven helps Kage up and leads him tot he gate.
  334. [1:31]Natalie Mcbeef: "I could use someone with your skills actually"
  335. [1:31]Natalie Mcbeef: "And don't feel bad losing to Kage, the sultansworn don't take just anyone you know"
  336. [1:31]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn gets ready to walk off, but is frozen in her tracks at the words. "Use?"
  337. [1:32]U'tano Kazhe stares at Natalie Mcbeef's flufy tail, distracted with her tail lashing.
  338. [1:32]Natalie Mcbeef nods, "Use"
  339. [1:32]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn: "Sultanasworn?"
  340. [1:32]Natalie Mcbeef: "I am"
  341. [1:32]Natalie Mcbeef: "Kage will be soon, should he pass his last trial"
  342. [1:32]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn gazes upon you in deep reflection.
  343. [1:32]Roen Deneith listens for a moment longer, but she is satisfied that both Kage and Denn seem to be doing better. She glances to Natalie, then decides she would speak to her another time.
  344. [1:32]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn: Was this a part of his test?
  345. [1:33]Natalie Mcbeef: "However this would not be a job from the sultansworn"
  346. [1:33]U'tano Kazhe blows Roen Deneith a kiss.
  347. [1:33]Natalie Mcbeef: "It was the trial of courage" she grins "It does take some courage to face one such as you"
  348. [1:33]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn crosses her arms as she smiles a bit, agreeing with her silently.
  349. [1:34]Natalie Mcbeef smiles, "Heal up Denn, we'll talk another day"
  350. [1:34]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn nods to you.
  351. [1:34]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn: I'll be around.
  352. [1:34]Natalie Mcbeef: "Thanks for helping U"
  353. [1:34]U'tano Kazhe nods to you.
  354. [1:34]>> Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn: do you have an empty LS spot?
  355. [1:34]U'tano Kazhe: "As Nymeia weaves."
  356. [1:34]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn: "U...I'll keep that name in mind."
  357. [1:35]U'tano Kazhe grins wolfishly at Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn, blowing her a kiss.
  358. [1:35]Natalie Mcbeef pulls out a coin and a linkpearl, "Here, take these"
  359. [1:35]Natalie Mcbeef: "Something of a society I manage"
  360. [1:35]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn blinks a bit blushing at the gesture.
  361. [1:35]Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn: "Gah!"
  362. [1:35]U'tano Kazhe laughs at you.
  363. [1:35]Natalie Mcbeef: "Or don't take them..."
  364. [1:35]U'tano Kazhe pats Natalie Mcbeef on the head consolingly.
  365. [1:35]Natalie Mcbeef: "I think you scared her off U"
  366. [1:36]U'tano Kazhe shrugs. "U is U!"
  367. [1:36]Natalie Mcbeef: "I didn't know your kisses were so terrifying"
  368. [1:36]You gaze upon U'tano Kazhe in deep reflection.
  369. [1:36]U'tano Kazhe grins wolfishly at Natalie Mcbeef
  370. [1:36]Natalie Mcbeef smiles, "Well I'm off to bed, see you another day U"
  371. [1:36]U'tano Kazhe blows you a kiss.
  372. [1:37]U'tano Kazhe: "As Nymeia weaves!"
  373. [1:37]Natalie Mcbeef blushes as well, "Gahhhh!"
  374. [1:37]Natalie Mcbeef: "They are!"
  375. [1:37]U'tano Kazhe skips off towards the river to fish.
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