
In Response to Current Events

Oct 2nd, 2017
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  1. My biggest gripe with humanity now a days inst the events, even though they are a close second, its the response to these events. I'm gonna refer to the Las Vegas Concert but I will try to not go into detail about what happened as I'm sure you are very much aware. Shortly after this occurred and people started finding out about it, people went up in arms over gun control again. This is similar to when the Pulse Nightclub Shooting happened. However, this cry for gun control would last no more than a few months and then you never heard the idea brought up again. This is what I like to call Disaster Trend Train and Derailment. Something bad happens and an idea starts to go viral. This idea usually revolves around a way to "prevent" this disaster from happening again. You then get trend followers hopping on the train and following this idea. It doesn't matter if its good or bad they will follow this idea because "its whats everyone is thinking". Time passes and it slowly becomes less and less trendy and then people will jump off the train to find the next trend. More and more people will do this until the lack of a following derails the train and the idea dies out. Sometimes they will be brought back on the rails and attempt to bring it back to life but this will simply put them right back where they started.
  3. I can hear what you are saying "well that isn't me". Let me ask you this, what was your response to accusations of police brutality? What was your response to the Pulse Nightclub Shooting? What was your response to Hurricane Harvey, Irma, and Maria? Was it all cops are bad and need to put in their place? Was it we need gun control will prevent this from happening or even ban the weapon used? Was it the state/territory/federal government should have done more to protect its people? Was it even riot and call the looting, burning of buildings, destruction of property, and beating or even killing of those who don't agree with you a protest? If you said yes to even one of these then I'm sorry to say that is you.
  5. The truth is this, not all police officers are bad. Most join the force to protect you and to enforce the law. They want to help you. The truth is this, gun control will not stop this from happening. Laws mean nothing to a criminal, if they want a weapon they will get that weapon at any cost. You can not pretend that because you restrict guns or even put more guns in the public's hands that it will solve the issue. The truth is this, there was nothing more they could of done to stop what happened. I was there. I know what they did. This is nature and all we can do is prepare for the worst and hope for the best. The truth is this, your "protest" does the exact opposite of what you want. You make a greater divide between where you are and what you want. You also put everyone in danger, including yourself, and also they can arrest all of you.
  7. If I haven't made myself clear yet then let me do so now. I hate that people respond to terrible events by jumping to conclusions that someone else has made. We live in a time of which we can find out when a movie is showing without having to be there. We can find out the birthday of a celebrity without asking them. We can look up what the longest road ever built is. However, when it comes to stuff like Las Vegas, people seem to only search what others are thinking and pick from what is out there to think that as well.
  9. If you can read this there is something behind your eyes called a brain. Its life's greatest achievement. Everyone who has one has the capacity to take in all information and generate their own conclusions. Not just the conclusion their friends, their family, or even their political party came to. You, yes you, can create your own conclusions. The moment you stop thinking for yourself is the moment you become a puppet of someone else. You don't make your voice heard you make their voice heard twice as loud. If you want to make your voice heard you need to state your opinion, your conclusions, your thoughts. Do your homework, do some research, it isn't hard to do.
  11. I thought for myself. I may be some random person on the internet to you and this may get lost within the flood of things out there from others who use the internet but this is me and my thoughts. I'm not racist, I am not a bigot, I don't care where you live, what your beliefs are, who you love, what you identify as. I only care that you are a good person, that you intend to do good for others, that you are happy with who you are and don't hurt yourself. I am a Catholic, Transgender, Caucasian, Republican, Floridian. I don't hate those of other races, I didn't vote for the sorry excuse for a human being that dare refers to himself as a president, I don't force my beliefs on others, I do not follow the stereotypes people like to put on others. I label myself as such because I believe in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, I feel more comfortable and more myself as a female than a male, I was born this way, I agreed with the base idea of the party at the time, and I want to live in Florida. Not because someone told me otherwise.
  13. Is what is happening bad? Yes. Should something be done to help prevent something what has happened from ever happening again? Yes. Is what "everyone" is saying the right way to do it? No. The answer will rarely if at all be up front and present. It can take years for it to reveal itself. You probably have heard of think first act second. Try think first respond second. I do think what has happened is absolutely terrible and something should be done to prevent it. However, gun control is not the way. I'm sorry to say this but there is a thing called the bill of rights which are rights in the constitution which no one can change or touch. Within those ten there is one that says "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Gun control infringes on this right. Further more this was touched in a supreme court case (District of Columbia v Heller). The supreme court's job is to help interpret these laws and rights. In the case the conclusion was "[The] Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home." The problem is who's the one who isn't going to use it lawfully. You don't know. You can throw all these "signs" and theorize ways of finding out but the fact is we don't know till it happens.
  15. If I have yet to convince you otherwise, all I have left to say is you are a hard headed sheeple. You are easily manipulated to do and think as others want you to. You refuse to accept facts because they contradict your own thoughts. You follow trends because following a trend because those who decided to call it a trend wanted you to. You are not being you, you are being them. You are part of the problem and you can do something about it. Yet you refuse and stick with your was and blindly following others. This is how misinformation and propaganda spreads. Through the sheeple by the sheeple. I refuse to be associated with you. I'm not a sheeple. I am myself.
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