

May 6th, 2013
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  1. After having encoded over 10,000 episodes with bash files and a Linux cluster of many high end desktops after over an entire year of nonstop encoding, I am now choosing to upload one of the anime series in my gigantic collection.
  2. The original source of these encodes are from the highest quality sources available on BakaBT, encoded to logical file sizes with no difference in image quality perceivable.
  3. All series I have encoded undergo plenty of IQ tests to compare the original source to the newly encoded files in order to make certain that there is no IQ loss.
  4. The files within are named and structured to be 100% compliant with TheTVDB so that you may directly plug this into your current anime collection and XBMC, or whatever HTPC program you use, will automatically identify it without further effort needed.
  5. Don't speak about something that you do not understand, feeble-minded peasant.
  6. Also, you may want to apply for a math class since you clearly can't calculate.
  7. These are from BakaBT which only accept the highest quality sources.
  8. Higurashi is kind of old, being from 2006, so the highest quality available is the DVDs which are 720x480.
  9. Considering I absolutely detest English dubs, that's not going to happen.
  10. As for chapter markers, it wasn't part of the original release sadly.
  11. What I truly would want is a 1080p BD rerelease because I detest the quality of DVD rips.
  12. Your comment isn't very helpful.
  13. There is nothing wrong with E-D's release, your opinions are invalid.
  14. Simply Google "Bakabt Higurashi" and the highest quality torrent of each season is what I have encoded here.
  15. Video format is, well, it's x264 10-bit 720x480 quite obviously.
  16. Censored and Uncensored?
  17. It's definitely not censored.
  18. No need to get so pedantic over little things, unless you have some psychological issue where you just feel like posting yourself everywhere.
  19. Your opinion has been noted.
  20. I showed your picture to my friends.
  21. All of them said that mine looks better.
  22. The blur occurs in that scene simply because it was blurry to begin with.
  23. However the blur actually helps the image, specifically the mountain on the right, the roof of the building in the middle, the windows, hides various artifacts with the original, Keiichi's bicycle looks more detailed, and everything else is simply enhances the artistic style of Higurashi.
  24. However, it really is very pedantic of you to complain about something so subjective, especially considering this not only enhances the quality of Higurashi, but that Higurashi is quite ancient technologically.
  25. The original source for this release is the 1080p Coalgirls BD release which is 21.25GiB, a highly illogical file size for a 10-bit release.
  26. Coalgirls has a lazy encoder who insists that CRF 13, a lack of proper settings, and bloating the file size is a good idea.
  27. This encode has identical image quality with a mere CRF 20 and extreme parameters which brings the file sizes down to reasonable terms.
  28. The files within are named and structured to be 100% compliant with TheTVDB so that you may directly plug this into your current anime collection and XBMC, or whatever HTPC program you use, will automatically identify it without further effort needed.
  29. Or you just don't know how to encode.
  30. I have a 28 inch 2560x1600 monitor.
  31. If that sucks then please direct me to something that's better,
  32. Don't knock it until you try it.
  33. When I say identical image quality, I mean identical image quality.
  34. I don't have a large Linux cluster with over 10,000 encoded episodes for nothing.
  35. The true power of 10-bit, if released, can produce amazing results with a finely tweaked bash file; GUI encoders are for noobs.
  36. The only downside is it takes massive amounts of CPU time to get this quality and size.
  37. About 3 hours to encode a single episode with a FX-8350.
  38. That's not Coalgirls 720p ROFL, that's Coalgirls 1080p; I don't see much difference, which means it is negligible.
  39. I seriously feel pity for you if you think eraser's comparisons were legit, that's not a good sign.
  40. Actually, looking at that again, mine looks better.
  41. If you are going to try to troll the community, at least put effort into it next time.
  42. Don't compare what isn't yours.
  43. If you can't prove it then don't post it.
  44. Judging by what you said, your comparison is already rendered invalid.
  45. Secondly, I can guarantee that it isn't upscaled with madVR because that's simply not the kind of quality you get with madVR upscaling filters (When I was on Windows I played around with madVR quite a lot).
  46. That is precisely 1080p Coalgirls.
  47. To say otherwise means you are stating that there is no difference between the 1080p Coalgirls release and the 720p Coalgirls release, when in fact there is quite a big difference if you have a 1080p HDTV or monitor.
  48. As for your second comparison, this is more fabricated evidence.
  49. Are you sure that isn't Horriblesubs? I'm looking at those scenes in my local copy of Another and it looks nothing like that.
  50. That looks atrocious.
  51. Apparently you don't have as much experience with 10-bit encoding, or encoding in general, than I do.
  52. Judging by the second shot in the video, it's especially telling that the artifacts in screenshot which has my name are less visible.
  53. It's even less visible when the video is actually playing so no one is going to see the difference between the 1080p Coalgirls release and mine.
  54. As for lossily-encode, I don't get your point since I'm not trying to lossily-encode.
  55. 10-bit precision is good enough that it might as well be lossily, but I also apply a slight dash of filtering to fix artifacts that were in the original source, such as how Hobiron's Hanasaku Iroha had some MPEGish-like artifacts in the background in various scenes, but after encoding it, all of those artifacts were gone.
  56. Similarly, this also hides some of the artifacts seen in Coalgirls 1080p release, but you wouldn't be able to see them anyway unless you paused the video and sat near a high res monitor, even harder to spot on a 1080p 60 inch HDTV that I own.
  57. 10-bit precision works precisely best with higher resolutions.
  58. Downscaling to 720p would damage the quality of these transcodes by quite a lot.
  59. Do you seriously think I've been 10-bit encoding for over an entire year and haven't already experimented with upscaling/downscaling and plenty of IQ testing with various parameters?
  60. Having encoded 720p and 1080p variants of sources, comparing the quality and file size, 1080p encodes had better efficiency and 720p encodes contained quite a lot of missing data in the scenes, especially the lines in the artwork which no longer look as detailed.
  61. These kind of encodes are useful for people with low bandwidth AND have a gigantic anime archive and would rather not do like me and buy 10 motherboards and processors and build a Linux cluster and cluster SSH the crap out of their existing anime archive just to make it fit on a single 2TB partition.
  62. I don't know about you, but I share my collection a lot, and I really don't like the idea of building multiple RAID arrays for both archival and backup.
  63. There's a point when enough is enough and it's time to chop it down to size.
  64. Now brings the question of, why bash the encode when nothing is wrong with it?
  65. It's clearly got identical quality to Coalgirls 1080p release which is 9x larger.
  66. Even Coalgirls 720p release is over double the file size.
  67. Sorry, my brain was thinking of lossless.
  68. Which proves, what, I'm human?
  69. I'm not aiming for lossless compression, and 10-bit precision as almost as good as lossless when re-encoding something.
  70. As for Eraser's fabrication, I'll post a screenshot comparison of what he claims it looks like, compared to what it really looks like.
  71. Playing the video in mplayer and VLC in Ubuntu, it looks similar to some of your screenshots, except that the lines and shadows are a bit blockier around the edges in your screenshots compared to my screen.
  72. It's too much of a hassle to upload a comparison, but I will say that what you uploaded is indeed a sample of my video.
  73. As for the legitimacy of your claim to 720p, that is a Devil's Proof.
  74. In the first place, you shouldn't be tampering with the image quality using filters, especially madVR which few people actually use, in a comparison; but comparing the two raw to raw.
  75. Therefore, it should be Coalgirls 1080p, or an unfiltered 720p being compared to this encode.
  76. However, this should really be compared to Coalgirls 1080p release.
  77. As for the quality, this kind of detail is only noticeable if you pause the video in specific scenes/times and stare at the image while sitting too close to your monitor.
  78. Not sure if serious... 10-bit is not lossless and 8-bit is lossy but that has nothing to do with losing quality over time, just that lossless means all bits are retained and lossy eliminates bits to reduce size.
  79. The trick is only to remove bits where they are not needed and the viewer will not notice the difference between playback, such as this encode in comparison to Coalgirls.
  80. Could you sit a bunch of people in a room and give them a blind test and ask whether or not they can tell the difference between the two?
  81. I am confident that none would be able to tell the difference.
  82. I am saying either compare 1080p release, which is recommended, or upscale to 720p without filtering.
  83. There is no opposition, just that filtering tampers with the image and therefore isn't suitable for comparison, especially when people who use madVR are the minority.
  84. It doesn't really matter to begin with, however, so you are wasting your time.
  85. I've already well tested these encodes with blind tests a while back and users were unable to spot the difference during playback.
  86. That is good enough for me and my hard drive.
  87. There is nothing wrong with VLC if you've ever used it before.
  88. I may not be able to speak for Windows, but on Linux all software shares the same packages (ffmpeg) so they all decode the same unless you specifically configure it otherwise.
  89. upscale to 1080p without filtering*
  90. There is a difference between simply upscaling, and using upscale filters, which manages to upscale and add extra bits of information where previously there would have been done.
  91. Case in point being anti-ringing and Jinc Lanczos, which is filtering.
  92. In other words, you have nothing useful to say.
  93. Whether it adds, removes, or translates bits across dimensions doesn't quite matter.
  94. It's pretty useless comparing screenshots of video content since it's pretty easy to pick the worst looking scenes in a comparison, even if it has little impact on the video as a whole.
  95. Even moreso to complain about the quality of a 2.7 GiB 1080p series of Another.
  96. Simply downloading a single episode and testing yourself is much more worthwhile of anyone's time.
  97. I have to give it to you that you have an attitude for someone who has nothing useful to say.
  98. This one is from the Hobiron release on Bakabt which was originally 36 GiB.
  99. Coalgirls has a 52 GiB version of Hanasaku Iroha, which is purely madness.
  100. Who's got time for that?
  101. ...Okay, I do.. but most people don't.
  102. I bring you Hanasaku Iroha with maximum quality and maximum 10-bit compression for your anime archive.
  103. Ready to be plugged directly into your archive and viewed from your HTPC program, which is more than likely XBMC.
  104. This particular anime has absolutely beautiful artwork, and it's a shame to not watch this in 1080p simply because you can't afford the bandwidth or space.
  105. I have some LOL memories when encoding this series months ago when I decided I'd place my 10-bit x264 expertise into the XBMC wiki and forums.
  106. There is this childish forum/wiki moderator there who was claiming that anime encoders who encode in 10-bit should kill themselves, along with a lot of other nonsense which implies he knows nothing about what he is attacking.
  107. He accused me of bitrate starving my anime so I wrote a comprehensive guide to how I encode my anime, the scripts and parameters I use, and quality 1080p samples of what my anime looks like.
  108. Those samples were no doubt Hanasaku Iroha and Ano Hana.
  109. However, to save his face from bitter shame he deleted my posts and reverted all changes to the 10-bit XBMC wiki page, and then proceeded to permanently ban me with a message that was the most hilarious of them all, "No. Go away troll. Banned for giving out advice so bad it makes babies cry."
  110. So for some good advice, stay away from XBMC forums, because the moderators themselves give out advice so bad it makes babies cry.
  111. That, and the fact that you will get permabanned by the time you make your third post.
  112. Anyone who feels like they want to call this release, along with my others, bitrate starved, feel free to download and scrutinize it for yourself.
  113. See if you can spot the difference between the 50+ GiB Coalgirls release, and mine.
  114. Ironically, this encode has less artifacts than the original Hobiron encode.
  115. Why bother commenting?
  116. There is no excessive loss of details or blurring, so your opinion holds no grounds.
  117. I probably won't upload another torrent for a while because I want to seed these first.
  118. I live in a section of the United States, SW Arkansas, that is notorious for a horrid Internet infrastructure
  119. most people still use dial-up in neighboring towns, which ISPs call 'High Speed Internet'
  120. I guess they consider IRC and text-only web surfing to be 'High Speed Internet' activities.
  121. I recently got better Internet to allow me to upload at 100KB/sec instead of the 20KB/sec I had before, but these torrents do consume quite a lot of bandwidth/time.
  122. My primary reason for uploading these are that I have some online friends who want the small sizes of my HD encodes, and I can't get them to buy a dedicated 3TB hard drive for anime, which may have to do with the economy in the US is being horrible right now with unemployment rates so high (over 20% unemployment).
  123. As much as a few people want to force their opinions in such a rude manner, most people do appreciate the quality and size of these encodes.
  124. Calling a hardly noticeable loss of detail 'excessive loss of details' only proves there are some people who are attacking that which they never even bothered to objectively attempt to sample with their own retinas.
  125. Or perhaps they simply want to rub feces of smite just because they can.
  126. If I do upload something next, I'm thinking on leaning towards a Shiki 1080p BD based on Coalgirls release.
  127. The copy in my local archive that I encoded is a HDTV 720p rip which I would very much like to replace with the BD version.
  128. Going to lay down some groundworks, rules, for anyone who wants to talk about this encode.
  129. First of all, acting like you are some kind of heartless bodacious Internet troll traveling across the Internet in search of souls for devour is not very helpful to the community.
  130. If you are going to post, do so constructively in a manner that I or anyone else can respect.
  131. I'm fine with you criticizing my encodes as long as you can do so use proper manners and thus don't drop off the deep end and turn into a pedantic a**hole.
  132. Second, as for screenshot comparisons, you are free to make them but no one should take them seriously as a true measurement of quality since it is both very easy to tamper with the comparison and there are simply too many variables;
  133. also is more than likely going to be very biased if the person making the comparison is on some blood hunt to make my release look as bad as they possibly can, or if someone is trying to make my release look as good as it possibly can.
  134. case in point a user posting specific scenes from episode 12 of Another that were really complex to compress and looked slightly worse despite such quality isn't perceivable to any normal human being during playback
  135. I would provide person screenshots myself, but Nyaa doesn't allow IMG bbcode for some reason, nor will the website let me place a link to screenshots.
  136. Downloading an episode and watching it for yourself first hand is the best way to measure quality between video content.
  137. Third, what I recommend is to speak about it in your own words what you saw personally.
  138. Did it look bad?
  139. Why did it look bad?
  140. Carefully explain your reasoning.
  141. good luck with that rofl
  142. Does it look nice?
  143. You bet it does, absolutely.
  144. Could you tell the difference between other releases?
  145. How much of a difference if so?
  146. Is that difference worth it?
  147. Therefore, none of that 'blurry/excessive loss of details' because that just makes you look like a dumba** who is too lazy to hit the download button and just wants to be a troll.
  148. I'm not quite sure what that accomplishes, but it's a detriment to society so don't do that.
  149. You are wasting your time, mine, and the entire community's time.
  150. I know images are allowed, but every time I insert an IMG tag linking to an image the website deletes the tag.
  151. I have decided to go ahead and upload this anyway, partly because it is not very large compared to a lot of series in my archive.
  152. This is based on Coalgirls 1080p release which was 10.36 GiB.
  153. X264 was able to achieve ~250MiB per episode for the 1080p artwork in this 11 episode series.
  154. Like the other uploads, this is 100% compliant with TheTVDB so you may insert this into your anime archive and your HTPC will automatically tag the series and grab all the episode information with no extra effort required.
  155. As mentioned in the Hanasaku Iroha torrent, if you want to attempt to criticize the torrent, then do the entire community a favour by actually talking about the quality in a productive manner.
  156. This proves that you actually watched these encodes rather than simply hopping onto a bandwagon to say something both insignificant and detrimental while making a fool of yourself.
  157. I would, however, like to be enlightened on how being a bodacious Internet troll is psychologically associated with a factor of 'coolness'.
  158. Perhaps some people need to step back from their computer and society for a while and meditate on the meaning of life.
  159. The reason people buy $10,000 headphones is because they don't know how to properly configure an equalizer.
  160. The more expensive headphones have slightly flatter frequency response to, say, $150 headphones.
  161. However, if you properly tune your frequencies via subtractive EQ adjustments your $150 headphones will sound just as good as $10,000 headphones.
  162. I think the biggest issue here is that there are psychological factors behind the scene.
  163. If someone sees that the file size of one file is larger than another, their brain automatically assumes the file with larger sizes is better than the other.
  164. Their brain even convinces themselves this and somehow is able to enhance the quality of what they are watching/listening to simply because they 'want' it to be better.
  165. A great example was when some people told me that uncompressed WAVs sounded better than FLAC, and they sweared by it.
  166. In personal testing I had done a similar test with users who really like MP3s and I had them listen to a MP3 and showed them that it was MP3, then had them listen to a WAV, and they said the MP3 sounded better.
  167. However, when I do an ABX test I would get mixed answers indicating they can't really tell the difference anyway.
  168. I wouldn't say the quality isn't close to the original; they quite simply are close to the sources they were encoded from.
  169. I personally test each encode after a batch to see if the quality and size is acceptable.
  170. If the difference in quality is noticeable then I will just simply re-encode until the difference is not noticeable.
  171. The quality doesn't have to be perfect so long as it doesn't effect the overall quality in a bad way.
  172. Anyone with a serious anime archive will see value in the sizes over a few lost bits.
  173. And as you say, if someone really wants quality they need to buy the actual BDs because a lot of transcodes I've obtained look quite bad.
  174. I test my releases both on my 28 inch monitor and one of my 60 inch 1080p HDTVs.
  175. If I can't tell the difference, I don't think most people will be able to either.
  176. Of course, just because you can spot a difference in a few scenes doesn't really mean much to me.
  177. I actually quite often see much more artifacts in a lot of BD transcode releases I download from well renowned groups so complaining about a few lost bits of quality in a few spots is pretty shallow at this point.
  178. It would be better if they used some better parameters when they transcode from BD releases so that more quality is retained.
  179. Just using a high CRF value with 10-bit profile isn't going to retain more quality by itself.
  180. In fact, using nothing but the CRF value without additional parameters is a really bad idea already.
  181. I did a test over a year ago with 8 bit and 10 bit with and without parameters alongside CRF, the result was that even with something insane like CRF 5 and gigantic file sizes, the quality looked absolutely horrid compared to CRF 20 with parameters.
  182. I remember a while back someone saying placebo encodes are worthless because they don't decrease file size much, but the entire point of placebo isn't to reduce file size but improve the quality of your already small file sizes.
  183. You can get by with much higher CRF values if you use finely tweaked parameters.
  184. However, placebo isn't placebo enough for my cluster so I researched every parameter for x264 and use the absolute maximum parameter for everything, which is a rather long string.
  185. Luckily for me, writing a simple bash script and executing it via nohupping in ssh terminal sessions and simply waiting a week is all I need to do to encode hundreds of episodes automatically.
  186. My scripts encode video and audio simultaneously then when both are done it automatically copies chapters/fonts/subtitles/metadata from the original with the newly encoded audio and video files.
  187. One thing I find lol is, I think it's actually this series, but whoever at Coalgirls mkvmerged this release was apparently using mmg, a GUI front end for mkvmerge and thus all the episodes have Katanagatari 10 for the title.
  188. not sure why they haven't created an automated script yet with as long as they've been in the encoding business; yet again I don't understand why they use CRF 13 instead of, say, at least 16
  189. However, I suppose I can't say much myself since I'm too lazy to fix their mistake because I'm too busy working in computer repair, maintaining my Linux cluster and anime archive, and working on various personal tech projects internally at any given moment I have free time.
  190. That, and I'm just not really bothered by it since it has no effect on the actual content.
  191. Congratulations, you've demonstrated that you don't know much about that parameter.
  192. I bet you feel so proud of yourself now!
  193. If you want my bash script, just ask for it.
  194. Doesn't mean it needs to.
  195. The quality and size is quite fine as is. I didn't see any particular use last year when I was testing those two parameters.
  196. tesa isn't enough of a benefit to bother with over umh, which does a fine job as is with a merange of 24 and is thus my current sweet spot.
  197. tesa and a range of 64 would require quite a lot of computational power over what I currently own, FX-8350s.
  198. What effect does this have on the end user or myself?
  199. Practically none.
  200. By the time I feel like pushing that far, Daala will have released and x264 will be promptly dumped and I will have replaced my cluster with faster systems.
  201. I would very much like to get my hands on some excavator cores.
  202. Although, I might think about retesting tesa and a range of 64 on some not-so-high-res content in the future and re-evaluating the usefulness of it.
  203. If it doesn't give me what I want though then it's definitely not going to change.
  204. The primary key here is to find the perfect balance between size, quality, and speed.
  205. I don't worry much about speed at all, so most of the effort is placed into the size and quality, but that doesn't mean I'm a sadist.
  206. I've been on a nonstop encoding spree for about 1.5 years on this cluster, I'd hardly want to increase the time it takes more than it does so now.
  207. Because I have an obsession with getting everything running optimally, I often compile/recompile my encoding tools with a script on Linux every now and then (whenever my nodes get a break from encoding that is)
  208. Before doing x264 cluster encoding, I was doing World Community Grid full time.
  209. Now, however, I've been wanting to expand upon my computational resources in effort to reduce the impact of all the anime in my archive, of which I have been collecting every anime series ever produced.
  210. When your collection has gotten as big as mine has, it really becomes unfeasible to keep adding more, and adding hard drives then becomes a temporary solution and the chance of hard drive failure increases with the number of drives you own.
  211. That, and I really hate the idea of configuring fstab to have many mounted partitions with nothing but anime stored on each one.
  212. Doing a lot of symbolic linking is not very efficient; smaller is better.
  213. I currently have all of my collection on a single 2TB hard drive, although it is getting close to exceeding that point, which I will address when I cross that bridge.
  214. I have a second 2TB hard drive which is a backup which I have synced to my archive, and a 1TB hard drive where I place anime that is waiting to be encoded, and another 1TB drive which is a backup of that.
  215. Luckily these drives are fast so they can handle the load of a lot of computers connecting to, reading, and writing to the drives.
  216. Thus, I see no need for a striped RAID at this point.
  217. Currently, I've already collected way too much anime, and now have been in the process of recollecting some series I have in higher quality (if it exists) and replacing them with brand new, better encodes.
  218. Shiki is currently what I have all of my machines set to encoding, which will take a decent amount of time to encode.
  219. When they finish that, the machines will jump to encoding Persona 4 The Animation BDs and I will do my usual IQ testing when I have the time.
  220. If I'm happy with the quality and size, I immediately delete the old files using a bash alias and batch rename based on TVDB entries and insert the series into my archive formally.
  221. If that's all you are worrying about then there isn't much to say.
  222. It may not be absolute maximum for all parameters, but it really doesn't matter to the end user if you've seen these encodes.
  223. The parameters are maxed enough with what matters for the quality.
  224. Therefore, instead of talking about the parameters, why not talk about the quality?
  225. If you want parameters you are free to use and adapt my script to your needs.
  226. I'm not sure why you made a comment. You certainly didn't input anything useful to talk about.
  227. "Cool story, bro" is something I often see children on the Internet use, so you have already placed a very bad impression on me, if you haven't done so already.
  228. Upcoming screenshots from my Shiki encodes:
  229. I'd love to show 1080p screenshots because it is really beautiful, but I cannot.
  230. So far each 1080p episode is ~250MiB.
  231. That is the average file size for 1080p anime episodes in my collection.
  232. 720p tends to lean towards ~150MiB, and 480p around ~80 MiB.
  233. There are some exceptions, but they are the few.
  234. Did you even bother to look at the screenshots and/or videos? No? Then I have nothing more to say to you.
  235. I'm not quite sure what you are getting at, but if you are seeing banding then you are having an issue with your media player decoding the video.
  236. You should be using XBMC with these, but I know VLC and MPC-HC render them perfectly fine on Windows.
  237. On Linux, VLC is the defacto standard and it renders all of my encodes perfectly, supposing I use X11 video output (I have some glitches with OpenGL with my Radeon HD 7950).
  238. I tried mplayer2 but it had some issues (glitches in rendering and banding for some reason I couldn't debug) so I removed it and simply use VLC for testing and XBMC for actually watching things with.
  239. I have uploaded screenshots to all my torrents and will do so for future torrents to make it quite clear just how HD the quality of my encodes are.
  240. Heck, the only way I'm able to see banding is to force my screen into monochrome color and up the contrast to the max.
  241. Last time I checked, people don't watch anime in monochrome, and if they did it'd be a lot easier to compress.
  242. Any existing visible banding was more than likely already in the original transcode it was based upon before encoding.
  243. What's your problem?
  244. Also, FYI, there is a key difference between 'transcoding' and 'encoding'.
  245. I do not transcode; I encode (unless it's a super old anime in Xvid).
  246. I'll teach you the difference.
  247. Transcode is when you take non-like source like DVDs, BDs, HDTVs, or VHSs and transform it into an entirely new format, like MKV format with 10-bit depth AVC video and AAC audio.
  248. Transmux (my convertToMKV) is when you convert a container into an entirely different container but all the inner content remains the same.
  249. Encode is to take like content, for example Coalgirl transcodes of BDs which are already x264 10-bit, and compress it even farther (because Coalgirls can't seem to do it themselves).
  250. So now you know, don't mix them up, and don't be an ass.
  251. I don't see you offering any useful encodes.
  252. Here's a tip: get off the Internet and meditate on the meaning of life for an entire day, then do something productive for once in your life.
  253. I guess my very existence is challenging the status quo.
  254. Having randomly appeared here out of nowhere with a few torrents of my personal encodes claiming extreme quality at extreme sizes, and managing to actually deliver upon that claim, has stirred the hive.
  255. There are a few people who are upset about both my being here and the high quality of my encodes.
  256. Thus, there is some kind of petty deliberate attempt to rally against my encodes claiming they look bad when, in fact, they look perfectly fine.
  257. They will just have to live with it and move on with their life because I'm not going anywhere anytime soon.
  258. I already explained what transcoding is, so your input is useless.
  259. Do you like butting into conversations with nothing useful to add other than your bitrate-starved avatar?
  260. By the way, don't link to wikipedia or you will lose your credibility.
  261. You should have at least linked to:
  262. That is not the problem at all because my attitude is perfectly fine.
  263. However, yours, along with several others, have horrible attitudes.
  264. You see here, when someone comes into your house and excretes a giant pile of steaming hot feces in the middle of your living room floor, there's only one way to handle that situation.
  265. I will react appropriately per the situation.
  266. That is why I am in control of this conversation and not you.
  267. If you don't want to be cut down by my superior intellectual capabilities, then don't metaphorically lay your head in the guillotine and eagerly await me to pull the lever.
  268. If you actually read my huge walls of text, there is no provocation at all but merely insight into the finer details that go into the creation of these encodes.
  269. My experience doesn't come from blindly running an encoding script simply because I'm the one who wrote all of these scripts to begin with.
  270. You can't simply write a script without understanding how it works.
  271. I don't present any subjective opinions as fact, especially if you had even bothered to read anything I post.
  272. I will infer that what you call 'subjective opinion' is when I say that my encodes have extreme quality at extreme sizes.
  273. Well then, is that not true? It is true. Do you deny that?
  274. What you and your other trolls post here is definitely not helpful to anyone.
  275. I am plenty helpful, because not only do I allow open discussion of my encodes, but I also provide the scripts, screenshot examples, and encodes myself.
  276. What have you offered to this discussion that was useful, might I ask? Absolutely nothing.
  277. You see here, there is a fine line between a simple opinion that I am asking for, such as nikkelitous's, and outright slander, which you have been doing.
  278. Let's get some examples, shall we?
  279. Hardly a valid opinion. It's neither helpful nor worth bothering replying to.
  280. Attempting to be a smartass on my watch? Hah!
  281. You see, he didn't even bother to comment on the quality, so he just wants to nitpick a small detail in order to get something he can use against me.
  282. In other words, he's practically a child.
  283. Explain to me how this was constructive and helpful.
  284. It was neither, just you in your usual routine trying to butt your face into here when you have nothing to say.
  285. Well that's not definitely helpful, nor is it logical.
  286. It's nothing but one little mad peasant on the Internet offering up his tears and seeking pity.
  287. I can't understand why you would want to post that because I explained it perfectly.
  288. If you thought I was wrong, well then you need to brush up on your materials.
  289. Now let's go to prior torrents, starting from the beginning.
  290. One person just posting a typical 'first' post and another asking to get his butt handed to him on a silver platter is all it is.
  291. If you want to argue that it is bitrate-starved, then you aren't getting anywhere because that is proof that you didn't even attempt to watch the encodes.
  292. A most unhelpful comment.
  293. Not only was it ridiculous, but he didn't even bother to explain his reasoning.
  294. It's highly contradictory to call me arrogant when the only arrogance around here is the eraser/xythar/caex brothers.
  295. You, once again, posting something really irrelevant just so you can post something.
  296. You should stop seeking attention and only post when you have something useful to say.
  297. Being highly rude as ever, not only is his post contradictory, it is yet again useless.
  298. Even the evidence he provides demonstrates how mine has superior quality to the original.
  299. Now we move to the next torrent.
  300. More rude manners, hasn't anyone here had their parents teach them proper manners?
  301. It is also not constructive.
  302. In other words, just because he believes it won't look good, he wants to assume it doesn't look good and is trying to convince everyone else that his inaccurate opinion is the correct one.
  303. How exactly is that constructive?
  304. The eraser/xythar brothers are at it again.
  305. You are quick to jump in antagonize with your provoking and misleading comments.
  306. It's only a matter of time before someone shows you your place.
  307. I will admit that I faltered around this point but I am ever so quick to swallow my pride and admit my mistakes.
  308. However, you and your team are every so intending to crucify me with whatever irrelevant piece of information you can grab, regardless of how insignificant it is.
  309. Another comment that's not constructive.
  310. Someone simply trying to insert words where there originally was none.
  311. It's already well known that 10-bit compresses better with higher resolution content, especially animations.
  312. His comment backfired however, as all of your not-so-well-thought-out comments do.
  313. Final torrent, which only had one particular misdemeanor.
  314. Merely a continuation of his previous poor attempt at making a point and failing to do so.
  315. Instantly assuming that there is excessive loss of details or blurring and broadcasting it in such a rude manner is not constructive.
  316. Everything you people are stating is merely heavily misleading slander aimed at provoking that which they do not understand.
  317. If you think I'm just going to quietly disappear into oblivion then you are going to be disappointed.
  318. So there we have it, Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-haaaa.
  319. People can try to 'cut me down' all they want.
  320. That's never going to happen.
  321. I don't allow myself that kind of opening.
  322. What you call arrogance isn't arrogance at all; but how contradictory for an arrogant butt to complain about someone who is managing to slash through your delusions and stab you with your own weapon.
  323. I have an extremely high IQ.
  324. I graduated with my degree in Information Technology when I was 18 and have since expanded my knowledge to every possible field imaginable.
  325. Anime encoding is but one of my personal hobbies.
  326. Consider yourself lucky that I am even offering these for you to view and talk about, or that I even allow you to hold a conversation with me.
  327. You aren't messing with some random average person on the Internet.
  328. When you come into here acting like a complete and total butthole, I'm going to be the one to put you in your place, and I'm not going to hesitate to do it.
  329. If you don't like the harsh truth, that's your problem.
  330. Perhaps you can learn a thing or two and not set yourself into that position by being a civilized human being.
  331. First, don't be an arrogantly inconsiderate peasant placing ridiculous counterproductive comments that will most certainly lead you to your own imminent demise.
  332. Second, as a further reiteration of the first aforementioned point, if you have nothing to say then don't say it at all.
  333. Third, if you do have something to say then present your information in a manner that can be respected in a civilized environment.
  334. I am all for intellectually stimulating conversations.
  335. This isn't a brothel, and it definitely isn't 4chan or whatever else you people frequent these days to spread your immature hatred for everything.
  336. If you can't follow these rules, then you are stating that you are nothing more than the scum of society and you chose to be treated as such.
  337. If you don't spread your feces in my house, then I won't cause the sewage you are asking for to flood your entire house.
  338. I have dealt such a devastating logical blow to the moderator named Xythar, with so much force, that if this was Umineko no Naku Koro ni he would have been shot, crushed, stabbed, sliced, torn, boiled in a pot, eaten by goats, implode into a black hole, explode in a big crunch, and have his very existence completely erased from every fragment in the multiverse, leaving behind not a single trace.
  339. Xythar is currently in a state of logic error, an eternal Dead Angle, that he will never be able to escape from; regardless of what kind of mental help he receives; a complete and total living contradiction.
  340. Death From Stupefaction would be an understatement of monumental proportions.
  341. One can learn a lot about a person based on how they type and what avatar they use.
  342. Xythar's avatar speaks very loudly; a feeling of menacing oppression that is the disguise of an inferiority complex.
  343. Eager to swiftly make comments regardless of how badly thought out or pointless they are, only to end up falling on his own blade time and time again.
  344. His small words are that of a small being trying to attack what it doesn't understand.
  345. His efforts are all uselessly futile.
  346. He is one thousand years too early to hold any form logic battle with me.
  347. Xythar wouldn't even stand a chance against me in a battle of wits even if he were to become a Resurrected Replayer.
  348. To battle against me is to battle against the Golden Slaughterer and Patchwork Chimera while the World End Dominator closes in to finish the job.
  349. The patterns he makes are quite simple to figure out, so it isn't very challenging to begin with.
  350. I already had predicted all the comments he would make, especially his last comment at the end, as well as the precise moment that he would also ban me from commenting on my own torrents.
  351. To imagine that he would very well indeed follow through with the exact same patterns to the end quite humorously isn't very astonishing at this point in time.
  352. Due to this inferiority complex, he wishes to call me arrogant, which is quite the contradictory statement, for being able to withstand all of his petty attacks only to return it right back at him tenfold.
  353. It is his own fault for outright attacking me for no reason at all while I easily evade all of his attacks and use his very own weapon against him.
  354. How else does he expect one to react when he is demanding for The Executioner to deal swift Justice as the Final Answer.
  355. A peasant like that will never be able to lay a single hit on me because his Blue Truths are unable to pierce any form of Red Barrier, if you can even call his statements Blue Truths.
  356. In return, he has no Red Barriers, and my Blue Truths are that of a thousand blades, the number of blades required to be a Dream End Discharger.
  357. You know you win an Internet argument when the only thing the opposing side has to argue about are petty insignificant details, derailing the topic and refusing to counterargue against all the presented facts.
  358. At this moment, all that awaits for Xythar in Minute Darkness is for the Last End Conductor to signal the final stop and Bring The Fate.
  359. Xythar violates all know rules of both ethical moderation and a civilized human being, if you can call him such a thing.
  360. He apparently has admitted that he is the scum of society by this point.
  361. It is better to be remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.
  362. This quote speaks magnitudes by itself for the actions of Xythar.
  363. He is like a immature teenage child going through puberty, full of angst.
  364. His emotions clearly get into the way of all of his actions, and acting upon these impulses has a very detrimental impact on the community.
  365. To chose to ban based on the fact that he is feeling intellectually inferior to me and attempting to prevent further shame from being brought forth upon him is most dishonorable to a most comical degree.
  366. This is my answer: Riposa in pace, what little mind Xythar once possessed.
  367. At the end of the day, all that remains for Xythar is the Discolored world of Apathy.
  368. Extreme quality at extreme sizes, you won't be able to tell the difference between this encode and the original 16.33 GiB transcode that Coalgirls uploaded.
  369. You will, however, be able to experience such a wonderful anime in high quality and retain inside your anime archive that you may distribute to your friends.
  370. Unlike the other uploads, not only is this compliant with TheTVDB's scraper for XBMC, I have also added episode titles to each file name; regardless of how trivial it is considering the scraper will automatically rename the episode in XBMC when it scans the directory.
  371. It required approximately 672 CPU runtime hours to encode, or about a day in real-time on the machines I had processing this.
  372. Xythar and his family of trolls are not allowed to join the discussion of the quality of these encodes for the fact that they are simply unable to produce any coherent comments, and thus instead opting into creating derogatory incoherent statements whose only purpose is to detract from and derail any existing discussion for the sole fact that they humorously lack the ability to do otherwise due to an inferiority complex.
  373. Any such comments from these trolls are to be swiftly ignored in favour of intellectuals with proper comments.
  374. There is no such thing as a lossless source unless you know how to get a direct connection to the anime studio and download it off their server legally.
  375. Coalgirls' bloated transcodes are good enough of a source.
  376. Congratulations for posting something completely obvious.
  377. You missed the fact that BD is also compression so it is really being compressed three times.
  378. You wanted to state that BD is as lossless of a source you can get and I'm here to tell you that Coalgirls 1080p BD releases are of lossless of a source as I need.
  379. Can you get into more detailed on how it looks 'really blurry'?
  380. Being vague is hardly helpful.
  381. Bwahahahahaha.
  382. You can keep your blurry 720p, if there was benefit in 720p encodes then I wouldn't be deleting my 720p encodes and replacing them with 1080p encodes, and instead be uploading those.
  383. The file size isn't determined by resolution, it is determined by complexity.
  384. 1080p has more complexity in the image that the encoder has to play with when choosing how to arrange bits in each frame.
  385. Upscaling images will always look bad regardless of what kind of algorithm you use to upscale it.
  386. I bet you opt for background images that are the same resolution or higher than your screen instead of 720p backgrounds for the sole fact that even if the 720p image is the same aspect ratio, it looks blurry and less detailed after being upscaled to your screen resolution.
  387. This is more evident if you have a rather large screen, such as the 28 inch LCD monitor I test these encodes on, and the 60 inch HDTV I play them back on.
  388. I'm not quite sure where the irrelevant information at the end is coming from; quite the stab in the dark if you ask me.
  389. If you don't like the quality, why don't you upload something better?
  390. Having to encode everything myself because no one uploads anime that fills the role that I provide harms the productivity of my World Community Grid contributions.
  391. Here is my shout out to all the trolls.
  392. You really want to blow everything way out of proportions in order to get what you are seeking for but it only makes you look incredibly desperate.
  393. If any of you had actually bothered to criticize my encodes then you would be talking about blockiness rather than 'blurriness'.
  394. That is the only discernable difference between Coalgirls and my encodes, supposing you can pick out the blockiness during playback, considering how minor it is that one would never be able to spot the difference unless they were attempting to spot it.
  395. In any event, the human brain will auto-correct the image in your mind as it does for everything the brain processes.
  396. Displaying this to all my friends who also have Coalgirls 1080p release, none of them were able to distinguish a difference either.
  397. If they can't tell the difference, and I can't tell the difference, then it might as well be identical quality.
  398. If I had to make a nice allegory, it would be that I'm like a bug zapper that attracts all the bugs.
  399. Regardless of the fact that these bugs will be killed, they still want to fly into it and challenge me.
  400. We all know what happens next of course...
  401. I see a lot of misguided views and hate flying in all sorts of random directions, but that doesn't surprise me given how atrocious the community at 4chan is.
  402. I've never been able to understand why such an aforementioned chaotic corner of the Internet is entertaining in the least.
  403. It is nothing more than a ton of small people of small mind flushing their thoughts, good or bad, into a metaphorical sewerage.
  404. To an extent it makes me fear for the intelligence of humanity as a whole.
  405. One must be vital to not integrate themselves into such a place or else their mind will become heavily affected.
  406. It is the equivalent of hanging out with a bad crowd, except the crowd is humongous and a developing mind is more apt to getting influenced by it.
  407. Parents should really properly educate their children in all disciplines required to be a respectable member of society.
  408. However, seeing as I've had a run in with many horrible parents in the past that I have had the misfortune of having to intellectually rape on a variety of levels, it is no wonder that people are so barbaric.
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