

Nov 23rd, 2014
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  1. Rosetta Whitacre - urban ninja, soda connoisseur, possibly a bird. The daughter of one of the few Rune Master families in the region, Rosetta originally returned to Visiwa from her travels abroad to investigate the murder of her chronically unlucky brother at the hands of the Sons of Grant. Turned out he was okay, if temporarily being stuck to a brainwashing Unown counts as okay, but by then she was waist deep in the shadow war along with the other Zodiac Braves. She has bird-like mannerisms, has a bad habit of not thinking her actions through and counting on her sneakiness and teleportation to get herself out of trouble, and it is a mystery to everyone how she keeps in shape with how many funnel cakes she eats. When zoof sent us to a Final Fantasy alternate dimension for a while, she went on a catching spree of fantasy monsters, and the campaign epilogue has her running a Chocobo ranch based on eggs she imported back to Earth.
  3. Trainer Classes: Rune Master / Warper / Ninja / Telekinetic
  5. Main Pokémon Team
  6. -Trilloby the Xatu; has an absolutely soulless stare, probably something to do with a Dota joke I don't get
  7. -ZODIAC the Prime Unown; composed of Zodiac symbols rather than letters and numbers
  8. -Nocturne the Shedinja; the cutest Shedinja, has a little winter cloak
  9. -Anima the Volcarona; started as tsundere bug, ended as terrifying destroyer of worlds and fairies
  10. -Imperia the Archeops; really really dumb bird
  11. -Aria the Garuda (?!); kind of like having another Rosetta around but with more Aura-speak
  12. -over half a dozen other Pokémon she rotates through regularly - choosing just six was hard
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